• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - It Starts...

Author's Note:

The peace summit will now commence and will conclude at the end of the volume. Please pay especially close attention to the details of the summit, as we're going to play a little game of 'Clue'. At some point during the summit a crime will be committed. You'll need to find all the clues to figure out who the guilty party is. Remember, as with any crime proof of wrongdoing will be needed for a conviction. No preconceived prejudices allowed. I do hope everyone enjoys playing this little game as much as I enjoyed writing this part.

The next morning Arc, the princesses, and Shining Armor stand outside Light’s Hope in the cool morning air. Arc is wearing his royal raiments with the knife Lord Gestal gave him sheathed on his belt. Shining Armor is wearing armor befitting his rank. The princesses are dressed in their royal attire for the occasion. Cadance turns to Arc as the sound of engines can be heard approaching from a distance.

“Well… no going back now.”


Shining Armor nods soberly. “We’ve done all we can to prepare, your highness.”

Luna takes a deep breath. “Agreed. Let’s not think any more on what we could have done, and just focus on the here and now.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Lemon Heart’s voice rings out.

“Equinox to ground. We’re nearing you position. Any movement down there, sir?”

“None. You’re clear to land. Coordinate with the Lunar Destiny as ordered and begin your landing procedure.”

“Yes sir. ETA five minutes.”

“See you then. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. A few minutes later the two mammoth ships set down together. Their gangplanks are lowered and the representatives emerge from the ship. The princesses along with Arc move to greet them. Shining Armor positions himself next to Cadance as Arc stands with Luna. King Felix and Queen Fiona are the first to disembark the Lunar Destiny followed by a shrunken (roughly the size of Arc) Hydra Prim Ikis with the Marquis. Behind them are Matriarch Iris flanked by Kane and Sereb. Ember follows them from a distance with Brightwing and another younger dragon whom Arc does not know. She is wearing new ceremonial armor for the occasion. Luna nods respectfully as she greets them.

“Welcome to Equestria. If everypony will please follow me inside our secure facility we can become better acquainted.”

As they turn to head inside Arc looks to The Equinox. He mutters to himself.

“I wonder why no one’s getting off my ship.”

Arc stops and touches his earring.

“Arc to Equinox.”

“Equinox here. Go ahead, sir.”

“Is there trouble aboard, Lemon Hearts? Your passengers haven’t disembarked yet.”

Soarin approaches the comm. “No, sir. Our passengers are making their way to the hatch now.”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

A few minutes later Prince Rutherford and Yona walk out onto the deck. They proceed down the gangplank and approach Arc.

“Hello again, Prince Rutherford.”

“Hmph! Where all snow go?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… its spring.”

Yona frowns. “So? What that have to do with it?”

She looks at the ground.

“What green stuff?”

“That’s called grass, miss. It grows as long as there isn’t snow on the ground.”

Arc turns to Prince Rutherford.

“Anyone else coming?”

“Yak not sure. No see anyyak else during trip other than ponies.”

Arc frowns. “That’s strange. We were supposed to have…”

The sound of talons on the wood corridor can be heard approaching. Yona turns.

“Yak hear someyak else coming.”

A moment later Ghaleon emerges. He looks around a few moments before tapping a talon on the deck three times. Gestal and Goldstone step out and turn to Arc.

“Welcome, Lord Gestal… Lord Goldstone… Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Gestal nods soberly. “Thank you for inviting us to your lands, Lord Arc.”

Goldstone frowns. “Yes. It is always a… pleasure to be in the company of one’s equals.”

Ghaleon turns to Gestal. “Sir, we should get you three inside. It isn’t safe out here.”

Arc looks confused. “Three?”

Ghaleon turns and motions back into the ship. A familiar face emerges and smiles warmly at him.

“Good day, Lord Arc.”

Arc winces. “H-hello again… Lady Ashe.”

Gestal turns to Arc. “Forgive me for not notifying Canterlot of her addition. I had not originally intended to bring her. However she’s recently shown an extreme interest in learning about diplomacy, leadership, and politics.”

Ashe nods. “Yes. I’ve realized that the political realm should indeed be in my future.”

Goldstone chuckles. “It is your family’s tradition, after all.”

Arc looks away as he speaks. “I’m sure your father is very proud.”

“Indeed I am. Perhaps one day she will succeed me as head of the Council of Lords.”

Ashe warmly nods as she takes her father’s talon. “I promise to do my very best to learn all you have to teach me.”

Arc mutters under his breath as he gestures for them to follow him inside.

“I’m sure you will.”

He leads the griffons into the Main Hall. Princess Luna appears to be just finishing up a speech.

“…and I hope we can all use this time to become closer. Not only as diplomats, but as nations.”

Those assembled applaud.

“Now then, I’m sure all of you would like to settle in. My guards will show each entourage to their room. There will be refreshments in the Dining Room in one hour.”

The guards step toward their wards and lead them down the corridor. Arc approaches Luna with the griffons. Gestal nods to her cordially.

“It is good to see you again, Princess Luna.”

Goldstone nods. “Yes. Our king sends his warmest regards to you and your nation.”

“Thank you. I hope he is well.”

“Indeed. But with Lord Goldstone and I out of the country, someone has to run the nation.”

Arc clears his throat. “Understandable.”

Gestal looks to Ashe. “My daughter Ashe is here to observe and learn all she can about diplomacy.”

Luna turns to her. “Lady Ashe. Welcome to Equestria.”

“Thank you, your highness. I look forward to learning from our world’s leaders.”

Luna turns back to Gestal. “I shall order another bed brought to your accommodations for Lady Ashe.”

Ghaleon steps forward. “That may make Lady Ashe a bit… uncomfortable.”

“I am aware of that. However we don’t have any more rooms available here.”

Goldstone looks out a window at the two mammoth airships outside. “Begging the princess’ pardon, but what about your ship outside? The one we arrived on?”

Gestal nods. “Yes it appears secure, as do the grounds.”

“The Equinox is actually Lord Arc’s ship, Lord Gestal. However, while it is most certainly secure, it is currently outfitted to be our reinforcement’s Barracks and Mess Hall.”

Luna thinks for a moment.

“I will allow her to stay aboard the Lunar Destiny in one of the VIP suites there. However it will be orbiting the base during the summit.”

Arc nods. “I could shuttle her here every morning via sigil.”

“That is agreeable to me. Ashe?”

“Yes, father.”

She turns to Luna and bows respectfully.

“Thank you for being accommodating, your highness.”

Goldstone smiles. “Yes. It would appear our international relationship is getting off to a wonderful start.”

“If you’d like I can escort Lady Ashe back to The Equinox for her luggage, Princess Luna.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

Ghaleon looks to Gestal. “I will accompany them.”

“Thank you, Arbiter Ghaleon.”

He turns to Arc and extends Ashe’s talon to him.

“Lord Arc, I leave my daughter in your more than capable talons.”

Arc nods as he takes her talon in his hand. “You can count on me.”

He opens a portal to the Lunar Destiny as Ghaleon walks toward it.

“I will take point. Follow me.”

The Arbiter enters the portal. Arc and Ashe follow closely behind as the portal closes. Luna gestures down the corridor with a hoof.

“This way please.”

She leads the rest of the griffon delegation to their rooms. The Royal Guards outside the door open them and step aside. Luna leads them inside.

“We’ve done our best to provide you with proper furnishings, décor, and all the comforts of your homeland that are within our reach. I hope it is to your liking.”

Goldstone looks around.

“They are… adequate.”

Gestal nods respectfully. “Yes. Thank you, Princess Luna.”

“I shall allow you time to rest before the gathering in the Dining Room then. By your leave…”

Luna backs out of the room and nods politely as the guards close the doors. Goldstone looks out the window and smiles as he mutters to himself.

“Pleasant accommodations and a pleasant backside to watch during the summit. With any luck, Princess Cadance will be just as easy on the eyes.”

He chuckles and drools slightly.

“Nevertheless, I do hope Princess Luna and I can become closer. Much, much closer.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ghaleon, and Ashe appear on the sigil in Princess Luna’s quarters aboard the Lunar Destiny. Ashe look around and heads for the bed.

“This will do nicely, thank you. You may go, Lord Arc.”

Arc frowns. “Begging your pardon, Lady Ashe. But this is Princess Luna’s personal room aboard ship.”

“I am certain she will not mind.”

“Princess Luna offered you a VIP suite! Not her own room! Follow me!”

Ashe turns to him angrily. “Well then, you can just go back to her royal highness and tell her…!”

Ghaleon interrupts her tirade. “Ashe! Even a lord’s daughter does not have the right to sleep in the bed of a royal!”


Ghaleon turns huffily toward the door. “Come!”

Sighing, Ashe does as Ghaleon says. Arc follows them out the door.

“After you, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you, Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Arc leads them to a VIP suite and opens the door for her.

“This room will be yours during the summit.”

Ashe nods coolly. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Now then, I’ll report your presence to this vessel’s captain.”

Ghaleon turns to him. “I will join you, Lord Arc.”

Ashe calls to him from the doorway as the he and Arc walk down the corridor. “Arbiter Ghaleon, please see to it my luggage is sent over as soon as possible.”

“I am not a porter, youngling!”

Ashe glares at him.

“I’ll have you know…!”

Ghaleon stops and turns around, angrily. “You’ll have me know WHAT, youngling?!”

Ashe stops talking and shrinks back.

“Get back in your room and stay there until called for!”



Ashe hurries to comply. Arc and Ghaleon continue on down the corridor. He turns to Arc and sighs.

“You’ll have to forgive Lady Ashe. She’s is… difficult to handle. But I suppose you already knew that from your earlier job of returning her home.”

“Yes. Lady Ashe is a very… headstrong young griffon.”

“HA! She’s a spoiled brat!”

“Well, you seem to know how to handle her.”

“Only from past experience. Care for some advice?”


“Don’t let her get away with saying whatever stupid nonsense comes into her tiny head. When she’s wrong, she’s wrong.”


“And don’t let her push you around. Lord Gestal has no sway over you or your soldiers, so you have nothing to fear from her threats.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Couldn’t she report you to her father?”

Ghaleon chuckles. “She could. But that would amount to little more than a slap on the talon for me at most.”

“You’re in a place of power with the Council of Lords?”

“Something like that. I break two things in my line of work. Political stalemates and bones.”

Arc turns to him as they approach the door to the Bridge. “So which do you do more often?”

“Stalemates. However bones are more fun. There’s more I can tell you, but another time.”

“Very well.”

Arc informs the officer in charge of their new passenger. Ghaleon turns to the officer on duty.

“Don’t be afraid of her, or her threats. She gives you trouble, just tell her you’re going to call me.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc looks to the officer. “You’re clear to take off anytime. I’ll be taking Lady Ashe to and from the ship via sigil. No need to land.”

“We’ll get underway in a few minutes, sir.”

He opens a portal. “Good.”

Arc and Ghaleon reappear on the sigil in the Main Hall as the sounds of the Lunar Destiny’s engines starting can be heard. Ghaleon looks to Arc.

“I need to tell Lord Gestal his daughter is safely in the air.”

Arc waves over a Royal Guard. “I understand. This guard will escort you there. I’ll see you in the Dining Room later.”

Ghaleon nods and turns to walk away.


He stops and turns around. “Yes?”

“Thank you for your assistance with Lady Ashe.”

Ghaleon nods and leaves with the guard. Arc powers up the sigil again and vanishes. A short time later he returns with a guest and heads to his quarters. As they approach the guards on duty appear nervous.

“Is Princess Luna inside?”

“Y-y-yes sir.”

“Ask her if she is up to seeing a visitor with me.”

The guard nods and hurries to comply. A moment later he returns.

“The princesses will see you now.”

“Thank you.”

Arc and the guest enter the room. Luna and Cadance rise from the couch and walk over to meet the pair half way.

“Princess Luna… Princess Cadance… I’d like you to meet the ogre tribe’s representative, Prince Tugem.”

The ogre before them is roughly the size of Arc. He nods politely and bows at the waist to them before continuing.

“Good day, your highnesses.”

“We are happy to have you here, sir.”

Cadance clears her throat nervously. “Yes. Welcome to Equestria.”

“Thank you. My father, King Megut sends his regards and well-wishes to the leaders of the land of Equestria.”

Luna appears surprised. “You are familiar with us?”

“Oh yes. Your Hero of Light sent over a number of books about your history, culture, government, and economy.”

Arc nods sheepishly. “Yes, well… I didn’t stop to consider if anyone over there could read before I did so.”

Tugem chuckles. “Truthfully I am the only literate one in what you call the ‘the aqueducts’.”

Cadance gestures to the couch. “Why don’t we sit down? It would be very interesting to learn about your culture, Prince Tugem.”

The princesses sit down on one end. Arc and Tugem on the other.

“I am certain you have many questions. Please ask me anything, your highnesses.”

Luna nods. “Thank you. However, first I must apologize for our initial invasion of your domain.”

Tugem waves a hand dismissively. “Please, your highness. It’s in the past. Rest assured we do not hold the actions of a single individual against you or your land.”

Cadance appears relieved. “Thank you, sir. But might I ask why your tribe made the Aqueducts your home?”

“Yes. There are certainly more hospitable areas throughout our land.”

“That dates back to our earliest history. You see, without the written word it’s been passed down through drawings and storytellers. The ancient teachings tell of a time many generations ago when this land was inhabited by three kingdoms.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin. “The three pony races?”

“Yes. The ogres, not wishing to take sides in the conflict, kept to themselves on the outskirts of your land. We held two islands to the northwest. Sadly, the names of the towns there have long since been forgotten.”

Luna turns to Tugem. “Did the island’s leaders get along?”

“Oh yes. The chiefs of that time were what we call ‘blood-brothers’. The land produced abundant food and game for us to more than just survive, but thrive. However, this arrangement was not to last. One day from the mountains to the north strange winged creatures descended on the northern island. With them the snow of the north followed.”

Cadance looks to Luna. “Winged creatures?! Luna, do you suppose those were the wendigos of legend?!”

“Most likely, yes. Please continue, Prince Tugem.”

“The northern island’s warriors fought them with everything they had, but were unable to stop their onslaught. Their island’s chief sent word to the south telling them to flee and seek shelter from the Earth Pony city across what is now known as Luna Bay.”

Luna blushes slightly at this.

“Our own history tells of a great city that once stood there. It was built with defense in mind by the Earth Pony Kingdom. Tell me, did they grant your kind shelter?”

Tugem shakes his head. “Sadly, no. They guards chased the villagers away forcing them to camp outside the safety of the city’s walls. That night, as the temperature dropped, the chief had a dream. He saw a strange creature made entirely of light. It promised to lead him and his ogres to safety if they would only follow.”

Arc frowns and muses to himself. “A creature of light, huh?”

“Awakening, the chief looked outside his tent and saw a small light some distance away. Yelling for everyone to wake up, they grabbed everything they could carry and followed him toward the light. Snow had begun to fall heavily and it made seeing more than a few feet ahead impossible. As the wind picked up it became harder to keep moving. The chief ordered everything other than the food to be left behind. As they reached the city wall the light lead them to an old broken grate that was supposed a large hole in the wall.”

Luna gasps. “The aqueducts?!”

Tugem nods. “Yes. However as the last ogre entered, an avalanche from the upper wall sealed the entrance. The being of light was never seen again. Venturing deeper into the aqueducts the chief found mushrooms and various small animals.”

“Like bats?”

“Mostly cockroaches, lizards, and spiders. However meager, it was enough for them to survive on.”

Arc looks to Tugem. “Wait! Those are some of the animals that attacked me when I was down there.”

“Yes. My father apologizes for that.”

“It’s okay. But they were certainly bigger than any creatures of their kind I’ve ever seen. How did that happen?”

“We’re not really sure. Perhaps the strange creature of light had something to do with it. Or maybe those beasts you called wendigos. They were certainly exuding magical energy like nothing else that had been seen before.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Sunburst would most likely be interested in studying these creatures.”


Arc thinks for a moment. “What about that huge city? Vanhoover isn’t that big and certainly doesn’t have a wall around it.”

“Our ancestors explored the city above after the land warmed. They didn’t find anyone.”

Luna sighs. “That isn’t surprising. History records that city being abandoned and its citizens fleeing south to escape the freezing winter.”

Arc looks to Luna. “And the unification?”

“It came many years later. Long after everypony who had lived there had fled.”

Cadance nods. “The city was probably in ruins by that point. There wasn’t much left when construction began on Vanhoover.”

“That would make sense.”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “Agreed. However it’s almost time to head for the Cafeteria.”

Luna smiles at him. “Where, Arc?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “The Dining Room.”

Luna nods. “Much better.”

“Come on. It’s the same thing.”

Cadance smiles. “True. But Dining Room sounds more regal. Cafeteria makes it sound more like a military base.”

“In any case, I’ll head over to the Lunar Destiny and bring Lady Ashe over.”

Luna nods. “Very well. Prince Tugem, might we escort you?”

“Yes, indeed. And thank you, your highness, for the invitation to this summit. I have long since hoped to visit your country.”

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