• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 8 - A 'Happy Ending'

The next morning Arc awakens to a slow and steady rain pelting the glass window behind the bed. Looking down, he spies a sleeping Rainbow Dash’s face pressed against his chest. Smiling, he gently pets her hair as he lies there peacefully and listens to the rain. Eventually she groans slightly and opens her eyes. Looking around with a bewildered look on her face, Rainbow Dash eventually turns her head to look at Arc.

“Where... am I?”

“My parent’s room, remember?”

Rainbow Dash smiles sleepily. “I... kinda thought I was still dreaming.”

Arc shakes his head. Nah. “Believe me, this is real.”

Rainbow Dash presses her cheek to his chest again as she looks up at him lovingly. “That it is.”

“So... what do you want to do today?”

“I dunno. Maybe just kinda chill here.”

She smirks seductively and gives one of her breasts a quick squeeze before continuing.


Arc chuckles. “Sounding more like Hammer all the time there, Raine.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “What can I say? We both like the same stuff.”

“How about we start with breakfast then?”

“Just something quick though, Arc. After all, there is one thing I’d like to do today.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Well, you see...”

A short time later, Arc and Rainbow Dash step out of a portal inside his quarters in Light’s Hope. Arc closes it behind them as he turns to his date.

“Okay, we’re here. Now then, what is it that you were so excited to do?”

Rainbow Dash turns to him and takes his hand. “Like I said the other day, I just want something that the others have gotten from you already.”

“In regards to...?”

“I wanna shower with you, Arc!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh... okay. But did we really have to come all the way back to Light’s Hope just to do that though? I mean, my place back on Earth has a...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “Yeah, yeah, I know you had a bathtub back there. However, this place has a really big walk-in shower though! Plenty of room for multiple individuals to get cleaned up!”

She licks her lips seductively as she leans in close. Taking Arc’s hand, Rainbow Dash puts it on her backside.

“Or get dirty”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Let’s just get ready for the day ahead.”

Frowning, Rainbow Dash leads him into the bathroom. Turning on the water, she gets it to just the right temperature before whipping off her oversized t-shirt (which just so happens to be the only article of clothing she is currently wearing) and tossing it aside. Looking over her now bare shoulder, she grins slyly.

“Been looking forward to this for a LONG time now, Arc!”

Arc shakes his head and chuckles. “Guessing you didn’t get this idea from Hammer.”

Rainbow Dash laugh heartily. “Twilight actually. She says she’s bathed with you numerous times before and totally loved it. That true?”

“It is, yes.”

“Then I want in on that action!”

Running over to him, Rainbow Dash quickly pulls his shorts down to his ankles. Looking up she takes a look at his member hanging in front of her face. Blushing heavily, she stares at it for a long moment before composing herself.

“That’s, um... a really nice... thing you got there, Arc.”

“Glad you like it.”

“Couldn’t see it last night. Sure felt it though.”

Arc chuckles as he gestures to the shower. “Why don’t we get in the shower and get cleaned up now? Don’t want to use up all the hot water.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes as she latches onto Arc’s arm. “Like this place even could.”

“You never know.”

Stepping into the large walk-in shower, Rainbow Dash strides over to the stream of water and stands under it in order to get her hair wet. Running her fingers through it, she looks over her shoulder to Arc with a wicked grin on her face.

“You like what you see?”

Arc nods. “Admittedly, yes.”

“Wanna wash me, stud?”


Grabbing a bar of soap and a washcloth, Arc gets a lather going as Rainbow Dash leans against a wall patiently. He begins with her face and neck. She giggles as he works.

“Hey now, that tickles!”

Arc grins. “You like it?”


“Didn’t know you were so ticklish.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Neither did I. But that’s probably because I’m not the one doing the washing though.”

“I figured it was your first time bathing with someone else.”

“Other than my parents you mean, right?


Rainbow Dash looks away nervously. “Uh... kinda isn’t.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised. “Oh?”

Rainbow Dash blushes slightly as she speaks. “You see, Zephyr Breeze and I used to bathe together when we were staying the night at each other’s houses as foals. Obviously nothing really happened back then, as we were so young.”

Smiling strangely, she continues.

“We spent most of the time in the tub playing a game called ‘submarine’.”

Arc lathers the washcloth again as he speaks. “I can just imagine what that entailed.”

“The tub itself pretty big even by pony standards, so it was like a small pool for us at that age. One of us would close our eyes and go under the bubbly water to pretend to be submarine. We called that role the ‘seeker’. It was their job to try and find the other blindly while the other did their best to stay out of reach by moving slowly and quietly. Of course they got to keep their eyes open.”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds like you two had a lot of fun with that.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “We did. That is, until one time.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“My parents had taken me to see a show the night before. It was a traveling circus which specialized in aquatic creatures. They had this totally huge tank which had clear sides in it to let the audience see everything. There were a bunch of dolphins in there doing some really cool tricks! One by one they leapt into the air and dove back in so smoothly that they just kinda glided through the water effortlessly. Didn’t even have to use their flippers, as the momentum of the jump just kinda allowed them to keep going for what felt like forever.”


Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Uh... what?”

“An object in motions stays in motion.”

“Well... they were certainly moving around a lot. When they dove, the dolphins arched their backs to do this really cool arcing maneuver. Back then I just kinda thought it was magic, or something!”

“I suppose it would look like that to a foal. But it’s really just applied physics.”

Rainbow Dash smiles strangely again. “Yeah, well... at one point I got this idea in my head that I wanted to try out those moves myself. So the next time Zephyr Breeze and I were playing ‘submarine’ in the tub together I went underwater, put my back hooves on the side of the tub, and pushed forward as hard as I could with my front hooves at my side to make for less resistance. Since it was a rule, and because of the bubble bath in the water, I had my eyes closed and couldn’t see where I was going at the time.”

“Did you find him?”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Kinda, yeah.”

Arc appears confused. “Kinda?”

“Well... I found part of him.”

“What do you mean?”

Rainbow Dash looks away as she blushes. “I... might’ve drifted underneath Zephyr and between his hind legs. When I lost enough momentum I went to surface for air. But instead of coming up, it just brought something small and soft into my face.”

“Uh oh. What was it?”

Rainbow Dash makes a face. “His... balls.”

“I thought so.”

“It’s not like I’d never seen a colt’s package before, of course. But this time it was literally pressed into my face. I instinctively gasped, which made me breathe in some water. That caused me to thrash around, knocking Zephyr away so that I could surface. And... ah... throw up all over him in the process.”

“Not the best childhood memory, huh?”

Rainbow Dash groans and puts a hand to her belly. “This happened a lot of years ago. But to this day the thought of what happened back then still makes me kinda sick when I think about it.”

“You don’t really blame him for it though, right? I mean... to me it just sounds like an honest mistake.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah, I don’t hold that against him in the least. I mean... if anything, that whole mess was my fault. But... I couldn’t look at him the same way ever again after that.”

“Um... does what we’re doing here... make you uncomfortable?”


“Being in the shower with me.”

“No way! Why would it?!”

“Well... I just figured that after something like that happened, bathing with someone might be... difficult.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “To be totally honest with you, it... kinda was.”

“So what changed?”

“Look, Arc... can I tell you a secret?”

Arc nods. “Of course.”

“To tell you the truth, for the longest time, I uh... I’ve been dreading... ah... seeing your... package.”

“For how long exactly?”

“Since we all confessed our feelings for you.”

“But what were you planning on doing if we hit it off?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I dunno. Frankly, I didn’t think things would really get this far.”

“I’m pretty surprised to hear this. After all, you’ve always kinda been the... um... how do I put this?”

“The most sexually forward mare of the group?”

“You said it, I didn’t.”

Rainbow Dash looks away. “That’s... kinda just my way of coping with it. Normalizing sexual stuff in my mind. Is that bad?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so. But now that this whole thing is out in the open, why don’t you tell me how you really feel?”

“About what?”


Rainbow Dash grins. “You’re a really cool stallion, Arc!”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“You mean sexually?”


“I... I really do like you. Well, more than just like. You’re like nopony I’ve ever met before, Arc. And, I... I would like to expand on that in the future.”


Rainbow Dash bows her head. “But I don’t know if I’m ready to go that far with you just yet.”

She sighs before looking to him out of the corner of her eye and continuing.

“Guess you must be really disappointed to hear that this super-forward mare is actually just a sexual coward.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all.”


“I’m happy that you were able to work up the courage to tell me about this. After all, I’d have felt really bad if at some point in the future had done something that made you feel uncomfortable without knowing.”

“Yeah well, I... do appreciate that. But, ah... I’ve heard that the best way to get over a fear is to face it head-on.”

“Sometimes, yes.”

“Then... do you think I could...?”

Instinctively looking around to again verify that they are alone, she whispers something in Arc’s ear. He nods silently and moves a couple feet away so as to remove himself from the flow of the shower head. A few moments later Rainbow Dash takes a deep breath and crawls toward him on her hands and knees. As her face comes to within a couple feet of his, her eyes meet his for a moment as Arc takes one of her hands and holds it. Reaching forward with the other, Rainbow Dash draws her finger across Arc’s... you know. She strokes it a few times before looking up at Arc and smiling strangely.

“It’s... a lot bigger than Zephyr Breeze’s was.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I would hope so.”

Rainbow Dash laughs nervously and looks away. “I guess that was kind of a dumb thing for me to say. Comparing a colt’s thing to a full grown stallion, that is.”

“And how does this make you feel?”

“A little... strange actually. Like, on the one hoof, my brain is screaming at me to stop. While my heart is whispering that it wants me to keep going.”

Arc grimaces. “Well, you should probably stop now.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide as she gasps. “Did I do something wrong?!”

Arc shakes his head. “N-no. It’s just... I don’t want to get turned on. Well... any more than I already am, that is.”

Rainbow Dash pulls her hand back as she see the apparent effects of her actions. “Yeah, it looks like you enjoyed what I was doing to you.”

“That I did.”

“I honestly didn’t even notice how big it was getting!”

“Admittedly, I’m pretty average for a human.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “Nothing average about you though, Arc!”

“In that regard I am.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow as her eyes move down to stare at his pelvic region. “Seriously?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Human males come in all sizes down there.”

“Is that a good or bad thing?”

“Neither. We’re kinda like human female’s breasts in that regard. Male genitalia come in all shapes and sizes. Some are long while others are short.”


“Something on your mind?”

“Kinda. It’s just... humans really are interesting, what with all the variations you can have. Body size, skin tone, and even shapes to a degree.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Shapes?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand on her belly. “Some humans are big in the midsection.”

“Ah! We usually refer to that as being ‘overweight’.”

“Is that bad?”

“It can be, yes. That is, if the human in question’s weight gets out of control. Can I assume ponies don’t usually have that problem?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah. I mean, every once in a while you might see somepony who’s got a bit of a bulge down there. But if they’re a mare everypony just kinda assumes that they’re pregnant. And they usually are.”

“Makes sense though, what with ponies having an all plant diet.”

“We do eat a lot of sweets though. Well, some more than others, I mean.”

Arc chuckles. “Pinkie Pie?”

Rainbow Dash groans. “I don’t get how she isn’t the size of a house! After all, she eats almost nothing but cupcakes, pies, cakes, doughnuts, cookies, and anything else you can think of that’s sugary!”


“No joke. Her metabolism must work crazy fast.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Speed of light fast, you mean.”

“Well... we’re kinda getting off topic now.”


“It’s fine. I was just trying to say that I thought humans were more... unique than ponies are.”

“But ponies have different mane colors, hairstyles, and cutie marks.”

“True. But our body shapes are roughly about the same, so it’s easy to get lost in the crowd here.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “And the fact that we don’t generally wear clothes limits our individuality even further.”

“Is that a bad thing though? I mean... pony versus humans... Equestria versus Earth... both sides have their good points as well as their faults.”

Rainbow Dash groans as she pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her chin on them. “No idea. I mean, I do get what you’re saying, Arc. But... I have really enjoyed my time on Earth as a human mare.”

“So what are you getting at?”

“I dunno. Guess I’m just feeling a bit... overwhelmed by this newfound individuality. But one thing I don’t understand is why I never noticed it before.”

“You can’t miss what you never had.”

“Makes sense. But where do I go from here?”

Arc puts an arm around her shoulder and pulls her close. “No idea. But know this. You’ll aways be special to me, Rainbow Dash.”

“Even if... even if I choose not to join the herd with the others?”


Rainbow Dash smiles as she lays her head on his shoulder. “Thanks. That means a lot coming from you.”

Arc rests his head on top of hers. “Everyone whom joins needs to do so of their own free will. But those that decide not to, for any reason, shouldn’t be looked down on as being any less special than the ones that do join.”

“Even if I’m just an... um... aunt whom sometimes spends the night with you?”

“I don’t have a problem with doing whatever makes you comfortable. But me sleeping with someone outside the herd is something that everyone would have to agree to.”

“They’d probably say ‘yes’ though.”

“For you, probably. However, I’m a little worried that it could start something.”

Rainbow Dash looks up at him, confused. “Like what?”

“Others seeking to gain my favor. It’s something that the princesses have long since feared.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Can you tell me more about that?”

“Luna explained to me some time ago that both her and her sister intentionally avoid intimate relationships out of fear that their authority could be used and abused by their spouses.”

“I just always thought they were too busy, or something.”

“There’s that too. But someone could do that to me as well.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “You mean... getting close to try and get you to bed them?”

Arc nods. “And then asking for favors.”

“That sounds awful though!”

“True. But it is plausible nonetheless.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that to you though, right?!”

“No, you wouldn’t. That and we were friends before I came into my position as the Hero of Light.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I... don’t really know what to do then.”

“About joining?”

“Yeah. I mean... I do want to... be part of this whole herd thing. But at the same time I also don’t feel like I’m ready.”

Arc smiles. “And that’s okay.”

Rainbow Dash sits up and looks him in the eye. “How?! I mean... you deserve mares that can give you what you want, Arc!”

“And maybe one day that will be you.”

“But that could be a long time from now!”

Arc shrugs. “Whenever you’re ready is fine with me.”

“What if it’s years though?!”

“Then it’s years.”

“And if it’s never the right time?!”

Arc takes her hand. “Look, all I want is for you to be happy, Rainbow Dash. If that’s with you in the herd, great. If it means that you want to stay single, okay. And if you find someone else that can give you what you want, then I and the others will be happy for you and wish you well in that.”

Grinning silently for a few moments, Rainbow Dash suddenly lunges forward to knock Arc onto his back. Before he can utter a single word though she jumps on top of him and presses her lips to his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, the young woman continues passionately kissing him as Arc puts his arms around her back and pulls her closer. After a few moments, he rolls over to lie over top of his date. Looking up at him seductively, she speaks.


Arc blushes, slightly embarrassed. “Oh! Um... s-sorry!”

“For what?”

“That was a bit too forward.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “But I like it that way!”

Arc appears confused. “Huh?”

“Do more!”

Arc chuckles. “I don’t think either of us is truly really ready for that though.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Yeah. Probably not.”

“Glad you understand.”

“Oh, I understand that and then some, Arc!”


“Here’s how I see it. I love you and you love me, right?”

Arc nods. “Right.”

“So, at least the way it works in my mind, I don’t really care if we’re married or not. I just want somepony that I can trust completely to take my body and just totally demolish it!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Sure thing, my little Hammer clone.”

Rainbow Dash smiles devilishly. “It sounds totally hot when you say things like that.”

“Please stop talking.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Have it your way.”

Grabbing his shoulders, Rainbow Dash pulls Arc down again for another passionate kissing session. However, as she does so, his earring suddenly chirps. Sighing, she pulls back and lays her head on his chest as Arc answers the call.

“Arc here.”

“Hey! This here’s Hammer! We got a bit of a development over here! You still on Earth?!”

“I’m actually in my personal shower here in Light’s Hope.”

Hammer gasps. “What?! Where’s blue?!”

Rainbow Dash calls out loudly. “I’m here too, cupcake!”

“In the shower?!”


There is a short pause before Hammer speaks again.

“Can I get in on that action?!”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “Sure! Arc can open a portal for you!”

Arc groans. “About the situation, Hammer?”

“Oh! Uh... right! Princess Twilight has just ordered some of our airships to start sending over troops and materials to The Badlands.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he quickly sits up and leans against the tile wall behind him. “Wait... what?!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs as she crawls forward to sit in Arc’s lap. “What’s the big deal there, cupcake? I mean... we were planning to launch the attack in the spring anyways.”

“Right, blue. But it’s still a bit early for that, what with things still getting awfully cold at night.”

Arc nods soberly. “Magic not working over there means that we would have to rely on conventional means of fighting and survival. No magic heaters or spells. Just tents and regular blankets.”

Hammer nods. “Right. That’s why I was so surprised to hear the order to gather for deployment go out.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Arc should probably go see Twilight and figure out what’s up then.”

Hammer chuckles. “Yeah. That is... after you and Arc are... finished.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I see what you did there.”

“Guilty as charged. But don’t worry about running over here too quickly. After all, we’ll still be here.”

“Give us a few minutes to finish up in here and I’ll head over to Canterlot.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Finish up?”

Arc frowns. “Don’t you start too.”

“Alright, Arc. See you over here in a bit.”

“Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection. Standing, he heads for the shower knob.

“Better get moving before...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “Uh... aren’t you forgetting something?”

Arc turns to her, confused. “What?”

Rainbow Dash grins widely as she holds up a fresh washcloth and a bar of soap. “You haven’t actually gotten cleaned up yet.”

“Oh... right. Should probably do that first.”

Rainbow Dash nods as she tosses the soap from one hand to the other. “My turn!”

Arc frowns. “But you’re already clean.”

“I meant to wash you, silly!”

“Ah! Right. Now I just feel dumb.”

Rainbow Dash smirks as she lathers up the washcloth. “I won’t tell. That is, if you’ll let me wash you... everywhere.”

Arc chuckles. “Alright. Go ahead.”

“Oh, yeah!”

Sometime later, Arc and Rainbow Dash step out of the shower together. Pulling some clean clothes out of his ring, Arc hurriedly dresses as his date takes her time drying off before picking up her oversized t-shirt from last night. Arc turns to her and chuckles.

“Sure you want to wear that?”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently as her head pops through. “It’s comfy.”

“True. But remember, it’s not exactly warm out there.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Well, what else can I do? Can’t exactly walk out there bare.”

“Good thing I grabbed these then.”

Reaching for his ring, he pulls out jeans, a shirt, undergarments, and the leather coat he purchased his date. Handing them over, Rainbow Dash grins at him.


“Just thinking ahead. Now then, why don’t you get dressed while I finish getting ready?”

Rainbow Dash winks as she gives him a thumbs up. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

As she dresses, Arc puts some toothpaste on his toothbrush and begins doing his morning business. A few moments later he spits and rinses his mouth out before grabbing a comb from a shelf nearby and looking in the mirror before him. Spotting Rainbow Dash in the reflection before him as she clips her bra, he chuckles. She looks up and strikes a pose.

“Like what you see?”

Arc nods. “You are really pretty, yes.”

“Well, don’t let it slow us down.”


“We need to get to Canterlot Castle and figure out what the hay is going on over there!”

“You’re coming with me?”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “We’re still on our date!”

“Um... this kinda ends it. I think.”

“Well... I do still need somepony to turn me back to my normal form too!”

“Now there you have a point.”

A few minutes later Arc finishes combing his hair. Rainbow Dash hurries over to him and tugs at his arm.

“Come on!”

“Don’t you want to brush your...?”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “I hardly ever do that anyways! Let’s go!”

Shrugging, Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. As Rainbow Dash moves to step forward Arc holds out a hand to stop her. Frowning, she looks to him.

“What’s the hold up?!”

“I just... uh... remembered something.”


“My quarters in the castle are... um... sorta part of an ongoing... mission of sorts.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make any sense, Arc!”

Arc sighs as he closes the portal. “Please... just trust me on this.”

“Fine. But how are we going to get to Canterlot Castle then?”

“The Equinox should be in the castle’s hanger. We can take a portal to my room aboard ship.”

Rainbow Dash groans impatiently. “Whatever! Let’s just GO!”

Opening a new portal, Arc is forcefully pulled through by his date. Arriving in his quarters aboard The Equinox, she begins dragging him toward the door. Making their way outside the ship, the pair hurry down the gangplank to see the hanger filled with support crews loading various supplies aboard the Lunar Destiny. Twilight stands on a catwalk overhead directing them via megaphone as Spike stands by her side checking things off of a list. Arc Blinks them up to Twilight’s position. Spotting them as they approach she grins and calls out happily through the megaphone.


The pair instinctively cover their ears as she speaks. Rainbow Dash cries out.

“Turn down the decibels, Twilight!”

Twilight lowers the megaphone slightly and smiles sheepishly. “Sorry!”

Turning to the ponies below, Twilight calls out.


The workers all put down their loads and sit down on their haunches to rest. Arc turns back to Twilight.

“Looks like you’re working them pretty hard.”

Twilight opens her mouth to speak but is cut off as Spike pulls the megaphone from her magical aura.

“I’ll take that.”

Rainbow Dash breathes a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Spike.”

Spike shrugs as he tosses it over his shoulder. “Eh. Don’t mention it.”

Twilight giggles. “How was your date, Rainbow Dash?!”

Rainbow Dash looks away nervously. “It was... um... really enlightening.”

Spike frowns. “Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.”

Arc chuckles. “We did have a nice time, yes.”

Rainbow Dash folds her arms over her chest. “Right! But we came back just as soon as we heard about you moving up the timetable for the invasion!”

Arc nods. “Why didn’t you call us?”

Spike puts a claw on his friend’s side. “Told you to do that, Twilight.”

Twilight looks away nervously. “Yes, well... I was going to do that.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Really?! When?!”

“After we finished this list.”

Spike facepalms. “That was five lists ago, Twilight!”

Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side. “Seriously?!”

“Sorry! I really did plan to contact you two! But... things just sorta got... busy here, and I... uh...!”

Arc interrupts her. “Forget it, Twilight. I know how caught up in projects you get.”

Spike smirks. “That’s an understatement.”

Rainbow Dash motions to the comings and goings below. “So what’s up with all this, Twilight?”

“Well... I’m just getting a head start on making sure we’re ready to go when the time is right. It’s still going to take a few days to load the supplies, check them, and recheck everything after all. That’s why I wasn’t too worried about notifying you two back on Earth.”

Spike folds his arms over his chest. “Sure that was the only reason, Twilight?”

Twilight sighs. “That and I really didn’t want to interrupt... whatever was going on over there either.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Thanks for that! Arc and I were actually in the shower when we heard the news.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “So... things did go okay on your date then?”

Arc nods. “Yes. But we can talk about that later, Twilight. What’s the status of the invasion?”

Twilight lowers her voice. “We probably shouldn’t talk about that here.”

She turns to Spike before continuing.

“Think you can take over here for a while?”

Spike nods. “Sure. I’ll just check things off as they go by like you were.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “You can do it, big fella!”

Twilight motions to the corridor. “We can talk in Auriel’s room. She’s not in the castle right now, it’s secure, and I believe you have a sigil in there, Arc.”

Arc smiles. “Sounds like a plan.”

Rainbow Dash points at Arc’s gauntlet. “Let’s go!”

Arc opens a portal and leads the pair through. As it closes, Spike picks up the megaphone and smiles wickedly.

“Been waiting my whole life for this moment.”

Taking a deep breath, he calls out loudly.


The workers hurriedly get to their feet and again start moving supplies. Spike mutters to himself as he checks items off the list with a quill held in the cruck of his tail.

“Always wanted to do that.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash step out of the portal into Auriel’s cleaner than normal room. Walking over to the couch, Twilight motions to it with a hoof.

“Why don’t you two have a seat?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes, I think we’d better.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “And talk quietly. After all, the walls have ears.”

Twilight giggles. “Is that from a Daring-Do book?”

Rainbow Dash nods as she sits down with Arc. “Yup. The latest one.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “Before we start, I just need to check one thing.”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls his helmet from within and puts it on. Looking Twilight over for a few moments, he removes the helmet and again stows it in his ring.

“There. You’re Twilight.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “I could have told you that, Arc.”

Twilight sighs. “I believe Arc was just checking to make sure I wasn’t a changeling.”

Arc nods. “Yup. Truesight Enchantment for the win. Now then, about the invasion. If I recall correctly, we all agreed that it wouldn’t happen until spring in order to prevent our forces from being lost to the extreme cold of the Badlands at night.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Yeah! What gives, Twilight?!”

Twilight smiles nervously. “I’ve... decided to move it up.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh... why?”

“Because... ah... spring is... coming a bit... uh... early this year, it seems.”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Yeah right, Twilight.”

“No, it really is.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Uh... how?”

Arc quickly chimes in. “Wait a second. I thought the Pegasi in Cloudsdale controlled Equestria’s weather already. How is making spring come sooner somehow outside the norm?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “We can only control the weather patterns, Arc. Not the temperature or seasons.”

Twilight nods. “Right. At least normally, that is.”

Rainbow Dash returns her gaze to Twilight. “Which leads me back to my earlier question. How?”

Arc smiles at Twilight. “Yes, do tell.”

“It all started this morning over breakfast. Princess Celestia and I were eating together in her room when she asked how preparations for the invasion were going. I told her that all the supplies for the initial push into the south had been prepared and simply needed to be shipped to Canterlot for dispersal to the Badlands.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What’s that have to do with the weather though?”

“Let her continue and we might find out, Rainbow Dash.”

“Princess Celestia was very impressed the such a thing had come together so quickly, and told me of a plan she had come up with in greatest secrecy.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “A secret plan from a demoted princess?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I don’t like the sound of that either.”

Twilight looks to the pair with a pleading look on her face. “Please at least hear it out.”

Arc sighs. “We will.”

Rainbow Dash turns away angrily. “Doesn’t mean we have to like it though!”

Twilight looks to Arc. “The princess told me of a book kept safe inside the Royal Armory that had forbidden spells recorded within it. One of them could be used to speed the change of seasons.”

Arc raises an eyebrow skeptically. “Is that... safe?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head vehemently. “Not a chance!”

Twilight frowns. “Princess Celestia tells me that it is, yes.”

“Then why’s it locked away, Twilight?!”

Arc chimes in. “My guess would be to prevent someone from arbitrarily messing with nature I would imagine.”

Twilight nods. “Arc is right. Imagine if this spell were common knowledge. Any sufficiently powerful magic user could hasten the season’s change at a whim.”

Arc looks out the window at the scene outside. “So the spell has already been cast?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I thought it felt a little warmer than normal in the castle’s hanger!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not yet, no. The book in question is still in the vault at the moment. Remember, it takes two princesses to open that particular door.”

She turns to Rainbow Dash before continuing.

“Believe me when I say that any abnormal warmth you’ve felt thus far has been completely natural since I haven’t authorized the use of the spell. At least not yet.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “So you ARE planning to use it?!”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash. We need to get this plan underway as soon as possible.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “Then why haven’t you asked Luna to help you open the vault yet?

Twilight sighs and looks down at the floor. “I... wanted to run this by your first, Arc.”


Rainbow Dash frowns. “But you’re the ruling princess here, Twilight! You don’t need Arc’s permission to do anything!”

“I know. However, this whole thing is really...”

There is a sudden knock at the door. Her horn aglow, Twilight reaches out with a Telekinesis Spell to open it. No sooner has she done so however than Luna herself rushes into the room. In her haste though she trips over her own hooves and falls to the floor. Quickly getting up, she looks to Twilight with a pained expression on her face.

“I’ve just heard that we’re preparing to move on the Badlands, Twilight! Is that true?!”

Twilight shrugs. “Kinda. It’s still going to take a day or so to prepare the Lunar Destiny for the flight over there.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “You didn’t even tell Princess Luna about this, Twilight?!”

Twilight bows her head and groans. “Truth be told, I was planning to do that at the same time I called to inform you and Arc. But I just kinda... got ahead of myself.”

Arc nods soberly. “Then I think that you need to bring Luna up to date on what you’ve told us already.”

Luna sits down as Twilight begins to do just that. A few minutes later she finishes.

“And that’s where we stand at the moment, Luna.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “And my sister just happened to remember the tome in question this very morning?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, it sounded more to me like she’s had this in the back of her mind since we decided to attack the Badlands.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “Then why wait until now to bring it up?!”

Arc nods soberly. “Right. We could have been using that spell to gradually warm things up slowly over time.”

Twilight sighs. “I did mention such an idea to her already, yes. However, Princess Celestia told me that she didn’t want to risk upsetting the natural balance of things unless the need was dire.”

Arc turns to Rainbow Dash. “That and I assume such a thing could cause panic amongst the public.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I’d sure be worried if I went to bed one night with snow falling and woke up the next morning to the sun shining and swimming weather.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “It still doesn’t make sense that my sister wouldn’t have said a word about this to anypony though.”

Twilight clears her throat loudly. “Putting aside her secrecy, I think that this spell could be very beneficial to our cause.”

Rainbow Dash looks to Arc. “What do you think?”


“Your magic is really powerful, after all.”

“I suppose it is. However, something like this is way beyond my ability to understand.”

Luna nods. “Perhaps even mine. I would venture a guess that my sister may be the only pony in the land whom could cast such a thing properly.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “So she just needs Twilight and you to open the vault for her?”

Twilight nods. “Or just me and her.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “What?! But I thought she wasn’t a princess right now!”

Luna smiles at the young Pegasus before her. “Legally, yes. However, that does not change the fact that she has Alicorn Magic, nor prevent her from using it.”

Arc chuckles. “Right. I just relieved her of her royal position. But I couldn’t really turn off her magic.”

Twilight turns to her friend. “Think of it like revoking a doctor’s medical license, Rainbow Dash. It would only prevent them from practicing medicine legally. They would still retain all the knowledge and skills gained from the time in their position, after all.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “So, what are we going to do then?!”

Luna sighs. “That’s up to Twilight.”

Twilight appears confused. “You mean ‘us’, right Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “Remember, you are the ruling princess, Twilight. And as such the decision in this matter falls to you.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “What do you suggest?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well... at the very least, we should probably go see her. Listen to what your mentor has to say on the matter. After all, you could always say ‘no’.”

Twilight stands. “Then that’s what we’ll do. Would you and Luna please accompany me?”

Arc nods. “Of course.”

Luna smiles. “I’ll have to leave this matter to you two. Audiences will be starting soon, after all.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Considering what’s going on right now, you could just cancel them.”

Arc frowns. “Not the best idea there, Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight gestures out the window. “Right. The public gets nervous whenever we do that. Moreso if it looks as if we’re hiding something from them.”

Luna sighs. “Which we are, mind you.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Kinda gotta though.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Agreed. Now then, shall we head to Princess Celestia’s chambers?”

Arc nods as he rises. “Sure. Just one thing first though.”

Looking over to Rainbow Dash, Arc smiles and takes her hand as he bows respectfully and addresses her.

“Thank you very much for the date.”

Rainbow Dash grins widely. “Y-yeah. Thanks for taking me out.”

Twilight giggles. “We all look forward to hearing about it at the next meeting.”

“I’ll be there. Promise.”

Arc puts a hand on the telephone receiver. “Before we go though, I should probably call for Sereb to turn you back into a mare, Rainbow Dash.”

Luna steps forward. “Not to worry, Arc. I’ll take care of that.”

“Alright. Thanks, Luna.”

He and Twilight head for the door. As they leave, Luna turns to Rainbow Dash, her horn aglow.

“Are you ready?”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Actually, I’m not.”

Luna looks away nervously. “If you would prefer somepony else do this...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts her. “No, no! It’s just...!”

Sighing, she continues.

“...I wanted to tell you something.”



Luna raises an eyebrow. “Whatever for?”

“Blowing up at you a while back.”

Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “Not to worry, as it’s in the past. That and I still don’t really understand what that was all about anyways.”

“I was... scared that you were trying to take Arc away from me. Us! The herd, I mean!”

“Take him away?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. As in keeping him just for yourself.”

“Admittedly, I didn’t really understand why you were so upset with me back then. Had I known, I could have put your mind at ease.”


“By being honest with you about my position.”

“No need to worry about that. Arc and I had a long conversation about everything back on Earth.”

Luna looks around nervously. “What about?”

“Your relationship with him. He really made me see that you’re not a threat to the herd.”

“Arc did that?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. And that leads me to say... that if you want to join the herd, I’ll do my very best to give you the benefit of the doubt.”

Luna raises an eyebrow, confused. “I... uh... thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, princess.”

“But might I ask what exactly brought this conversation about?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Honestly, I can’t remember. But I’m still glad it happened. Can I ask you something though?”

“I... suppose so.”

“How does Arc make you feel?”


“Is it all warm and fuzzy? Or is it more like cool and tingly?”

“I don’t... feel either way.”

“Then can you describe it to me?”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “Well... he does make me feel very... whole.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Yeah, I get that. And he does it just by talking usually.”

Luna smiles. “That he does.”

“We... all really like him. A lot. So you see why I was so worried about somepony taking him away, right?”

“Yes indeed. But... might I ask you something rather... strange?”

“Like what?”

“I... was just wondering... what it is that makes you think I would make a good addition to Arc’s... herd, as it were?”

“It’s kinda complicated actually. I mean... my first reaction when Arc and I talked about this matter was how you’d be over all of us.”

“Over you?”

“You’re a princess, after all. We’re just commoners.”

“What about Twilight?”

Rainbow Dash laughs heartily. “She’s just one of the girls to us! A fancy title doesn’t change that!”

“You said that you and Arc spoke about this a few moments ago. Does that mean that he is... interested in me?”

“I guess. Well... that’s kinda for him to say though.”

“Tell me, does he ever speak of me?”

“You mean other than during that conversation, right?”


Rainbow Dash nods. “Sometime, yeah.”

“In what way?”

Rainbow Dash puts a finger to her cheek thoughtfully. “Hm... can’t really think of any particular conversations. But the general tone of his voice is really... happy. That and I’ve always heard him speak casually about you.”


“Sorry. That... didn’t come out right. What I meant to say is that when he refers to you it isn’t some dry, formal tone he’s using. But something more... what’s the word...?

She thinks for a few moments before speaking again.

“Friendly. Like he’s talking about someone really close to him.”

Luna appears relieved. “That’s a good thing I would think.”

“Oh yeah. He also doesn’t overly lower himself or bow and scrape like everypony else does for you and Princess Celestia. Arc just kinda talks about you as if you were the same as anypony else. But with the respect any good friend would expect.”

“Like he talks to me when we are face to face I would imagine.

“Arc doesn’t ever seem to change the way he acts when somepony important is around. In fact, the only times he’s ever changed his tone that I’ve seen is when he’s really mad.”

“Is that... bad?”

“I don’t think so. After all, when he’s upset it’s generally justified.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“Well... remember the battle in front of his base during the peace summit?”

Luna sighs. “Cadance and I only heard it from within the ship. But yes.”

“My friends and I saw him fighting his hardest to protect the base, and us inside it. He was really going at the baddies, and I mean savagely! Well... once he joined the fight, that is. Anyways, the way he went at them was like a crazed madpony! If I’d have been on the other side of that fight, I think even I’d have thought twice about what I was doing!”

“So it frightened you?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Not at all. To be honest with you, it was quite the opposite.”


“He was giving it his all back there. Not holding anything back. And it was all for those of us inside Light’s Hope. My friends and I as well as the world leaders that were in attendance. And I know for a fact that if it had come right down to it... he would have sacrificed himself to stop them from getting to us.”

Luna smiles. “Very admirable!”

“Then there was the time Decimus was holding all of Ponyville hostage in the orphanage. Even though he must’ve had much bigger problems at the time, Arc brought his forces in to liberate everypony and take us to Abyssinia. Even though he knew it would make him look guilty on the national level.”

“I see. Anything else?”

“Well... maybe it’s not quite the same as the first two examples, but... there was the time he saved me and my friends from ourselves.”

Luna raises an eyebrow, confused. “Yourselves?”

Rainbow Dash blushes slightly. “We all were throwing ourselves at him sexually. And this was BEFORE we fell for him, mind you!”

“Then why...?”

Rainbow Dash interrupts her. “It was some magical mumbo-jumbo thing. I didn’t really understand it at the time we were talking through it. But back then we all felt an insane urge to have Arc sleep with us. My friends and I went over everything afterwards just to compare notes on what the heck had happened.”

She puts a hand on her chest before continuing.

“The feeling of wanting it was just so... so intense! Beyond anything we’d ever felt before! My heart was pounding out of my chest and my backside felt like it was on fire! But he just had Sereb put us all to sleep and got us to the hospital. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and I... we all would have been ‘thrilled to be drilled’ as Pinkie put it later.”

Luna nods soberly. “I do remember Arc telling Cadance and I about that matter, yes. Rest assured that it didn’t go any further than that though.”

Rainbow Dash appears relieved. “Thanks. It... wasn’t exactly something we’d like to become public knowledge, after all. But that did start a dialogue between us six mares in the hospital as we recovered.”

“About Arc?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “How much trouble he went through to help us. And that was after he turned down our advances. We all saw him in a different light after that.”

“You all began developing feelings for him at that point?”

“Sorta. I mean, we were all already friends with Arc by that point. But admittedly that’s all it was up until that point. Platonic friendship. Talking through it as we lay in that ward... it made us all take stock of ourselves and consider what exactly it was that we really wanted in a stallion. One thing led to another and before we knew it, Rarity admitted that actually she wanted to try dating him!”

“How did the others react to that?”

“We were kinda unsure that such a thing would work, naturally. I mean... Arc was our friend, and all. But who ever heard of a pony falling in love with a... um... a non-pony, I guess?”

Luna smiles. “All of you seem to make it work though.”

“Yeah. And hopefully one day everypony who’s joining the herd will come together and have a really cool wedding!”

She grins at Luna before continuing.

“So if you want a shot at it, you’ll get a chance.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I do admit that I hadn’t really thought about such a thing before now.”


Luna shakes her head. “It’s the truth, yes. In fact, Twilight was my first real friend. Well... other than Celestia, that is.”

“You and her really bonded when you were together here in the castle. And I think that’s really cool.”

“If I’m being completely honest, I’ve never actually been romantically attracted to anypony “before.

Rainbow Dash gasps, wide-eyed. “YOU’RE KIDDING!”


“I mean, as beautiful as you are, I thought you’d have had lots of stallions coming after you!”

Luna bows her head as her ears droop. “My sister was always the popular one. Even before my banishment, that is. But nopony really paid any attention to little Luna. In fact, that’s part of the reason I became Nightmare Moon in the first place and tried to overthrow her.”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “But things are different now, right?”

“Oh, yes. Celestia and I have come to terms with what happened back then. However, I had thought that love was out of the question for me. That is... until we had this conversation.”

Rainbow Dash smirks wickedly. “So you ARE interested?!”

Luna blushes slightly as she looks away. “Maybe ‘interested’ isn’t the best word to describe how I feel about Arc.”

“Then what is?”

“Perhaps ‘curious’ would be the better term.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Curious?”

Luna giggles. “Yes. But only because I’ve never really given any thought as to what such feelings might lead to.”

Rainbow Dash smiles slyly. “Wanna find out?”

“A bit, yes. However, as I said, I’m still worried about where it could lead.”

“You’re afraid it might lead to marriage?”

Luna shakes her head. “Quite the opposite actually. I worry what might happen should things... not go according to plan.”

Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side, confused. “I don’t get it.”

“Right now Arc and I are simply friends. Were he and I to declare, shall we say... feelings for one another, it may very well lead to love and a true relationship, yes. But the other side of that coin would be less than happy.”

“You mean... if it ended badly?”

Luna nods sadly. “Our current relationship would be strained. Perhaps irreparably so.”

“But it might also go really well!”

Luna shrugs. “Nopony truly knows what the future holds. Not even a princess.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“That and I will have unlimited chances to find love, as an Alicorn lives forever.”

Rainbow Dash snaps a finger. “Well, how about thinking about this from that whole coin idea then?”


“You’ll live forever, yeah. But Arc and the rest of us won’t, save for Twilight, that is. I see it this way princess. Do you want to look back on this time in your life hundreds of years from now and wonder to yourself what could have been?”

Luna looks away. “I... don’t know how I would...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts her as she stands. “You really need to give that some serious thought. So I’ll leave you to do just that.

She nods as Rainbow Dash heads for the door. Luna turns and looks out the window silently as it clicks shut behind the young woman. The air is silent for a few minutes as Luna considers the problem before her. However, she is suddenly pulled back to reality at the sound of the door behind her again opening. Turning to see who it is, she spies Rainbow Dash poking her head inside and smiling sheepishly.

Hey, uh... sorry to interrupt, but... do you think you could turn me back into a mare again?”

Luna smiles as her horn glows. “That I can do, yes.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Twilight arrive at Celestia’s room. Twilight knocks lightly and steps back to wait patiently. A few moments later the door opens and Celestia beckons the pair to enter. Leading them over to the couches, Twilight and Arc sit on one side as Celestia makes herself comfortable on the other. Twilight is the first to speak.

“We’ve come to talk about the Weather Spell.”

Celestia nods. “A very old one, yes.”

She looks to Arc cooly before continuing.

“However, I must point out that this is a matter for royalty only, Twilight. It should only be spoken of outside of our most inner circles.”

Arc opens his mouth to speak, but Twilight puts a hoof on his knee as she responds.

“I understand that, Princess Celestia. However, Arc is our nation’s Hero of Light and my close, personal friend. I trust him to keep this conversation to himself.”

Arc nods soberly. “Certainly.”

Celestia sighs. “Very well.”

Twilight continues. “You mentioned using the spell to move time forward.”

“Not time, Twilight. Just the seasons.”

Arc frowns. “Wouldn’t that be bad for the environment though?”

Twilight gestures toward the window. “Arc’s right. The land, as well as the animals whom dwell here, are used to a certain... climate schedule.”

Celestia nods. “Sunburst has already informed me that the Pegasi could be mobilized nationwide to help rouse them from their shortened winter hibernations. Such would not harm them in any way, save for one.”


“I’m told they would be slightly... irritated by such a thing.”

Arc chuckles. “Like waking someone up before their alarm clock went off?”

Celestia scoffs. “Yes, I do believe that would be a rather... simplified way of putting it.”

Twilight taps a hoof on the couch before her. “How about the plants and other fauna?”

“Their growth would be slightly stunted, yes. However, I’m told such a thing would be corrected by the warmer temperatures and additional cloud cover to help ease the land into this transition steadily.”

Arc frowns. “Over how long?”

“Three days is how long I estimate it taking.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “That’s pretty fast.”

“It could be done even quicker, Twilight. But for the reasons I’ve already mentioned we should be cautious of expediting the process any further.”

Arc motions to the gray sky outside as a light snow falls. “Do we really need to do this though? I mean... spring will come soon enough.”

Celestia sighs. “Yes, I suppose it would. However, doing so via the natural route would take around two months. The idea behind my proposal is to shorten that span in order to surprise the enemy into thinking that they still have plenty of time to prepare for us.”

Twilight picks up where her mentor left off. “When in reality our invasion will be imminent.”


Arc folds his arms over his chest. “It sounds to me as if you’ve thought this matter through.”

Celestia looks to Arc dismissively. “You must understand that one does not keep a country together for centuries by acting hastily. We merely need Twilight’s approval to get started on this project.”

Twilight nods. “In addition to helping you open the vault.”

“That too, yes.”

Twilight stands. “Very well. As long as you’re sure that there won’t be any major side effects to this plan.”

“Then let us get started.”

The trio head out the door and down the corridor together. Coming to the vault, Arc motions for the guards on duty to step back. Celestia and Twilight both point their horns at the orifices on the door and begin casting together. A few moments later internal locks disengage and the heavy door swings open allowing them entrance. Stepping inside, Celestia leads them over to a large cabinet. Pushing it open, she looks over the tomes for a few moments before removing a particular one and levitating it over to Twilight for inspection.

“Here it is.”

Twilight accepts the book and opens it. Scanning the pages, she frowns before speaking.

“This looks REALLY complicated!”

Arc chuckles. “I imagine speeding up the seasons would be, Twilight

Celestia nods. “That is correct.”

Twilight groans as she turns to her former teacher. “This would probably take me months to figure out!”

“Yes, it requires quite a bit of magical finesse”

Twilight looks up over the book at Celestia. “You’ve cast this spell before?”

“Once, yes.”

“So you already know how to do it?”

“I remember the basics of it, yes. However, the finer points have been forgotten over the centuries.”

Twilight grins. “Then you could do it in my place!”

“If that’s what you would like, Twilight. However, as you know, I lack the proper... authority to do so at the moment.”

Twilight appears confused. “Authority?”

Arc puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Remember, she’s not actually a princess right now, Twilight.”

“Oh... right. Somehow I keep forgetting that.”

She turns back to Celestia before continuing.

“What would have to be done to make this work?”

“All you would have to do would be to give me the book and order me to cast the spell in question.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?! But... but I can’t order YOU of all ponies to do something!”

Arc smiles to her. “Technically you can, Twilight. Again, you’re a princess and she isn’t.”

“Well, I don’t really see it that way. Princess Celestia will always be Princess Celestia to me.”

Celestia smiles warmly at her student. “Thank you, Twilight. But that doesn’t really bring us any closer to our goal here.”

Twilight frowns. “I suppose not. But I really don’t feel right about trying to order you around.”

Arc shrugs. “Then how about you simply request that she cast the spell?”


Arc nods. “Sure. Think of it more like asking her to do it rather than telling.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That could work.”

Turning to Celestia, Twilight clears her throat as she holds out the book to her.

“Princess Celestia. Would you please take this book and cast the spell to hasten the season’s change?”

Celestia nods and smiles as she accepts the tome. “Yes I will, Princess Twilight.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I guess that settles this matter.”

“I will begin immediately.”

Twilight giggles. “Feel free to take your time relearning the spell. Don’t rush things on my account.”

Celestia bows as she smiles. “Yes, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight groans. “And no need to do that either.”

Arc looks toward the vault door behind them. “We should probably let her get to work now. After all, you and I have things to do at the moment as well, Twilight.”

“I suppose so.”

She looks to Celestia and smiles.

“Is there anything special you’ll need?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Simply time and quiet, Twilight. I’ll head back to my room to eliminate the possibility of interruption.”

“And I’ll get back to the castle’s hanger and continue coordinating the loading of supplies onto the Lunar Destiny.”

Arc turns to Twilight as they approach the vault door. “Can I help?”

“Not with the supply issue, no. However, there is a certain, ah... matter that you could look into for us.”

“What’s that?”

Celestia calls out as she watches the massive vault door close. “I believe Twilight is talking about the ongoing special operation.”

Twilight nods as the trio makes their way down the corridor. “Right. Can you... look in on her?”

“Oh! Uh... yes, I suppose I could do that.”

They part ways at a corridor junction. Arc makes his way to a familiar room with numerous guards stationed outside of it. They stand aside as he approaches to allow him entrance and push open the doors. Stepping inside the room and making his way around several privacy screens he spies Galena sitting at a table covered with books. She looks up and smiles at him as he approaches.

“Good morning, sir.”

“Hi. Um... you’re looking well.”

Galena giggles. “For a dead griffon, I suppose I am.”

Arc gestures to the books. “So... what are you reading?”

“I’m doing my best to learn all about Equestria and its culture. It’s actually really amazing!”

Arc sits down in a chair. “How so.”

“All citizens have basic fundamental rights, significantly lower taxes, better housing, medical care, equality between the races, clean water, good and safe food, and the ability to petition their rulers if need be.”

“It is quite the place, yes.”

Galena gestures to him as she speaks. “And the ability to rise up the societal ladder and make something of oneself.”

“We all have to start somewhere.”

“Lady Twilight told me that you came to this land with nothing but the clothes on your back.”

Arc nods. “That is true, yes.”

“And now you’re this nation’s Hero of Light. Quite the improvement.”

“I remember learning about how such things work in the Griffon Kingdom when I first visited. Someone born into nobility would always be as such.”

Galena sighs as she looks into a mirror across the room. “And someone born a commoner would always remain one.”

“No way out other than through advancement through the military.”

“And that will only potentially get you to the top of the commoner’s pecking order. Even the lowest of nobles would still be considered higher than a commoner general.”

She gestures toward the window before continuing.

“But here in Equestria a successful individual can work hard, build themselves up, and become a member of the aristocracy if they try hard enough.”

“Potentially, yes.”

“Lady Twilight is proof of that. I was told how she was born to commoner parents and was willingly taken at a young age as Princess Celestia’s personal student.”

“That is true, yes.”

“And then ascended to the highest position in the land. A princess.”

Arc chuckles as he reminisces. “There was a lot that happened in between. But that’s the general gist of it, yes.”

“When I asked her about the rise to power, Lady Twilight told me that anyone could advance through the social ranks here in Equestria. She mentioned that a stallion in the town of Ponyville did just that.”


“According to her, his grandfather started off selling apple products from the orchard the town was built around. He passed the business to his son and eventually it went to the current generation.”

“Filthy Rich?”

Galena nods. “Yes. Have you had the honor of meeting him?”

Arc frowns. “Unfortunately.”

“Is he not a nice stallion?”

“Admittedly, he’s really stuck-up, as are one of his daughters. They like to look down on others whom they see as beneath them.

Galena sighs. “That’s a shame. Ponies and griffons are the same in that regard. But you’d think he would understand the commoner’s plight, as his family was originally cut of that cloth.”

“True. But I’m guessing by the time Filthy Rich was born, the family was probably already pretty well off. He didn’t have to struggle as his father and grandfather had. But your original point does still stand.”

Galena appears hopeful. “Do you... think that a griffon like me could ever be something more than I am, sir?”

“That’s up to you here in Equestria.”

“But I don’t even know where to begin.”

“First, you’ll need to get settled here. Find a place to live, get a job, and establish yourself.”

“What then?”

“Figure out what makes you happy and focus on that.”

“Like my job?”

“You can go that route, yes. Try to find one that involves you doing something that you already enjoy. It may take a few tries, but don’t get discouraged. Equestria is full of entry level positions these days from what I’ve heard.

“Let’s say that I find one that I like. What then?”

“Get to know your co-workers. Learn about them both on a professional and personal level.”

Galena appears confused. “Personal level?”

“Befriend them.”

“Is that really a good idea though? I mean... won’t they just stab me in the back? Metaphorically speaking, I mean.”

Arc shrugs. “Admittedly, it’s always a possibility, yes. However, you’ll probably need their help acclimating to Equestrian culture. Learning our ways and mannerisms. That and it will make your job so much better to be working with those whom you care about.”

Galena sighs. “It seems as if I still have a lot to learn. This could take years.”

“Just try to enjoy the journey and don’t think too much about the destination.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Focus more on what makes you happy over trying to get there. In doing so you’ll get closer to your ultimate goal.”

“Ultimate goal?”

“Separating yourself from the past.”

Galena bows her head. “I want that very much. Almost as much as...”

Her voice trails off. Arc appears confused.

“I’m not sure what could be more desirable than moving past...”

“My egg.”


Galena smiles sadly. “I want them to be able to grow up happy and safe.”

“They will. With a proper education and rearing from Matron Coco Pommel and the rest of the staff, that is.”

“Everything else is secondary to me.”

“Considering you gave it up, that’s kinda surprising. Not that I’m blaming you for that, of course.”

Galena bows her head as she puts a talon on her belly. “I didn’t ask to be raped and impregnated, of course. But I couldn’t let Goldstone have the egg either. He probably would have just destroyed it to save face.”

“That chapter of your life is behind you now. Goldstone will never hurt anyone ever again, and your egg is safe. Now is the time to think about yourself and your future.”

“The special doctor Princess Celestia brought in has already looked me over and made some suggestions on what they can do to alter my appearance. We went over options and pieced together my new look.”

“Good. We really need to get that ball rolling.”

“I’m scheduled to go into surgery the day after tomorrow.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Now that’s fast.”

“He has an office right here in the city, so all the tools and materials will just need to be ferried to the castle. The procedure will probably take a full day, during which I’ll be fully sedated.”

“What happens after that?”

“Lady Twilight has already set me up with a place to stay in a town named ‘Cloudsdale’. I’m told it should be ready by the time I’m recovered enough to leave the castle. They’ll ferry me there secretly and I’ll start my new life with a new identity.”

“That’s good to hear. So what’s your new name going to be?”

Galena smiles happily. “I couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t be too close to my current name. So Lady Twilight made a few suggestions.”

“Did you settle on one?”

“I did, yes.”

She stands and walks over to the balcony door. Motioning for him to follow, Galena looks out over the city below as she continues.

“Lady Twilight said that she wanted me to have a chance to start over. To make something of myself and be truly happy. I told her I’ve always dreamed of having such a life. That was when she suggested the most wonderful name I’ve ever heard before.”

Closing her eyes, Galena smiles as she continues.

“After my operation, I will be given identification papers with my new name on them. And from that day forward instead of ‘Galena’, I’ll be known as...”

She sighs happily before uttering a single word.


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