• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - All Kinds

A short time later Arc and Applejack return to the festivities. His friends wave from the Apple’s stand.

“Hi dad!”

Arc chuckles as he and Applejack walk over. “You working on a mercantile cutie mark, sweetheart?”

Derpy appears confused. “What’s that?”

Applejack chuckles. “Being a good at selling.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is that really a thing?”

Apple Bloom nods. “Yeah! Applejack is our main salespony, after all!”

Big Macintosh grins. “Yup.”

Babs Seed giggles. “She sells more apples and other products than anypony else! Especially to stallions!”

Applejack blushes. “Wha?!”

Apple Bloom turns to Dinky. “Babs is right about that. Folks come from all over to talk to her about our apples.”

Babs Seed sighs. “Sometimes they buy. Other times not.”

Dinky appears confused. “Why not?”

Apple Bloom shrugs. “I dunno. Maybe they just want to talk about apples.”

Arc notices Applejack appearing more uncomfortable as the conversation goes on.

“Well, why don’t we let the Apple family get back to work now?”

Derpy walks over to her daughter. “Come along, Dinky.”

“Okay, mom.”

She turns to her friends.

“See you two at school tomorrow.”

Apple Bloom waves after them. “Bye everypony!”

Babs looks up to Applejack.

“Say… why DO mostly stallions come to the farm to buy apples?

Big Mac shakes his head. “We’ll explain it when you’re older.”

Applejack nods nervously. “Y-yeah. Now let’s get back to it, Apples.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company continue on their way. Frank points to a small group.

“It would appear your friend Twilight was able to make it.”

Arc nods. “Good. She doesn’t get out much.”

They walk over. Twilight and Auriel are in the middle of a conversation with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The pink party pony is the first to speak.

“Hey there, Arc! Glad to see you’re having a nice time!”

Rainbow Dash grins at his outfit. “Lookin’ snazzy tonight! Is this Frank?”

Arc nods. “Yes, it is. But how did you know about him?”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Twilight told us all about the new human.”

Pinkie giggles. “That and the word was already all over town!”

Twilight appears concerned. “How are you feeling, Frank?”

“Stable today. Using that book you gave Arc has helped me control my mana pool’s fluctuations.”

Auriel nods. “That’s good to hear. It must be quite disconcerting to not be able to control one’s powers.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I don’t see what’s so hard about it.”

Twilight turns to her friend. “Think of it like flying, but only being able to do so at max speed with no way to steer.”

Rainbow Dash shudders. “That’s a sobering thought.”

A voice rings out behind them.

“That it is.”

They turn to see Rarity approaching with Sweetie Belle in tow.

“Good evening, everypony.”

Sweetie Belle waves a small hoof. “Hi, Dinky!”

“Hey, Sweetie Belle!”

Rarity looks Arc up and down happily. She appears pleased at what she sees.

“My, oh my! You look very nice tonight!”

“Thanks. You did a great job on these outfits.”

Frank nods. “Yes. Very fashionable and comfortable, miss.”


A voice rings out behind them as a pair of pegasus Royal Guards pulling a chariot touch down nearby. Spike jumps out of it and runs over to Twilight. The pair embrace warmly.

“It’s good to see you again!”

“You too, Twilight!”

He runs over to Rarity and holds out a carefully wrapped box.

“I brought you a little something from Canterlot!”

Rarity smiles happily as she takes the box with her magic. “Oh, Spike! You shouldn’t have!”

Opening the lid she finds a small cloth satchel. Reaching inside, Rarity pulls out a beautiful fire ruby necklace. She squeals happily.

“Oh, Spike! It’s lovely!”

Spike smiles and blushes. “I saw it in a shop window and thought it’d look great on you.”

Giggling, Rarity uses her magic to lock the clasp around her neck before looking all around to let her friends see. Pinkie is the first to speak, as one would imagine.


Rainbow Dash grins. “Looks good on you!”

Arc blushes slightly. “Y-yeah, it does.”

Rarity smiles as she looks down at the pendant. “Thank you, everypony. And thank you for this wonderful gift, Spike.”

Spike nods dreamily. “You’re welcome, Rarity. The moment I saw it…”

Sweetie Belle interrupts. “Hey, Rarity! Can I have something from Applejack’s stand?!”

“Of course, Sweetie Belle.”

She levitates a few bits from a small purse tucked neatly into her mane over to the filly. Sweetie Belle grins and run over to the stand with Dinky.

“Thanks, Rarity!”

Dinky giggles as they run. “Come on! I’ll show you what I got! It was great!”

Derpy calls out after her daughter. “Have fun, you two!”

Rarity turns to Arc.

“Arc, dear. Might I speak to you privately?”

“Yes, of course.”

Ember appears nervous. “Is something wrong?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Oh, no. It’s… just a bit of a personal matter. We won’t be long.”

She leads Arc behind the Town Hall. Spike turns to Twilight.

“Rarity sure seems to be in high spirits tonight.”

Twilight nods. “That she is.”

Pinkie giggles. “Who wouldn’t be if they had some alone time with Arc?!”

Spike appears confused. “Alone time? But they’re just a few steps away.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Yeah. But she has her eyes on him.”


Twilight sighs wistfully. “It means Rarity’s in love with him.”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “It does?! How do you know?!”

Pinkie grins. “He’s all she talks about whenever we get together!”

Rainbow Dash elbows the pink mare. “Yeah! And there was that one night…!”

Derpy quickly covers the sides of Spike’s head. “Rainbow Dash, please! Young ears!”

Spike appears nervous. “Wha-what?!”

Ember frowns. “Come on! I’m sure nothing happened!”

Spike looks to the other dragon. “Huh?! I’m so confused!”

Derpy turns to Twilight. “Has Spike had… the talk yet?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. I hadn’t gotten around to it before he left.”

Spike frowns. “What talk?! What’s everypony talking about?!”

Twilight walks over to the little dragon and pats his head. “You’re a little young to be…”

Ember interrupts her. “Spike’s old enough to know about that sort of thing, Twilight. So are you going to tell him, or am I?”

Twilight sighs. “I’ll do it. Considering our shared past, it really should be my responsibility.”

She turns to Spike.

“Come on. Let’s get away from the crowds for this.”

“It is… bad?”

Twilight shakes her head as the pair head away from the festivities. “No, no! But it IS kinda hard to talk about with all this racket. Don’t worry. I’ll just give you the short version for now.”

Spike looks relieved. “Thanks. But we can come back after this talk, right?”


As the pair walk away together Frank turns to Ember.

“So… Arc has feelings for a… pony?”

Ember appears confused. “Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”

“It’s not exactly what one would consider… proper on Earth.”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “Why not?!”

“Such things are seen as taboo and illegal pretty much everywhere.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What?! Why’s that?!”

“It’s bestiality, for starters.”

Derpy turns to Rainbow Dash. “Um… what’s that?”

“Having sex with an animal!”

Rainbow Dash glares at Frank as she continues.

“Which is NOT what Arc is doing!”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Then what IS he…?”

“Rarity isn’t an animal! She’s a pony, you jerk!”

“Which is an animal!”

Pinkie giggles. “No, we’re not!”

Ember frowns. “Yeah!”

Frank shakes his head. “I can see why you’d think that. But I assure you that any creature that is not a human is considered an animal back on Earth.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Why you little…!”

She lunges at Frank, but he Blinks clear of her attack before the pair connect. As Rainbow Dash turns to strike again, Ember steps between them.

“Let it go, Rainbow Dash.”

“Let it GO?! After what he said, I’ll tear him limb from limb!”

Derpy gasps. “Please! That isn’t what Arc would want!”

Rainbow Dash seethes as Frank shakes his head. Ember turns to him with a scowl.

“Say what you want about all of us. But remember this, Frank. Arc learned to accept the inhabitants of this land. Ponies and dragons alike. You should do the same.”

She turns away and sighs.

“You should think of it from our point of view.”

Frank sneers. “Oh? And what’s that?”

“To us, YOU’RE the animal!”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof. “Yeah, that’s right! And we don’t mind a bit that Arc’s a human!”

Frank chuckles. “I see. So you’ve had relations with him before too?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah. But I’d LOVE to!”

Pinkie gasps. “Really?!”

Rainbow Dash nods as she grins wickedly at Frank. “Yeah! I’d take him all around the world!”

Derpy appears confused. “Like on a trip?”

Ember chuckles. “Rainbow Dash means that she’d blow Arc’s mind.”

“I still don’t get it.”

Rainbow Dash walks over to Derpy and motions for her to follow. “Come on, I’ll explain it to you.”

She looks over her shoulder at Frank as the pair walks away and gives him a withering look.

“Besides, I need to put some distance between myself and this ANIMAL!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Rarity walk behind the Town Hall. Spotting an empty park bench they sit down. Arc turns to Rarity.

“Now then, what did you want to tell me?”

“I… um… just wanted to apologize for our conversation earlier.”


“Looking back, I may have sounded a bit… pushy.”

“About forming a herd?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. You were right about all of us needing to think it through properly. It’s just… I…”

She sighs and looks down at the ground.

“I really sounded desperate back then, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, kinda.”

“Well, to honest with you… I am.”


Rarity blushes heavily. “I mean for Sweetie Belle to have a father!”


Rarity puts a hoof on his hand. “While I’d very much like it to be you, I understand if you want somepony else as a wife.”

“Thanks. But I haven’t really had time to think about this too much since that conversation. But I promise I’ll make time for it in the future.”

“I appreciate that. Sweetie Belle deserves the best father I can find. And we both agree that you’re the best.”

Arc sighs. “I question that opinion, but thank you just the same.”

They are silent for a time as they stare up at the moon. Eventually Rarity breaks the silence.



“How… do you feel about me?”

“As a pony, or as a potential wife?”

“Both actually.”

“I think you’re a very special individual. Kind, generous, and wanting the best for your daughter.”

Rarity sighs. “As you said before, I question that opinion, but thank you just the same.”

“What brought this on?”

Rarity hops off the bench and looks up at the moon.

“This afternoon I had a bit of time to think about you and your exploits.”

“Which ones?”

“All of them really. At least the ones you’ve told me and the others about. I’m sure there’s more you do that you can’t talk about.”

“A bit, yes. Sorry.”

“We understand your need to keep secrets as the Hero of Light and as our nation’s Lord Regent.”

Arc sighs. “Not my favorite part. But it comes with the job.”

“You’re currently the highest ranking official in the military. Over the Captain of the Royal Guard and even the Head of the Army. And that’s just as the Hero of Light. Back when you were the Lord Regent your will and power were absolute, as you alone sat on Equestria’s throne.”

Rarity sighs before continuing.

“And me? I’m just a simple seamstress in a small town.”

“You’re more than that, Rarity.”

“Yes! I’m also a young fool who couldn’t keep her tail down when I should have!”

Arc stands and walks over to her. Kneeling down he puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t blame yourself for being raped, Rarity.”

“It was my fault!”

Arc shakes his head. “You weren’t in any condition to say no or to resist.”

“But I…!”

Arc puts a finger to Rarity’s lips.

“What happened that night can’t be taken back, so you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it. I’m sure it won’t be easy, but you have to make the best of how things turned out.”

“Thank you for saying so, Arc. But what about you?”

“What about me?”

“You’re such an important figure in our society, and I’m a nopony. It… it isn’t right for me to drag you down like this.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Drag me down?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. Somepony of your station shouldn’t be in a relationship with an unwed mother like me.”


“I’d be willing to keep our relationship a complete secret from everypony outside of our circle of friends. Or if that’s not enough, I understand if you’d rather we just be friends.”



As she turns to him Arc quickly leans forward. Putting his arms around her, Rarity suddenly finds herself pulled into an embrace as Arc plants his lips on hers. They share a kiss together which neither of them attempt to break free from for some time. Eventually Arc draws back and smiles at Rarity as she looks around nervously.

“You really shouldn’t do that in public, Arc!”

“Oh? Why not?”

“Somepony might see us!”


“Like I said, it wouldn’t do to…!”

“…to have me be seen with you?”

Rarity nods. “Right. I’m an unwed mother, after all.”

“I don’t care.”

Rarity gasps. “What?! But what about your station?!”

“If others think less of me for being in a relationship with you, that’s THEIR problem!”

“But wouldn’t you be happier with a beautiful young noble on your arm? Canterlot’s certainly full of…”

Arc scoffs. “A noble?! Like the ones whom came before me seeking audiences over petty matters?”

“Well… that is customary.”

“Look, Rarity. I’m not interested in any nobles.”

“But many of them are out of this world gorgeous! I’m just…”

Arc interrupts her. “…just as good looking, right?”

Rarity shakes her head. “That’s not true and you know it, Arc.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. You’re MUCH prettier than they are.”

“I most certainly am not!”

“Yes, you are.”


“They’re beauty is only skin deep. Yours goes all the way to the core.”

“But the aristocracy will do nothing but gossip and spread the most hateful rumors about you when they hear of this!”

Arc smiles at her. “Let them. I never spent much time in Canterlot anyways.”

Tears form in the corners of Rarity’s eyes.

“You’d… really choose me over their status and wealth?!”

Arc nods. “In an instant.”

Rarity lunges forward into Arc’s arms. She plants her lips against his as her hooves wrap around his neck. They share a passionate kiss in the glow of the moonlight. However, unbeknownst to either of them, someone watched from the side of the building. A pair of small purple claws instinctively dig into the support column as the young dragon observed and silently seethes before walking away.

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