• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 16 - Tying up Loose Ends

The group reappears on the sigil just outside the Vile Tribe's village. Arc looks down at his gauntlet and smiles.

“I love this thing.”

Ember laughs. “I'll admit. It sure beats walking.”

Derpy breathes a sigh of relief. “I'm just glad to be back to relative safety.”

Twilight points a hoof toward the town. “Agreed. But before heading back to Ponyville, we should go see Mythic Honor about those books. I'm sure he would like them back to readable size soon, after all.”

Arc motions to Twilight with a jerk of his thumb. “That should at least make one of us happy.”

He looks over at Twilight who puts up a nervous smile as the party walks toward the Town Hall. Before they get there however, they see what appears to be the entire Vile Tribe and Mythic Honor in the Town Square near something under a sheet. Mythic Honor stands at the front of the group and waves them over.

“Arc! You and your friends are just in time for the unveiling ceremony! I put the finishing touches on it last night!”

Looking to those assembled, Mythic Honor finishes his speech.

“And now, without further ado... behold! Our town's very own centerpiece!”

Mythic Honor whips off the sheet to expose a life size bronze statue of Arc looking heavenward He is wearing Eidolon's Ward with his helmet under one arm and the Spear of Righteousness raised to the sky in the other. The Vile Tribe claps their hooves together and cheers as Twilight stifles a laugh.

“That... really is quite a good likeness!”

Ember can’t seem to take her eyes off the statue. “Mythic Honor really nailed the pose!”

Derpy joins the Vile Tribe in clapping. “You look so heroic, Arc!”

Arc facepalms and walks over to Mythic Honor. “This isn't happening... Mythic Honor, you really shouldn't have. I mean, I'm flattered but... what about Princess Cadence? If she hadn't shown up when she did, the battle may have gone quite differently. Or Ember! She was with you long before I showed up!”

Ember blushes slightly. “I'm okay with it being you, Arc. You've done so much for all of us.”

Mythic Honor nods. “Very true! However, it was you who made demons fear us, fought a hydra to save Ember, and liberated our tribe from Tartarus! Oh! And don't forget about the three mares you saved yesterday!”

“Yes, but... I still see all of those events as more of a team effort than just something I did. I mean… I certainly couldn't have pulled any of those off alone.”

Mythic Honor turns back to the statue. “Can't disagree with that! But, you see, folks need heroes to look up to! Gives em' hope! And seeing as you're also Equestria's Hero of Light, it just seemed fitting!”

Arc opens his mouth to protest further but changes his mind. “I'm not going to win this argument, am I?”

Mythic Honor grins at him. “Not... a... chance! Look, if it makes you feel better I'll get to work making a statue of Ember to put next to yours, Arc!”

“That’s not really the…”

Turning back to those assembles, Mythic Honor calls out.

“All right everypony, let's get back to work now!”

The Vile Tribe returns to their duties around town. Ember just stands there looking at the statue, stars in her eyes. Sighing contentedly, she speaks.

“Being immortalized in bronze next to Arc. It's like a dream come true!”

Twilight, Derpy, and Arc all facepalm/facehoof while Ember continues to gush over the thought of such a thing. After a few moments Arc walks up to her and snaps his fingers in her face a few times.

“Earth to Ember! Come in please!”

Ember looks around, confused. “Huh?”

Arc sighs. “As much as I’m enjoying watching you fantasize right now, you have to remember that we do have other matters to attend to. Derpy and I need to get back to Ponyville.”

Twilight points in the direction Mythic Honor went. “And I have some books to unshrink.”

Arc nods. “That too. Ember, can you stay here with Twilight and make sure she gets home safely when that task is complete?”

“I guess so.”

Arc turns to leave. “Thanks.”

Stopping, he looks back to see Ember still gazing at the statue.

“Oh, right! You may resume fantasizing about being a sculpture now.”

Ember looks after him and calls out with a sarcastic tone in her voice. “Ha, ha!”

Arc and Derpy begin their walk back to Ponyville. As they enter town Arc turns to her.

“The first thing I'm going to do when the new Command Center is built is to place a sigil there. Walking gets old, quick.”

Derpy giggles. “That’s probably for the best, yes. But in any case, I had best head over the Sugar Cube Corner and pick up Dinky. While it was fun joining you on one of your adventures, I do miss my little one. I hope to join you again sometime.”

As Derpy walks toward Sugar Cube Corner Arc looks after her. “As do I.”

Arc turns and makes the short walk to Ponyville Hospital to visit Cherry. He knocks quietly before entering the hospital room. Ruby looks up as he enters.

“Arc! I’m glad to see you’re safe! Cherry is doing much better! She's even able to walk around a bit now!”

“Glad to hear it!”

Cherry stands, albeit shakily and walks slowly over to Arc to give him a hug. “We were so worried! How did things go in Tartarus?!”

“Not exactly according to plan. But let's just say you're doing better than the Demon King is right now.”

Ruby laughs. “If he’s anything like I imagine him being, he probably got off light. Were you able to save your friend?”

Arc nods. “Yes. We’ve already escorted him to the Dragon Lands. He's not a dragon, but apparently Dragon Lord Torch and him go way back.”

Cherry smiles. “I'm sure glad everything worked out in the end.”

“Speaking of working out, how’s your condition, Cherry? I'm sure you’d like to get back to your own bed as soon as possible.”

“The doctor says I can go home tomorrow. As long as I don't overexert myself for another week, I should be just fine.”

“Glad to hear it. I’ll personally escort you two back to Dodge Junction.”

Ruby helps her sister back into the bed. “Thank you, Arc. That means a lot... to both of us. Applejack already offered to come as well. I guess she is as worried about Cherry as we both are.”

“It would be my pleasure. But in any case, I should probably be going. I need to check on the progress of my Command Center before heading home. See you two in the morning.”

As Arc leaves the room Ruby looks to her sister.

“That was quite kind of Arc. Offering to accompany us back.”

Cherry blushes. “Yes, it was. I'm looking forward to it.”

Ruby gives her sister a sly grin. “Should I give you two some alone time?”

“You're one to talk. I see how you look at him as well.”

“It's just like you said the other day, sister. After all Arc has done, there would be something wrong with me if I wasn't interested.”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way through town toward the future site of his Command Center. Arriving, he spots his squad with Hard Hat and walks over. Max salutes him as he approaches.

“Commander! Things are moving along nicely. You should have your Command Center by weeks end, sir!”

Arc looks over to Hard Hat. “Did you take into account the changes we discussed earlier?”

“Yes sir. I've seen to it personally. On the honor of the Equestrian Royal Corps of Engineers, you can bet we'll have it ready in time.”

“Good. I knew I could count on you.”

Arc turns back to his squad. “I think this is a good time for some rest. The four of you are now officially on leave until weeks end. Just be sure to be back for the grand tour. Oh, and be sure to enjoy the time off. I get the distinct feeling that rest will soon be a precious commodity.”

They salute and fly away as Arc turns back to Hard Hat.

“I leave this project in your capable hands... hooves then.”

Arc heads for home. As he enters the house Derpy trots up to him and gives Arc a hug.

“Welcome back!”

Arc looks around as he returns the hug. “Ahhhh... it's feels good to be home.”

Derpy walks back toward the kitchen. “Supper won't be ready for a while. Why don't you take a load off? I worry that you don't take the time to properly rest.”

“Thanks. I think I will.”

Dinky crawls up to Arc and babbles. Smiling, he sits down the floor with her.

“There's my little gal! How you been, Dinky?”

Dinky just smiles and motions for Arc to pick her up. He does.

“Aw! Come up here, little one!”

Derpy walks over to Arc and Dinky on the floor and joins them. “She's always so happy to see you, Arc. Now then, the food is in the oven. All there is to do now is wait for it to be ready. How are things coming along on the construction site?”

“Very nicely. I'm told the job should be done by the end of the week. That and I gave my troops some time off until then. After their performance during the mission in Tartarus, they deserve it. Besides... I get the feeling things are about to get... busy... for the Hero of Light soon enough.”

“Oh? What makes you so sure?”

“Nothing really. Just... human intuition, I guess. I do hope I'm wrong.”

Dinky looks up at Arc happily. “Dada!”

Arc smiles down at the little foal in his arms. “Nothing would make me happier than to be your father, Dinky. Although I hope you can meet your real father one day.”

Derpy sighs. “Thank you Arc. I want to be able to give Dinky everything. But I'm afraid the love of a father isn't something I can provide.”

Arc holds Dinky close. She puts her tiny hooves over his shoulder and bats at his back, giggling as he looks to her mother.

“Don't you worry, Derpy. As busy as I may be protecting Equestria and its inhabitants from certain doom, I'll always do my best to make time for Dinky.”

Derpy looks down at her hooves, suddenly appearing quite sad. “Arc... can I... um… can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure, what's on your mind?”

“Well... I didn’t wanted to bother you with this before. After all, you’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else's problems ever since your return from Tartarus. I think this is the first time we've been alone in the house since before... well... you know... your banishment.”

Arc nods. “Definitely not the best of times, admittedly.”

Derpy stands up and walks over to a drawer. She removes a scroll from it, walks back to Arc, and holds it out to him.

“This came in the mail while you were gone.”

Arc accepts the scroll. “What’s this?”

Derpy sits back down next to Arc. “Go ahead and open it.”

Arc does so and reads the scroll. “This is... Dinky's birth certificate? I don't understand. Why would this make you so sad?”

“Well... it lists me as the mother, of course. But... well... you see...”

Derpy's voice trails off. She seems unable to put the words together. Arc continues looking over the paper for a few more moments before frowning and looking back to his friend.

“Derpy... why isn't Moonlit Dusk named as Dinky's father?”

“Well, here in Equestria upon the birth of a new foal, the hospital fills out the birth certificate and both the mother and father sign it. Moonlit Dusk... wasn't there... as you know... so... for all intents and purposes... Dinky...”

She begins to cry softly.

“…Dinky... doesn't legally have a father!”

Derpy covers her face with her hooves and continues crying. Arc gives her a few minutes to get the tears out as he continues to hold Dinky.

“My earlier offer still stands. If you want me to, I’ll track down Moonlit Dusk for you.”

Derpy shakes her head sadly. “While I do wish he had been here for me... for us... back then... I...”

Arc puts his arm around Derpy’s shoulder. “Take your time. I'll wait.”

Derpy sniffles. “Thank you. Arc. You're always so... understanding.”

She is silent for a time while searching for the right words.

“It's just... Moonlit Dusk abandoned me when I needed him most. As soon as things got... tough. It hurt... more than words can express! I... I don't want Dinky... to ever know the feeling of... being abandoned... like I was. I'm sorry, Arc. I don't know what I really expected you to do about this situation. Maybe... maybe I just needed to tell somepony how I felt... my feelings of frustration... and the emptiness I feel inside here.”

She puts a hoof on her heart before continuing.

“Just because of one empty line on a paper. But the part that really bothers me is that someday Dinky is going to ask me what happened to her father.”

Arc nods soberly. “That’s normal in such a situation, yes.”

Derpy grimaces. “What am I supposed to tell her?! You're so good with advice, Arc! Please... tell me! What... what should I do?!”

Arc is silent for a time, seemingly in deep thought over the matter. “You have asked quite the question, Derpy. I don't believe there is a simple solution to this one.”

Derpy looks down at the floor. “I know.”

“…or maybe there is!”

Derpy looks up at Arc, confused. “Huh? What do you mean?”

Arc sets Dinky down on the couch between them and puts a hand on Derpy’s hoof. “Derpy... with your permission of course... I would like the honor... of signing Dinky's birth certificate myself.”

Derpy looks into Arc’s eyes, astonished. “What?! You mean…?!”

Arc smiles at Derpy and nods. “Yes. I’m willing to take Dinky on as my daughter.”

Derpy gasps. “Are you... are you sure about this?! Can... can the Hero of Light... do that?!”

“Do what?”

“Well, you know... have a family? I mean... what would the princesses say if they found out?!”

“They can like it, or lump it as far as I’m concerned!”

Derpy puts both her hooves on Arc’s shoulders. “Arc... are you sure you want to do this?”

Arc nods. “More so than you know.”

Derpy smiles at Arc with tears in her eyes. “Yes! Thank you, Arc! Yes!”

Arc stands up with Dinky in his arms. “So what do I have to do to make this official?”

“All you have to do is sign your name on the birth certificate as the father and it will be so!”

Arc, Derpy and Dinky head over to the kitchen table where Arc sits down and unrolls the birth certificate. Derpy brings him a quill and ink. Arc signs his name on the ‘father’ line and puts down the quill.

“There we are.”

Arc looks over at Dinky and picks her up again. Looking her happily in the face, he whispers to her happily.

“I will always be there for you, little one. That I promise you.”

Dinky giggles excitedly. “Daddy, daddy!”

Arc gives Dinky her first hug as her father. “I love you, Dinky... my little daughter.”

Derpy wraps her hooves around Arc happily. “I know it feels like I keep saying it... but... thank you, Arc. Thank you for everything!”

“I would do anything for you and Dinky.”

Derpy smiles and places her head against Arc’s side. Closing her eyes she quietly replies. “I know you would, Arc.”

The timer in the kitchen dings, bringing them all back to reality. Derpy looks to the kitchen.

“I guess supper is ready.”

Arc picks up Dinky. “Ready to eat, sweetheart?”

Dinky giggles happily. “Daddy… mama…!”

Arc laughs as the trio sits down to their first meal as a family. “I'll take that as a yes!”

Derpy serves the food with a smile. “So how is Cherry doing?”

“Very well. The doctor says she can go home tomorrow. I told her I’d escort her and Ruby back to Dodge Junction.”

Derpy looks down, a bit sad. “Oh... so, you'll be leaving again?”

Arc nods. “Cherry is still fairly weak. Frankly if I can get her home without having to carry her part of the way, I'll be amazed. Applejack is coming as well to help out as needed.”

Derpy begins serving the food. “I guess she's just as worried about the two of them as you are.”

Arc taps his chin thoughtfully before looking to Derpy. “You know, this little trip should be rather uneventful. Would you and Dinky like to join us?”

Derpy look up happily. “Yes! We can go together… as a family!”

Dinky, seeing her mother so happy, claps her little hooves together. “YAY!”

Arc looks over to Dinky and smiles. “Looks like we just made someone here very happy.”

Derpy beams at Arc. “She not the only one!”

Sometime later Arc leans back from the table. “Thank you for the fish, Derpy. I know it must be hard for you.”

“It it’s for you, I’ll be fine.”

Arc stands up to help Derpy clear the table. “Well, let's get these dishes cleaned up, shall we?”

Derpy sticks out her tongue at Arc playfully. “Hero of Light, Defender of Equestria, two-time escapee of Tartarus, bearer of the Spear of Righteousness and now washer of dishes! Don't you feel such tasks are... I don't know... beneath you?”

Arc carries the dishes to the sink. “Perhaps. However, I still feel as though I need to do things like this.”

Derpy trots over to join him at the sink. “Need to? What do you mean?”

Arc sets the dishes in the sink and turn on the water. “Well, you see... a lot of humans have a problem with power.”

Derpy appears confused. “They do?”

“Yes. You see, the more power an individual has the more likely they are to be... corrupted by it. There have been many times throughout human history where a hero has risen up to free their people from a tyrant.”

“What’s wrong with that? It sounds very noble to me, Arc.”

“At first, yes. They amass power, resources, and influence in their quest to free the innocent. But at some point they often times... lose their way. Before anyone even notices and can stop them the hero BECOMES the tyrant!”

Derpy looks to him soberly. “Arc... I know you. And I know you would never do such things to anypony.”

He turns to face Derpy. “I hope you are right. I really do. But... I want your honest opinion on something.”

“What is it?”

“Do you think I’m more powerful than, say... a princess?”

“I admit, I never thought about it before. Hmmm...”

Derpy considers the question for a few moments before speaking again.

“While I’m not sure the full extent of the princess' powers, I think you could certainly give them a run for their money. But at the same time, I know you would never hurt the innocent.”

“Derpy, I need to tell you something. And it must not be repeated to anyone else.”

“You can rely on me, Arc. What is it?”

“The Hero of Light protects Equestria and its inhabitants while doing their best to maintain the peace. This much everypony knows.”

Derpy looks confused. “Are you saying there is more to it than that?”

Arc nods. “Yes, there is. When I became the Hero of Light, I was told the real reason the position was created was to... maintain a balance of power. Should one princess attempt to seize control, the Hero of Light has full authority to... take whatever steps they deem necessary to bring the situation under control.”

“What are you saying, Arc?!”

“The Hero of Light's original purpose is to be there to... kill an out of control princess.”

Derpy gasps. “This must be such a burden, Arc! But... but I believe in the princesses! And I believe they were right to choose you! Hopefully such an event will never come to pass. But if it does, I know you will make the right choice and do whatever needs to be done.”

Arc sighs and looks down into the soapy water. “Being forced to take down one of the princesses isn't the problem. If one of them were to ‘go rogue’ as they put it, I would have no objection to doing whatever I had to do to protect you, Dinky, all the ponies of Equestria. But... if I have the power to save Equestria from a rampaging alicorn... who would potentially save the land from... me?”

“Please, Arc! You don’t have to burden yourself with this alone! Remember that you have so many friends here in Equestria whom are here for you. The fate of the land doesn't rest on you alone! Even the princesses have each other, after all! And I am sure they too have had this conversation a time or two over the years. Just worry about the here and now, okay?”

Arc smiles. “Thanks for listening to me, Derpy. I think I just had to get this off my chest. You really are a good friend.”

Derpy smile back at him. “I had a wonderful teacher.”

“Now... about those dishes.”

Derpy flies over to a drawer and throws Arc a towel.

“You can dry!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes ma’am.”

The pair finish cleaning the kitchen and retire for the evening.

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