• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Picking up the Pieces

Coco Pommel sleeps for over an hour. Slowly opening her eyes, she finds herself still in Arc’s arms. He smiles at her warmly as she pushes against his chest to sit up. As she meets his gaze Coco Pommel suddenly notices a cold, wet and smelly feeling coming from her flank. She blushes uncontrollably as she looks away!

“I... um... I didn't even notice I had to... um... sorry... for... um... getting you wet.”

Arc smiles at her. “Don't worry Coco Pommel. You didn't.”

“What? But... I can smell it!”

Arc nods. “Truth be told your accident happened when you jumped off the couch earlier. Although you are going to need a change of robe.”

Coco Pommel looks over to the couch and sees a puddle on the floor. She looks back at Arc, mortified!

“Arc, I am SO sorry for making you hold a wet and smelly mare like me for as long as you did!”

“Don't worry about it! I won't tell anyone.”

He slowly stands and carries a still blushing Coco Pommel over to the other couch and sets her down for a moment. Grabbing his Magic Cloak off a hook he quickly puts it on and cloaks himself.

Coco Pommel looks at where Arc stood just a moment ago, surprised! “Arc?! How did you…?”

“This is how I was able to stay with Dinky at the Orphanage without being seen.”

He reaches toward Coco Pommel, carefully picks her up and pulls her inside the cloak. She looks up at him.

“Where are we going?”

As Arc walks toward the door. “We need to get you cleaned up in time for supper. I don't want the orphans to see you like this!”

Coco Pommel nods as the pair leave Arc's office and walk silently down the hallway. Several times an orphan or two would run towards them! But Arc would move to the hall's edge and stay still until they passed. Eventually they reach Arc's quarters. Entering his quarters, Arc decloaks and sets Coco Pommel down on the couch.

Arc removes his cloak and tosses it aside. “Alright Coco Pommel. Ready to get cleaned up?”

She nods weakly. “Yes, but you really don't have to...”

He looks down at her. “Do you think you have the strength to clean yourself?”

Coco Pommel looks down at the floor, sheepishly. Arc nods and heads for the bathroom.

“Don't worry about it Coco Pommel. I'll do what I can to make sure you look your best for supper!”

Arc gets the water going in the shower and adjusts the temperature. He then returns to the living room and carefully unwraps her and removes the soiled robe from Coco Pommel. Arc picks her up carefully and walks her over to the shower. As gently as he can, Arc begins the slow process of gently washing her frail body. He takes special care in washing her mane and tail for her.

Coco Pommels lies on the floor of the shower as Arc gently rubs soap into her coat. “Arc? Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“How are the orphans doing? I mean, are any of them... like me?”

Arc stops rubbing. “You mean, are any of them... traumatized?”

She nods slowly. “…yes…”

He continues with his work. “They were a bit... quiet... the first morning. But ever since then they have progressively gotten better! You saw a few of them in the halls on the way here. What did you think?”

Coco Pommel slowly turns her head to looks up at Arc with a smile. “I... I think... you would have made a wonderful father to any of them! Although I do wish I could have done more…”

“You did more than you know Coco Pommel! You're a hero to these orphans!”

She shakes her head. “No Arc. I'm not like you! You're the real hero here! All I did was keep them company, fed as best I could and wiped their noses...”

Arc nods. “Like a mother would.”

“I wouldn't go that far! They will grow up and leave the Orphanage behind, as I hoped they would. As all the rest before them have for as long as I can remember.”

“Trust me Coco Pommel. You’ve done more for them than I ever could! All I did was take them away from Matron Tempest. It was you who made sure their day to day needs were taken care of!”

She looks down at the shower floor and begins to tear up.

“Are you all right Coco Pommel? Did I get soap in your eyes?!”

Moving faster than Arc thought she was currently capable of, Coco Pommel suddenly throws her hooves around his neck and cries again!

“Thank you Arc! Thank you so, so much for all you have done for the orphans!”

Returning the hug with a tear is his own eye. “No, Coco Pommel. Thank YOU!”

She suddenly draws back quite embarrassed!

“I'm sorry Arc! I didn't mean to get you all wet!”

“Not to worry. I was already quite soggy before you did that.”

Arc finishes washing her coat, mane and tail.

“There you go... all clean! Would you please stay in the shower a bit longer though? I'll be back in a few minutes.”

Coco Pommel lies back down in the shower. “Um… okay.”

Arc leaves the bathroom. There is a flash of light from the Living Room as a sigil is placed and activated. Several minutes later Arc returns to the bathroom.

“Coco Pommel? Are you ready to get dried off?”

She nods. “Yes, please.”

Arc turns off the water and carefully helps Coco Pommel step out of the shower. He then takes great care in drying her with a soft, fluffy bath towel.

Coco Pommel lies on the floor, a smile on her face. “It feels like I'm being dried by a cloud!”

“Only the best towels here, straight from my personal quarters in Canterlot Castle!”

“Canterlot Castle?!”

“I never use my room in the castle anyways. It seemed a waste to let them sit there and collect dust.”

Having dried her off, Arc carries Coco Pommel back to the living room and sets her down in front of the warm fireplace on the couch.

“Would you excuse me for a few minutes? I need to get changed into some dry clothes.”

Coco Pommel looks embarrassed. “I'm sorry!”

Arc disappears into his room and emerges a few minutes later, freshly changed.

“That's better! Now how's about we do something about your mane?”

Arc pulls out one of Derpy's brushes and does his best to make Coco Pommel's mane and tail presentable.

“That's the best I can do. I hope it's good enough!”

“I'm sure it's better than I could have managed right now. You've done so much for me Arc!”

“One last thing before we head out.”

Arc walks over to the counter and picks something up before returning to Coco Pommel’s side.

“I went back to the Orphanage and picked you up a couple spare robes.”

Coco Pommel smiles at him. “Thank you, but you really didn't have to do that.”

“Oh yes I did! The orphans don't need to see you like this!”

She looks down at her frail looking body. “…I guess I do still look a fright, huh?”

Arc helps her put on the robe. “Darn right! We’re going to fix that though!”


“By starting with a good supper! You hungry?”


Arc looks at the wall clock. “I can believe that! The hospital nutrition IVs probably don't really satisfy your hunger. Well, all the orphans should be in the Cafeteria right now. Would you like to see them?”

Coco Pommel’s face lights up like a Christmas tree! “Yes!”

“Well, let's get a move on then! I'm hungry too!”

Arc carefully picks up Coco Pommel and carries her to the cafeteria. As the near the open doors the sounds of foals talking and laughing can be heard. He looks down at his charge to see she has closed her eyes and is smiling.

“Are you alright?”

She nods happily! “You can't imagine how long I have dreamed of hearing this sound...”

Arc says nothing, but smiles at Coco Pommel as he carries her into the Cafeteria. Pipsqueak sees Arc enter the Cafeteria. His face brightens when he sees who is with him!


All th foals look and immediately flock over to Arc! They surround the pair, all talking at once and bouncing around! Coco Pommel look at Arc, tears in the corners of her eyes.

“Thank you Arc... the picture before me... is more glorious than I could have imagined!”

Arc nods and turns to the foals. “Now, now, settle down! I need to tell you all something important!”

The foals settle down as Arc and Coco Pommel look over the sea of smiling faces!

“Now, while Coco Pommel will be staying here with us, she is still very weak and fragile! I'm going to need all of you to do your part to help bring Coco Pommel back to full health!

Pipsqueak raises his hoof! “What do we need to do?!”

“I mostly need to eat properly... and rest.”

Arc nods. “Like right now, Coco Pommel needs to eat. I think we all do!”

The foals part to allow Arc and Coco Pommel to pass. They head over to the buffet. Aquamarine looks over to her protector.

“You can go first Miss Pommel! We're not really all that hungry, are we?”

The foals all shake their heads, happily!

“That's very thoughtful of you all, but Saffron has made a special meal for Coco Pommel. Pipsqueak, can you let Miss Saffron know Coco Pommel and I are here please?”


Pipsqueak hurries to the kitchen as the rest of the foals get back in line at the buffet.

Arc sets her down on a stool before sitting down next to her. “I think you’re in for a treat, Coco Pommel. My chef is a gem!”

A Royal Guard enters the Cafeteria. When he sees Coco Pommel sitting with Arc, his eyes widen and he runs out of the room!

Coco Pommel smiles! “To be lauded with such high praise from the Hero of Light himself, she must be quite special!”

A few moments later Saffron emerges from the kitchen with Coco Pommel's food and a separate plate for Arc.

“Here you are! I hope you like it!”

Coco Pommel nods as Saffron. “Thank you very much!”

She eats hungrily as Saffron sets a fish plate before Arc.

“Thanks, Saffron!”

“I'm trying a new recipe. Let me know if you like it!”

Saffron returns to the kitchen. Arc takes a few bites and looks around to see all the foals staring silently at Coco Pommel! They have never witnessed her eat so well and can't seem to take their eyes off of her! There are tears of joy and smiles on every face!

“This... really is quite good! Thank you for supper Arc!”

“It's my pleasure Coco Pommel to see you eat so well.”

As they finish their meal, Flash Sentry and what very well may be every Royal Guard under Arc's command enters the Cafeteria together, followed by Arc's squad. The room grows silent as they approach Coco Pommel.

Coco Pommel turns around to face them, confused. “Flash Sentry? What... is all this?”

The guards silently form ranks behind the lieutenant. They move to a kneeling position with their heads bowed respectfully. Flash Sentry takes a few steps toward Coco Pommel, removes his helmet, kneels and looks his childhood friend in the eye.

“Commander, please forgive the intrusion.”

Arc smiles and nods.

"Miss Pommel, I'm sorry to interrupt your meal but...the troops and I just wanted to let you know how much you meant to us growing up! And not just to us, but to every member of the Equestrian military! You probably don't know this, but your name is spoken in reverence amongst the soldiers!"

The troops, still kneeling, remove their helmets as one!

“I'm sure you see more than a few familiar faces here. My orphan brothers and I come now to thank you. But the others couldn't resist the opportunity to meet the legendary Miss Pommel face to face! Thank you, ma’am... for everything!”

There are tears in every soldier’s eyes. Arc turns to Coco Pommel.

“Still think you’re not a hero?”

Coco Pommel looks to Arc, tears in her own eyes! “I... don't know what to think. But I know what I have to do...”

She slowly moves to hop down from her chair. Flash Sentry quickly moves to help her down! Coco Pommel embraces him warmly! Then she slowly moves down the line and hugs every soldier, calling many of them by name! Having hugged every guard, she returns to stand before them with a smile.

“It was the honor of a lifetime to have a hoof in raising many of you. I didn't know until just now how much I meant to you all! Thank you for telling me! But... my job isn't over yet. I want all of you to look around.”

The troops do so.

“The little ones around you are the orphans of today. I have always done my best to be there for you, and now, for them. But... please know that if not for the Hero of Light, I wouldn't be standing here today!”

All the orphans stand up and walk over to stand with the soldiers in front of their caretaker as Coco Pommel continues.

“You may think me a hero for my past deeds, but I want you all to know one thing... Arc, is MY hero!

Coco Pommel turns to Arc and slowly kneels. The orphans do so as well

“Arc, I owe you my life! As do the orphans that you bravely stood up for against the tyranny of Matron Tempest! Thank you, Hero of Light! Thank you for standing up for the weak and downtrodden!”

Arc kneels down and hugs Coco Pommel. “And I want all of you to know... Coco Pommel is MY hero! It takes a special individual to do what she has done for years!”

Meanwhile, Ember walks into the cafeteria, surveys the scene before her and walks back out.

“Somehow, I think I missed something here...”

After the meal has concluded Arc invites Coco Pommel and the orphans to his quarters for some quiet time together in front of the fireplace. The orphans crowd around Coco Pommel and lie on the floor next to her. They tell her all the fun they have had since arriving at Light's Hope and how happy they are to have her back!

Arc sits on the couch behind them and smiles. “Ah... picture perfect. I wish all my exploits ended as perfectly as this one did.”

Coco Pommels looks around at the happy foals surrounding her. “Time for bed, little ones! Tomorrow is another day!”

Pipsqueak yawns. “But Miss Pommel we’re not even tired!”

She giggles. “Don't worry Pipsqueak. We can have more fun tomorrow.”

Aquamarine looks over at her. “Miss Pommel? Are you going to stay here with us?”

She smiles at the filly. “Yes Aquamarine! I'm not going anywhere!”

Coco Pommel leads the orphans slowly to the Barracks as Arc follows then from a short distance and waits in the hallway. When they reach the Barracks the foals all brush their teeth and slowly climb into bed. Coco Pommel looks around to make sure all the orphans are properly covered before walking toward the door.

“Good night little ones! Sleep tight, and remember tomorrow is another day.”

Pipsqueak looks up. “Miss Pommel?”

“Yes Pipsqueak, what is it?”

“I... I missed you! Please don't ever leave us again!”

She walks over to him and nuzzles the top of his head. “I won’t. Now you go to sleep.”


Coco Pommel slowly walks out the Barracks door. As she closes it behind her, she turns toward Arc with a weak smile!

“It's a nice feeling... to be able to put them to bed and actually be hopeful for tomorrow!”

“If I have anything to say about it, this will be the new normal!”

She smiles weakly up at him. “Yes, I…”

Coco Pommel suddenly collapses to her knees! Arc steps over to her quickly!

“Coco Pommel!”

She breathes heavily as Arc carefully picks her up. “I'm... alright... I think I just... overdid it a little bit.”

“How about I get you to bed now?”

She nods. “I... guess that would be a good idea.”

Arc carries Coco Pommel to his quarters and lays her in Ember's bed. He covers her with the blankets and chuckles. “Good night Coco Pommel. Remember, tomorrow is another adventure!”

She smiles weakly. “With you around Arc, I can just imagine!”

Arc lies down on his own bed. “I better take my own advice. Tomorrow is going to be quite the day for me!”

Coco Pommel turns over and smiles at him. “Will it be as selfless an act as changing the lives of two dozen orphans and one caregiver?”

“Not quite. However, it will take every ounce of strength, courage and determination I have in me!”

“Oh dear! Please be careful Arc!”

“Don’t worry! I’ve never lost a battle to my arch nemesis before! PAPERWORK!!!”

The pair enjoy a good laugh together!

“Care to help me with it, Coco Pommel?”

She laughs! “Very well! I will aid you in your battle against paperwork!”

“Thanks... well good night!”

Coco Pommel closes her eyes. “Good night, Arc.”

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