• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 20 - The Trial

Arc walks over to Raven's desk and pull's Trixie's confession out of his pocket. He unfolds it and sets it on the desk next to the typewriter. Max looks over confused.

“Sir? What are you doing?

Arc sits down at the desk. “Writing a confession of my own.”

Arc quickly types something up. He looks it over carefully before picking up a quill and writing something on it. Dutifully rolling it up, he hands it to Viktor.

“Come with me Viktor. You and I are going back to Canterlot Castle.”


Arc chuckles. “I'll explain when we get there! The rest of you get some sleep.”

The pair step on the sigil and are gone. Xenos turns to Max.

“Any idea what that was about?”

Max shakes his head. “Not a clue! But I guarantee it's gonna be GOOD!”

A short time later Arc and Viktor return to the Main Hall via the sigil.

“Good work Viktor. Now get some rest. You've earned it!”

Viktor salutes. “Thank you sir!”

As Viktor heads to the Barracks, Arc walks over to Raven's desk and picks up Trixie's confession and heads to the Guest Room. Sandstorm Mirage has stationed two new Royal Guards at the door. Arc can see the light is still burning from under the door. As he approaches, the guards open the door for him and close them again behind him. Trixie is lying in front of the fire alone.

“You alright, Trixie?”

She lies on the floor curled up into a ball. “Well, considering I just narrowly escaped a kidnapping by a psychopathic ninja-pony... yeah, I'm doing just peachy! And you?!”

“Well this should cheer you up. I have something here for you.”

Trixie looks up, confused. “What is it?”

Arc sits down on the floor next to her. “Just a little something I picked up earlier tonight.”

He gives Trixie the scroll. She unrolls it and reads it. Her eyes grow wide!

“M-my confession! You actually found it?!”

Arc nods! “I told you I would, and I did!”

Trixie jumps up and throws her hooves around Arc’s neck happily! “Thank you Arc! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Arc pats her gently on the head. “You’re welcome.”

After Trixie gets that out of her system, she sorely lies back down. “Um… can I confess something?”

“Only if you want to.”

She looks into the fireplace and sighs as she reads over her confession again. “To tell you the truth, I didn't actually believe you would get this for me. And if you did, I assumed you had some kind of ulterior motive behind it. Like... selling me out to get a medal, or something...”

“That wouldn’t be very… heroic of me.”

Trixie nods sadly. “I know, but... when you’ve been betrayed as often as I have, you tend to assume the worst!”

“Like when?”

“I... really don't want to talk about it. Maybe another time... that is... after I get out of prison.”

Arc nods. “I look forward to it.”

Trixie sighs. “Well, you may have to wait awhile. Even without this paper, there’s still quite the case against me.”

She wads up the confession with her hooves and lobs it into the fireplace.

“Don't take this the wrong way, but... I wish you were going to be there tomorrow.”

Arc looks at her confused. “But I will be.”

Trixie looks up happily! “REALLY?!”

He nods. “Yes. As the arresting officer I have been summoned to appear and... tell my side of the story.”

“So... you're going there to testify against me?!”

“No. I'm going there to tell the truth!”

Trixie sighs. “I'm not sure why but... I believe you.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. Well, I should probably let you get at least a little sleep. Good night Trixie.”

Arc stands and leaves the room. On his way out he picks up the cloak the lieutenant left behind. Trixie looks down at her hooves.

“Good night... my hero...”

A few hours later, Arc and Flash Sentry sit in the Cafeteria. They are both rather groggy from their late night. Flash Sentry helplessly drinks a double strength coffee.

“I need a vacation…”

Arc’s face lies on the table as he nurses a triple strength tea. “Take me with you…”

Raven enters the room followed by Steel Hammer, Silver Hammer and Platinum Valve. They walk over to Arc.

“Commander? Are you… okay?”

Arc speaks, his face still pressed against the table. “Yes. I am just... investigating this table... thoroughly...”

“Yes, well… the Hammers are here to see you.”

Arc turns his head slightly toward Flash Sentry. “Lieutenant! A little help here...”

Flash Sentry reaches a hoof to Arc, picks his head up off the table and turns it to face his guests.

He yawns groggily. “Sorry you had to see me like this. Busy, busy, busy...”

The couple nods.

“We understand.”

“To tell you the truth, it kinda reminds me of us, not that long ago!”

Arc takes a sip of his tea. “Any luck with those Hoof Cannons, Platinum Valve?”

She nods happily! “Yes sir, Mr. Arc! I'm expecting a couple replacement parts in the mail later today!”

“Good... job. Well... let me show you all to the... Armory. At ease... Lieutenant...”

Flash Sentry lets go of Arc’s head and it collapses back onto the table as the lieutenant himself falls to the floor.

Arc slowly stands up. “Ow... okay I think that last blow to the head may have invigorated me. Or it's the pot of tea I just finished drinking. Either way, follow me.”

He turns to Flash Sentry who is still lying on the floor.

“For the love of cupcakes, lieutenant! Don't you have work to do?! Go ‘investigate’ your bed now! That's an order!”

Arc turns to Raven.

“Raven, would you kindly help the lieutenant to his quarters?”

Raven nods dutifully. “Yes commander.”

“Yes sir... thank you sir... have a good day sir...”

Flash Sentry staggers off leaning heavily on Raven. Just then the orphans storm the cafeteria for breakfast.

“Platinum Valve, why don't you have some breakfast with the other foals here? I need to talk to your parents about a personal matter alone.”

Platinum Valve smiles. “Okay! Thanks!”

She runs to the other foals whom greet her warmly. They reciprocate. Arc turns to the Hammers and motions for them to follow him.

“This way.”

He leads them to his office and gestures to the couches.

“Have a seat.”

Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer sit down on a couch. Arc sits down opposite them. Silver Hammer looks concerned.

“Arc? What’s troubling you?”

“Did your mission last night go poorly? Although if it is a secret, we completely understand!”

Arc sighs. “While last night’s adventure was indeed secret, I know I can trust the two of you with the details. But first, you both were in the military for quite a while, right? What can you tell me of Captain Decimus?”

Steel Hammer smiles at the question. “Everypony in the Equestrian Military looks up to him, us included! He's quite the accomplished warrior! In fact, he could probably go toe to toe with us back in our day!”

Silver Hammer laughs! “You say that as if it were a lifetime ago, dear!”

“It was! Or so it feels!”

“He and his elite guard had to bail us out of a few fights a time or two! And although it would have been quite good for his own reputation, he never once told anypony how he saved us!”

Steel Hammer chuckles! “If anything, it helped our own reputations! Captain Decimus is as selfless as... well... you Arc! Why do you ask?”

Arc leans forward and lowers his voice. “This must remain strictly between us now, but... I am in the middle of an investigation of the Captain's recent activities. Lately his actions have been far from heroic!”

Silver Hammer appears confused. “What do you mean?”

He informs the Hammers of what he has learned about Captain Decimus so far. Steel Hammer shakes his head in disbelief!

“Arc, if anypony else was telling us this, I would knock them right in the head!”

“Dear! I'm sorry Arc! It's just that... this is just so hard to accept!”

Arc nods. “I understand. If someone told me one of my oldest and closest friends had turned, I don't think I could easily accept it either.”

“Do you have actual proof of these deeds, Arc?”

He shows the Hammer’s the evidence gathered thus far.

Steel Hammer rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Arc, I have to be honest with you. This evidence isn't exactly what I would call airtight.”

Arc nods. “I know. My investigation has only just started. Just like anyone else, Captain Decimus deserves a fair trial!”

Silver Hammer looks relieved. “Thank you for keeping an open mind Arc! Our old friend deserves as much! Assuming what you say is true, what possible reason could he have for turning traitor?”

He shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine on that count. I hope to be able to ask him myself one day soon.”

“Perhaps he is being forced to do such things against his will?”

“An interesting theory. I do have proof that he is in league with Tempest. Maybe she somehow corrupted him?”

Steel Hammer nods. “That would explain the change in his behavior. Although it certainly bodes poorly for us then!”

“What do you mean?”

“I think what my husband is saying is, if Tempest really is able to corrupt somepony as brave and loyal as Captain Decimus there's no telling who is on our side! I mean, who else could be in her pocket?! Other military officials, Equestrian councilponies, even the princesses themselves!”

Steel Hammer shudders! “That’s a troubling thought!”

“I'm glad I bought this matter to your attention. You've certainly given me much to think over! But now I need your expertise on some weapons that were sent over to Light's Hope.”

He stands and walks toward the door.

“If you would follow me to the Armory please.”

They nod.

“Lead the way!”

They make their way to the armory. Arc unlocks the door.

“After I returned from seeing you two yesterday, I was approached by Flash Sentry and Ember who had made a rather frightening discovery! Apparently, quite a few of the weapons that were sent over here are completely unusable!”

Steel Hammer walks over to a weapon rack and shakes his head. Picking up a spear, the head falls off!

“This is terrible! What kind of pony would ship out weapons in such poor condition?!”

Arc frowns. “The requisitions were signed by Captain Decimus himself! If he doesn't like me, fine! But when he endangers my troops, that's where I draw the line!”

Silver Hammer looks over, clearly shocked! “Impossible! Such an act would be nothing short of EVIL!”

Steel Hammer puts a hoof to his forehead in an effort to think. “I... I don't know what to think right now. From my hasty inspection of this place I would say very few, if any, of these weapons or armor are any good!”

Arc sighs. “I was afraid you’d say that.”

Silver Hammer joins her husband. “We’ll look over them all to be sure, of course!”

“Thanks. Let me know what you find so we can talk about what it’ll cost to replace them.”

Silver Hammer sighs as she looks over the room. “I hate to say this Arc, but I think it's going to be quite expensive! I mean... you're talking about replacing an entire Armory!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Such an allocation of funds would require the approval of a princess! What are you going to tell them?!”

“I'll think of something. How long will it take you two to inspect all this gear?”

Steel Hammer looks over the room quickly. “I'll have it done before suppertime today. At least then you’ll have some concrete numbers to give to the princesses.”

“I am not looking forward to that conversation. While I’m confident that Canterlot has the money, I know they’ve already spent quite a lot on me already! Although I hate to ask for more, I would hate it even more if any of my troops were hurt due to faulty equipment! Now, I hate to cut this short but I have a trial to get to in Canterlot Castle.”

Steel Hammer nods. “It's no problem, Arc! We'll get to work right away!”

“Why don't the two of you join Platinum Valve in the Cafeteria? Have a good breakfast to start your day!”

Silver Hammer nods! “Thank you!”

The Hammer's leave the Armory and head over to the Cafeteria. Arc heads to the Guest Quarters to escort Trixie to her trial. Entering the room, he sees Trixie sitting on the couch in front of the fire, looking a bit nervous.

“Trixie? It’s time to go. Are you ready?”

She nods.

“Yes. But… before we go, I… need to tell you something.

Arc sits down on the couch next to her. “I’m all ears.”

Trixie looks down at her hooves, regret in her voice.

“I just wanted to say... that... I'm... sorry. Sorry for what I did to you, your squad, your friend Ember, the ogres... everyone. While I know this won't help my case any, I just wanted to tell you before we leave just how much I regret what I did and to thank you! You went to such lengths to protect me from Decimus! Even going so far as to risk everything to get that confession back!”

“Just doing my job.”

Trixie’s neck snaps back to look Arc in the eye! “No! This goes WAY beyond the scope of your job! Look, I don't understand what really motivates you, and I doubt I ever will!”

She puts a hoof to her forehead and closes her eyes before continuing.

“Sorry if I'm messing this up. I've not had much practice making apologies.”

Arc nods. “You did just fine.”

Trixie looks up at him sheepishly. “I... um... thought about what you said the other day. You know, about finding somepony to follow. Would it be asking too much if I... um... wanted to join you, Arc? I know we kinda got off on the wrong hoof, but I really feel like I can still make a difference!”

Arc smiles and nods. “Come talk to me after you finish serving your time. If you are still interested, I will entertain the idea.”

Trixie again looks down at the floor, sadly. “It... might be quite a long time before we see each other again. Years even!”

“By then I’m sure SOMETHING will have eaten me!”

“Please don't joke about things like that! I mean... this may be a bit hard for you to believe, but... as great and powerful as I am, I've... never had a real friend before.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I can’t imagine why.”

Trixie straightens up her shoulders and smiles! “I always thought it was because others were intimidated by my power! But... now I'm not so sure. In any case, I want you to know that I have found you worthy of being my friend!”

“So, what about me makes me worthy?”

“Well... you've proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that you power exceeds my own. That alone is reason enough, it is not?”

He folds his arms over his chest. “So... let me see if I understand this clearly. You only want friends who are more powerful than you?”

“Of course! I mean, why should the strong be held back by the weak?”

Arc rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Interesting idea you have there! Let me ask you something though. Would a foal be considered ‘strong’ compared to, say, an ant?”

Trixie looks at him, a bit taken aback! “I… suppose so.”

“So it's not so much that they are strong or powerful as you put it. They just have to be more powerful than you. It's more a matter of perspective.”

“I guess so. What’s your point?”

“My point is this. From where I stand, I am ‘strong’ and you are ‘weak’. So answer me this. If I were to use your own logic, why would I want to be friends with somepony as ‘weak’ as you?”

Trixie opens her mouthto say something, but no words come out.

“Arc? Do you think that is the reason I’m alone?”

Arc nods. “I would say so, yes.”

“All this time I thought nopony was worthy of my talents... or my friendship. I've always been treated differently by everypony. I thought they were just jealous of my power. But now I'm not so sure.”

“Look Trixie. I know things are going badly for you, and pretty much all of that is your own fault.”

Trixie narrows her eyes. “Gee… thanks.”

“But don't think of this as the end. Think of it like a new beginning! Wherever they send you, find yourself a friend. I know the mares in prison probably won't be as... personable, but do your best!”

Trixie thinks to herself. “Okay. Let's just say by some miracle I do make a friend. What then? I don't know the next step!”

“There really is no next step as you call it. All I can offer you is some advice on friendship.”

She nods. “Okay. I’m listening.”

“First of all, you can't FORCE somepony to be your friend. That's just a slave. It has to happen naturally. So no illusions, no deception, no mind control, none of that!”

Trixie puts a hoof to her chin. “This may be harder than I thought.”

“Second, once you make a friend, you have to remember friendship is a two-way street. You can't treat them badly and expect them not to do the same to you. If you take care of your friends, they will take care of you.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

“Third, at some point your friend may let you down, fail you, or even downright betray you! You must remember never to do those things to them though. Others WILL fail you at times, but you mustn't fail them.”

Trixie nods soberly. “You mean like how your unicorn friend sent you to Tartarus? I sure hope you taught her a lesson! So, whatever happened to her?”

“She lives not too far from here. I'll have to invite her over for tea again sometime.”

Trixie looks to Arc, wide-eyed! “You mean you still SPEAK to her?!”

“Why wouldn't I? She's still my friend after all.”

She looks up hopeful. “Did you at least get revenge?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. When she found out what had really happened, she spent every waking moment looking for ways to rescue me from that hellish place! To make a long story manageable, she found a way to temporarily lower the barrier surrounding Tartarus and then proceeded to enter... alone.”

Trixie sighs. “It must be nice to have friends that dedicated to you.”

“You will one day, if you will only put forth the effort.”

She chuckles. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I doubt it. Any other knowledge to impart?”

“The only other bit of knowledge I can impart to you is what others are looking for in a friend. Most just want someone whom they can count on to be there for them. If you can be that pony, you'll make a friend for life!”

“This is all very complicated Arc. I'm not really sure friendship is worth all the trouble!”

Arc stands up. “Oh believe me, it is! It's good to know that someone is watching my back. But... the reason I came here was to escort you to your trial. Are you ready?”

“No... but I guess stalling won't change the end result. Thanks for the talk, Arc. Methinks I will have plenty of time to ponder your words in the near future.”

“Glad I could help. Let's go.”

Arc stoops down to pick Trixie up, but she holds out a hoof and shakes her head.

“Thank you, but I think I can manage on my own.”

Arc nods his head and calls forth Eidolon's Ward and opens a portal. The two walk through it and find themselves in Arc's quarters in Canterlot Castle. They make their way down the hallway toward the Princess' Audience Chamber. Upon reaching the entrance hall, they find it deserted.

“That's peculiar. Every other time I’ve been here this hall has been packed with ponies seeking an audience.”

He and Trixie approach the Royal Guard Commander. Unlike before, he appears to have nothing but time on his hooves at the moment. Arc removes his helmet and holds it under his arm.

“Commander. I am here to deliver Trixie Lulamoon to her trial. Where is everyone else? Did I come to the wrong place?”

The Royal Guard Commander shakes his head. “No sir! All audiences have been canceled to accommodate the trial.”

He motions for Trixie to follow him.

“Thank you sir. I'll take her from here.”

Arc looks to him, confused. “Just a moment Commander! I received word from the princesses that I was needed to testify.”

“No, sir. The princesses have been notified that the prisoner has already confessed to her crimes. No testimony is required.”

“I'm a bit confused. What is the point of this trial then?!”

“It’s mostly for sentencing purposes.”

Trixie looks scared!

Arc looks peevish! “So am I to understand that there will be no dialogue between the princesses and anyone else here?!”

He shakes his head. “That is not true, sir! Equestrian law states that before the sentencing can commence the defendant and the prosecutor must both be given the option of addressing the princesses. At that time, the court will hear any and all testimony pertinent to the case. Usually the prosecutor tries to persuade the court to give a harsher sentence, while the defendant tries to do the opposite.”

The commander looks over to Trixie.

“That’s your only chance to beg for mercy.”

Trixie appears on the edge of hysterics as Arc considers what to do.

“Commander, I wish to attend the proceedings as well. Is that permitted?”

“Normally, no. However, I will speak to the princesses about your request. Please wait here.”

The Royal Guard Commander enters the Audience Chamber as Trixie looks over to Arc.

“Thanks for doing this, Arc.”

He nods. “What are friends for?”

Meanwhile, the Royal Guard Commander approaches the princess' throne and removes his helmet to bow before them. Both Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are present along with Captain Decimus. Luna looks over as he enters.

“Commander. Is the accused here?”

“Yes, your majesty! There is a bit of a complication though.”

Luna looks confused. “Oh? What seems to be the problem?”

“The Hero of Light has brought her here personally, and wishes to attend the trial!”

Captain Decimus approaches. “That seems like a waste of his time to me! Have you notified him he does not need to testify?”

“Yes sir!”

Cadance turn to Luna. “Perhaps Arc merely wants to observe our legal system and see how we do things.”

“Yes... you're probably right. Humans can be quite... inquisitive.”

She turns back to the commander.

“Very well. The Hero of Light may observe the proceedings. Inform him of my decision.”

“Yes, your majesty.”

He returns to Arc and nods.

“Sir, the princesses will allow you to attend. Please enter when you are ready and the trial can get underway.”

Arc turns to a rather nervous Trixie.


Trixie nods her head. She appears to be barely holding it together. Arc put a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey. It’s gonna be all right.”

The doors open. Arc and Trixie walk into the Audience Chamber and approach the princesses. Two tables have been set up in front of the thrones. Captain Decimus sits alone at one of them. He looks over as Arc approaches.

“Ah, so glad you could join us Hero of Light! Perhaps now we can finally put this entire matter to rest!”

Arc nods. “I couldn’t agree more, captain.”

Cadance smiles at Arc. “Thank you for bringing Trixie before us today, Arc. We know you must be very busy these days.”

“It was my pleasure. I believe I will enjoy this little diversion from my normal duties.”

Captain Decimus scoffs! “What are your ‘normal duties’ anyways?”

Arc chuckles. “Oh you know… fighting monsters, rescuing orphans, protecting the innocent... just like you, captain.”

“Yes, well... let's not waste any time now! Justice must be upheld!”

“Well put, captain. I couldn’t agree more!”

A Royal Guard approaches Arc with a chair. He accepts it and sits down to one side as Trixie sits down at the other table.

Luna stomps her hoof a couple times. “I call this court to order!”

She turns to Trixie.

“Captain Decimus has informed us that you have confessed to numerous and heinous crimes. Now, even though you have already confessed, the law dictates that I ask how you plead to these charges. Are you guilty or not guilty?

Trixie looks to the princess, quite frightened. “Um... can I hear the charges being brought against me please?”

Captain Decimus looks to Trixie, angrily! “You already know what you're being accused of! You read your own confession before you signed it!”

Arc looks away and mutters to himself. “That lying sack of sh...”

Cadance looks over. “I too would like to hear the full list of charges. Please read them for the court Captain Decimus. It won't take but a few moments.”

“Yes, your Highness!”

Captain Decimus stands, holding a piece of paper, and reads from it. “Trixie Lulamoon, you are accused of the following...

-Overthrowing a legitimate governing body
-Conspiracy against the princesses
-Conspiracy to overthrow the princesses
-Wrongful imprisonment
-Attempted genocide
-Assault and attempted murder of our military forces
-Assault and attempted murder of the Hero of Light
-Possession of illegal magical items
-Use of illegal magical items
-Attempting to raise an unauthorized army
-Consorting with known enemies of the state
-Conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism”

He looks up at Trixie and smiles!

“Now, how do you plead?”

Trixie can only stammer. “Um… I…”

Arc stands up quickly! “I object! As the arresting officer I can attest that very few of these charges can be substantiated!”

Luna nods. “Sustained. I must admit, that is quite the laundry list, captain!”

Cadance nods in agreement. “Captain Decimus, I know you are a very thorough stallion, and you have served Equestria for many years. However, it really is quite difficult to believe that one mare could do so much! Are you completely sure?”

“Yes, Princess Cadance! I have the original signed confession right here in my bag!”

Luna turn to Captain Decimus. “I would like to examine it myself. May I see it please?”

Decimus opens his bag and rummages around. “Very well, your highness.”

A full minute passes.

“That’s odd. I know I had it in here…”

Trixie smiles, albeit slightly.

A moment later the captain pulls out a scroll. “Ah yes, here it is!”

The blood drains from Trixie’s face as Princess Luna uses her magic to levitate the scroll over to herself. She unrolls it and begins to read. A couple minutes later she looks up, clearly upset!

“Captain Decimus! Is this some kind of sick joke?!”

He looks up at the princess, confused! “Beg your pardon, Princess Luna?!”

Cadance looks over at her friend. “Luna? What have you found?”

She levitates the scroll over to Cadance and turns to Trixie.

“Would you please state your full name for the court?”

Trixie looks over, confused. “Trixie Lulamoon, your highness.”

Princess Luna turns to the captain, angrily!

“That is not the name on this confession!”

Captain Decimus appears flabbergasted! “Wh-what?!”

Cadance tosses the scroll back at him! “She’s right! It’s signed by somepony named… ‘Stupid Unicorn’!”

Decimus dumps the entire contents of his bag on the table and goes through them frantically! “This isn't happening... THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!!! Where is it?!”

Arc looks over and responds in an even tone. “Captain! Please calm yourself! This isn't the end of the world!”

Captain Decimus whirls around to face Arc, angrily! “YOU!!! THIS IS YOUR DOING!!!”

“What?! Me?!”

“Yes! It's the only explanation! You somehow switched the real confession for this fake one!”

Luna narrows her eyes. “Captain? Do you have any proof that Arc is responsible for this?”

He sighs. “I… do not.”

“Then I suggest you keep your baseless accusations to yourself!”

She looks apologetically to Arc.

“My apologies for the captain's earlier outburst, Arc.”

“It's fine. I believe the Captain to be quite overworked. If I may, might I suggest a cup of tea and a cupcake or two to help take the edge off?”

Cadance looks over to Arc. “You do that too?”

Arc nods. “Sure! It definitely helps!”

She laughs! “Aunt Celestia does something similar! She always said it kept her sane! Up until now I never really thought much about it.”

Luna clears her throat. “Cadance, can we please stay on topic?”

“Yes. Sorry about that, Luna.”

Luna sighs as she picks up the ‘confession’ and lobs it into the wastebasket. “Well I guess we are back to square one.”

She turns to Arc.

“Arc. As the arresting officer, what charges to you bring against Trixie?”

He thinks for a moment before responding. “I would say she should be accused of ‘overthrowing a legitimate governing body’ and ‘kidnapping’ only.”

Captain Decimus stands, angrily! “I object! The Hero of Light should not be permitted to write the charges as HE sees fit!”

Luna again narrows her eyes. “Captain Decimus... did you actually witness any of these crimes?”

“Well, no…”

She turns back to Arc.

“Arc, did you witness any of these crimes?”

He nods. “Both of them, yes.”

Cadance turns to face Arc. “But what about the charges of Trixie attacking you and your squad Arc? Shouldn't she also answer for them?!”

“As the commanding officer of that mission, I wish to officially drop those charges against her.”

Captain Decimus looks to him, incredulously! “WHAT?!”

Luna nods her head, surprised! “That is... quite Generous of you Arc! Are you completely sure that is what you would like to do?!”


“I object! You can't just DROP assault charges!”

Arc turns to the captain. “Why not?”


He sits down heavily and sighs.

“I withdraw my objection.”

Luna nods. “Very well. The charges of assault against the Hero of Light and his troops are hereby dropped. The charges are now as follows... ‘kidnapping’ and ‘overthrowing a legitimate governing body’. Does the defendant have a Councilor?”

Trixie shakes her head. “No, I don’t.”

Cadance nods to Trixie. “It can be anypony. A relative, or even a friend! Just somepony to speak on your behalf.”

Arc stands. “I'll act as Councilor!”

Cadance looks to Arc. “That's... um... very nice of you to volunteer Arc, but that would be a conflict of interest. Not to mention very unfair to Trixie.”

“It’s okay with me.”

Cadance nods at Trixie, thoughtfully. “As capable as he is, it would be very difficult for him to represent you, while at the same time speaking for the prosecution.”

Luna facehoofs. “Trixie, I don't think you understand. As the key witness for Captain Decimus, Arc will be testifying AGAINST you!”

Arc turns to the princesses again. “If I may, Princess Luna. While it is true I will be testifying, I see it not as speaking for or against Trixie. I am only interested in seeing the truth come to light so you may judge her accordingly.”

Luna frowns. “I'm... not sure I understand what you're getting at. This has never been done before!”

She appears to consider the request.

“Very well, Trixie. If you are absolutely certain this is what you would like, I will permit Arc to speak for you. Are you?”

Trixie nods! “Yes, your Highness! I'm sure!”

“Very well.”

Luna looks over to Arc.

“Please take a seat next to Trixie and we can get started.”

Arc does so as Luna looks to the prosecution.

“Captain Decimus, please begin.”

The captain walks from his table to pace in front of the princesses.

“Thank you, Princess Luna. I would like to present the testimony of the arresting officer now.”

Arc walks to the witness’ seat and waits. In a moment Captain Decimus begins.

“Hero of Light. Is it true that you and your troops went into the Aqueducts under Vanhoover recently?”

“Yes, we did.”

“For what purpose?”

“In my continuing investigation of the events at the New Beginning's Orphanage. I learned from the civil drawings of the building site of the existence on the Aqueducts. It seemed a logical place for Tempest to carry out dealings secretly.”

The captain nods as he continues to pace. “I see. And when you investigated these Aqueducts, what did you find?”

“We found only vicious beasts that seemed intent on ending us!”

The captain nods. “Can you identify the leader of a fore mentioned monsters?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It was clearly Trixie Lulamoon who was in command of the beasts.”

“And how can you be certain of this?”

“She confessed to me that she stole the Ogre King's crown, which allowed her to control their beasts.”

“And what do you believe she was planning to do with her beast army?”

Arc suddenly stands! “I object! The question is based on speculation!”

Captain Decimus is suddenly livid! “YOU CAN'T OBJECT! YOU'RE THE WITNESS!”

Luna looks to Arc. “Sustained. Captain, Arc may indeed object. He may be your witness right now, but he is still Trixie's Councilor. Continue.”

Arc again sits down at the captain composes himself and continues.

“Grr… very well.”

He pauses before continuing.

“When you freed the Ogre King and his subjects, what did they have to say about Trixie's actions?”

“As one would imagine, they were not too happy about being held against their will by a pony.”

“Held against their will, you say? Who was holding them?”

“Trixie Lulamoon was.”

“How many of them had she killed?”

“Um… from what I could see, none.”

The captain stops pacing and looks Arc in the eye. “Well, were any of them injured at least? Starved? Beaten? Tortured? Maimed?”

Arc stands! “I object! Compound questions and the prosecuting counsel is testifying!”

“Sustained! One question at a time Captain. And don't assume any facts you can't back up with evidence. Continue.”

Arc sits back down.

“What became of the crown Trixie claims she took from the Ogre King?”

“When I freed the King and his subjects, I returned the crown to its rightful owner.”

Captain Decimus nods. “Why did you return the crown?

Arc again stands! “I object! Immaterial question!”

Luna stomps her hoof. “Overruled. Answer the question, Arc.”

He sits. “It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. The ogres had lived down there peacefully for quite some time. I decided it was best to go the diplomatic route with Vanhoover's ‘neighbors’.”

Captain Decimus walks back to his seat.

“No further questions.”

Luna looks over to him. “Um… do you wish to cross-examine… yourself, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head.

“Very well.”

Luna turns back to Captain Decimus.

“Do you have any other witnesses?”

The captain smiles. “No. I think the Hero of Light has answered all my questions.”

She turns back to Arc.

“Do you have any witnesses of your own to call?”

Cadance chimes in.

“We can take a recess if you need to have somepony summoned!”

Arc stands. “I would like to call Trixie Lulamoon to the stand.”

Trixie slowly walks up to the stand and takes a seat as Arc stands before her.

“Now Trixie. Did you enslave the ogres living under Vanhoover?”

Trixie nods sadly. “I… I did.”


“Trixie was trying to impress my idol, Tempest Shadow. If I could prove to her how powerful I had become, maybe she would let me join her!”

Arc nods. “What did you plan to do with Tempest? That is, assuming she had allowed you to join forces with her.”

“We would have done our best to protect Equestria and its citizens. Just like Tempest always has... or has done in the past, I guess.”

Captain Decimus stands up angrily and turns to Trixie! “I object! Are you trying to tell me that you, of all ponies, ultimately wanted to HELP?!”

Luna is silent. Cadance looks over to her.

“Luna? The objection?”

Luna sighs. “I believe... I have a lot to think over. We will take a one hour recess while I take some time to consider what was said here.”

She steps down from the throne and walks to an adjoining room. Luna closes the door as Cadance descends and approaches Arc. He stands and meets her halfway.

“Is that a normal response to an objection in Equestria?”

Cadance looks toward the door, a bit concerned. “No. I think I better make sure Luna is alright. She seemed a bit off. If you will excuse me.”

She turns to join Luna as Decimus walks over to Arc, smiling! “Hero of Light, you have got to be the WORST Councilor in the history of Equestria! I mean, come on! You practically HANDED me this case!”

He turns to Trixie and smiles wickedly!

“I hope you like bread and water!”

Laughing, the captain leaves the room. Trixie lays her head on the table and looks straight ahead, sadly. “Thanks for trying, Arc. I didn't really expect you to get me off the hook anyways.”

Arc lays a hand on Trixie’s shoulder. “This is what friends do, Trixie. Remember that.”

“I will.”

“Do you need to rest? I can open a portal to my quarters.”

She shakes her head. “No thank you. I... think I just want to sit here and think.”

Arc sits down next to her. “Would it be alright if I kept you company?”

Trixie turns her head as a small smile creeps across her face. “I was kinda hoping you would say that.”

Arc and Trixie sit wordlessly. Sometime later Captain Decimus returns. He looks towards Trixie with a smug smile on his face before sitting back down. A short time later both princesses enter the room and take their places. Luna stomps her hoof to bring the trial to order.

“I am now ready to hear closing arguments. Captain Decimus, have you anything to add?”

The captain stands and walks forward. “Yes. I only wish to say that this unicorn is a menace to society! If she should be allowed to walk free ever again it would most certainly end badly! I recommend to the court that the MAXIMUM sentence be imposed on the defendant. We must protect Equestria from MONSTERS like her! That is all!”

He sits back down as Luna turns to Arc.

“Arc? Your closing statement?”

He stands and walks toward the princesses. “I admit, I haven't been in this job very long. Come to think of it, I haven't been part of Equestria for very long either. I've seen quite a few things, many of which I wish I hadn't. But I have learned one thing from my time among the ponies of this land. Princess Luna, you may find this hard to believe, but I don't think there is much difference between ponies and humans when you get right down to it.”

Captain Decimus stands! “I object…”

Luna interrupts him! “Be silent, captain!”

The captain sits back down as Luna turns to Arc.”


“What I mean by that is we have a lot of similarities. We both feel happiness... and sadness. Laughter... and anger. Joy... and fear. Just like on Earth, there are good ponies here! However, there are also quite a few bad ones as well. I admit, what Trixie did to the ogres was indeed terrible. There really is no excuse or defense for it. Yet even though she had imprisoned them, King Megut still had enough mercy in his heart not to take revenge on her for her treachery. Therefore, I ask you Princess Luna to follow the lead of the ogres and show mercy to Trixie. I believe she has learned her lesson, and will become a great asset to Equestria one day. Thank you.”

Arc walks back to his chair and sits down. Luna looks to them both.

“Captain Decimus... Arc... you both have made quite convincing cases! However, judgment must be passed! I find the defendant, Trixie Lulamoon... guilty on all charges.

Trixie hangs her head, sadly. “I… understand.”

“Trixie Lulamoon... you are hereby sentenced to one year in Equestria Prison. You will be assigned to a medium security wing. However, any infraction of the rules will be grounds to send you straight to maximum security! Have I made myself clear?”

Trixie nods. “Yes, your majesty…”

Captain Decimus, upon hearing the sentence, jumps up! “But princess! This mare overthrew an entire race! What's to stop her from doing the same when she gets out?! Perhaps this time in Canterlot!”

“My decision is final! Are you questioning my judgment?!”

“No, your highness…”

Luna nods. “Good.”

Cadance turns to Trixie. “I hope you use this time to think about what brought you to this point… and where you will go from here.”

Trixie nods. “Yes, I will. Thank you for showing me mercy.”

Luna nods to her. “Save your thanks for the Hero of Light. It was due to his word alone that I decided to go easy on you. I had originally intended to give you... let's just say, a significantly higher sentence in a much less hospitable environment. Don't make me regret it.”

“I won’t, princess!”

Luna stomps her hoof. “Court is adjourned!”

Captain Decimus storms out of the room muttering to himself indignantly as several Royal Guards approach Trixie. Cadance sighs.

“These guards will escort you to the prison transport. It's not the most luxurious ride, but you will be there by tomorrow morning.”

Trixie nods before turning to Arc. “Arc. Thank you. I hope to see you again... in a year.”

Arc smiles at her. “Yes. Hopefully under better circumstances though. How about tea?”

She forces a smile. “I look forward to it! See you then... Arc.”

The Royal Guards escort Trixie out of the Audience Chamber. Arc stares after them for a few moments before turning back to the princesses as they descent their thrones. Luna is the first to speak.

“Thank you for all you did here today, Arc. I admit, I thought it was a bit... odd, that the accused would allow her jailer to represent her.”

Cadance nods. “I thought the same at the time. But now it makes perfect sense! She really trusts you, Arc!”

Luna appears skeptical. “Yes... about that. Arc, I have witnessed your uncanny ability to befriend and gain the trust of others now first-hoof. And I must ask... how do you DO THAT?! Two days ago, you two were battling it out! Now she is coming to tea time with you!”

“It's actually pretty simple. All I do is show them that I have THEIR best interests in mind. It's the right thing to do anyway.”

Cadance shakes her head. “There has to be more to it than that!”

“Let me put it this way. Princess Cadance, you once told me your job was quite difficult due to you and Princess Luna not having the same respect of the citizenry as Princess Celestia does.”

She nods. “Yes. What about it?”

“How do you think Princess Celestia managed to gain that respect?”

Cadance nods soberly. “Are you saying what I think you are?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Although I have not met her, I can only surmise that she is so well loved because everypony knows she puts their needs and feelings above her own.”

Luna thinks for a moment. “I suppose that makes sense. But I just wonder what she did to cement such trust!”

Cadance looks down sadly. “I can think of only one.”

“Cadance? What do you mean?”

“Many years ago, she was forced to make a world-shattering sacrifice. Equestria was on the brink of destruction and Aunt Celestia had to make a choice! Save Equestria or save her own sister! As we all know, she chose Equestria and its inhabitants over her own family! I can't think of a larger sacrifice for the greater good.”

Luna nods, sadly. “I... remember. Although I don't blame her for doing what needed to be done, that didn't make it hurt any less. At the time I thought she was just being selfish! That she wanted Equestria all to herself! Of course, I now understand! But I still think she could have found another way!”

Cadance looks to Luna and speaks very emotionally! “Luna! Do you think she WANTED to send you away for 1,000 years?! You're her sister! She LOVES you! Although I wasn't there, I'm sure it hurt her just as much to rule alone!”

Luna turns away angrily! “Correct! You weren't there! How could you possibly understand the pain I felt back then?!

“Your right Luna. I wasn't there. But...”

“But what, Cadance!”

Cadance appears suddenly nervous! “But... Aunt Celestia told me once... back then, there was another choice available to her.”

Luna looks at her, incredulously! “WHAT?! Why didn’t she take it?!”

Cadance is on the verge of tears! “She... said she almost did! It was only at the last possible moment that she chose to use the Elements of Harmony to banish you instead!”

Luna furiously walks toward Cadance. Her eyes wide! “Are you telling me I didn't have to spend 1,000 years on the moon?! Do you have ANY IDEA what that was like?! Tell me Cadance! What could she have done instead?! TELL ME!!!”

The air is suddenly filled with dark magical energy! Arc stands there observing the discourse with his hands behind his back. He quietly materializes a strange but ornate looking knife from his ring and conceals it from the princesses behind him.

Cadance steps back. “I... I can't! Aunt Celestia made me promise never to tell you about this!”


Cadance backs away! She is clearly frightened at the enraged alicorn approaching her! Arc takes a deep breath…

“...she was going to kill you.”

Luna stops and looks to Arc, confused.” “…what?”

Cadance appears surprised. “Arc? How could you possibly know that?!”

“It was the only other logical conclusion. In the face of total annihilation, you have two choices! Get rid of the source or… destroy it.”

Luna regains a bit of her composure. “What?! How?! She couldn't have without... you know. What was she thinking?”

Cadance looks down at her hooves, sadly. “She... she told me... she was going to... stab you with the Spear of Justice. While she wasn't completely sure it would work, from a logical standpoint, considering the Dark Power you were wielding at the time, it should have turned you to dust in an instant!”

Luna sits down on her haunches and stares off into space, absentmindedly. “My... my own sister was willing to...”

Cadance slowly walks over to Luna. “She said she was about to, but at the last moment decided she didn't want to live the rest of her days wondering…”

“Wondering WHAT?!”

Cadance draws back at the sudden hostility! “...wondering if... you could have been reformed. She gave you a second chance at life! Thankfully you took it, thanks in no small part to Twilight and her friends.”

“Sister. I... never knew... Cadance, I... I'm sorry for...”

She nods and puts a hoof around Luna’s neck.

“It's okay Luna. We all have things in our past we’d rather forget.”

The pair embrace for a long moment. Arc returns the knife to his ring. Luna approaches Arc with Cadance by her side.

“Arc, please forgive my earlier outburst.”

He nods. “It's like Princess Cadance said... we all have things in our past we’d rather forget.”

Arc approaches Luna and looks her in the eye. “Let it go, princess. Don't burden yourself with the mistakes of the past! Instead, look to the future! Together, the three of us can make it a bright one!”

Luna nods. “I will... try. Thank you, both of you!”

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