• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Late Night Visitors

Arc enters his quarters. Ember is standing in the bedroom doorway with a mischievous look on her face.

“Ready for bed? I've missed having you here...”

“No time for sleep yet Ember. I have to inform to the princesses what happened in Vanhoover!”

Ember steps forward to embrace Arc. “It's late. Even they’re probably in bed by now. I'm sure your report will keep until tomorrow. Besides, it's not like the world is in danger, right?”


She draws back to looks Arc in the eye. “Right?!”


Ember heads back to the bedroom. “Argh! I'll get my armor!”

Arc calls out after her. “Sorry Ember. But this is too big to keep to myself. We just have to make a quick stop before we go. I brought back a couple souvenirs.

“What? Did Vanhoover's Orphanage have a gift shop?”

“Ha, ha little miss funny-dragon. Let's go!”

Arc and Ember walks toward the base’s vault.

“Um... Arc? What are we doing here?”

He walks over to the heavy vault door. “Picking up those souvenirs I told you about.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Okay you either found something REALLY dangerous, or you take collecting trinkets WAY too seriously!”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and his spear. He places the Spear of Righteousness in a pedestal next to the door and speaks the password.

“Philippians 4:13.”

The door slowly swings open. Ember raises an eyebrow.

“Um… what?”

Arc walks into the vault. “It was my father’s favorite bible verse. It went something like… “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The way I figure, what better password than something from a book that doesn’t exist in Equestria!”

Ember still appears confused. “Uh… okay. Who is ‘Christ’ now? Some kind of warrior?”

He picks up the Spear of Devotion and Light’s Bane, which is still wrapped in a blanket. “Not like you imagine, no. He sacrificed himself to save my world a long time ago.”

“So, I guess that makes him... YOUR hero?”

Arc leaves the vault and hands Ember the Spear of Devotion. “You could say that. Think of him kinda like my worlds equivalent of the Hero of Light. I'll tell you more about him someday when we have more time.”

Arc pulls the blanket away from the dark spear in his hand to reveal the spearhead.

Ember looks over at the spear. “Arc… what the heck IS that?!”

“The instrument of doom. Come! We must get this safely to the Royal Armory!”

The vault door is closed and Arc retrieves his own spear from the pedestal. He and Ember proceed to the Main Hall and take the sigil to The Hero of Light's quarters in Canterlot Castle. Ember looks around the luxurious room.

“Nice place you got, Arc! I wouldn't mind spending more time here!”

“Perhaps another time. This way.”

Arc and Ember leaves his room and walk down the hallway. They spot a Royal Guard. Upon seeing Arc, he snaps to attention and salutes!

“Sir! Can I help you?”

“Yes. Take me to Princess Cadance and Princess Luna. I must speak with them at once!”

The guard appears nervous. “I'm sorry sir, but they have retired for the evening. We hate to bother either of them after dark. They can be rather... well... scary if disturbed!”

Arc sighs. “Just take me to Princess Cadance’s room then. I’ll do the bothering myself.

“Yes sir!”

The Royal Guard leads them to a rather ornate door marked with Princess Cadance's cutie mark.

“Here we are sir!”

Um… do I… knock?”

“I would not, sir! The last time a guard knocked before entering a princess’s chambers late at night, he was blasted by Alicorn magic when he entered!”

“So how is Arc supposed to do this then?!” Ember replies angrily!

“Very… very… quietly!”

Arc hands his spear to Ember and lays Light’s Bane on the floor. “Alright. Both of you wait here! And see to it NO ONE goes anywhere near this bundle! Wish me luck...”

He quietly enters Princess Cadance's room. She is already asleep! He walks over to her as quietly as he is able until he reaches the edge of the bed. Slowly reaching out his hand he touches her shoulder and gently shakes her.

“Uh… Princess Cadance? I need to…”

Princess Cadance's eyes open and Arc suddenly finds himself launched across the room and through a bookcase! A moment later he is buried in Cadance's personal library of romance novels! The sound of the blast is easily heard from outside the room!

Ember straightens up! “What was THAT?!”

The Royal Guard shakes his head. “Sounded like some furniture just sacrificed itself for the greater good!”

“Should we… do something?”

“Yes! We should wait here as we were told!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest and leans back against the wall. “Some guard you are!”

Meanwhile… Princess Cadance looks over at the pile of books angrily! “I thought I ordered no interruptions tonight!”

Arc can only mutter to himself as a few more books fall onto the pile over his head. “I should have gone to Princess Luna's room first...”

He slowly pushes his way past the books until he is able to stand again. “I should have gone to Princess Luna's room first...”

“Arc?! I'm so sorry! But what are you doing here so late?”

“Ow... rearranging the furniture at the moment. But now I need to speak to you and Princess Luna at once about what happened in Vanhoover!”

Princess Cadance stands up. “Follow me. Luna's room is just down the hall!”

The pair exit the bedroom. Arc limps slightly. Ember snickers lightly at the sight.

“Are you all right, Arc?”

Arc glares at her! “Not a word of this to anyone!”

Ember looks away with barely contained laughter. “Yes! Of course not!”

Cadance looks to the Royal Guard. “Take them to the Meeting Room. I'll wake up Princess Luna and meet you there.”

The Royal Guard does so and soon Arc and Ember are standing in a large room with beautiful decor and a large conference table. Arc sets the bundle in the center of the table.

“I hope Princess Cadance has better luck than I did awakening a princess.”

A loud magical blast can be heard echoing down the hallway.

“Guess not.”

Ember doubles over in uncontrollable laughter! Arc himself can't help but chuckle a bit as well. A few minutes later both princesses enter the Meeting Room. He looks nervously at Cadance.

“Princess Cadence, are you... all right?!”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Luna yawns. “She was ready for it, unlike someone else here. Now, I hope you aren't here for simple banter, Arc.”

“I needed to bring both of you up to speed on my adventure in Vanhoover.”

Luna narrows her eyes crabbily. “Arc, as important as the orphans are to us, please tell me you have more to say then the situation is resolved.”

Arc sighs. “Let's just say, things didn't quite go as planned...”

“Another half-baked plan Arc?”

He shakes his head. “Believe me, no one could have planned for what happened there! We should probably sit down. This story is going to take quite a while.”

Luna walks over to a shelf. “Before you start, I have something that may expedite the process.”

She pulls down a strange looking projector while Cadance lowers a screen from the far wall.

Cadance switches the machine on. “Our sages have recently developed a new technology using magic crystals attuned to brain waves. These crystals can also record these events for posterity. This is a prototype model that is currently being tested.”

Luna nods. “Arc, please pick up the crystal on top of the machine and take a seat.”

Arc does so as the others sit down as well.

Luna sits next to the screen as Cadance dims the lights. “Now, I want you to think back to the beginning of your mission. Concentrate and we will be able to relive the memories with you.”

Arc sighs. “Great... any other time I would think this technology was awesome! Not looking forward to seeing this crap again...”

The screen displays Arc and Dinky entering the New Beginnings Orphanage and how Arc helped Dinky in her everyday life. Luna yawns.

“This isn't nearly as exciting as your previous endeavors, is it Arc?”

“Just keep watching. It gets worse!”

The image of the matron talking to Dinky in her office appears on the screen. Luna’s demeanor improves.

“Ah… there’s Tempest!”

“Do you know her Luna?”

“A bit. She was the most promising Special Forces agent any of us had ever seen! I lost track of her when she went to Vanhoover. That is the most determined individual I have ever met!”

Arc looks at the screen angrily. “I have seen firsthand her... determination.”

Luna shakes her head. “I'm sorry Arc, but I don't see how throwing an empty coffee cup constitutes ‘abusive’.”

“Just keep watching.”

The Hoofball game plays next. Cadance really seems to get into it as she shouts at the screen!

“Look out! INTERCEPTION!!! Run the ball, run the ball! TOUCHDOWN!!! WOO!!!”

Luna facehoof. “Cadance… please!”

Arc smiles at Dinky’s performance during the game. “That's my girl!”

Ember nudges Arc. “Wow! Who knew a princess could get so into sports?!”

“They are flesh and blood just like you and I, Ember.”

Cadance composes herself and looks at them a trifle embarrassed. “Yes... well... if we could keep this just between the four of us... squee!”

Arc chuckles. “: Sure. No one would believe it anyways...”

The scene shifts to after the game back in the Dormitory. Coco Pommel walks in pushing a cart of food. Dinky is passing out the plates of food to the winning team.

“That's Coco Pommel. She takes care of the day to day affairs of the orphanage and is always there for the foals!”

Cadance looks her over. “She does look very kind.”

Arc nods. “She is... more so than you know.”

Luna frowns. “That may be. However, she needs to use a bit more foresight when serving a meal. She only brought enough food for half the foals!”

“Just watch.”

Coco Pommel takes her own plate of food off the cart and brings it to the losing team. Cadance turn to Arc, confused.

“What is she doing?”

“Giving her allowance of food to the losing team. At the orphanage, only the winners eat!”

Luna jumps up, suddenly furious! “WHAT?!?!?!”

“I'm not happy about it either princess, but please, there's more. In the words of one of my world's former leaders ‘You ain't seen nothing yet’!”

Luna sits down as Dinky gives her own food and chocolate bar to Coco Pommel. Cadance seems deeply moved by the gesture.

“Arc! You’re raising a truly wonderful daughter!”

“Thank you. I’m very proud of her.”

The scene is of the next morning’s race. Dinky wins and receives three Blueberry Muffins as a prize. Next the Matron hoofs Pipsqueak in the ribs for finishing last!

Luna jumps up! Her face is red with fury! “TEMPEST!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!!!”

Arc snorts in disgust. “Get in line, Princess Luna. The queue starts with me!”

Next is Dinky in Coco Pommel's flower garden with Pipsqueak and Aquamarine. After the scene concludes Cadance looks to Arc.

“Arc, I'm touched, but... why did you chose to reveal yourself to these two?”

“The orphans needed to know someone was there for them. Other than Coco Pommel, that is! I did it to give them hope! Next I'll show you what happened this morning! You won't believe it when you see it! Heck, I was there and I still question if it really happened!”

Tempest is dressed in her Special Forces armor. Dinky charges forward. Arc is launched at Tempest and knocks the surprised mare through the orphanage wall. Arc fires the Flare Gun to summon his troops and Templar Derpy!

Luna swings her hoof in front of her chest and grunts! “You sure showed her… what?!”

Luna gasps as Tempest rises from the debris unharmed! A few moments later she takes a blow from her own charged Hoof Cannons as Arc reflects the shot back at her!

Cadance grimaces. “She must have felt that one!”

Ember watches as Tempest stands, her magic blades drawn. “Nope.”

Arc and Tempest meet weapons-first in the center of the orphanage grounds! Tempest professes to still fight for Equestria and calls for Arc to join her! He refuses and the two verbally spar for several moments! Tempest again charges Arc! He evades and delivers a smashing uppercut to launch the Matron into the air! Arc then performs a combo attack by blinking around the sky and ends with a fireball smashing Tempest into the ground!

Cadance looks away. “Ouch! Remind me never to get on your bad side, Arc!”

Luna nods. “I see you have mastered Blink Magic. Quite the feat, Arc.”

Ember looks confused. “Blink Magic?”

“It's a short-range teleport used in battle to surprise or confuse an enemy. Arc just took it a step further than any of us have as of yet.”

Ember nods. “Sounds useful. But, let me guess... Tempest is going to get up and be fine again?”

“Pretty much!”

Tempest throws a grenade at Arc. His Magic Barrier shatters as it explodes! Luna’s eyes grow wide! “An Anti-Magic Grenade?! Where did she...?”

“Well it certainly works at countering Dragon Magic! I gotta tell you, it didn't tickle!”

Tempest lowers her defenses as Arc is joined by Templar Derpy. They watch as Arc and Templar Derpy both stab Tempest fatally! Luna stands up so fast she knocks her chair over as she shouts at the screen.


Tempest again rises, as her wounds close.

Cadance’s jaw drops! “But… how?!”

Tempest tells of how she sacrificed her soul for power! Both princesses watch horrified as Tempest eyes blacken and black wings sprout from her back! The Matron declares herself Equestria's Angel of Darkness as Arc orders his squad to evacuate the townsponies from the area while he covers their retreat!

Luna shudders. “Very noble of you to protect the rear of a retreat! Especially against... THAT!”

Cadance nods. “Even more so to continue to fight an unbeatable foe! Weren't you afraid?!”

“Very. I was afraid that those I cared for would meet their end by this MONSTER! For them, I stood my ground!”

Cadance points a hoof at the screen. “Hey! What are those three doing?”

Coco Pommel, Aquamarine and Pipsqueak run to the flower garden from earlier and start to dig through the mud.

“I had no idea at the time. It was all I could do to try and keep Tempest’s attention focused on me!”

Arc orders Derpy to flee with the rest of the innocents. She does so hesitantly. The Angel of Darkness tells Arc of a great evil that is coming to Equestria, and how she gained her power from The Dark One. A dark portal opens at her feet and Light's Bane comes forth. She tells him of how her weapon becomes more powerful the more souls it devours and professes to only want to use this power to protect Equestria. Tendrils come up from the ground and pull Arc down to his knees!

Ember turns to Arc. “How the heck did you get out of that one?!”

Arc looks away from the screen. “I didn’t.”

The Angel of Darkness listens to Arc final words. They seem to enrage her as much as his complete lack of fear! Cadance covers her eyes as the Angel of Darkness charges at Arc, her spear leveled at his chest! Luna watches albeit wide eyed! Suddenly there is a flash of light!

Ember holds tightly to Arc’s arm! “Oh, thank goodness! I don't know what I would have done if...”

The light fades and an image of Templar Derpy comes into view with Light's Bane sticking out of her back as she hugs Arc. Dinky runs up as Arc holds his dying friend in her last moments!

Cadance looks away. “That... brave little pony... the poor filly...”

The princesses’ eyes are glued to the screen as they watch Dinky's power manifest itself and blast the Angel of Darkness! Turning her back into Tempest and cutting her off from The Dark One's power!

Ember continues to hold Arc’s arm. She is clearly unnerved by what she has seen. “Um... Arc! I'm sorry about Derpy but don't you think now would be a good time to do... SOMETHING?!”

“…wait for it.”

Arc leaps up into the air and flies toward Tempest, his weapon aglow! The four of them twitch as they watch every blow Arc rains down upon the matron before she falls to the ground! As the final blow smashes into Tempest the screen remains white. No one speaks... or can seem to pick up their jaws off the floor... or even blink!

Ember is the first to regain her senses. “What… the hell… did we just see?!”

Arc seethes! “What happens when someone hurts one of my friends!”

The princesses point to the screen together!

“What is this madness?! She's STILL alive?!?!”

“How is this possible?!”

Arc nods. “This isn’t over yet.”

In the background the two foals jump into some bushes as Coco Pommel pulls a stick out of the ground!

“What does she have there?”

“I’m not sure.”

They watch in awe of Coco Pommel's transformation into a Paladin! She uses the power of her spear to shine Holy Light down upon Tempest who melts into nothingness! Arc touches Light's Bane and his consciousness is transported into the spear. The princesses watch as he plays hardball with a shadow of the Dark One. and saves Derpy's soul. Arc returns to revive Derpy and Coco Pommel collapses under mysterious circumstances.

Luna shakes her head. “Is there… more?”

“Just one more part.”

The final scene takes place in the hospital. Arc holds Coco Pommel's spear toward Derpy and unleashes a Holy Light which heals the nerve damage of her badly traumatized body! The screen goes black as Arc sets down the crystal.

“The end… for now.”

Arc slides a spear across the table toward the princesses.

“May I present to you the Spear of Devotion, princesses.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her mouth as she looks at the weapon before her.”

Luna shakes her head. “My sister would probably know! Oh, how I wish she were here right now.”

“We all do, Luna. Arc, what became of that other spear? The one Tempest was using.”

Arc unwraps the blanket carefully and shows them the dark weapon. “Tempest referred to this awful thing as Light's Bane. This thing sucks the very souls from its victims and used them to increase the power of its wielder. And whatever you do, for the love of all things holy, DON'T TOUCH IT! You remember what happened when I did that!”

Ember looks at them nervously. “That's all we need... an evil, invincible, rampaging alicorn to deal with...”

Both princesses seem to be sickened at the very sight of Light's Bane!

“This weapon is positively dripping with dark energy!”

“Can't we just destroy this accursed thing?”

Arc stands up. “I believe it to be indestructible, but would love to see it in pieces as well. Let's all have at it though!”

Cadence and Luna charge up their alicorn magic and let loose a barrage of powerful blasts! Arc blasts it with his Dragon Magic and Ember breathes magical fire at it! They do so for 10 seconds, which is all the ornate table can stand before crumbling! Luna opens a window to let out the smoke.

“Perhaps this wasn't the best place to do that!”

Cadance leans out the window with her. “I wonder what Aunt Celestia will say about her table!”

Arc waves an arm to clear the smoke. “I’m going to let you two explain that one to her.”

Ember looks around. “Did it work?”

Arc picks up the Spear of Devotion and uses it to pick through the remains of the once glorious table. A moment later he uses his magic to pick up Light’s Bane.

“Here it is. Not a scratch on it.”

Ember throws her claws up in defeat. “Great! What do we do now?!”

Arc looks to Luna. “Royal Armory?”


The princesses lead them to the armory and use their combined magics to open the door. Arc walks in and places the spear on a shelf. He looks at the weapon before him a moment.

“Farewell, Light’s Bane. May we never meet again…”

He turns to leave, almost certain he can hear the Dark One’s laughter! Arc steps out of the vault as the princesses close it again.

“Should we continue this conversation in my quarters?”

Cadance nods. “Good idea!”

Arc opens a portal to his quarter's sigil and the party walks through it! A moment later they find themselves in Arc's comfortable room. Ember flops down on the bed as Arc and the princesses head for the couches around the fireplace. Arc casts a fire spell and soon a roaring blaze makes the room feel cozier.

As he steps back. “That’s better! I love a good fire.”

Luna reclines on the couch. “In any case, I have a few more questions about your recent adventure. First of all, with Tempest dead and Coco Pommel in the hospital, what has become of the orphans?”

“I took them back to Ponyville with me. Right now they’re asleep in the Light's Hope Barracks.”

Luna nods. “A wise choice in the short term. Do you have a more permanent solution?”

“That's another thing I wanted to talk with you about. Could we relocate the Orphanage to Ponyville? Perhaps Hard Hat could build a new facility there! He did such a fine job on my Command Center. Quickly too!”

“Very well. I will send him to Light’s Hope tomorrow afternoon.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna.”

Cadance speaks. “About Tempest. Are you completely certain she’s dead?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly no. I had wanted to bring you her cold, lifeless corpse as proof of the deed. For the good of all Equestria I hope she is gone forever. But I wouldn't put money on that. At the very least we can keep Light's Bane out of her hooves.”

Luna nods. “And Coco Pommel? What is her condition?”

“Not good. I noticed it the moment I picked her up. She wasn't much heavier than Dinky!”

“Luna’s eyes grow wide! “What?! HOW?!”

“You remember how she shared her food with the foals? Well, apparently she has been doing that for years! Every night she would go to her garden and eat some of her flowers and grass. I think her devotion and love for the foals was the only thing keeping her alive!”

“What did the doctor say?!”

“That he had never seen a pony so malnourished before! When the covers were pulled back, I saw her ruined body for myself! Her ribs were prominent and her legs were so very thin! The doctor also warned my guard, as he held her hoof, not to squeeze too hard. Apparently her bones are also very brittle from lack of nutrition!”

Cadance shakes her head in disbelief. “How did nopony notice this?!”

“The robe she wore hid the worst of it. She was never without it. Fortunately, I think we got to her just in time. The doctor told us as much, saying she was facing imminent major organ failure!”

Luna shudders at the thought. “What a terrible way to live!”

Arc nods. “Or die.”

Ember turns toward the princesses. “So, what's going to happen to the New Beginnings Orphanage in Vanhoover?”

“We’ll try and think of a use for the building. If would be a shame for it to go unused for the long term.”

“I'll leave that up to you two. In any case, as long as I am here... is there any progress on locating Princess Celestia?”

Luna nods! “There is a small glimmer of hope at the moment! We began scanning your world, Earth was it?”

“Yes! And did you have any luck?!”

Cadance sighs. “Sort of! She’s definitely on Earth! But... well... your world is so much larger than our own! And your cities cover much of the land. That coupled with the fact our magic is significantly weakened there just makes a difficult job nearly impossible!”

Ember ponders this for a moment. “Could we go there and… just start looking?”

Arc shakes his head. “I appreciate your enthusiasm Ember, but... I could spend my entire life traveling Earth and still not see it all! That and dragons are mythical creatures on Earth! Animal Control, or worse yet, the military would take you down in no time!”

“Bring ‘em on! I could use a good fight!”

“Ember, please! If humans excel at one thing above all others, it's killing things! I... I don't want to lose you.”

Her face turns red. “Arc! So, you do care about me!”

Arc sighs as he puts his hands on her shoulders. “Ember, I have ALWAYS cared for you, as a friend. Never forget that! Just because I don't want to... you know... doesn't mean I don't care.”

Ember wraps her arms around his midsection are presses her face against his chest. “I'm... I'm sorry for that! I just... want to be with you so much! We don't have much time before you... well... pass on! There are so many "memories" I want to make with you before then!”

Cadance looks away. “Well... this is awkward.”

Luna smiles broadly and narrows her eyes as she leans in close to Cadance. “I never thought I’d see the day the Princess of Love would feel uncomfortable in this kind of situation!”

“Don't get me wrong! I think it's beautiful the way Ember feels about Arc! It's just... well... it takes two to have a loving relationship.”

Ember leans back to look Arc in the eye. “Arc! I once told you that being your friend would be enough for me. It is, but... I still want us to be... so much more! I won't give up on you! Just like when you didn't give up on me when I was dying!”

“That is touching Ember, and I’m flattered, but... I'm just not interested in you… in THAT way!”

Ember sighs and nods. “I’m sorry for getting us off topic here.”

Cadance nods to her. “It's alright Ember! I know how you feel...”

“In any case, Princess Luna. When you do locate your sister, how do we go about rescuing her? Twilight couldn't seem to send me back when I first came to this land.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her forehead. “We are working on the logistical side of the problem while the sages locate Aunt Celestia.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Perhaps Twilight could help with…”


Both princesses nearly jump out of their seats!

“Woah! What’s the problem?!”

Luna appears apprehensive. “Twilight... doesn't actually know... what has happened.”

Cadance nods. “And if she did, she would work herself into a frenzy looking for a solution. Assuming she found one, she would probably head off alone to Earth! Equestria can't afford to lose an Element Bearer in addition to a princess!”

“We would appreciate you not saying anything to her… for the time being at least!”

Arc nods. “…very well… for now.”

“Thank you for understanding, Arc. Twilight and I have known each other since she was a filly. It pains me to keep this information from her.”

“One last question. Do either of you know anything about this Dark One?”

Cadance shakes her head. “I do not.”

“We will ask our sages and historians if they have any information on this... creature.”

Arc stands and nods. “Thank you. In any case, I should probably let you two get back to bed. That and I am running on fumes myself. It has been quite the day!”

Luna smiles at him. “Good work out there, Arc.”

“Yes. Please continue your vigil of these lands with our full support!”

Arc nods. “I’ll do my best. Good night you two.”

Arc and Ember step onto the sigil and teleport back to Light's Hope. As the pair moves to step off the sigil in the Main Hall Arc suddenly falls to one knee. Ember puts an arm around him and helps him up.

“Come on Arc. Let's get you to bed. You look like hell!”

He recalls his armor and looks to his friend weakly. “Thank you, Ember. I think I may have overdone it a bit with that last teleport.”

The pair make it to Arc's quarters. She lays him down in his bed as gently as she can and removes his boots for him. Ember sits down on the bed next to him.

“Arc... I just wanted to apologize for earlier... what I did... and said in front of the princesses. It must have been really embarrassing for you! I mean... I meant every word, but... it really wasn't the time or place for that.”

He takes Ember’s claw, weakly. “I’m… not embarrassed at all. Thanks… for caring… Ember.

Arc falls asleep. Ember lays down next to him and holds him tightly! Tears stream down her face!

“I… I love you so much Arc…!”

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