• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 13 - The Battle of Truth

The day of the Battle of Truth arrives. Arc sits with Ashe and Twilight at the table in his quarters aboard The Equinox eating breakfast. Looking over at Twilight, he speaks.

“Any luck with those books?”

Twilight sighs and shakes her head. “It appears there is nothing we can do to save Galena as it stands.”

Ashe nods soberly. “If Lord Goldstone is defeated, he’ll be found guilty of the crime as brought forth.”

Arc frowns. “And Galena will be declared guilty as well and probably executed.”

Twilight grimaces. “We can’t let that happen!”

Ashe looks to her evenly. “Justice must prevail, Twilight.”

“I know, but...!”

Arc interrupts Twilight. “What else could they do?”

Twilight turns to Ashe. “A life sentence perhaps?!”

“Considering the treatment of inmates in our nation’s prisons, believe me when I say that death would be more merciful.”

Arc pushes his plate away. “All things considered, I don’t think there’s a good way out of this situation for her.”

Ashe points a talon toward the Gladiator’s Arena in the distance. “Nothing else can be done for her until the Battle of Truth is completed. So let’s focus on that, shall we?”

Twilight’s ears droop as she groans. “Fine.”

Arc looks at the clock on the wall. “I would imagine Luna should be ready to portal over by now.”

Ashe appears surprised. “She’s coming?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Something about wanting to witness history.”

Twilight grits her teeth. “This will be the last time the Griffon Kingdom sees this barbaric display anyways.”

Arc looks to his friend. “And Luna said that she wanted to be there for you, Twilight.”

Twilight appears surprised. “Me?”

Ashe nods. “Princess Luna has voiced her concern for your own mental health as of late.”

Arc folds his hands on the table. “Right. This whole thing has become much more intense than originally thought possible.”

Twilight shudders. “It’s certainly given me a brand new appreciation for the Equestrian legal system.”

“Me too.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “Things are certainly much more fair there.”

Arc stands as he calls forth his gauntlet. “Agreed.”

Opening a portal, he waits patiently. A few moments later Luna steps through. She is accompanied by her Lunar Protectors whom move to one side as Arc and Twilight approach her. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Good morning, Luna.”

“Hello, Twilight. I... hear you’ve been doing well.”

Twilight looks away nervously. “Sorta. You see, this whole thing didn’t exactly go as I had thought it would.”

Arc shrugs. “It did go sideways pretty quick.”

Ashe nods as she steps forward. “Lord Arc is correct, your highness. I for one never would have imagined the case coming to this. That and no one could have foreseen the events the unfolded at the trial.”

Luna smiles. “And I look forward to hearing about it on the way to the... what was it called again, Twilight?”

“The Gladiator’s Arena. I’m told it’s a historic center for combat related activities that is still used today.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest as he frowns. “That is true, yes. But generally only by the military to test for combat readiness though.”

Ashe clears her throat loudly in an effort to move things along. “We should probably get moving though. Twilight’s chariot has been made ready in the Cargo Bay.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Is that safe? I mean, Arc told me about what happened to Ashe’s carriage the other day.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, Luna. My brother, General Shining Armor, will be coordinating a multi-point Barrier Spell to be cast by a number of Unicorns walking with us.”

“But nopony could keep that up for such a duration.”

Arc chuckles. “That’s why it’s being cast by numerous Unicorns.”

Twilight grins. “And being carefully coordinated. As those maintaining the spell weaken, Shining Armor will call for the casters to be replaced one at a time so as not to compromise the barrier.”

Ashe nods. “The mostly transparent barrier will also allow the citizens to see us as well.”

Arc chuckles. “Very convenient for Twilight’s fans.”

Luna smiles. “Yes, I’m told you’re becoming quite famous here, my friend.”

Twilight giggles. “I don’t know why though. After all, I’m nopony special.”

Ashe sighs. “Don’t sell yourself short, Twilight.”

Arc gestures to the door with a wave of his hand. “In any case, let’s get down to the Cargo Bay so we can be off.”

Leading the way, Arc escorts the group out of his quarters. The Lunar Protectors join the rest of the guards as they all walk down the corridor together. Heading downstairs, the group eventually comes to the Cargo Hold. Shining Armor stands next to it with a squad of armored Unicorns silently as they approach. They all salute respectfully at their superiors as Arc and company approach. Shining Armor is the first to speak.

“Welcome, Princess Luna.”

“Greetings, general. I trust everything is in order for our trip.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes, your highness. We have more than enough Unicorns to make our way to the Gladiator’s Arena. And even if we didn’t, I alone could power the barrier myself easily.”

Twilight smiles at him warmly. “Indeed. However that would make it harder for you to do your job in guarding us, brother.”

Luna rolls her eyes. “Twilight or myself could also do such a thing as well, general.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “Begging your pardon, Princess Luna, but that wouldn’t be proper here in the Griffon Kingdom.”


Shining Armor nods soberly. “Individuals of such importance are expected to live up to a certain standard, your highness. And that includes letting others do certain menial tasks for you.”

Arc shrugs. “Something like that. In any case, you’ll have plenty of time to hear more about what’s been going on over here on the way to the arena.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “You’re not coming with us?”

Arc shakes his head. “I have a few things to take care of prior to the Battle of Truth.”

“You will be attending though?”

Arc nods. “Oh yes. Believe me when I say that I’ll have a front row seat for the event.”

Shining Armor gestures to the chariot with a wave of his hoof. “This way please.”

He helps them board the chariot as the Unicorns take their places around it. Arc walks over to Sereb, whom is wearing his battle armor for the occasion, and gets into the saddle. Shining Armor calls out to the soldiers.

“Begin casting!”

Their horns aglow, a barrier begins to form around the chariot. It culminates over their heads and stabilizes a few moments later. Looking to the guard near the door release, Shining Armor nods to him. As the door opens the chariot begins to move. Arc watches it slowly roll down the ramp and toward the city with Sereb in silence for a few moments before looking down at his companion.

“Shall we be off, big guy?”

Sereb nods. “Very well.”

Walking down the gangplank themselves, Arc and Sereb make their way down the street. Coming to the now familiar gated community, they pass the guards whom dutifully salute the pair as they do so. Approaching Lord Gestal’s mansion, Arc dismounts Sereb at the base of the stairs in front of a well-dressed griffon. Looking to what is presumably a butler of sorts, Arc speaks.

“I’m here to see Lord Gestal.”

The griffon bows respectfully. “Yes sir. Right this way.”

Leading him inside, the butler and Arc make their way down innumerable corridors before coming to a large room lined with weapons and armor. They see Gestal slashing at a training dummy whilst wearing a resplendent suit of armor. Approaching, the servant and Arc wait patiently for him to finish his routine. A short time later Gestal steps back, puts his weapon on a table nearby, and removes his helmet before turning to them.

“Good day, Lord Arc.”

“Morning, sir. My apologies for the intrusion on such short notice.”

The servant gives Gestal a towel to wipe his face as the lord speaks.

“There is no need for apologies, Lord Arc. Considering our shared past, you are always welcome in my home.”

He tosses the towel to the servant as he continues.

“Now then, what brings you here today?”

“A bit of an information hunt actually. Might we speak about it privately though?”

Gestal nods to the servant whom bows respectfully and walks away. He motions to a nearby bench against a far wall as the pair walk. Taking a waiting glass of water from an adjoining table, Arc hands it to him.

“Thank you, Lord Arc. Now then, what do you wish to know?”

“First, a bit of a confession.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“The day Ashe was hurt in the explosion I went for a moonlit walk through your city’s streets.”

“There is nothing wrong with that. After all, you are free to come and go as you see fit, Lord Arc.”

“Truth be told, I was looking for someone.”

“Whom might that be?”

“The rebels.”

Gestal frowns. “For what purpose?”

“Answers, sir.”

“As to why they tried to kill my daughter?”

“That too. But I was equally concerned with where they had acquired such lethal ordinance.”

Gestal puts a talon to his chin and nods. “Those questions have been on my mind as well. Rest assured that we will hunt down and capture those with the answers to those queries.”

“I already have.”

“Have you now?”

Arc nods. “Yes. My search was fruitful.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “Might I inquire as to how you did it?”

“It was simple actually. All I did was take a walk late at night, alone.”

“So what you are saying is that they found you?”

“In a manner of speaking. I was beckoned into a small abandoned house by the shadowy wave of a talon.”

“And you entered?”

“That I did.”

“Whom did you find?”

“Admiral Gaston.”

Gestal frowns. “Gaston? But the reports say that he was killed in your base in Equestria some time ago.”

“Well, he was certainly alive and well last night.”

“Did he tell you anything?”

“A few things, yes. First of all, he admitted that the rebels were indeed the ones whom set that explosive device on the carriage. That and he acknowledged to wanting to have it detonate in front of your home in an effort to loot your property.”

Gestal clenches a talon angrily. “Barbarians!”

“Although I do have to say that he didn’t seem to care much that the plan failed though. Probably due to the fact that he still got what he ultimately wanted.”

“Which was...?”

“Exposure. He wanted to remind the nation that the rebels were still a threat.”

“So he’s behind all of this?!”

“At the moment it appears so, sir. However, as I stated earlier, I was more interested in where they got their explosives.”

“Did he talk?!”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes sir. And that’s why I’m here right now. Gaston claimed that their supplies all come from a noble.”

Gestal’s eyes grow wide. “A noble?!”

“Yes sir.”

“But... but that doesn’t make any sense!”


“No noble would be willing to aid a group whom wanted to promote violence against the rulers of our land!”

“He was very insistent about it though.”

“And you believed his claims?”

“I did. However, he was unable to tell me the identity of this shadowy noble.”

Gestal snorts. “That much does make sense. We’ve captured a number of rebels in the past whom certainly didn’t know whom else was in on the plot.”

“A fairly smart security tactic.”

“Where is Gaston now?”

Arc shrugs. “Probably hiding under a rock somewhere.”


“I gave him the scare of his life the other night.”

“How so?”

“He was calm and collected at first because there were a number of griffons lying in wait to ambush me all around the darkened room. However, when I exposed and neutralized them right before his eyes, he caved very quickly.”

“Did you take care of the bodies?”

Arc shakes his head. “No need to do that. They were merely incapacitated, as I didn’t want to create even more of an international incident than I already was.”

Gestal sighs. “Admittedly, that was probably for the best. Did you learn any more from him?”

“Not really, no. However, his admission that a noble is supplying them should help you narrow you search quite a bit.”

“Yes, indeed. There are far fewer nobles than there are peasants, after all.”

Arc gets to his feet. “In any case, I will leave this investigation to you and your government, Lord Gestal.”

Gestal stands with Arc. “Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. I will make it a priority to discretely investigate any noble whom appears to be hording unusual amounts of supplies and weapons.”

“I do hope you find whom you are looking for, sir.”

“So do I, Lord Arc.”

Gestal and Arc head for the door. Walking down a corridor toward the main entrance he turns to Arc.

“How is Ashe this morning?”

“She was able to walk to the carriage under her own power. Amazingly enough, that is.”

“I would have thought it would have taken her at least a couple of weeks to be able to do that.”

“Perhaps she merely wishes not to appear hurt for the occasion.”

Gestal sighs. “Most likely. But I must again thank you for keeping her safe and cared for aboard your ship in the interim. Myself included, mind you.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I didn’t really do much other than authorize you to stay aboard. After all, she was already assigned aboard ship.”

“That is something else I would like to talk to you about, Lord Arc.”

“Your daughter’s health?”

“More about Ashe’s future.”


Gestal smiles and turns to Arc as he speaks.

“I’m sure you already know that Ashe thinks very highly of you, Lord Arc.”

“Yes. That and I’m also impressed by her... personal growth since we met.”

Gestal appears confused. “Personal... growth?”

“When she and I met at a party during my first visit to the Griffon Kingdom Ashe we simply the daughter of a lord. Now she has her own accomplishments to her name.”

“I see what you mean, Lord Arc. Ashe has told me of the exploits she’s experienced since leaving our shores for Equestria. However you must understand that, as her father, I’m very interested in her... personal future.”

“As any father would be, naturally.”

Gestal sighs. “For many years I’ve done my best to raise Ashe to be the best she can be. However, every job must eventually come to an end. In order to allow another to take on that role.”

Arc turns to him, confused. “Lord Gestal... what are you saying?”

Gestal stops and turns to Arc as he speaks. “That I would like it if you were to become... closer to her. On a personal level.”

“Personal level. As in more than just a professional acquaintance, I assume.”

“I’ve worried about whom she would become attached to for a long time, Lord Arc. After all, there are any number of nobles in our land whom would love to wed a griffon as beautiful as Ashe. Not just for her, but also for the power, prestige, and wealth that comes with it.”

“Things I already have.”

Gestal nods. “While you are indeed foreign to this land, you have shown yourself to be a selfless individual. Brave, Loyal, Kind, intelligent, and above all... trustworthy.”

“So you’d like for Ashe and I to do what exactly?”

“Go out for an evening meal and talk, naturally. If you’d like, I’d be willing to make you two reservations at the most exclusive restaurant in the land, of course.”

Arc looks away nervously. “I... don’t know if Ashe would be interested in something like that.”

“Perhaps you’re right, Lord Arc. She may prefer an evening out back in Equestria.”

“But sir... I... um...”

Gestal interrupts him. “Ashe has mentioned to me in the past as well that she would like to get to know you better, after all.”

“Anything... recently?”

“No, this was some time ago. However, I am guessing that has to do with her current workload and the trial.”

“I’ll have a talk with her about it when time permits then.”

Gestal smiles as they continue on their way. “Please do. After all, I do want her to find happiness. And soon.”

Returning to the Main Hall, Gestal opens the front door for Arc and steps out into the cold morning air with him. Walking down the steps together, Arc mounts Sereb as Gestal speaks.

“I do hope you’ll act in this matter with all due haste, Lord Arc.”

Arc nods. “That much I can assure you of, sir.”

Tapping Sereb’s side with his boot, Arc motions for them to be off. Sereb looks to Arc as they pass through the gates.

“Dare I ask what that was all about?”

Arc groans. “It wasn’t in regards to the reason I came here, that’s for sure.”

Sereb smirks. “That much I could tell from your mannerisms and... other cues.”

“Other what now?”

“Your heart rate is up as is your breathing.”

Arc sighs. “Lord Gestal wants me to... befriend his daughter.”

“Is that a problem?”

“Yeah. By ‘befriend’ I actually mean a lot more than just getting to know her better.”

Sereb turns to look back at his rider. “Are you referring to sexuality?”

“More along the lines of a romantic relationship.”

“Well, I don’t think the rest of your future wives would object at this point. After all, Lady Ashe has changed considerably from the spoiled brat she was when you two first met.”

“That’s true, yes.”

“But you don’t feel attracted to her, do you?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I do admit that she’s pretty, yes. However, I don’t really see us as being anything more than just friends. Now, or in the future.”

“Then why not tell Lord Gestal that?”

Arc groans. “Because he looked very... expectant. Like he was putting all his hopes into Ashe and I getting together.”

“Perhaps you should talk to Ashe about this.”

“I think I’ll put that off until this whole mess with the Battle of Truth is done and over with.”

Sereb sighs. “That may be for the best. After all, she has enough on her plate at the moment without learning that her father suddenly wishes to marry her off.”

“The issue is understandable though.”


“Him being the head of the Council of Lords means that every noble in the country would love to marry her and worm their way into Lord Gestal’s family. It makes for a tough time trying to figure out whom is legitimately interested in Ashe and whom just wants the political points.”

Sereb nods. “There is certainly wisdom in your words, my friend. You have nothing to gain from taking her as a wife. Money, power, and whatnot are already yours to command back in Equestria.”

“He said as much. But Lord Gestal was also very interested in having someone in Ashe’s life that could protect her.”

“The events from the other day must weigh heavily on his mind.”

Arc nods soberly. I can only assume that Lord Gestal wants to get her out of the country permanently in an effort to keep her safe. And marrying her off to me would certainly accomplish that task. But for now let’s table this conversation and make our way to the next stop.”

Continuing on their way, they come to the Gladiator’s Arena. Sereb ferries Arc inside and over to a guard. He salutes as Arc dismounts and turns to him.

“I’m looking for the changing area.”

The guard motions with a talon. “Right this way, sir.”

Leading Arc and Sereb to their destination, the guard gestures to a door.

“This is the male’s changing area is, sir. A guard inside will give you whatever attire you may require as well as explain the final rules to you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Final rules?”

“The king’s scribes unearthed the old rules and discovered that there are a few extra ones we didn’t know about. Nothing major, mind you. But you’ll be briefed on what we’ve learned inside.”

“Thank you.”

The guard salutes and walks away as Arc turns to Sereb and sighs.

“Well, I suppose this is it.”

Sereb nods. “I shall be watching from the VIP balcony, Arc.”

“Do me a favor and be sure to keep an eye on Ashe.”

“You are worried of another attack?”

“More along the lines of her trying to help during the fight. Just make sure she doesn’t try to join in, or something.”

“That I shall.”

“I think we both know that in her condition, such a thing would not end well.”

Sereb smirks. “Indeed. May your blade strike true, my friend. And first.”

Chuckling, Arc nods and enters the changing area. Walking toward the sound of clanking metal, he finds Ghaleon donning his armor. Arc approaches him and smiles.

“Good morning, Arbiter.”

Ghaleon smirks as he begins stretching. “And a wonderful day it will be!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Looking forward to the event?”

“I am, yes. While it is a shame that this will be the last one ever, I hope that we’ll be able to give the citizenry something special to see.”

“My partner and I will do our best to put on a show.”

“They tell you about the rules yet?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I heard someone would brief us in here.”

Ghaleon motions to a door. “The guard in charge of that was called away by his commanding officer. But don’t worry. I’m sure he’ll return shortly.”

Arc looks around. “And your partner?”

“Had to take care of some kind of last minute personal matter. He’ll be back soon too.”

“So... what’s your take on this whole thing?”

“You mean the case?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

Ghaleon snorts angrily. “Can’t put much faith in the claims of the commoners. Especially when they’re spouting stories from so long ago.”

“Long ago?”

Ghaleon nods indignantly. “Some of the reports from the interviews of those whom stormed the proceedings claim that Goldstone’s been doing this for years! And I’m supposed to believe that NO ONE came forward until just the other day!”

“You don’t think he did any of it?”

“Oh, I believe he had sex with a number of them, naturally. But Goldstone’s always been a charmer.”

“Has he now?”

Ghaleon laughs heartily. “Right! He could talk a blind griffon out of their cane! I’ve literally seen him do it!”

“So you believe that everything that went on was consensual?”

“That I do. This is nothing more than a case of jilted lovers and liars wanting a piece of a lord who’s down.”

Ghaleon smirks before continuing.

“But we’ll prove my old friend’s innocence today.”

“Well, I wish you the best of luck.”

Ghaleon laughs. “Ha! Luck is for the superstitious! But don’t worry! I’ll be sure to go easy on you, Lord Arc!

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Easy on me?”

“You’ll be my opponent, while Lady Ashe’s representative will be facing Lord Goldstone.”

“I wasn’t aware that this was going to be separate battles.”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “Oh, it won’t be. Both fights will take place at the same time side by side. You see...”

The door opens and Lord Goldstone enters. He is wearing armor that is black as night, complete with a matching helmet and wing guards. Clomping over to Arc he grins smugly.

“I see that you decided to show up.”

Arc shrugs. “Not to worry. I wouldn’t dream of leaving you without an opponent, Goldstone.”

Goldstone sneers at Arc. “That is LORD Goldstone to you!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Whatever you say.”

Goldstone looks around. “No partner?”

“They’ll be along shortly, I’m sure.”

Ghaleon chuckles darkly. “I hope so, Lord Arc. For your sake.”

Goldstone nods. “Right. There will be no substitutions once the fighting starts. By the way, whom is it?”

“Someone... close to one of the victims.”

Goldstone scoffs. “Ah, the little guard from the trial. So he wants to face me himself to defend his cute little marefriend. How sweet. How sentimental.”

He sneers before finishing the statement.

“How futile.”

Ghaleon looks up at a clock overhead. “Well, you won’t have long to wait, Goldstone. It’s almost time.”

“That it is. We should head to our places and await our turn to enter the arena.”

Ghaleon points a talon. “But Lord Arc has not yet been informed of the rules.”

Goldstone rolls his eyes. “I’m sure someone will do that soon enough.”

Ghaleon frowns. “I am not going ANYWHERE until all of us have been told the official rules!”

“That isn’t important for us! After all, we were here on time and we’re briefed on the proper...!”

Ghaleon sits down on his haunches and folds his talons over his chest as he interrupts. “The rules MUST be told to Lord before I will depart! “

Goldstone groans and leans against the wall. “Fine. I suppose. We can wait until that idiot of a guard returns.”

“Fair enough.”

A short time later a guard enters the room and hurries over to the trio. He appears breathless as Goldstone frowns at him.

“What kept you, grunt?!”

“My... my commanding officer, sir. He wanted to make sure that I...”

Goldstone cuts him off. “Never mind. I’ll have a stern talk with them after I take care of this little... issue.”

He turns and walks away as Ghaleon stands and looks to Arc.

“See you out there.”

Arc nods. “I’ll be right behind you two.”

The guard sits down on a nearby bench and groans. Arc moves to join him.

“Uh... you okay?”

“Not really. My career is over after today.”

Arc reaches for his ring. “Here. This might help.”

Pulling out a pastry, he hands it to the guard.

“What is it, sir?”

“A cupcake from Equestria. Try it.”

Shrugging, the guard takes a bite. His eyes light up happily as he takes third, fourth, and fifth bites. A few moments later the pastry is gone. The guard looks to Arc happily.

“That was amazing! Are those served to royalty?!”

“Those particular ones, no. I buy them at a shop called ‘Sugar Cube Corner’ in the town of Ponyville.”

The guard gasps. “The town with the orphanage?!”


“Do they eat those often?!”

Arc nods. “Once a week the matron buys one for everyone to have with lunch, I’m told.”

“It sounds wonderful!”

“Ponyville is a pretty nice place to live, yes. Quiet, safe, and still has everything I want in a home.”

The guard sighs. “I wish I could go there.”

“Why can’t you?”

He points to the Footpad insignia on his armor. “Because I’m an enlisted griffon, sir. I try to leave and I’ll be classified as A.W.O.L.”

“What if you weren’t?”

“Weren’t what, sir?”

“In the military.”

“Then I’d leave in a heartbeat!”

“What about your family?”

“I’m an orphan, sir.”

“What would it take to get you out of your enlistment?”

“There’s quite the paperwork involved, sir. That and it would have to follow the chain of command, starting with my commanding officer.”

“Could we start at the top?”


“Lord Gestal.”

“He wouldn’t hear my case without everyone below him signing off on it first though.”

“Want me to ask him? He’s probably in the VIP balcony by now, after all.”

“Don’t you have to... you know...?”

He motions to the door with a talon as Arc shrugs.

“I do, I suppose. However, you haven’t told me the rules yet.”

“Ah! Right! Well...”

Arc interrupts him and holds up a hand. “Wait! First, tell me this. Do you want to be discharged?”

“Yes sir.”

“One sec...”

Pulling a pad of paper and a pen from his ring, Arc quickly writes something. Tearing the sheet from the notebook he heads for the hallway door. Stepping out into the mostly deserted corridor he muses to himself.

“Everyone must be seated already.”

Taking a deep breath he calls out. A few minutes later Sereb comes into view from down the way. Hurrying over to Arc he gives him the paper.

“Give this to Lord Gestal at once. Then report back immediately with his decision.”

Sereb nods. “Very well.”

Running off again, Sereb moves to carry out his instructions. Returning to the changing room Arc rejoins the guard.

“There. That ball is rolling. Now then, tell me the rules.”

“Yes sir. The official rules, as originally set forth by King Grover, state that the Battle of Truth must continue until both combatants on the same side are either dead, unconscious, or otherwise unable to remain in combat. The battle will not be allowed to begin until all non-combatants have left the arena floor. At that time the signal will be given by the king to start. After that point no one will be allowed to interfere with, hinder, or impede the match in any way.”

Arc chuckles. “Guessing they had problems with that in the past?”

The guard nods. “Some protested in the past by trying to block blows and distract those fighting, as they knew that the guards were forbidden from stopping them due to such a thing interfering with the match. King Grover altered the rules to accommodate for such things though.”

“How so?”

“Should someone enter the arena floor after the match has started, the combatants are allowed to either kill or use them as meat shields for the duration of the battle.”

“Unless they leave the arena, you mean?

The guard shakes his head. “No sir. Once the trespassers leave the arena floor the guards are duty bound to give chase, hunt them down, and execute them on the spot.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’m guessing that greatly lowered the number of individuals trying to interfere with a Battle of Truth.”

“Yes sir. That in addition to the guards whom stand guard around the perimeter of the stands. They watch the crowd and make an effort to stop anyone whom appears to be trying to interfere in any way. It’s also worth noting that they’re also tasked with preventing a combatant from trying to escape before the battle has concluded.”

“I’m guessing they’re there to finish them off.”

“That is correct, sir. Should someone attempt to leave before a victor is declared, they will be seen as being in the wrong and summarily executed by the guards.”

“Don’t worry. I plan on sticking around to see this thing through to the very end. Now then, what are the rules for during the match?”

“There are but a few. No projectile weapons are allowed first and foremost. Only melee weapons and your own body will be permitted.”

Arc nods. “Makes sense.”

“While not strictly stated in the original rules, the king has also ordered that magic will also be prohibited.”

“A level playing field, to be sure.”

“Other than that, the only real rule is that you cannot continue to hit your opponent once they’ve gone down. Either due to falling unconscious or dead.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... I wasn’t planning to, but why is this a rule?”

“According to the history books, opponents used to do such a thing to further damage their opponent’s body. It made for a lot of closed-casket funerals, so King Grover coined the rule and a corresponding punishment.”


“At that point in the match the victor had already been decided. So any ‘late hits’ were punishable by a three-fold retribution rule. For example, if someone kicked their opponent in the face after they were down and out, King Grover would order them held down and kicked in the face by a guard of similar strength three times. Another example is when a griffon whom had just won turned and stabbed his opponent in the gut. The king ordered the same done to him three times.”

“That must’ve pushed back the victory party.”

“Luckily for them the guards whom carried out the orders expertly missed all vital organs. He recovered, of course, but bore the physical scars of that day for the rest of his life.”

“Anything else?”

“Just that the king is the final judge over this event. He alone can order the battle to start. However, it is unlawful for him to stop it except to declare a victor.”

“I think I understand. Thanks for the information.”

The guard salutes. “Just doing my duty, sir.”

Sereb enters the room and walks over to Arc levitating a piece of paper. Giving it to his friend, he waits as it is read silently. Looking to the guard, Arc speaks.

“Looks like you’re in luck.”


Arc motions to the paper. “Lord Gestal says that he’s sent a messenger to the Aviary to order dismissal papers be drawn up at once. And in the meantime this note here will be your temporary proof of discharge.”



Handing the paper to the guard, he looks it over happily for a few moments before sheepishly looking back to Arc.

“I’ll have to take your word for it, sir. As luck would have it, I can’t actually read this.”

Arc nods soberly. “Ah, yes. You said you were an orphan earlier. No schooling?”

“Just the basics taught to me when I went to boot camp, sir.”

“Well, I suppose now you’ll have a chance to learn.”

“How, sir?”

“In Equestria.”

“But I can’t leave just yet! At least I don’t think I can.”

Arc looks to the paper. “That says you can.”

“So... I can leave now?!”

“It appears so, yes.”

“Then I’ll head to Equestria at once!”

Arc chuckles. “Just need to gather your things and hop on a ship?”

The guard shakes his head. “I don’t actually own anything, sir. Not even the armor on my back. In truth, I was going to just take it off and start flying west.”

“I don’t think that would work too well.”

“But Equestria isn’t that far, sir. I’ve seen it on the map, and it’s just across the ocean.”

“Which is further than you think it is. Tell you what, if you’re honestly ready to go right now I can give you a portal there.”

“I am, yes!”

“Alright. I can send you to a sigil that I have at the Little Hooves Orphanage in Ponyville.”

Arc looks at the clock before pulling the notepad from his ring, writing something on it, and continuing.

“It’s about lunch time there now. When you arrive there ask for Miss Peachbottom. Give her this note.”

The guard accepts the paper. “What does it say, sir?”

“That you’re an orphan and need a book to help teach you to read. After she gives it to you leave the building out the main entrance and head left down the path. That will take you to the town of Ponyville.”

Reaching for his ring again, he pulls out a bag of bits and gives them to the griffon before continuing.

“When you get to town, ask someone for directions to the local inn. This should be enough for around a weeks’ worth of food and board over there.”

“Th-thank you, sir! I’ll do my best to pay you back as soon as possible!”

“Don’t worry about it. Just do your best to be a productive member of society over there and we’ll call it even.”

“Maybe I could be a guard in Ponyville!”

“I don’t think they have any full time guards over there. But there are other opportunities to be had. First get that book, head to the inn, get a room, and study the book today. Tomorrow, head to a place called ‘Sugar Cube Corner’ and find a mare named Pinkie Pie. Tell her that you’re new in town and that you’re looking for work. She can probably point you in the right direction. If not, there’s always the Writ Board.”

“Writ Board?”

“Odd jobs around town. They don’t pay much individually, but can add up quickly. However, first you’ll need to learn to read to make proper use of it. Now then, any questions?”

“No sir. I’m ready.”

“Good. Now then, take off your armor and I’ll give you that portal.”

Nodding, the guard does as he is told. Setting the armor in a corner he waits as Arc focuses his crystals and opens a portal. Running toward it, he stops and looks back at Arc.

“Thank you, sir! I’ll never forget this!”

Arc nods as the griffon rushes through. Closing the portal behind him, Arc looks at the old armor sitting nearby.

“No matter what he does in Equestria, he’ll do better than he did here.”

Thinking for a moment, Arc facepalms.

“How could I have forgotten! I never asked him where to go next!”

Looking toward the door Goldstone and Ghaleon exited through he shrugs and starts walking. Opening it, he finds a guard waiting for him.

“This way, Lord Arc.”


Walking down the corridor, which is little more than a dimly lit tunnel, Arc looks to the guard escorting him.

“So... where exactly are we going?

“To your side of the Gladiator’s Arena, sir. Lord Goldstone and Arbiter Ghaleon have already proceeded to their starting points on the opposite side and are awaiting their announcements. As will you.”

Arriving at a large room with an iron gate that leads to the arena floor, the guard turns to looks around before speaking.

“You do not have a partner, sir?”

“I’m sure they’ll be here. Must just be running a bit late.”

“Very well. Now then, tradition states that the accused and their partner will enter the arena and announce their names for the record first. Afterwards, your gate here will open to allow you to follow suit. Simply approach the white line roughly a quarter of a way in and wait for the king to acknowledge you. After he does so, you and your partner will be bidden to declare yourselves as Lord Goldstone and Arbiter Ghaleon did previously.”

Arc nods. “Then we wait for the signal to start?”

The guard shakes his head. “Not quite, sir. First you must wait for the act of announcing to finish. King Guto may choose to say a few words for the occasion, of course. After which you, your partner, and your opponents will meet in the center of the arena floor. As per the official rules, the four of you will have a few moments to speak to one another. That will be the last chance for either side to withdraw their claims and walk away unharmed. Assuming neither of you do that, both parties will return to their respective white line and await the king’s order to start combat. Now then, do you have any questions regarding procedure?

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. I’m good.”

“Very good, sir. I shall send word to the king that you are ready to begin. And that your partner has yet to arrive.”

He hurries away as Arc walks over to the iron gate to wait as he looks outside. Meanwhile, in the VIP box, Gestal and Ashe sit together with Twilight. She wrings her hooves nervously.

“Oh, I do hope Arc will finish this quickly!”

Ashe grimaces. “As do I. He could probably take on Lord Goldstone alone. But that’s complicated by the fact he’s with Arbiter Ghaleon.”

Gestal nods soberly. “Yes, that’s true. I’ve never seen two griffons work so well together before.”

The door to the box opens. They turn to see Natalya, Gallus, and Gabby, whom is being pushed in a wheelchair, walk inside together. Twilight appears confused.

“What... are all of you doing here?”

Ashe looks to her friend. “I invited them, Twilight.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Yes. We need to be here.”

Gallus scoffs. “To see this matter through, that is.”

Gabby winces as she is parked at the end of the row of seats. “We only have one dad, after all!”

Gestal sighs. “Yes, I suppose that is true.”

The sound of hooffalls ring out behind them. They step aside as Flash Sentry and Raven enter the room together. Ashe looks to them, confused.

“Um... is this really best for...?”

Raven nods soberly. “Like Natalya and her siblings, I want to see this matter end with my own eyes.”

Twilight smiles. “Then let’s all sit down and watch Arc beat these two together.”

They do so as Ashe turns to Flash Sentry.

“I thought you were going to be... you know... taking my place.”

“That I was, yes. But the commander said someone else volunteered.”

Raven smiles and leans her head on Flash Sentry’s shoulder. “That’s good. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you.”

Twilight looks to Flash Sentry. “Um... any idea who?”

Flash Sentry shrugs. “No idea. The commander didn’t say. He just said that they had insisted.”

Gestal points a talon. “It appears we are almost ready to begin.”

Looking out, they see King Guto walking slowly toward the highest place of honor overlooking the arena. An ancient stone throne sits there, freshly cleaned, as he looks out over the crowd. They cheer as he gazes out at his subjects. Sometime later he holds up a talon for silence before speaking into a microphone so as to allow all assembled to hear his words.


The crowd boos for a time before the king again speaks.


The iron gates open to allow Goldstone and Ghaleon to enter the arena pit. They walk to their marks and looks to the king as he continues.


Goldstone bows respectfully. “I come here today personally to issue the call for the Battle of Truth!”


Ghaleon takes a step forward. “Arbiter Ghaleon, sire!”


Goldstone nods. “I do, sire!”


The iron gate before him lowers to allow Arc to advance into the arena pit. Taking a deep breath, he looks over his shoulder one last time before stepping forward. Approaching his mark, Arc puts a hand on his chest and bows cordially to the king. Twilight gasps.

“He doesn’t have a partner!”

Gestal pulls a handkerchief and hastily rubs his glasses. “WHAT?!”

Ashe moves to stand. “I’ll head down there and...!”

She gasps and doubles over as a burst of pain shoots through her body. Flash Sentry grabs the young griffon and helps her sit back down.

“Please, Ambassador rest yourself! I’ll go and help the commander!”

Raven gasps as she latches onto his fetlock. “What?! NO!”

Twilight stands soberly. “I should be the one to...!”

Sereb enters the room and interrupts her.

“No, your highness.”

Natalya grins as she turns to face him. “Sereb! Why don’t you...?!”

Sereb cuts her off. “I believe that Arc has everything well under control.”

Gallus points a talon to the arena pit below. “But he can’t hope to win against both of them alone!”

Gabby nods fervently. “Yeah! My dad’s REALLY good at fighting!”

Sereb walks over to the railing and puts his paws on it. “Nevertheless, I am certain Arc knows what he is doing. We must trust in him now, as we have in the past.”

Twilight sighs as she sits back down. “Very well. Let’s just see what he does.”

Meanwhile, the king looks to Arc.


“I am Lord Arc of the Equestrian nation! I come here today to fight on behalf of Ambassador Ashe whom brought forth the charges against the accused!”

Guto smirks inwardly as he speaks. “AND WHOM STANDS WITH YOU?!”

“At the moment I stand alone!”

The crowd murmurs to themselves as the king inquires further.


“I do, sir! However, it looks like they’re running a bit late!”


Arc nods. “Very well, your highness! I accept.”


Arc steps forward as Goldstone and Ghaleon do the same. As the three come together in the center of the arena Goldstone smirks.

“I guess this means that I win.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Not yet you haven’t.”

Ghaleon raises an eyebrow, surprised. “You didn’t come forward to surrender, Lord Arc? After all, as it stands this will be a two-on-one battle.”

“Actually I just wanted to see if Lord Goldstone wanted to confess.”

Goldstone sneers. “Confess?!”

Arc nods. “To the crimes we brought forward as well as the other ones that... cropped up after the fact.”

Goldstone points a talon to Arc angrily. “I am NOT confessing ANYTHING, nor will I be surrendering to the likes of YOU!”

Ghaleon nods soberly. “Nor am I, Lord Arc. While I hold no ill will towards you personally, honor dictates that I fight you for the honor and well-being of my old partner.”

Arc sighs. “I understand. But I do have one final question.”

Goldstone rolls his eyes impatiently and groans. “What is it?!”

“Once we part ways here there’s no turning back, right?”

Ghaleon nods. “That is correct, Lord Arc. This is the final chance for you to call this whole thing off and walk away... while you still have legs.”

“Thank you, sir. That’s all I wanted to know.”

Arc turns to walk away. However, Goldstone calls out in a confused tone.

“So... you’re actually going to fight both of us by yourself?”

Looking up, Arc smirks. He turns back to the pair and chuckles.

“Looks like my partner is here.”

The sky begins to darken as thick clouds suddenly cover the sun. King Guto, along with pretty much everyone else, look up instinctively. A low rumble reverberates across the land as a portal opens next to Arc. A pony clothed in a back cloak steps through. The light sound of armor rattling around under it is the only sound heard on the wind as the portal closes behind them. Taking a moment to compose himself, the king speaks.


“I come now to fight against Lord Goldstone alongside his accuser!”


The figure tosses aside the black cloak to reveal golden plate armor and a matching headpiece. A collective gasps from the audience is heard as they call out in a booming voice.


Everyone in the crowd is silent as Twilight’s eyes grow wide.

“P-P-Princess Celestia?!”

Ashe leans forward instinctively. “She came here personally?!”

Sereb nods. “So it would seem.”

Gestal leans back in his seat. “If the tales told of her are to be believed then I believe we’re in for quite a treat.”

Gabby giggles happily. “She looks SO COOL!”

Gallus smirks. “Things are looking up for our side!”

Natalya nods. “That they are. She wrote the book on melee combat.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

Ashe turns to Twilight. “I believe she means it literally. Many of the moves taught to soldiers today originated from her fighting experience I’m told.”

Meanwhile, Goldstone points an accusatory talon at his opponents.

“What is the meaning of this, Lord Arc?!”

Arc looks to him innocently. “I don’t understand your meaning, Lord Goldstone. You have one partner and I have one partner. It’s completely fair and balanced.”

Ghaleon smirks as he looks over Celestia. “Looking forward to this battle more all the time!”

Goldstone turns to him angrily. “Don’t you know whom this is, Ghaleon?!”

“Yes, I do! A challenge!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest as he smiles wickedly. “Well, I suppose this really is your last chance, Goldstone. What will it be? A public confession and voluntary surrender? Or will you continue to resist justice?”

Celestia narrows her eyes as she looks to Goldstone. “Please... resist.”

Goldstone seethes. “The battle is still on!”


Goldstone and Ghaleon turn and head back to their line as Arc and Celestia do the same. As they walk Arc turns to her and lowers his voice instinctively.

“Cutting it kinda close, weren’t you?”

Celestia smirks as she looks at him out of the corner of one of her large eyes. “Nervous I wouldn’t show up?”

“Actually, yeah.”

“Just wanted to make an entrance.”

“You had me real worried back there. But I have to admit that I did enjoy seeing the look on Goldstone’s face when he laid eyes on you.”

“As did I. But my plan was so much more than that.”


Celestia smiles slyly. “I wanted to make sure Goldstone was all puffed up and ready to fight before I came.”

“Uh... why?”

“So that there would be less chance of him withdrawing. As it stood, had he decided to surrender after I arrived, he would have been a laughingstock to the entire country.”

“You must want to take Goldstone down almost as much as I do.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “More, actually.”

Arc frowns. “That’s debatable.”

Celestia groans as she turns to him. “Look, we can either continue arguing over whom hates Goldstone more, or we can get this done.”


“One question though. How do you feel about Arbiter Ghaleon?”

Arc shrugs. “He’s a decent enough griffon as far as I can tell. I heard he’s just doing this because of his past service in the military with Goldstone.”

“Very well. You can take him and leave Goldstone to me. That is, if you can keep your desire for his blood in check.”

“As long as that rapist gets what’s coming to him, I don’t really care whom does the deed.”

Celestia grins wickedly. “Believe me... he will.”

Coming to their line, the pair turn to face their griffon opponents across the arena. Arc calls forth his armor and pulls the Spear of Righteousness from his ring. Celestia summons a sword and shield via magical means as Arc looks to her, confused.

“Um... not really sure how you’re supposed to use both of those with hooves.”


Putting the shield in a holster on the side of her armor, Celestia grips the sword in her fetlock and turns back to Arc.

“Any questions?”

Arc shrugs. “I shall never doubt again.”

“Admittedly, this would be easier with magic.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You weren’t here for the explanation of the rules. How did you know magic wasn’t allowed?”

“I didn’t.”

“Then why...?”

Celestia smirks as she interrupts him. “Because this wouldn’t be much of a challenge then.”

King Guto looks all around at the crowd as he raises a talon. Glancing at both parties in the arena before him, he winces and makes a downward slicing motion.


Arc and Celestia charge forward as the crowd watches breathlessly. Celestia, having more legs, easily outpaces Arc and makes a beeline for Goldstone. Raising his shield, he holds back her attack. Grimacing, Goldstone looks to Celestia angrily.

“I was hoping to take on your partner!”

Celestia grits her teeth angrily. “You’ll have to deal with me first!”

Arc runs to Ghaleon and swings the Spear of Righteousness. Effortlessly dodging it, Ghaleon counters with a swing of his own spear. Rolling out of the way, the pair circle one another for a time as they size each other up. Ghaleon is the first to speak.

“I was hoping to test my mettle against your princess!”

“Yes, well... you’ll have to make do with me then!”

“Very well!”

Meanwhile, Twilight covers her face with her hooves.

“I can’t watch!”

Shining Armor cups his hooves in front of his face and shouts. “KICK HIS FLANK, SIR!”

Gestal watches stoically. “Quite the display of martial prowess!”

Ashe sighs. “Yes, father. But it really should be me down there.”

Flash Sentry grits his teeth. “Or me!”

Natalya gasps. “But you’re in no condition to fight, ambassador!”

Gallus grins as he watches. “Yeah! And it’s getting pretty heated down there!”

Gabby cries out happily. “GO DAD!”


Meanwhile, as the fight below him rages on, King Guto looks to his right as an individual approaches.

“It took you long enough to show up!”

The Storm King frowns as he folds his arms over his chest.

“I arrive when I intend to! Not sooner or later!”

Guto groans. “Fine! Whatever! Did you bring the device?!”

Nodding, the Storm King reaches inside his cloak. He pulls out a strange looking device and gives it to King Guto as he speaks.

“This is a portable Magic Disrupter. It will negatively affect anyone you aim it at whom has magical powers.”

“How does it work?”

“Simply keep it on your lap and aim it at the arena floor before holding the large red button down.”

“And you’re sure that it will affect only Lord Arc and Princess Celestia?”

The Storm King nods. “Yes. Your two circus clowns down there will be totally unaffected since they don’t have magic of any kind. Just don’t do it for more than a couple seconds, or someone might get suspicious.”

“Very well. Let’s see here...”

He points the device in the general direction of the arena floor and presses the button. Arc puts a hand to his forehead and stumbles back slightly. Ghaleon groans impatiently.

“What are you doing, Lord Arc! This is supposed to be a proper battle!”

“I... I don’t know.”

Celestia frowns as she stumbles to one side. Moving slightly in order to block an attack from Goldstone with her shield, she looks around in an effort to get her bearings. Ghaleon strikes at Arc with a well-placed blow sending him flying across the arena. He crashes into Celestia as Goldstone knocks her into his path with a blow of his own. The pair roll along the ground for a time before coming to a stop some distance away with Arc on top of Celestia.


As she pushed Arc away, the king releases the button. Arc and Celestia get to their feet as she frowns at him.

“Watch your footwork! You act like this is your first time fighting!”

“Sorry! I don’t know what happened!”

Celestia groans as she charges forward. “Well, do better or it will be your last!”

Meanwhile, Twilight frowns and puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. Shining Armor turns to her.

“Something wrong, Twilight?”

“I felt something just now.”

Gestal turns to her. “Something?

“Not sure what it was though.”

Ashe squints as if looking for something. “Can you describe it?”

“Like a magical wave of some kind.”

Flash Sentry appears confused. “Here in the Griffon Kingdom, your highness?”

Raven gasps. “But that shouldn’t be possible, right?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “I don’t see how. The only ones whom can use magic here are the princess and general.”

Shining Armor nods. “And it wasn’t me.”

Gallus points a talon. “Could it have been Lord Arc or Princess Celestia?”

Gabby seethes. “You mean they’re CHEATING?!”

Gestal shakes his head. “I don’t see how.”

Twilight narrows her eyes as she looks at the combatants below. “That and it didn’t feel like any kind of traditional magic to me.”

Shining Armor looks to his sister. “Should we call The Equinox to try and pinpoint it with their sensors?”

Twilight nods. “Please do.”

Shining Armor pulls out a radio and makes the call. Meanwhile, the Storm King calls out to Guto.

“How did it work? I can’t see anything from back here.”

Guto smiles and nods. “Very well! Goldstone and Ghaleon were able to knock their opponents back effortlessly.”

The Storm King smiles wickedly. “I said I would deliver.”

“That you did.”

King Guto looks down at the four below whom continue to fight. Patting the device in his lap, he smirks.

“I am glad that the Council of Shadows sees the merit in aiding us in this particular matter.”

The Storm King scoffs. “Much as I hate to admit it, we do need Goldstone alive. After all, he’s keeping our organization afloat in both bits and various supplies. Much like he does with your nation it would seem.”

Guto frowns. “Yes, I... we do need him as well. Even with as much trouble as he’s become, Lord Goldstone is an integral part of our nation’s ruling body.”

Scoffing, the Storm King calls out as he turns and walks away.

“Whatever. Just be sure that he has a favorable outcome. And do be sure to tell him to keep a tight rein on anyone else he decides to plow.”

Arc swings at Ghaleon and misses as he frowns. “You’re pretty quick for an old timer!”

Ghaleon smirks. “And you’re pretty slow for a youngling!”

The pair lock spears and stare each other down. Arc motions to Ghaleon’s weapon with a glance.

“Nice weapon! Where’d you get it?!”

“It’s been passed down from arbiter to arbiter for generations!”

Goldstone slams into both of them as Celestia chases after him. Grunting, she glances at Arc as she and Goldstone continue their fight.

“Keep your head in this!”

Goldstone grunts. “You too, Ghaleon!”

Arc smirks as he and his opponent again lock spears. “Sorry. I was just trying to figure out where his weapon came from.”

Celestia groans. “It was a gift to me from Star-swirl the Bearded! I gave it to King Grover centuries ago as a token of Equestrian peace! Happy?!”

“Uh... yeah.”

Goldstone groans impatiently. “Then get back to fighting, you two!”

Celestia grimaces in pain and puts a hoof to her forehead as Goldstone kicks her across the arena. Both Arc and Ghaleon wince at such a display as Arc puts a hand to his own head. The arbiter looks to Arc a bit concerned.

“What are you doing?!”

“Sorry. Something just felt... off.”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes. “Again?! What, are you afraid to fight me now?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. It’s just...”

He turns to see Celestia and Goldstone still duking it out. She winces momentarily which allows Goldstone to kick her in the face. Arc too groans as he feels something amiss inside himself. Ghaleon narrows his eyes as he notices the pattern.

“Something... is not right here.”

Arc turns to him. “Arbiter?”

Frowning, Ghaleon points his spear down and plants it in the dirt as he sits down on his haunches. Arc appears confused as he speaks.

“Sir, what are you...?”


“Um... shouldn’t we be... you know...?”

Ghaleon narrows his eyes. “I smell a rat here.”

Goldstone looks over, clearly angry. “Ghaleon?! Why are you...?!”

Ghaleon cuts him off. “Something’s not right here, Goldstone! So you can carry on with your own fight while Lord Arc and I try to figure this out!”

“WHAT?! But you can’t DO THAT!”

“I can, and I am!”

Goldstone seethes. “You... YOU TRAITOR!”

As Ghaleon turns his head and scoffs, Goldstone charges forward. Seeing his opponent at the last possible moment, Ghaleon has just enough time to attempt to block the attack before it reaches him. However, it is a moment too late. Goldstone, with a quick motion of his own weapon, knocks Ghaleon’s spear from his talons and up into the air. It flies high, eventually embedding itself into the base of King Grover’s statue just below the king’s stone throne. Guto draws back instinctively as everyone watching breathes a collective gasp. Wasting no time, Goldstone shoves Ghaleon into a wall and presses the shaft of his own spear against his partner’s neck. Ghaleon glares at him.

“You DARE... strike the Arbiter!

Goldstone nods wickedly. I do! If you’re not with me, then your against me!

Arc moves to stand with Celestia. Turning to her, he speaks.

“Um... should we... do something?”

Celestia shakes her head. “No. Just watch what comes next and wait for the right moment to strike.”

Arc frowns. “What could possibly...?!”

“Trust me.”

Shrugging, Arc folds his arms over his chest and does as Celestia suggests. Ghaleon struggles to breathe as the shaft continues to press into his neck.

“Goldstone... what are you...?!”

“Fool! Don’t you get it?!”

“Get... what?!”

Goldstone smirks. “It’s true!”

“What is?”

“All of it!”

Ghaleon seethes. “You mean...?!”

Goldstone nods slyly. “That little skank of a mare from Equestria... my former slut of a secretary... heck, I remember half of the backsides of those females whom wormed their way into my trial!”

The guards around the perimeter brandish their weapons and look to the king for guidance. Grimacing, he motions for them to hold back.


Goldstone continues as he looks his partner in the eye.

“I’m going to beat these fools without you, old friend. My powerful friends have seen to it that I can’t lose. Then I’m going to found innocent of all these foolish little charges and return to the Council of Lords to help them pick your replacement.”

Ghaleon grimaces. “You’re insane! They’ll never let you back in after doing something like this!”

Goldstone laughs heartily. “Fool! Coming out on top of accusations like this, as well as besting you, will ensure that NO ONE will EVER dare challenge me again!”

As he continues laughing, Ghaleon joins in the revelry. Confused, Goldstone eyes his former friend.

“What’s so funny, Arbiter?

“Tell me this, old friend. How are you planning to appoint another arbiter... when I’m still alive?”

Grabbing the spear, Ghaleon pushes the butt end of it up mightily. Forcing Goldstone to bury the point in the dirt, he kicks him savagely across the arena. Arc and Celestia dive out of the way as their opponent whizzes past and plows face first into a wall. Turning to Celestia, Arc speaks.

“Was that it?”

Celestia nods as she turns and walks toward Goldstone. “ Yes. You and Arbiter Ghaleon stay back. This cretin is MINE!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Fine. We’ll just watch then.”

Ghaleon flaps his wings and flies over to King Grover’s statue. With a mighty tug he collects his weapon from the ancient stone base. Turning, he cries out.

“Princess Celestia! Take this!”

Tossing his spear to her, Celestia catches it in midair with a quick motion of her fetlock. Smirking, she pats it tenderly.

“It feels good to hold this weapon again.”

Turning to Goldstone, she points it at him menacingly.

“Prepare to face the unbridled wrath of the Spear of Justice, worm!”

She levies the spear and charges headlong at Goldstone. Smirking, he looks over to the king out of the corner of his eye. Guto makes a slight nod to him. His talon hovers over the button as he watches and waits. As Celestia nears Goldstone the king presses it. However, Celestia fails to slow her stead. Pressing the button over and over again, Guto frowns. Seeing this, Goldstone lunges out of the way and gasps.

“What the...?!”

Celestia turns to face him with a smirk on her face. “What’s the matter, Goldstone? Lost your nerve?”

Seething, Goldstone gets to his feet and charges forward. However, Celestia effortlessly disarms him and smacks her opponent in his backside with the butt of the Spear of Justice. Tripping, Goldstone rolls across the arena floor. Meanwhile, Shining Armor’s radio rings out.

“Lemon Hearts to General Shining Armor!”

“Shining Armor here. Go ahead.”

“Moon Dancer has just picked up some abnormal readings from your current location! She believes it to be magic disruption waves!”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “But that’s not possible. The Griffon Kingdom doesn’t have anything like that.”

Ashe nods. “Right. After all, there’d be no point, as no one here has magic.”

Twilight speaks into the radio. “Could she have been mistaken. Lemon Hearts?”

“Moon Dancer is certain, your highness! Somepony is trying to rig the fight!”

Natalya frowns. “But who would dare...?!”

Gallus interrupts and points an accusatory talon at the arena floor. “Someone with nothing to lose! Like Goldstone!”

Raven seethes. “That coward!”

Flash Sentry stands. “We can’t let him get away with it!”

Gestal nods as he too rises. “Agreed!”

Twilight gasps. “What are you going to do, Lord Gestal?”

“Fly down there and inform everyone of this treachery!”

Flash Sentry grins. “I’ll come too!”

Natalya spreads her wings. “As will I!”

Gallus grins as he joins her. “With you all the way, big sis.”

Gabby’s eyes grow wide as she turns to her older sister. “What?! Who’s side are you on?!”

“Fairness and honesty.”

Spreading their wings, the three griffons and pony fly down to the arena floor as Twilight looks to her brother.

“General Shining Armor, please escort Gabby into the corridor.”

“Yes, princess.”

Gabby gasps. “What?! But why?!”

Twilight sighs. “Because I get the feeling it’s almost over.”

Shining Armor takes the handle of Gabby’s wheelchair and begins pushing it.

“This way, miss.”

Gabby cries out loudly. “No! Father! FATHER!”

She continues calling out as Shining Armor half pushes, half drags her into the corridor. Raven walks over to Twilight and puts her hooves up on the guardrail as she speaks.

“Shall we watch, your highness?”

Twilight nods. “Much as I’d rather not, I shall.”

Meanwhile, Gestal lands in front of the arena guardrail along with the others and looks up at King Guto.

“Sire! Someone is attempting to rig this competition!”

Guto feigns confusion. “Gestal?! What are you saying?!”

Natalya cries out. “There’s a magical disrupter being used here, sire!”

Gallus clenches a talon angrily. “Yeah! Someone’s trying to cheat!”

Flash Sentry points a hoof at Goldstone. “And I know just who would do such a thing!”

Celestia smirks as she looks down at her opponent. “So much for that.”

Goldstone’s eyes grow wide. “P-Princess Celestia?”

Celestia holds up the spear as she talks. “The Spear of Justice protects its wielder from such things.”

“What?! But... but that would mean that YOU’RE cheating!”

Ghaleon scoffs. “How so?!”

Goldstone points at the spear in Celestia’s fetlock. “By using a magical weapon!”

Arc scoffs. “Which YOUR side brought into battle!”

Ghaleon shrugs. “Admittedly it does have innate powers, yes. However, I was told by King Guto himself that such a thing was acceptable, as I’m not a magic user.”


Celestia grins wickedly as she turns back to Goldstone. “Now then, we shall finish this matter... permanently.”

Goldstone smirks as he readies himself. “Yes... that we shall.”

Celestia sneers. “Agreed!”

The pair meet spear to sword, each grunting and pressing with all they are worth in an attempt to gain the upper hand, er hoof... um... or talon. Goldstone looks Celestia in the eye as he snorts.

“What’s your angle, princess?!”

Celestia glares at him. “I’m taking you down!”

Goldstone scoffs. “You act as if this is some kind of personal vendetta!”

“It is!”

“What did I ever do to YOU?!”

“You hurt one of my little ponies! And for that...!”

She turns and makes a sweeping motion with her tail. Catching his foot, Celestia gives it a tug, knocking him onto his back. She takes aim with her spear and lunges forward as she screams loudly.


Piercing his gut, Celestia then kicks Goldstone across the arena to land in the dirt yet again. Stumbling to his feet, with a talon instinctively holding onto the spear planted in his midsection, he looks to Celestia angrily as she smugly smiles and looks down her nose at him.

“Now then, I do believe it’s time for you to surrender, Goldstone.”

Goldstone coughs. “Not... yet.”

Reaching into his armor, Goldstone pulls out a small knife. Winding up to throw it at Celestia, he pauses momentarily as a strange sound overhead rings out. Looking up, Goldstone spies the base of King Grover’s statue overhead cracking. It snaps at the ankles and falls toward him. Screaming out, he gasps as the blade in the statue’s talon pierces his chest. Gasping, he drops the knife as a steady stream of blood begins to flow down the blade and onto the ground. As his lungs fill, Goldstone struggles to speak.

“It... it wasn’t supposed... to end... like...”

Celestia walks over to him and puts a hoof on the Spear of Justice. She looks his straight in the eye before speaking.

“Goodbye... Lord Goldstone.”

Yanking the spear unceremoniously from his belly, the griffon’s guts spill out messily. He falls face first into the dirt and does not rise as the blood quickly begins to pool around him. Celestia turns and holds the bloody spear aloft triumphantly as the crowd breaks into uproarious cheers. King Guto frowns and looks down at the device angrily.

“Piece of junk! The Council of Shadows has much to answer for!”

The king seethes inwardly as he gazes out at Goldstone’s dead body lying in the bloody mud with the statue’s blade still piercing him. Shaking his head, he muses to himself.

“The legend... King Grover’s spirit watching over this place. Disliking any form of cheating or subterfuge. Could it have been... that he had merely had enough of Goldstone’s antics that he wouldn’t allow him to win?”

Guto sighs as he stands and shoves the device into his royal cloak. Walking down the corridor away from the balcony, the sounds of cheering echo down the way surrounding him with the sounds of a joyful noise. Shuddering, he bows his head and sighs.

“One day they may be cheering at my own death at the talons of the rebels.”

Tapping his beak slightly, he stands there for a moment before regaining his resolution and poise.

“No. No, it will not come to that. I won’t let it!”

Chuckling as he continues on his way, Guto nods to himself.

“And I think I know just the individual to help me see to that... once and for all.”

Author's Note:

And there we have it. This story arc is finally done and Raven has her cloture. :raritystarry: For those whom have wanted this to happen for a VERY long time and are worried about Goldstone regenerating, or coming back in some way I can assure you...


Stay tuned for the VOLUME FINALE coming this weekend. In the meantime, here's an alternate picture of Celestia...

Let me know in the comments section which one you liked more. :trollestia::twilightsmile:

I'm only about halfway done with the next volume, so it's going to be a while before it's translated and ready for everyone. Liking how its shaping up so far and hoping the wife likes it too. Fingers crossed there. :raritystarry:

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