• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Out of Sorts

A few days later Arc and his companions stand on the edge of the Channel 7 roof and look down. Ember is the first to speak.

“I’m… glad you’re feeling better, Arc.”

Arc nods but does not turn around. “Thank you.”

Sereb sighs. “It is certainly good to see you back in your normal human form.”

He nods and turns to Rose.


Rose shakes her head. “No. I do not detect your helmet anywhere on the grounds.”

Arc silently turns back to the parking lot

Ember puts a hand on Arc’s shoulder. “The guys haven’t seen Minerva on the news in several days either.”

Sereb frowns. “Perhaps she is on vacation?”

Arc sighs. “I already asked Viktor to find her address.”

Ember looks hopeful. “And…?”

“He said she’s apparently made that very difficult. Like she didn’t want to be found.”

Sereb nods. “As a local celebrity, that was probably her goal.”

Rose looks at the setting sun. “Night is coming.”

Arc turns to her irately. “I can see that, Rose!”

Sereb walks between the pair. “Arc, we should return home. The wind will soon become colder than you or Ember can handle.”

Ember nods soberly. “I’ll stay as long as you do.”

Arc sighs. “But… Cherry…”

Rose interrupts. “…would not want you getting sick looking for her.”

He turns to her angrily. “How would you know what Cherry…?!”

“Because I’m me.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “That clears it up.”

“You know mother created me to emulate Miss Cherry. I’ve done my best to learn her mannerisms and speech to more accurately mimic her.”

Arc turns back around to look away silently as Rose walks slowly toward him.

“I know my presence might make you a bit upset right now, as I’m a reminder of…”

Arc interrupts her as he speaks in a low tone. “Please stop, Rose.”

They stand there in silence as Arc looks toward the sunset.

“Cherry and I always loved watching this scene in our little Sanctuary.”

Ember steps toward him. “I know. Rest assured, we’ll…”

Arc puts up a hand for silence as he continues.

“…we’ll find her. I know, Ember. And I know she’s fine… wherever she is. But I want to… no, I NEED to find her!”

Sereb nods. “I am certain she feels the same.”

Arc turns and soberly walks toward them. “Yes. I’m sure she does. But we’re no closer to our reunion.”

He passes them and walks to the center of the roof. Ember moves to follow him but Rose puts a hand on her shoulder.

“No, Ember.”


Sereb sighs. “He needs this. Wait with us.”

Arc stands there silently as the sun finishes setting. Soon a full moon rises. Arc falls to his knees and looks down. Ember moves to follow him again but Sereb blocks her path and silently shakes his head as Rose puts a hand on her shoulder.


They watch as Arc appears to softly cry for some time before suddenly looking up at the moon angrily. He screams at the top of his lungs.


Arc continues his emotional tirade for some time as the others look on in silence. As his voice gives out Rose looks to Ember and Sereb.

“Go to him.”

“What about…?”


Ember and Sereb look to each other and nod. They walk over to their friend. Sereb puts a paw on Arc’s back.


Ember kneels down and puts her hands on his shoulders as she whispers in his ear. “It’s okay. Let it all out.”

Arc turns and wraps his arms around Ember as he buries his face in her chest. Ember wraps her arms around his head and holds him close as she sits down on the roof. Sereb stands with them resolutely in silent support as Arc continues weeping. Rose watches from a distance at the scene before turning to look away.

“Miss Cherry. I believed I knew everything there was to know about you and Arc. That is until this point. You’re disappearance has wounded Arc deeply. I… I only wish there was something I could do to help him.”

Rose looks at the stars above for a few moments before turning back toward her friends and whispering


Sereb turns his ears toward her.

“Tell Arc I’ll meet him at home later.”

The wolf nods slightly as Rose turns back toward the roof’s edge. She takes a few steps and jumps off. Landing on the lawn nimbly she straightens up and begins walking. Eventually Arc is able to calm himself enough to talk. He looks away as he wipes his eyes.

“I… I’m sorry your three.”

Ember nods. “We understand.”

Arc sighs but does not turn around. “Sorry for blowing up at you earlier, Rose.”

Silence ensues before Sereb speaks.

“Rose is not here.”

Arc turns around, confused. “She’s not?”

Ember frowns. “What? Where did she go?!”

“Rose only said she would meet us at home later.”

“Then what?!”

Sereb looks over his shoulder. “She jumped off the roof.”


Arc and Ember rush to the edge and look around.

“I don’t see her! Do you?!”

“No, I don’t!”

Sereb walks over. “I am certain she would not have jumped if her life was in any danger.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Did you at least leave her self-preservation programing intact?!”

I’m not sure if that was tied to her directives, or not.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Unlikely.”

Ember frowns. “What do you mean ‘unlikely’?!”

“Such orders would have interfered with her directives. For example, had she needed to put herself in harm’s way that might have been…”

Arc sighs. “Alright, she’s got to be okay.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “How do you know?!”

“For starters, because she’s not lying down there in pieces.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“This really is my fault. Let’s get home so I can grab the Jeep and go looking for her.”

Sereb steps forward as Arc calls forth his gauntlet. “Perhaps it is best that we do not.”

Arc turns to him, confused. “What are you…?”

“You’ve said herself that she is free to do what she wants, Arc.”

Ember stammers. “Yeah, but…”

“Sometimes one just needs some time alone to… come to terms with what troubles them.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Was that directed at her or me?”

“Both actually.”

Ember sighs. “This really must be hard on her too. Scanning for Cherry day after day. Do you think she gets tired of it?”

Arc heads for a sigil on the roof as he motions for the others to follow him. “If she does, she hasn’t said a word about it. I trust Rose’s judgment though. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”

Sereb nods. “I agree.”

Ember turns to Arc as they step onto the sigil. “But what if she doesn’t?!”

Arc sighs. “Then I’ll take that as a sign that she just wanted what she deserves.”

“Which is…?”

“Total freedom.”

Arc powers up the sigil and transports the trio back to his basement. They step off and head upstairs where supper is cooking. Max turns from the stove and salutes.

“Welcome back, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Hey guys.”

Xenos looks over from setting the table. “No luck, huh?”

Ember shakes her head. “Nope.”

Viktor walks in from the Living Room with Hugh. “The news shows it’s been another quiet day in Angel Grove.”

“Biggest story today was a flu outbreak at the elementary school.”

Ember looks over. “Do they suspect foul play?!”

Viktor shakes his head. “No. The news story said it’s running wild through the whole school district though.”

“Maybe we should look into this.”

“Nah, Ember. This happens pretty much every year to be honest.”

Sereb raises and eyebrow. “It does?”

Arc heads for the door. “Yeah. Two dozen kids in a room breathing the same air tends to do that. I know firsthand from my own childhood.”

“Supper will be ready in a few minutes, sir.”

Xenos opens the refrigerator. “I wouldn’t mind hearing more about your life growing up on Earth, sir.”

Viktor grins. “Me too!”

Arc sighs as he pauses in the doorway. “Maybe another time, guys. I… I think I’m going to lie down.”

Hugh looks confused. “But…!”

Ember walks over to him. “Aren’t you hungry, Arc?! You haven’t eaten hardly anything today!”

Arc shakes his head as he leaves the room. “I know. But… I’m just not hungry.”

The sound of Arc’s boots trudging slowly upstairs can be heard. Everyone looks to one another, confused. Eventually Max turns to Ember.

“Did something happen out there?”


Xenos sighs. “Maybe Rose can tell us more.”

Max nods as he turns off the stove. “Yeah, she’s pretty good at analyzing the commander.”

Sereb sighs. “She is not here.”

Viktor looks confused. “Then where is she?”

Ember shrugs. “She… um… we’re not really sure.”

Xenos sets out a glass of water. “Do you thinks she’ll be joining us for supper?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Unlikely.”

Ember nods. “She told Sereb she’d meet us at home later then jumped off the roof.”

The entire squad gasps.


“I know it sounds bad, but I don’t think she means to worry us. Right, Sereb?”

“Indeed not. She didn’t sound sad or angry when she spoke the words.”

Max turns to Sereb. “Then what…?!”

Sereb heads for the door. “Unknown. But I believe I heard a glimmer of hope in her words.”

Xenos turns to Viktor as Sereb leaves the room. “What does hope sound like?”

“No idea.”

Ember sighs as she helps the others put the food on the table. “Me either. But if both he and Arc aren’t concerned we shouldn’t be either.”

Hugh looks to Max. “I suppose not. I mean… Rose can take care of herself after all. Right?”

“Of course! Right, Ember?”

“I’ve seen her take on Rocs, angry statues, and even Tempest herself! But I too can’t help but worry about her.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads to his parent’s room and lays down. Looking up at the ceiling he frowns and mutters to himself.

“Cherry… where ARE you?! What have you DONE, Minerva!”

Sighing, Arc turns to lay on his side to look out the window at the stars. He stares at them for a long time as he muses to himself.

“Rose… I’m sorry. Sorry for how I’ve acted lately. Please come home soon.”

An hour or so later there is a small knock on the door.

“Come in.”

The door opens and Ember walks in carrying a plate of food. She makes her way over to the bed and sits down. Arc does not turn from his side as she sets the plate on the nightstand.

“I was reheating some supper for when Cybil got home and figured I’d do the same for you.”

Arc does not look over. “No, thank you.”

Ember puts a hand on his shoulder. You need to eat, Arc.”

“Sorry, but I just don’t feel like…”

“I understand that you’re worried about Cherry, and now Rose. But it won’t do either of them any good if we find them and you’re too hungry to move.”

Arc says nothing and remains motionless. Ember frowns as he speaks.

“Look, I appreciate the thought, Ember. But I’m not really in the mood for…”

“For what?!”

“… anything, I guess.”

Ember sighs and looks out the window.

“What are you looking at out there anyways?”

“The moon.”


“Because… all I can think of is Cherry out there somewhere. If she’s in view of a window I’m sure she’ll be looking up.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is this some kind of secret magical spell, or something?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. But looking up is as close as I can get to her right now. That and it just feels… right.”

Ember puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’s getting late, Arc. You really should eat and get some sleep.”

Arc sighs. “Do you think you could turn off the lights on your way out, Ember?”

“Sure. AFTER you eat some of this.”

Arc does not move. Ember clenches her fists in anger.

“Arc. You have about three seconds to start cooperating before I REALLY get mad!”

As before Arc remains motionless. Ember seethes.

“Fine! We’re doing this the hard way then!”

Grabbing Arc forcefully by the back of his collar and belt loops, she roughly throws him off the bed and onto the floor. Arc sits ups slowly, confused.

“Ember? What’s gotten into…?”

Ember storms toward him. “No more miss nice dragon!”

Arc’s squad hears the noise from upstairs all the way from the kitchen as they do the dishes. Viktor turns to Xenos.

“What do you suppose is going on up there?”

Xenos grins wickedly. “Maybe Ember finally convinced the commander to get it on with her.”

Hugh looks up as he wipes down the table. “That seems a bit unlikely, Xenos.”

Max nods as he cleans the stove. “Right. He’s had plenty of chances before.”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

Viktor turns to Sereb. “Don’t you think you should check up on them?”

Sereb looks up as another loud thump rings out. “Perhaps I should, yes.”

Max turns to the wolf as another peel of moaning from Ember is heard. “Uh… want me to come with you, Sereb?”

“I don’t believe…”

Another crash is heard.

“On second thought, yes.”

Xenos chuckles. “Good luck.”

Max sighs as he and Sereb leave the room together. “Thanks. I think we’ll need it.”

The pair head upstairs and stop outside the door, Ember’s voice rings out.


“Ember! Get off!”

“NO! You’re going to give me what I want, and that’s that!!!”

Max turns to Sereb. “I gotta admit, I’m a little scared right now.”

“Arc and Ember are our friends. There is no need to be afraid.”

“Well, how about you open the door then?”

“Very well.”

Sereb returns to his true form and, using his magic, turns the doorknob. The door swings open to reveal a rather disturbing sight. Ember is holding both of Arc’s wrists as she sits unceremoniously on his back. She tugs on his wrists until he opens his mouth, then uses her Dragon Magic to put a spoonful of food in his mouth. Turning, she glares at the pair in the doorway.


Max fumbles nervously. “We, um…”

“Can’t you two see I’m busy?!”

Sereb steps back. “I…”

“Get… OUT!!!”

Max reaches in and grabs the doorknob. He quickly closes the door as he and Sereb turn to look at one another. Both are clearly shaken as Max speaks.

“Still think there’s nothing to worry about?!”


“Well, why don’t you get back in there and find out then?!”

Sereb steps aside. “Be my guest.”

“W-what?! Me?!”

“Why not you?”

“I… uh… aren’t you the one who has a Life Pact with the commander?!”

Sereb waves with a paw for Max to follow him. “That I do. However I believe this situation does not warrant my intervention.”

Max frowns as the walk downstairs. “Really? Are you sure that’s the ONLY reason?!”

Sereb sighs as the pair return to the Kitchen. “That and Ember frightens me when she’s like that.”

Xenos looks over. “You frightened, Sereb?!”

Hugh grins. “I just assumed you were unshakable!”

Viktor looks warily toward the stairs. “What happened up there?”

Max shudders. “It’s… just too much to put into words.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed. We should not venture upstairs again tonight.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Uh… okay.”

Hugh nods. “We’re about done up here anyways.”

Xenos looks at the wall clock. “It’s getting late anyways. We should turn in for the night.”

They head down the basement steps. Viktor turns to Max as another cry can be heard from upstairs..

“Are you sure the commander’s okay?”


Xenos laughs. “Of course he is! Ember’s with him, right? Were they… you know…?”

Sereb frowns. “They were not mating, no.”

Hugh shrugs. “Well, I’m sure whatever’s wrong Ember will see to the commander’s ‘needs’.”

Max sighs. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Meanwhile, Ember finishes force feeding Arc the last bite of food. She stands up as she levitates the empty dishes onto the nightstand.

“There! Was that so hard?!”

Arc slowly gets up. “Kinda, yes!”

“Well, it had to be done.”

“I guess. Um… you don’t suppose Rose came back while you were… feeding me?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. She would’ve hurried up here.”

Arc heads for the door. “I’m going to go look for her.”

“What?! How?!”

Arc grabs his coat from the hook on the back of the door. “I’m just going to drive around town. You wanna come?”

“You can’t!”

“Why not?”

“Because… um…you haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

Arc shrugs. “I’ll be okay. Now are you coming with me, or not?”

“You can’t go!”

“Ember, I don’t have time for…”

“There’s a very good reason, Arc!”

“Which is what now?”

Ember bites her lip nervously. “Because… the directions said not to.”


“On the box!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What box?!”

Ember sighs. “The box of pills I picked up from the store. Viktor looked up a sleep aid for me. I… might have put some in your food.”

“How… how much?!”

“Uh… maximum dose.”

Arc yawns. “That explains it.”

Ember sighs. “You really shouldn’t drive like this.”

“I… guess I can’t.”

She puts her arm around Arc’s shoulder and leads him to the bed. “Yes. Now I’m sorry I had to do that, but it needed to be done.”

Arc sleepily glares at her as she covers him up with the blankets. “Why… Ember?!”

“Because… because I love you, Arc. You were wearing down from lack of sleep and food. I had no choice.”

“I… thanks.”

“You’re welcome, Arc.”

She turns to leave.

“I’ll let you get some sleep now. And don’t you dare get up at the crack of…”

Ember stops talking as she feels a hand take hers. She turns to see Arc smiling at her sleepily.

“Ember… I… don’t want to be… alone tonight.”

Ember smiles at him. “I understand.”

She climbs into bed with Arc and reaches over to turn off the light before snuggling up to him.

“You get some sleep. No getting up early for you tomorrow, okay?”



“I’ll try… to sleep in then. But if Rose… isn’t… back…”

Arc drifts off to sleep mid-sentence. Ember smiles as she rests her head on his shoulder.

“Good night, Arc.”

Ember closes her eyes. A moment later she opens them to find a warm summer breeze blowing over her scales. She looks down at her claws.

“What the…?”

Arc’s voice rings out behind her.

“Hello, Ember.”

She whirls around to see Arc on a porch swing. Ember glares at him.

“ARC! You’re supposed to be asleep!”

Arc chuckles. ”I am.”


“Look around.”

Ember does so. She sees rows of cherry trees before turning back to Arc.

“Cherry Hill Ranch again?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Have a seat?”

“Uh… sure.”

She sits down in the swing and looks away.

“I… I’m sorry, Arc.”

“What for?”

“For tricking you into eating those pills. It was wrong.”

“Yes, well… please don’t do that in the future, okay?”

Ember nods. “I promise.”

The sound of the screen door opening is heard. Ember looks over to see a mare walking toward them happily.

“Hi there, Ember! Fancy meeting you here!”

Ember gasps. “Ch-Cherry?! Is that you?!”

Cherry giggles as she sits down on the swing on the other side of Arc. “Of course!”

“Cherry! You have to tell us where you are!”

“Where I… am?”

“Yes! So we can find you!”

“Okay. I’m at Cherry Hill Ranch on my front porch, silly!”

Arc turns to Ember and chuckles. “Yeah. Can’t you see that?”

Ember continues. “Cherry, this is VERY important! I need you to focus and tell me where…”

Arc snaps his fingers. Cherry freezes in place as Arc turns to Ember.

“This isn’t really Cherry.”


Arc nods soberly. “She’s a figment of my imagination. I… I know I shouldn’t have. But I just… I miss Cherry SO much!”

Ember looks Cherry over. “She’s a perfect copy! How did you DO that?!”

“By wishing very hard I’ve found I can change my Sanctuary to reflect whatever it is I want.”

“That’s certainly interesting, but…”

“Check this out, Ember!”

Arc closes his eyes and concentrates. A moment later Ember transforms into her human form complete with clothes. She looks down at her hands.

“That was unexpected.”

“Try this then.”

Arc again concentrates. When he opens his eyes Ember has reverted to her dog form. He chuckles.

“How’s that?”

Ember growls at him. “Change me back!”

Arc grins. “Why?”

“I didn’t like being a dog, Arc!”

“Very well.”

With a wave of his hand Ember returns to her dragon form.

“That better?”

Ember turns to him. “Please don’t, Arc.”

“Okay. I’ll stop.”

Ember again looks Cherry up and down. “You really did a good job on her. I thought she was actually here.”

Arc sighs. “So did I at first.”

“She fooled you too?”

“Well… she really was what my mind wanted, after all.”

“I suppose.”

Arc again snaps his fingers. Cherry again moves freely.

Cherry turns to them. “Why don’t I get you two some pie? I baked it fresh this morning.”

Arc nods. “That sounds nice. Thank you.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… I guess, thanks.”

Cherry heads for the screen door. “I won’t be long!”

Ember turns to Arc as the door closes behind the mare. “So tell me, Arc. Exactly how real can your mind make things?”

Arc grins. “You’ll find out when she brings the pie!”

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