• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - True Confessions

Everyone stares at the item in the middle of the table. None of them can speak for some time. Ember slowly turns to him.

“A-Arc? Is that…?”

Arc sighs and nods soberly. Yes it is.

Hugh wears a look of complete shock upon his face. “A… picture of you and… Frank?!”

Xenos shakes his head in awe. “We know you were friends and all back then, sir. But what’s with the outfit?”

Viktor nods as he looks at the picture. “Yes. Why are you and Frank wearing the same thing?

Ember frowns. “Yeah! And looking so happy?! I thought you two didn’t really get along!”

Sereb jumps up onto the table to see for himself. “Hmmm…”

Xenos turns to the wolf. “See something, big guy?”


Sereb looks up at Arc, silently.

“You look like you have something to ask me.”

Sereb nods. “Although I am certain I already know the answer to this question, I must know to be sure.”

“Go ahead.”

The wolf touches the photo with a paw. “That emblem on your jacket’s lapel. It is the same as the one Stingray wore on her outfit. What does it mean?

Arc sighs. “It’s… the insignia given to Frank’s second-in-command.”

Ember eyes grow wide. “Wait! So you were…?!”

“Yes, Ember. I was Frank’s top lieutenant.”

“What about Stingray?”

Arc shrugs. “She must have come along later. I never met her before.”

Rose nods soberly. “So then… she was your…”

“Right. My… replacement I suppose. Back then Frank and I were inseparable.”

Hugh turns to Arc. “So you’re a member of the Shards from way back, sir?”

“Well… yes and no.”

Viktor appears puzzled. “We don’t understand, sir!”

“I was more than just Frank’s friend and top lieutenant back then. We… the two of us… created the Shards together.”

Xenos gasps. “You were a founding member?!”

“Yes. Without my help, the Shards never would have been formed.”

Max stands up suddenly. “Sir! I… I just can’t believe you could… why did you have to…?!”

Red-faced Max storms upstairs. Hugh hurries after him.

“Max, WAIT!”

Arc sighs. “Let him go.”


Xenos puts a hand on Hugh’s shoulder. “This is hard on all of us.”

Arc stands up. “I… I think I need to get some air and let everyone have some time to digest all this.”

Rose stands up as well. “Arc, I… I’d like to come with you.”


As the pair turn to walk away Ember takes Arc’s hand and looks him in the eye.

“Arc… no matter who you were or did in the past, I want you to know it doesn’t change how I feel about you in the least.”

“Thanks, Ember. But your continued faith in me doesn’t change my past actions.”

He gives her hand a quick squeeze before heading upstairs with Rose. Hugh sits back down with the others.

“I just can’t believe the commander helped create a crime syndicate!”

Viktor shakes his head in disbelief. “Me either! This is all just so overwhelming!”

Xenos frowns at them. “That was a long time ago! Look!”

Xenos picks up the photo.

“The commander looks much younger in this.”

Hugh looks over his shoulder. “I suppose so, but…”

Ember stands up and shakes her head. “Look! You guys need to have more faith in Arc!”

She sighs.

“He told me how you guys met. How you were slated for dismissal from the military. Arc saw something in you four.”

Hugh nods. “What, I don’t know.”

Sereb jumps off the table. “I believe I understand.”


“I was the weakest in my tribe. He saw in you what he saw in me.”

Xenos sighs. “Weakness?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. Potential.”

They are silent for a time.

“We all should believe in him and what he is doing. After all… he did the same for us.”

Meanwhile… Arc and Rose get into his Jeep.

“Where are we going?”

Arc shrugs. “I just need some time away from everyone.”

Rose looks to him as they pull out of the driveway. “Why is that?”

“Give them time to… consider my past.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Probably. Up until now they all thought I was a hero.”

“I do not understand. What has changed?”

“They didn’t know that I used to be a criminal, Rose!”

“But that’s in the past, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “For some of us, the past was not so long ago.”

Rose nods sadly. “I… wouldn’t understand that.”

“You will one day. Now I’m not trying to make you nervous or anything, but… eventually you might look back on your choices and wish you had done something different.”

“How does one go back?”

“You don’t.”

Rose appears confused. “They why think about it?”


He appears unable to find the right words.

“I don’t understand. Would it not be easier to merely accept what has been done as something that cannot be changed?”

“I… it doesn’t really work like that, Rose.”

“Rather than spent time and energy thinking about what you can’t change, why not put that into making better decisions in the future?”

Cherry calls out. “She does raise a good point, Arc.”

“I know. But such a philosophy is almost impossible to live by.”

Cherry sighs. “I too have regrets, Arc. The fact that I can no longer be your bride still saddens me. But that’s why I do my best to keep you company now.”

“Cherry? Are you… trying to make up for that?!”

“I am.”

“But you didn’t do anything wrong!”

“My mind knows that. However, my heart still will not let me forgive myself.”

Rose nods. “You blame yourself for your death, Miss Cherry?”

“No. Just the outcome.”

They drive on in silence for quite some time. Eventually Rose looks to Arc.

“Arc? Do you now have a destination in mind?”

“I’ve just been driving aimlessly.”


“Just giving myself time to think mostly.”

They drive outside the city limits. Soon the road turns to from pavement to dirt.

“Thanks for coming, Rose.”

“I am here for you, Arc.”

Cherry giggles. “As am I!

“Yes, well… I…”

Arc suddenly slams on the brakes. Cherry gasps.


Arc turns around as he slams the Jeep into reverse. “It can’t be…!”

Backing up quickly he looks down an old dirt path that juts away from the main road.

“I know this place!”

Pulling the Jeep off the road Arc parks and gets out. Rose follows him down the path. A few minutes later they walk up to an abandoned farmhouse. Arc walks up the front steps.

“I can’t believe it’s still standing!”

Cherry sounds confused. “Arc?”

He puts a hand on the front door. “This is… the Shard’s first hideout.”

Rose looks the building over. “A house?”


“Quite a difference from now.”

Arc sighs. “Frank really took things to the next level with the Shards after I went to Equestria.”

Cherry smiles inwardly. “You want to go in, don’t you?”

“Part of me does, yes.”

Rose puts a hand on his shoulder. “And the other part?”

“Want’s to burn this house to the ground!”

“That seems a bit extreme. After all, it’s not the house’s fault.”

“True. But it’s a stark reminder of what I started.”

They enter the house via the unlocked front door. Arc looks around.

“It’s a bit more run down than I remember, but…”

“Who’s house is it?”

“I don’t know. But it’s been abandoned since I was a little kid. I mentioned it to Frank when we were getting started. We checked it out together and decided to make it our base.”

He sighs.

“We only had a few members back then.”

“What did you do here?”

“Talk. Hang out. Plan. That sort of thing.”

Cherry sounds nervous. “What kinds of plans?”

“Originally, how to make the world a better place. You see Frank had this idea that the world needed to change. There were so many at the orphanage that had no families and no future. Whenever someone would age out, Frank would encourage them to join our cause.”

“Did they?”

“A few of them did. We offered food and a bit of a roof over their heads.”

Arc looks around the run down building’s entryway.

“It wasn’t much, but it was the best Frank and I could do. That and they were together with others whom they already knew and were comfortable with.”

Cherry looks at the ruins through Arc’s eyes. “What was the plan? I mean, you couldn’t have all stayed here forever.”

“Frank wanted to raise some money to buy a bigger place. We knew eventually we’d outgrow this house.”

Rose nods. “And Frank turned to crime to get it?”

“Yeah. That was about the time I left. Frank tried to convince me not to, but… I couldn’t stay with him after all that had happened.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Happened? Did you two get into a fight or something?”

“No. I mean, there was an argument and all. But Frank’s policy was always about willing participation. No one was ever forced to do things they didn’t want to.”

They walk around the house. Every room is filled with small sleeping areas consisting of a sleeping bag and box to hold effects.

“It looks very… cozy.”

“It was. Mostly because of the company.”

Cherry sighs. “If you were happy here, why did you leave? I mean… you said Frank didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to, right?”

“Yes, but… I’m sorry Cherry. Can we talk about this later?”


Meanwhile, Max walks down the street alone. A voice calls out behind him.

“Max! Wait up!”

He turns around to see Ember and Sereb running toward him. Sighing, he waits for them.

“How did you find me?”

“Sereb sniffed you out.”

Max sighs as they walk on. “So… why are you here?”

Ember frowns. “Really?”

“Did the commander send you after me?”

“No. He left too.”

Max looks to her, genuinely surprised. “Really? Back to Equestria?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. He went for a drive.”


They walk on silently for a time.

“So what was that all about back there?”

Max frowns. “I… I saw the picture last night.”


“I didn’t want the others to find out about the commander’s past!”

Sereb looks around before speaking. “Why is that? He has never been one to hide from the truth.”

“Because he’s the Hero of Light! Everyone shouldn’t know how he used to be… you know…”

“So you were trying to protect his image?”

“Right! But then he went and just TOLD everyone!”

Sereb sighs. “You believe he should not have done that?”

“It’s buried in the past! He should have left it there! I was willing to keep quiet!”

Ember frowns. “But…”

“But that was WAY more than I thought it would be! How was I supposed to know he was a driving force over there?! I mean… he even STARTED the thing!”

Ember nods. “And you feel, what? Betrayed?”

Max shrugs. “A little. The commander’s always been there to do the right thing for Equestria and all, but… I just don’t know what to think about him now!”

“Since returning to the land of his birth, Arc has been working very hard to stem the flow of crime and violence from the Shards.”

“Sereb’s right! I think he’s trying his very best to make up for what he did back there. I mean… we all have things we regret in our pasts.”

“Even you… Dragon Lord?”

Ember grabs his arm. “Especially me!”

Max stops. “Really? You’re dragon royalty! What do you have to regret?!”

“You really want to know?”

“I do.”

Ember sighs. “Arc’s dragon friend Spike. You remember him?”

“Yes. What about him?”

“He was the one who passed my father’s test. Spike didn’t want to be the Dragon Lord, so he gave me the Bloodstone Scepter.”

“You regret not trying harder, or something?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. I regret taking it.”

Max looks skeptical. “Wait! You REGRET being next in line to rule?!”



Ember sighs. “If I hadn’t done that I might have been able to convince my father to let me take Arc as my mate back then.”

“What about Miss Cherry?”

“They barely knew each other at the time. Maybe… maybe I could have convinced him then, but…”

Sereb shakes his head. “But that ship has sailed.”


Ember frowns.

“I still lie awake sometimes thinking about… about what might have been.”

“And last night? Was that all just an act you put on to get in bed with the commander?”

Ember shakes her head. “Some nights are harder than others. I… I know he doesn’t feel the same toward me. But I just want him so BADLY!”

Max blushes slightly. “You’re pretty forward about that. Uh… he does know, right?”

“Yes. But he… he’s still in love with Cherry. I don’t even register with him. Not even in THIS form!”

“Even after he saw you the other day without clothes?”


Max shakes his head. “Doesn’t his past bother you? I mean… he was a criminal in all but name!”

Ember stops as she steps in front of Max. “No, it does not!”

“How can you see past that?!”

“Because he and I have been through so much together! He’s ALWAYS been there for me and those around us. Think about it. You and the others weren’t exactly the cream of the crop back in the military. He took you four over everyone else.”

“Yes, but…”

Ember interrupts him. “That and he kept all of you around. Even after finding out you were damaged goods from your upbringing!”

Max sighs. “I don’t know why.”

“Because he believed in all of you! Saw something no one else did! Arc has looked beyond your past for as long as he’s known you! Doesn’t he deserve the same?!”

“I… you’re right, Ember. Thanks.”

“What for?”

“For helping me see what was right in front of me the whole time.”

They turn around and begin walking back toward Arc’s house. Max looks to Ember.

“There’s one thing I don’t understand. If the commander doesn’t feel the same way about you, why keep trying?”

“Arc taught me never to give up. I don’t intend to stop trying.”

“But, what exactly are you after?”

Ember blushes slightly and smiles. “A family.”

“I’m sorry, a what?”

She puts a hand on her stomach. “I know it sounds crazy, but… I’ve always dreamed of Arc and I having eggs! Starting our own brood together!”

“Is that even… possible?”

“I don’t know for certain. But I do know that if Arc wants something to happen, he finds a way.”

Max looks away nervously. “Sorry. It’s just a bit… strange to listen to you talk so casually about my superior officer impregnating you.”

Ember nods happily at the thought of becoming a mother. “That may be. But, you’ll understand if you find love one day.”

Max shrugs. “I guess. But were kinda busy right now.”

“Yeah, I know. Just do me one favor.”

“A favor?”

“Keep your eyes open.”

“Y-yeah. But why?”

“You don’t want to be an old stallion and wonder what could have been, do you?”

“I guess not. Thanks for the talk, Ember.”


They return to Arc’s house just as he is driving up with Rose. Max walks over nervously.

“Sir? I… um…”

Arc nods. “Let’s go inside. I… have a few things to talk to everyone about.”

“Y-yes sir.”

Arc and company head inside and return to the basement. The rest of the squad hurries over. Hugh reaches them first.


Max looks around embarrassed. “Guys, I… I’m sorry about earlier.”

He turns to Arc.

“You especially, sir.”

“Yes, well…”

Ember interrupts. “He was just trying to protect you, Arc.”

“Protect me?”

“Yes sir. I didn’t think everyone needed to know your past.”

“I appreciate that, Max. However, all of you deserve to know the truth. Have a seat and I’ll tell you.”

They sit down as Arc tells them everything. Xenos shakes his head.

“This is… just so hard to believe, sir!”

Hugh nods. “Agreed!”

Viktor sighs. “I’m still having a hard time believing you did all that, sir!”

Ember chuckles. “I don’t. After all, you’re a natural born leader, Arc!”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ember. But that’s one time in my life I wished no one had followed me.”

Sereb frowns. “There was no way you could have known it would go this far, Arc.”

“You’re right, Sereb. But no matter how you look at it, the Shard threat looming over Angel Grove is partially my fault.”

Hugh smiles. “That may be, sir. But I for one would like the honor of helping you make things right.”

Xenos grins. “Me too, sir!”

Viktor give Arc a thumbs up. “I’m with you as well!”

Ember looks over at Max. “And you, Max? What will you do?”

“Sir? You believed in us when no one else did. You gave us a chance when no one else would. And you… you took us under your command when no one wanted us. We all owe you our respect and service.”

Max salutes him. The others follow suit.

“I’m with you too, sir! To the end!”

Ember grins. “We all are!”

Sereb growls. “Honor guides me! I too will see this through.”

“Thank you everyone. The only thing we need now is a clue of some kind.”

Viktor nods at him from the laptop. “I think I can help with that, sir.”

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