• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Plans and Demands

Arc and company leave the restaurant together and begin the short walk home. Dinky carries a small leftover pack. Hugh groans.

“That was a meal and a half!”

Xenos grunts. “Yeah! I’m stuffed.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “Thanks for the meal, sir.”

“No problem. You guys deserve it.”

Dinky looks at the sack in her hands. “I hope Mister Max likes this omelet.”

Ember shrugs. “He’s pretty easy to please in the food department from what I’ve seen.”

Auriel smiles. “Well, he’s in for a treat nonetheless.”

Derpy sighs. “What’s the plan for the rest of the day, Arc?”

“First thing I have to do is send you and Dinky home.”

Dinky gasps. “Already?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, sweetheart. Right now I really need to concentrate on the mission at hand.”

“Okay, dad.”

Ember looks down at the little girl. “Don’t you worry. Everything’s going to be fine.”

Auriel nods. “Yes, sweetie. Ember and the others will look after your father.”

Dinky forces a small smile. “Yeah, I know. He’ll show those bad humans a thing or two.”

They arrive back at Arc’s house and walk over to the garage. Arc pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to Xenos.

“You, Viktor, and Hugh take the Jeep and buy the stuff on this list.”

Viktor salutes. “Yes sir.”

Auriel joins them. “Might I go as well, Arc? I’d like to take this opportunity to study human culture one last time.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Ember waves. “Have fun.”

Xenos throws up a hand. “See you in a bit.”

Arc, Derpy, Dinky, Ember, and Sereb walk in the back door together. They head for the basement and the portable recall unit. Arc kneels down to give Dinky a hug.

“You be good for you mother, sweetheart.”

“I will, dad.”

Standing he smiles at Derpy.

“I’ll be home soon.”

“I know you will. Stay safe.”

Arc nods and gives Derpy a hug. Ember sighs and presses the button on the recall unit. A portal forms as Derpy and Dinky walk forward. As they near it Dinky turns back and smiles.

“I love you dad.”

Arc smiles back. “I love you too, Dinky.”

Derpy takes Dinky’s hand as she looks back. “We’ll wait for you in your room in the castle.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! Then we can have breakfast tomorrow with the princesses!”

Arc laughs. “Looking forward to it.”

The pair enter the portal and are gone. They reappear back on the S.P.E.A.R.’s platform in Princess Celestia’s room as Dinky turns to her mother.

“Dad’s going to be okay, right mom?”

“Yes, sweetie. I’m sure of it.”

She glances down at Dinky’s hand.

“But I think Max is going to be hungry.”

Dinky looks confused. Her mother gestures to the package in her small hand.


Derpy giggles. “It’s okay, sweetie. We’ll ask somepony to put it in the refrigerator here. Then he can eat it when he gets back.”

“I guess. But…”

“Something wrong?”

Dinky wiggles her fingers. “Dad forgot to change us back!”

Derpy smiles. “Well, he has a lot on his mind right now.”

“What should we do?”

“Twilight should be here soon. If she isn’t already, that is. She can probably return us to our pony forms.”

The pair leave the room and walk down the corridor hand in hand. Meanwhile Arc sighs as Ember shuts the device off and walks over to him. She soberly puts a hand on his shoulder.

“It was the right thing to do.”


Sereb nods. “They could not stay. Things will be quite dangerous soon enough.”

Arc clenches a fist. “I just want to finish this up and be done with it though.”

Ember grins. “We’ll help you make that happen.”

Sereb growls. “That we will.”

“Thanks you two.”

He glances toward Max’s bunk.


Ember looks around. “Where’s Max?”

Sereb pricks up his ears. “He is in the Living Room with Rose.”

Arc heads for the stairs. “I should probably talk to him.”

Ember grins. “Giving him a list of chores too?”

“Something like that.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Is there anything you would like us to do, Arc?”

“Um… I know this might sound kinda weird, but could you two get some laundry going? We might never come back again, but I just can’t bring myself to leave a pile of dirty clothes lying here.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Fine.”

“I’ll help in a bit.”

Arc walks upstairs and heads for the living room. Max and Rose sit there talking quietly. Max stands as Arc enters.

“Hello, Max.”


“I… hope you had time to think about what I said.”

“Yes, sir. Can we talk about it?”


They sit down as Max begins.

“Rose and I had a long conversation about a few things.”

“It was mostly me listening, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Sometimes that’s what’s needed.”

“I… want you to know that I… I honestly care about Shelly more than anything in this world.”

“Yes, I know.”

“You do, sir?”

Arc frowns. “She told me.”

Max appears suddenly nervous. “What… exactly did she say?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “That the two of you were going to start dating.”

Max hangs his head. “Sir, I… um…”

“How exactly were you planning to do that… AFTER I EXPLICTLY TOLD YOU NOT TO?!”

“Sir, might I speak freely?”

“No! Answer the question!”

“I was planning on… leaving.”

Arc’s jaw drops. “You were going to DESERT?!”

“Yes sir.”

Arc leans back in his seat and groans. “We’re about to take on our greatest mission! Probably the biggest one in the history of Equestria! And you want to deserrt?! Why are you still here?!”

“Because Rose and I… talked it over.”

Rose nods. “It’s true, Arc.”

“You still haven’t answered my question, Max!”

“Rose told me roughly what you just did. That this wasn’t the time for me to run off.”

He motions to Rose. She reaches next to the couch and pulls out a bulging backpack.

“I was actually on my way out the door at the time.”

Rose nods soberly. “You stopped though.”

“Yes, well… had you not been here, I would have been long gone.”

Arc grits his teeth. “Where were you planning to go?!”

Max sighs as he looks out the window. “Anywhere but here. I just had to lay low until you and the others finished the mission and went back to Equestria. Then I was planning to start a new life here with Shelly.”

Rose turns to Arc. “She’s offered Max and the others jobs on numerous occasions, Arc.”

“I’m really sorry, sir.”

Arc groans. “Well, I don’t really know what to do about this now. I mean… I need those I can trust on this mission.”

Max nods sadly. “I’d be willing to stand trial for my crimes when we get back, sir.”

“No, Max. I’m not pressing charges against you.”


“Tonight’s going to be quite the event. You don’t need the thought of imprisonment hanging over your head during it.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Max, I need to know one thing. What made you even CONSIDER doing something like this?!”

“I… I don’t know, sir. But I’d still like to be included in the mission tonight.”

“Fine. On one condition.”


“Later today when all the preparations are complete I’m going to ask you ‘why’ again. And I’ll need a real answer.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc nods. “Dismissed.”

Max stands and slowly walks to the basement. Rose turns to Arc.

“You were pretty hard on him.”

“Hard?! I could’ve thrown him in prison for life!”

“But he didn’t go through with it!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Only because you stopped him, Rose. Now I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in my request.”

“But you already know the answer to that question!”

“Yeah. But I need to hear him say it.”

The others return shortly. They spend the morning cleaning and straightening up the house. After lunch Arc calls everyone to the basement for a mission briefing. Explaining every aspect in great detail they go over the plan numerous times. Ending, Arc looks around at the others.

“Is everyone clear on the plan?”

His squad looks to him and nods. Viktor is the first to speak.

“We’ve memorized everything, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. Even your backup plans.”

Rose giggles. “And their backup plans as well.”

Hugh grins. “We’re as ready as can be, sir.”

Sereb growls. “All that is left is to implementation.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah! And go home proud!”

Auriel appears nervous. “And hopefully safe.”

Arc frowns. “No promises there.”

They nod soberly as Arc continues.

“I won’t lie to you all. This mission will be beyond dangerous. Our chances of success aren’t the greatest and it wouldn’t surprise me if not all of us make it back. But we all knew this was coming. Princess Celestia MUST be saved! Equestria’s depending on us to bring her home, and we will not fail! We can’t fail.”

Arc sighs.

“I’m very proud of all of you. But right now we need to rest and ready ourselves physically and mentally for what lies ahead. When the sun sets we’ll eat a quick meal and be off. But before we adjourn, is there anything else that needs to be said?”

Hugh stands up. “Sir?”


“I just wanted to say… thank you. Thank you for taking us as your squad and allowing us to serve Equestria by your side.”

Xenos too rises. “Yeah. And thanks for saving Miss Pommel. She means the world to all of us.”

Viktor grins as he gets to his feet. “Thank you for showing us our place in this world, and giving us a home.”

Ember jumps on his back affectionately. “Thanks for sticking by my side. Even when I was at my very lowest.”

Auriel reaches over and takes Arc’s hand. “Thank you for giving me a new life, a new home, and the courage to keep going. I never thought I’d see anything other than Tartarus.”

Rose takes Arc’s other hand. “Thank you for freeing me, and giving me the chance to live my life by my own will.”

Sereb grins toothily. “Thank you for choosing me to form a Life Pact with. Out of all the bigger and stronger warriors of my tribe you looked at and pointed at me. I will never forget that moment, Arc. Not as long as I live.”

Max nervously stands with the others. “Sir, I… well… I just wanted to say thank you for… for always believing in us. We’ve always done our best to make you proud and bring honor to your command.”

“And I appreciate that. But there’s something I need to tell all of you too.”

Arc takes a deep breath before continuing.

“It’s been a long and winding road, and this may very well be the end of it in more ways than one. There’s no guarantee that we’ll succeed here tonight, or even if we’ll make back alive. But I’m going to give it my all tonight so I don’t have to live with the thought that maybe I could have done more. As you all know, I’ll be on point tonight. But my success relies on all of you doing your part and giving it your all. There can be no hesitation, no indecision, and no wavering. When I give an order it must be followed immediately and without discussion. Our very lives may depend on it.”

All assembled nod soberly as Arc looks around the room.

“Each of you are warriors in your own right. Having done things that most ordinary citizens could only dream of. Although we represent numerous different races… today, tonight, and forevermore… all of you… are heroes.”

Arc’s squad salutes. Ember, Rose, Auriel, and Sereb follow their lead. Viktor grins.

“We won’t let you down!”

Xenos clenches a fist. “Yeah! Let’s bring the princess home!”

Ember gives Arc’s cheek a quick peck. “I’m with you to the end, Arc!”

Sereb roars. “As am I!”

Arc looks around and smiles. “Thank you, everyone. Now before we get some rest, there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.”

Rose appears confused. “What’s that?”

“Take a picture.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “A… what?”

“A photograph to remember this day.”

Viktor frowns. “How though, sir?”

“One moment.”

Reaching into his ring Arc pulls out a tripod with a camera on top. As he sets it up he turns to the others.

“All of you put on your armor and magic cloaks. You too, Ember.”

Rose looks to Arc. “What about Auriel and I?”

“I want both of you in the picture too.”

Auriel smiles. “You do?”

Arc nods. “Yes. You’re part of this team as well.”

“What should I wear?”

“How about that military uniform we took?”


Auriel hurries to the bathroom to change. Before long she emerges and rejoins them. As everyone lines up Arc looks them over.

“Masks off, everyone.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“This picture might be in the history books one day. I want our faces in this one.

Viktor nods. “If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do, sir.”

Arc turns to Rose. “Let’s see your armaments in the shot. Sereb you lie down in front.”

Sereb does so as Rose nods and calls forth her R-Cannon and L-Blade. Arc finishes setting up the camera and calls forth his own armor and spear. Removing his helmet he holds it on his side as he sets the timer and rushes over to join the others. A few moments later there are several flashes as multiple pictures are taken. Arc walks back to the camera and removes the card.

“Let’s see how it looks.”

Putting it in the computer, Arc pulls up the images and picks the best one. Reaching for his ring he pulls out some special paper. Xenos watches intently.

“What’s that, sir?”

“Photo paper. It’ll make the picture look extra good.”

Inserting the paper into the printer Arc presses a few buttons and prints out a dozen copies. Passing them out everyone looks them over. Viktor grins.

“We look great!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah!”

Hugh chuckles. “I still have a hard time believing anyone would want to see this in a history book though.”

Max sighs. “Well, if we make it back it’ll certainly be a historic occasion.”

Ember clenches a fist. “You mean WHEN we get back.”

Rose smiles. “Right. We must stay optimistic.”

Auriel nods as she looks to the others. “Agreed! If we work together, I’m sure we can succeed.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “It’s not a matter of ‘if’ we can do this. But ‘how’ we will do it.”

Arc nods as he puts a few copies in his ring. “Right. Now that we have that out of the way, I want everyone to rest for the remainder of the day. Sereb will cast a Sleep Spell on anyone whom needs it.”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

Rose turns to Arc. “What about you?”

“I’ll rest too. But first I have to go see someone.”

Arc heads for the stairs as Auriel turns to Ember.

“Do you really think we can pull this off?”

“We have to.”

“We do?”

Sereb nods. “Yes. Because no one else can.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks over to the phone. Removing a business card from his ring he looks it over before dialing the number printed on it. A few moments later they are connected. Arc begins to speak.

“It’s me. We need to talk. Where are you? Alright, meet me on the roof.”

He hangs up the phone and calls forth his magic cloak and mask. Cherry calls out to him

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. But this story needs to be told.”

Opening a portal Arc steps through. As they reappear on the sigil Cherry releases him from Eidolon’s Ward. She moves to stand next to him patiently as they wait. A few minutes later the roof door opens and Minerva walks towards him. Arc opens a portal and gestures for her to enter. She does so and finds herself on another roof. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and Blinks them down into her apartment. The young woman puts a hand to her stomach.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry, but our business is urgent.”

“Is something wrong?”

Eidolon’s Ward nods sadly. “Everything, actually. Tonight’s going to be quite an evening.”

Minerva shrugs. “I don’t see how. After all, there’s a strictly enforced curfew in effect after dark for the foreseeable future.”

Arc nods. “That much I do know. But we won’t be stopped.”

“What… what do you mean?”

“Do you remember how I told you a while back I was looking for someone?”

Minerva nods. “Yes. That was your whole reason for being here.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “Well, we found her.”

“Great! Where?!”

Arc looks at Minerva evenly. “It’s… complicated.”

“Do you need my help getting in somewhere?”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet. “Not this time, Minerva.”

“I don’t understand. What is it you want from me?”

Arc frowns. “For you to do your job.”

“To report on the news?”

Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet on Minerva’s shoulder. “Something like that.”

Arc turns and looks out the window. “Tonight we’re MAKING the news. I need you to record what transpires and see to it everyone knows what’s going on as it happens.”

“Like I did at the hospital?”

“Exactly. The only difference is I’ll know you’re there.”

“Where should I set up?”

Eidolon’s Ward shrugs. “That’s going to be a bit complicated.”

“Yes it is. The best, and safest, would be to shoot from the air via helicopter. Can you do that?”

Minerva nods. “I can, yes. But I’ll need a few hours to get it set up.”

“Very well.”

Arc pulls a map from his ring and unfolds it before setting it on a nearby table and pointing at a particular spot.

“There’s a military base here.”

Minerva sighs. “That makes it a no-fly zone.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks to her. “A what?”

Arc turns to his armor. “No aircraft allowed.”

“That doesn’t clear it up.”

“I’ll explain it to you later, Cherry.”

He turns back to Minerva.

“You’ll need to get as close as you can without breaking the law.”

Minerva grins. “I’ll be sure Dave brings the long range lenses.”


“What time should we be there?”

Arc points at the beach across from the base. “Land here at midnight and wait. That will give me time to find our target and get out.”

“Will there be some kind of signal?”

Arc sighs. “Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it. When we start moving, get that chopper in the air and get ready to start filming.”

“This should make for some interesting news. Do you think I could get a follow up interview afterwards?”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet. “I don’t think that will be possible.”

“Well, how about the next day?”

Arc frowns. “What Cherry means is… this is the end.”

Minerva looks confused. “Um… what?”

“The Hero and I are leaving after tonight.”

“Right. And if things go badly… we won’t be coming back.”

Minerva gasps. “B-but, Cherry and I would…!”

Arc sighs. “I’m sorry, but this is the whole reason we came to Earth.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods sadly. “The Hero’s right, Minerva. While I don’t like it any more than you do, the stakes are too high to back down now.”

Minerva wraps her arms around Eidolon’s Ward. “You’re the best friend I could have asked for, Cherry! I’ll… I’ll miss you!”

“And I’ll miss you too, Minerva. But there’s something you’ve been hiding.”

Arc grits his teeth. “What?!”

Eidolon’s Ward puts its gauntlets on Minerva’s shoulders. “Tell him. This might be your last chance.”

Minerva nods and takes a deep breath before looking to Arc.

“I… I just… it’s…”

She blushes and sighs.

“Cherry leaving makes me sad. But… you’ve stuck your neck out for me a few times as well. I wouldn’t even be here if you hadn’t.”

“Well, you did the same for me too if you recall.”

“I suppose so, yes. But… I… um…”

“Minerva, what are you trying to say?”

“That you’re my friend too. But, I… I want… I wanted us to be more.”


Minerva walks over to Arc and puts her arms on his shoulders. “I spoke to Cherry about a few things a while back. She gave me some very good advice.”

“About what?”

“Being honest. So that’s what I’m going to do… right here, right now.”

The young woman looks at Arc for a long time.

“No one’s ever really cared about me on a personal level. Not my parents. Not my coworkers. Not any man I’ve ever met before.”

Arc appears confused. “Minerva, what are you saying?”

“That I… I don’t want you or Cherry to go! And that I… I…!”

She takes a deep breath.

“I want to be with you!”

Minerva buries her face in his chest as her face turns beet red. Eidolon’s Ward nods and looks to Arc.

“Well, Hero? Do you have something to say to Minerva?”

“I… um… don’t really know what to…”

Minerva grabs the front of his cloak as she looks to him frantically.

“Please take me with you! I don’t care if you’re a human or an alien or whatever! I just…!”

A tear flows down her cheek.

“I just want to be with the two of you!”

Arc sighs. “You… you can’t come, Minerva.”


“This is going to be dangerous enough as it is. If you were to try and rendezvous with us it wouldn’t end well. Please just stay at a safe distance and record whatever happens.”

Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet on Minerva’s back. “Look at it this way, my friend. You’ll have the exclusive story of the century.”

“For the first time in my adult life, I don’t care! Is there nothing I could do to change your minds?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Minerva. I’m sorry, but please stay safe.”

“Would you… could you possibly do one thing for me?!”

“What is it?”

Minerva’s hand moves slowly toward Arc’s mask. He instinctively pulls back a few inches.

“Hero, please… trust me.”

Arc sighs as Minerva’s hand touches the silk mask. She carefully raises it just past his nose before stopping. Putting her hands on his cheeks Minerva pulls Arc’s face close to hers and plants her lips on his. There is a light snap as they kiss. After a few moments the pair step back.

“You don’t want to see who I am?”

Minerva smiles at him. “Oh, I do. But… not like this.”

Eidolon’s Ward gasps. “Minerva?”

“When you’re unmasked, Hero, I want you to be the one doing it willingly. Not because I’m begging you to.”

“But we might never see each other again.”

Minerva nods. “That’s true. But that’ll give you an incentive to come back.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “She’s got you pegged, Hero.”

“I’ll try. But no promises.”

“Thank you. I hope that one day you’ll be able to share your world with me. I’d love to see the real Cherry Hill Ranch.”

Arc chuckles. “It is a sight to behold, yes.”

“Maybe someday, Minerva. If you do come my guest room is yours.”

Minerva smiles. “I’ll remember that, Cherry.”

Arc turns to his armor. “We should be getting back.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Agreed. You need to rest before tonight.”

Minerva blushes. “Um… Hero?”


“You could… rest here with me if you wanted.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Arc. “I’d make sure you didn’t oversleep.”

“Thank you, but no. I really need to rest in my own bed. That and there’re others waiting for me.”

“I… understand.”

Arc takes the gauntlet from his armor and puts it on. Opening a portal he turns back to Minerva.

“I’m sorry, Minerva. Maybe someday we can talk more. But today is not that day.”

Eidolon’s Ward walks over to her friend and gives her a hug.

“I’ll miss you, Minerva.”

“I’ll miss you too, Cherry.”

Eidolon’s Ward steps toward the portal before stopping and looking to the pair. “You two take a few moments and say goodbye properly.”

Entering the swirling energies the armor vanishes. Minerva smiles and gives Arc a hug.

“Please don’t forget about me.”

“I won’t.”

She rests her chin on his shoulder and smiles.

“Hero, I… I love you. Don’t forget that either. Even if you don’t feel the same way about me.”

Arc nods and steps back.

“Yes, well… I… um… t-take care, Minerva.”

He turns and walks through the portal. It closes behind him as Minerva falls to her knees. A massive grin across her face.

“Hero… I do still want to unmask you. But now for a much different reason.”

She sits on the floor for some time silently. Suddenly her expression changes as she jumps up and frantically runs to the phone.

“Crap! I’m supposed to be at work!”

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