• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Past Crimes

As the group walks down the street toward the Town Hall, Twilight turns to Celestia.

“Hard Hat really did do a nice job on that building.”

“That he did.”

Celestia turns to the king and queen before continuing.

“Tell me, were there any… complications to our citizens staying here?”

Felix shakes his head. “Nothing serious, no.”

Fiona smiles “Just a few misunderstandings really.”

Twilight grimaces. “Between ponies and Abyssinians?”

“Mostly, yes.”

Fiona gestures to the city with a wave of her paw. “You see, we didn’t confine them to just New Ponyville. Some equines sought employment within the city.

Ember chuckles. “And that brought them into contact with you citizens.”

Brightwing gasps as she looks to the monarchs. “Was bad?!”

“Not exactly, no.”

“Several mares were hired in a tavern to serve drinks to patrons.”

“It was advertised as having… exotic waitresses.”

“A few patrons had a bit too much to drink and got a bit… touchy-feely with the mares.”

Arc frowns. “How did it end?”

“The management ordered their bouncers to remove the patrons in question and immediately notified New Ponyville Town Hall of the incident.”

“Mayor Mare went over there with a rainbow-maned pony to speak to the waitresses and get their side of the story.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “Are they alright?!”

Felix nods. “Yes. While a bit shaken up about the ordeal, the mayor informed us personally that the matter had been settled.”

Celestia smiles at them. “Thank you for protecting their dignity.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Yeah. No one deserves to be treated like that.”

Brightwing bares her gums. “Ouchy time for bad kitties!”

Dinky looks to the king. “What happened after that?”

“I’m told they’re still working there even now. Shall I send for them?”

Twilight nods. “It might be best to interview them ourselves.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Now?”

Celestia sighs. “Before we leave, yes. Unless you believe there is more to this matter, King Felix.”

Felix shakes his head. “I do not. But Mayor Mare would be the one to speak to about this further.”

Arc looks ahead. “We’ll do that.”

Arriving at the Town Hall they enter. Spotting the rest of the Mane Six around the conference table with Hard Hat and Mayor Mare going over paperwork the group heads over. Pinkie’s ears flop strangely as she looks up and grins.


The mares stand up and hurries over to their friend. Hugging her, they look over to see Celestia standing with Arc and the others. Applejack is the first to speak.

“So it looks like things went alright at Light’s Hope.”

Twilight shrugs. “Sort of.”

Ember chuckles. “It was really kinda touch and go for a while there.”

Sereb grins toothily. “I knew Arc and his allies could do it.”

Brightwing shudders. “Scary time!”

Celestia clears her throat and speaks. “Good morning, everypony. I trust you’re all doing well?”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “We’ve been better.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Our friend means it takes a bit of getting used to. Living here in Abyssinia, I mean.”

She looks over at the king before continuing.

“No offense intended, of course.”

“None taken.”

Fluttershy nods. “We’re just glad you appear to be alright, your highness.”

Pinkie puts a hoof to her chin as she narrows her eyes. “You ARE doing alright… right?!”

Twilight steps forward. “Princess Celestia is still a bit weak, of course. But is otherwise doing well.”

Ember looks to the mayor and Hard Hat. “Nice job with the town you two.”

Hard Hat shrugs. “I just helped build it. The citizens made it work.”

Mayor Mare sighs. “Yes indeed. Everypony has been very happy here. However…”

She looks to the king and queen before continuing.

“…this land isn’t our home.”

Twilight smile apologetically. “That’s why we’re here.”

Celestia looks to the stallion. “Yes. We came to check on the citizens of Ponyville as well as retrieve Hard Hat.”

Hard Hat grins. “The town’s getting rebuilt?!”

Ember nods. “Yeah. You up for it?”

“Always. I just need to retrieve the blueprints from the Town Hall back in Ponyville.”

Twilight bows her head. “It… burned down.”

Mayor Mare smiles. “Not to worry. The blueprints for the town were stored in the fireproof basement vault.”

Sereb grins. “All we have to do is dig them out?”

Hard Hat nods. “Exactly. Then we’ll start gathering supplies and stallionpower.”

Celestia giggles. “I’ve already started that process.”

“Perfect. When do we start?”

Twilight grins. “You’ll come back to Equestria with us when we leave later today.”

“Fine. Just let me get packed.”

He hurries out the door as Applejack walks over to Arc.

“So what’s next?”

“We should probably address the citizens. Let them know we’re here and actively working to get them resettled back in Equestria.”

Felix looks out the window. “The workday started a couple hours ago, so your citizens are pretty busy.”

“We can call for them though if you’d like.”

Ember shrugs. “What’s one more shift, right?”

Sereb frowns. “But they should be told immediately.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Oh my. What to do?”

Rarity looks to Celestia. “Perhaps we should…”

Princess Celestia suddenly puts a hoof to her forehead and wobbles slightly. Twilight looks to her.

“Are you alright?!”

“Just a bit… lightheaded.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Probably from what was done to her.”

Felix motions to the door. “We can offer you a room in the palace, your highness.”

“Thank you, but it’s a bit… far.”

The mayor gestures to a smaller door. “I have quarters here in the building. While not much, the sheets are clean and it’s climate controlled.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “That would probably be for the best.”

“Yes. Please lead on.”

Twilight helps Celestia through a nearby door as Mayor Mare holds it opens for them. As they disappear from sight Rainbow Dash scoffs.

“She has a lot of nerve coming here!”

Pinkie raises an eyebrow. “Dashie?!”

Rarity frowns. “What’s gotten into…?!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Oh, come ON! Remember, she’s the one whose fault it is that Ponyville was destroyed!”

Fluttershy sighs. “But that was Decimus.”

“Yeah! Whom SHE promoted!”

Applejack groans. “Rainbow Dash does have a point.”

Ember puts a claw to her chin. “I suppose so.”

Sereb turns to Rainbow Dash. “The princess was most likely kept in the dark on most matters pertaining to Decimus’ activities.”

“Well, Celestia should have been more careful whom she appointed Hero of Light then!”

Rarity looks to Arc. “I suppose both arguments have merit. What do you think?”

“That I have a nasty scar on my belly and back thanks to her.”

Rainbow Dash stomps the floor angrily. “Darn right!”

“But I’m willing to give her a chance.”

“What?! WHY?!”

“For Twilight’s sake. Remember, she still thinks very highly of Celestia.”

“Even the egghead makes mistakes though.”

A short time later the mayor leaves the room and rejoins the others.

“The princess is resting peacefully.”

Fluttershy appears concerned. “Is she alright?”

“I’m not sure. While I suggested calling for medical help, she refused.”

Applejack looks to the now closed door. “Is Twilight going to stay with her?”

“Yes. She asked me to tell everypony not to worry.”

Pinkie groans. “That’ll just make us worry more!”

Ember shrugs. “Nothing we can do about that.”

Rarity shrugs. “I suppose not.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “What shall we do in the meantime?”

Arc looks to the monarchs. “With your permission, I’d like to head over to that bar and take a statement from those mares whom were accosted.”

“Yes, of course.”

“We can send some guards to show you the way.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight. “That’s okay. I can take him there.”

Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. “Rainbow Dash?”

“I’ve been there before.”

Rarity frowns. “You have?”

“They have a really good selection of juices and… other things. That and I don’t really want to stand around with you know who in there.”

She gestures to the door as Arc nods.

“Fine. Let’s go.”

Felix nods. “We’ll return to the palace then, Lord Arc.”

Fiona smiles at him. “Please let us know if you require anything.”

“Thanks, I will.”

Heading out the door, they part ways with the monarchs and head toward the town. Ember looks to Rainbow Dash.

“I’m almost afraid to ask, but when did you have time to go out?”

“After work.”

Brightwing shakes her head. “Friend not being truthful!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Fine. I would sometimes sneak out.”

Sereb chuckles. “And have an adventure of your own?”

“Something like that.”

Leading them through a number of back streets, they come to a somewhat rundown building at the end of what appears to be little more than an alley. Walking up to the door she motions to the sign overhead.

“Here we are. The ‘Rat in the Pot’.”

Arc chuckles. “Interesting name.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “We should be cautious.”

Ember bares her claws. “I’m ready for anything.”

Rainbow Dash enters first. Looking around, Arc notices everyone staring at them as the rainbow maned mare speaks.

“Chill, everypony. They’re with me.”

Shrugging, the cats go back to their drinks. Arc appears surprised as Rainbow Dash greets nearly every patron that she passes on their way to the bar by name. Sitting down on stools Ember turns to her.

“You must come here a lot.”

“Every so often, yeah.”

Sereb narrows her eyes. “Enough that everyone here appears to know you.”

“Can I help it if I’m popular?”

Brightwing giggles. “Friend have many, many friends! Happy!”

The bartender walks over and looks at the Pegasi before him.

“Back so soon, RD?”

“Yeah, Roscoe. Needed a bit of a drink after seeing somepony I don’t really like right now.”

“The usual?”

Rainbow Dash appears suddenly nervous. “N-no! Give me and my friends here… uh… juice!”

“What kind?”


“Coming right up.”

Pouring juice at lighting speed he slides glasses down the bar to each of them. Rainbow Dash downs hers in a few gulps and sighs contentedly.

“That hits the spot!”

Tossing her glass to Roscoe, Rainbow Dash nods to the back room.

“In any case… I need a bit of a favor.”


“You see… this is Lord Arc. He’s here from Equestria to talk to your waitresses about what happened.”

“Which time?”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “It was more than once?”

“Yeah. My boys do their best to make sure the patrons keep their paws to themselves. But it’s a full time job as far as those two are concerned.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “They’re… popular?”

“Very. Everyone wants to be in their section. I didn’t really think much of it until it became a regular thing.”

Ember shrugs. “So they’re getting hit on. Big deal.”

Roscoe sighs. “More than that.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Roscoe lowers his voice as he speaks. “Let’s just say that they could have a very lucrative side hustle going if they wanted to.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “But they’re not doing that, are they?”

“Not here they’re not. We have policies against it. After all, the rep of this place is bad enough without folks thinking they can get some action from the waitresses.”

Arc looks to Roscoe. “Is that illegal?”

“As long as it’s consensual and not in the middle of the floor, no. But that’s not something I want to branch off into. A lot of bad things start happening in taverns whom go that route. All the good customers leave and get replaced by the seedy lot.”

Sereb nods. “A wise choice.”

Arc clears his throat. “In any case, are they around?”

Rainbow Dash looks over her shoulder at the tables behind her. “I don’t see them anywhere.”

“Yeah, well… I’ve been keeping them in the back as much as I can.”

Arc appears impressed. “To protect them?”

“And keep the fights from starting.”

Ember grins. “Fights?”

Roscoe shrugs. “Like I said, everyone wanted to be in their section. We had brawls breaking out over it so I reassigned them to after-hours cleaning and anything involving them staying out of sight.”

Arc sighs. “So they’re not here?”

“Doing inventory at the moment.”

“I’d like to speak to them about this.”

“Sure. They’re back there. RD can show you where.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “She can?”

Rainbow Dash looks away nervously. “I’ve… helped bring up bottles before when things were slammed.”

“Even offered RD a job a time or two.”

Rainbow Dash hops off the stool. “Anyways, follow me.”

Arc nods as he stands and looks to the others. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

Ember frowns. “What are we supposed to do?!”

Brightwing giggles as she pulls her head from the now empty glass in front of her. “Have another drink with friends?!”

Sereb chuckles. “Sounds good to me.”

Arc and Rainbow Dash head into the back room. She turns to him as the door closes behind them.

“Why don’t you let me go first? Let them know what’s going to happen.”

“You think it’ll be a problem?”

“Not if I soften them up beforehoof.”

Arc shrugs. “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”


Trotting ahead, she heads for the sounds of talking nearby. Finding them, she throws up a hoof in greeting.

“Hey, I’m back!”

“Hi, RD!”

“Here for another bottle or two?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Not this time. I’m here with a good friend of mine to take a statement.”

“A… what?”

“He just wants to ask you some questions about how some of the customers have been treating you.”

The mare shrinks back nervously. “We don’t really want to…?”

Rainbow Dash interrupts her. “Don’t worry. You can trust him.”

“Um… well… if you’re sure.”

“I am.”

Turning, Rainbow Dash motions for him to step forward. As he does so Arc spies the mares for the first time.

“I thought those voices sounded familiar.”


“It’s been awhile.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “You… you know Aloe and Vera?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. We met in prison.”

“He… uh… took us in.”

“After overthrowing the king, that is.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Took you in?”

“Protected us.”

“Thank you for taking us away from that place, sir.”

“You’re welcome.”

Rainbow Dash gestures to a door nearby. “Maybe we should sit down. The break room is over there.”

Arc nods. “Good idea.”

Leading them toward a small room nearby, Rainbow Dash opens the door and flicks a switch. A room with a table and chairs comes into view. Aloe and Vera sit down next to each other as Arc and Rainbow Dash take seats across from them.

“Now then, I’m told you’ve had some trouble with certain felines in the tavern.”

“K-kinda, sir.”

“It’s really nothing.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Somepony grabbing your tails and flanks isn’t nothing!”

Arc frowns. “Is that what happened?”

Aloe bows her head. “Yes sir.”

Vera sighs. “We tried to live honestly since you brought us here. We really did.”

“Please forgive us.”

Arc holds up a hand. “Wait just a minute. You think you’re in trouble?”

“Yes sir.”

“It always seems to find us in the end.”

Arc frowns. “But you didn’t do anything wrong.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Right! Those perverts were the ones whom did!”

Aloe looks to Arc. “You… you’re not angry with us?”

“No. Why would I be?”

Vera raises an eyebrow. “Aren’t you saving us for later?”

“Saving you?”

Aloe nods. “For when you need servicing.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Aloe?”

“He didn’t have sex with us in prison, so we thought we were being brought here to be used later.”

“Are you ready for us now, sir?”

Arc shakes his head vehemently. “No, no! You misunderstand why I did that!”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “Yeah! Arc SAVES ponies! He doesn’t RAPE them!”

“But it wouldn’t be rape.”

“Yes, we would both enjoy it.”

Arc groans. “I’m not going to do that to you now or ever.”

“Please sir! We really do want it!”

“Yes! My sister and I would love to pleasure you!”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “But why?!”

“He’s the only one whom ever really took an interest in us for anything other than our marehoods.”

“We want to explore these new feelings with him.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide. “You can’t!”

Aloe appears confused. “Why not?”

“Because… um… you see…”

Arc puts a hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder as he turns to the sisters.

“What she means is that it’s because she and I are already in a relationship.”

“You… you are?!”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah! Arc’s mine!”

“We’re very sorry about this, sir.”

“But it does explain a few things, sister.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “What things?!”

“Your stallionfriend not giving into our advances back in prison.”

“Again, we apologize.”

Arc sighs. “It’s… fine. You didn’t know, after all. In truth the whole reason I’m here is to investigate the allegations that two mares were sexual harassed. However you two claim that the matter has been handled and has not been repeated.”

“That’s true, sir.”

“Yes. All we get now are cat calls.”

Rainbow Dash turns to Arc. “I can confirm that. While it’s still really rude, that’s not actually against the rules here.”

“And we don’t really mind it.”

“As long as they keep their paws to themselves, that is.”

“Which they have. Most of the time, that is.”

Arc nods. “Good. Then this matter is resolved to your satisfaction?”

“Yes sir.”

“Very well. I’ll notify the powers that be regarding this. However, there is still the matter of your earlier incarceration.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “…what?”

“Remember, they were in prison with me.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. But it can’t have been that serious a crime. I mean, they’re really friendly.”

She turns to the mares before continuing.

“What were you in for anyways?”

Aloe bows her head. “Murdering our parents.”


Arc chimes in. “In self-defense, I might add.”

Rainbow Dash stomps the floor. “Then it’s not murder!”

Vera bows her head. “It… it is.”


“After we did the deed both of us ran. We hid out in several places around Equestria for months.”

“But eventually they tracked us down.”

“Running just made us look more guilty than we already were.”

Rainbow Dash turns to Arc. “You have to do something! They’re not bad mares! Just… just misunderstood!”

Vera looks to Arc sadly. “We’re willing to do whatever it is that you deem necessary to pay for our crimes.”

“Yes. But please don’t send us back to Luna Bay! You already know why!”

Arc nods as he pulls a folder from his ring. “I’ve already looked over your case files.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “How did you…?!”

Vera interrupts. “I saw the warden’s aide give them to you when we were taken away.”

Aloe shrugs. “That didn’t really make sense to us at the time though.”

“I wanted to see the evidence for myself.”

“And… what did you find?”

“A lot of mistakes on your part. After fleeing the scene of the crime, that is.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “What… did you two do?”

“A lot of petty crime.”

“We couldn’t get legitimate jobs, so we had to steal a lot of what we needed.”

“And sneak onto trains when other ponies recognized us.”

“But the longer we did that the higher our bounties.”

“So nastier and smarter ponies came looking for us.”

Arc looks over a paper. “I see here that they eventually caught you two in a trap.”

“Yes, we… um… we were…”

“…trying to make some bits to get cosmetic surgery.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “To hide?!”

“All we wanted was a new life. A fresh start.”

Aloe looks at her flank. “They said we’d even get new cutie marks.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “They?”

“The doctors we visited. After Aloe and I earned enough bits doing… various things, we found a stallion whom specialized in the kind of surgery we needed.”

“After giving him our bits, he led Vera and I into an operating room.”

“We lay down and he administered the knockout gas.”

“But when we woke up, instead of finding ourselves in a recovery room, it was a cage.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “That doctor ratted you out?!”

Vera nods. “Yes. He took our bits and then turned us in for the bounty on top of it.”

“We were found guilty and sentenced to… a long time in prison.”

Arc nods. “That’s about what the records said, yes.”

“So… is it back to prison for us, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so, no.”

“We’re free?!”

“I don’t see why you two should be locked up. From what I read here you both acted appropriately in defending yourselves at the time.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Then why…?”

“Because we ran.”

“It made us look really guilty.”

“Not that the other stuff we did helped our case, mind you.”

Vera sighs before continuing.

“But even a commuted sentence doesn’t really help us.”


“We’ve made a lot of enemies back in Equestria.”

“Both inside and out of prison, that is.”

“While we’d love to be free, that isn’t really an option for us.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Don’t worry! Arc will think of something!”

“I may have already.”

Vera appears hopeful. “Oh?”

“Look, you two said before that all you really wanted was a fresh start. A chance to move past what happened.”

“Yes sir.”

“But how could we…?”

“Tell me, how do you feel here?”

“At the bar?”

Arc nods. “Well, yes.”

“It’s an okay place.”

“We make enough to get by and nopony comes looking for us.”

“Well… other than that cat whom got all touchy-feely.”

“After what happened, I don’t think he’ll be back though.”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “Could they stay here, Arc?!”

“I was actually going to suggest that very thing.”

“We’d like that.”

“Yeah! As long as I’m with my sister, home is anywhere!”

“But would that be allowed?”

Arc shrugs. “I can plead your case to the king on your behalf.”

“Do you think he’ll go for it?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “He owes Arc quite a few favors. It’s a sure thing.”

Arc nods. “Probably, yes. But there’s something else I can do to help.”

Reaching into his ring, Arc pulls out a large bag of bits. Setting it on the table he continues talking.

“This should help you buy a small place to live nearby.”

Vera looks away nervously. “Sir? Um… we… need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

Aloe sighs. “My sister and I… have actually saved up enough to buy a place of our own already.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Then why are you two still staying here at the tavern?”

“We… were just saving our bits in case we needed to run away again.”

“It’s kinda a habit at this point.”

Rainbow Dash looks to Arc. “Nothing wrong with having earned bits though, right?”

“Saving your pay isn’t a crime, no. You’re free to do what you want here as per the king’s orders.”

“Which we should see about extending further for these two.”

Arc nods as he stands. “Right. That will be taken care of today.”

“There’s no real rush though, sir.”

“Right. We’re not going anywhere.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah, well we might be soon.”


Arc motions out the window. “Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight are here to see the king and queen. That and we’ll be taking Hard Hat back with us lather today.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “He’s going to organize the rebuilding of Ponyville. You two could come and live there if you wanted.”

Vera shakes her head. “Thank you, but we’d be better off here.”

Aloe nods. “Nopony would be looking for us.”

Arc sighs. “Very well. But in any case we should let you two get back to work.”

“We appreciate everything, sir.”

“Yes. It’s a nice thing to know that there are others in this world whom are willing to help without asking anything in return.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That’s just the kind of guy Arc is.”

“You two take care.”

They leave the room and go their separate ways. Heading down the street together Rainbow Dash turns to Arc.

“That was a nice thing you did back there.”

“They’ll have a second chance at life here.”

“Do you think they’ll make the best of it?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s up to them.”

“I bet they will.”

“Willingness to take on honest work is a step in the right direction, of course.”


“The allure of the quick and easy path will always be on their minds.”

“It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

“Just being Honest. However I know they’ll give it their best.”

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