• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Dinner Guests

That evening Shining Armor stands outside the princess’ quarters as Arc walks up.

“Taking guard duty yourself?”

“It helps me stay humble, sir.”

“A wise idea. Are the princesses getting ready for supper?”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes sir.”

Arc leans against the wall. “They sure do take a while.”

“That they do. Uh… please don’t tell them I said that.”

Arc grins. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

Shining Armor looks to him, confused. “Sir?”


“You can go in.”

“Um… what?”

“Didn’t you come to escort them?”

“I… well, yes. But I can’t go in with them changing!”

“Why not?”

“Well, you see… um… it’s… it’s a human thing.”

“While I don’t understand, I do believe you. Would you like me to see if they’re ready yet?”

Arc nods. “Would you please? I’d appreciate it.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back, sir.”

Shining Armor enters the room as Arc breathes a sigh of relief.

“Not sure what I’m so worked up about. I mean, they don’t usually wear clothes in the first place.”

A few moments later Shining Armor opens the door.

“Both princesses are dressed and ready. However, they’d like a word with us before dinner.”

Arc steps forward. “Sure.”

Entering the room with Shining Armor Arc sees Luna and Cadance sitting in front of the fireplace in their evening gowns. They stand as he approaches.

“No, no! Please don’t get up. You both look very comfortable there.”

Luna nods. “I admit, as spartan as your quarters are, this is a nice change from the castle.”

Cadance smiles. “Yes, I agree. But we wanted to have a quick conversation with you before heading to the Dining Room.”

“What about?”

Luna is suddenly sober. “Your thoughts on how the earlier gathering went.”

“Truth be told, better than I thought it would.”

Cadance frowns. “You were expecting trouble too?”

Shining Armor sighs. “I believe we all were.”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes. I even asked Rose to monitor our guest’s vitals. That way she could warn me it someone’s heart rate increased.”

“A good idea, Arc. Tell me, did anypony register?”

“I didn’t receive any calls regarding it, no.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin. “Did Rose have anything else to say about the event?”

“Only that everyone seemed far too calm considering their pasts.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t calm good?”

Cadance frowns. “Normally yes. However it could also mean they’re hiding their true intentions, right Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “Unlikely. Maintaining a calm demeanor is imperative to any diplomat. To show anger would be considered uncouth.”

Arc shrugs. “I spoke to everyone present. With the exception of Tugem and Rutherford, that is. The others seemed to be on the level.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Come to think of it, were they even there?”

“Yes. But not for very long.”

Arc frowns. “Uh oh. Did something happen?”

Shining Armor shrugs. “No idea. I did ask the guards patrolling the base at that time if they overheard anything.”

Cadance appears relieved. “Good idea, Shining Armor. What did you learn?”

“Those two spent the quite a bit of time walking the corridors together talking.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Really? What about?”

Shining Armor looks nervous. “You… might not want to know, your highnesses.”

Arc chuckles. “Come on. How bad could it have been?”

“Yes, we’d like to know as well.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “Very well. Apparently they talked at length on… um… proper battle tactics.”

Luna looks to Shining Armor, confused. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing innately, I suppose. But they had a rather detailed conversation on the most efficient way to kill an opponent.”

Cadance gasps “Oh my!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, they are both from warrior clans.”

“I understand that. However several guards were a bit put off at the talk.”

Luna frowns. “Can you elaborate?”

“Prince Tugem was of the opinion that the best way to fell an opponent was through intelligence and stealth. And Prince Rutherford believed a head-on attack was more honorable to skulking and subterfuge.”

Arc sighs. “Why am I not surprised? How long did this go on?”

“All through the gathering.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “Did they even eat?”

Shining Armor nods. “According to the guards, yes. They stepped into the Dining Room long enough to get snacks before returning to their walk.”

Arc sighs. “How could they talk that long? I mean, do you have more details on the conversation?”

“The guards were loath to talk about it, but apparently the pair talked at great length about various scenarios and how they would take down their opponent.”

Cadance taps her hood nervously. “Can you give us an example?”

“Suppose an enemy camps across from your city. They both agreed that the leader of the army should be killed. However they differed on how to do that. Prince Tugem said he would have snuck into the camp late at night as another ogre made a distraction such as setting a tent on fire as far away as possibe. In the confusion he would have snuck into the leader’s tent and slit their throat.”

Cadance gasps. “Oh my!”

Luna frowns. “And Prince Rutherford?”

“His idea would have been to gather his warriors and attack the enemy from the east at sunrise.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “Not very imaginative.”

Arc chuckles. “It certainly is decent strategy.”

Luna looks confused. “How so?”

“That’s the direction the sun rises. Imagine having to fight an opposing army with the sun in your eyes.”

Shining Armor frowns. “A sobering thought.”

Arc is suddenly serious. “Do you believe they plan to attack one another, Shining Armor?”

“No sir. I believe it was more of a… friendly conversation. Their nations certainly are similar when you think about it.”

Luna sighs. “Thank you for reporting this to us, captain.”

Cadance nods. “Let us hope it stays at talk with them though.”

“Agreed. I’ll keep an eye on them at supper.”

Shining Armor looks to the door. “Speaking of which we should get moving soon, your highnesses.”

Luna stands up with Cadance. “Very well. Lead the way, captain.”

Shining Armor heads for the door as Luna and Cadance follow with Arc. They slowly walk toward the Dining Room together. Prince Rutherford and Prince Tugem meet them halfway. Tugem smiles and bows at the waist to the princesses.

“Your highnesses.”

The princesses nod cordially before responding.

“Good evening, Prince Tugem. Prince Rutherford.”

“Are you enjoying the summit?”

Rutherford nods. “Yah! But yak thought it would be warmer.”

Shining Armor motions to his room. “Shall I turn up the heat in your room, sir?”

Rutherford points a cloven hoof toward the window. “No! It hardly spring! How you call this gathering a summer?!”

Arc clears his throat. “Prince Rutherford, that’s summit, not summer.”

Rutherford looks confused. “What difference?”

Tugem chuckles. “A summit is where we talk about national security, regulations, diplomacy, and issues specific to our regions. Summer is a season.”

“Yak not know what all that mean.”

Arc chuckles. “We also eat while talking.”

“Yak can do that! Yak best at eating!”

Tugem laughs. “Perhaps we can continue this conversation over dinner.”

“Yah! Let’s eat!”

They enter the Dining Room to find everyone else already seated. Shining Armor leads the princesses to their table. He pulls out Cadance’s chair for her as Arc does the same for Luna.

“Will you be joining us, Shining Armor?”

Shining Armor shakes his head nervously. “I should probably check on security, Princess Cadance.”

“Have there been any breeches?”

“No, your highness. And I’ll do my best to keep it that way.”

Arc nods. “I’ll stay here if you need to attend to something.”

“Thank you sir. I’ll be back to escort the princesses back to their room.”

Cadance sighs. “Very good.”

Shining Armor leaves as several servants emerge from the Kitchen carrying covered dishes. Arc grins.

“It would appear dinner is served.”

Luna looks around. “And not a moment too soon. I do believe everypony will do well to stay full.”

Arc grins. “Agreed.”

Cadance appears confused. “Why is that, Luna?”

“Hunger makes for irritable diplomats. We would do well to keep delicacies at hoof’s reach at all times.”

Arc nods as he turns to Luna. “The Kitchen staff has been told to have a crew available at all hours. Saffron’s room is right off the Kitchen, so she’s there to oversee any difficult dish construction.”

Cadance smiles as their own meal is served. “It would appear you’ve thought of everything, Arc.”

“It was actually Saffron’s idea. She’s very dedicated to her work, after all.”

Cadance sniffs the air. “Perhaps. But may I ask what that strange smell is?”

Arc chuckles nervously. “Oh… um… that’s would be my dinner.”

He lifts the lid of his dish to expose a rather large steak. Cadance’s eyes grow wide as she instinctively puts a hoof to her mouth.

“Is… is that…?!”

Luna nods and responds in an even tone as she takes a bite of her salad. “It’s cow flesh, my dear.”

“It’s a bit disturbing.”

Luna puts down her fork and turns to her friend. “Cadance. I want you to look at what the other representatives are eating.”

Cadance does so.

“Well… um… everypony here, other than you and I, is eating animal flesh.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not completely true. Look over at Prince Rutherford.”

“I see… is that an entire salad bowl in front of him?”

Luna nods. “The yaks are herbivores like us, Cadance. But what is Prince Tugem eating?”

“A bird of some kind?”

Arc looks over to their guest. “Roast Cockatrice.”

“Yes. But how it Prince Rutherford taking it?”

“I don’t understand.”

Arc shrugs. “He looks pretty understanding of his dinner companion’s diet.”


Arc stands up. “Why don’t we go ask him?”

“What? Now?!”

Luna nods. “That would probably be best. A representative of our nation hasn’t properly greeted him yet.”

Cadance stands. “Very well. I’ll… say hello.”

Arc holds out his arm. Cadance takes it as the pair walk across the room to the table. Rutherford’s head is buried in the bowl. Arc clears his throat.

“Good evening you two.”

Tugem nods politely. “Hello again. What can we do for you?”

“Princess Cadance is here to say hello.”

Cadance smiles nervously. “Y-yes. As princess I wanted to come over and make sure everything was… tasting alright.

Rutherford continues eating. Yona gives him a poke. He raises his head and frowns at her.

“What?! Who poke yak?!”

“Someyak wants to speak to you, father!”

Rutherford looks around before smiling at Cadance. “Oh! Hello pretty pony princess! What you want say to yak?!”

“I just… wanted to make sure everything was to your liking.”

“Yah! Food good!”

Yona nods. “Small portions, but yak can wait for next course!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But what you two have there would feed us for a week.”

Rutherford laughs. “Not yaks fault you small. Yona eats lots. Is growing yak, after all.”

“Why you eat so much, father?”

“Have to keep up strength! Be ready for battle!”

Cadance clears her throat. “Prince Rutherford. Is it true you eat only fruits and vegetables?”

“No. Yak also eat nuts and berries!”

Tugem looks over. “Oh? Forgive me, Prince Rutherford. I was not aware of this. Does my meal bother you?”

Rutherford appears confused. “Yak not understand question.”

Cadance uses the opportunity to look away from Tugem’s plate. “He means are you upset by the sight of his food.”

Yona frowns. “Pony princess not make sense. Yak need eat. But ogre need eat too.”

Arc turns to Rutherford. “Forgive us, but I don’t believe Princess Cadance has ever seen a meal with meat in it. She wanted to know how you feel about it.”

Rutherford looks at Tugem’s plate. “It very different from yak food.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, it is.”

“Yona confused. Why pony princess ask so many questions?”

“She just wants to understand your point of view better.”

Rutherford looks at the Roast Cockatrice. “Yak understand that not everyyak do as yak do. But yak respect other culture’s methods. Yak not better in this regard. Just different.”

Cadance appears surprised. “Well then… I… just didn’t think you had given it this much thought. Thank you for explaining this to me, Prince Rutherford.”

“Father. Yona have to go to little yaks room.”

Rutherford stands up. “Come, Yona. I take you.”

He turns to Cadance.

“We be back, pony princess.”

Cadance smiles. “Yes. Take your time.”

The two yaks leave the room. Tugem turns to Cadance and lowers his voice.

“I told him this grows on a tree.”

Arc frowns. “Wait, what?”

Tugem sighs. “It was easier that way.”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide. “But he might want to find this tree!”

“Don’t worry. I said this grows on a very tall tree in the middle of the desert. And that’s one thing yaks aren’t good at. Jumping and climbing. To say nothing for a hot climate.”

Arc chuckles. “Let me guess. You originally tried telling him the truth. Failing that you made up the story?”

“Very perceptive, sir. Please forgive my little white lie, but the yaks are very hard to convince.”

“That I can understand. We’ll let you get back to your meal now.”

Arc and Cadance return to their table. Luna looks over.

“How did it go?”

“Okay, I suppose. Tell me something, Luna. Are the yaks truly as stubborn as the tales say?”

Luna nods. “Yes. Once they get an idea it is nearly impossible to dislodge.”

Arc smiles. “But it can be done.”

“May I ask how?”

“A fist to the head.”

Luna giggles. “I do remember you telling us about that in the Lunar Realm.”

Cadance sighs. “Well, I’m not sure how I feel about using deception to achieve a resolution.”

“Such is the role of diplomacy, my dear.”

“It is?”

Luna nods. “Yes. My sister was always quite good at it. When I returned from the moon, she had numerous stories to tell regarding that very matter.”

Arc smiles. “I look forward to hearing some of them when she returns.”

“So do I.”

As dinner concludes the guests mingle amongst one another. Dessert is brought out as everyone is served cider. Arc shakes his head as a servant approaches with a tray of mugs.

“None for me, thank you.”

Gestal turns to Arc. “I don’t recall you drinking anything but water in the Griffon Kingdom as well, Lord Arc. Tell me, is this a tradition of yours?”

“Something like that, sir.”

Ghaleon nods approvingly. “A true warrior must always keep a level head. Alcohol should be reserved for medicinal use only.”

Goldstone takes a mug and smiles. “I don’t feel so good.”

He downs its contents in a few gulps. Ashe rolls her eyes as Goldstone takes another mug from the tray.

“How do you feel now?”

“Better. But I think I need a second dose.”

He drinks the mug down and tosses it back to the servant. Gestal shakes his head.

“How was it, Lord Goldstone?”

“Awful. But what can one expect from medicine, eh?”

As he reaches for another mug Ghaleon grabs his talon.

“I believe you’ve had a large enough dose.”

“Who are you to tell me…?!”

Ghaleon narrows his eyes and glares at him wordlessly.

“Y-yes, that’s enough for me.”

Arc chuckles inwardly as he mutters to himself.

“I like this guy.”

Smolder walks over angrily and sighs as she looks to Arc.

“Dragon Lord Ember would like a word with you… sir.”

“I see.”

He turns to the others.

“Please excuse me.”

Smolder walks him back to Ember. She nods to him curtly as Brightwing flutters around above her head.

“You wanted to see me, Dragon Lord?”

“I did, Lord Arc. Smolder, why don’t you find yourself something nice to eat?”

Smolder frowns as she turns to walk away. “Fine.”

“Forgive Smolder. She’s not used to the company of non-dragons.”

“It’s alright. Now was there something I could do for you?”

“Indeed. Might I see you in private? I have an issue with my accommodations.”

“Of course. What seems to be the trouble?”

Ember looks up at Brightwing.

“Brightwing, naptime.”

The little dragon giggles as she lands on the floor between them. “Yes, yes!”

In a flash the trio are Blinked to Ember’s room.

“Very good, Brightwing. Now go back to Smolder and keep her company.”

“Yes, Dragon Lord!”

With a flash of light Brightwing Blinks away. Arc turns to his friend.

“Okay, what’s wrong with your room?”

Ember takes a step back. A wicked grin spreads across her face as she undoes the leather straps holding her armor on. It clatters to the floor as she looks up at him.

“You’re not in it come sundown.”

She steps forward and wraps her arms around him.

“I missed you.”

“Ember, I… I missed you too. But we can’t be doing this right now.”

She traces his chest with a claw. “Why not?”

Arc pushes her back gently. “You know why.”

Ember sighs.

“Yeah. But there is something I needed to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“That I’m having a very hard time restraining myself.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Have you tried a cold shower?”

“Not that kind of restraint! I’m trying to tell you I want to see Goldstone’s head on my spear!”

“Oh! Well, I’m certainly glad these walls are soundproof.”

“You can’t tell me you don’t want that too!”

Arc sighs. “True. But at what cost? Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom would certainly go to war over something like that.”

Ember looks to Arc soberly. “I’ve already spoken to my father about this. Without mentioning Raven’s name, of course. And I have his permission to do whatever I wish in this matter.”

“Not sure I like where this is going.”

“I’d be willing to officially ally our two nation’s forces. The Council of Lords wouldn’t dare challenge both of us. If you brought King Felix in on this, I’m sure you’d have little trouble convincing him to join us after what Goldstone suggested to his wife. Heck, Prince Rutherford might even think higher of you if he was invited to participate. And at a single command from you, Sereb would lead the Forsaken Tribe into battle beside us.”

Arc sighs. “Ember… you know we can’t…”

“I thought you’d say that. So I’d be willing to lead the dragons against Griffonstone quickly and quietly.”


“There would be minimal casualties. We’d strike under the cover of darkness, of course. Before dawn Goldstone would be dead, the rest of the council and their king will have fled, and Equestria would be free to take control of the leaderless country. Heck, you could probably become the new Lord Regent over there. Sign a new treaty, free the slaves, build orphanages, and even charter schools for everyone.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember.”

Ember frowns. “Why not?! Raven would get justice along with Queen Fiona and any other victims! That and you’d be liberating a COUNTRY! We could…!”

Arc grabs Ember and roughly pushes her against a wall.


Ember gasps, surprised at Arc’s sudden outburst. “Wha-what?! But… but I…”

Arc looks down as he grips her shoulders. “Ember, just… stop.”

They are silent for a time. Ember shakes her head.

“Look, we both know the griffon legal system is more trouble than it’s worth.”

Arc sighs. “Don’t I know it. The princesses showed me a thick tome they received. According to them, it was directions on how to properly fill out the forms needed to bring a case to court. Those forms took up several crates!”

Ember grabs the front of Arc’s raiments. “So let’s do it my way! It’ll be over in less than a day!”

“Don’t you get it, Ember?! If we do that, we’re no different than Goldstone! Breaking the law to serve our purposes won’t encourage their citizens either! We’ll just look like more of the same to them!”

Ember shoves Arc back angrily.

“You’re an idiot sometimes, you know that?!”

“Probably. But I’d appreciate it if you’d just let me handle the problem my way. No one else needs to get hurt over this. Especially not you.”


“Wouldn’t you be leading the invasion?”

“Of course!”

“And wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“A bit, yes. But you’ve shown me how to take a dangerous situation and make it that much less so with proper planning and careful consideration. Now I know you don’t want me to get hurt, so why not come with me?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. And you’re not going either.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “And how exactly would you stop me? Lock me up? Threaten me? Beat me? You seem to forget that I’m the future Dragon Lord! Not a citizen of Equestria!”

“Well I suppose I could lock you up until you were convinced. Threats probably wouldn’t work on you. And I’m confident I could best you in combat.”

Ember glares at him. “So what’s you plan then, huh?!”


Arc steps forward and looks her straight in the eye.

“We’ve been through quite a bit together. In the past you’ve seen fit to question me and my decisions over and over again. But in the end you’ve always stood with me, my friend. Always trusted me. Now I’m asking you to please trust me on this matter too. While I won’t help you do this, I also admit there’s nothing I can do to stop you. So… I guess that’s all I have to say on the matter.”

Ember looks down silently for a few moments before lunging forward and wrapping her claws around Arc’s midsection. He reciprocates with a hug of his own as Ember whispers to him.


“It’s okay. I want to resolve this as much as anyone else. But not by throwing away soldier’s lives or scrapping the peace we’ve worked so hard for. Not to mention risking your life.”

Ember presses her face against his chest. “I understand, and promise I won’t do anything rash.”

“Thank you, Ember.”

She looks up into his eyes.

“But… if this doesn’t work, I want you to know my earlier offer of a joint military operation still stands.”

“I’ll think of something.”

Ember smiles as she hugs him again. “I’m sure you will.”

They are silent for a time. A moment later the floor vibrates slightly. Ember looks to Arc, confused.

“What was that?”

Arc chuckles. “Prince Rutherford falling over?”

“Ha, ha. It feels more like a slight earthquake.”

Arc becomes serious as another vibration shakes them. “Maybe. At least it’s a small one though.”

The tremors slowly grow in frequency and intensity. Ember frowns.

“This isn’t good!”

His earring chirps. Rose’s voice comes over his earring.

“Arc! We have a problem!”

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