• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 16 - The Interrogation

Arc, Flash Sentry and Trixie appear on the sigil in Arc's room in Canterlot Castle.

“Lead the way to the dungeon, lieutenant.”

Right this way, sir!”

Flash Sentry takes the lead with Arc following behind Trixie, his spear drawn. They enter the lower part of the castle and approach the rather bored looking prison guard on duty. He straightens up when he sees Arc.

“S-sir?! What can I do for you?!”

Arc points at Trixie. “I want this mare locked up until further notice! She is not to have any visitors, nor is she to be allowed to socialize with any other prisoners! Keep her isolated! The princesses will dictate her fate!”

“Yes sir!”

Arc and Flash Sentry follow the guard and Trixie to a cell. The guard opens the door and pushes Trixie inside.

“Don't try casting any magic in there! This cell is designed specifically to hold rogue unicorns!”

Trixie looks to them indignantly! “You can't keep me in here forever!”

“You're right. Tartarus is lovely this time of year.”

Arc leans forward and looks Trixie in the eye.

“Ask me how I know this.”

Trixie gulps as Arc turns to the prison guard. “I will notify the princesses of Trixie's crimes personally. Until they make a ruling, my earlier orders stand!”

“Yes sir! That is understood!”

Arc turns back to Trixie. “I’ll see to it you get a fair trial at the very least. After I report to the princesses, they’ll probably send someone over to take your statement or something.”

Trixie walks away from the door huffily! “Fine! You just run back to your high and might mistresses, like a good little slave! I’ll beat this! Just you watch!

“Somehow I doubt that. But it’s your future at stake, not mine. Think what you will of me, but I don’t serve the princesses’ beak and call.

She lies down in a pile of hay in the corner. “...right…”

He opens a portal back to Light’s Hope. “Right. I serve the innocent.”

Arc and Flash Sentry enter the portal and are transported back to Light's Hope's Main Hall. Night has fallen.

“I have to notify the princesses of the events at New Beginning's Orphanage. Come with me and see how these things are done. Oh, and lieutenant?”

“Yes sir?”

“Good work back there! You didn't give in, and you didn't hesitate... not once! I’m proud to call you my lieutenant!”

“Thank you sir! Thanks... for coming after us.”

Arc nods. “You’re welcome. I don’t leave anyone behind!”

He turns to Raven.

“Raven, I need to speak to the princesses. Patch them through to the War Room. And have Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage join us.”

“Yes commander!”

Arc and Flash Sentry proceed to the War Room. Sandstorm Mirage meets them there. They shut the door behind them and Arc sits down in the chair in front of the hologram teleconference up-link and waits! Flash Sentry stands behind him and to his right, Sandstorm Mirage to Arc's left. A few minutes later the princess’ holograms appear before Arc. Both princesses are looking down and going over paperwork.

Arc looks at the projection for a moment before speaking. “Okay, I gotta say it... this is kinda creepy!”

Cadance continues going over paperwork, but manages a smile and a laugh. “You called us, remember?”

“I guess you got me there. This thing needed to be tested at some point though.”

Luna slowly looks up to Arc. “In any case, we… ARC! Are you two all right?!”

Cadance’s neck snaps up to look up! “Oh my Celestia! What happened?!”

Arc looks down at his blood-soaked armor. “Sorry! I guess we should have cleaned up first! Don't worry. None of this blood is ours... strangely enough.”

He relates the story of the day's events in the Vanhoover Aqueducts.

Cadance appears concerned. “Are you saying there are ogres living below the Orphanage?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. It looks like they have been there for quite some time actually!”

Luna appears stern. “We will dispatch Captain Decimus at once with a battalion to wipe them out!”

Arc looks to her confused. “Why?”

“Because they're OGRES! We can't be sure they won't eventually attack Vanhoover!”

Cadance looks to Luna. “That sounds a bit extreme, Luna. Arc, what do you think?”

“They’ve lived there peacefully for this long. If you meet them with aggression, they will answer you with aggression! I suggest you send a peace envoy to attempt and establish a treaty of some kind.”

Luna shakes her head. “You can't negotiate with ogres! They are selfish, violent, monstrosities who...”

Arc interrupts her. “…who sound an awful lot like humans to me!”

Cadance nods. “Arc is right! We can't just attack them without cause! If we do, we're no different than monsters ourselves!”

Luna is silent for a time.

“Perhaps you two are right. Forgive my earlier outburst. We will meet with the Ogre King Megut before making any... lasting decisions.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna.”

“What of the wolf-like creature you were presented with?”

“His name is Kane. I gave him his freedom and he headed back to his hometown in the southern Dragon Lands. He said his tribe was called "The Forsaken". Apparently, I now have an open invitation to his village, on the condition that I do not bring any ponies with me.”

Luna looks out at Arc, amazed! “Actually yes. I have already been invited to the Hydra Village by Hydra Prime Ikis. This way I can save a trip and visit both places.”

Cadance nods, clearly impressed! “You are quickly becoming quite the diplomat, Arc!”

“I prefer words over weapons any day.”

Luna clears her throat and continues. “And this unicorn you told us about. Where is she now?”

“I personally placed her in a cell in Canterlot Castle. Hopefully Trixie can provide us with information that will be helpful in future investigations.”

The Princess of the Night nods. “This Trixie... what should be done with her?”

“That's a difficult question. Her powers of illusion and deception are quite powerful. Had I not been able to see through them with my helmet's True-Sight enchantment, the battle may have gone very differently. Although it's worth pointing out that while she is egotistical and a coward, she is also too dangerous to release at this time.”

Cadance considers Arc’ words. “Do you think she may have some connection with Tempest?”

“I don't know for sure, but she claimed to be trying to impress her.”

Luna sighs. “We will give the matter more thought. I will have Captain Decimus personally interrogate her.”

“I am sure the Captain is much too busy to deal with such a matter.”

Cadance laughs! “To tell you the truth, he enjoys it. Says it's therapeutic! If you would rather do it yourself though...”

Arc shakes his head. “Far be it from me to take such a pleasure away from Captain Decimus. That and he does have more experience in such things then I do. Although I would be interested in knowing what he discovers.”

Cadance nods. “We will have a copy of his report sent to Light’s Hope!”

“Thank you!”

Luna looks at Arc quizzically. “If I may Arc... what were you doing at the New Beginnings Orphanage?”

“When we were originally planning the mission, Dinky pointed out a hatch on the blueprints. I wanted to see where it led. As you now know, I got much more than I bargained for!”

Luna nods. “I see. Well, we have many other matters to attend to, so we're going to have to cut this short.”

“I understand. Thank you for your time.”

Luna presses a button and the connection is severed. She sits there silently for a time.

“Luna? Is something wrong?”

“Arc… is hiding something from us.”

“Are you sure?”

Luna nod. “I am.”

“While we haven't known him for very long, we should put more faith in Arc! If he IS keeping things from us, he must have a good reason!”

Luna turns the chair to look out the window at the night sky. “While there is wisdom in your words Cadance, I do not like being kept in the dark! Fortunately for us, we have our own set of eyes and ears in Light’s Hope.”

Cadance looks down guiltily. “I still don't like the idea of spying on Arc.”

“Neither do I, but we can't risk national security.”

Cadance sighs. “I know... but that doesn't make this any easier. I wish Aunt Celestia was here.”

Luna walks over to Cadance and puts a hoof on her shoulder. “As do I, Cadance…”

Meanwhile, back at Light’s Hope, Flash Sentry looks over at Arc.

“Sir? Why didn't you tell the princesses about... well... you know?!”

“Because we still don't have any proof of wrongdoing. If I were to accuse the Captain of the Royal Guard of being a traitor without an airtight case, do you think they would ever listen to me again?!”

Sandstorm Mirage looks befuddled. “Sir? If I may... what's this about Captain Decimus?”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc as he stands up.

“Bring the Sergeant up to speed on what we know, Flash Sentry. I think I need a shower.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc removes his armor and steps into the shower. “Trixie... what secrets are you hiding? Tempest... did you survive? What am I overlooking?!”

He finishes cleaning himself up and sits on the couch in front of the fireplace. A short while later he dozes off, awakening around 2 A.M. absolutely famished!

“I can't believe I forgot to eat supper! I must have really been tired!”

Arc leaves his quarters and heads for the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door, he finds a plate of fish on one of the shelves. He smiles!

“Saffron is far too kind!”

Arc reaches for the plate but stops, draws back, and closes the refrigerator door.

“No. First things first!

Arc heads back to his quarters and quickly cleans his armor before putting it back on. He then steps onto the sigil in his quarters and teleports to his room in Canterlot Castle.

“Better make sure Trixie is still right where she belongs.”

Arc heads to the Dungeon. A different guard is on duty. He looks about as bored as the previous one. Similarly, he straightens up as Arc approaches.


“Guard, I want to see Trixie Lulamoon. I’m worried she might escape!”

“Right this way sir!”

The guard leads Arc to Trixie's cell. She is lying in a corner on the floor. Her horn is covered with a strange looking headgear and all four of her hooves are shackled. She does not move as the guard opens the door for Arc. The stench of piddle hangs in the air.

Arc turns back to the guard. “What's that on her head?”

“A Magic Nullifier. Captain Decimus ordered it be kept on her at all times, along with the leg shackles. He only finished interrogating her about 10 minutes ago.”

He raises and eyebrow. “How long did that take?”

“I'm not really sure, sir. A few hours, at least.”

Arc looks down at Trixie’s helpless form and sighs. “I wish to interrogate the prisoner myself.”

“Yes sir! Shall I bring her to the Interrogation Room for you?”

“No. I will question her at my base. Give me her shackle key.”

The guard leaves the cell. “It's on my desk. I'll be right back, sir!”

Trixie does not move but calls out weakly as she faces the wall. “...please... no more... I already told... the Captain... everything... I know...”

“Well, I have a few questions of my own. Come with me.”

Trixie does her best to stand. Her legs wobble unsteadily and the leg shackles greatly hinder her ability to walk. After shuffling a few feet her legs give way and she collapses to the floor. She tries again to rise but appears too weak.

Arc reaches down. “Here, let me help you.”

Trixie feebly tries to crawl away. “No… please don’t hurt me…”

Arc notices she is shaking. Either out of fear or the damp cold of the stone floor he does not know. The guard returns to the cell with the Trixie's shackle key.

“Her key sir!”

Arc accepts the key. “Thank you. If anyone asks where Trixie is, tell them she is at Light's Hope... uh... undergoing intensive interrogation in regards to an… ongoing investigation.”

“Yes sir!”

The guard returns to his post. Arc turns back to Trixie who has managed to crawl to a corner of the cell. She has assumed a fetal position and is now visibly trembling out of fear! Removing his cape, he walks toward Trixie and slowly wraps her up then carefully lifts the still trembling mare into his arms.

“Don't worry. I won't hurt you.”

Arc removes one of his hands from Trixie's back momentarily to open a portal to his quarters in Light's Hope.

“Here we go.”

Arc steps through the portal with Trixie and appears in his Living Room.

“It feels good to be home again.”

Trixie says nothing as he lays her down in front of the fireplace and carefully unwraps her. Although she has stopped shaking her eyes still dart nervously around the room. In the better light of his quarters, Arc notices her body is covered in contusions and a few open wounds. She still reeks of her own urine, presumably from their earlier battle. He lets her enjoy the warmth of the fire for a few moments.

“What did Decimus DO to you?! I know you weren’t nearly this hurt from our battle!”

He shakes his head.

“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?”

Trixie squeezes her eyes shut as Arc reaches toward her. “…please… no…”

Arc uses the shackle key and removes Trixie's restraints. They appear to have been too tight, as her fetlocks are painfully swollen and inflamed! He carefully picks her up and carries her to his bathroom, setting her down he turns on the shower. She winces as the warm water cascades over her bruised body. Arc returns his armor to the Magic Ring and carefully begins to wash her.
Trixie slowly opens her eyes. “What… what are you…?”

“Getting you cleaned up. Trust me... you need it!”

Trixie lays her head down on the floor of the shower. “I… um…”

Arc continues to clean the filthy mare.

“So tell me... why do you want to team up with Tempest so badly?”

“Because... I feel... or at least I used to believe... she was the only one worthy of... my talents. She always protected this world! I wanted to be a part of that!”

Arc rinses the soap out of Trixie’s coat. “By enslaving others?!”

Trixie winces as Arc’s hand touches on of her wounds. “They were just ogres! It's not like I was using other ponies!”

He begins washing a sticky residue out of her tail. “Trixie. The ogres may not be the... brightest race living in Equestria, but they have feelings too! They're not bugs to be used, abused, and crushed under your hoof as you see fit!”

Trixie does not respond, but blushes heavily. A short time later Arc finishes and helps her out of the tub before carefully drying her with a towel. She is unable to look him in the eye.

“Th-thank... you.”

“You’re not used to showing gratitude, are you?”

She rolls her eyes at Arc as he hands her a brush to fix her mane. “Why should I be? When you’re as great and powerful as I am, others should learn to fall at your hooves!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and looks down at Trixie. “I see... so since I’m stronger than you, should you not bow before me?!”

Trixie looks at him indignantly but says nothing.

Arc frowns. “I thought so.”

Trixie stands in front of the bathroom mirror and brushes her mane. Arc takes some bandages off a nearby shelf.

“Let's do something about those wounds while we're at it.”

Trixie winces as her wounds are cleaned and dressed. She finishes brushing her mane.

“Are you hungry?”

Trixie looks at the floor angrily. “...yes. They were too busy interrogating me to feed me.”

“Come with me. I haven't eaten supper yet either.”

The pair head for the door. Trixie begins to walk slowly but makes it only a short distance before falling to the ground.

“Trixie? What happened?!”

She looks up at him, furious! “Your Captain Decimus happened to me!”

“Wow. Even I didn't think he would go THAT far.”

Arc bends down to pick the injured mare up.

“Come on. I'll carry you to the Kitchen.”

Trixie instinctively draws back. A moment later she begrudgingly allows Arc to take hold of her. She sighs.

“This is humiliating…”

“Don't worry. I'll be gentle.”

The pair proceed down the corridor. Trixie looks at her surroundings.

“This is quite the base you have here!”

“Thank you. The princesses had it built specifically for me.”

Several Royal Guards walk down the hallway. Upon seeing Arc, they quickly move to the side and salute him! Trixie looks at the guards as the pass.

“I guess you're used to others bowing at your feet.”

“To tell you the truth, it gets old pretty quick. However, none of these soldiers are here against their will. They serve me... willingly.”

Trixie looks down at her hooves. “I…”

Trixie looks down at the floor with a sad look on her face unable to complete her sentence.

“In any case… here we are... the Cafeteria!”

As usual, there are many fruits in a basket on a table next to the now empty buffet. Trixie looks toward it hungrily.

“Let's head back to the Kitchen. There are leftovers from supper in the fridge.”

They enter the Kitchen. Arc carries her to a chair and gently sets her down. He opens the refrigerator door and pulls out a salad and a few sandwiches for Trixie. Putting them on a plate he sets it down in front of her.

“I think you’ll like it! My chef is quite talented.”

“Th-thank you.”

Arc turns back to the refrigerator and pulls out his own plate. He dumps the contents into a skillet on the stove and heats it up. In a few moments the kitchen smells of fish.

Trixie wrinkles her nose. “What are you MAKING?!”

He looks over his should at her. “Just reheating my fish plate. Sorry about the smell.”

Trixie appears slightly nauseous. “FISH?!”

“Us humans have to keep our strength up somehow. And with the amount of energy I expend carrying out my duties as the Hero of Light, this is the best source of nutrition for me.”

“Can't you just eat normal food?!”

He turns back to the skillet. “If by ‘normal’ you mean pony food, yes. I can eat most of the same foods you do. But my stomach wouldn't be able to digest it as... thoroughly... as yours can. Protein and carbohydrates are always needed to keep me fighting strong.”

Trixie looks at him, skeptically. “Fish don’t have much in the way of carbs.”

“I get most of them from breakfast foods and midnight pizzas.”

Trixie goes back to eating. Arc puts the now hot fish back on his plate and sits down across from her.

“So how long were you in the Aqueducts?”

Trixie sighs. “Time for my interrogation?”

“Something like that.”

She sighs. “Might as well tell you everything. It’s not like it will change anything for me. Months. Although most of that time was spent watching the ogres and learning about them.”


“To learn how they controlled their beasts, of course! Originally my plan was to observe long enough to learn their secrets. However, when I found out that the Ogre King's crown could give me the power I needed, I started watching him instead. I waited for just the right time before making my move.”

“I see. What time was that?”

“I found that the only time the oaf took his crown off was when he was sleeping. It was a simple matter to wait and take it from the nightstand!”

Arc shakes his head. “Crazy idea here. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just ASK the ogres to teach you?”

Trixie rolls her eyes. “Why would I do THAT when I can just take what I want!”

“True. But look where that mentality got you? Arrested, interrogated, and imprisoned. Great plan there...”

She looks over at Arc, angrily! “Yeah, but it would have worked if YOU hadn't shown up and ruined everything!”

“And the ogres? How long do you think they would have survived under your rule?”

Trixie looks away, furious. “Look... I'm not exactly... proud, of what I did back there. But I've always been taught that the weak should be ruled by the strong! Isn't that how things work in Equestria?”


“Well, you have Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance. They’re the most powerful of all pony-kind, so they're in charge! Now Princess Celestia is, by far, the most powerful. So, she’s the head princess. With her away the next most powerful, Princess Luna, is now taking her place with Princess Cadance in her shadow.”

Arc shakes his head. “While I can't disagree with what you have said, I must admit you have a rather narrow view of what it takes to be in charge.”

Trixie looks over to him, confused. “What?!”

“Being in charge is so much more than just barking orders and imposing your will on the masses. To be an effective leader, first you must learn to be a servant.”

She looks at him, her face aghast! “A SERVANT?!”

“The princesses do rule over Equestria and make many important decisions on a daily basis. However, they do so out of love and kindness. Thinking only of the safety of the land and its inhabitants, they give almost all of their time and energy to their duties! You don't think they just sit on their thrones all day drinking tea and eating cake, do you?”

“I don’t know! I... guess I never really thought about it that way.”

“Well from what I have seen, being a princess is no picnic! They can keep THAT job! I'm content just saving orphans and fighting demon lords!”

Trixie looks at him as if he’s lost his mind! “Why?! That doesn't sound like much fun to me!”

“It may not be much fun, but the fringe benefits make it all worthwhile!”

She looks confused. “Fringe benefits?”

“Do you remember the foals you saw when we came here yesterday?”

Trixie nods. “Yes. But I don't understand what they’re doing in a military installation such as this.”

“Those are the orphans that I liberated from Tempest. They’re staying here, as the Orphanage was quite heavily damaged in the battle between Tempest and I. Even if it wasn't, none of them wanted to return to that place of pain and suffering!”

Trixie looks away. “I'm sure Tempest had her reasons...”

“She did... just the wrong ones!”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“How in Celestia's name were you able to defeat Tempest?!”

Trixie looks Arc up and down.

“Without your armor, you don't really look very strong. Certainly not strong enough to best Equestria's finest Special Forces agent!”

“Both Tempest and I are very similar, but at the same time are very different. I draw my power from my righteousness, the powers of Light, and my desire to protect the innocent. She draws her strength from the powers of Darkness, her own tenacity, and the souls of those she has bested in combat. Although I do believe she does want to protect Equestria, her methods leave much to be desired.”

Trixie appears lost. “Darkness? Souls? I don't understand.”

“Her weapon, Light's Bane, allowed her to use the souls of those it felled to fuel the strength of the wielder. I believe at some point she lost sight of her original goal and was consumed with the desire to amass even more power. It had to end somewhere!”

She looks back at Arc with conviction in her voice. “I still believe in Special Agent Tempest! She would never do such things!”

“Believe what you will. In any case, I’ve already spoken with both the princesses and made them aware of your case. They’ll see to it you have a trial in the near future.”

Trixie appears suddenly nervous! “What... will become of me?”

“That’s up to them to decide. You did, after all, commit a heinous crime against an entire race.”

“But...! I... I guess I never really thought my actions through before I acted.”

She sighs as Arc looks to her and nods.

“I don't blame others for their mistakes! But I do insist that they pay for them...”

Trixie bows her head in shame. “I... understand.”

“How are you feeling now?”

“Better... thanks to you. I'm also not used to being indebted to anypony!”

“It's amazing what a bath and good meal can do to lift the spirits. Well, I should probably get you back to your cell now. You are still a prisoner awaiting trial, you know.”

Trixie’s eyes are suddenly filled with an intense fear! She hobbles to a corner of the room, her back to the wall!


Arc stands up quickly and rushes over to her! “Woah! What did Decimus DO to you?!”

“He's a monster! I think he actually ENJOYS hurting ponies! He... he forced me to confess to many things! None of which I actually DID!”

He sits down on the floor next to Trixie. “Like what?”

Trixie begins to cry. “Things like plotting to overthrow the Princesses, building a monster army to conquer Equestria, plotting genocide... there were other things but I was too scared to actually READ the confession I signed!”

“Maybe I can help.”

Trixie lays her head down on the floor. “I don't see how. Captain Decimus will present the confession at my trial, and that will be the end of it! Any one of those charges is grounds for banishment to Tartarus! Besides... why would you want to help me?!”

“We all need a little help once in a while too! I've suspected the Captain of the Royal Guard was dirty from the moment I met him, but I had no idea it was this bad! There is a machine in my office that can project the thoughts and memories of the user. If you would let me witness your earlier interrogation, I’ll keep you here at Light's Hope until you trial date.”

“Why would you want to see that?! It's not pretty!”

“I believe it may provide me with some additional evidence I can use in my investigation of Captain Decimus. So... will you help me... help you?”

Trixie nods her head vigorously. “Yes! Anything to avoid returning to that place! What do I have to do?!”

“Come to my office and I’ll show you.”

Arc picks up Trixie and carries her to his office. After setting her in a chair he quickly sets up the device and lowers the projector screen. He walks over to her with a crystal in his hand.

“Take this in your hooves and concentrate on your interrogation.”

She takes the crystal and nods. “Okay, I'll give it a try.”

In a few moments the screen shows a small room containing only a table and two chairs. Captain Decimus enters the room along with two Royal Guards. The Captain sits down across from Trixie as the two Royal Guards take up positions behind her on either side. He looks at her with a wicked smile on his face.

“Oh, the fun we are going to have together. So... why are you here?”

Trixie just stares at him, wordlessly.

“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? Well not to worry, I will take care of that. What's your name?”

“Trixie… Lulamoon.”

Without warning, Captain Decimus swings a hoof across the table! It catches Trixie squarely in the face! She falls backwards on the floor dazed, as the two guards grab her roughly and put her back on the stool! She sits there with a cut lip.

The captain sneers at her. “Don't lie to me! Your name is stupid unicorn! Now I ask again... what is your name?”

“But my name really is Trixie Lulamoon!”

Captain Decimus hits her again, this time in the chest! Again, the Royal Guards pick her up and set her back on the stool!

“Ah! I could do this all night! How about it, stupid unicorn? Want to go all night?!”

Trixie cannot yet raise her head from the last two blows and can only pant heavily. He speaks to her again in a patronizing voice.

Captain Decimus gets up and walks around the table to stand next to her. “Let's try this again, shall we? What... is... your... name?”

“Tri… stupid unicorn…”

He nods his head and smiles. “Very good. See? You CAN be taught!”

The captain turns away to look at the wall for a few moments. He then whirls around and hoof her in the gut! Trixie falls to the floor, the air knocked out of her!

“Wh… what was… that for?!”

He turns back and looks at her, smiling. “Fun.”

Arc watches in horror as Trixie is beaten countless times! Each time she is knocked down, Captain Decimus' guards are there to pick her back up! It isn’t long before she can no longer hold her head up!

“I've taken the liberty of writing up your confession. Do be a dear and sign it please?”

Trixie makes great effort to raise her head and reads the first few lines of the confession before she is bucked in the side ribs by Captain Decimus! He screams at her!


Trixie's head lies on the table. She weakly picks up the quill with her magic and slowly signs her name on the line as the tears begin to flow. The captain picks up the scroll and looks it over.

“Thank you for cooperating!”

Captain Decimus turns to his guards.

“Fit her with a Magic Nullifier and shackle her! She hasn't finished suffering yet!”

“Yes sir!”

As the Captain leaves the Interrogation Room he turns back to his guards. “Oh! And take your time carrying out my orders.”

The captain leaves the room. His guards roughly throw Trixie to the floor and begin stomping on her with all their might! Arc shuts off the machine, truly disgusted!

“Trixie... I-I'm truly sorry you had to go through that! You don't have to finish. I've seen enough.”

Trixie lies in the chair shaking and crying! The crystal still in her hooves. “Don't worry... you d-didn't miss... much. I... passed out... shortly after... that. The next thing... I remember was... you talking to the... prison guard... telling him... you wanted to... interrogate me!”

Arc picks her up and carries the traumatized mare to the couch. He sits with her in hip lap. “It's over now. I'll keep you safe here until your trial, as promised.”

She looks up at him, tear in her eyes. “Thank you... Hero of Light!”

“Please. Call me Arc.”

“Thank you so much... Arc! Nopony has ever done so much to help me before! To say nothing for what I did to you and your soldiers!”

Arc nods. “It's the least I could do, considering the circumstances. But it looks like I now have a new mission.”

“What is it?”

He looks her in the eye, soberly. “My troops and I are going to break into Captain Decimus' office... and steal your confession.”

“WHAT?! But, why?!”

“I can't let you be sent to Tartarus for crimes you didn't actually commit. Please don't misunderstand me. What you did was terrible and you should most certainly be punished for it. However even you don't deserve to have lies heaped upon you.”

“I don't really know what to say, Arc.”

“You don't have to say anything Trixie. At least not until we get back with the confession.”

She looks at him, nervously. “Are you sure about this?! I mean! Even the Hero of Light would be in trouble if they were found to be breaking and entering!”

“When I became the Hero of Light the princesses informed me that any orders I give carry the same weight as that of a princess! I take that to mean I can go anywhere and do anything I deem necessary in pursuit of my duty.”

Trixie raises an eyebrow. “That's... a bit of a stretch. What if your wrong about that? Or what if you get caught?!”

Arc smiles at her. “I won’t.”

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