• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Monstrous Discoveries

Some weeks pass as Arc and Scootaloo walk the land toward the point indicated on Decimus’ map. Arriving at a hill overlooking the settlement one night, they gaze down at the houses.

“So this is it, huh?”

Arc nods as he checks the map. “Yup. No doubt about it.”

“It doesn’t look like a rebel stronghold.”

“What does such a thing look like?”

“Um… I guess… well, it would at least have some kind of wall around it!”

Arc chuckles. “Probably. But we won’t figure anything out hanging out around up here.”

“You have a plan?”

“Sort of. We’ll get some sleep now and implement it in the morning.”

“Um… okay.”

Setting up their tent, the pair lie down together and stare up silently for a time. Eventually Scootaloo speaks.

“Lucky break with that crystal vial, huh?”

“I guess. While I certainly didn’t expect them to be in a gift shop at the station, it was surprising to find one at the jewelry store.”

“It kinda makes sense though. I mean… a semi-valuable vessel like that makes for a nice knick-knack.”

“Yeah. Wonder why they don’t use them for potion making though.”

“You saw that book Grand Pear was reading the reagent list out of. It looked like it was a million years old!”

“Do you think the crystal vial was unnecessary?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “Some potions do require special handling. But it’s not likely a more cost effective method has been discovered since that book was written.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Crystal has properties that can’t be easily replicated. That and if something works…”

“…don’t change it?”

Scootaloo nods. “Right. We’ll have to give some thought to where to find Ogre’s Blood though.”



Arc sighs. “Great.”

“We’ll think of something. The Dragon’s Fruit and Poison Joke will be tricky to locate, of course. But at least we know what region to look for them.”

Arc nods as he reaches into his bag and pulls out the crystal vial, which is topped with a cork. “Yeah. The other more common reagents the apothecary had in stock. We find those other three and mix them in this…”

“Then you can answer all your own questions!”

“I hope so anyways.”

The next day as the sun rises, Scootaloo walks toward the village with Arc behind her. While he himself is cloaked, she is not. He looks all around before calling out.

“Kinda barren.”

“I’ll say. Hardly any plants at all. Wonder what they eat?”

“Good question. One that we’ll be able to answer shortly, I hope.”

Entering the town, they find several ponies taking care of what appears to be everyday business. All of them are wearing black robes that cover their entire body, save for the head. Scootaloo removes her own cloak and leaves it with Arc. Approaching one of them and clears her throat.

“Excuse me, I…”

The stallion turns to her. His eyes dart around nervously.


“I’m sorry, what?”

“Get out while you still can.”

Without another word, he turns and hurries away. Scootaloo calls out to Arc telepathically.

“That was beyond strange.”


“Should we try talking to somepony else?”

“Not sure what else there is to do right now.”

Approaching everyone she sees Scootaloo attempts to speak with them. However she receives similar responses
from them. Arc looks around and frowns.

“Okay, this doesn’t make any sense.”

“Which part?”

“All of it! If these were rebels of any kind, they’d be looking to recruit newcomers to town.”

“Maybe they feel that new members aren’t needed?”

“Unless there’s some kind of hidden base nearby that’s housing a LOT more forces, I’m going to have to say ‘no’. I mean, look around. Do you really think this small a group could be a threat to an entire country?”

“Not really, no. But it also doesn’t make sense that Captain Decimus could have such flawed information.”

“Or any information at all.”


“Think about it. He claimed in his letter that he had sent scouts to check this group out earlier. Even a blind pony could see they’re not doing anything nefarious.”

“Then why would the scouts have reported it?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s possible they attempted to speak to the ponies here and were met with the same responses. Out of an abundance of caution, they may have reported that more effort was needed to uncover whatever’s going on in this town.”

“Maybe. But our instructions from the captain were to infiltrate and learn their plans.”

“Well, the infiltrating part isn’t going too well. But that isn’t what concerns me.”

“Then what is?”

“The letter said that this town’s leader was keeping everyone in line through intimidation, and that they were quite large.”

He looks around again before continuing.

“No one here fits that bill.”

“Maybe not. But these ponies are certainly acting strange.”

“That’s the only reason why we’re still here.”

“So what are we going to do, Big Brother?”

“I suppose the best thing would be to simply approach the leader. Figure this out one way or the other.”

“Efficient, I guess.”

“Yeah. Head for that building over there and knock.”

“Why that one?”

“Just a hunch.”

Sighing, Scootaloo does as she is told. Rapping her hoof against the wood, a mare answers. She appears more nervous than the others.

“Can… can I… help… you?”

“Um… I…”

Arc calls out telepathically. “Tell her you’re looking for help. Make up some story about being lost, or something plausible.”

“…I need help. You see… I got separated from my parents a couple days ago.”

The mare appears confused. “Way out here?!”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah.”

“But how?!”

Arc calls out again. “Your parents are criminals on the run.”

“My mom and dad woke me up in the middle of the night and told me we had to leave town because they did something bad. We didn’t even take the roads!”

“So… they could be nearby…”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “I’ve been alone since they told me to rest. When I woke up, they were gone! That was days ago!”

“Oh my! Well… this isn’t exactly the best place for you to…”

“I can pull my own weight! Please let me stay!”


“Please! I don’t have anywhere else to go!”

The mare sighs and nods.

“Fine. Come in.”

Stepping aside, she allows Scootaloo to enter the house. It is modestly furnished, but neat as a pin. She motions to the table.


Scootaloo lies. “Very!”

“I don’t have much to offer you other than some kinda stale bread and water.”

As Scootaloo sits down the mare opens a cupboard and pulls out an old looking plate containing an equally old looking loaf of bread. Scootaloo draws back inwardly as she sets a slice of it down before her.

“Eat up. I’ll get you a glass of water.”

Scootaloo calls out to Arc frantically as the mare turns away.

“Big Brother…?!”

“I got it.”

Grabbing the bread, Arc pulls it inside his cloak. Scootaloo makes some chewing sounds as the mare turns around with a glass.

“Oh my! You really were hungry, weren’t you?! Would you like some more?”

“N-no thank you, miss… um…”

“Miss Mayor. Now then, would you like to rest? I’m sure you’ve had quite the journey.”


“Say yes.”

“Yes, please.”

The mayor leads Scootaloo to a small adjoining room with a bed, nightstand, and little else.

“Take a nap. We’ll talk more later.”

Nodding, Scootaloo heads for the bed as the mare closes the bedroom door behind her and sighs.

“It… has to be this way.”

Meanwhile, Arc decloaks as Scootaloo peeks through the curtains to the street as she speaks.

“Something is very wrong here.”

Arc frowns. “That there is.”

“There isn’t anything of value around here, including basic necessities like real food! I mean, how can the mayor of all ponies not have anything to eat?!”

“If she’s faring this poorly, I can imagine the rest of the townsfolk aren’t doing any better.”

“These ponies CAN’T be rebels! At least not very good ones anyways. I mean… the mayor didn’t even ask my name.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. If they can’t even feed themselves, how could they pose a threat to the country?”

“Yeah. But something really, REALLY out of the ordinary is going on here. I can feel it in the air.”

“So can I. Let’s try earning the mayor’s trust for now. With any luck she’ll spill the beans sooner or later.”

Scootaloo makes a face as Arc looks at the slice of bread in his hand. “Hopefully sooner rather than later. Not sure how long I could survive eating moldy bread and drinking dirty water.”

“Well, try to get some rest.

“But we just got up a little while ago.”

“I know, I know. However we have to keep up appearances.”

Scootaloo sighs as she flops down on the bed. “Fine…”

A short time later Scootaloo falls asleep. Arc busies himself by looking out the window and watching those on the street. A stallion approaches the front door and knocks.

“A visitor, eh? Let’s see if we can learn something.”

Arc puts his ear to the bedroom door and strains to hear the conversation. However all he is able to pick up are a few hasty sentences spoken in inaudible whispers. A short time later the mayor knocks lightly on the door as she slowly opens it.

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead.”

Scootaloo sits up and rubs her eyes. “Huh…?”

“Meet me in the living room.”

She turns and walks away as Scootaloo moves to stand. Arc calls out to her.

“That was unexpected.”

“Maybe we’ll get some answers though.”

Scootaloo hops out of bed and walks out the door. The mayor is nervously pacing in front of the fireplace.

“What’s going on?”

“Well… you see… everypony here has to pull their weight. As you’ve no doubt noticed we’re very short on resources.”

“Um… okay.”

“We’re in need of somepony to… fetch something for us.”

“What is it?”

“There’s a cave not too far to the north where a very special moss grows. It doesn’t taste very good, but helps make our bread especially nutritious. Since food is scarce, we need to make the best of every resource.”

“So you want me to go there and harvest some?”

“Not alone. I’ll go with you. Can’t have a filly running around all by themselves, after all.”

“Okay. When do we leave?”

“Right now. Unless you’d like something to eat first.”

“N-no thanks!”

Nodding, the mayor gestures to a small cloak hanging up by the front door.

“I had somepony bring you one of our robes. Put it on and let’s be off.”

Scootaloo wordlessly does so. Stepping outside onto the street the pair walk towards the edge of town. Everyone they pass stops and stares at them wordlessly.


“They’re… very shy. Come now. We need to make it there and back before the sun goes down.”

“Uh… okay.”

Leaving the settlement, they head into the nearby hills. Scootaloo looks to the mayor.

“So… what does this moss look like?”

“It’s orange and smells slightly musty. Not much different looking than normal everyday moss one might find in a forest. Other than the color, that is.”

“You said before that food is scarce. What’s everypony doing here then? I mean… there has to be better places for a village.”

“We… have our reasons.”

“Can you…?”

“It’s not far now. Let’s hurry on.”

Quickening her pace, the mayor hurries on with Scootaloo in tow. Soon they arrive at the large mouth of a cave. Entering, the mayor looks around.


Scootaloo tilts her head to one side, confused. “I thought we were here to look for moss.”

“We are.”

“Then who are you calling to?”

The mayor grimaces as she steps away from the filly. “I… I’m sorry, little one.”

Somewhere the sound of movement rings out. Scootaloo looks around but sees no one as the mayor continues speaking.

“I’ve brought the newcomer like you asked. Please show yourself.”

A large cloud of mist saunters forth from the depths of the cave as several rocks begin to shine. They fill the cave with an eerie glow as the mist swirls around them. With a rumble, a large rock rolls in front of the entrance, effectively barricading them inside. Arc calls out to Scootaloo telepathically.

“Do you feel that?”

“Yeah. It feels really… familiar.”

The mist filling the cave congregates between two torches as they burst into green flames. It slowly forms into a more tangible shape wearing a black cloak as the mayor bows.

“Warmest salutations, your grace. May I present…”

“You may dispense with your mindless dribble, cow. I can already sense that she is the one.”

Scootaloo steps back nervously. “Wha… what ARE you?!”

“The same as you are, my dear.”

The mayor looks to him, confused. “What… she is?”

“Do not concern yourself with matters beyond your understanding, cow!”

The creature brings both hands up and lowers its cowl to reveal a green face. Scootaloo gasps.

“An ogre?!”

“And so much more.”

Their eyes grow red as they transform. Scootaloo gasps.

“You’re a Crimson too?!”


“But how can you do that in the middle of the day?!”

The ogre gestures to his right and left. “The torches mimic the moon’s light as long as I remain close enough to them. But enough of me.”

He turns to the mayor and tosses her a small burlap sack.

“Your payment for the meal.”

The mayor wordlessly nods and takes the sack as the ogre continues.

“I would let you out. But I don’t want the sunlight in my domain right now.”

She gasps in horror. “You… you mean I have to WATCH?!”

The ogre nods wickedly. “Yes. I do so enjoy your looks of disgust as I feed.”

The mayor looks away. Frowning, the ogre stretches out a hand toward her and casts a Telekinesis Spell to turn her back to him.

“Do not look away again!”

As she nods, the ogre looks to Scootaloo.

“I require certain essences to stay in this form. And your Crimson energies will be a smorgasbord. Now come to me, little one.”

“No way!”

“You WILL do as I say!”

Scootaloo plants her hooves defiantly. “Not a chance!”

“Quite a tongue on you. It would be a shame to have to rip it out.”

“Funny. I was about to say the same to you.”

“Interesting. I wonder what exactly gives you the confidence to say such things. Could it possibly be… oh, I don’t know… THIS?!”

Stretching out a green hand, the ogre’s hand glows as he casts a spell. Arc decloaks. The mayor gasps.

“What is…?!”

The robed figure chuckles. “Interesting. I didn’t expect this one’s master to be an ogre.”

Arc sighs. “I’m not… probably.”

He lowers his own hood and looks the ogre dead in the eye.

“Look, it’s pretty obvious what you’re doing here.”

“Do tell.”

“I’m going to guess there’s a trove of that moss stuff deeper in this cave. You’re keeping the ponies of that town out of here in order to trade it to them for… sustenance of you own.”

“Energy. Let me show you.”

He turns to the mayor and holds out a hand. She gasps and tries to run away.

“Get back here!”

Casting a Telekinesis Spell, the ogre pulls her to himself. Squirming, she tries to get away. Reaching out, the ogre puts his fingers to her forehead. As he does so her movements become sluggish and forced. A moment later, with a flick of his wrist, he sends her flying across the cave to slam against the wall. She groans weakly, but does not rise. Arc frowns.

“So you took her energy?”

“Yes. Her lifeforce, as well as the other cows in that foul little town of theirs, keeps me well supplied and strong. However…”

He turns to look at Scootaloo.

“Another Crimson’s lifeforce would take me much further.”

“I already have a master!”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

The ogre looks to Arc. “There are other interesting items that I’ve collected over the years in this cave. Perhaps we could work out a trade.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I’m not an object!”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’d take very good care of you.”

Arc shakes his head. “Scootaloo’s not for sale. But as long as I’m here, there’s something I’d like to say.”

“Do tell.”

“I’d like you to stop hurting the ponies of that town.”


Arc gestures to the mayor. “She doesn’t look too good after you… fed.”

“The cow is fine! I need sustenance and they need that moss! It’s a perfectly logical trade!”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “And if they refused to give you energy?!”

“We all need to eat.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Why can’t you just eat normal food like everyone else?”

The ogre laughs wickedly. “Apparently you’ve never had the pleasure of feasting on another’s essence! It’s absolutely amazing! No food in all the world even comes close! And I should know!”

Scootaloo frowns. “Really?”

“Oh yes. After all, I’m well over a thousand years old.”

Arc gasps. “How?!”

“A side effect of the siphoning. Their lifeforce sustains me in more ways than one.”

Scootaloo’s eyes grow wide. “So you shorten their lives to prolong your own?!”

“Why not? After all, they’re just animals.”

He looks to Arc.

“A creature of such power as yourself should certainly be able to understand that much.”

“I do admit that they are… different. However, everyone I’ve met is certainly much more than an animal.”

“Are they now?”

“Yes. Feelings, complex thought, the ability to speak coherently and reason with me… that sort of thing.”

The ogre chuckles. “Like a pet.”

“More so.”

“How much?”

“More like… equals.”

The ogre appears suddenly furious.

“Well then, if you feel so strongly about your beloved ponies, watch what I can do to one of them!”

Turning to the mayor, the ogre roughly pulls her weakened form to himself and grabs her by the neck. Gripping it roughly between his fingers, he begins draining her again. She gasps feebly.

“P-please… stop…”

“Make me!”

He is knocked off balance slightly as Arc dives forward, wraps his arms around the mayor, and pulls her away before quickly standing to face the ogre.

“Just did!”

Baring his teeth, the fiend reaches out with another Telekinesis Spell. Shoving Arc violently against the wall, he continues pressing as he steps forward.

“Young fool! Did you really think a wet behind the ears mongrel such as yourself could hope to stand a chance against me?!”

Arc strains to speak. “Kinda.”

“Big Brother!”

Lunging at the tyrant, she too is slammed against the wall next to Arc as the ogre casts a second spell.

“I’m going to enjoy devouring your energies. With it, I may become strong enough to retake my ancestral home!”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “We won’t give it up without a…!”

She is cut off as the ogre puts his hand on the filly’s forehead and begins channeling.


Straining every muscle in his body, Arc finds himself unable to move even an inch to help his friend.

“Stop it! Leave her alone!”

“If you care so much about your pet then you should be able to stop me, weakling.”

Scootaloo cries out in pain as her movements become sluggish. Her gaze turns to Arc and his to her. Seeing the look in her eyes triggers something inside Arc.

“Stop it.”

“Make me.”

“Stop it!”


“STOP IT!!!”

Casting a massive spell of his own, Arc knocks the ogre across the room. Arc and Scootaloo fall to the floor and gasp for breath.

“Big Brother? How did you get so…?”

“I… I don’t know. That felt really weird.”

The ogre stands and clenches his fist angrily.

“Then let me change that feeling to PAIN!!!”

Holding out a hand, he begins pulling the young man to himself. Focusing his energies, Arc is able to repel the effects of the spell levied against him. Both grunt from the magical strain as Scootaloo crawls to the mayor and nudges her.

“Hey! Are you alive?!”

She slowly nods.

“Some… how…”

“We need to help!”

“H-how? I can barely… do anything as it… stands.”

“I don’t know! But my Big Brother’s barely holding that thing back! Something has to give!”

She looks at the nearby torches.

“If we can get Big Brother to those torches, we might stand a chance!”


“With a distraction!”

“Like this?”

Firing a blast from the tip of her horn, she hits the ogre squarely in the back of the head. Turning, he glares at her.

“You want to play too? Fine!”

Reaching out, he grabs the mare again and slams her against the floor. She gasps as the air is forced from her lungs. Taking the opportunity, Scootaloo runs over to the torches and stands between them. Using their energies, she transforms and spreads her leathery wings as she turns to the ogre.

“Hey, moldy butt!”


Spotting her red eyes, he frowns.

“Clever filly. But even in that form, you’re still no match for me.”

“Wanna bet?!”

“You’ll lose.”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “Prove it.”

Lunging at her, the ogre misses his target as Scootaloo jumps over him. He roars angrily as the filly flies nimbly around the cavern. She calls out to Arc telepathically.

“Big Brother! Now’s your chance!”

“Right. Keep him busy just a bit longer.”

The mayor limps over to him.

“We have to get out of here!”

“Help me over there.”

“That’s the opposite of escaping!”

“Trust me.”

Sighing, the mare does as Arc asks. Helping him across the cavern, the ogre suddenly turns his attention back to the pair.

“Ready for more, eh?!”

He charges forward and plows through them. Arc and the mayor are knocked apart as Scootaloo flies toward the monster.

“We weren’t done yet!”

“Get out of my way!”

Backhanding the filly, she crashes against a wall causing a large rock to fall on her wing, pinning it to the floor. The mayor hobbles over to Arc and stands in front of him.

“Please! Nopony has to get hurt! Just let us go!”

Storming forward, he slaps her away and grabs Arc by the front of his cloak. Picking him up to a standing position, he looks at the young man with a wicked grin.

“Goodbye, beast.”

Taking a mighty swing at his adversary, the ogre is surprised to find his fist suddenly stopped as Arc catches it in his palm.


Looking up, Arc’s eyes glow red and his hair pales.

“You’re not the only one strengthened by the moon’s energies.”

Throwing a punch of his own, Arc topples his opponent and stands over him.

“I suggest you surrender now… before I grow angry.”


Getting to his feet, the monster casts a number of fireballs at Arc. With a wave of his hand they are knocked harmlessly away. Enraged, the ogre charges headlong at Arc. Ducking his blow, Arc slams his fist into the beast’s gut, knocking the wind from him and sending him to his knees. Grabbing his forehead, Arc grins.

“Now then, let’s see if we can figure out how you did this.”

Concentrating, Arc begins to drain the ogre’s energy. He cries out in pain as the lifeforce is transferred to the young man. A few moments later Arc pushes him roughly away and onto his back. The ogre speaks through weak gasps.

“Why… why didn’t you… finish?”

“Because I’m not a monster like you.”


Arc grins. “Tell you what. If you leave now and never return you have my word that I won’t hunt you down.”

“Very… Generous of you, beast.”

Arc turns toward the exit as he casts a Telekinesis Spell to move the rock from Scootaloo’s wing.

“Let’s go, you two.”

Nodding, they slowly stand and make their way over to Arc. Pushing aside the large rock with a spell, Arc steps aside to let the other two leave. The ogre, seething, pulls his hood over his head and jumps to his feet. He grabs a truly massive boulder and, with every ounce of strength he can muster, throws it Arc. It catches him squarely in the back, pinning him unceremoniously to the wall. Running past him, he knocks the mayor aside and grabs Scootaloo by the throat.

“This isn’t over yet!”

As he begins to drain her energy, the mayor looks over to Arc as he does his best to free himself.

“He’ll never make it to her in time! I have to do something!”

Looking around, she spots a sizeable branch. Picking it up with her magic, the mayor swings it at the ogre with all her magical might.

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