• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Quarantine

Arc makes his way to his office. He finds Sandstorm Mirage heading quickly in the same direction.

“Sir! I was just on my way to report to the lieutenant!”

“Good! We can compare notes!”

They make their way to the office where Flash Sentry is just hanging up the phone. He stands up, steps aside and salutes as Arc enters.

“Sir! “

Arc walks over to his desk chair and sits down. “The situation is not getting any better! Ember and Sereb will be here momentarily.”

A few minutes later Ember and Sereb rush into the office!

“We came as fast as we could, Arc! What’s going on?!”

“That’s what I’d like to know! Several of my closest friends have been acting beyond strange and appear to be very ill! I hope you found something, sergeant!”

Sandstorm Mirage shakes his head sadly. “No sir! There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary in either location!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Nothing at all?!”

Sandstorm Mirage looks uncomfortable. “Well… there was ONE thing.”

Arc nods! “I don’t care how small a clue it is, we need SOMETHING to go on!”

Sandstorm Mirage steps forward. “Please sir! Could this not be part of the record?! I don’t really want anypony to know what we discovered!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Come on! How big a secret could a pony like Pinkie Pie be hiding!”

Sereb shrugs. “Her cupcake recipes?”

Arc nods. “That would be a big one, yes.”

He turns back to Sandstorm Mirage.

“I’ll consider it when you tell me what it is.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “To be completely honest with you sir, I… I didn’t want to come back without checking EVERYTHING!”

“Okay… that’s good. “

The sergeant shifts uneasily on his hooves. “So, I… um… I read Pinkie Pie’s diary!”

He blushes.

“Desperate times, desperate measures.”

Arc nods. “Ember’s right! Did it reveal anything?”

“It was mostly gibberish! Like it was written in another language! Either that or it was just REALLY sloppy! But in any case, the latest entry was written just this morning. And it was coherent!”

Flash Sentry nods! “What exactly did it say?”

Sandstorm Mirage sheepishly reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out Pinkie’s diary. “I… thought you might like to read it personally.”

Arc takes the diary in hand and flips to the most recent entry. He begins to read it aloud.

“Today I awoke to a rather severe headache! While this normally wouldn’t warrant any special attention, I felt it important to write down as my Pinkie Sense is going haywire! Maybe I’m just going crazy, but it feels like something is… how do I describe this… rummaging around in my head! Thoughts that normally stay in the back of my mind are suddenly thrust into center stage seemingly at random! To make matters worse, basic knowledge is getting harder to call upon! I don’t mind admitting that it kinda scares me! Hopefully when Twilight gets back later today, she can make some sense of this! She’ll believe me! Anypony else would just see it as another joke! I only hope I can hold onto my sanity until then!”Hopefully

He closes the diary and sets it down on the desk before sitting down heavily in his chair and putting a hand to his forehead.

“Pinkie… you knew ahead of time, but didn’t feel we would hear you out.”

Flash Sentry walks toward Arc. “Don’t take it so hard, sir! Had she told us, I don’t think I would have taken her serious either!”

Ember nods. “Yeah Arc! No one is perfect! I mean, your CLOSE and all but…”

“Pinkie... I’m sorry.”

Arc is silent for a time before looking to Sandstorm Mirage again.

“Does Rarity’s diary say the same?”

“No sir. But it doesn’t give any clues as to what happened to her. It must have caught her completely off guard.”

Flash Sentry walks toward Sandstorm Mirage. “Perhaps we should look her diary over ourselves. Maybe you missed something. Did you bring it as well?”

Sandstorm Mirage nods and pulls a second diary out of his saddlebags. “I did. But… well… you probably shouldn’t read it, sir!”

Arc looks confused. “Why not?”

Sandstorm Mirage blushes, nervously. “Um… let’s just say I think I’m going to need a large amount of therapy when this is over!”

Flash Sentry takes the diary from the sergeant. “Come now! It can’t have been that bad!”

Before he can open the book, Arc uses his magic to pull it to himself.

“Sorry Flash Sentry, but if this information is as bad as the sergeant says, I better read it myself.”

“If you say so, sir.”

Arc takes several minutes to read over the last few entries in Rarity’s diary. Ember taps her foot impatiently!

“Well Arc! What does it say?! Anything we can use?!”

He closes the book and motions for Sandstorm Mirage to approach the desk. Arc speaks in a very serious tone.

“Sergeant. When this meeting is over, I want you to return these diaries to the EXACT spot you got them from!”

Sereb frowns. “Arc?”

“Furthermore, I hereby ORDER you to forget everything you read in Rarity’s diary!”

Sandstorm Mirage nods as he puts the books in his saddlebag. “Everything, sir?”

“EVERYTHING! And we will not speak of this ever again! Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. I understand!”

Ember eyes the sergeant’s saddlebag. “Wow! That must have been some heavy writing in there! Could I take a quick peek?!”

Arc nods. “Sure Ember!”

She approaches Sandstorm Mirage. “Really?!”

“Of course! That is, if you don’t mind me telling everyone YOUR deepest, darkest secrets!”

Ember shrinks back, sheepishly. “You know what? Forget I asked!”

“In any case, let’s look at what we know thus far.”

Arc pulls out a paper and pencil from his desk. Ember frowns.

“What we know? Arc, Sandstorm Mirage didn’t find anything!”

Arc nods as he writes. “True. But I have! So far, all those afflicted have been female.”

Sereb nods. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing by itself. That reminds me! Ember, how is Saffron? Was she still acting strangely after Sereb and I left?”

“Well, yes and no. I mean, she’s always been dependable and a hard worker. But for some reason she was… I don’t know… working especially hard!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Very commendable!”

Ember sighs. “I admire her dedication and all. But she seemed to be almost afraid of letting you down, Arc!”

“Letting me down? How?”

“I dunno. She was obsessing over some new dish she’s been working on lately. The whole time I was there, she kept tasting it and wondering aloud if you would like it!”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “That’s not really out of the ordinary, sir. Let’s just say she’s always been very dedicated to her craft.”

Sereb smiles. “Is that why the food here is always so tasty?”

Arc nods. “Probably. I’m going to have a talk with her when we adjourn. See what she’s up to for myself.”

Ember grins. “Are you sure you aren’t just looking for an excuse to try more of her cooking?”

Arc smiles. “Well, if I can mix in some business with pleasure, all the better!”

Everyone assembled facepalms.

“Alright, getting back to it… third, everyone afflicted has been both a friend of mine AND an Element Bearer! Discounting Saffron, of course.”

Ember frowns thoughtfully. “That is quite the coincidence now that you mention it!”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “But… but they’re so nice! What would anypony have to gain by hurting them?!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Perhaps an enemy of the state is planning on attacking?! With the Element Bearers out of commission, the Elements of Harmony are useless!”

“That’s a good theory. lieutenant!”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “What about Fluttershy and Twilight?! They could be next!”

“I’ve already looked in on Fluttershy. She appeared to be healthy, but I sent her to the hospital just to be on the safe side.”

Sereb nods. “She was also very concerned for her friend’s well-being. I believe she would have gone to their aid even if you had forbidden her from doing so, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Probably. That’s why I let her go. That and I contacted Canterlot. Twilight is there helping chaperone a school field trip. I’m told she’s fine.“

Ember breathes a sigh of relief. “Well that’s good news!”

“In any case, I guess that’s everything.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “It’s not much to go on.”

Sandstorm Mirage looks over to Arc. “Maybe Doctor Horse has learned something by now?”

Arc stands up and walks around the desk. “It’s all we’ve got. Flash Sentry, keep everyone on standby until further notice.”


He heads for the door. “It’s just as a precaution. That and I don’t really know what else to do. Ember, you and Sereb are with me. I need someone to watch my back right now!”

Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage salute as Arc leaves the office. Ember as they make their way to the cafeteria.

“Wow Arc! I can’t remember you ever ASKING for protection!”

Sereb nods. “There is a first time for everything.”

“Well, I’ve already been attacked multiple times today. If my assailants were anyone else, I could just defend myself!”

Ember nods understandingly. “But you don’t want to have to fight a friend.”

He sighs. “Yeah. I mean, if they had truly turned on us… maybe. But they’re acting against their will!”

Sereb frowns. “Are you certain?”

Arc nods with conviction! “Yes! “

They make their way to the cafeteria. It is a busy place as lunch is being served. Ember looks over to the fully stocked buffet.

“Hungry Arc?”

He does not even look over at the food as he heads for the kitchen. “I’ll eat when my friends are on the mend!”

“You’re taking this pretty seriously, Arc!”

Arc nods as they enter the kitchen. “As far as my friend’s safety is concerned, I’m always serious!”

Saffron has her back to them at the stove as they enter.

“Saffron. Sorry to bother you right now but…”

Upon hearing his voice Saffron immediately spins around to face him and hurries over! She bows out of respect!

“Commander! Is there something I can get you?!”

“Um… not really. I just needed to talk to you about something.”

Ember nods. “We know your busy and all but this is really important.”

“It’s no trouble sir! As always, you’re welcome here any time, day or night! What do you need?!”

“I was just wondering how you’re doing these days. Your job is certainly not an easy one!”

“Just fine sir! Not to worry! I can handle any duties you assign me!”

Arc nods. “That’s… very praiseworthy and all. But I’m a bit… worried about you.”


Ember sighs. “Arc’s just trying to say that he’s concerned about your health.”

“Right! I don’t want you to work yourself to death! Tell me, how do you feel right now?”

Saffron lowers her head. “S-sir? Can I be completely honest with you?”


“If I had but one wish, it would be to be allowed to cook for you for the rest of my life!”

Arc blushes slightly. “Oh… um…”

Saffron looks down, clearly mortified at her poor choice of words. “Oh dear! P-please forgive me commander! I meant I wanted to be your CHEF for the rest of my life! Not… you know. Unless…um… you want me to, of course!”

She paws at the floor nervously.

“It’s okay, Saffron. I’d like you to stay on here as long as you’d like.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You’re looking a bit peaked. Do you feel sick at all, Saffron?”

Saffron shakes her head. “No. I feel just fine! Why do you ask?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Is something burning?”

A plume of smoke rises from the pan atop the stove. Saffron runs over to it and pulls it off the heat with her magic. She looks down at the burnt mess before her.

“Oh dear! I… I’m sorry sir! Please forgive me!”

“It’s okay Saffron! That’s more or less our fault for distracting you! No one is perfect after all! Well we should let you get back to work now! Thanks for your time.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the kitchen as Saffron throws the ruined food in the trash before returning to work.

“I disagree, commander. As far as I’m concerned, you’re as close to perfect as they come!”

Meanwhile, the trio leaves the kitchen and pauses to talk.

Sereb looks back at the closed door. “She is acting a bit off.”

Arc nods. “That she is. But unlike the others she didn’t try to attack me. I also didn’t get weird looks from her.”

Ember shrugs. “Maybe it was because you weren’t alone?”

“I don’t think so. It’s difficult to put into words, but my friends had madness in their eyes when they came after me. I don’t think he having an army behind me would have deterred them.”

Sereb frowns. “Perhaps we should check in on them. Doctor Horse may have some news on their condition by now.”

“It’s worth a shot! Let’s go.”

Ember puts a claw to her forehead as they walk toward the cafeteria side door. “Y-yeah! Let’s do that.”

They leave Light’s Hope and hop on Sereb’s back. In short order the three arrive at Ponyville Hospital. Arc leads them to the front desk.

“Nurse, is Doctor Horse around?”

“Yes sir. He’s in his office at the moment.“

“Thank you! Come on you two!”

A minute later they approach Doctor Horse’s office. Arc knocks.

“Come in!”

They enter the office to find the doctor busy going over a slew of papers.

“Ah Arc! Perfect timing! I just finished going over your friend’s test results!”

“Good! Find anything?!”

“First of all, I pumped their stomachs and found nothing.”

Ember raises and eyebrow. “Is that good?”

“It is. At least they’re not suffering from some kind of poison.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

Doctor Horse looks at the charts again. “Their vital signs are normal as are all test results. For all intents and purposes, they’re fine!”

Ember frowns! “Then why did they attack Arc?!”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “Unknown. That’s why they’re still restrained and in their beds.”

“What about the others I sent here for an examination?”

“All their tests came back negative, so I sent them home.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Even Fluttershy?”

“Yes. She seems to be just fine. Afterwards she insisted on staying with her friends though.”

Sereb frowns. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

“She was most insistent! That and I couldn’t think of a reason why I should deny her request.”

Ember sighs. “It’s probably for the best. I’d certainly want as many friendly faces around if I lost my mind!”

Doctor Horse looks to Arc, uncomfortably. “There’s something else you should know, Arc. While I was examining your friends, they seemed… out of sorts.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “That’s putting it mildly.”

“Can you elaborate, doctor?”

“All of them were extremely agitated upon awakening. Violent even! However, as time went on, their moods shifted to very sad and guilty. All of them wanted to see you when you arrived so they could apologize. Pinkie Pie seemed the most repentant!

Arc sighs. “She was the most… forward, I guess. Can I see them now?”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes. It would certainly put their minds at ease to know you forgive them. That is… if you choose to do so.”

Ember mutters under her breath. “I certainly wouldn’t!”

“Of course! They weren’t themselves when they did those things!”

Doctor Horse heads for the office door. “Good! From what I could tell, they seemed really concerned that you would be quite angry. I need to stop by the front desk and pick up some reports on the way though.”

“Lead on.”

The group leaves the office and walks together down the hall back to the Waiting Room. As the doctor is given a stack of papers there is a sudden disturbance behind them! Arc and company turn to see Flash Sentry leading several Royal Guards into the hospital! They are forcefully escorting Saffron and Raven, who are fighting them tooth and nail! Saffron glares at Flash Sentry!

“Release me this instant, lieutenant! I have to make the greatest of all dishes for Lord Arc! He will not be pleased when he learns of this!”

Raven, her hooves bound as she writhes around on Flash Sentry’s back, screams angrily as well!

“I have work to do as well Flash Sentry! His royal majesty Lord Arc needs these reports filed immediately! You’re in big trouble when he finds out about this!”

Arc walks over to them quickly. “What the heck?!”

Flash Sentry salutes as best he can with Raven flailing around on his back! “Sir! These two are out of their minds! They need help!”

Arc turns to Doctor Horse. “Keep them away from other patients!”

Doctor Horse nods and motions to some orderlies. “Yes sir.”

The hospital staff half carry, half drag the frantic mares away! Saffron turns to Arc with a pleading gaze as she passes.

“P-please sire! I only wish to serve you! Don’t send me away! I’m begging you!”

Raven is right behind Saffron screaming out frantically! “I’ve always been loyal to you sire! Please let me continue to serve by your side!”

Arc shakes his head. “Neither of you are yourselves! Please rest now. I’ll figure this out! I promise!”

The two mares continue down the hallway kicking and screaming as the doctor follows. Sereb turns to him.

“Arc, I don’t mind telling you this is… unsettling.”

“That’s an understatement! What happened, lieutenant?!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Saffron stopped serving lunch abruptly. When I entered the kitchen to see what was wrong, she came at me with a pan! All I could get out of her was something about making it up to you with the best food you’ve ever tasted!”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “Wow! She took burning that food in front of you pretty hard, Arc! That’s kinda sad don’t you think?”

Arc frowns. “Lay off! She’s not well!”

“As we were bringing her out the front door, I saw Raven at her desk writing up reports. There were crumpled up papers all around her. When I examined them, I found they were copies of the same report! She was trying to get it perfect!”

Sereb looks confused. “For what purpose?”

“She kept going on about how the Lord Regent deserved only the finest secretary and that she wouldn’t rest until she was worthy of her job!”

Ember frowns. “So, she was trying to… impress him?!”

Flash Sentry nods. “It would seem so, yes!”

“That’s really pathetic!”

Sereb, hearing the disdain in her voice, looks over. “Ember?”

“Everyone knows that if you wanna impress Arc, you have to be strong, tough, brave, loyal… the cream of the crop!”

Arc looks to her, confused as well. “Ember?! What’s gotten into you?!”

Ember puts a claw to her forehead. “Huh? I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m just stating the facts!”

She appears suddenly woozy. Sereb, Flash Sentry and the Royal Guards slowly move toward her. Arc holds up a hand ordering them to stop, while quickly stepping forward to steady her! He is a bit too slow however and she falls into his arms.

“Arc! I… I have to know! How much longer?!”

“How much longer until what, Ember?”

Ember looks into his eyes with a wild gleam in her own. “Until I’m good enough for you! I’ve been doing my very best for you! Are you proud of me yet?! ARE YOU?!”

“Ember, I…”

Ember stands up shakily. Her eyes locked on his!

“Tell me, what do I need to do?! You just say the word and I’ll show you what I can do! Take on Tempest! Stop an invading army! Heck, I would DIE for you if you if I knew it would make you happy!”

Arc takes Ember by the arm. “Why don’t we have Doctor Horse take a look at you? You don’t…”

As Arc does so, she quickly grabs him and throws him across the front desk! The nurse scurries for cover as Ember lunges over the desk to land or Arc’s chest! She claws at his tunic, breathing heavily!

“See?! You… you didn’t even see it coming! See how strong I’ve become?! And I did it all for you, Arc!”

Sereb, Flash Sentry and the Royal Guards rush forward and tackle Ember! It takes all of them to subdue her! Sereb attempts to put her to sleep but his magic does not appear to have any effect on the crazed dragon! Ember looks up to Arc pleadingly as she is held down!

“ARC! Please! Tell me what to do?! What would make you happy?! TELL ME!!!”

Arc stands up. “Okay, Ember. If you really want to do something for me, then go with Doctor Horse and let him examine you. Do what he says and I’ll be happy, okay?”

Ember looks up at him with a crazed look on her face. “Okay! I can do that! You’ll see! I’ll be the best dragon patient they’ve ever had here!”

Arc motions for the others to let her up. They do so cautiously. He looks to the doctor as he returns to the waiting room.

“Can you handle this, doctor?”

Doctor Horse nods. “I can. Please follow me, miss.”

He leads the still woozy dragon to a nearby examination room and closes the door behind them. Flash Sentry turns quickly to Arc.

“What in Celestia’s name is going on sir?!”

Arc turns to walk down the corridor. “I wish I knew! I’m going to check on my friends.”

Flash Sentry follows him. The Royal Guards fall into step behind him. “But sir! We have to do something about this!”

“I’m a bit at a loss on what that something is, lieutenant. Any suggestions?”

“I’m sorry, sir. I… I just don’t know!”

Arc pauses outside the room. “That makes two of us. Let me check up on my friends before we head back to Light’s Hope. We can discuss options on the way back.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir! I’ll wait out here.”

Arc nods and opens the door. He looks around the room at the four mares who are still restrained. They say nothing and refuse to make eye contact as he slowly enters the room. Fluttershy sits in a chair nearby.

Pinkie looks over at him. In a strained voice and labored breathing, she cries out! “A-Arc… P-Pinkie Sense… r-run away!”

Arc stops. “What?”

Fluttershy walks toward her friend. “Pinkie? What are you saying?!”

In a few moments all four mares are writhing on their beds, raving, and begging for Arc’s attention! He quickly leaves the room as a nearby nurse runs to get Doctor Horse! A few moments later the doctor rushes toward the room with several members of the hospital staff! They enter the room of maddened mares! A few minutes later the din of voices dies down and the doctor emerges somewhat shaken.

“I don’t get it. They were just fine a little while ago! What did you say to them, Arc?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I didn’t have time to say anything before Pinkie told me to run! Her Pinkie Sense may have just saved me!”

Flash Sentry looks desperate! “Sir! This can’t go on! Raven… I mean, who knows how many other ponies will come down with this madness!”

“I know.“

Arc approaches the doctor and motions for him to follow. The two of them step a few paces down the corridor. Arc says something in a low tone that the others cannot hear.

“Sir! You… you can’t be serious!”

Arc sighs. “I wish it didn’t have to come to this. If you have another idea, I’d love to hear it.”

Doctor Horse hangs his head. “I don’t.”

Arc turns back to the others. “Then I guess I’ll head over to the Mayor’s Office. I’ll be in touch, doctor.”

Doctor Horse nods and proceeds back to Ember’s examination room as Arc returns to Flash Sentry and Sereb.

“Arc. What shall we do?”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal back to Light’s Hope. “Flash Sentry. I want you and the guards to return to base at once! Have everyone under my command suit up for battle and await further orders!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir!”

He and the Royal Guards quickly enter the portal and are gone. Arc closes the portal and rushes toward the Waiting Room.

”Come on Sereb!”

“Right behind you.”

As they leave the hospital Arc pauses just long enough to place a sigil in a corner of the Waiting Room, He then jumps on Sereb’s back!

“To Town Hall, Sereb! I need to speak with Mayor Mare at once!”

Sereb nods and speeds off. In a few minutes they arrive at their destination Arc dismounts and heads inside!

“Wait here! I’ll be as quick as I can!”

“Very well.”

A half hour later Arc emerges from the building and calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal.

“In you go, Sereb!”

Sereb nods and runs through the portal. Arc follows. In a moment the pair are back in Arc’s quarters! They quickly make their way to the corridor where Royal Guards are running to and fro in an effort to comply with Arc’s orders! The pair make their way to Arc’s office. He sits down at his desk and activates the Emergency Comm-Link! Meanwhile in Canterlot…

Shining Armor leads the school foals into the Audience Chamber. “And this is the Audience Chamber. It is here that the princesses meet with the citizens who need their judgment.”

Coco Pommel turns to the foals as they approach the princesses, quietly. “Everypony mind your manners now.”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes. Be sure to show the princesses the respect their station deserves.”

They nod as Princess Luna and Princess Cadance step down to meet them. Coco Pommel, Derpy, Cheerilee and Shining Armor bow at their approach! The foals follow their lead and do the same as Twilight brings up the rear. Luna is the first to speak.

“Rise my little ponies! I do hope you enjoyed your tour thus far!”

Cadance nods. “We apologize for not seeing you sooner, but the day’s schedule didn’t allow for it until now.“

Shining Armor turns back to the school foals. “Now I’m sure you have many questions. The princesses have agreed to hear a few of them before you return to the Train Station.”

The foals nod excitedly and raise their hooves! Suddenly the Royal Guard nearest to Princess Luna reaches into his saddlebag and removes a device.

“We have a red alert, your highnesses!”

Cadance looks to him, surprised! “Where from?!”

“Ponyville! The Hero of Light’s base!”

Luna quickly returns to her throne along with Cadance. “Patch it through at once!”

Shining Armor turns to the foals. “I’m sorry, but we need to let the princesses get back to work now.”

Cadance glance over. “Let them stay, Shining Armor! They can see first hoof how things are done around here.”

“Very well, Princess Cadance.”

Princess Luna presses a button on her throne and a holographic projector rises up from the floor. A moment later a visage of Arc sitting at his desk appears before them.

“Hello Arc. What seems to be the trouble today?”

“We have a medical emergency here in Ponyville! Several citizens have been admitted to the hospital with… let’s just say bizarre behavior patterns!”

Cadance frowns. “How serious is it?”

“There’s been enough cases that I’ve temporarily taken over leadership of Ponyville! Not that I had much choice, mind you. While I was explaining the situation to her, the mayor suddenly collapsed with flulike symptoms! I teleported her to the hospital before heading back to base with Sereb!”

Twilight rushes forward! “Arc! What of our friends?! Are they okay?!”

Shining Armor holds his sister back. “Twilight! Please!”

Arc sees her in the corner of the holographic display. “Twilight?! What are you doing there?!”

“Uh, field trip! Remember?! Now what about the others?!”

“I’m sorry Twilight, but they were the first to fall ill.”

Twilight looks at him frantically as she breaks loose of her brother’s grip! “Who?!”

“Everyone but Fluttershy. She’s been checked out and given a clean bill of health.”

Twilight heads quickly for the door! “I’m on my way back!”

Arc looks over to the captain. “Shining Armor! Stop her!”

He uses his magic to pick his little sister up and carry her back into Arc’s view. She squirms against her big brother’s magical hold on her!

“What are you doing?! I’m needed there!”

Cadance looks to Twilight. “Let’s hear Arc out, Twilight. You remember what happened the last time you didn’t listen to him, don’t you?”

Twilight sighs. “Fine…”

Luna nods. “What can we do to help, Arc?”

“Do you need additional personnel or supplies?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at this time, no. However, I’m instituting a quarantine of Ponyville until we get this mess sorted out!”

Derpy looks worried. “Is that really necessary?”

“Derpy?! Who else is back there?! No wait! Don’t tell me! The entire school field trip?”

Dinky puts up a hoof! “Hi dad!”

Arc facepalms. “Oh boy… hi Dinky. Can someone please turn me around?”

Shining Armor turns the projector to face the school foals.

Arc looks at them with a pained expression. “Well hello there! I… uh… hope everyone’s enjoying the tour!”

Coco Pommel nods. “Yes, Arc. This was the last stop of the day before returning to the train station.”

“That’s going to be a problem. For everyone’s safety, I can’t let you come back to Ponyville just yet due to the quarantine!“

Pipsqueak turns to his teacher. “Miss Cheerilee? What’s a quarantine?”

Cheerilee looks down at him nervously. “It’s when a group of ponies are kept separate from everypony else because they’re sick.”

Aquamarine looks up to him. “Are they going to be okay, Mr. Arc?

“They will be as soon as we figure this mess out, Aquamarine.”

Sweetie Belle looks ready to cry! “What about my sister?! Is she okay?!”

Apple Bloom joins her! “And Applejack?!”

Platinum Valve rushes over! “And my parents?!”

Several other foals voice their concerns.

“They’re at the hospital resting. Believe me, were doing everything we can to help them!”

Luna nods. “We’re sure you are, Arc. Do you need anything? Anything at all?”

Arc shakes his head as Shining Armor again turns the podium so he can address both sides of the conversation.

“At this time, no. I don’t want anyone coming here unless it’s absolutely necessary! If you could find a place for the school foals and my family to stay until it’s safe to return, I would appreciate it!”

“They will stay here in the castle, for now.”

“Thank you. Tell me, little ones. Do any of you feel sick?”

All the foals look at each other and shake their heads.

Pipsqueak speaks up. “We’re fine over here, Mr. Arc!”

Silver Spoon trots in place nervously. “What about our families?!”

Diamond Tiara sneers at the orphans. “Those of us who HAVE families, that is!”

“No one has actually been hurt by this illness. Hopefully the quarantine will keep them from catching it.”

Derpy nods, clearly frightened. “What about you, Arc?! Aren’t you in danger?!”

“I’m already here, so I can’t leave and risk spreading… whatever this is!”

He looks over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“And no breaking quarantine by teleporting over, you three!”


“But we can help!”

“Please dad!”

Arc points a finger toward his daughter. “Stay there with your mother and classmates. I mean it, Dinky!”

Dinky looks down sadly. “Okay dad…”

“I’m sorry, Dinky. I just want you to be safe. That goes for you too, Twilight!”


She looks to Cadance for help, but the Princess of Love merely shakes her head sadly.

“Do as Arc says, Twilight. I don’t want any harm to befall you!”

Shining Armor nods. “Nor do I!”

“That and you are the last safe Element Bearer! Equestria can’t afford to lose all of you!”

Arc sighs and looks to the other chaperones.

“Take good care of them while I work this out. Well get all of you home as soon as possible.”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes sir.”

Derpy gives Arc a nervous smile. “We’ll do our best!”

Coco Pommel looks up from the foals whom have gathered around her, fearfully. “Be careful over there, Arc!”

“I will. “

Luna picks up a scroll and begins to write. “We’ll send out an order halting all trains to and from Ponyville until further notice. Please do your best to rectify this situation as soon as possible!”

Cadance nods. “And let us know if there’s anything you need from us!”

“Thanks, you two. Wish us luck!”

The connection is severed as the device returns to its place under the floor. Shining Armor turns to the foals.

“Come along everypony! Let me take you all to the dining room for a snack.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Derpy follow behind the others. Pipsqueak looks to them.

“Don’t worry! Dinky’s dad will have this problem solved in no time!”

Aquamarine nods! “Yeah! He’ll save everypony!”

Apple Bloom sighs. “I’m sure he will! I just can’t help but worry about my family back home though!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “I’m worried about Rarity as well. But I know Mr. Arc will find a way to make her feel better!”

Platinum Valve looks up, bravely! “I know my parents aren’t scared, so I won’t be either!

Dinky shakes her head sadly. “I know, but…”

Derpy looks over to her. “Dinky?”

“But… if my dad gets sick, who’s going to save… him?”

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