• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 14 - A New Life

Arc and Auriel walk through the Gates of Tartarus back to the Equestrian side. As expected, Auriel looks depressed.

“I... don't know what to do now. There's really no place for me in this land!”

“Come with me. There will always be a room for you at Light's Hope.”

She looks up, surprised! “Wait! You were serious?! I thought you were just saying that so my father wouldn't kill you!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I meant what I said.”

Auriel thinks to herself a moment. “I wonder why he spared you then! That and the way he spoke to you. It was almost as though he... respected you. But, that's impossible!”

“He's already lost to me twice now. Once when his army stormed the Gates of Tartarus a while back I one-shotted him AND his army. And somewhat more recently I shrank him down while rescuing several members of the Vile Tribe who were left behind in their exodus. If anything, I spared HIM!”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide! “Wait, what?! He never said anything about any of that!”

Arc chuckles. “I guess he shares that trait with a good number of humans. Many of us don't like to tell others of our failures. Don't hold it against him though. Now why don't we get out of this cave and back to the village. I need to talk to Mythic Honor before we leave.”

He and Auriel leave the cave and head to the Vile Tribe's Town Hall. Entering, Arc calls out to his friend.

“Mythic Honor... are you in here?”

The crazed old stallion pokes his head out of a large pile of books.

“I'm always here! Except when I'm not!”

Arc facepalms. “Ask a silly question...”

Mythic Honor steps out of the pile and approaches the pair. “So what can I do for you today?!”

“I was wondering if Trixie and Shining Armor found you.”

"They did indeed! I showed them to our town's Writ Board! The two of them just left town to gather some rather rare ingredients for me!"

Mythic Honor points a hoof to a cauldron in the corner of the room. Auriel looks to the pot intrigued.

“Interesting! What kind of alchemical machination are you working on?”

"Oh, it's one of the most complicated and dangerous brews I can make! If done incorrectly, the results could be disastrous! I call it... Cabbage and Radish Soup!"

Arc furrows his brow. “What?! I thought you said this was supposed to be dangerous!”

Mythic Honor walks over to the cauldron and stirs it! “Oh, it is! If it's not cooked right this whole place will smell funny for WEEKS!”

Auriel looks confused. “That doesn't sound dangerous at all. Does that word mean something different in Equestria?”

Arc sighs. “No Auriel, it doesn't.”

“Well as long as you're here Arc, I was wondering if you could help us with a little problem!”

“That I can do. Lay it on me!”

Mythic Honor looks up from his pot as he tosses in a few grapes. “Well, quite a few of our townsponies have voiced a desire for us to change our town and tribe’s name. I guess they don't think the name ‘Vile Tribe Village’ really rolls off the tongue!”

Arc nods. “I can understand where they are coming from. Now that you're in Equestria, there's not anything ‘vile’ about you!”

Mythic Honor looks in the pot, worriedly. “There will be if this soup goes bad! Anyways... any ideas for a new name for us and the town?!”

“Actually yes. I came up with something a while back, but hadn't had time to come here and talk it over with you. In my opinion your town should be called...”

Mythic Honor jumps up and interrupts! “Wait! The whole town should hear this! Meet me over by your statue in a few minutes! I'll gather the other member of the town!”

Before either can stop him, Mythic Honor runs out the door!

Auriel turns to Arc. “He is so strange. Arc, do other ponies act as he does?”

“Not really. Mythic Honor is... one of a kind. At least I hope he is.”

Auriel looks toward the door. “Well, should we not do as he says then?”

“I suppose. Follow me…”

Arc leads Auriel to the Town Square. Mythic Honor has already gathered what appears to be the entire town!

Auriel looks around. “Mythic Honor certainly didn't waste any time.”

“I do wish he hadn't gone to so much trouble. Well, might as well get this over with.”

Arc approaches Mythic Honor who is standing in front of the statues of Arc and Ember.

“Arc! Glad to see you again!”

“But you saw me just a few minutes ago!”

Mythic Honor thinks for a moment. “Really?! Has it been that long already?! In any case, can I have everypony's attention please?”

The Vile Tribe is silent as Mythic Honor continues his speech.

“As you all know, there has been much talk of us needing a new name! Both for our town and ourselves! I mentioned this to Arc here, and he says he has come up with a perfect name for the town!”

Arc mutters under his breath. “I never said anything about it being perfect...”

“So, without further ado, I will turn this meeting over to Arc!”

Mythic Honor looks to Arc.

“Well Arc! Don't keep us in suspense any longer!”

All assembled turn their attention to Arc.

“Well, thank you for taking the time to come here and listen to my idea everyone. Now I just want you all to know that if you don't like my idea for a new town name, you don't have to adopt it! I won't be disappointed or anything! It just... seemed so appropriate to me at the time...”

Mythic Honor paces impatiently! “Come now Arc! We all want to know what you have come up with!”

All the assembled ponies smile widely and nod their heads feverishly in anticipation!

“Very well. I believe, considering your past and your future here in this new land, and how your ancestors paid the price for their crimes, the new name of the town should be...”

Arc looks around at all assembled.

“...Redemption Village.”

All the ponies stare at Arc in stunned silence, astonished!

“It was just an idea! If you really don't like it...”

All assembled suddenly burst into cheers and stomp their hooves happily!

Mythic Honor nods as the crowd quiets itself. “That's a perfect name, Arc! We will adopt it right away! Now I don't suppose you have given any thought to the name of our tribe?”

“Well, considering how much you ponies all liked the new name of your town, I would like it if you no longer refereed to yourself as the Vile Tribe, but simply as citizens of Equestria!

A cheer rings out even louder than the first. Mythic Honor nods as the ponies settle back down and looks to Arc.

"Well, I guess that settles it! From this day forth we will call this village ‘Redemption Village’! Thank you Arc for coming up with such wonderful a name! In fact... that gives me an idea for my next project!”

Arc looks over, nervously. “It's not another statue, is it?”

Mythic Honor shakes his head. “Shucks no! Don't worry though! I'm sure you will like it just as much as you did your statue! Well I'm off to get started on it! Now everypony, why don't we all get back to work?!”

Mythic Honor and the others quickly get back to their day's work.

Arc sighs. “...that's what I'm afraid of.”

He turns back to Auriel.

“Well, we should probably get back to Ponyville now.

“What is Ponyville?”

“Oh, sorry! Ponyville is the town that my base, Light's Hope is located in.”

Arc and Auriel walk back to the sigil Arc had placed just outside of town. As Arc is about to activate it however, he suddenly turns to Auriel.

“I'm sorry, but would you like to walk back to Ponyville? It would give you a chance to see a bit more of the Equestrian landscape, as well as give us a chance to talk a bit more. I'm sure you have other questions you would like answered about your new home.”

Auriel nods! “As a matter of fact, I would! Thank you!”

“Follow me!”

Arc leads Auriel down the path toward Ponyville.

“So how long will it take us to get back to Ponyville?”

“A couple hours. We'll be there before you know it!”

Auriel looks toward the horizon. “How big is Equestria anyways?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I'm not actually certain, but it is definitely MUCH larger than Tartarus! If you want to know for sure Twilight would probably be the one to ask.”


Arc chuckles! “Twilight Sparkle. She's a unicorn friend of mine who manages the Golden Oaks Library.”

Auriel nods. “Ah yes! I believe Princess Cadance mentioned earlier that she is Shining Armor's sister!

“That's right. She's also the personal student of Princess Celestia.”

The blood drains from Auriel’s face. “P-p-p-princess Celestia?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. This is the second time that you have responded this way when that name is spoken. What's wrong?”

“Sorry. It's just that Princess Celestia is hated and feared by all demons for her past deeds in banishing my people to Tartarus.”

Arc nods. “I assumed she had done as much. What exactly did the demons do to earn such a punishment?”

“I don't actually know. Until you brought it up, I hadn't actually given it much thought, which I must admit is a bit embarrassing! I'm the only demon, other than my father of course, whose JOB it is to think! However, there were always more important things to do at the time. Something to design, build, or repair!”

Arc nods. “I’ll have to ask the princesses about this when next we meet.”

The conversation continues until the pair arrive back at Ponyville as evening falls. Auriel looks around, confused!

“Where are all the ponies? This place looks like a ghost town.”

Arc looks around to see several sets of eyes peeking out of various buildings.

“They're... hiding.”

Auriel nods, a bit sadly. “Oh... I understand.”

“Please don't hold it against them. I too endured the same when I first arrived. Just stay with me and they will warm up to you eventually.”

“I hope so! I'm going to be here for... quite a while.”

The pair walks the deserted streets until they reach the path leading to Light's Hope. Upon passing the Little Hooves Orphanage, Derpy and Dinky emerge from the building. They see the pair and quickly head over to them!


Arc kneels down to catch Dinky and pulls her into an embrace!

Derpy laughs! “Arc! This is a nice surprise! Did you come here to walk us home?”

Arc stands up holding Dinky. “Truth be told, Auriel and I just returned from Tartarus. The Demon King was none too happy to do it, but he has banished Auriel from there!”

“Oh Auriel, I'm so sorry to hear that!”

“What will you do now, Miss Auriel?!”

Auriel sighs sadly. “Well for now Arc has offered to let me stay at Light's Hope. I'm... not really sure what to do next.”

Derpy nods happily! “Don't worry about a thing! Arc was there for me when I needed it the most. He'll take good care of you!”

“That I will! Derpy, would you and Dinky like to join us for supper at the base?”

Dinky looks to her mother excitedly! “Can we mom?!”

Derpy nods! “Thank you Arc! That sounds wonderful!”

Arc, Derpy, Dinky, and Auriel quickly make the short walk to Light's Hope and enter via the front door. Raven is about to leave her desk for the evening. She looks over to them a bit nervous at the sight of Auriel.

“C-c-commander. A letter arrived for you today from Dodge Junction.”

Derpy’s eyes grow wide! “Dodge Junction?! It must be from Cherry! I hope everything is okay!”

Arc takes the letter. “Thank you. I feel kinda bad for not keeping in touch with her or Ruby. I'm sure her body has healed completely by now, but...”

Auriel looks to the envelope. “What's a letter?”

“It's a sealed message sent from one individual to another.”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “So, is it for military use only then?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Anyone can send a letter to anyone in Equestria. You just have to write the proper address on the envelope and take it to the Post Office.”

“This seems very confusing.”

Arc laughs! “Once you've done it a time or two, you'll see there really isn't much to it. In any case, why don't we see what Cherry is up to these days.”

“Another friend of yours?”

Arc opens the letter and nods. “Yes. She and her sister run Cherry Hill Ranch in Dodge Junction.”

He reads the letter silently to himself.

“What does it say, dad?!”

“Interesting! She says here that the Annual Cherry Festival is this weekend! Cherry and Ruby are inviting me and my friends to their ranch for the festivities!”

Auriel raises and eyebrow. “Is that... good?”

Arc nods. “I would say so, yes!”

Derpy smiles! “Are you planning on going. Arc?”

“I don't know. I mean, I would love to see Cherry again. But I really have quite a few other things that need doing!”

Derpy smiles at him. “Arc, things are fairly peaceful right now. You should take this opportunity to go on vacation!”

Auriel looks confused. “What's a vacation?”

“It's where you go away from home and do something else, Miss Auriel.”

“What about his job? Does he go somewhere else to work?”

Dinky laughs! “You go on vacation to get AWAY from your work! Not to do more!”

Auriel nods approvingly. “I must say, that does sound absolutely AMAZING! You should go on one of these ‘vacations’ as soon as possible, Arc!”

“Well... I admit a vacation does sound nice after what feels like years of work lately! But...

Derpy narrows her eyes. “Arc... when was the last time you took some time off?”

“Um... never I guess.”

“Come on dad! You owe it to yourself to rest not only your body but your mind as well! I'll even come with you to make sure you're relaxing enough!”

Derpy shakes her head. “Now Dinky, I'm sure your father is capable of relaxing on his own without us getting in the way.”

“What about you, Derpy? You, Dinky and I could go together! The letter does say that I can bring my friends.”

Derpy shakes her head. “I would love to come, but Coco Pommel and I are in the middle of trying to organize the new orphanage. There's much more paperwork involved than either of us thought! I'm sorry. Maybe next time. Why don't you take Dinky though! I'm sure the two of you would have a wonderful time!”

Dinky looks at Arc, hopeful he will say yes! Arc thinks about it for a moment.

“Okay, you talked me into it! You want to come too Auriel?”

“What?! But… but you hardly know me!”

Arc nods. “True. But it would be a perfect opportunity for us to become better acquainted! That and you can see more of Equestria and its inhabitants.

“And... meet other... creatures?”

Arc nods. “Well, the only other creatures you're likely to encounter would be ponies, but I suppose you need to start somewhere.”

Auriel sheepishly nods. “Well, if you say so then yes! I will come with you on vacation!”

Dinky claps her hooves together happily! “Who else should we invite, dad?!”

“How about Ember? I'm sure she’d like to get away from it all as well! That and Cherry already knows her.”

Arc turns to Raven.

“Raven. Has Ember returned yet?”

Yes, commander. She arrived about ten minutes before you did. Her and your squad made a beeline for the cafeteria!”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I can understand that. Thanks Raven.”

The group heads for the cafeteria. They quickly spot Ember and Arc's squad sitting together at a table talking and laughing! Arc walks over to them.

“You all seem in high spirits. Can I assume your day went better than mine did?”

Ember nods. “Probably. We not only completed Filthy Rich's writ, but we had enough daylight left to go fishing!”

Hugh smiles! “Saffron should have enough fish to feed you for quite a while now, sir!”

Xenos nods! “I call that a win-win!”

Viktor laughs! “Never thought I would find such an activity enjoyable!”

Max appears apprehensive. “While it is nice to get away from it all and have some fun, aren't things like this against regulations?”

“How do you figure, Max”

“Yeah! What's the problem?! We all split the money!”

“Not to complain sir, but we're not really supposed to make extra money on the side like this. I'm sure every other officer would see this as a misuse of resources.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “They do raise a good point.

Arc nods. “I admit, I didn't really think about that when I told Ember to take you guys with her. To be completely honest... I was just worried about her going into the Everfree Forest alone.”

“Hey! I can take care of myself!”

“I know you can Ember. But... I was just a bit concerned. Usually it's you and I getting into the dangerous stuff together. I'm not used to you going off on dangerous adventures without me!”

Ember blushes slightly. “That's really quite sweet of you Arc!”

Xenos looks confused. “But Ember, we said the same thing earlier and you told us to...”

“Never mind that!!!”

Auriel turns to Derpy. “Does this happen often?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ember had a rather strange look on her face earlier before her mood suddenly shifted. Could this perhaps be some kind of dragon medical problem? If so, I wouldn't mind studying it further!”

Derpy’s face turns red! “Um... well... that's complicated.”

“Okay, let's just chalk this one up to a “Training Exercise” and move on!”

Arc shakes his head in an effort to clear it.

“In any case, Ember, Cherry tells me this weekend is the Annual Cherry Festival in Dodge Junction. Dinky, Auriel and I are going there for a bit of a vacation. You want to come too?”

Ember looks to Arc all starry eyed! “Y-you want ME to come on vacation... with YOU?! Oh Arc! This is a dream come true!”

“Uh... did you hear me correctly? I said Dinky and Auriel will be coming along as well. This is not a ‘just the two of us’ escapade! We'll be staying at Cherry Hill Ranch.”

Ember looks a bit disappointed. “Oh... well, I'll still come! After all, I wouldn't mind seeing Cherry and Ruby again.”

“Great! I'll call Cherry in a little while and tell her the four of us accept her invitation!”

The group enjoys a hearty meal together. Derpy and Dinky head for home as Arc walks Auriel back to her room.

“Arc, I'm a bit confused. We just saw the princesses earlier today. Why are you trying to contact them again?”

“They should know that you’re going to be a permanent resident of Equestria. As it stands, they still think I took you back to Tartarus!”

“But you did take me back!”

Arc nods. “True. But it's still courteous to let them know you didn't stay there.”

“But what if they won't allow it!”

“Remember, Princess Luna did say you would be welcome here.”

Auriel is nearly frantic as she continues. “But what if she was just saying that to be nice! Or maybe she's changed her mind! Maybe she thinks I belong in a cell by now!”

Arc shakes his head. “Unlikely, but it's not like you can go back to Tartarus as things sit. Worst comes to worst I’ll petition the princesses to grant you amnesty here due to extenuating political circumstances.”

“Uh… What does that mean?”

Arc smiles at her. “I'm not completely sure. It sounded good in my head though! Look Auriel... if you hadn't disobeyed the king, I wouldn't be standing here right now and Equestria would be facing a demonic invasion! I won't let you sit in some cell for the rest of your life! Don't worry about a thing. I'm just going to tell them you're here to stay. Everything will be fine!”

The pair arrive at Auriel's Room.

“I'll try not to be such a worrywart. Thanks for all you've done for me thus far.”

“No problem. Look, just try to get some rest now. I'll come get you in the morning for breakfast.”

Auriel looks to him, sheepishly. “Can I... try some pancakes?”

Arc laughs! “Of course! Good night, Auriel!”

She smiles shyly as he closes the door behind her. “Good night Arc.”

Arc makes his way to the War Room and sits down in front of the Holographic Communicator. Pressing a button, he signals Canterlot Castle. A moment later a secretary answers.

“Good evening Hero of Light. How can I assist you?”

“Are the princesses still awake?”

The secretary nods. “Yes sir. They are currently enjoying their evening meal. However, they do not like to be disturbed at this time unless it is important.”

“Tell them I need to speak to them about a political matter regarding the Demon King of Tartarus.”

“Very well sir. I’ll patch you through to the Dining Room.”

“Thank you.”

A minute later the holographic visages of Princess Luna and Princess Cadance come into view. Arc nods to them apologetically!

“Sorry to disturb you two yet again today.”

Luna smiles. “It's fine Arc. Now what's this about the Demon King? Was he terribly angry with Auriel after what she did?”

Arc sighs. “Um... about that... he was actually quite... sad, to tell you the truth.”

Cadance looks confused. “He was sad to have his daughter back safe and sound?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. He was sad that he had to banish his daughter from Tartarus.”


Cadance looks out at Arc, even more confused than before! “But why?!”

“I guess the rest of the demons were pretty upset with her foiling their best chance at freedom. This is just my own personal opinion, but I believe he did it to save her life!”

Luna nods. “That does make sense. Where is Auriel now?”

“I brought her back to Light's Hope. We just finished our own supper and I escorted her back to her room.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her forehead. “Well... this is quite the pickle we're in.”

Luna nods. “Indeed. Truth be told, I'm not really sure what we should do with her. She can't be relocated to any town in Equestria that I can think of, nor can she spend the rest of her life hiding in your base Arc!”

“It's really no trouble keeping her here. To be completely Honest with you, I actually enjoy her innocent demeanor! She has a lot to learn about Equestria.

Cadance smiles at him. “Just like somepony else did when they came to this alien world, huh?”


Luna thinks for a moment before responding. “I'm not actually sure how to advise you in the ways of demons. Do you have any ideas on how you are going to integrate her into pony culture?”

Arc nods. “Actually yes. I was planning on doing what Twilight and her friends did for me! Make sure she's well cared for and get her out into public as soon as possible! It will allow the populace to get used to seeing her, as well as get her used to Equestria's customs!”

Cadance nods. “That sounds reasonable. Are you going to start in Ponyville then?”

“No. I've just received a letter from a pony I know in Dodge Junction. She’s invited me and my friends to her home for the Annual Cherry Festival. From my experience, the ponies of that town are very friendly and open to outsiders. Even strangers from other worlds, if you get my meaning.”

Luna nods in agreement. “Very well Arc. Feel free to proceed as you see fit in this matter. I only want to know one thing. Do you believe she poses any kind of risk to you, or the general population?”

“I do not. As you yourselves witnessed earlier today, she seems to be more frightened of us then we are of her!

“That is the same conclusion we came to the other day. We wish you luck on your... vacation, as it were.”

‘“Do I have time for such things? Princess Luna, how goes plans for my ‘diplomatic mission’ to Griffonstone?”

Luna sighs. “The process is long and arduous. Paperwork, meetings, more paperwork. Normally I wouldn't bother but... it is as you said on my last visit. Raven deserves better than this!”

“Indeed she does. Thanks for doing all of this. I know how busy the two of you are right now.”

Cadance looks out at Arc soberly. “If it rights this injustice, then we can do nothing less!”

“Well put! I should probably let you two get back to your meal. If you need me, I’ll be staying at Cherry Hill Ranch in Dodge Junction. Feel free to give me a call if someone needs a punch in the face, or something.”

Luna laughs! “We will. Have fun, Arc!”

“Thanks. I’ll try.”

The connection is closed and Arc leans back in his chair.

“I suppose I should probably call Cherry and tell her we’re coming.”

Arc walks back to his office and picks up his desk phone. Dialing the phone number on the letter. A few rings later she picks up.

“Good evening! Cherry Hill Ranch!”

“Hi Cherry! This is Arc!”

Cherry ’s eyes light up excitedly! “ARC! It's so good to hear your voice again! How have you been?!”

“Busy! You wouldn't believe half of the things I've been doing lately! Heck, I don't believe some of them and I was there! Sorry that I haven't kept in touch better.”

She nods and continues. A hopeful tone in her voice. “I know this might not come at the best time, and I completely understand if you're too busy. But I just wanted to extend an invitation to you and your friends to come here and enjoy the festivities with Ruby and I!”

“That’s very kind of you Cherry! My friends and I would love to come visit! In fact, that's the reason I’m calling. You see, I have a friend here who is very new to Equestria and its customs.”

“Oh? Is it another human?”

Arc shakes his head. “Almost as surprising. She's actually a reformed demon from Tartarus.”

Cherry giggles! “That's got to be a first for demon-kind and Equestrian alike! You really have been busy!”

“The princesses said about the same thing. Now, I understand if you don't want me to bring her into your home, so don't feel that you have to agree to it. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to get her out into the world.”

“Thanks for letting me know Arc. If she's your friend I would love to meet her! Are you bringing anypony else?”

“If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I’d like to bring Ember and Dinky as well.”

Cherry nods. “That sounds wonderful! It's been far too long since I saw little Dinky! I'm sure she is growing up so fast!”

Arc laughs nervously! “You have no idea!”

“It will be so good to have you and Ember here again! I still feel bad for not being able to properly thank you two for all you’ve done for me!”

“No worries there! It was my pleasure! Now when should we come?”

“The four of you can come as early as tomorrow morning if you’d like! That would give us a couple days before the festival starts. I mean... if you don't mind the hustle and bustle of our town getting ready.”

Arc nods! “That sounds great! Can we lend a hand?”

Cherry smiles! “Now Arc, you're supposed to be on vacation... remember?”

“I know. It's just, well, I'm not much for inactivity. Helping out around the ranch with whatever needs doing will be a welcome change to my recent excursions into Tartarus and fighting turncoat Special Forces Agents.”

Cherry sounds nervous! “It seems we have much more to catch up on than I thought! I'm really looking forward to this visit!”

“Me too! Now I should probably let you get back to whatever it was you were doing. We’ll teleport over mid-morning tomorrow then.”

“That sounds wonderful! Ruby and I will be looking forward to your visit!”

“As will I. We'll until tomorrow then.”

“Goodbye! See you tomorrow!”

Cherry hangs up the receiver with a huge grin on her face! She trots excitedly in place for a few moments, squealing with joy like a schoolgirl! Suddenly a familiar voice rings out behind her.

“Can I assume that was Arc accepting your invitation?”

Cherry turns around quickly and blushes deeply!

“Ruby! How long have you been standing there?!

Ruby smiles at her sister’s expression. “I walked in as you were hanging up the receiver. Somehow, I don't think that was a customer.”

“No, you're right. It was Arc. He was just calling to say he would love to come and enjoy the festival with us!”

“That's terrific news! So, is he bringing his friends?”

Cherry nods! “Well, Ember and Dinky will be joining him. You remember then don't you?”

“Of course! Who could forget Ember's determination or Dinky's cute little face?! Is anypony else coming?!”

Cherry looks at her sister nervously. “Well... there is one more, but, they’re not a pony.”

“Another human?”

Cherry shakes her head. “That's what I thought too. Now, I don't know how he did it, but apparently Arc has reformed... a demon from Tartarus!”

Ruby’s jaw drops! “WHAT?! How is that possible?!”

“I have no idea. But you know Arc has a knack for making the impossible happen!”

Ruby does her best to compose herself. “So what is this demon like? I've never even seen a picture of one!”

Cherry shrugs! “I don't think anypony in Equestria, other than the princesses and Arc, has ever seen a demon! I'm sure he wouldn't bring her if it was going to cause trouble though!”

“Your right of course. This should be a festival to remember!”

Meanwhile, back at Light's Hope, Arc stands up from his desk chair and walks over to the door.

“I should probably let Derpy know Dinky and I will be leaving tomorrow morning.”

Arc calls forth his armor, opens a portal to Derpy's house and steps through. Reappearing, he finds Derpy and Dinky doing some light housework.


Dinky runs over and gives him a hug! Arc kneels down to return the hug!

“Hi there, sweetheart!”

Derpy joins the pair. “Arc? Where you able to get a hold of Cherry?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She's fine with Ember, Dinky, Auriel and I coming for a visit!”

“You did mention that Auriel is a demon, didn't you?”

“Yes. Cherry is fine with it. In fact, she invited us to come a couple days early!”

“That's wonderful! What did you say?!”

“I said we would be there tomorrow morning.”

Arc turns to Dinky.

“Dinky, I doubt you remember this, but your mother and I went to Cherry Hill Ranch when you were just a wee little thing!”

“ Really?! Did I have fun?!”

Arc nods! “You did! Although I distinctly remember you eating yourself into a food coma!”

Derpy sticks her tongue out at Arc playfully! “You're one to talk Arc! I too remember you sitting there completely unable to move!”

Arc laughs! “You got me there! Well, we should all probably turn in early tonight. Big day tomorrow!”

Dinky looks to her father, expectantly! “Are you staying here tonight, dad?!”

Arc smiles at her. “I don't see why not.”

Dinky jumps around the room happily! “YAY!”

Derpy walks over to the fireplace and lies down on her mat. “Why don't the two of you head for bed now? I'll see you in the morning.

Dinky and Arc head for his room

“Good night mom!”

“Pleasant dreams Derpy!”

Derpy lays her head down and sighs contentedly as the bedroom door closes behind them.

“Ah... the two most important individuals in my life sleeping peacefully under my roof. What more could I ask for in life?”

Derpy quickly falls asleep. Meanwhile high overhead, Kronos watched them in secret.

“Derpy... Dinky... Arc... I don't believe you truly understand just how lucky you all are to have each other. However, I am greatly enjoying my vigil over you, your friends, and even those whom you have yet to encounter! Enjoy the peace of the moment. It won't be long now...”

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