• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - ...Hits the Fan

Arc, Derpy and Dinky awaken early the next morning to another day. Derpy gets up and begins to make breakfast. She turns to Dinky and Arc as she finishes cooking.

“Did you two sleep well?”

Arc stretches. “Yes! Even after I drank all that tea yesterday.”

Dinky helps her mother put the food on the table. “I always sleep well when dad’s home!”

Derpy smiles. “That’s good! I think we all have a busy day ahead of us!”

Dinky sits down excitedly! “Right! Today’s our field trip!”

Arc serves Dinky some eggs. “I hear you two are going to Canterlot. Touring the castle?”

Derpy smiles. “We are!”

“Are you and your classmates excited, Dinky?”

“Yeah! It’s not every day we get a chance like this!”

Derpy laughs. “Maybe we’ll see the princesses!”

Arc smiles. “I’m sure they would enjoy that. If their schedule allows, that is.”

Dinky looks up from her eggs. “Can’t they do whatever they want?”

“Well, yes and no. Yes, they CAN drop everything if they so choose, but no they can’t inasmuch as their job keeps them VERY busy!”

Derpy nods. “Yes Dinky. Remember how busy your father was when he was Lord Regent?”

“I do. But he did come home to see Miss Cheerilee for conferences!”

Arc smiles at her. “Some things are worth dropping everything, sweetheart. Your education is one of them!”

There is a knock at the door. Arc looks up.

“Who could that be?”

Derpy stands up and walks to the door. “Probably Twilight. The three of us were planning to walk to the school together.”

She opens the door to see Twilight standing there with a scarf around her neck. Derpy steps aside to allow her to enter!

“Come in Twilight!”

Twilight trots inside. “Thanks! My it’s chilly out this morning! I hope I’m not interrupting your breakfast!”

“Not at all! We’re just finishing up!”

Arc looks up. “Good morning Twilight! Thanks for helping out at the school!”

“It’s no problem! These days it seems like I only go to Canterlot when there’s something amiss! This will be a pleasant change!”

Derpy and Dinky head for the bathroom.

“We won’t be but a few minutes, Twilight! “

Twilight nods! “No problem! I’ll wait!”

She looks up at Arc expectantly.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?!”

”I would love to! But I have quite a bit to do myself! I have to make a bit of a field trip to Redemption Village.”

Twilight looks confused. “Where?”

“The Vile Tribe changed their town’s name. I need to head over there with the Hammers, Ember and Sereb to see Mythic Honor about some armor upgrades.”

“I see. Say Arc, how are you feeling right now?”

She bats her eyelashes at him and smiles.

“About the same as any day, I guess. Why do you ask?”

“No reason!“

Derpy and Dinky emerge from the bathroom, manes freshly brushed.

“We’re ready to go!”

Arc waves after them. “Have a good time you three! See you later this evening!”

Derpy looks back and nods. “See you later, Arc!”

Twilight sighs. “Bye, Arc.”

They leave the house as Arc makes his way to the bathroom. He takes a quick shower before teleporting to his quarters in Light’s Hope. Sereb is still sleeping in the living room in his usual spot. Arc opens the door to his bedroom and sees Ember still asleep.

“Hey Ember. Time to wake up lazy bones!”

She slowly opens her eyes and sits up.


“You okay Ember?”

Ember rubs her eyes as she stands. “I… I think so. Just feeling a bit out of it, that’s all.”

“Well, we should probably get this day started soon. Lots to do!”

She puts a claw to her forehead as they leave the bedroom. “Do we at least have time for breakfast?”

Arc nods as he heads toward the door. Sereb rises from in front of the fireplace and joins them.

“There’s always time to eat!”

Sereb chuckles as they walk down the corridor. “Some things never change.”

Arc looks back at Ember. “You going to make it?”

Ember puts a claw to her forehead. “Y-yeah. I think I’ll feel better when I get something in my stomach.”

The trio enters the cafeteria together and makes their way to the buffet. They grab some food and sit down to eat. Ember turns to look at Arc.

“Are we still heading to Redemption Village today?”

“Yes. If you’re feeling up to it that is!”

She nods. “I’ll manage. Eating is helping quite a bit!”


As they finish their meal, Saffron emerges from the kitchen to restock the buffet. She sees Arc and hurries over to kneel before him.

“Sir! It’s good to have you back!”

Arc looks to her a bit confused. “Um… it’s good to be back. Are you okay?”

Saffron continues to kneel. “Y-yes sir! I’m just fine! Please forgive me, but we’ve run out of eggs! I was just about to run out and buy some more!”

Arc stands up. “We can do that for you.”

She looks up at him with a horrified look on her face! “No sir! Please don’t trouble yourself with my problems! I’m sure you have many more pressing matters to attend to!”

“It’s no problem! You may be working too hard Saffron. I want you to rest when you’re done serving breakfast. Okay?”

Saffron nods and backs away slowly, keeping her head down. “Yes sir! As you wish!”

She hurries back to the kitchen leaving Arc and his group in a state on confusion. Sereb looks up to him.

“What was that all about?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think she’s just overworked. I’ll call Canterlot later and see if she can get an assistant or something.”

Ember frowns. “Why not just have Flash Sentry assign some guards to work in the kitchen?”

“That’s a good idea, Ember! He’s probably in my office right now. Let’s go see him!”

The trio makes their way to Arc’s office. They find Flash Sentry sitting at the desk going over some paperwork.

“I see you’re hard at work as always, lieutenant!”

Flash Sentry stands up and approaches Arc, saluting. “Yes sir! Always something to do! Did you want to see me?”

“I do. We’ve just come from the cafeteria and I believe Saffron could use some help in the kitchen preparing meals. “

Ember nods. “She was acting a bit out of the ordinary. Arc thinks the burden of feeding so many is finally wearing on her!”

“Really? I’ve offered to send help a couple times now, but she always refused.”

Arc nods. “Well, send someone over to help with lunch. Tell her I insist!”

Sereb sighs. “We don’t want her keeling over from exhaustion.”

“I’ll see to it, sir. Are you off on another adventure this morning?”

“Mostly making preparations for one! I’m heading to a small town called Redemption Village to talk about armor upgrades.”

“Anything we can do to help, sir?”

“Keep an eye on Saffron for me, would you? She was acting REALLY out of the ordinary earlier! Keep up the good work lieutenant!”

Arc and company leave the office and walk down the corridor together. Ember turns to him as they leave the building.

“Do you really think Saffron will be okay?”

“I hope so. We’ll check up on her when we get back from our little sojourn. If she’s unchanged, I’ll send her to Ponyville Hospital for some tests. Ember, I hate to ask this of you, but do you think you could stay with Saffron? If something IS wrong with her, I don’t want her alone!”

“Sure. But I’m not much for cooking.”

“Then this will be a good time to learn. We’ll come back for you before we leave town.

Ember sighs and turns back toward the base. “Fine! Don’t take all day though!”

“We won’t.”

Sereb looks up to Arc as Ember enters the base. “You care greatly for your subordinates.”

He nods. “I do. In addition to the general public, they’re who I’m sworn to protect!”

They make their way down the road toward town. The train whistle blows in the distance. Arc smiles.

“Sounds like the school foals are on their way to Canterlot.”

“I hope they have a good time.”

Arc nods. “As do I!”

As they pass Sugarcube Corner, the smell of baking goods emanating from the building is more than Arc can stand! He turns toward the building.

“I think I’ll just get a quick cupcake to go. Then we’ll get the eggs.”

Sereb smiles as they enter the bakery. “As you wish.”

There are a few other customers sitting at tables enjoying sweet treats as Arc approaches the counter with Sereb. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are behind the counter stocking the display cases.

Rainbow Dash puts a hoof to her head and rubs her temples. “Hi there, Arc! What can we get you today?”

“Just a cupcake to go please. But since when do you work here, Rainbow Dash?”

She shakes her head as if to clear it. “I’m… just helping out while the Cakes are out of town with the twins.”

Pinkie walks over, sounding a bit tired. “Your regular… Arc?”

“Yes please!”

Rainbow Dash head back to the kitchen. “I’ll get it for you.”

Pinkie turns to him. “Say Arc, do you think you could help me with something upstairs?!”

Arc turns to her, confused. “Okay…”

Sereb turns to look out the window. “I will wait down here.”

The pair walk up the stairs to the apartment Pinkie Pie shares with the Cakes. She closes the door behind them.

“So what do you need?”

Pinkie walks over to the window and looks out it for a few moments as she sits on her haunches with a grimace on her face.

“I… I don’t… it’s… hard to think straight!”

Arc walks over to Pinkie and kneels down behind her. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he turns her around to face him. Arc notices she has a blank look in her eyes and her body is going limp! His arms appear to be the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor!

“Pinkie?! What’s wrong with you?!”

She slowly composes herself as the strength returns to her body. Looking up at him, she speaks in a strangely even tone.

“I… I’m fine, Arc. Everything is just… fine.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, still holding her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

“Are you sure? This… this isn’t like you!”

Pinkie steps away as he lets go of her. She speaks in a rather strange tone.

“I’ve wanted to tell you something for a long time now, Arc. “

Arc takes a step or so back, slowly but deliberately. “Okay? What would that be?”

“I like you Arc. More than just a customer though! And more than a friend!”

He backs up into the apartment door. “I… uh… I like you too, Pinkie. But you’re REALLY starting to freak me out! Can you… I don’t know… take it down a notch in the creepiness department?”

Pinkie looks at him with a wild look on her face! “Do you want to play a game, Arc?!”

“I… I’m kinda busy today. Maybe next time!”

He moves to open the door but she lunges forward and puts a hoof on it! Pinkie looks up at Arc with a strange look on her face.

“What’s the matter, Arc? Don’t you WANT to play?!”

Arc rushes to the center of the room as Pinkie Pie turns and lunges at him with a hungry look in her eyes! Just before she reaches him, he Blinks behind her! She is momentarily caught off guard! Arc takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around her from behind and pick her up! She flails her hooves and squirms in desperation!

“Put me down! I want to PLAY!!!”

Sereb bursts into the room!


Barely able to contain the manic mare in his arms, he turns to his steed! “Sereb! Sleep spell NOW!!!”

Sereb quickly complies! It takes several moments, but eventually Pinkie begins to weaken as her eyelids grow heavy. Arc lies her down slowly on the floor as she loses consciousness.

“We’re going to get you some help, Pinkie. Don’t fight it!”

Pinkie doesn’t have time to respond before she passes out. With the last of her strength, she reaches a hoof out to Arc with a sad look on her face. He takes it and gives it a quick squeeze before she lapses into unconsciousness. Sereb looks down at the unconscious mare before him.

“By the Matriarch! What happened?!”

Arc scoops Pinkie Pie up and walks quickly toward the stairs! “That’s what I’d like to know! Your guess is as good as mine!”

They proceed down to the main level. The other customers look at Arc confused as they see the unconscious Pinkie Pie in his arms. Rainbow Dash stares at Arc, wide-eyed!

“P-Pinky?! What…?”

Arc lays Pinky on Sereb’s back and turns to those assembled! “Everyone listen to me! There’s been some kind of incident! I need all of you to stay seated so I can ask everyone a few questions! Rainbow Dash, wait for me in the kitchen! I’ll need to talk to you as well!


“Please! Help me help her, okay?”

Rainbow Dash walks slowly into the kitchen, angrily. “Fine! Have it your way!”

Arc turns to Sereb. “Get her to the hospital immediately! I’ll call ahead and let Doctor Horse know you’re coming.”

Sereb runs out the door! “On my way.”

Arc closes the door behind him and locks it before flipping the sign to closed. He quickly walks to the telephone on the wall behind the counter and dials the hospital. In a moment a nurse answers.

“Ponyville Hospital.”

“Nurse, this is Arc. I’m sending Pinkie Pie over to you. She should arrive in just a few minutes. Tell Doctor Horse she needs a full examination and is to be restrained at all times! No matter what Pinkie Pie tells you, she is NOT to be released under any circumstances until I personally authorize it! Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. I’ll see to it the doctor knows of these instructions.”

“Good! I’ll come by as soon as I can! Hopefully we can figure out this mess together! Thank you for your time.”

Arc hangs up the phone and turns to face the other customers. He questions them, but learns nothing new before walking over to the front door and opening it.

“Thank you for your time everyone. Please go directly to the hospital and have a full examination.”

They nod silently and leave just as Sereb returns. He turns to Arc as the door closes behind him.

“Doctor Horse says he will examine your friend immediately.”

Arc nods. “Did they restrain her when you arrived?”

“Yes. As I left, I saw them strapping her to a gurney.”

Arc heads for the kitchen. “Good. See if you can find any clues out here while I go talk to Rainbow Dash.”

Sereb sniffs around the room. “By your command.”

Arc enters the kitchen to find Rainbow Dash sitting at a table on the far side of the room, clopping her hooves together nervously! She looks exhausted!

“ARC! What happened to Pinkie?! Where is she?! Is she going to be okay?!”

“Calm down, Rainbow Dash! I sent her to the hospital. Doctor Horse is examining her now.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide! “The hospital?! Is she sick?!”

“Maybe. When I followed her upstairs, she started talking gibberish. The next thing I knew, she attacked me!”

“WHAT?! Pinkie Pie wouldn’t hurt a fly! “

Arc turns and opens several cupboards to examine their contents. “Believe me, she came at me like I was a cupcake, and she hadn’t eaten in days!”

Rainbow Dash lowers her voice. “Arc! You… you’re not going to put her away for this, are you?! I mean… there must be some kind of explanation for it!”

He opens the refrigerator. “I agree. When I looked into her eyes, well, let’s just say that wasn’t the Pinkie Pie we all know and love! It was like she was possessed!”

“What are you looking for anyway?”

“Anything to explain what happened up there! What do you think? Anything out of the ordinary happen today?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “No, nothing. It was just another day! We baked, we set out the pastries and we opened the bakery!”

She puts a hoof against her forehead. Arc looks to her, concerned.

“You okay?”

“Y-yeah! I just have a bit of a headache. Probably from all the excitement this morning. You finding anything over there?”

Arc sighs as he opens yet another cabinet. “Nothing that shouldn’t be in a bakery. I think I’m going to have to call in an investigator to look into this.”

Rainbow Dash rubs her forehead. “You can’t do that! It would totally trash Pinkie’s reputation! Can you imagine a party planner with a criminal record?!”

“Tell you what. I’ll have one of my soldiers look into it. They’ll bring whatever they find directly to me. As the arresting officer I’ll look it over and decide where we go from there.”

“Can’t you just drop the charges? I mean, we both know she’s innocent!”

“I could. However, it would be hard to justify an investigation into a normal baker! Pinkie needs help, and I intend to see that she gets it! Now don’t you worry about a thing! She’s not going to rot in a cell for this!”

Rainbow Dash buries her face in her hooves. “I wish Twilight were here!”

Arc walks over to the pegasus and puts an arm around her. “So do I.”

She holds her head once again, seemingly in agony!

“My head feels like I just flew into a brick wall while doing a Sonic Rainboom!”

Arc picks Rainbow Dash up as Sereb walks into the kitchen. “I’m taking you to the hospital!”

Rainbow Dash nods weakly. “Y-yeah!”

Arc walks toward the front of the store with Sereb at his heels. “Find anything out here?”


Arc sighs. “Well it was worth a shot.”

As they approach the front door Rainbow Dash suddenly clutches her stomach!

“Put me down, quick!”

Arc quickly does so as Rainbow Dash rushes back into the kitchen and heaves into the sink for several moments before Arc can catch up to her! He holds her head up.

“I got you! “


She throws up several more times before resorting to dry heaving! As Arc stoops down to pick her back up, she looks him in the eye. Fear in both her eyes and voice!

“What… what’s wrong with me?! My… my head!”

He turns her back toward the sink as another round of vomiting ensues! “It’s okay! I won’t tell anyone about this!”

Rainbow Dash breathes heavily, the fur around her mouth caked with vomit. “I… I think that’s the last of it.”

Arc lays her down on the counter and grabs a nearby dish towel. Wetting it, he carefully wipes around the sick pegasus’ mouth before giving her a drink of water. She flaps her wings and glides to the floor.

“Thanks. I actually feel a lot better now!”

“Good. I can carry you to the hospital if need be. Doctor Horse will get to the bottom of this!”

Rainbow Dash suddenly turns to him! “Arc, I need to tell you something!”


“Yeah. You’ve… always been a good friend. I want you to know I haven’t forgotten what you did for all of us! For… for me!”

She walks toward Arc slowly with a strange look on her face. Her wings outstretched as if she were about to take flight.


Rainbow Dash interrupts him! Turning her head to one side and looking up at Arc as she grimaces in pain!

“Tell me, Arc. Do you… do you think… could you ever picture yourself with a… pegasus?”

Arc picks up Rainbow Dash. “Okay, we are taking you to the hospital right now!”

Rainbow Dash makes a sound that Arc assumes is her version of giggling as she nuzzles his chest. “Why? So we can play doctor? You can give me an examination right here if you want!”

She dry heaves again and attempts to raise her wings but fails. Arc sighs and shakes his head.

“You’re not well, Rainbow Dash. Sereb?”

Sereb’s horn glows. “Indeed.”

Rainbow Dash’s giggles die down as she loses consciousness. The pair quickly leave the bakery and head for the hospital. Sereb looks at the pegasus in Arc’s arms.

“She’s… easier to deal with like this.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I didn’t want anyone to hear the things she was saying either. She’s always been one to speak her mind, but this…! It’s way beyond anything she’s ever said or done before!“

Sereb frowns. “Like Pinkie Pie?”

“Right! We’ll get to the bottom of this!”

Arc grabs the key on the counter next to the cash register. As he leaves the bakery, he locks the door behind them! In a short time they reach Ponyville Hospital. Arc explains the situation to the nurse.

“Keep them together and monitor them closely. “

“I’ll see to it. Shall we restrain Miss Dash as well?”

Arc sighs. “Yes. Not because she’s dangerous, but because I don’t see her agreeing to stay in bed!”

Two orderlies approach with a gurney. Arc sets her down and they quickly restrain her. As Rainbow Dash is wheeled away Arc turns back to the nurse.

“Is Doctor Horse available?”

“Yes. He’s in his office. I’ll let him know you’re coming.”

“Thank you.”

Arc and Sereb make their way to the office. He knocks lightly before entering.


“Come in! Hopefully you can shed some light on what’s wrong with my patient!”

Arc closes the door behind them. “Make that two patients. I just brought another case in.”

“Same symptoms?”

“Nearly identical. Before I brought her in, Rainbow Dash was vomiting profusely! Could it have been something they ate?”

Doctor Horse thinks for a moment. “Possible but unlikely. Pinkie Pie regained consciousness while I was examining her. She seemed a little bit quiet, which as you know is very out of character for her, but was otherwise herself. Had you not ordered her held until further notice, I would have released her. Tell me, why did you insist on her being restrained?”

“She attacked me earlier. “

“Oh my! While quite the act, that certainly isn’t caused by diet! I’ll pump their stomachs to be sure though!”

Arc sighs. “You might have trouble getting anything out of Rainbow Dash. I wasn’t aware her stomach could hold that much to begin with! Don’t let either of them leave until we know more. I’ll have someone investigate the bakery more thoroughly than I did.”

Doctor Horse nods. “Let me know what you find! I’ll contact your base if there are any changes in the patient’s conditions. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work.”

“I understand. Can I use your phone before I leave?”

Doctor Horse points a hoof at his desk. “Certainly!”

Arc picks up the receiver as the doctor leaves the room. “We’ll be in touch. Please help my friends, doctor.”

The doctor nods as Arc dials his base. Raven soon answers.

“Light’s Hope.”

“Raven? This is Arc. Can you please connect me with Flash Sentry? We have a bit of a situation here.”

“Yes sir. Right away!”

A few moments later they are connected as Flash Sentry picks up the telephone in Arc’s office.

“Sir! What can I do for you?!

“Send some guards to secure Sugar Cube Corner. No one is allowed to enter without my permission!”

Flash Sentry raises an eyebrow and sighs. “Sir? Isn’t this going a bit far for cupcakes?”

“There’s been an incident over there. We’re treating it as a crime scene until further notice!”

“I’ll send over Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage and some Royal Guards immediately!”

“Good! I’ll brief them when they arrive. Hop to it, lieutenant!”

“Yes sir!”

Arc hangs up the phone and they leave the hospital together. On the way back to the bakery they pass the Carousel Boutique. Arc turns to approach it.


“We have a bit of time before the guards get there. Let’s talk to Rarity and see if she knows anything about what her friends have been up to.”

They enter the shop to find Sassy Saddles busy at work.

“Good morning Arc! How can I help you today?”

“There’s been an incident. I need to speak with Rarity about Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash! Is she available?”

Sassy Saddles looks a bit nervous. “She’s… ah… with somepony in the next room performing a dress fitting. We’re about to take some pictures of our… um… model in Rarity’s dresses. Shall I have her call you later?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Our business is urgent.”

“Yes. I’m sorry, but this can’t wait.”

Rarity emerges from the next room with Applejack. Both of them are wearing elegant formalwear and have their hair done up. Neither of them notices they have guests.

“Believe me when I say you look quite fetching, Applejack! If you were to walk down the street in this dress, you would have no shortage of stallions looking your way!”

“Well, I’m not looking for that kind of attention! Let’s just get those pictures taken so I can get back to work!”

Sassy Saddles clears her throat loudly. Rarity and Applejack turn to see Arc and Sereb standing there for the first time.

“Oh my! I’m sorry you two! We didn’t notice you there!”

Applejack scowls. “Aw horse apples! I didn’t want anypony to see me like this!”

“You two look very nice!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“We’ll keep this to ourselves, Applejack. No one else needs to know.”

Applejack breathes a sigh of relief! “Thanks, sugarcube!”

Rarity smiles as Sassy Saddles goes to the back room to get the camera. She makes some last-minute adjustments to Applejack’s dress as she talks. “So what brings you here today, Arc?”

“These was an incident earlier today at Sugar Cube Corner. Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are in the hospital.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide! “My goodness!”

“What happened?!”

“They appear to be sick both mentally and physically. At the time both of them were talking strangely and… acting very out of the ordinary. Would you know anything about their recent activities? We’re trying to figure out how this happened to them!”

Rarity walks around Applejack to give the dress a final inspection. “Well, they’ve been working together these past few days at the bakery. I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary other than that.”

Applejack thinks for a moment. “Maybe it’s something over there!”

Sereb nods. “We’re meeting some guards there later.”

“We were hoping one of you knew something that could help.”

Applejack shakes her head. “Sorry, but I can’t really think of anything out of the ordinary going on over there.”

Rarity suddenly screams! “Look out!”

One of the backdrops legs buckles and threatens to fall over! Arc rushes forward and pushes it back up as Sereb uses his magic to fix the bent support. Rarity breathes a sigh of relief as she puts a hoof to her forehead.

“Thank you Arc! We spent hours getting our hair like this! It would be a shame to have to start all over!”

She walks over to inspect the backdrop and sighs.

“I guess it may be time for a new stand.”

Applejack facehoofs! “Really?! I think we have bigger… problems… right now. Is it hot in here?!”

Arc shrugs. “About the same as usual.”

Rarity begins to shiver. “I feel it too!”

Applejack hurries over to Rarity with Arc as she too begins to shiver and sweat! “Are you okay?!”

Rarity falls to her fetlocks on the floor. “Something is… not right…”

Arc frowns! “What is going on around here today?!”

Applejack coughs violently as she falls to her fetlocks. “Ugh… it kinda feels like a flu bug crawled inside me!”

Sassy Saddles emerges from the back room with a camera case. “Rarity?! Applejack! What’s wrong?!”

Sereb looks to Sassy Saddles. “These two are not well.”

“What do we do?!”

Arc moves to pick up the phone on the desk across the room. “Call the hospital and have them send over help!”

He does so as Sassy Saddles and Sereb do their best to help the sick mares! He puts down the phone a few minutes later and rushes over to his friends.

“Help’s on the way you two!”

Arc feels Applejacks forehead. It is cool to the touch!

“Can somepony open a window please? It’s just so hot in here!”

Applejack begins to sweat.

“Now I’m cold again! What’s going on?!”

Sereb lies down on the floor next to Applejack in an attempt to warm her up as Arc feels Rarity’s forehead. She is burning up with fever!

“It won’t take long for them to get here! Just hold on a bit longer you two! Get some blankets, Sassy Saddles!”

She runs up the steps to Rarity’s apartment about the shop! “Right away!”

Rarity looks up to Arc as sweat pours down her face. “Arc? Can… can you please do something for me?”

“What is it?”

She begins breathing heavily! “Help me take this dress off! I… I don’t want to stain it with sweat!”

“I’ll try!”

He very carefully attempts to remove the dress, but fails.

“I’ll need Sassy Saddles’ help! Sorry, but I’m not much for knowing how dresses go on and off!”

Rarity’s body trembles. “Just… just tear it!”


She looks up at him pleadingly! “Please! Rip the dress off of me if you must! I… I have to… get out… of it… right now!”

Arc tries again for a few moments before kneeling down and putting his arms around Rarity’s neck. Reaching behind her, he tears the dress right down the middle. It falls to the floor at her hooves.

“Sorry, Rarity.”

She looks up at him with a strange look on her face. “Th-thank you, Arc. That feels much better! Much better… indeed!”

She falls into Arc’s arms and begins nuzzling his chest as Sassy Saddles returns with some blankets.

“I’m so cold, Arc! Could you please… hold me?! I… I want to be warm again!”

Arc takes one of the blankets from Sassy Saddles and turns back to the mare in his lap. “This should warm you up!”

Rarity is suddenly peevish as she throws her hooves around Arc’s midsection and presses her body against him! “No! I… I need body heat to warm me up!”

Sassy Saddles looks at her employer, surprised! “R-Rarity?! What’s gotten into you?!”

Rarity looks up at Arc with a wild look in her eyes! “You’re quite the stallion, Arc! Take me! Make me your marefriend!”

Applejack jumps up woozily and stumbles over to them. “Now hold on just a minutes Rarity! That’s not the way a proper lady… should… act!”

She grabs a thick ribbon off a nearby table, tackles Rarity and proceeds to hogtie her! Rarity glares at her assailant!

“Untie me this instant you ruffian!”

Arc covers Rarity with a blanket. “Sorry Rarity, but you need to rest! Just lie there quietly, okay?”

He turns back to Applejack who is looking quite pleased with herself.

“Thanks for the help Applejack. I…”

Suddenly Applejack tackles him! The pair fall backwards with her standing over him! There is a wild gleam in her green eyes as she lies down on Arc’s chest and begins to nuzzle it. She speaks in a seductive voice as she looks him in the eye.

“I’m MUCH better looking in this dress than Rarity is! Wouldn’t you agree, Arc?”

“Applejack! I… you both look very nice today. But… I like you the way you were! Not like this!”

Applejack stands up and smiles. “Whatever you say… sugarcube.”

In one swift motion Applejack rips off her own dress and lies back down on Arc. Moving to lift his tunic as she goes back to nuzzling.

“Is that better, sugarcube?”

Rarity writhes around on the floor, angrily! “Get away from him you wretch! He’s MINE!”

Applejack gets up and storms over to Rarity! “Yours?! All YOU want is for him to…”

“Enough! Sereb, do it!”

In but an instant both Applejack and Rarity are unconscious. Sassy Saddles stands there looking at the mares, wide-eyed and in disbelief of what she has just seen!

“A-Arc? What just happened?!”

“I had Sereb put them to sleep. Don’t worry, they’ll be fine.”

Sassy Saddles shakes her head. “No. I mean… this is a side of Rarity I’ve never seen before! Forgive me, but I had no idea she was so enamored with you!”

Several EMTs enter the shop and approach the unconscious mares as Arc picks them up and lays them carefully on two stretchers.

“She’s not! At least I don’t thinks so anyways. It’s the sickness talking! Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash acted the same way! How do you feel?!”

Sassy Saddles shrugs. “I feel fine!”

“Are you sure?!”

“Yes! Other than being worried out of my mind about Rarity, that is!”

“Good. Go with the EMTs to the hospital and get checked out just to be sure.”

“I… I will!”

Arc turns to the EMTs as Sassy Saddles steps outside the boutique. “Have Doctor Horse keep them all together, but restrained at all times like the others! I don’t want to have to organize a search party later!”

The EMTs nod and quickly make their way out the door with the patients and Sassy Saddles. Sereb turns to Arc.

“What do you suppose is going on?”

Arc sighs as he leaves the shop with his friend. “I wish I knew! Let’s get back to the bakery and see if we can get the investigation going!

The pair make their way to Sugar Cube Corner. Sandstorm Mirage is waiting for him with several Royal Guards. They salute as Arc approaches.

“You needed us sir?!”

“Yes. Follow me.”

Arc leads them into the bakery and closes the door behind them as they listen for instructions.

The two mares that were running this place have taken ill. They… acted violently and had to be restrained in order to be transported to the hospital. I want you to investigate this shop and try to find some kind of clue as to what caused their extreme behavior changes! No one else is allowed to enter the building until I give the all clear. Understood?”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “Yes sir! We’ll leave no stone unturned!”

“Good. Report back to Flash Sentry with your findings and post guards outside the building before you leave. Let’s try to keep whatever this is contained! The rest of you will then proceed to Carousel Boutique and do the same.”

“Yes sir! Did the owner there also go crazy?”

“They did! Look for anything out of the ordinary, no matter how minor! I need to go talk to a friend about this! Carry on!”

Arc and Sereb leave the bakery and head for Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Why are we going to see her now of all times?”

Arc sighs. “Because four of the Element Bearers are now bedridden! If my hunch is correct, then Fluttershy will be the next to fall ill!”

“What about Twilight?”

“She’s on the other side of the country, so she’s probably fine. One way to find out though...”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Sunburst. Come in please.”

“Sunburst here. We’re still several days out on your return trip.”

“We have bigger problems right now! Have you seen Twilight today?”

Sunburst sounds confused. “Yes. She was just in my office about twenty minutes ago with a group of school foals on a tour.”

“Was she okay?”


“Did she appear healthy?”

“Yes. She seemed just fine. Shall I have her contact you?”

“No, thank you. There’s nothing she can do from there. I’ll call back if I need anything else. Arc out.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t Twilight know of her friend’s conditions?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Right now we need to keep this sickness, or whatever it is, from spreading! If all else fails, we need to keep her away from here! If she knew, she’d rush back as quick as she could!”

“Makes sense. But you do realize she will be most unhappy when she hears you kept this from her.”

“I know, but I have to keep her safe.”

Upon reaching the cottage they find Fluttershy outside feeding her chickens. She looks up at him and smiles cheerfully!

“Why hello Arc! What brings you all the way out here?”

“Hi Fluttershy. I don’t really know how to tell you this, but the rest of the Element Bearers have fallen ill! Only you and Twilight remain healthy.”

The blood drains from her face as she drops her feed bucket! “What?! How did this happen?! Are they going to be okay?!”

“I think so. We’re working with Doctor Horse to try and figure out what exactly happened to them!”

“What can I do to help?!”

“Stay in your cottage with the animals and be safe!”

“But… but what about our friends?! I want to see them!”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s not really a good idea. You could become infected too!”

Fluttershy trots in place nervously! “What about Twilight?! Maybe she can figure this out! If she isn’t sick too!”

“She’s in Canterlot. I already called over there and was told she was fine!”

Fluttershy breathes a sigh of relief! “That’s good news! If you’ll excuse me, I need to get over to the hospital right away!”

“Fluttershy, you really shouldn’t…”

Fluttershy interrupts, with determination. “No! They’ve always been there for me when I needed them! It’s time for me to return the favor! Now tell me what’s wrong with them!”

Arc sighs and nods. “They have a number of different symptoms ranging from flu-like to confusion. To put it mildly, they’re just not themselves! I’ve ordered them to be restrained at all times.

“WHAT?! But why?!”

Sereb looks at the worried pegasus. “They all attacked Arc as he tried to help them.”

Arc nods. “Pinkie Pie was the most savage.”

He shakes his head, remembering the attack. Sereb turns to him.

“I don’t like the thought of her seeing them as they are.”

“Neither do I, Sereb.”

Arc turns back to Fluttershy.

“But… I do understand your position, Fluttershy. Come with me to the hospital. I’ll tell the hospital staff you’re allowed to see them. But first I want you to have a checkup!”


The three make their way to the hospital. After explaining the situation to the nurse at the desk Arc and Sereb leave as Fluttershy is escorted down a hallway toward an examination room.

“Where to now, Arc?”

Arc opens a portal back to his quarters in Light’s Hope. “Back to base! Hopefully Sandstorm Mirage has found something we can go on!”

“What if he hasn’t?”

“Let’s hope he has!”

They step through the portal and make their way to the door.

“Can you go to the kitchen and tell Ember I want to see her in my office?”

Sereb nods. “I’ll take care of it.”


“That reminds me. You forgot the eggs.”

Arc opens the door to the corridor. “Priorities, Sereb. Priorities.”

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