• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Going Underground

Arc and Ember sit on the swing eating their pie. Ember grins.

“Gotta hand it to you, Arc! When you dream up a mare, you really get it right!”

Arc nods as he puts an arm around Cherry. “I guess so.”

Cherry giggles. “Thank you! But I don’t really understand what you mean by that Ember.”

Arc looks to Ember. “Yes, do tell.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

“About her being a dream and all.”

“But she is.”

Cherry turns her head to one side, confused. “I am?”

She looks to Arc.

“What is Ember talking about?”

Arc sighs. “Well… she’s technically right, after all. You really are a figment of my imagination.”

“I am?!”

Ember nods. “Yes.”

“But… but I have all my memories of my mother and father as well as Ruby!”

Arc takes Cherry’s hoof in his hand. “That may be. But I just filled the gaps as best I could with my own memories.”


“Because I didn’t know you when you were a filly. Sorry, but does it bother you knowing this?”

Cherry bows her head and smiles. “I suppose it does a little. But I prefer honesty over living a lie. Tell me, was I able to make you happy?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’ve been quite lonely ever since you disappeared.”

“Well, we’re going to find her, Arc!”

“I’m lost?”

Arc nods. “Kinda. You’re still out there. I just can’t find you.”

Cherry smiles up at him happily. “Well, I’ll do my best to comfort you until the real me gets back then.”

Ember sighs. “I understand what she means, but it still makes my brain hurt.”

“I… um… thanks.”

Cherry looks out over the fields. “Well, you two should be getting back soon. The sun’s already up.”

Ember frowns. “It… what?!”

Arc chuckles. “She means in our world outside the Sanctuary.”

“Oh. I knew that!”

Cherry smiles as Arc and Cherry stand up. “Well, come back soon you two. I know you’ll do your very best to find… me, I suppose.”

Arc kneels down to give Cherry a hug. “That we will.”

He stands and walks over to Ember. As they leave the Sanctuary the world around them fades away. Cherry looks out over the disappearing fields as she smiles to herself.

“I’m not sure if I’ll continue to exist after this. But I certainly hope so.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember awaken together and look out the window. The sun has already risen to its noonday point.

“I must’ve really needed rest.”

Ember yawns and stretches. “That you did.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

Arc turn to her as he throws the covers off himself. “We just slept for over twelve hours. Most humans can’t do that unless they’re sick, or something.”

Ember sighs. “I haven’t been sleeping well either.”

“Worried about Cherry?”

Ember takes Arc’s hand. “Worried about you.”

“Sorry. I’m just so…”

Ember puts a hand to his mouth.

“There’s no need to apologize for that. I’ve known you for a while now, Arc, and I’ve seen how you look at Cherry.”

“You’re not getting jealous now, are you?”

Ember sighs. “I… kinda am.”

“That’s new! You’ve always been adamant on your willingness to share.”

“Don’t get me wrong about that. I still am. But… I’m envious of how she’s been able to turn your head. The way you look at her, and she at you is just so beautiful!”


Ember snuggles up next to him again. “Like I said before, Arc. I love you, I want you, and I still desire for us to have eggs together.”

“Ember, I…”

“I know, I know. You see me as a friend. But no matter what happens, I’ll always see you as so much more. Thank you, Arc.”

“You’re thanking me?!”

Ember smiles at him as she leans up and kisses his cheek. “For showing me what love truly is.”

Meanwhile, a cab pulls up in front of Minerva’s apartment. She gets out with the helmet under her arm as she turns to the cabbie and hands him some money

“Keep the change.”

The cab drives away as Minerva enters the building’s lobby and heads for the elevator. She frowns.

“My story… my MASTERPIECE relegated to… to FILLER!”

Cherry calls out to her as the elevator doors close. “There’s nothing you could have done, Minerva. It’s over and done with.”

“Done. Like my dream.”

Cherry gasps. “Do you really think they’ll fire you over this?!”

Minerva shakes her head. “No. But I’ll never have another story THIS amazing!”

“How do you know? Maybe one day…”

“Because this is Angel Grove! Nothing interesting EVER happens here!”

“Oh? And what about the Hero?”

Minerva sighs. “Hopefully something big will happen with him around.”

“But not too big, right?!”

“Big enough anyways.”

The elevator stops and the doors open. Minerva walks slowly to her apartment door. She sighs contentedly as she pulls her keys out.

“It’s good to be home again.”

“I agree. But I’d still like to return to my own home with the Hero.”

Minerva opens her front door and walks inside. “I’m sure you would. But as unpredictable as the Hero’s schedule has been in the past, one never knows just how long he’ll stay out of sight.”

Cherry sighs. “Yes. But I’m sure he’s been out looking for me.”

The phone on a nearby end table rings. Minerva walks over to answer it as she sets the helmet down next to the phone.

“Hold that thought.”

Picking up the receiver Minerva puts it to her ear.

“Hello? Yes, I’m feeling much better. Yes sir, I’ll be there in an hour or so.”

She hangs up the phone and sighs.

“No time for rest. I need to head to the office for a bit of paperwork.”


“There’s a lot to do in regards to my last story.”

“I thought you said it was filler.”

“It was. But there’s a lot of forms to be filled out for the damage to the van and that camera.”

“Are you in trouble?”

Minerva shakes her head. “No, the station has insurance on the van and we lose cameras all the time. But someone has to file the reports.”

“Well, you should get a shower first. The hospital was certainly not the place for such things.”

Minerva feels her hair. “I agree. Sponge baths aren’t much for deep cleaning.”

She looks down at the helmet on the table before picking it up.

“That and you could use a good cleaning too.”

“I could?”

Minerva nods as she walks into the bathroom. “Yes. You’re still covered in mud.”

“Oh. I kinda forgot about that.”

She sets the helmet down on the back of the toilet as she turns on the shower. “How?! You’re filthy!”

“I can’t move myself to look in a mirror or feel the dirt on my surface.”

Minerva sighs as she removes her clothes. “That makes sense. But you were instrumental in helping me make it out. The least I can do is take care of your hygiene.”

She tosses her clothes into the hamper and picks up the helmet. The pair enter the steamy shower together. Minerva holds the helmet under the showerhead and allows the warm water to wash away the dried dirt from the surface.

“Thank you for doing this, Minerva.”

“What are friends for, after all?”

“So… we’re friends?”

“Of course! First real one I’ve ever had actually.”

“Really?! No stall… um… male human friends either?”

Minerva shakes her head. “No. I haven’t found anyone who really piques my interest other than you.”

“How is that possible?! There must be hundreds of humans who would love to meet you in just this small town!”

“Well… yes. I’ve been asked out more times than I can count. Probably because I’m a bit of a local celebrity.”

Cherry giggles. “You don’t think it has anything to do with your looks?”

Minerva raises an eyebrow. “What about them?”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No. What are you talking about?”

“You’re beautiful!”

Minerva shakes her head. “That’s just all the station’s make-up artists handiwork. It’s their job to make sure we look out best in front of the camera.”

“So you think you’re not pretty without make-up?”


“Well, time and the shower have long since washed away any traces of your crew’s work, right?”

“I suppose so, yes.”

“You should probably take a look at yourself.”


“No time like the present, right?”

“I suppose not.”

Minerva turns off the water and steps out of the shower. Grabbing a towel she wipes away the condensation covering the mirror. Seeing her appearance she frowns.



Minerva turns away. “I can see every blemish, wrinkle, and imperfection on my face!”

Cherry sighs as Minerva reaches for a bottle of moisturizer nearby. “That’s not what I see.”

“You mean there’s more?!”

“Yes. I see a very pretty young human.”

Minerva scoffs as she slathers herself with the contents of the bottle. “Right…”

“No, I mean it! You’re even more beautiful than Dragon! Any human would agree with me, I’m sure!”

“Do you really mean that?”

“Of course! As it stands you’re pretty enough for ANY human!”

Minerva looks down at her naked body. ”As it stands?”

“With coverings, of course.”

“Yes, I know what you mean. But a reporter needs to be PERFECT in front of the camera.”

“What makes you think you aren’t right now?”

“My hair isn’t brushed, my eyes look terrible, my cheek has a small mole that needs to be covered, my nails needs to be redone, and my clothes will have to be dry cleaned yet again. So what part about me is okay now?”

“Your personality, for starters.”

“That’s just something a reporter…”

Cherry interrupts her. “You mean something YOU are that makes YOU special, right?”

Minerva shakes her head. “No, Cherry. The makeup and clothes make me what I am.”

“I don’t believe that for a moment!”

Minerva sighs as she towels off and heads to her room. “Well… we can’t agree on everything, I suppose.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember slowly head downstairs. Sereb follows them as Arc turns to him.

“You know, you don’t have to sleep on the floor outside my door, Sereb.”

“I did not want to interrupt you and Ember.”

Arc sighs. “I kinda wish you had.”

Ember frowns. “Are you sure I can’t get you to sleep a few more hours, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think I’ve done enough sleeping for today, Ember. Right now I think we should try to find Rose. While I’m sure she’s fine, I…”

Sereb interrupts. “We have company.”

A few moments later the back door opens and Rose slowly enters. She hobbles through the kitchen as Arc and Ember turn.


“Are you okay?!”

Rose falls to one knee as the trio hurries to her side. Arc picks her up as her turns to Ember.

“Let’s get her upstairs!”


Arc takes Rose to his parent’s room and lays her down. She looks up at him sadly.

“Forgive… me.”

Arc takes her hand as Ember covers Rose with the blankets. “There’s nothing to forgive, Rose! Cherry’s disappearance wasn’t you fault after all.”

“I… failed… you.”

Ember smiles at her. “Are you kidding?! You’ve been trying your best all this time at the TV station!”

“She’s right. You stuck around even though you didn’t have to. And even when I… wasn’t so nice to you.”

“Miss… Cherry… search… continue… failure.”

Ember shakes her head. “We’re not giving up, Rose! No one’s failed!”

Sereb nods. “Especially not you.”

“Shutting… down…”

Rose’s eyes close as her body goes limp. Ember turns to Arc.

“Do you think…?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I believe she just used up all her energy. Doing what I’d really like to know.”

Sereb sighs. “We all would.”

Meanwhile, Minerva carries the helmet to her room and sets it down on the vanity before turning to her closet.

“Let’s see here… what to wear…?”

“Aren’t you just going in to do paperwork?”

“Yes. But I have an image to keep up! I can’t let anyone see me not looking my absolute BEST!”

Cherry sighs as Minerva picks an outfit and begins dressing. “I really don’t understand this at all. You said yourself you don’t have any friends. Who are you trying to impress?”

“My fans mostly.”


“I’m pretty popular here in Angel Grove, you know.”

“Well, that much I do understand. The Hero’s… um… followers often watch your broadcasts on TV.”

Minerva looks over with a hopeful glint in her eye. “And the Hero himself?”

“Not as often.”


“It’s not meant to be a slight! I mean, he is a VERY busy person after all!”

“That’s okay. I was kinda hoping he liked my reporting.”


“So he’d give me more interviews.”


Minerva sits down to do her makeup. “One must always be looking to the future stories yet to be written.”

A short time later Minerva puts down her brush and looks at herself in the mirror.

“Not bad. What do you think, Cherry?”

“I thought you looked fine twenty minutes ago.”

“Yes, well… I have to…”

Cherry groans. “Look your best, I know.”

“Something wrong?”

“Sorry for snapping at you. I think I just need a little time alone to… adjust, or something.”

“Want to stay here?”

“Yes, please. It will give me time to think.”

Minerva picks the helmet up and walks into the Living Room.

“How about I set you on the table here? You can look at the city while I’m gone.”

“That would be nice, thank you.”

Minerva sets the helmet down and turns the faceplate to look out the window.

“How’s that?”

“Just fine.”

Minerva picks up her purse. “I should be back before dark. Do you need anything else? Um… the radio turned on?”

“No, thank you. Just some quiet time to think.”

Minerva heads for the door. “Okay. Take care.”

The door closes behind her and locks. Cherry sighs as she stares at the city skyline.

“I suppose I don’t have much time alone these days. That and Minerva should have some time to digest what was said.”

Meanwhile, Minerva hails a taxi and heads for the station. Upon arriving she immediately heads for her office. She mutters to herself in the empty elevator.

“Cherry will be fine without me for a bit. I mean, it’s not like I have to feed or walk her.”

The elevator doors open and she walks toward her office door. She muses to herself as she puts the key in the lock.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was human. But that’s impossible. Right?”

Entering the office, Minerva sighs, sits down at her desk, and starts her computer.

“Well… let’s get to work.”

A short time later the office phone rings.

“Minerva Moore. Yes, I’m feeling better, sir. I… what?! I’m on my way!”

Minerva hurries to the basement parking ramp. Her cameraman is waiting in a news van with the engine idling. She jumps in as the van starts moving.

“What do we have?!”

The cameraman guns the engine and speeds up the ramp and out of the lot.

“Another tip from our mysterious friend! Apparently there’s going to be some action at an abandoned mine outside of town!”

“There’s a mine?!”

“The office checked some of the oldest maps they could find! Apparently it dates back over a hundred years ago!”

“Is it safe?”

“Probably not. But it would make a great place for the Shards to hide something.”

“The Shards?!”

“Right! Our favorite tipster says they’re up to something there.”

Minerva frowns. “Him again! Any luck tracing the call?!”

“None. It’s like he’s calling from the moon, or something!”

“Considering his extreme clairvoyance that wouldn’t surprise me.”

“That or he has a crystal ball.”

Minerva nods. “Maybe he does.”


“It’s nothing. I do wish we could get ahold of the Hero for this though.”

“We could certainly get some better action shots with him on the scene!”

Minerva grins. “Right. But he has a knack for showing up when he’s needed.”

“Well, let’s just hope he does if things get hairy!”

Minerva turns to her cameraman. “That reminds me. I never actually asked what your name was.”

“Really? It’s Dave.”

Sometime later the van pulls to the side of the road and stops. Minerva looks over to Dave, confused.

“Why are we stopping here?”

“The map shows the mine to be due east of here down a dirt road.”

Minerva looks out the window. “Where’s the road?”

Dave hops out of the van. “It’s long since grown over with plant life. We’ll have to walk from here.”

Minerva gets out of her seat and grabs her microphone as she chuckles to herself. “Just a little paperwork at the office has turned into a full-blown story. I love it!”

Dave tosses her a hard hat and a flashlight. “Better take these.”

“Good idea.”

The pair grab their gear and start walking through the forest. Half an hour later they arrive at a clearing. Dave points to something ahead.

“Look! There’s a path! But what’s it doing there?”

Minerva frowns. “A path that survived all these decades when the road didn’t is very suspicious.” “Someone must be coming and going a lot to keep it there.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“Let’s get some footage out here before we enter.”

Dave nods. “You’re the boss.”

Raising his camera to his face the cameraman pushes a few buttons and then points to Minerva.

“This is Minerva Moore reporting from an old abandoned mine just outside Angel Grove. We’ve received word of Shard activity here, and are currently investigating.”

She looks around the mine opening.

“Judging from the state of the wood that makes up these supports, I’d say the old records were right about this place’s age.”

Minerva motions for Dave to follow her. Slowly the pair enter the cave as Minerva turns on her flashlight. She keeps her voice low as she continues to speak into her microphone.

“We’re now entering the mine. It appears someone has added several new support beams down here recently. Look at how bright and new the wood is.”

Dave gets a nice shot of Minerva next to the supports. She looks down and points at the ground.

“I see quite a few footprints in the dirt. The old mining crew hasn’t been in here for many years, so I’d say these have to be fresh.”

They walk deeper into the mine together. Eventually they come to an old but very large elevator platform.

“This might just be the original mining lift! Looks to be steam powered, which was probably pretty standard for its time. But this actually appears functional.”

Minerva puts her microphone to the tank.

“In fact, you can even hear the latent steam still hissing in this cylinder. Someone has been down here VERY recently.”

She turns to the lift.

“Let’s find out who, shall we?”

Sighing, Dave steps onto the lift with Minerva. She looks at the console for a moment before pulling a lever back. The elevator begins to descend. They head down for what feels like an eternity. Eventually the lift touches down at the bottom of the shaft. Minerva points her flashlight at the ground.

“Tracks. And judging by the tread, they’re from modern shoes.”

She looks down the corridor to see a small glimmer of light some distance away.

“Let’s check that out.”

Minerva and Dave head down the corridor toward the light. As they near Minerva shuts off her flashlight and motions for her companion to do the same. Getting down on one knee Minerva peeks around the corner as Dave shoots the scene before them. It looks more like a modern factory than a mine. Large floodlights anchored to the ceiling illuminate the large room before them. Minerva looks to the camera and whispers.

“This must be the entire Shard gang! They’re packing up… something! I see modern machines everywhere! They’ve got a full-blown factory down here!”

She points to a large number of tanks leading to several machines.

“They’re mixing chemicals over there. How the machines process whatever is in them is anyone’s guess.”

Minerva gestures to another machine further down the line.

“See if you can get a shot of what’s coming out.”

Dave nods and does so.

“Some kind of syringes, or something.”

Minerva gasps. So they’re making drugs here!”

“Looks like. No idea what though. Look over there.”

Dave points further down the line. Small vials slowly emerge from the end of the machine as a Shard member dutifully packages them up. Minerva frowns.

“What could they be making?!

The pair watch as a number of boxes are loaded onto a strange looking pad. The Shards step back as one of them reaches for a phone. He speaks into it but Minerva cannot hear what is said. A moment later the boxes vanish into thin air. Minerva gasps.

“What the…? Those crates just… vaporized! But why would the Shards go to all the trouble to make something only to destroy it?!”

She thinks for a moment.

“I can only assume those boxes were somehow teleported somewhere… somehow.”

She points up the line to a mine tunnel.

“That looks fresh! I just wish we could get to it!”

Dave shakes his head. “Too dangerous! But this whole place is wrong!”

“What do you mean?”

“Miners don’t carve out large caverns like this. Just tunnels, right?”


“So the Shards must’ve carved this vault out themselves. Look at the supports. Everything in here is brand new.”

“You’re right! We have too…!”

A voice rings out behind them.

“Tell someone about this? I think not.”

Minerva spins around as Dave’s camera is ripped out of his hands by a figure in a navy blue cloak and strange looking white mask. Dave takes a swing at them, but misses. A heavy boot knocks him into the cavern. The Shards look up, surprised. The three lieutenants run out of a nearby tunnel and over to him. Stingray is the first to reach the scene.

“What the…?”

Hammer grins. “Looks like we have a rat problem.”

Mio giggles. “Indeed.”

Stingray motions to a couple Shards members to held Dave up. She punches him roughly in the face. He falls to the ground unconscious as the masked figure knocks Minerva’s microphone out of her hand with a fist and grabs her roughly by the throat. They turn to Mio.

“The camera.”

“I got it!”

Casting a spell, the camera is quickly blown to pieces. The figure raises their mask as they pick Minerva up to reveal their face. Diva glares at her.

“It looks like you just don’t know when to leave well enough alone.”

Stingray’s eyes grow wide. “Hey! It’s that woman from the hospital!”

Hammer gasps. “How the heck did she get out?!”

Mio looks to Diva. “Maybe she has magic too!”

Diva shakes her head. “Not a chance. I don’t feel anything from her.”

She looks Minerva in the eye as the young woman tries desperately to breathe. Her fingers clawing frantically at Diva’s hand in a futile attempt to get away. Diva smiles wickedly at the frightened woman in her grasp.

“Don’t worry. You won’t be getting away THIS time!”

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