• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Volume 54 - Chapter 1 - Roads to Recovery

Author's Note:

An alternate version to the story is being written by another member.


Credit for the pictures in this chapter goes to my kid whom painted them as Christmas presents for my wife and I. :yay:

A week passes. Twilight and Hammer walk down the corridor of Ponyville Hospital together along with Ember and Sereb. Hammer is the first to speak as she turns to Twilight.

“So, uh... how’s Arc been lately?”

Twilight sighs. “A bit... out of sorts, I’m afraid.”

Sereb nods soberly. “From his fight with Princess Celestia, I would imagine.”

Ember smirks wickedly. “He showed that royal pain but GOOD!”

Hammer shrugs. “I guess he did. But seeing as how it ended with both of them lying on the ground out cold, I’d have to say that the result was more or less a draw.”

Sereb growls. “Considering that Arc was doing battle with an immortal pony princess whom has centuries of combat experience, I would say that he was the victor.”

Twilight groans. “Princess Celestia has been rather... out of sorts as well since that day.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Even with you, Twilight?”

“I still see her multiple times a day, of course. But her attitude and demeanor isn’t what it was before. That and she won’t tell me why.”

Hammer looks to the upcoming door. “Then let’s work on something we can actually accomplish together. Getting Arc back on his feet.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Coming to the patient room, Twilight knocks lightly with her hoof before opening the door. They see Derpy, Scootaloo, and Dinky sitting by Arc’s bedside talking to him. The trio stand and walk over to Twilight. Derpy is the first to speak.

“Good morning everypony.”

Dinky waves happily. “Hi!”

Hammer tousles Dinky and Scootaloo’s manes. “Hey there, short stuffs.”

Ember grins. “Nice to see you again, Derpy.”

Sereb looks to the mare. “We hope you have been doing well lately.”

Derpy nods. “Oh, yes! Very much so!”

Dinky hops up onto a chair. “This is the most my dad’s been around in forever!”

Arc chuckles from his place in the bed. “Can’t argue with that.”

Hammer walks over to the bedside and looks down at Arc with a smirk. “How you feeling, champ?”

“Okay, I guess. Frankly I feel like I’m going to fat cooped up in here this long.”

Ember grins as she joins Hammer. “Still look good from where I’m standing.”

Twilight smiles at him. “I’m told you’ve had no shortage of visitors lately though.”

Derpy giggles as she joins them on the opposite side of the bed. “Dinky, Scootaloo, and I like to come by before we head to the orphanage in the morning.”

Dinky nods. “Then I run over after school and have supper here!”

Scootaloo puts her small hooves on the bedside. “We both do!”

Arc pats both filly’s heads. “It gives us a chance to sit here and visit for a couple hours until Derpy gets off of work and joins us.”

Derpy smiles at Arc. “Then we all sit here and tell Arc about our days. That and whatever else strikes us before turning in early together.”

Dinky hops from the chair to a nearby hospital cot. “It’s not as soft as the beds we have at home though.”

Scootaloo giggles as she looks to Arc. “But having Big Brother around is still a nice tradeoff!”

A knock from the door rings out as Doctor Horse enters the room with a chart. He walks over to the bed as Ember calls out to him.

“So Arc’s going to be okay, right doctor?”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes, indeed. That’s actually what I came here to talk about.”

Sereb appears hopeful. “What news of our friend then?”

The doctor looks to Arc. “First of all, how are you feeling today, sir?”

“Just fine. Other than being a bit restless cooped up in here, that is.”

Twilight nods emphatically. “You’ve never been much for just sitting around, Arc.”

Doctor Horse looks over his clipboard. “Merely a precaution, sir.”

Hammer frowns. “Considering what was done to you in The Badlands by the changelings, you’re lucky to not be all messed up inside!”

Derpy appears confused. “What could have happened?”

Ember shrugs. “His organs could have been changed, or something.”

Scootaloo shudders. “That’s a scary thought.”

Sereb growls lightly. “To say nothing of what you endured at the hooves of Celestia.”

Dinky grits her teeth angrily. “Trust me, she got off light!”

Arc sighs. “In my defense, neither of us walked off of that field under our own power.”

Twilight looks away nervously. “Um... actually Princess Celestia did. Well, eventually that is.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “Ten minutes later, you mean!”

Sereb grins toothily. “After someone reminded her where she was and what happened to her, you mean.”

Derpy grimaces. “Did you really have to be so hard on her, Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda did.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “I’d have gone further!”

Scootaloo sneers. “Me too!”

Sereb growls. “After the way she spoke to Arc, whom has done nothing but be helpful to her personally, I too must agree that she deserved no quarter!”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “Yes, well... please continue, doctor.”

“In regards to the... transmogrification you underwent, it would appear that all of your bodily functions have returned to normal.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Probably due to the destruction of Chrysalis’ throne.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s hard to imagine something like that being so powerful.”

Sereb looks to the doctor. “Are you certain of that, Doctor Horse?”

“Yes. As per Princess Twilight’s orders, I’ve run every possible test available to us on every inch of the Hero of Light’s anatomy. Believe me when I say that everything inside of him is fine.”

Ember eyes Arc’s bandages suspiciously. “What about his other wounds?”

“Nothing permanent or that won’t heal normally.”

Arc shrugs. “It was mostly bruising though.”

Derpy gasps. “Are you sure, Arc?”

Dinky shudders. “Yeah dad. You looked pretty beat up when they brought you in.”

Arc chuckles as he gestures to the nearby window. “Nothing a little staring at the moon didn’t fix.”

Scootaloo grins. “Crimson form for the win!”

Twilight looks to the doctor. “So when can Arc go home?”

“Immediately. That is, if he wants to and feels up to it. Now that all his test results are in, that is.”

Hammer grins. “Hear that, Arc! We can bust you outta here!”

Arc chuckles. “It will certainly be nice to sleep in my own bed again.”

Ember smirks wickedly. “With someone special at your side, you mean?”

Twilight covers one of Dinky and Scootaloo’s ears with her hooves as she pushes their heads together. “Little ears!”

Dinky shrugs. “It’s okay, Princess Twilight.”

Scootaloo nods as she steps away. “Yeah, we do understand Ember’s feelings for Big Brother.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “You do?”

Derpy smiles as she walks over to the fillies. “Arc and I had a long talk about everything with them.”

Arc nods. “As well as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

Twilight turns to Ember. “That may very well be. But it doesn’t mean that we can just say such raunchy things around them with reckless abandon.”

Ember groans. “Fine. I’ll try to tone it down a bit around them.”

Hammer bows her head. “Me too.”

Arc pushes the covers off and sits up. “Thanks you two. I appreciate that.”

Sereb sniffs him. “Perhaps you should start this day with a shower though, my friend.”

Derpy nods. “You can use the bathroom at home, Arc.”

“Alright. We’ll stop by there so I can get a quick shower in before walking you two to the orphanage.”

Twilight giggles. “Want me to wash your back, Arc?”

Ember feigns surprise. “Twilight, please! Little ears!”

Twilight gasps and blushes as she realizes her mistake. “I’m sorry!”

Hammer laughs heartily. “That was FUNNY!”

Arc smiles and shakes his head. “Admittedly, yes it was.”

Derpy sighs. “In any case, let’s get you standing, Arc.”

Helping Arc rise from the bed, Derpy stays by his side as he shakily takes a few steps, grimacing with each one. Ember frowns as she turns to the doctor.

“I thought you said he was supposed to be okay!”

Hammer points at Arc. “Yeah! Why’s he walking all funny?!”

Doctor Horse gestures to the chart in his hoof. “A week in bed mostly.”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide. “Were his muscles weakened too much from the bedrest?!”

Dinky shakes her head. “I don’t think that just a week in the hospital would do that, mom.”

Scootaloo nods. “Right. Such a thing would take a several weeks at least.”

Doctor Horse looks to Derpy. “The fillies are right, miss. He’s just a bit stiff from not moving around too much.”

Arc grunts. “I think I just need to kinda walk it off, or something.”

Twilight turns to the door. “Then let’s step out into the corridor and let you get dressed.”

Ember grins. “Good idea, Twilight. I’ll stay here and give Arc a hand though.”

Hammer narrows her eyes. “Ember.”


“Little ears.”

Groaning, Ember follows the others out of the room. Doctor Horse looks to Arc as he speaks.

“It would appear that you have a number of very devoted friends, sir.”

Arc chuckles as he slowly makes his way over to a small closet nearby. “Yeah. They’re the best though. But is there anything I should be watching out for regarding a relapse, or something?”

“Any unexplained skin pigment changes, extreme weakness, fever, loss of appetite, or swelling of the flesh.

Arc tosses aside his hospital gown. “You make it sound like I could just fall over dead.”

“Just making sure you’re made aware of the potential complications of your previous... encounter.”

Arc sighs as he steps into a pair of pants. “Yes, that mission could have gone better. Worse too, I suppose.”

Doctor Horse walks over to him as Arc buttons up his shirt. “The newspaper said that we lost very few soldiers during the invasion though.”

Arc nods soberly. “Five to be exact.”

“Quite the accomplishment. Considering the scope of the mission, I would say.”

Arc sighs as he sits down to put on his shoes. “Maybe. But I’m sure those five soldiers, and their families, would disagree with you.”

A few minutes later Arc emerges from the patient room with Doctor Horse. Walking over to those waiting for him, he smiles.

“Sorry for taking so long everyone.”

Derpy smiles warmly at him. “It’s okay, Arc.”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

Ember gestures down the corridor. “You ready to go?”

“In a moment.”

Turning to Doctor Horse, Arc continues.

“Thanks for patching me up.”

“It was my pleasure, sir. Just be sure to take things easy for a bit and ease into your normal activities.”

“I will.”

Derpy giggles. “We’ll look after him.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah!”

Scootaloo tugs at Arc’s pantleg. “Come on, Big Brother! Let’s go!”

Hammer laughs heartily. “Right! Let’s blow this popsicle stand!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Um... what?”

Arc chuckles. “It’s a human thing, Twilight.”

Heading toward the exterior door, Arc stops as Sereb steps in front of him.

“What’s up, big guy?”

“I believe that you are forgetting something, my friend.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“A warm overcoat.”

Twilight gasps. “I can’t believe that we didn’t think to bring you one!”

Arc shrugs. “Not to worry. I always carry a spare.”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls a coat from it. Putting it on, he leads the group out into the cold morning air. Hammer motions to Sereb.

“Maybe you should ride home, Arc.”

Sereb nods. “I am both willing and able to do so, Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. After all that lying in bed, sitting in a saddle really is the last thing I want to do.”

Twilight, Derpy, Dinky, and Scootaloo follow Arc down the path toward the main road. They talk happily as they do so. Ember, Hammer, and Sereb hang back a ways. Hammer is the first to speak.

“It’s good to see Arc up and about.”

Sereb nods. “Yes, it is.”

Ember grunts. “Can’t really stand being bedridden myself. So I do know how he feels.”

Hammer frowns. “Uh... he IS recovered though, right?”

Sereb turns to her, confused. “You were there when he was given a clean bill of health by the doctor.”

Ember nods. “Right. He knows what’s what. But the same could be said of you, Hammer.”

Hammer grins and thumps her chest proudly. “I’m just fine!”

Sereb sighs. “We read the report of what happened inside the hive.”

Ember nods soberly. “To you personally.”

Hammer shrugs. “Just part of a battle.”

Sereb frowns. “I do not believe that being nearly forcefully impregnated with a different species eggs could be considered typical combat experience.”

“Maybe not. But Arc got me out of there before anything bad could happen to me or Twilight.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You weren’t... nervous at all?”

“A bit, yeah. But I was trying to focus on the good over the bad.”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “What could possibly be considered good regarding such an event?”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Yes, do tell.”

Hammer smirks wickedly. “I was going to die in there, yeah. But not before having Arc pound my backside.”

Sereb sighs. “Why am I not surprised?”

Hammer grins. “Come on! Being plowed to death is totally how I wanna go out!”

Ember puts a claw to her chin. “I guess it would beat simply falling in battle.”

“Think about it, Ember. Your life ebbing away... things going dark... and unimaginable pleasure from your lower half.”

Sereb groans. “Admittedly, I’d rather not visualize such a thing regarding either of you and Arc.”

A short time later they arrive at Derpy’s small house. Running ahead, the fillies call out happily.

“I’ll get the water started!”

“And I’ll fetch Big Brother some clean clothes!”

Derpy giggles as she turns to Arc. “It’s so nice that they want to help.”

Twilight nods. “And are thinking ahead.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, I couldn’t ask for more.”

Entering the house, they spot the fillies running out of the bathroom. The sound of running water fills the air as they do so.

“There you go, dad!”

“Have a nice shower, Big Brother!”

Derpy gestures to the bathroom door with a hoof. “I’ll make you something to eat while you get cleaned up.”

Arc heads for the bathroom. “Alright, thanks.”

Twilight walks with Derpy to the kitchen. “Need a hoof in there?”

Derpy giggles. “Always!”

Dinky runs after them. “I’ll help too!”

Scootaloo flaps her tiny wings excitedly. “Let’s get cooking then!”

Meanwhile, Arc disrobes and steps into the warm shower. Sitting down, he sighs and looks up into the stream of water.

“The battle... really did go our way. I mean… Chrysalis was defeated and driven from the Badlands presumably. That and the changelings are now free from her grip. All of this really does feel like an overwhelming victory. So why do I still feel conflicted about it?”

Groaning, Arc grabs a bar of soap and lathers up as he continues.

“Celestia was right. I could have handled my end of it differently though. Even though everything was kinda made up as I went along, I guess. Maybe I should have attacked Chrysalis when I awoke in the cocoon thing.”

Putting his hand to his chin, Arc thinks about this for a few moments before shaking his head.

“No... no, she was ready for that. Her stance, her candor. I had to make Chrysalis believe that I was under her control.”

Leaning back against the shower wall, he continues.

“But... I still believe that I could have handled that whole mess in some other way. What though is beyond me.”

Finishing his shower sometime later, Arc leaves the steamy bathroom to the welcoming smell of freshly cooked pancakes and syrup. Entering the kitchen, he sees Twilight, Derpy, Dinky, and Scootaloo sitting at the table waiting for him. Joining them, he looks around.

“No Ember or Sereb?”

Derpy smiles as she pulls out his chair. “They went into town for something or other.”

“How about Hammer?”

Twilight grins. “Same.”

Arc sits down. “Oh? All the shops are still closed at this hour though.”

Dinky giggles. “Some project in town.”

Scootaloo looks to the spread before them. “We can talk about it later, Big Brother. Right now all of us should eat and get moving.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, one must do their best not to be late for school.”

Arc begins serving the food as Derpy fills everyone’s glasses with milk. He looks to Twilight as they begin to eat.

“So... has there been any sign of Chrysalis?”

Twilight shakes her head. “None whatsoever. And our forces have kept watch from every point on the Equestrian/Badlands border for the past week.”

Dinky frowns. “Where could she have gone though?”

Scootaloo puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps she has some secret way to move underground.”

Derpy looks too Arc. “A tunnel system of some kind?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s possible that she’s hiding in some cave or something waiting it out.”

Twilight groans. “I suppose. After all, she has to realize that we can’t just sit on the border and look in forever.”

Scootaloo nods. “Especially if we hope to establish any kind of diplomatic ties with the newly reformed Changeling Nation.”

Dinky looks to Twilight. “Just so that I understand correctly, the war IS over, right?”

Twilight smiles at the filly. “Yes, the war is officially over. Why do you ask?”

“I’m just a bit worried about what’s supposed to happen to those survivors over there.”

Derpy points a hoof to the counter. “The newspaper said the other day that Canterlot was sending them some supplies to get started.”

Arc chuckles. “Oh really. How did they manage to package love?”

Scootaloo turns to him. “From what I heard, the new changelings don’t need it to survive, Big Brother.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Now they subside on fruits and vegetables.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So they can’t eat love anymore, or just don’t?”

“From correspondences with Thorax, he claims that they no longer have the need or desire to do so.”

Dinky frowns. “But that doesn’t answer the question at hoof though.”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose not. However, I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt in this matter.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “So Thorax, or Sandstorm Mirage as he was known previously, is the officially recognized... what exactly?”

Scootaloo grins. “King, I would imagine.”

Twilight shrugs. “That hasn’t officially been established as of yet. He’s seen as the leader, of course. Being the highest ranking survivor of their nation’s leadership. But as far as a title goes, it’s anypony’s guess right now.”

Derpy appears confused. “Shouldn’t that have been one of the first things to figure out though?”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I would imagine that they’re rather busy at the moment trying to get a number of things figured out over there. Leading a nation is hard enough without having to rebuild it from the ground up.”

Scootaloo grins. “Probably more so after a massive metamorphosis of the population as well.”

Twilight sighs. “As diminutive as it may be.”

Derpy turns to her. “What do you mean, Twilight?”

“Their numbers had been in decline for many years prior to the war according to Thorax.”

Arc nods. “And that was before Chrysalis decided to foolishly throw her army against us.”

Scootaloo bows her head. “They were killed to the last of them, I hear.”

Twilight grimaces. “Yes, that’s true. But it’s due to the fact that of them would allow themselves to be taken prisoner or surrender peacefully.”

Arc grits his teeth. “As Chrysalis wanted.”

Dinky looks to her father. “I still don’t get that part of it though, dad. Why would she let Equestria kill off her forces like that?”

“Chrysalis wanted the previous generation of changelings gone so they wouldn’t consume resources that could be used for the new ones she wanted to make.”

Twilight snorts angrily. “Doing what’s best for the nation as a whole is something I honestly do understand. However, literally sending out your military forces to be intentionally killed isn’t something I can stomach.”

A short time later they finish their meal. Derpy stands and begins clearing the table as she looks to Dinky and Scootaloo.

“Go brush your teeth and your manes, and then get your saddlebags. We need to head out in five minutes.”

Dinky hops down from her chair. “Okay mom.”

Scootaloo follows. “We’ll be quick.”

She and Scootaloo run toward the bathroom together. Twilight levitates the last of the dishes into the sink as Derpy begins quickly washing them. Arc joins her and picks up a dish towel.

“Need a hand?”

Derpy grins. “That I would.”

Twilight steps forward. “I’ll help too.”

A few minutes later the fillies run to the door with their saddlebags. Grabbing their hats and scarves, they turn to see Arc, Derpy, and Twilight walking toward them. Derpy is the first to speak.

“You two ready?”

“Yeah, mom!”

Scootaloo appears surprised. “The dishes are already done?”

Derpy nods happily. Yes, they are!”

Twilight hangs up the dish towel. “Many hooves make for light work, after all.”

Arc looks at the wall clock. “Aren’t we a bit early though?”

Scootaloo grins. “Kinda. But Dinky and I have something to show you at school, Big Brother.”

Dinky nods. “Right! We’ve been working really hard on them too!”

Arc chuckles as he grabs his coat. “Then let’s get over there so I can see for myself.”

Opening the door, he allows the fillies to run out into the dim morning light ahead of them. Twilight and Derpy step out as Arc closes the door behind the group. Making the short walk to the orphanage, Dinky and Scootaloo push the doors open to allow their parents and Twilight to enter the Main Hall. Stomping the mud from their hooves and feet off on the large mat just inside the door the fillies hurry into their classroom together as Dinky calls out loudly.

“Be right back with them dad!”

Arc turns to Derpy. “What’s she talking about?”

Derpy giggles. “I think I know. But they thought it should be a surprise for you.”

Twilight smiles. “It must be something very important considering just how excited they both are.”

A few moments later Dinky and Scootaloo run back out into the Main Hall. Each are holding a small, board-like item in a fetlock. Dinky holds hers out to Arc proudly.

“Here dad!”

Arc takes the item and looks it over. “A painting of you and your mother.”

Dinky nods happily. “I made that during art class!”

Derpy smiles proudly. “She and Scootaloo have been trying to outdo one another to see whom can paint the best picture for a while now."

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Outdo one another?”

Scootaloo quickly chimes in. “It’s all in good fun though, Princess Twilight.”

Dinky nods. “Scootaloo’s right, dad. This has always been a friendly competition.”

Arc tousles Dinky’s mane. “This looks really nice, sweetheart.”

“Thanks dad. Now check out Scootaloo’s.”

Scootaloo holds out her painting to Arc nervously. “It’s not much. But I hope you like it, Big Brother.”

Taking the painting from her, Arc looks it over carefully.
“This is really well done, Scootaloo!”


Twilight looks at it, confused. “What is this?”

Arc chuckles. “It’s from an old anime that was popular when I was a kid called ‘Sailor Moon’.”

Derpy turns to Arc, confused. “Anime?”

Arc nods. “They’re fairly detailed cartoons from a country called Japan. This is a drawing from the titular main character.”

Scootaloo grins. “Dinky and I found this show when we were looking for something to watch when visiting Earth for Christmas a while back.”

Dinky giggles. “We first started watching it because of all the vivid colors.”

Scootaloo taps her painting. “But then we kept watching for the story.”

Twilight looks to Dinky. “You mean the plot?”

“Right! It’s really good!”

Scootaloo takes up a battle ready stance. “Every episode there was a baddie causing trouble that needed to be stopped.”

Dinky moves to join Scootaloo in posing. “And Sailor Moon, along with her friends, would always find a way to take them down.”

Scootaloo looks to Arc proudly. “Kinda like you and I did during our time on the road, Big Brother.”

Arc smiles as he gestures to the picture. “Well, it looks like you captured Serena’s likeness well.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “Serena?”

“That’s the real name of Sailor Moon. She puts on the costume and refers to herself by that name to protect her secret identity.”

Twilight looks to Scootaloo and winks. “Like the Scarlet Filly did, I would imagine.”

“Right. But I’ll keep practicing to make it better.”

Dinky takes back her own picture. “Me too! Even if Scootaloo is a lot better at drawing that I am.”

A few early schoolfoals begin walking in the front doors. Among them are Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Seeing Arc, they rush over to him. Apple Bloom is the first to speak.

“Hey Arc!”

Sweetie Belle grins. “Feeling better?!”

Arc nods and smiles as he kneels down to their level. “I am, yes. Thank you for coming to see me in the hospital.”

Apple Bloom smiles. “It was good to have time to talk to you more, Arc.”

Sweetie Belle giggles. “Right. And getting to know you better too.”

Derpy grins at the fillies. “We should all go out and do something together one of these days.”

Scootaloo turns to her. “Like what, mom?”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I’m not really sure. It was kind of just a spur of the moment thing to say, I guess.”

Dinky gasps happily. “How about going out to eat together?”

Arc chuckles as he puts his hand to his chin. “Not sure where we would go though. After all, it’s not like there’s any place to get a meal here in Ponyville.”

Twilight raises a hoof. “What about Shelly and Lily’s new place then?”

Arc grins as he feigns ignorance. “Ah! Forgot about that!”

Twilight frowns. “How could you...? Maybe we should have Doctor Horse look you over one more time, Arc.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I believe that Big Brother was just making a joke, Princess Twilight.”

Dinky giggles. “Yeah!”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Oh! Right! Now I feel silly.”

Derpy puts a hoof around Twilight’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. If it makes you feel any better, I was kinda confused too.”

Arc looks to the fillies. “We’ll have to set up a date and time to do that. Just the four of you and me.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “What about mom though?”

Apple Bloom gasps. “And Applejack.”

Sweetie Belle grins. I’m sure Rarity would love to go too.”

“They probably would admittedly. But this would be a time for me to get to know you fillies.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, there will be time for us to join Arc for a meal at another date and time.”

Derpy looks to the cafeteria. “Right. But I should be getting to work now.”

Arc smiles at her. “I’ll see you later then.”

Dinky looks over. “Need some help, mom?”

“Of course, sweetie. Just as long as you get to class on time.”

Arc waves after them. “Have a nice day, you two!”

Scootaloo gestures to the classroom. “I’m going to see about getting some more art practice in before school starts.”

Apple Bloom gasps happily. “Can we watch?!”

Sweetie Belle hops up and down happily. “Yeah! It’s fun to see!”

Scootaloo nods. “Sure. But we have to hurry. I don’t want to have the art stuff out when class starts.”

They hurry toward the classroom as Arc and Twilight call out after them.

“Be good!”

“And study hard too!”

As the fillies disappear inside their classroom, Twilight turns to Arc.

“So... do you have any plans for today?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m supposed to be kinda taking it easy for a bit. So I was planning to just go back to Derpy’s house and have a nice quiet day reading a book, or something.”

Twilight giggles. “And that would certainly be a very good use of your time, yes. However, I was thinking that perhaps you’d like to spend a bit of time with me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I actually would, yes. But don’t you have royal duties to attend to, or something?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nope. I told Luna that I’m taking the day off to spend with you and my other friends.”

“Well... I suppose that I’d like that then. Was there anything in particular you’d like to do though?”

Twilight grins. “Yes. Truth be told, we have something very special that I want to show you.”

Arc appears confused. “We?”

“Yes, I asked Cherry to join us for this particular exhibition. I hope that’s okay.”

“Sure. I’ve been meaning to spend some time with her for a while now too. But things just kept coming up that prevented us from coming together.”

Twilight gestures to the large windows that point toward Ponyville. “Then let’s make that right. Cherry said that she’d meet us here just after school started.”

Arc looks to the increasingly large number of foals entering the building. “It looks like we won’t have long to wait then.”

A short time later a loud bell rings out. Foals and younglings alike run to their respective classrooms in a flurry of hooves and talons. As the last student in closes the doors, Arc and Twilight hear the telltale sound of metallic footsteps approaching from the cafeteria. Eidolon’s Ward enters the Main Hall and waves happily.

“Hello you two!”

Arc grins. “Hi, Cherry.”

Twilight smiles at her. “How have you been?”

“Doing just fine working here at the orphanage. But why don’t we talk about it on the way to town?”

Arc chuckles. “Alright. Twilight, would you like to lead the way?”

Twilight nods happily. “I would, yes.”

The three walk towards the doors together. Leaving the warm building, they are met with a cool morning breeze. Twilight gestures down the road that leads to Ponyville.

“This way.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Arc as they begin walking. “So how have you been doing, Arc?”

“Okay, considering the circumstances.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to visit you in the hospital, Arc. “

“It’s fine, Cherry. After all, someone had to run the orphanage kitchen and keep the little ones fed.”

Twilight looks over her shoulder as she speaks. “And we all appreciate your hard work over there too.”

“It let Miss Derpy, Dinky, and Scootaloo spend more time at the hospital with Arc.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thanks for that, Cherry. I did enjoy the extended visits from them. And you too, Twilight.”

Twilight grins. “It was enjoyable for me as well.”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds confused. “How so, Twilight?”

Twilight turns to Arc with a smirk. “Is it wrong that I thought you looked very cute in that hospital gown?”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “I can just imagine.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Great. Now there’s two of them.”

Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet on Arc’s shoulder. “I may be dead, Arc. But my feelings are still very much alive.”

Twilight looks to the armor behind her. “I’ve been thinking about that very thing, Cherry. Maybe something could be done about that.


“You were able to inhabit that old suit of armor without incident. So what if you could be transferred to something a bit more... marelike?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How though, Twilight?”

“While it’s never been done before in a laboratory setting, Cherry’s continued existence within the armor and inside your head at times, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that a pony’s soul can indeed be transferred.”

“But this really was a one in a billion shot, Twilight.”

Arc gestures to the gem in the breastplate. “Right. Doubt anyone anywhere has such a thing as this close at hand.”

Eidolon’s Ward bows its head. “Much less when somepony is literally dying in their arms.”

Twilight smiles. “That much is true, yes. However, if you were able to do it once, such a thing could theoretically be done again.”

Arc shrugs. “Cherry did try, with permission mind you, to ‘possess’ her sister Ruby Jubilee some time ago. However, I must point out that she was unable to do so.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Yes, I do remember hearing about that. My idea is a bit different though in terms of its approach.”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds curious. “What have you come up with?”

“A bit of advanced magical theory from a book I was reading recently. In it, the author spoke about theoretical magical spells and their effects. One such idea was the act of transferring the life force of one creature into the body of another and theirs to the first.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Body swapping?”

Twilight nods. “More or less, yes. My question is... what if one of the target bodies was not alive?”

Eidolon’s Ward shudders. “Um... are you talking about a dead body, Twilight?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nothing of the sort. In fact, he touched on that very subject in his book.”

Arc grimaces. “In theory, I hope.”

“Oh yes. He pointed to the fact that, upon the death of a creature, decomposition begins nearly immediately and starts with the decay of the vital organs.”

Arc sighs. “Rotting from the inside out from what I read in science class.”

“Pretty much. The internal organs are the first to rot and lead to putrefaction in a few days.”

Eidolon’s Ward shudders. “I don’t think that sounds like a good idea. The idea of me trying to inhabit a corpse is just plain gross to me.”

Arc nods soberly. “And taking over someone else’s body isn’t much better in my opinion.”

Twilight smiles warmly. “I agree with both of your statements. But that book got me to thinking about alternate methods to allow Cherry to return to the land of the living... literally.”

She stops walking and turns to them before continuing.

“My idea would be to create an artificial body for you to inhabit, Cherry.”


Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “You mean something like Rose?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. If you recall from my initial explanation of her systems, she’s not actually alive. Well, not in the sense that you or I view life, that is.”

“What else could there be though?”

“A theoretical invention from another book. This time by Star Swirl the Bearded.”

Arc chuckles. “That name keeps popping up.”

Eidolon’s Ward shrugs. “Well, he was the driving force behind a number of different magical advancements. I’m told.”

Twilight grins as she looks to the armor. “Right. You see, one of his uncompleted ideas was that of combining magic and flesh to create what he called a ‘homunculus’.”

“What’s that?”

“An artificial life form that you could, in theory, bond with as we bring it to life.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t think I like where this conversation is going, Twilight.”

“It would, for all intents and purposes, be just a lifeless body otherwise. And if we fail, then we haven’t really lost anything.”

Arc sighs. “Twilight... you’re a very accomplished mare. Very studious, and very smart.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

“In fact you’re so smart that you’ve somehow accidently managed to create sentient life in the past. Not once, but twice.”

Eidolon’s Ward shudders. “I’d be afraid of you accidently making a body that has a mind of its own.”

“It could work though. Then you’d be able to join all of us in the herd, Cherry.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “What would it take to do that though?”

“A lot of time and research admittedly. Years of it probably. I just wanted to bring the subject up before getting started. After all, I wouldn’t want to go through all the time and effort to make something like this and then have you tell me you aren’t interested, Cherry.”

“I... would have to think about it first.”

Twilight nods. “No rush there. Just let me know what you decide on. And I mean both you and Arc.”

“Alright. Um...”

“Something wrong, Cherry?”

“I just... all of a sudden, what with being away from the orphanage for the first time in a while... I’m feeling a bit... homesick.”

Twilight appears confused. “But we just left there a few minutes ago.”

“Yes, I know it must sound silly. But they’ve really become a big part of my life. Well... afterlife, I suppose.”

Arc gestures down the path back toward the orphanage. “Would you like to go back?”

“Actually... might you let me into you again, Arc?”

“Sure. It’s been a long time since we did that.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Twilight. “With your permission, of course.”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “No, no. Remember, I don’t own Arc. He’s free to do what he wants.”

Looking to his old armor, Arc nods. It opens to allow him to step inside. Closing around him, Cherry enters his head and lets out a contented sigh as Arc recalls the armor to his ring.

“I’ve missed this.”

Arc grins. “So have I admittedly.”

Twilight looks down the road. “Shall we continue on?”

Cherry giggles. “Yes! Let’s!”

They continue walking. As the trio enters town, Arc looks around to see a number of businesses opening for the day.

“This is nice.”

Twilight turns to him. “Oh?”

“Seeing the town peaceful. Everyone going about their lives happily.”

Cherry giggles. “It’s usually this way from what I’ve seen, yes.”

Arc sighs. “I’ve brought trouble here numerous times though.”

Twilight puts a hoof on his side. “Not on purpose though, Arc.”

“Intentionally or not, I’m still the cause.”

Twilight smiles nervously and attempts to change the subject. “Why don’t we see about getting you a snack at Shelly’s Kitchen, Arc?”

Cherry calls out. “Yes, I heard that they opened for business a few days ago.”

Arc nods soberly. “Shelly had wanted me to be there for their grand opening. But I was still laid up in the hospital.”

Twilight sighs. “I do remember hearing that she was considering pushing back the date.”

“Right. But I told her not to hold off on my account.”

Cherry giggles. “Word is that it’s very popular for both breakfast and lunch.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well, the food is pretty good. The girls and I had a short meeting there over tea one morning a couple days ago.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So you liked it?”

Twilight nods. “Oh yes. But we decided to cut the meeting short so somepony else could use the table. As I said, they’re quite popular. And busy.”

Cherry chimes in. “I wouldn’t mind seeing that for myself.”

Arc shrugs. “Alright. While I’m not exactly hungry after our breakfast at Derpy’s place, I would like to check in on Shelly and Lily. See how they’re doing.”

Turning a corner, they continue on their way. Coming to the new restaurant, they see it fairly busy as described earlier. Entering, Arc walks over to the counter with Twilight and looks around.

“I don’t see either of them.”

Twilight points toward a pair of swinging doors. “They must be in the back.”

Arc chuckles. “Let’s go see.”

Twilight gasps. “But we can’t do that!”

Arc turns back. “Why not?”

Twilight points a hoof. “Because it says ‘employee’s only’ on the sign!”

“Well, back at the other place Shelly and Lily told me I was always welcome to come on back to the kitchen if they weren’t up front.”

“It still seems a bit... intrusive to me.”

Cherry calls out. “Maybe we could lend them a hoof, Twilight?”

Arc grins. “That sounds like a good idea. Let’s go.”

Sighing, Twilight follows Arc behind the counter and through the swinging double doors. They spot Shelly at the stove as Lily finishes assembling a platter. Spotting Arc, Lily calls out happily.

“It looks like we have more customers, Shelly!”

Shelly turns around and giggles. “They’re not customers, Lily. Arc is family.”

Arc smiles as he hugs Lily. “We just came by to see how you two were getting on with the business.”

Lily looks to Twilight and winks. “Here to inspect us?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, no. This is just a friendly visit to check up on you.”

“Lily was just making a joke, Twilight.”

“Oh... right. Now I feel silly.”

Lily smiles apologetically. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. But in all seriousness, are you two doing alright?”

Shelly nods as she pulls a pan of hash browns off the stove and walks over to them. “Very much so, yes!”

Lily gestures toward the front. “Business has been booming these last couple of days.”

“So much so that we had to find some part time help.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Who?”

The door to the back room opens and a griffon walks in with several sacks on his back. Setting them on the counter nearby, he turns to Lily.

“I got the sacks of flour you wanted, Miss Lily.”

“Thank you. Come over here and meet some friends of ours.”

He walks over and grins at Arc as he speaks.

“Hello again, sir.”

Shelly appears confused. “Have you two met already?”

Arc nods. “Yes indeed.”

“Lord Arc is the one whom brought me to Ponyville, Miss Shelly.”

Arc nods. “Via portal, no less. So how are you getting on here in, Gunther?”

“Great, sir! I help out Miss Lily and Miss Shelly in the morning and early afternoon. Then I do writs until evening.”

Shelly giggles. “That he does.”

Arc smiles. “Sounds like you’re learning how things work around here.”

“And I’m getting better at reading too!”

Twilight grins. “From the Writ Board?”


Shelly gestures to Lily. “While I’m cleaning up the restaurant after closing time, Lily and Gunther walk over to the board to find him something to do.”

Gunther nods. “She helps me with the words I don’t understand, sir.”

Lily looks to Gunther proudly. “Which I must point out are becoming fewer and far between I must say.”

“And Miss Shelly is teaching me some basic cooking.”

“We’re starting with prep work and going from there.”

Arc gestures to the sacks. “And how is that going?”

“Really well! Until I came to Equestria, I didn’t think such amazing food even existed, sir!”

Shelly nods proudly. “I’ve never had a more eager student, Arc.”

Twilight chimes in as she turns to Lily. “Had any problems with the nuts and bolts of the operation?”

“Nothing too serious.”

Shelly sighs. “It’s more along the lines of cultural issues.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Lily groans. “I keep accidently asking our pony customers if they would like sausage or bacon with their eggs.”

Twilight shrugs. “Not to worry. Most ponies don’t even know what those are.”

Shelly giggles. “That we figured out from the confused looks on their faces.”

Gunther looks to Arc. “Miss Lily explained the concept of sausage and bacon a while back. It sounds pretty good to me.”

“I like them too. But I can see where the ponies are coming from on this, what with being herbivores.”

Twilight takes a step back toward the door. “Well, we should probably let you three get back to work.”

Arc nods. “Yeah, it looks pretty busy out there.”

Lily walks them to the door. “Don’t be a stranger though, Arc. After all, you’re welcome here anytime.”

“Thanks, Lily. I’ll come by again when I can.”

Arc and Twilight head down the path again. Cherry calls out happily.

“They seem to be doing well.”

Twilight nods. “That they do.”

Arc chuckles. “Agreed. But feel free to participate in the conversation too, Cherry.”

Cherry sighs. “I just worry about making others feel... disconcerted when I do that from your head, Arc. After all, a disembodied voice isn’t the most reassuring thing in the world.”

“No, I suppose it isn’t. However, Lily and Shelly would be fine with it.”

“Alright. Next time I’ll speak up.”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Hey, this is Hammer. I just got a message from Canterlot that says you and Princess Twilight are needed back there right away!”

“Twilight’s right next to me. But what’s this about?”

“No idea. Supposedly it’s something super top secret though.”

Twilight frowns. “Sounds bad. We should head over there.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Whom should we see though, Hammer?”

“Princess Celestia. She said to meet her in your room though, Arc.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “In my...”

Twilight gasps as she cuts Arc off. “Got it! We’ll take it from here, Hammer!”

Hammer sounds hopeful “Want me to come too?”

“N-no, that’s alright! Just take some time to rest and relax here in Ponyville today! After all, you’ve earned it!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I’ll meet you back at Light’s Hope when I’m done at the castle.”

“Uh... okay. But can I ask you something, Twilight?”

“Is it quick?!”

“Yeah. Princess Celestia isn’t trying to worm her way into the herd, or something, is she?”

Twilight gasps. “What?! No!”

Arc quickly chimes in. “This is just a very... private meeting between the three of us. That’s all.”

Hammer grunts. “Fine. But just be sure that it stays PG rated in there. PG-13 at the worst, you hear me?”

Twilight nods frantically. “You have our word! Gotta go though! Bye!”

She motions for Arc to cut the feed. Touching his earring in order to do that, he frowns.

“What was that all about?”

“It’s probably regarding you know whom which is staying in your room in the castle.”

“I know that. But I meant Hammer.”

“Oh. Right. She was probably just worried that another mare was trying to join, or something.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so. After all, Hammer’s never made any kind of jealous showing before. At least not that I can remember.”

Twilight bows her head. “Well... she isn’t exactly happy with Princess Celestia right now.”

“After our little display in the Badlands, I can understand her feelings.”

“Right. But we should get moving.”


Cherry calls out. “Um… if this is supposed to be a secret, should I head back to the orphanage?”

Twilight sighs. “You probably should, yes.”

Arc nods. “Sorry, Cherry. Looks like my quiet day of reading just got put on hold.”

“It’s okay, Arc.”

Calling forth Eidolon’s Ward, Arc waits for Cherry to return to it. A few moments later she calls out.

“Okay, I’m ready.”

The front of the armor melts away to allow Arc to step out. Turning back, he watching it reforms as he speaks.

“Sorry about this, Cherry. In all Honestly I really was looking forward to spending some quality time with both you and Twilight.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “You could stay here with Cherry and let me handle this matter though, Arc.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, your mentor specifically asked for both of us, after all.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “She wouldn’t have done that if it wasn’t important, I imagine.”

Arc looks to his old armor. “Thanks for understanding.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Twilight. “But what about that thing you wanted to show Arc?”

“It will still be there when we get back, I suppose.”

Arc chuckles. “Good. I’m looking forward to seeing whatever it is.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “As am I. But you two should probably get moving. Mustn’t keep Princess Celestia waiting.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Alright. We’ll see you later, Cherry.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “See you soon!”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Stepping through with Twilight, the pair find themselves in Auriel’s room within the castle. Looking around, Twilight appears confused as she turns to Arc.

“Um... I thought we were going to your room.”

“I wasn’t sure if we should be doing that, what with whom is in there.”

Twilight shrugs. “Well, it’s not too long a walk after all.”

Heading for the door, they step out into the corridor. Beginning their trek, Twilight turns to Arc nervously.

“Um... can I ask you something?”

“What’s on your mind?”

“I was just wondering how you felt about Princess Celestia.”

Arc grimaces. “You mean, after our little fight?”

Twilight sighs. “There wasn’t anything little about what happened there.”

“You have to understand that such a thing had been brewing between us for some time, Twilight.”

“I know, I know. And I’m certainly not blaming you for it. But what I am asking is if there are any... how do I put this...?”

Arc chimes in. “If there’s still bad blood between us?”

“Something like that, yes.”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t really know at the moment, Twilight. But that’s more or less up to her right now.”

Twilight appears confused. “Up to Princess Celestia?”

Arc nods. “Right. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I’m hoping she can start letting go of... the animosity between us. After all, as you know, I’ve always done my best to be cordial to her.”

“And I thank you for that, Arc. But do you think there will be another... incident like back then?”

“Again, that’s up to her.”

Continuing on their way, the pair eventually come to Arc’s room. Innumerable soldiers guard the entrance along with Celestia and Luna whom are waiting for them. Twilight approaches her friend and smiles up at her.

“Good morning.”

Celestia smiles at her.” And good morning to you as well, Twilight.”

Luna nods at the pair. “Thank you two for coming.”

“We came as quickly as we could. Is something...?”

Celestia interrupts Twilight. “Why don’t we talk more about this matter inside?”

Luna lowers her voice. “Yes. More privacy.”

Arc motions to the guards, whom quickly step away to allow the group entrance. Pushing open the doors, he holds them open for the others. Closing the doors, they walk around the numerous privacy screens that have been set up to prevent the room’s interior from being seen from the corridor. Approaching the bed, Arc and company see what appears to be a completely different griffon lying there. She smiles as they approach and bows her head respectfully.

“Hello, everypony.”

Twilight giggles. “Good morning, Galena.”

Celestia nods approvingly. “It appears that your conversations with Twilight have done wonders to acclimate you to our culture.”

Galena nods. “Yes, your highness. And I’m very grateful to her for taking the time to help me.”

Arc looks Galena over. “It appears the doctor did an amazing job on your surgery as well.”

Luna smiles “Yes, they did.”

Twilight giggles. “Had I not known what you were going to look like before the operation, I’d have thought you were somepony totally different.”

Galena touches her own face, which is still healing. “So did I. Which made for a rather embarrassing encounter a few nights ago.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh? What happened?”

“You see, I was walking to the bathroom half asleep. As I was washing my talons at the sink, I looked up momentarily and caught a glance at my reflection in the mirror. Apparently in my state I completely forgot the procedure had occurred and thought somepony was in the room with me.”

Twilight gasps. “Oh my!”

Galena sighs. “Falling over backwards screaming was the result. Well, it was actually more like a yelp than anything audible, I suppose.”

Luna nods. “Didn’t recognize yourself?”

“Not in the least. But as I said, that was probably due to the fact I was still half asleep.”

Celestia smiles. “Good.”

Twilight turns to her mentor. “Princess Celestia?”

“The outward transformation was a complete success then.”

Arc nods as he again looks Galena over. “I suppose it was, yes. But I doubt that’s why you called us here.”

Galena appears confused. “You called for them, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia nods. “That I did.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Can we help in some way, Princess Celestia?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes.”

Luna walks over to the bedside. “You see, in a short time Galena will be transported to the Crystal Empire’s hospital under the guise of having undergone a recent major medical procedure.”

Galena nods. “The records will say that I was admitted on complications stemming from my supposed injuries from the explosion back in the Griffon Kingdom. Headache, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, loss of memory, and such.”

Celestia gestures to the griffon before her. “This is in an effort to make her story more believable and allow Galena, or Grace as she’s chosen to rename herself, to be able to fully and seamlessly integrate herself into our land and culture.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “So it would appear that everything has been taken care of.”

“More or less. There is a place to stay waiting for her as well as some food, a bit of money, and other essentials to get her started here.”

Celestia nods soberly. “That leaves only one last bit to take care of.”

Luna sighs. “As unpleasant as it may be for me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “For you, Luna?”

“A final task must first be carried out before Galena can leave for the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, confused. “Some kind of finishing touches, Princess Celestia?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

She looks to her sister before continuing.

“Would you like to explain, Luna?”

Luna nods soberly. “Very well.”

Turning to Arc and Twilight, she speaks.

“As you know, the only ones whom know the truth about whom Galena truly is are currently standing in this room. Other than the surgeon, whom we trust to keep such professional secrets to himself, of course. It was necessary to keep this circle of information extremely small in order to keep the diplomatic relations between the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria intact. While we trust everypony here with this information, it is important to keep that knowledge a secret from the rest of the world. And to do that, we must remove as much evidence of it as possible.”

Luna gestures to Galena before continuing.

“Therefore, Galena has agreed to undergo a very thorough mental cleansing.”

Twilight appears confused. “Mental cleansing?”

Arc frowns. “What does that mean?”

Celestia shudders. “It’s a very old and closely guarded secret of Unicorn Magic. This spell can undo the memories of an individual from their short term memory.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “So Galena will temporarily forget this conversation?”

Luna sighs. “Normally that would be the extent of its power, yes. However, by coupling this spell with my ability to delve into an individual’s subconscious via their dreams, the effects will become much more... pronounced.”

Arc frowns. “Meaning what exactly?”

Galena sighs. “That I’ll forget a lot more than just the past week or so.”

Celestia nods. “Rather than covering the memories of a few recent conversations with the a fore mentioned spell, Luna will completely and totally remove all of the memories themselves.”

Twilight gasps. “But that would lead to her being nothing more than a blank slate!”

Luna shakes her head. “No so, Twilight. I will be very thorough but selective of which memories I remove. Basic knowledge and memories gained from growing up will be left completely intact as will everything leading up to her initial employment by Lord Goldstone.”

Celestia bows her head. “Correct. However, any information pertaining to anything after that will be removed in its entirety.”

Galena smiles. “I won’t remember being employed by Lord Goldstone nor what he did to me or what I did to others in order to satisfy his desires.”

Twilight looks to Luna. “And her memories of the trial?”

“Gone. That in addition to what was done in order to smuggle her to Equestria, her plastic surgery treatments, as well as this conversation.”

Arc nods soberly. “Very nice and neat for the purposes of security. “

He looks to the griffon lying on the bed before continuing.

“But how do you feel about it, Galena?”

“Truth be told, I’m looking forward to forgetting the horrors I endured in my service within the Aviary.”

Turning to Twilight, she sighs sadly.

“However, I will miss the happy memories I made with you, Lady Twilight. How you tried your very best to help me avoid execution as well as taking the time to teach me about your land’s customs.”

“It was my pleasure, Galena. Perhaps sometime in the future I could even come check in on you.”

Luna sighs. “You could, yes. But remember, she won’t remember any of the time you spent with her, Twilight.”

“Oh... right.”

Arc bows his head. “So this truly will be goodbye then.”

Galena nods soberly. “I... guess it is. While I don’t wish to forget the good that happened to me, I do understand Princess Celestia’s idea to have me undergo this procedure. It’s for my well-being as well as Equestria’s.”

“That is correct, my dear. However, we need to get underway soon if we are to stay on schedule.”

Luna gestures to Arc and Twilight. “Please say your goodbyes.”

Galena turns to Twilight and smiles.

“Thank you for helping me, Lady Twilight. It’s not every day that a lowly commoner such as myself is given such extraordinary leeway in life.”

“You deserved it, Galena. After all you’ve been through, what we did was the least that anypony could do.”

“I hope you too find happiness in your life. As I have here thus far.”

Twilight smiles and looks to Arc as she speaks. “That I will, I’m sure.”

“Just... please don’t forget about me, your highness. Or the Griffon Kingdom’s innocents across the sea. After all, there are so many more whom could use a helping talon. Or hoof, I suppose.”

Arc nods as he steps forward. “We shall continue to deepen ties with the Griffon Kingdom. Or at the very least, I will.”

Twilight nods. “Right. All we can do is try though.”

Galena smiles. “That’s all I ask, Lady Twilight. All any of us can ask.”

Celestia sighs. “I’m sure Twilight will do her very best.”

Luna bows her head. “As will I. But we really must get underway now.”

Galena turns to the alicorn. “Very well, Princess Luna. I am...”

She is cut off as Twilight suddenly lurches forward and throws her front hooves around Galena’s neck. Surprised at first, Galena smiles and puts her talons around Twilight. They hug for a long moment before parting and looking each other in the eye.

“Thank you so very much, Lady Twilight. For everything.”

Twilight smiles sadly. “I wish you well... in your... um... future life.”

“With any luck, our paths will cross again. And even if I don’t remember you, that will be okay.”

Arc nods. “Take care of yourself, Galena.”

She smiles and nods at Arc before turning again to Luna.

“I am ready.”

“Very good. Now then... lie back.”

Galena does as she is told. Celestia steps forward, her horn aglow.

“I shall now put you to sleep with my magic. When you awaken, you will remember nothing of this nor of your troubled past. Do you consent to this procedure, Galena?”

Galena closes her eyes and nods. “I do, Princess Celestia.”

Nodding, Celestia casts the spell. Galena’s breathing slows as she loses consciousness. A small smiles crosses her face as she does so. Luna steps forward and looks to the others.

“I shall now begin the process of removing Galena’s memories as stated earlier.”

Arc appears hopeful. “Anything we can do to help?”

Luna shakes her head. “Nothing, I’m afraid. I only require total peace and quiet to properly complete the task.”

Celestia looks toward the door. “Then we shall take our leave, sister.”

She motions for Twilight and Arc to follow her out. Returning to the corridor, Celestia nods to the guards whom close the door behind them. Twilight grimaces slightly as the finality of the situation is made clear with the click of the lock. Looking to her former teacher as the three begin walking down the corridor, she speaks.

“Did we... really do the right thing here, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia sighs. “What is right and what is easy are very seldom one and the same, Twilight. I’m sure you’ve had your own share of hard decisions to make since becoming a princess.”

“I have, yes. But this... this just seems like it’s in a league of its own.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “That’s because you became close to you know who. Had you not, this would have been a lot easier.”

Twilight sighs. “Nothing will change that now though.”

Celestia nods soberly. “Then you must accept that you did what you could with what you had, learn from this experience, and move on with your own life.”

Arc smiles nervously. “Such is good advice, Twilight. I remember a few cases I ruled on as the nation’s Lord Regent that still keep me awake some nights.”

“What do you do about that though?”

Arc shrugs. “Pretty much the same thing your mentor said, Twilight. Try to accept that you did your best and move on.”

“I will try to...”

She is interrupted as Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he speaks.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is the Canterlot Castle switchboard. We just received a phone call from Matron Coco Pommel of the Little Hooves Orphanage asking you to come there at once.”

“Did she say what this is all about?”

“Just that it was in regards to a very pressing legal matter concerning the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Anything else?”

“No sir, that was it.”

“Let her know that I’m on my way and will be there soon.”

“I’ll see to it, sir.”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection and turns to the princesses before him.

“Looks like I have more work to do.”

Celestia shrugs. “Such is the life of a leader.”

Twilight steps towards Arc. “I should come too. After all, a legal matter between the Griffon Kingdom and our orphanage could be a very tense situation.”

“If you want to, sure.”

Celestia clears her throat. “Twilight?”

Twilight turns to her mentor. “Yes, Princess Celestia?”

“With Cadance doing her part in the Crystal Empire and Luna taking care of you know what for whom knows how long, you are needed here to lead the nation.”

“I... suppose that is true, yes.”

She looks back to Arc and smiles wistfully before continuing.

“It looks like you’re going to have to take care of this without me.”

Arc nods. “I’ll do my best.”

Twilight smiles. “That you will.”

Celestia steps forward. “Might I suggest an alternative, Twilight?”


“I would be willing to accompany our Hero of Light to the orphanage and aid him in clearing this matter up.”

Arc frowns. “Would you now?”

“Yes. After all, I am well versed in both nation’s laws and culture.”

Twilight looks away nervously. “I... don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Capable as you believe him to be, I don’t think our Hero of Light has the necessary legal skills to handle this.”

“That is true, yes. However, I believe that somepony else could be found to advise him on such things.”

“Whom though?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Well...”

She thinks for a moment before continuing.

“...how about Raven Inkwell?”

Arc nods. “That would work.”

“And normally I would agree with that. But as you recall, she recently asked for a leave of absence, Twilight.”

“Ah... right!”

Sighing, she continues thinking. Coming up with nothing, she looks to Arc.

“I suppose it’s ultimately up to you on what to do here.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well... I suppose she is right. Years of experience would certainly help to find a way to fix whatever problem has come up at the orphanage.”

Nodding, he turns to Celestia.

“Very well. I’d welcome your... input on this matter.”

“Very good.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “Just remember that Arc is in charge of this matter, Princess Celestia. You’re just there to advise him as needed.”

“Understood, Twilight.”

“Now that we have an agreement, I need to start audiences. Let me know what’s going on over there, Arc.”

“Sure. Have a nice day, Twilight.”

Kneeling down, he gives her a hug. As Twilight wraps her front hooves around his neck she gives his cheek a few light pecks. Celestia grimaces at this display of affection but says nothing. A few moments later the pair break off their embrace and step back.

“Good luck, you two. And let me know if you need anything.”

Celestia nods. “Thank you, Twilight.”

Arc sighs. “We will. Count on it.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Motioning with a hand, he looks to Celestia.

“After you.”

“Why, thank you.”

Celestia enters the swirling energies as Arc follows closely behind. Twilight waves a hoof nervously as they do so. Watching the portal close, she bows her head and groans.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

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