• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 15 - Assaulting the Castle

A short time later The Equinox lands outside the city. Arc and his forces rush out onto the deck and look around. Ember frowns.

“It’s quiet. Too quiet.”

Rose looks down at Sereb. “Is that a bad thing?”

“Think of it like the calm before the storm.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

He looks to the door. A quick movement with his hand brings Twilight out on deck. She looks around nervously as the mithril armor over her body glistens in the evening sun.


“I will keep you safe, mother.”

Arc looks to her. “We all will.”

He turns to his guards before continuing.

“All forces, form a perimeter around the base of the gangplank. We need to get Princess Twilight to the castle safely.”

Ember appears confused. “Why not just use the sigil in your room, Arc?”

“Yeah, I already tried that. No go.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “They washed it off… or something?”

Rose frowns. “Or wards have been installed.”

Twilight sighs. “Either are possible, of course. But neither brings us any closer to our goal.”

Arc makes a final gaze around the ship. “Right. Let’s get moving.”

Leading Twilight down the gangplank, Arc escorts her to the center of the group. She shudders slightly as the guards crowd around her.

“Sereb, you and Rose will be the princess’ Honor Guards.”

“We will not fail you!”

“Right! You’ll be fine, mother.”

Twilight nods nervously. “Th-thanks.”

“Ember, fly overhead and call out anything that looks suspicious.”

“On it!”

Taking flight, she looks all around as Arc turns to Hammer.

“You and I are on point.”

Hammer pulls her gun. “Best place to be, right?”

Arc shrugs. “Well, if something happens we’ll know right away.”

He motions for Hammer to move to the front. Arc kneels down in front of Twilight. Looking her armor over, he checks her belts one last time before looking her in the eye soberly.

“You ready?”

“I suppose so.”

“Everything okay?”


Rose looks over the stallions before her. “Mother?”

“I’m scared.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “We shall defend you with our very lives, your highness!”

Twilight groans. “That’s what I’m afraid of. Others getting hurt protecting me.”

Arc nods. “Such is the role of a princess.”

“Yes, I know.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder as they look one another in the eye.

“We’ve been through quite a bit since I came here.”

Twilight grimaces. “Mostly you though.”

“Don’t sell yourself short.”

“I’m a bookworm. Not a real leader like you, Arc.”

“Then that must change.”

Rose smiles. “Yes. Equestria needs you, mother. You can’t let our land down.”

Sereb nods with conviction. “You have much inner strength, Princess Twilight. Now you must act.”

Taking a deep breath, Twilight puts on a brave face and wraps her hooves around Arc’s neck in a passionate embrace as she whispers in his ear.

“Just watch your back, Arc.”

“I will.”

Standing, Arc turns and Blinks to the front of the procession. He looks toward the massive city gates, which are now closed, and frowns.

“We’ve got to get past these first.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “If I had the Charger I could probably blast a hole through them. What about your ship’s cannons?”

Arc shakes his head. “Too much chance of destroying civilian buildings. We’ll have to do it the old fashioned way.”

“Which is…?”


He looks up to Ember and points at the gates. Nodding, she flies over the wall. A few minutes later the gates slowly swing open as Ember flies over to them and lands.

“What did you see over there, Ember?”


Twilight appears relieved. “That’s good.”

Ember shakes her head. “No, I mean there’s literally no one anywhere.”

Hammer shrugs. “Maybe they’re hiding.”

Rose looks through the now open gates. “My scanners show that to be the case. Everyone currently within my range is hiding underground.”

Arc nods. “You mean in their basements?”

Ember grimaces. “It’s the safest place right now.”

Sereb growls. “Agreed.”

Hammer pats her gun. “Yeah. In case fighting breaks out we don’t want to have to worry about civilians getting in the way.”

Arc turns back to Ember. “See anything else up there?”

“Nothing we didn’t all see from the ship. The gates leading to the castle are closed as well.”

Rose sighs. “That is to be expected. It will certainly deter us.”

Arc turns to face the city as he speaks. “But not stop us. Everyone… move out!”

As he begins walking, Arc leads his forces through the deserted streets. Looking around they spot a few frightened eyes staring out at them through closed shutters and heavy curtains. Twilight nervously waves at them as they pass. Rose turns to her.

“Please do not become distracted, mother.”

Sereb’s eyes dart side to side as he speaks. “Agreed. We need to focus right now.”

Twilight sighs. “But this is what I’m best at. Smiling and waving. Princess Celestia said it gave other hope.”

Rose smiles at her. “Your very presence does that.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. I can hear their heartbeats soften as you pass, princess.”

“Is that… good?”

“Very. It means you are subliminally calming them.”

Eventually they reach the castle gates. Ember takes flight to scout the area before landing in front of Arc again, her face grim.

“I don’t see a way to open these.”

Sereb groans. “It is likely within the castle along with the drawbridge controls.”

Rose looks to Twilight. “What should we do, mother?”

“Leave this one to me.”

Turning to a nearby panel, Twilight aims her horn at it. Casting a spell, the gates swing open freely. Sereb nods approvingly.

“Very impressive, your highness.”

“How did you do that, mother?”

“Princess Celestia gave me full access to the castle, so I have my ways of getting in after normal visiting hours.”

Arc clutches his spear. “Let’s keep moving.”

Leading them toward the castle, they immediately see that the drawbridge is up. Arc turns to Twilight.

“Uh… you have a spare key for this door too?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Sadly, no. Princess Celestia probably didn’t bother to since this bridge is pretty much always down.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Want me to head inside and find a switch, or something?!”

“No, thanks.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Say what?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and closes his eyes. “We’ll wait for it to open.”

Sereb frowns. “We will?”

Rose nods. “Very well.”

A short time later a clang rings out. Arc looks up as the massive wood and steel drawbridge lowers for them. Grinning he calls out telepathically.

“Good job, Scootaloo.”

“Thanks, Big Brother. You going to be here soon?”

“We’re heading straight for the Audience Chamber. Is that where Decimus is?”

“Yeah. He’s been calling the shots from there ever since getting back from Light’s Hope. Do you want me to join you there?”

“Negative. You head back to Decimus and let me know if something changes over there.”

“Okay. Be careful, Big Brother. He’s… kinda upset right now.”

“You too.”

Marching across the drawbridge, Arc and his forces enter the castle together. Just like the city, it is deserted. Arc turns to Rose.


“I’m not detecting anyone in the castle. At least within sensor range.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Nor do I smell anyone.”

Ember frowns. “Anywhere?”

Rose sighs. “There are several rooms that I can’t pierce. The royal bedchambers of Princess Celestia, the Dining Room, and the Audience Chambers.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “So, let’s take the Throne Room and end this!”

“Agreed. This way everyone.”

Leading them down a number of corridors, Scootaloo calls out to Arc telepathically.

“Big Brother! Decimus and his soldiers just took a portal to the Audience Chamber!”


“He looks REALLY mad though! And the guards with him are plenty nervous!”

Arc clenches a fist. “The scumbag and his soldiers looking to make a final stand?”

“Looks like it. He told me to stay by his side no matter what happens though.”

“Keeping his friends close it seems.”

“Something like that. Um…”

“Something else?”

“Do you really have to kill him, Big Brother?”

“Probably, yes. Why do you ask?”

“He’s been nothing but nice to me ever since I came to the castle. Decimus taught me so much about tactics, fighting styles, and even how to properly lead troops. I honestly believe he feels as if he’s doing the right thing here.”

Arc frowns. “That may very well be, Scootaloo. But remember that this is the guy who’s tried several times to take over the country, gone after the princesses, and tried VERY hard to kill me.”

“I’m just saying there’s more to him than you know!”

“Fine then. I’ll give him one chance to surrender peacefully and stand down.”

“Maybe I can talk him into it.”

“No, Scootaloo.”


“I’ll do all the talking on this one. You just watch for anything suspicious.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Okay.”

Arc and his forces reach the large waiting room outside the Audience Chambers. Looking around they find it completely empty, save for one mare standing before the large double doors. Motioning for his troops to halt, Arc turns to the blue spandex clad Pegasus as she approaches him.

“Hello again.”

Arc frowns. “Lieutenant Spitfire?”

Spitfire nods angrily. “Yeah.”

“I’m sure I already know the answer to this, but why are you here?”

“Defending my land from you!”



Ember rolls her eyes. “You do realize that Decimus sent you here to die, right?”

Sereb growls. “There is no chance you could defeat us without aid.”

Hammer motions with her gauntlet dismissively. “Right. Just step aside and let us get to work, missy.”

Twilight grimaces. “Yes. Please stand down so that we can end this.”

Spitfire narrows her eyes as she looks the group over. “Don’t worry, Princess Twilight. This will all be over soon.”

Rose clenches a fist. “Are you threatening my mother?!”

Spitfire shakes her head. “No. I’m going to rescue her!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, confused. “Rescue?!”

“If I can kill this traitor, his hold over you should lessen. Then you’ll have a chance to free yourself.”

“But I’m not a prisoner.”

Spitfire grits her teeth. “He’s controlling you, your highness! Don’t you see?! This traitor is only concerned with how much power and influence he can obtain!”

Ember scoffs. “Ha! You’re confusing him with Decimus!”

“Not to worry, Dragon Lord. You’ll be freed as well when the traitors are dead.”

Hammer aims her gun at Spitfire. “Not gonna happen!”

Arc’s troops aim their spears at Spitfire along with Rose’s R-Cannon. She looks to him.

“Your orders?”

Arc holds out an arm. “Everyone stand down. I’m the one she wants.”

Spitfire smiles slyly. “So… you’re surrendering?”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t, no. We need to get Decimus off of the throne.”

Spitfire shakes her head. “To control the nation in its entirety.”

“Think what you will of me, lieutenant. But know that I’m doing all of this for the citizens of Equestria. You included.”

Spitfire scoffs. “Right.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “It’s true! He could have stayed safe and sound back on Earth with his friends!”

Ember nods. “But he chose to come back here and free the land from Decimus and Celestia!”

Sereb growls. “Caring nothing for his own personal safety, he even allowed himself to be held in prison for a time!”

Rose points at the ground with conviction. “But when he heard that things were out of balance here, Arc immediately returned to set it right!”

Twilight motions to Arc as she speaks. “I would have been content to live out my life with him back there. But right now all of us have a duty to uphold.”

Spitfire seethes. “You’ve manipulated the princess into LOVING you?! Does your depravity know no bounds?!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Cower behind ignorance if you will. But the public deserves to know the truth.”

“Fine then. Give me that which I want and you can pass.”

“What do you want?”

“A fight. One on one. No holds barred.”

Ember laughs. “Are you NUTS?!”

Hammer scoffs. “He’ll KILL you, red!

Rose sighs. “Miss, my scanners show that there is only a 0.001% chance that you will survive such an encounter.”

Sereb growls. “Why do you want to throw your life away?”

Spitfire points an accusatory hoof at Arc. “To show everypony just how wicked and vile this creature REALLY is! The one whom killed General Virtuous Lance returns and kills a lone lieutenant whom faithfully stands guard over her ruler!”

Twilight gasps. “You… wish to be martyred?!”

“If that’s what it takes, yes!”

Spitfire turns back to Arc as she continues.

“So what’s it going to be?!”

“Fine. Let’s do this.”

Ember grabs his arm. “Arc, don’t!”

Sereb growls. “Let me face her!”

Hammer steps forward. “Or me!”

Rose points her L-Blade at Spitfire. “I’ll make it quick for her.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. This burden is mine to bear.”

He motions for his troops to fall back. They move to the far side of the room, still surrounding Twilight. Ember, Hammer, Sereb, and Rose watch from the perimeter as Spitfire clutches her spear resolutely and mutters under her breath.

“I’m coming, general. Wait for me.”

Flying headlong at Arc he slams his spear into the marble floor and awaits her attack. As she nears, Arc sidesteps, grabs her spear, and uses the lieutenant’s own momentum to throw her across the room. Spitfire crashes into a pillar and falls to the floor face first. Slowly rolling over onto her back she looks up to see Arc walking toward her with the spear he took from her in his gauntlet. Smiling weakly, she closes her eyes as he nears.

“Go ahead. Show everypony just how much of a monster you really are.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

Raising the spear over his head Arc brings it down hard. As it implants itself in the marble floor the echo of the blow rings out through the entire castle. A few moments later Spitfire opens her eyes to see her spear firmly embedded in the floor a couple feet away. Arc looks down at her and shakes his head.

“Lieutenant. You just rest there.”

Spitfire grits her teeth. “I’ll… I’ll follow you in there if you don’t finish me off here and now!”

Sighing, Arc kneels down and grabs the mare by the front of her Wonderbolts’ uniform. Sitting her up, he looks her in the eye.

“Spitfire… I didn’t kill General Virtuous Lance.”

Punching her in the face, Arc lets go of the suit and allows the now unconscious mare to fall to the floor. Shaking his head, he turns and opens a portal. Grabbing Spitfire’s fetlock, he tosses her through before allowing the portal to close. Ember appears confused.

“Where did you…?”

“The sigil behind Rarity’s shop. Or what’s left of it.”

Sereb frowns. “Why there?”

“Because it’s fairly safe there. That and it’s far enough away that she won’t have time to fly back before we finish this.”

Hammer groans. “You do realize that she’ll just keep coming after you, right?”

Twilight nods soberly. “She’s right, Arc. You should have at least taken her into custody.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Yeah. Or actually finished her off.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Spitfire is just being used by Decimus. Her death would have meant nothing in the grand scheme of things.”

He gestures to the doors before him.

“Now then, let’s finish this.”

Arc and company approach the doors together. Hammer turns to him with a grin as they do so.

“Shall we knock?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Let’s surprise him.”

Putting both hands on the door Arc gives them a mighty push. The doors fly open, smashing against the walls on either side with a colossal bang. Looking around, Arc sees that the room is full of what may very well be every soldier in the castle. Decimus stands at the front of the group with the Scarlet Filly by his side. He glares at them as Arc calls out to him.

“It’s over, Decimus!”

Ember points her spear at him. “Yeah!”

Hammer narrows her eyes as she looks down her sight. “Easy way or hard way, punk?!”

Sereb growls. “Surrender now, or forfeit your life!”

Arc nods. “Right. Now then, are you going to come peacefully?”

Decimus frowns. “I think we both know the answer to that question.”

“Fine. But I had to ask.”

Decimus gestures to Twilight with a wave of his hoof. “I know why you’re here, usurper. You seek to install your own little royal puppet on the throne.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Like you did?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’m here to put a proper ruler back on that seat.”

“You know I can’t let you do that.”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t really see how you plan on stopping us.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah!”

Decimus chuckles. “Considering we outnumber your forces at least four to one, I’d say our chances are pretty good.”

Sereb takes up a battle ready stance. “Nevertheless, we shall emerge victorious!”

Twilight calls out. “Um… excuse me.”

Arc turns around just in time to see Twilight push her way past the guards to the front of the group.

“Please stay back, princess.”

Ember nods, not taking her eyes off Decimus. “Right. It’s hard to protect you like this.”

“Thank you, but there’s something I have to say.”

Twilight turns to the soldiers that are rallied against her.

“Everypony, please listen to me. You included, captain.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“All of you have served the princesses faithfully in the past. However, until this moment, there wasn’t a princess here for you to serve. I’ve come here to change that.”

Pointing to Decimus, she frowns.

“This stallion is a traitor and a monster! As long as he lives, nopony is truly safe! He must be removed at once!”

Hammer grins. “And we’re here to do just that!”

Ember chuckles. “Hopefully with a nice fight!”

“As the Princess of Friendship, I’m asking all of you to join with me and Hero of Light Arc in ridding this land of the corruption that has taken hold of it!”

Decimus laughs throatily. “You expect these soldiers to just fall into line and support YOU, Princess Twilight?!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Why not? After all, she IS a princess.”

Decimus shakes his head. “Just existing doesn’t make you worthy of respect. It takes years of hard work, experience, and sacrifice to earn such a thing. Something you have not yet done… your highness.”

Arc nods. “But she will.”

Ember sighs. “I agree that Twilight shouldn’t be sitting on the throne alone right now. But what other choice does Equestria have?”

Decimus stomps a hoof defiantly. “Me leading it with Celestia’s blessing, of course.”

Rose shakes her head. “We cannot allow that to continue.”

Sereb growls. “You’ve already made a shamble of things!”

Decimus frowns. “We’ll see about that.”

He points a hoof at Twilight.

“Guards, kill everyone present and escort Princess Twilight to the dungeon. Celestia will deal with her personally.”

None of the guards move. He turns to them angrily.

“What are you idiots waiting for?!”

Three guards steps forward and speak.

“Sir… we’re supposed to serve and protect the princesses. Not imprison them.”

“That and she’s legally next in line to take the throne, sir.”

“The public would sleep better at night knowing…”

He is cut off as Decimus grabs a guard’s spear and lunges forward. Heading straight for Twilight, Arc and the others step in front of her in an effort to stop the insane stallion. However just before he reaches them a griffon drops down on him, spear in talon. Ashe seethes as she pierces the back of his skull, killing Decimus instantly. Letting go of her weapon she turns to look at Arc and Twilight.

“Please forgive me. But that had to be done.”

Arc gasps as he looks at the bloody scene before him. “Ashe? Why…?”

“Because I’ve seen what’s happened to this city. How it used to be full of life and happiness. Under Decimus though things slowly degraded. First audiences were limited. Then removed completely. A curfew was put into place before also being expanded to holding ponies as prisoners in their homes.”

She looks down at the dead stallion at her feet before continuing.

“This place began to remind me of my own homeland. And I couldn’t bear to see this city of lights and magic fall to such a fate. But for that to happen… Decimus had to die.”

Arc nods soberly as he looks past Ashe to the guards. “And what of all of you?”

Ember looks around. “It’s time to make a choice!”

Scootaloo steps forward. Looking to Twilight she bows.

“The Scarlet Filly sides with the ponies of this land. I bend my fetlock to you, Princess Twilight.”

Stepping aside, the guards part to allow a path to the throne to open. Saluting, they stand at attention. Arc motions for Twilight to give him her hoof. She puts it in his gauntlet and the pair walk toward the throne. Ascending the steps, they stop in front of the nation’s seat of power. Turing to the guards assembled Arc speaks.

“Everyone… go out into the city and proclaim that a new ruler will be presented to them shortly. Everyone whom is able should come to the balcony outside of Princess Celestia’s room to receive them.”

They troops, as well as Arc’s friends, salute, turn, and hurry away to carry out Arc’s orders. Ashe and Scootaloo leave the room together and close the doors behind them. Twilight looks to Arc with a pained expression on her face.

“I… I shouldn’t be here.”

“You’re a princess now, Twilight. It’s time to start acting like one.”

“But I don’t know how!”

“Neither did Luna and Celestia when they took their places on the throne.”

Twilight groans. “They were bred for years on how to…!”

“As were you.”


“Don’t you see? Celestia took you on as her student not just to teach you, but to prepare you for just this moment. One where Equestria lacked proper leadership and a head of state. You Twilight… you were her failsafe.”

“But I’m not ready!”

Arc sighs. “Twilight… there is no ‘ready’ for any first-time ruler.”

Twilight turns away. “That may be. But Equestria needs somepony with experience right now to lead it. And that… that isn’t really me.”

She puts a hoof on the throne while taking Arc’s hand again with the other.

“It’s yours.”

Arc nods soberly. “I cannot force you to take the throne, Twilight. Should you refuse to do so I will again sit here as the Lord Regent. But it wouldn’t be what’s best for Equestria right now.”

“But you’re an accomplished leader and ruler, Arc!”

“I was, yes. However at the moment I’m still just a criminal on the run. On the way here I saw dozens of posters telling me that.”

Twilight grits her teeth angrily. “Lies! All of them!”

“Agreed. But if I take the throne right now everyone will just think I did so to overthrow Celestia and kill Decimus. Since she’s not here anymore, I’d be blamed for making that happen.”

“I’d certainly tell them you weren’t involved with…!”

“Twilight… do you really think they’d be willing to listen to someone who’s too afraid to do her sworn duty to Equestria and rule?”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Arc breaks it.

“You need to do this, Twilight. Not just for you friends, your country, and your mentor. But also for yourself. I know you can do this. You just have to believe in yourself.”

An hour later the entire population of Canterlot stands gathered nervously around the balcony. Arc walks to the edge clad in his royal raiments and flanked by the Element Bearers. Turning, he motions for the guards to open the doors behind them. Doing so, Twilight slowly walks out in a magnificent gown. The public gasps and cheers as the youngest princess comes into view. She looks to her right and left as her friends smile and silently encourage her. Walking to the edge of the balcony to look out over the crowd, Twilight stands silently as Arc motions for Spike to approach. He does so with a velvet pillow upon which the Element of Magic sits. Carefully picking it up, Arc slowly turns to Twilight and places it upon her head before stepping back and, with a wave of his hand, speaking to the crowd.


The roars of glee from the public echo across the city. Meanwhile, Decimus and Sunset Shimmer look on from the spire of a nearby building. Sunset frowns.

“This makes things… difficult.”

Decimus chuckles. “Indeed. I thought for sure the errant human would once again seek to rule as Lord Regent.”

Sunset rolls her eyes. “I suppose this puts a kink in your plans to further slander his name.”

Decimus shakes his head as he looks on over the festivities. “Mayhap. We can still continue with the master plan regardless of the flank on Celestia’s throne.”


Decimus chuckles as he opens a portal and motions for her to follow him. “This was but one paving stone in the road to victory. And all roads have bumps. Believe me when I say that this is not yet over.”

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