• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Orphanage Help

Arc and company reappear on the sigil in Light’s Hope. Raven looks up as they enter

“Sir! Welcome back! Um… where is your lieutenant?”

“He’ll catch up soon. Flash Sentry is still aboard the Lunar Destiny.”

Raven appears nervous. “He… he’s not hurt, is he?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! I just thought he needed some extra rest.”

Rose nods. “That’s probably for the best, Arc. The lieutenant worked very hard on that last mission.”


“Anything happen while I was gone?”

“No sir. I do hope your own mission was successful though.”

“It was. For the most part anyways. Now I need to take care of a few things around here. When I return though, I’d like to have a meeting with you and Flash Sentry on the next phase of the plan.”

Raven smiles broadly. “Yes sir. I’ll await your return.”

Arc turns around. “Everyone, follow me.”

He leads the group out the door and down the well-worn path. Natalya turns to him.

“Sir? Might I ask where we’re going?”

“To the Little Hooves Orphanage. I need to make them aware of the treaty’s ratification.”

“That should make Gallus happy.”

“He should also be happy to see you too.”

Natalya sighs. “Probably less so when I tell him the news. Um… that is if it’s okay with you, sir.”

“You’re free to do what you want, Natalya.”

She looks down at the ground sadly. “Thank you.”

They arrive at the orphanage and walk in the large double doors into the Main Hall. The sounds of Cheerilee teaching can be heard from the Classroom nearby. Arc looks toward the stairs.

“We should announce ourselves to Coco Pommel.”

Rose nods. “Yes, she should be the first to know.”

They climb the stairs together. Natalya looks around.

“This place certainly has gotten bigger!”

“Yes. It was remodeled to accommodate more students.”

“Our younglings?”

Arc nods. “Yes. They’ll be properly educated and kept off the streets here in Equestria.”

They arrive at Coco Pommel’s office. The sounds of yelling can be heard coming from within. Rose looks to Arc.

“What do you think is going on in there?!”

“Not a clue.”

Natalya points back toward the stairs. “Maybe we should come back later. Miss Pommel does sound very busy right now.”

Arc puts an ear to the door. “One moment.”

He listens for a moment before turning to the others.

“Would you two please go get Derpy, Dinky and Gallus? All of you wait for me out here.”

“Certainly, Arc.”

“Yes sir.”

They walks quickly to the bottom of the stairs. Cherry speaks to him telepathically.

“Arc? This isn’t a very good idea.”

“Probably not. But I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing.”

Rose and Natalya do as they are told as Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward. Kneeling down Arc places a sigil in the center of the Main Hall. He then clomps very slowly and very heavily up the stairs. The building shudders slightly with each footfall. In the Classroom, Apple Bloom looks around.

“What’s that?!”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes grow wide. “An earthquake?!”

Dinky giggles. “Sounds like my dad’s back!”

Pipsqueak looks over to her. “How can you tell, Dinky?”

“Easy! Whoever is heading upstairs is walking on two legs!”

Aquamarine listens again. “Makes sense.”

“That and he’s the only one in town smart enough to do that.”

Diamond Tiara turns to them and replies snidely. “Do what?! Shake a building?!”

Silver Spoon sighs and goes back to her schoolwork. Dinky glares at Diamond Tiara.

“No! Make an entrance!”

“He’s a menace!”

Ginny shakes his head. “No! He’s a hero!”

Geoffrey nods fervently. “Yeah! He saved us from becoming Marauder food!”

Glynda smiles. “And had a doctor fix us up!”

Gigi replies softly. “Right. He even paid for it.”

Diamond Tiara turns up her nose at them. “Hmph! Orphans…”

Cheerilee walks over. “Everypony back to your studies now.”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to the top of the stairs. He continues to clomp heavily toward the office. Stopping in front of the door he slowly turns the knob as the voices from within stop. Opening it he sees Filthy Rich standing in front of the desk with a very irate looking Coco Pommel standing on her chair glaring down at him. They look up as he enters. Filthy Rich frowns at Arc.

“What is the meaning of…?!”

Arc walks into the office and speaks quickly. “Your business is completed here? Good! Miss Pommel, I need to speak to you at once!”

Coco Pommel sits down. “Yes, of course!”

“Now see here! You can’t just barge in and…!”

Arc raises his gauntlet, opens a portal, and knocks Filthy Rich through. He turns to Coco Pommel as he closes it and removes his helmet with a grin.

“Problem solved.”

Coco Pommel smiles back at him. “Thank you. But where did you send him?”

“The bottom of the stairs. Sadly he probably won’t get the message.”

A few moments later the sound of hooves running upstairs can be heard. Filth Rich bursts through the door and runs over to Arc.

“Now I’ve had about all I can take from…!”

Arc raises a gauntlet to open another portal. He then promptly kicks the angry stallion though. Coco Pommel looks to the door.

“I don’t hear him coming.”

“Give it a few minutes. This time I teleported him to Light’s Hope down the path.”

A short time later the sound of hooves running up the steps can be heard yet again. Arc puts his helmet back on and walks just in front of the door. As Filthy Rich throws it open Arc reaches down and grabs him by the front of his vest. He picks the stallion up and holds him mere inches from his face.

“Now I’m a patient man, Filthy Rich. But you’re on strike two. You come back in her again and I’ll send you across the ocean!”

Arc raises a gauntlet and opens a portal.

“Now… GET LOST!!!”

He throws Filthy Rich through and closes it. Recalling his armor, Arc looks out the open door at the others.

“You can come in now.”

They do so. Arc recalls his armor and closes the door behind them as Dinky jumps into his arms.


Derpy joins Dinky in giving Arc a hug. “We missed you so much!”

“What happened to you hand, dad?!”

“Someone tried to hurt Princess Luna, sweetheart.”

Derpy looks worried. “How?!”

“With a crossbow.”

Derpy pats his hand. “Please, Arc! Dinky and I need you!”

“Yeah dad!”

“I’ll be okay. Don’t worry you two.”

Gallus walks over to Natalya. “Hey, big sis! What brings you here?!”

“I… it’s complicated. Lord Arc will explain.”

Arc turns to Coco Pommel. “Sorry I had to get violent with him.”

Coco Pommel sighs as she sits back down. “It’s fine, Arc.”

Rose looks to the Matron. “What was that all about, ma’am?”

“His daughter Diamond Tiara’s report card was… not to his liking. Needless to say, he was very upset about it.”

Natalya looks confused. “But what can you do about it?”

“He insists that Miss Cheerilee must have made mistakes when she graded her tests. I went over them with him, but…”

She sighs.

“He still insists that his daughter is smarter than her grades suggest.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “That does sound like him. Is she?”

“Perhaps. But the way she approaches everything is somewhat apathetic.”

Rose frowns. “Her father is a wealthy individual. What reason is there for her to try?”

“None, I suppose. But I’m guessing you didn’t come here to talk about the Rich family, Arc.”

“Right. I need to bring everyone up to date on the happenings in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Rose nods. “We should sit down. This will take some time.”

Coco Pommel points a hoof to a nearby door. “We can sit down in my quarters.”

“Good idea.”

She leads them inside and gestures to the sofas.

“Please make yourselves comfortable, everypony.”

They do so as Arc makes his way to the front of the room.

“I guess I’d better start at the beginning.”

He tells the story from start to finish. From the assassination attempts to his own poisoning from Sanguine Azolla. His battle to rescue Luna and the Council of Lords, and the treaty signing ceremony during which Natalya was arrested, to his returning Ashe to Lord Gestal. Derpy’s eyes grow wide.

“Quite the story, Arc!”

Dinky nods. “Yeah dad! I wish I could have been there to see you beat those rebels to a pulp!”

Rose shudders. “It was rather bloody.”

Gallus frowns. “I’m sure they would’ve done the same to you, sir.”

He turns to his sister and points to her bandages.

“Were you there, Natalya?”

“I was, yes. But not with Lord Arc. A rebel stabbed me during their initial attack.”

Arc turns to Gallus. “She’s been cleared by Nurse Redheart. Your sister will recover nicely.”


Coco Pommel sighs. “I hope the other young lady will recover just as quickly.”

Rose shakes her head. “Most likely not. Her wounds were more severe.”

“She’ll be fine with some bedrest. Lord Gestal was most pleased to have her back.”

Arc reaches into his ring and pulls out the knife.

“He even gave me this as a reward.”

Natalya looks at the knife. “Th-that’s pure Guardanium!”

Gallus eyes the blade. “Worth a fortune!”

“You deserve it, dad!”

Derpy giggles. “It will go nicely with your royal raiments next time you’re Lord Regent.”

“Yes, well… I don’t think the rebels will be in to much of a hurry to cause more mischief. I’m told I hurt their leader pretty bad during our fight.”

Coco Pommel appears suddenly worried. “You don’t suppose they’ll come here looking for revenge, do you Arc?!”

“I doubt it. Their numbers were never that high.”

Rose nods. “Less so after our battle.”

“Right. They’ll need to regroup and come up with a new plan.”

Natalya turns to Coco Pommel. “I’d also like to point out that they wouldn’t have anything to gain from targeting Lord Arc at this point.”

“I suppose they don’t. Now that the treaty’s been signed.”

Gallus looks hopeful. “So it’s official?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. The treaty is now fully in force.”

Derpy smiles. “When will the orphans be sent over?”

“That’s one of the reasons I’m here. You see, the Griffon Kingdom doesn’t want to spare the guards to hunt down a bunch of younglings.”

Derpy looks confused. “What?! But how are they supposed to get here then?! Fly?!”

“Calm down, mom. I’m sure dad has a plan.”

“Yes Dinky. I’ve agreed that Equestria will bear the responsibility of finding and transporting the orphans here.”

Natalya sighs. “But sir! Do you really have time for that?”

“I certainly do. However, there is one who would be infinitely more qualified to carry out such a task.”

He looks to Gallus.

“I’d like you to fly back to Griffon’s Gate on the Lunar Destiny and tell the younglings there what we’re planning.”

Natalya thinks for a moment. “That does make sense. After all, they do trust him.”

“So, Gallus. Will you do it?”

Gallus sighs. “I wish I could. But someone needs to stay here with my friends. They won’t do well if I leave the country now.”

Natalya walks over to him. “Gallus, if it’s okay with Lord Arc, I’d be willing to stay here and look after them for you.”

Arc nods. “I was actually hoping you’d say that, Natalya.”

“Please let me do this, Gallus. The other orphans on the streets of Griffon’s Gate need someone they can trust to escort them here.”

Gallus puts a talon to his beak. “Well… I think my friends would be okay if you were with them, sis.”

He turns to Arc.

“I’ll do it, sir!”

“Good. I’ll have the Lunar Destiny pick you up tomorrow morning.”

Rose frowns. “That isn’t much time to prepare, Arc.”

“The younglings over there have waited long enough. That and I did promise we’d begin doing this in a week.”

Natalya nods. “Our government will be watching Equestria very closely, sir. They’ll want to see if your words can be trusted.”

Dinky smiles. “When my dad says he’s going to do something, he will!”

“Yeah, I’m seeing that too. But what about your job, Natalya? Is it okay for you to just stay here?”

Derpy looks to Gallus. “I’m sure Arc got permission before he left.”

“Um… that was… complicated.”

Gallus looks to him confused. “How so, sir? You didn’t just take her though, right?”

“Oh don’t worry about that. This is all… um… legal and all.”

Natalya sighs. “Lord Arc. I need to tell him what happened.”

“Go ahead.”

She walks over to Gallus and looks down. “I… was discharged from the military.”

“Um… okay. What for?”

“Lord Gestal thinks I’m the Rebel Leader.”

Gallus raises and eyebrow. “Wait, what?!”

Arc nods. “It’s true. General Blackbeak searched her room and found damning evidence to support his claims.”

Natalya sighs. “It was so convincing even I was beginning to believe it.”

“Natalya? Are you… okay?”

“Yes. I was interrogated and beaten. But Lord Arc was able to convince Lord Gestal to spare my life in return for him safely returning Lady Ashe to him.”

“How did you do that sir?!”

Arc frowns. “By offering to take her with me when I left the country.”

Natalya nods sadly. “Yes. The only catch was I… I had to become his slave.”

Gallus’ eyes fill with rage. “You WHAT?!”

Arc sighs. “I’m sorry, Gallus. It was either that or execution.”

“Please don’t be angry with him! Lord Arc has already given me permission to act as I see fit!”

“Right. She’ll be a slave in name only.”

Derpy looks horrified. “That’s terrible! Can’t something be done?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’ve already asked that question. Giving Natalya total choice over her future was the best I could do.”

Dinky looks confused. “So you… own her, dad?”

“Only on paper, sweetheart.”

“Like an object?!”

“Sadly, yes.”

Gallus lashes out angrily. “Our country is full of FOOLS!!!”

Natalya puts a talon on his shoulder. “Gallus, please! Lord Gestal probably did it because he had no choice. I really did look very guilty back there.”

“You’d NEVER betray the kingdom! How could they throw you away so easily?!”

“I… don’t know. But I’m very happy with how things turned out.”

Coco Pommel appears confused. “You are?”

“Yes. I can be near my brother and still serve Lord Arc. He’s always been kind to me. Even when I didn’t deserve it.”

Arc nods. “That will continue, Natalya.”

“Yes sir. But in the meantime I’ll help out here. If that’s okay with Matron Pommel, that is.”

Coco Pommel smiles at Natalya. “Certainly. If Arc says you’re fit, then I will allow it.”

Arc nods as he turns. “Is the orphanage ready, Coco Pommel?”

“As ready as can be. Bring the little ones here and I’ll do my very best to care for them.”

Natalya smiles. “You’ll have my help too, ma’am.”

Gallus composes himself. “Mine as well when I get back.”

Derpy claps her hooves together happily. “I’ll keep them fed!”

Dinky nods. “And I’ll make sure the others accept them as friends!”

Rose looks around the room. “If we all do our part, everything will work out just fine. I’m sure of it.”

Derpy looks at the clock. “Miss Pommel, we need to get going if lunch is to be served on time.”

Natalya walks over to Derpy. “I’ll help!”

Rose smiles. “Me too!”

Arc puts a hand on Derpy’s shoulder. “Count me in!”

Coco Pommel rises from her chair. “Time is rather short. I’ll come as well.”

“I guess that’s settled. You want to come, Dinky?”

“Sure dad!”

They walk downstairs and head for the kitchen. Derpy picks up her apron.

“We’re going to need more help in the kitchen when the younglings arrive.”

Arc frowns. “Canterlot hasn’t sent anyone over yet?”

Coco Pommel sighs as she turns on the stove. “That’s my fault, Arc. A of stack applications has been on my desk for a week now.”

Dinky jumps onto a stool at the counter. “We know you’re very busy, Miss Pommel.”

Rose looks to Coco Pommel. “Are they qualified?”

She stirs a pot and sighs. “That’s not the problem, miss. All of them would make a fine addition to our staff here.”

Arc nods. “Too many to choose from?”

Derpy giggles as she chops vegetables with Dinky. “Not a bad problem to have if you ask me.”

Natalya stocks the front of the line with plates. “Back in Griffonstone it always seemed like we were short-staffed everywhere.”

Gallus sets out silverware and rolls his eyes. “Of course there were shortages! The council was always allocating funds and resources to some pet project!”

He turns to Coco Pommel.

“I’m certainly glad to see that’s not how things are run here, ma’am.”

Coco Pommel nods and smiles at Gallus. “Canterlot has been most generous with building funds and upkeep. Working under Matron Tempest for so many years, I’ve learned how to make do with what was given.”

Arc looks over as he pulls supplies out of the pantry. “Is more funding needed around here?”

“No, Arc. We have everything we need. Other than extra staff, that is.”

Gallus nods. “Well, you should probably hurry with that, ma’am. With luck, I’ll be bringing quite a few new faces with me from Griffon’s Gate.”

“Would you like me to help you sort through the applications later, Coco Pommel?”

Coco Pommel sighs and shakes her head. “No thank you, Arc. I just need to make up my mind.”

Natalya fills bowls with condiments. “This is a big job.”

Gallus brings his sister spoons for the bowls. “Right! But with enough talons we’ll get it done.”

Rose looks up from the sink where she is rinsing off fruit. “Many hands make light work.”

Arc looks up. “Where did you learn that, Rose?”

“From watching us work.”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah! Working together is fun!”

Arc sneaks up behind Dinky and tickles her. “And playing!”

Dinky falls backwards off the chair into her father’s arms, laughing. “I’m glad you’re back, dad!”

Derpy walks over to join them. “As am I!”

Gallus and Natalya look over before turning back to one another.

“Tell me, were we ever like that?”

“No, Gallus. It’s not the griffon way.”

“I know that! It’s just… they look so happy together.”

“That they do. I’m sorry I wasn’t a better role model for you in the past.”

“Don’t say things like that big sis! You did your best. But are you planning on sticking around?”

Natalya looks to Arc. “That’s up to Arc. He is my master, after all.”

Gallus frowns. “I thought he said you could do anything you wanted!”

“Yes, well… I still need his permission first. By our nation’s laws, I’m still his property.”

Gallus lowers his voice. “Did he hurt you when he… you know?”

Natalya blushes heavily. “No, Gallus! Lord Arc didn’t do anything like that to me!”

He breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I don’t want someone doing things like that to my sister! I mean… unless you wanted it, that is.”

Natalya turns away as her face turns a deeper shade of crimson. “We’re not younglings anymore, Gallus. But I’d rather not talk about my sex life with my little brother.”

Gallus looks away. “Sorry. I just worry about you, that’s all.”

Natalya puts her talons around his neck. “Thanks. I’m glad you grew up to be so responsible.”

“I had to, you know.”

Arc and company help serve the students. Apple Bloom walks over happily with her tray.

“Hi there, Mr. Arc!”

Sweetie Belle looks confused. “You work here now?”

“Just helping out.”

Diamond Tiara pushes past the others. “Well I for one think it’s wonderful. He looks good back there serving others.”

Dinky jumps up on the counter, angrily. Her horn aglow.

“Why you…!”

Silver Spoon hurries over. “Sister! That’s not how you speak to the Hero of Light!”

Arc reaches over and puts a hand on Dinky’s small horn.

“Now sweetheart, I’ll handle this.”

Diamond Tiara smirks at Arc. “Defending yourself from a filly? It’ll be the first thing you’ve done in a LONG time!”

Dinky shakes her head in an attempt to free her horn. “ARGH!”

Arc looks down at Diamond Tiara. “You’ve certainly got a mouth on you. Like your father.”

Diamond Tiara glares at him. “You leave my father alone! He’s twice the stallion you’ll ever be!”

Arc frowns. “Careful. Someday you’ll say something that’ll come back to bite you.”

“I doubt that. Strongly!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes! I’m a Rich! Nopony can touch ME!”

Arc shrugs. “Have it your way.”

He stretches out a hand toward her.


Diamond Tiara shakes her head and sighs. She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Silver Spoon looks at her quizzically.

“Diamond Tiara? Are you all right?”

“I did that, Silver Spoon.”

“Did what, sir?”

“Just a simple Mute Spell. If she can’t speak respectfully to those in authority, perhaps she shouldn’t speak at all.”

Diamond Tiara glares at him.

Silver Spoon pushes her sister toward the lunch tables. “Come on sister. Let’s get you something to eat.”

She begrudgingly but silently does so. Derpy looks to Arc.

“Arc, was that really necessary?”

Arc nods as he lets go of Dinky’s horn. “Yes. She needs to learn not to talk down to adults.”

Coco Pommel appears nervous. “But what about her voice?”

“A unicorn should be able to counter my spell and restore it easily. Maybe then she’ll think twice before looking down her nose at others.”

Natalya sighs. “Do you think it’ll work, sir?”

“Probably not. But we have to try.”

Gallus frowns as he looks over. “That one is trouble. Like her old man. Hey Natalya! You know who she reminds me of!”


“The Council of Lords.”

Coco Pommel turns to Gallus. “Are they really that bad?”

“Pretty much. Everyone is below them, and their word is always right.”

Dinky frowns. “She’s always talking back to Miss Cheerilee!

Derpy sighs. “Yes. And me as well.”

Arc glares at the Diamond Tiara as she looks over to him menacingly. “She does that again and you let me know, Derpy! There are worse spells than that I can cast on her!”

Sometime later the students run outside to play. Arc and company stay behind to clean up the lunch room. Arc turns to his friend.

“Whew! That was a lot of work! Derpy, do you do this every day?!”

“Yes. I have a routine I follow. It’s not as hard as one might think to keep the students fed.”

Coco Pommel looks over as she wipes down the tables. “I’ll see about getting you some help, Miss Derpy. This job is only going to get tougher for all of us.”

Gallus looks over. “Ma’am? Um… might you consider me?”

“For working in the kitchen?”

“No exactly. I can help as an intermediary between the staff and the new students that are coming. They’ll listen to me.”

Rose nods. “It would also make them feel more at home knowing there was a full time griffon on the staff.”

Coco Pommel think for a moment. “Well… you’ve been such a good help since you arrived. How can I say no? You’re hired!”

The shake hooves/talons.

“I’ll start right after I get back from the Griffon Kingdom.”

“That’s fine. I’m sure Miss Peachbottom would like a hoof with her new class.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! They’ve probably never even seen a pony before! Much less attended a class taught by one!”

Natalya walks over to Arc. He kneels down as she whispers something in his ear.

“It’s your choice, Natalya.”

Natalya smiles at him. “Thank you, sir.”

She walks over to Coco Pommel.

“Ma’am? I’d like to apply for the kitchen job.”

Derpy looks over. “Are you sure, Miss Natalya? It’s an awful lot of work.”

Natalya nods. “I know. But you’re going to need help planning meals for griffons.”

Rose walks over. “They do have different dietary needs. It would be wise to have a nutrition specialist on hand for such things.”

“Gallus and I can help in the classroom in the afternoon too. We’ll work very hard for you!”

“I can see that. You two did very well helping make this meal happen.”

Coco Pommel thinks for a moment.

“Very well. Welcome to the staff, Miss Natalya.”

Natalya smile happily. “Thank you! I’ll make you proud!”

And smiles at her. “Well, it looks like you have a job now.”

“I have to make money somehow. This is my home now after all.”

She looks at her brother.

“That and it’ll be nice to spend some time with Gallus again.”

“We have to catch up some time! Maybe after I get back!”

Rose giggles. “Someone’s anxious to get underway!”

“More like anxious to get a bunch of younglings off the streets.”

Arc nods. “A noble goal.”

He looks at his pocket watch.

“Natalya and I need to head into town for a bit.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Getting her settled?”

“Something like that.”

“I’ll be here bright and early tomorrow though, ma’am!”

Coco Pommel nods. “Be sure to get to bed early. We’ve got a lot of work to do around here.”

Natalya nods as she heads for the door with Arc. “Yes, Miss Pommel. I’ll do whatever needs to be done.”

Arc turns back to Derpy and Dinky. “I’ll have supper ready when you two get home.”

Derpy giggles. “We look forward to it!”

Natalya leaves with Arc and Rose. Derpy looks to Coco Pommel.

“What kind of things, Miss Pommel?”

Coco Pommels sighs. “Teaching me how to deal with griffon younglings. I’ve been so busy with my duties I haven’t had time to learn.”

Gallus nods. “Natalya and I will help, ma’am.”

“Thank you. I certainly need it.”

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