• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Indecent Proposals

Arc is silent. For a time he can only stare at the queen in disbelief!

“He… he wanted WHAT?!”

Queen Fiona sighs. “You heard right, Lord Arc.”

King Felix clenches his claws! “He’s lucky I wasn’t there when he made such an indecent proposal to my wife!”

“How could he… WHY would he ask such a thing?!”

The queen frowns. “Because he is a vile, distrustful little troll! Lord Goldstone knows I will do whatever it takes to provide for my subjects!!

The king looks to Arc with relief. “Thank goodness he didn’t make such a proposal before you came to our aid, Lord Arc!”

“Yes. I… would have done anything to feed our nation then!”

“I wouldn’t have allowed it, my dear!”

Queen Fiona puts a paw on her husband’s cheek. “Our nation was starving, dear! I’m sorry, but… I would have gone so far as to allow myself to be bed by any leader who offered us aid! Even… even him.”

Arc nods. “I guess it was a good thing my price wasn’t anywhere near that high.”

She shudders! “Indeed! I sometimes lie awake at night thinking of what it would have been like having to wake up next to Lord Goldstone!”

“It would have been very hard on me as well knowing you were with that griffon! Had you been taken by Lord Arc, at least I would know you were being well cared for and treated right!”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, I’m not taking anyone anywhere they don’t want to go.”

Queen Fiona frowns. “Neither is Lord Goldstone!”

“Right you are, my dear! I’ll have his feathery hide for this if I have to lead an attack on Griffonstone myself!”

Arc turns to the king. “Please, I advise you to be cautious! It wasn’t that long ago your military was decimated!”

The king frowns. “I’ll use our Royal Guard if I have to!”

“Felix. As much as I appreciate what you’re doing to defend my honor, I must ask that you not invade the Griffon Kingdom. We can’t win!”

“Perhaps Lord Arc has some ideas!”

They both look to him.

Arc sighs. “You two trusted me with your secret. So I’ll do the same.”

Queen Fiona looks confused. “Lord Arc? What do you mean?”

“As I told you, I’ve been visiting the Griffon Kingdom on a diplomatic mission.”

The king looks nervous as does his queen. “To what end?”

“We don’t want to have to face you on the battlefield with your griffon allies!”

Arc nods. “To be honest with you, any ties would be economical at best. Equestria isn’t interested in getting involved in every foreign war that pops up. I’ve spent the last week or so learning about their culture, visiting their leaders, seeing their landmarks and observing their fighting techniques first-hand.”

King Felix looks to the door. “That young griffon with you? Did you fight her?”

“It was more than sparring, but less than a real fight. She’s shown me so much. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.”


Arc nods. “I have another reason for learning about them.”

King Felix nods. “Might we know why then?”

“Yes. But please keep it to yourselves.”

“We will!”

“Felix and I promise. Ruler to ruler.”

Arc smiles at them. “I’m not the Lord Regent anymore, but thank you.”

He leans in closer and lowers his voice.

“Before I became Equestria’s Hero of Light, Lord Goldstone visited Canterlot Castle as a peace envoy. Apparently, he’s been the first one in as long as anyone can remember.”

“Yes. The various nations tend to keep to themselves unless absolutely necessary. Us included.”

“During his stay at the castle, he tried to molest a young aide. He would have forcefully taken her if not for a vigilant guard stepping in.”

The king appears horrified! “Unspeakable! “

Queen Fiona puts a paw to her stomach. “I didn’t think it was possible for me to think any less of him! That vile creature!”

“Attempts to obtain justice through tradition means have failed. Lord Goldstone is just too powerful to be arrested and tried normally! My plan is to learn about their culture in order to find a way to properly punish him!”

King Felix grins! “Will it be… painful?”

“Physically painful, probably not. That’s not a harsh enough punishment for him.”

“What is then?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m still trying to figure that one out. Any ideas?”

Queen Fiona nods. “The griffons crave power and prestige above all other things. To lose them would be a fate worse than death.”

“It’s a start! Now all I have to do is figure out a way to get him fired!”

The king sighs. “Griffon Lords are not ‘fired’ in the traditional sense of the word.”

Arc frowns. “So they’re untouchable?”

The queen shakes her head. “Not quite. For a lord to be removed requires a vote by the Council of Lords. If it passes, they must appear before the king for a second trial.”

“Their only hope at that point is to persuade the king himself to overturn the council. It’s rare, but not completely unheard of.”

Arc nods. “Has it ever been done?!”

Queen Fiona shrugs. Not in our lifetime, no. That law is ancient!”

King Felix nods. “It was part of their nation’s original charter. King Grover, first king of the griffons, knew there had to be some way of removing toxic leaders from power.”

Arc chuckles. “His foresight may yet be Lord Goldstone’s downfall. Thank you for the advice!”

They stand.

“I must still caution you against going to war over this terrible act. Such actions will only serve to hurt those who had nothing to do with it.”

The queen looks to her husband. “Please think of the soldiers, dear. Ours and his! They are the ones who will get hurt! Not him!”

“Your wife is right, your highness. While I sympathize with your situation, Equestria won’t help you militarily in this.”

The king sighs. “I… understand.”

Fiona walks toward him and takes his paws in hers. “We cannot hope to win this fight, dear.”

Arc looks to them with a sly smile. “Now I didn’t say that.”

“Lord Arc?”

“An unwinnable war won’t hurt that snake. In fact, he’ll probably find a way to make it profitable! No, we need to get to him personally.”

“Any idea?”

Arc nods. “Ironically, that’s what I’m working on right now. The information you’ve given me has been helpful in that regard.”

“How so?”

“I’m going to see if I can’t get him removed from the Council of Lords. Then maybe we’ll have a chance at prosecuting him for his lewd crimes. If we manage to get that far, can I count on you to testify against him, Queen Fiona?”

Queen Fiona nods fervently! “Yes! Anything to stop that monster!”

“You’re very brave, your highness.”

“If I don’t stand up against him, this will go on! Who knows how many countless others have been taken by him!”

The king shudders! “And how many more in the future!”

“Do you think my speaking against him will really help, Lord Arc?”

Arc nods. “Like your husband said. If no one does, this will go on.”

“You can count on me to do my part then! This has to stop!”

The king turns to Arc, happily! “Thank you for taking this on, Lord Arc! I will write a letter to the Council of Lords immediately rescinding my earlier Declaration of War!”

The queen thinks for a moment. “With any luck they will accept it! But what reason could we give for so abruptly starting and then stopping a war?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “How about you just say you acted in a moment of anger and you want to make it right?”

King Felix thinks for a moment. “It could work. But what reason could we give for such a reversal?”

“Well, they knew I was coming here. Write that Lord Arc of Equestria made you see reason and talked you out of it.”

Queen Fiona nods. “That would certainly help your standing with them. Lord Arc!”

“And hopefully help me make my case when the time comes!”

King Felix smiles. “I’ll see to it! Would you be so kind as to deliver it when you return to the Griffon Kingdom?”

“No problem.”

The king heads quickly for the door. “I’ll get to work writing the letter immediately! It won’t take long!”

Arc nods. “I’ll wait.”

King Felix leaves the room as the queen walks over to Arc. Her head down.

“Lord Arc? I wanted to apologize again for… my deception when last we met.”

“Please, Queen Fiona. It’s in the past!”

“I… also wanted to thank you for not attaching any… immoral strings to your country’s relief aid. As you know, other leaders are not so… generous.”

She shudders at the thought.

Arc nods. “Taking advantage of those in desperate need of help is bad enough. But to try and gain sexual favors out of it is beyond reprehensible! And from a married ruler no less!”

Queen Fiona nods. “I don’t know how he could even THINK of such a thing!”

“While I haven’t yet met him, I get the feeling he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s probably used to getting WHAT he wants, from WHOM he wants, WHEN he wants it!”

“Not you though!”

Arc nods. “Well, I wasn’t born into wealth and privilege. Having money isn’t a bad thing! As long as you don’t lord it over everyone else or let it rule your life! Those with wealth need to control their money, and not let it control them!”

A short time later King Felix returns with a sealed scroll which he promptly hands to Arc.

“There you are, Lord Arc! Please extend my apologies to the Council of Lords for my rashness!”

Arc nods as he puts the scroll in his ring. “I will.”

“Would you and your group care to stay for lunch? We’d love to have you!”

Arc pats his ring. “Shouldn’t I get this back to the Griffon Empire?”

The king laughs! “As slow as the griffon military is to respond, you have plenty of time!”

“Very well then. But just a quick meal.”

The king nods. “Good! We’ll collect your friends and head for the Banquet Hall!”

After heading to the garden to find the others, the group enjoys a wonderful meal of fish and fruits. Arc sits back from the table.

“Thank you for the meal! It was delicious!”

Ember nods. “That it was!”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “I admit, I was skeptical at first. But your methods of gardening seem to be top notch!”

Natalya smiles at the monarchs. “Thank you for the food.”

The king turns to her. “You’ll be happy to know that Lord Arc convinced us not to go to war with your nation, miss.”

“He did? How?!”

The queen looks over. “By showing us that a war would not solve this problem!”

“I’ve given him a letter to deliver to your leaders that will officially end this war before it even starts!”

Natalya breathes a sigh of relief! “Thank you! I wouldn’t want to see your land suffer any more than my own!”

“I’ll head back there today to bring it to General Blackbeak.”

Queen Fiona nods. “Very good!”

King Felix turns to Arc. “I’ve already notified the guards that the war is off and griffons may come and go as they please! We apologize for the way you were treated earlier, miss.”

“It’s no trouble, your majesty.”

Arc stands up. “We should probably be going. There’s someone in town I want to visit before we leave for Griffonstone.”

The queen smiles. “Your friends from before?”


“Please give them our regards!”

The monarchs escort Arc and company to the Palace Gates and wave after them.

“Please come back anytime!”

“You’ll always be welcome among us!”

Arc turns back and waves. “Take care you two!”

Arc and company make their way down the street together. Ember chuckles.

“I don’t know how you do it sometimes, Arc!”

Flash Sentry nods.! “How many wars have you averted now?”


Natalya turns to him. “Lord Arc? How DID you convince the king to abandon his plans?”

“I simply reminded him that his country couldn’t stand against the Griffon Kingdom right now.”

Flash Sentry looks around at the many thin felines around them. “I see they’re still recovering from their time with The Storm King.”

Ember nods. “It’s greatly improved since then though!”

“Yes, it has. However, this land still has a long way to go. Wounds like that run deep!”

Natalya sighs. “You’re very talented, Lord Arc! The king and queen really seem to like you!”

“They’re quite nice when you get to know them! Having a good working relationship is important for times like these.”

Ember frowns. “What do you mean?”

“It’s easy to get others to listen to you when they know you truly care about them and their problems.”

Natalya looks confused. “But how do you get to that point?”

“Start by listening! Then try to find some common ground! Before you know it, you’ve made a new friend!”

Natalya thinks for a moment. “Does that really work? Forgive me Lord Arc, but that sounds more like how to befriend the Mail Carrier!”

Arc nods. “It does. Everyone pretty much wants the same things when you get right down to it. They’re looking for someone kind, understanding and whom they can talk to.”

Flash Sentry looks over. “But everypony is different, sir!”

“That may be. But you can start with what I’ve just told you and move from there.”

Natalya nods. “I’ll remember that. Uh… shouldn’t we be getting back to the Griffon Kingdom?”

“I just wanted to check in on someone first. It won’t take long.”

Before long they arrive at a small house. Arc knocks, a few moments later a snowy white cat with luminous blue eyes answers the door.

“Yes? What can I… good heavens!”

She quickly kneels, looking down at the ground!

“To what do I owe this honor, sir?!”

Arc reaches down and takes Belle’s paw. “I only stopped by to see how you and your little one were doing.”

“Please come in!”

They enter the small house as Belle closes the door behind them.

“Can I get you anything, sir?! Anything at all?!”

Arc chuckles and shakes his head. “No Belle. Please calm down! Like I said, I only came here to see how you were getting along.”

She nods fervently! “Yes sir! We’re okay here!”

“Getting enough to eat now?”

“We are! Thanks to you, I hear.”

There are small squeals from another room.

“Please excuse me!”

Arc nods. “I understand.”

Belle leaves the room as Natalya turns to Arc.

“She’s kinda nervous.”

Ember nods. “Well, the last time we were here was under less auspicious circumstances.”

Arc sighs. “That and I broke into her house.”

“You did what, Lord Arc?!”

“The streets were deserted. Sereb sniffed her out in here. I Blinked inside to make sure she was okay.”

Ember sighs. “It was a good thing you did! They were both starving!”

Natalya looks confused. “How could they be starving?! I thought you said the Griffon Kingdom exported food to this country!”

Arc nods. “That’s what the king and queen told me.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “It does make sense. Other than those Fish Gardens, I don’t see any other signs of food!”

Belle returns with a giggling kitten in her arms. Arc smiles at her.

“I see Hope is doing much better!”

Belle smiles at her daughter. “That she is!”

“I’m certainly glad to see that! May I hold her?”

Belle walks toward Arc, happily! “Of course, sir!”

She gives Arc the squirming kitten. Hope looks up at him with her tiny eyes and bats her small paw up at him.

“Hello there, little one. You’re not looking so skinny anymore!”

Belle laughs! “She loves to eat everything and anything she can get her paws on!”

“Good! She was so light back then!”

He looks up at Belle.

“So were you.”

Belle looks nervous. “Was I? How could you tell?!”

“Remember when we rushed Hope to my ship? After I handed her off to Nurse Redheart, I had to carry you to a bed!”

“Oh… right. Thank you again for that! If it hadn’t been for you, my daughter and I wouldn’t be here today!”

“It was my pleasure!”

She sighs. “At the very best, everyone in our nation would probably still be starving!”

Ember looks out the window. “Well, with those Fish Gardens all over the place you should have no problem growing enough food to feed yourselves.”

Belle nods. “True. But I hear we also have you to thank for that, Lord Arc. We heard you personally drew up the original designs!”

“It just a little something from my homeland. The builders here took the base idea and really made it work!”

Flash Sentry smiles. “That they did! I thought it would take much longer for you to become self-sufficient!”

“Well, desperation motivated us to use what Lord Arc gave us and go for it! We didn’t know if more help was coming, after all!”

Arc nods. “I’m glad it all worked out, Belle.”

“So am I. If only Hope’s father had survived The Storm King’s initial attack, things would be perfect.”

Arc walks over to Belle with Hope in his arms. He returns the kitten to her mother.

“I’m sorry, Belle. If I could bring him back for you, I would.”

Belle looks into her daughter’s eyes and smiles. “It’s okay, Lord Arc. No one is THAT powerful! I only worry what will become of our nation now. We’re going to war with the Griffon Kingdom, you know.”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Not anymore.”

Belle looks confused. “What?”

Natalya smiles at the mother. “Lord Arc convinced the king and queen not to!”

“Really?! That’s wonderful news! I wasn’t looking forward to more hardship befalling us!”

Arc pulls the scroll out of his ring. “All I have to do is bring this letter from King Felix to General Blackbeak and the hostilities should be over before they can even get started!”

Belle smiles as a tear escapes her eye. “My husband would be very happy to know that!”

Ember turns to Arc. “We should probably get back to the Griffon Kingdom soon.”

“Back there, Lord Arc?”

Arc gestures to Natalya. “For the past week or so I’ve been in Griffonstone as Equestria’s emissary. I’m hoping to negotiate peace between our own nations… amongst other things. Natalya here was assigned to me as my aide.”

Belle smiles. “Well if you perform as well in that as you did stopping OUR war, peace should come easily!”

“I certainly hope so. “

Arc pulls out his pocket watch and looks at the time before turning to the others.

“We need to get moving. Take care of Hope, Belle.”

“I will! Take care, Lord Arc!”

Arc and his companions leave the small house. They close the door behind them. Belle looks back down at Hope as she stretches out a small paw toward the now closed front door.

“I hope you grow up big and strong someday, Hope. Who knows… maybe you’ll grow up to be as great a hero as your father was one day!”

Hope squirms in her arms. Belle sets the kitten down on the floor, giggling.

“Okay! You can roam now!”

Hope totters over to the front door and scratches at it.

“Da da! Da da!”

Belle sighs and walks over to Hope. “No dear. Lord Arc isn’t your father.”

She picks up the kitten and walks over to a small framed photo on a nearby shelf and shows it to her. The pair look at the handsome brown-coated cat with green eyes and a red officer’s coat with gold buttons. He holds up two of his right claws in a “’V’.

“Here is your father dear… “

Hope paws at the picture as Belle stares at it sadly.

“I miss you so much…”

Meanwhile, Arc and his group leave the house and walk down the street together. Natalya looks up at Arc.

“How bad was it back then, sir?”

“The first time I came here? Very.”

Ember sighs. “Everyone was hiding in their homes, too weak from hunger to come out!”

Natalya looks down sadly. “I… I can’t believe we did that!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “You didn’t do anything, Natalya.”

“But the Griffon Kingdom did! Or more accurately, didn’t do!”

She looks to Arc.

“Why?! Why would they do that?! Refusing to bring food to a nation of starving citizens down on their luck is monstrous!”

Arc sighs. “I don’t know for sure. But I have a theory.”

Ember frowns. “Which is…”

“I think Lord Goldstone was going to let them get to the point of rioting before bringing food.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Why?”

“It would have made the king and queen appear as if they were incapable of providing for their nation. My guess is he figured by now the citizen would have overthrown the monarchs and there would be rioting in the streets. He could swoop in with food, set up a puppet government and through them easily take control.”

Ember growls at the thought! “Their citizens would have seen him and whomever he chose to replace the king and queen as heroes!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “How much do you want to bet the transport that brought him here was stuffed full of food that probably should have been used to feed his own nation?!”

“I wouldn’t bet against it!”

He leads the group into an off the path alleyway.

“This looks like a good enough spot.”

Arc powers up his crystal. A portal opens and everyone walks through with Arc Blinking in last. A moment later they find themselves back in the Griffon Kingdom. Natalya looks out the window as they leave the bathroom.

“That is just… I don’t know.”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “Unsettling?”

“I suppose.”

Ember shrugs. “You’ll get used to it! Hang around with Arc and you have to!”

Arc himself emerges from the portal as it closes behind him and heads for the door.

“Let’s get this letter to General Blackbeak right away!”

Ember nods as they walk quickly down the corridor! “Yes! He needs to know!”

“That and we have a lot more to do today!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc, confused. “We do?”

Ember frowns. “Like what?!”

“Big important heroic things! You’ll see!”

They reach General Blackbeak’s office. A flurry of aids come and go! The griffon behind the desk is surrounded by paperwork! Arc and company walk into the office and look at the hustle and bustle of activity around him.

“I’m guessing Lord Goldstone’s back, general.”

Blackbeak nods as he fills out paperwork at an alarming rate! “That he is! Apparently our neighbors from Abyssinia want to play rough! They’ve just declared war on us!”

Arc nods. “Yes, they told me as much when I saw them.”

The general gives the papers to an aide. “Lord Goldstone is in negotiations with our defense contractors at the moment! I’m sorry Lord Arc, but I think it’s going to be awhile before the Council of Lords can see you! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do!”

Natalya steps forward and salutes. “General Blackbeak! Lord Arc has news for you from Abyssinia!”

Arc removes the scroll from his ring. “Yes, I have some good news for you on that regard!

Blackbeak looks at the scroll. “Intel?!”

“Even better, sir!”

Arc nods as he gives the scroll to the general. “The King of Abyssinia wanted me to give this to you.”

General Blackbeak quickly breaks the seal and reads the letter over.

“…what? They want to call off the war?!”

Natalya nods. “Yes sir. It was really just a big misunderstanding! Lord Arc convinced them to stop!”

“That I did!”

The general looks up happily! “This is excellent! Tell me, how did you do it, Lord Arc?!”

“I simply explained to them that going to war right now would be catastrophic to both your countries.”

“And that was all?!”

Natalya nods. “They seem to have great respect for Lord Arc!”

Blackbeak pushes the mountain of paperwork off the desk, laughing! “I guess I don’t need all this anymore!”

He picks up the phone and motions for the aids to leave the office. They do so quickly and close the door behind them. Blackbeak happily dials a number!

“He’s going to be so angry! I can’t wait!”

The general puts the receiver to the side of his head and waits. A few moments later another voice can be heard over the other end.


“General Blackbeak here, Lord Goldstone.

“Good afternoon general! Now I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m in the middle of an emergency meeting here with our military suppliers! Can I call you back later?!”

“That won’t be necessary, sir. I’ve just received a letter from Abyssinia from the king! He’s calling off the war!”

Lord Goldstone’s pupils shrink! “He… did… WHAT?!”

Blackbeak holds up the letter, smiling broadly! “You heard me right, sir! He says he’s sorry and wants to go back to the way things were before! Isn’t that terrific?!”

Lord Goldstone stands up quickly! His face red with fury! “But… but he can’t DO THAT! We’ve already signed the contracts! Are you certain that letter in genuine?! How did he get a letter here so fast anyway?! And what reason did he give?! I need details!”

The general leans back in his chair as he looks over the letter. “It’s certainly real! I’d recognize their royal seal anywhere! The letter was brought here by the same individual who was responsible for making this peaceful solution possible!”


“Lord Arc himself! He must have arrived shortly after you left! He and the king are on very good terms. After a short conference Lord Arc was able to broker peace for us! Isn’t that great?!”

Lord Goldstone slumps down in his chair, sighing. “Delightful.”

“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to celebrating! See you at the next meeting, sir?”

“Yes. Goodbye, general.”

Lord Goldstone hangs up his phone. The defense contractors around him sit in silence. Eventually one of them speaks.

“Good news, sir?”


The contractors do so in record time! Lord Goldstone sits back in his chair, seething with anger! He taps a pencil angrily on his desk!

“Arc… yet again you have saved the day! But have no fear! I’ll get you eventually! Oh, yes I will! And when I do…”

He snaps the pencil in half with a quick movement of his claws!

“…you’ll WISH you never tangled yourself up in my affairs!”

There is a small knock at the door.

“COME IN!!!”

A secretary walks sheepishly into the office. She has a brown coat, dark brown plumage, tan eyes and black stripes running perpendicular to her back. Cautiously, she makes her way over to the desk with a stack of papers in her talon.

“L-Lord Goldstone? I have the papers you requested.”

He quietly sighs. “Throw them out.”


He jumps out of his chair and storms over to her, screaming. “I SAID THROW THEM OUT GALENA! CAN YOU HANDLE THAT?!”

The furious lord roughly knocks the papers out of her claws. They scatter all over the floor! She quickly kneels down to pick them up!

“I… I’m sorry, sir!”

Lord Goldstone walks past her toward the office door, angrily! “You better be! Or I’ll MAKE you sorry!”

Galena gathers up the papers and moves quickly toward the door as he holds it open for her. As she passes he slaps her flank, roughly knocking her to the floor! Again the papers fly everywhere!

“Can’t you do ANYTHING right?! Get it together!”

Galena nods as she picks up the papers yet again. “Yes sir! I… I’ll do better!”

Lord Goldstone turns around and smirks! “See to it that you do! Unless you want to have to… ‘work late’!”

Her head raises suddenly and fearfully! “N-no sir! Please don’t!”

The Lord slams the door as he turns around! “Then get to it!”

Galena gathers up the papers and drops them in the waste basket before sitting back down at her desk. She begins to cry quietly as the tears fall on her desk blotter.

“Someone… anyone… please help me! I… I’m desperate!”

Galena continues to cry. But no one hears her beyond the soundproof walls of the office.

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