• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Hard Decisions

Everyone gasps. Auriel is the first to speak as Scootaloo returns to Arc’s side.

“Is Shining Armor correct, Princess Cadance?”

Cadance nods sadly. “I’m afraid so.”

Rarity grits her teeth. “But… but you CAN’T fight against Equestria!”

Fluttershy frowns. “Right. They’re ponies just like us!

Arc nods with conviction. “We won’t be fighting against the citizens. Celestia and Decimus will be our only true targets.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “They are?”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “But… but you worked so hard to save her from the bad humans on Earth!”

Rose puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “She may yet be the victim here.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Right! Decimus may simply have her as his prisoner!”

Auriel looks to the scroll. “Wasn’t that note signed by her though?”

“Trixie believes she may have been coerced to do such a thing.”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps by threatening one whom she holds dear.”

Auriel gasps. “Twilight!”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “If he is, we’ll rescue them both.”

Hammer frowns. “But what if they aren’t prisoners?”

Cadance sighs. “Then Arc will carry out his duties as this land’s Hero of Light and… do what needs to be done to bring about peace.”

Applejack grimaces. “You mean…?”

Arc nods soberly as he pulls out the Dagger of Eternal Slumber. “Yes. I’ll do whatever it takes to stop both Decimus and Celestia.”

Rarity gasps as she looks at the knife in Arc’s hand. “What about Twilight?!”

“If anything, she’s being manipulated. I’ll be sure not to harm her.”

Shining Armor breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Arc. That’s a load off my mind.”

“Trixie believes that we’ll need her in the future. Especially if Princess Celestia truly is beyond redemption.”

Auriel appears confused. “What do you mean?”

Rose steps forward. “With Princess Celestia dead, Princess Luna would need to ascend the throne to replace her with someone by her side.”

Cadance nods sadly. “I’m needed here in the Crystal Empire, so that task would naturally fall to her.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Well, I’m not much for all this talk of assassination and replacing!”

Arc sighs. “Neither am I, Rainbow Dash. But we need to be prepared for a potential worst case scenario outcome.”

Hammer grins. “He’s right, blue. If you’re ready for the worst, and it doesn’t happen, the rest is a cakewalk.”

Pinkie salivates. “Cake…”

Scootaloo backs away from Pinkie as Cadance looks to Arc.

“I leave this matter in your hands, Arc. What should we do now?”

“Bring the Crystal Empire up to high alert and address the populace. They need to know what Celestia has decreed as well as be assured that you’ll do whatever it takes to keep them safe.”

Trixie grimaces. “And us?”

“I recommend putting someone in charge of the defense of the city. Just in case Celestia makes good on her threat to attack.”

Shining Armor turns to Cadance. “General Virtuous Lance would be the best choice for that task. After all, he knows the city’s defenses in and out.”

Cadance bows her head. “I agree. However, the general is no longer within the city.”

Scootaloo tilts her head to one side, confused. “Did he retire, or something?”

Hammer frowns. “Fine time for that!”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. I found a resignation letter on his desk yesterday.”

Shining Armor gasps. “WHAT?!”

Trixie groans as she turns to Cadance. “Where did he go?!”


Rainbow Dash seethes. “So he’s a traitor?!”

Cadance sighs. “No. The general is a close and personal friend of Aunt Celestia. His letter said he was returning to Canterlot in order to protect the innocent and keep the peace.”

Arc frowns. “Then it’s likely Decimus will use his knowledge of the city to plan an attack on the Crystal Empire soon.”

Rose nods. “Right. We need to be ready.”

Arc turns to the stallion next to Cadance. “Then Shining Armor should head the defense of the city.”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “I can’t. Remember, I’m Cadance’s personal protector.”

Trixie steps forward soberly. “Trixie will do it.”

Applejack gasps. “Trixie?”

“The captain taught Trixie everything she knows about warfare. Trixie knows she can do this.”

Cadance nods. “Very well. I hereby promote you to the rank of ‘colonel’ with full authority to administer your duties in the defense of the city.”

Trixie salutes respectfully. “Trixie will not let you down, your highness.”

The princess turns to Shining Armor.

“Trixie will coordinate the defense of the city. However, I need you to oversee this war as a whole.”

“M-me, Cadance?”

“Yes. I admit that my own experience regarding the military and war is sadly almost non-existent. However, you have been in combat numerous time and emerged victorious.”

“But I’d be going up against Decimus and Virtuous Lance! They’re legends in the field!”

Scootaloo chuckles. “In that you have the advantage.”

“I do?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Neither of them ever allowed you to lead in the past. So what you’ll do will certainly be a surprise to them.”

Rose grins. “It will keep them guessing.”

Hammer shrugs. “Tactically sound, I suppose.”

Shining Armor looks to Cadance soberly. “Then yes… I accept.”

“Very well, General Shining Armor. You will have full authority to act on my behalf on all matters. An order from you will carry the same weight as if it came from me.”

“I’ll do my best, Cadance.”

Sereb looks to the alicorn. “What will you be doing then, princess?”

“I will focus my time and energy in taking care of the day to day affairs of the land and its citizens. That will give Trixie and Shining Armor the chance to focus solely on their duties.”

She looks to Arc before continuing.

“Now all that’s left to do is figure out what you’ll do.”

“I’ll head to Canterlot with some soldiers to assault the castle and try to bring this whole thing to an end before it can even get started.”

Rarity grimaces. “That sounds very dangerous!”

Scootaloo nods. “It will be, yes. But if we’re successful the citizens will be saved from a potentially long and drawn out conflict.”

Hammer sighs. “While I’m sure they’d like that, I’m not convinced even you could pull something like that off, Arc.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yeah. This could just be a plot to force us out into the open.”

Cadance frowns. “Agreed. But you must do what you will, Arc. Before you arrived I instructed Shining Armor to order your troops from Light’s Hope to board The Equinox.”

Shining Armor sighs. “They should already be aboard and situated along with enough supplies to feed all of you for at least six months.”

Fluttershy turns to Trixie nervously. “You don’t really think it will take that long… do you?”

“Trixie hopes not. But it’s better to err on the side of caution.”

Scootaloo looks to Cadance. “We should get going then.”

“That would be for the best, yes.”

Shining Armor looks out the window to the south. “With The Equinox gone, Equestria will have no reason to attack us… hopefully.”

Auriel turns to him. “Might I accompany you as well, Arc?”

“I suppose so. But this is going to be dangerous.”

Auriel smirks. “You forget our last trip to Earth then.”


Rose steps forward. “I will come as well.”

Sereb growls. “Our Life Pact is still intact. I am coming too.”

Hammer grins wickedly. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I’m in.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised as she turns to her friend. “But this isn’t your fight, cupcake. Why would you risk your life to…?”

“For better or worse, this is my home now. It’s not like I can just go back to Earth and forget everything I’m seen, blue.”

“Then I’ll come too!”

Cadance frowns. “I caution against that.”

“Trixie thinks the five of you would do better back in Ponyville.”

Shining Armor nods. “Things will be really hectic for a while. Everypony could help the mayor keep order.”

Fluttershy shudders. “My animals must be getting worried about me too.”

Applejack nods. “That and Rarity and I need to get back home to take care of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

Rarity sighs. “I suppose we do. However, I also feel that my place is by Arc’s side as well.”

Arc kneels down and takes her hoof. “This is going to be really dangerous, Rarity. I’d prefer you return to Ponyville with the others and stay safe.”


“Remember what happened last time someone I cared for tried to help during a battle?”

Rarity nods and sighs before continuing.

“Yes, well… Sweetie Belle and I will be waiting for you back home then.”

Pinkie bounces happily. “We all will!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “So come back safe!”

Hammer chuckles. “I’ll watch his back.”

Sereb grins toothily. “As will I.”

Auriel raises a claw. “Don’t forget about me!”

Scootaloo giggles. “And me too!”

Rose calls forth her R-Cannon and L-Blade. “Or me.”

Max salutes. “We’ll be there too.”

Xenos grins. Nothing’s getting past us.

Hugh nods. “Right!”

Viktor grits his teeth. “At least not in one piece.”

Arc turns to the mares as he calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Right. Now you five head back to Ponyville and see if you can keep things running smoothly there. At least until I can get a lid on this situation.”

Each one of them nods silently and hugs Arc, turning to give him words of encouragement before passing through the portal to Rarity’s shop one at a time. Applejack is the first to approach.

“Take care of yourself.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Yes, it seems all we do these days is say goodbye. But be careful out there, Arc.”

Rainbow Dash turns to Hammer. “Watch out that Arc doesn’t do anything TOO crazy, cupcake.”

“No problem, blue!”

Pinkie grins. “We’ll throw you a victory party when you get back!”

Rarity stops and looks at him a long moment, apparently unable to think of anything to say for the occasion. Eventually Arc takes her in his arms and hugs her. They then kiss passionately for a time before Rarity steps back and smiles. Tears form in the corners of her eyes.

“I… I love you, Arc.”

“And I love you too, Rarity. See you soon.”

Nodding, she walks through the portal and vanishes. Sighing, Arc closes it and turns to the others.

“Let’s get to the ship everyone.”

Nodding, they line up as Arc opens a portal to his quarters aboard The Equinox. As the last individual vanishes, he turns to Cadance.

“I hope this will be over soon.”

“As do I.”

Shining Armor steps toward him. “Arc?”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, general?”

“Do what you can to save Princess Celestia. And please get Twilight out of there if things go south.”

“I will.”

“Trixie knows you will act judiciously.”

“That I will, colonel.”

He smiles at them before entering the portal himself. Trixie turns to Cadance.



“Trixie was just wondering what our chances of making it through this are.”

“Very good, as our walls are strong and our military ready.”

Trixie shakes her head. “No, no. Trixie meant our chances as a nation. Could this potentially destroy us?”

“Not likely, no. But even if it does we can always rebuild and move on.”

Shining Armor looks to the spot where Arc had opened a portal mere moments ago. “Yes. And remember that our best hope will be flying south to try and keep things together.”

Meanwhile, Arc steps out of the portal and looks around.

“Thanks for volunteering everyone. It means a lot to me.”

Sereb grins toothily. “We are bound until death, Arc.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “And I love a good fight!”

Max grins. “We’re with you too, sir!”

Xenos nods soberly. “Yeah! You took us in when we were at our lowest.”

Hugh smiles. “That and showed that we could be a force for good!”

Viktor stomps a hoof fervently. “This mission isn’t done yet though. We need to rescue the princess… again.”

Auriel frowns. “Yes. From herself.”

Rose looks to Arc. “A difficult task. But one we must undertake together.”

“Then let’s get started. Max, take Xenos, Hugh, and Viktor to the Mid-Deck and see to it that my troops are properly geared and settled in down there. I’ll make sure the others are given rooms before heading to the Bridge to see the captain.”

Max salutes. “Yes sir.”

They leave the room as Arc motions for Auriel, Rose, and Hammer to follow him. Leading them to the VIP suites he assigns them rooms. Hammer looks around hers approvingly.


Auriel giggles. “Very. But we’d be comfortable on the Mid Deck with the soldiers, Arc.”

Rose frowns. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

“Why not?”

Hammer crosses her arms over her chest. “A bunch of guys with a couple females. They’d start getting ideas.”

Arc sighs. “Let’s try to avoid that. In any case, we’ll be taking off soon so get ready.”

Rose appears confused. “Ready for what?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

As they enter their rooms and close the door Arc turns to Scootaloo. She appears confused.

“Am I staying in your room, Big Brother?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Scootaloo. Truth be told, I have a very special assignment for you.”

“What is it?”

“I’d like you to be a spy for me.”

“A what?”

“You need to go back to Canterlot and keep an eye on Decimus.”

“And then tell you what’s going on there?”

Arc nods. “Exactly.”

“I guess I can do that. But I’d rather be fighting by your side.”

“So would I. But we need intel right now, and Decimus already knows and likes you.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Fine. Should I take the train?”

“Yeah. I’ll radio the castle to have a first class room prepared for you on today’s train.”

“Thanks. I won’t let you down, Big Brother.”

Arc smiles as he tousles her mane. “I know you won’t… Scarlet Filly.”

She giggles and hurries toward the main hatch as Arc heads for the Bridge. Stepping onto it Soarin announces his presence.

“Hero of Light on the Bridge.”

“Commander, is the ship ready to take off?”

Soarin shakes his head. “Not quite. We’re still being loaded.”

Wrangler shrugs. “Lots of supplies for some reason.”

Moon Dancer appears apprehensive. “Are we being deployed oversees, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Moon Dancer. It’s just a precaution in case this takes longer than we originally thought.”

Lemon Hearts frowns. “What exactly are we doing, sir?”

“I’ll go over our objectives after we’ve taken off. Until then we just need to make ready for anything.”

Wrangler grins. “Is there gonna be shooting, sir?”

“Could be.”

“I’ll make sure we’re combat ready then.”

“Good. Where’s the captain?”

Soarin gestures with a hoof. “Resting at the moment in his cabin, sir.”

Thunderlane chuckles. “He’s not as young as he used to be, sir.”

Lemon Hearts’ hoof hovers over a button. “Shall I hail him, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, let him rest. But I do need something from you.”


“Hail the Crystal Castle and order them to have one first class ticket ready at the station for the Scarlet Filly. She’s taking the train back to Canterlot.”

“Aye sir.”

Soarin appears confused. “Sir?”

“Yes, Soarin?”

“I’ve been told that Stellar Flare is back in Engineering along with Hard Hat.”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No, sir. But how can they work for us again after being kidnapped by you?”

“I simply explained the situation to them when they came around and showed them evidence of my claims. They understand that I did what had to be done. But right now I need to make a phone call.”

He turns to Lemon Hearts before continuing.

“Give me a ten-minute head start. Then I want you to contact Carousel Boutique in Ponyville and have the call routed to my office.”

“Yes, sir.”

Arc grins as he heads for the door. “Thanks. And let me know the moment the ship is ready to take off.”

Soarin salutes. “I’ll see to it, sir.”

As the door slides shut behind him, the crew looks to one another. Thunderlane is the first to speak.

“I don’t like this.”

Wrangler groans. “Me either. It’s a lot of cloak and dagger.”

Moon Dancer turns to the others. “But the Hero of Light did allow us to listen in on the debriefing the other day.”

Lemon Hearts sighs as she puts through Arc’s request to the Crystal Castle. “True. But he might have just figured we’d be listening in anyways.”

Soarin sighs. “I’m skeptical of our mission as well. Whatever it is. But he has the support of Princess Cadance, so it can’t be all that bad.”

Meanwhile, Arc enters his office and sits down behind the desk. A few moments later the phone rings. Picking it up Arc puts the receiver to his ear.


“I have the owner of the business in question on the line for you, sir.”

“Thank you. Put her through at once.”

“Yes sir.”

The line goes dead for a few moments as Lemon Hearts makes the connection. Eventually Rarity’s voice comes over the line.

“Arc? Are you there?”

“Yes, I’m here. How are things going?”

“Alright, I suppose. Is something wrong?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I just wanted to make sure you and the others made it home safely. We have some time before takeoff and I thought I’d use it to check up on you.”

Rarity giggles. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

“Well, I did want to hear your voice too.”

“See? Was that so hard to admit?”

“Kinda. After all, I don’t want you to think of me as being too clingy.”

Rarity sighs. “Most of the time I wish you were more so.”

“Hopefully soon I’ll be home to stay. But no promises there.”

“We understand.”

“Is the lockdown still in effect?”

“Oh, yes. I called City Hall to confirm as soon as I got home.”

“Uh oh. How did the others get by it then?”

“Applejack took Fluttershy to her cottage by making a big detour far outside of the town limits. Pinkie Pie disguised herself as a bale of hay with a trench coat, fake glasses, and a mustache for some reason. And Rainbow Dash said she’d take a cloud back to her house.”

“Sounds like everyone has a way home then.”

“Yes, well… they had been thinking of how to get back without being arrested since last…”

Arc interrupts her. “Hold on! Arrested?!”

Rarity sighs. “From what Mayor Mare told me, anypony caught outside is escorted home the first time. The second time they’re taken into custody.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Like the Hammers?”

“Yes. However, they were the only one’s taken away as far as I know.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

“Well, there isn’t much we can do about it right now.”

“Right. I guess I’ll just use it as more incentive to finish this up and get rid of Decimus… again.”

“Do you really think that will work?”

Arc sighs. “No. But I’ll probably have to go through him to get to Celestia.”

“What will you do when you get to that point?”

“I’m… still working on that.”

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