• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Questioning

Author's Note:

-The princesses were found in a dazed state in their room at Light's Hope. Cause unknown.

-Shining Armor reported them acting normally when he brought them breakfast earlier that morning.

-Rose reports her sensors did not detect any unauthorized personnel entering or leaving the princess' room that night, nor the facility at any time.

-Redheart smelled alcohol on their breath. Further examination showed no sign of physical trauma.

-Luna and Cadance only had a single drink each the previous night.

-Shining Armor also reports Luna asking for some alone time to discuss private matters with Cadance

Arc and his friends leave his quarters aboard The Equinox. They pass an entire corridor lined with guards. Twilight walks by his side.

“It looks like Trixie did exactly what you asked.”

Arc nods. “Yes. She’s very dependable according to Shining Armor.”

They approach Trixie who is speaking to Flash Sentry at the end of the corridor. At his approach they both salute.

“Trixie has done as you ordered, sir.”

“What’s going on, sir?”

“Both of you follow us to the hatch.”

Arc continues on. Trixie and Flash Sentry look at one another and shrug before doing as they are told. As they approach the hatch Rainbow Dash moves to press the release button before Arc holds out an arm to stop her.

“Just a minute.”

She stops as he turns to the two lieutenants.

“This is top secret information at the moment, but both princesses are very ill and unable to continue the summit.”

Flash Sentry gasps. “So they’re resting in you quarters?”


“Trixie will see to it nopony disturbs them.”

“Good. No one is allowed in there except Captain Shining Armor, myself, and Nurse Redheart. Flash Sentry will oversee security of that room and take command of your forces, Trixie. Shining Armor is personally watching over the princesses from inside. You will come with us.

Trixie appears surprised. “Um… yes sir.”

“I’ll need you to follow us inside and take over for Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage.”

Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “Did he do something wrong?”

“No. But for now I want Trixie to oversee the security office. I have a new task for him.”

“Trixie will do her best.”

“I know you will. Now let’s get moving.”

Arc turns to Rainbow Dash and nods. She presses the button and the group heads out the hatch and down the gangplank. The guards outside salute and allow the group to pass. As they enter the base Arc leads them toward his office.

“Let’s get this ball rolling.”

Entering the office they see Rose and Sandstorm Mirage overlooking the cameras. The sergeant hurries over to him and salutes.

“Sir! What can I do for you?”

“There’s been an incident, sergeant. Lieutenant Trixie is going to be taking over security for the time being.


“I need you to and a squad to personally guard the Main Hall. No one is allowed to leave the building without me being personally present. There will be no verbal or written passes accepted. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Trixie, take over.”

Sandstorm Mirage leaves the room and heads for the barracks. He frowns.

“What is going on here?! It’s far too early for the Dark Lady to act!”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to Rose.

“Keep an eye open for anything suspicious out there.”

“Like what?”

“Anyone snooping around or acting strangely. If you detect anything call Trixie on the radio. She’ll evaluate the situation and send guards if necessary.”


Twilight smiles at her. “You can do this Rose. I believe in you.”

“Thank you mother.”

The group leaves the office. Rainbow Dash turns to Arc.

“You were kinda hard on them, weren’t you?”

“Trixie would like to remind you that the military is certainly not a party.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. And right now we all need to do our very best to see this thing through.”

Applejack turns to Rainbow Dash. “Arc’s not doing this to be mean to them. After all, this really isn’t what I would call normal circumstances.”

Rarity turns to the others. “Let’s just trust him on this one.”

Fluttershy looks up to Arc. “Should we notify Canterlot?”

“No. That would just give Sunburst a heart attack. Besides, I’m in charge of the country for now.”

Twilight nods. “So our next step is what?”

“Inform the other summit attendees of what happened. Maybe they can tell us something.”

Rainbow Dash clops her hooves together. “Yeah! Like which one of them did it!”

Pinkie turns to her friend. “Come on, Dashie! Maybe nopony did it!”

Twilight shrugs. “I suppose it is possible that this was all just a natural coincidence.”

Arc frowns. “Regardless, we have to figure this out.”

They enter the Dining Room. The delegates are mingling and talking amongst themselves. Rutherford sees Arc and storm over to him

“Pony princesses late! They promise to introduce yaks to warriors from last night!”

Yona points a hoof. “Father, I think that them.”

Rutherford looks Twilight and her friends over.

“They take out Ursa Minor? Me not believe it.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well, it happened. Trust me. But in any case…”

He turns to the other leaders as they approach.

“Everyone please listen. I have something important to tell all of you.”

Goldstone appears impatient. “Is it perhaps why the princesses have kept us waiting so long?”

Ashe turns to him. “I’m sure they had a good reason, Lord Goldstone.”

Gestal nods. “Indeed.”

Arc clears his throat and continues.

“Both of them are currently bedridden and unable to communicate intelligibly.”

Fiona gasps. “Oh dear! Are they alright?!”

Twilight sighs. “We don’t know yet.”

“Right. My ship’s Chief Medical Officer is currently analyzing their blood samples. Hopefully we’ll know more soon. But right now I need to know what happened last night.”

Ember shrugs. “Not much, really.”

Smolder wrinkles her nods. “Yeah! There was a little partying and a lot of strange smelling glasses.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide. “You mean poison?!”

Applejack turns to her friend. “I think she’s talking about the alcohol.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Did either princesses eat or drink anything special or strange?”

Felix shakes his head. “No, Lord Arc.”

Fiona takes her husband’s arm. “We all ate and drank the same things.”

Tugem instinctively puts a hand to his midsection. “Oh dear. Are we perhaps poisoned as well then?”

Sereb frowns. “That is indeed a possibility. Arc?”

“Agreed. Does anyone feel ill?”

Goldstone holds his stomach. “I do!”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes. “You’re fine.”

“Might I get a test to be sure though?!”

“That might not be a bad idea considering the…”

His earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Redheart. I’ve completed my analysis of the samples. Shall I…?”

Pinkie interrupts. “Shhhh! It’s a secret!”

Rutherford frowns. “You keeping secrets from yak now?!”

Felix nods soberly. “We understand, Lord Arc. But I for one would very much like to know if we’re in danger.”

Goldstone turns to the Abyssinians, angrily. “Stop groveling at his feet, you simpletons! It’s pathetic!”

Ember steps between Goldstone and Felix, seething. “You’d know all about that wouldn’t you, Goldstone!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! At least my kind doesn’t eat their own young!”

Iris growls as she and Kane take up battle-ready stances. “That is a myth! Our dragon allies certainly don’t…!”

Arc calls out. “Everyone calm down! We won’t get through this by fighting amongst ourselves.”

Ikis turns to Arc. “Perhaps you should hear that news privately.”

“No. Let’s all hear what she has to say. Go ahead, Redheart.”

“There appears to be a foreign toxin in their blood.”

Rarity gasps. “So they WERE poisoned?!”


“It’s very similar to the substance used against you not long ago.”

Twilight frowns. “Arc? What is she talking about?!”

“A while back someone poisoned me in an attempt to undermine a certain mission I was on. The rest of that story is best left unsaid though.”

The Marquis appears concerned. “Are you all right, my friend?!”

“Yes. The others with me were able to get the antidote. Redheart, could we cure this the same way?”

“I’ll need to run some tests before I know the answer to that, sir.”

“Keep at it. Anything else?”

“They’re stable for the moment, and I don’t believe their lives are in mortal danger right now. But that may not continue to be the case without some kind of treatment.”

“Keep me posted. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and frowns. Tugem walks over to him.

“Pardon me, sir. But what about the mares with you?”

Kane nods. “Could they perhaps be of help in this matter?”

“These are Equestria’s Element Bearers. Each of them embodies a pure aspect of civility which allows them to wield their respective Element.”

Ikis looks them over. “They were able to defeat their opponent with ease. Could they assist you in this investigation?”

“I don’t believe so, no.”

Goldstone raises an eyebrow. “Then why are they here?”

“Because the princesses wanted all of you to meet them.”

Pinkie hops forward. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie! The Element of Laughter!”

“Howdy! I’m Applejack! I hold the Element of Honesty.”

“Name’s Rainbow Dash. Element of Awesomeness!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Better known as the Element of Loyalty.”

Rarity curtseys. “I am Rarity. The Element of Generosity is my charge.”

Fluttershy steps back nervously. “Um… hi. I’m… uh… Fluttershy, and this is the Element of Kindness.”

“And I’m Twilight Sparkle. The crown on my head binds the Elements together, and is known as the Element of Magic.”

Ghaleon turns to Arc. “All well and good, Lord Arc. But none of those things will heal your princesses.”

“Agreed. Now I’d like to interview each delegation separately to find out what happened.”

Iris narrows her eyes. “Dare I ask why?”

Twilight clears her throat. “It’s possible that you may know something helpful without even being aware of it.”

Rutherford looks confused. “Yak not like strange words!”

Yona nods. “Yah! Make head hurt!”

Arc sighs. “She means I’m going to take what everyone tells me and try to reconstruct last night’s activities.”

Ember nods. “As Dragon Lord, I’d be willing to go first.”

Goldstone mutters under his breath. “Political pets. Disgusting behavior.”

“I do have one request though.”


Ember turns to her sister. “I’d like Smolder to be taken to the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Smolder frowns. “WHAT?!”

“Just until this is solved.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I suppose it would be alright.”

Rutherford turns to Arc. “What that?”

Rarity walks over to him. “It’s where the orphans of Equestria live.”

Pinkie nods happily. “Yeah! They live together, and play games, and eat, and go to school there, and…!”

Yona interrupts her. “That no make sense!”

“Yah! And what school?!”

Felix mutters under his breath. “Barbarians…”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “It’s where you go to learn.”

Rutherford nods. “Good! You take Yona there too!”

“Why, father?!”

“To teach pony young how to be best like yak, of course!”

“I can do that! Being best at everything is what yaks best at!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Fine. I’ll escort the Dragon Lord to my quarters and run these two over to the orphanage. The Element Bearers will interview the representatives from Hydra Village and the Forsaken Tribe.”

Twilight nods. “We’ll do our best.”

“Thanks. I’ll be back soon.”

Arc, Ember, Yona, and Smolder leave the Dining Room and head down the corridor. Arc pauses outside his quarters as Ember leans over and gives his face a quick lick.

“Don’t be too long now.”

Smolder and Yona make faces of disgust.

“Just try to stay out of trouble for a few minutes. I’ll be right back.”

Arc leads his young charges out the front door and down the path. Smolder frowns at him.

“So where are you really taking us?”

“The orphanage.”

Smolder laughs. “That place isn’t real!”

Yona looks confused. “It not?”

Arc chuckles. “Oh? Then what’s that?”

The Little Hooves Orphanage comes into view through the branches. Yona shrugs.

“Yak don’t know. What is it?”

“The orphanage I told you about”.

“But that not real! Dragon say so!”

Smolder frowns. “So I was wrong!”

“Yes, well… let’s go inside.”

They enter the building and walk toward the stairs. Arc turns to the pair behind him.

“I need to check you in with the Matron.”

Smolder whispers to Yona. “I bet she’s an ugly old crone.”

They reach Coco Pommel’s office. Arc knocks.

“Come in.”

He leads the pair into the office. Coco Pommel hops down from her chair and hurries over to him. Arc kneels down to give her a hug.

“Good morning, Arc.”

She sees Smolder and Yona behind him.

“Did you make some new friends?”

“Kinda. This is Yona and Smolder. We have a bit of a diplomatic… uh… problem at Light’s Hope and they need somewhere to stay for a couple days.”

“I’ll take them.”

She walks over to them and smiles.

“How about I take both of you to a room with some games?”

Yona nods happily. “That sounds like fun!”

Smolder rolls her eyes. “Pft… whatever.”

“Thanks for doing this, Coco Pommel.”

“Anything for you, my friend.”

As Arc turns to leave Smolder grabs his wrist. Turning around he sees her frowning up at him.

“You’re going back to talk to my sister, right?”

“I am. Why?”

Smolder looks at him sternly. “Just one thing. Don’t be putting any eggs in her belly.”

“Uh… sure. No problem.”

She nods and turns to follow Coco Pommel and Yona down the corridor. Shaking his head Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal back to his quarters. However when he appears he doesn’t see Ember.

“Uh… are you here?”

“Over here.”

Arc turns toward the darkened fireplace. He immediately spots Ember lying on the rug as she breathes a stream of fire to ignite the wood. She turns to him seductively.

“Care to join me… Lord Arc?”

“Very funny, Ember.”

Sighing, she sits up.

“Can’t blame a dragon for trying.”

“Can you be serious about this please, Ember?”

“Fine. How are they?”

“The princesses? Not good.”

“Asleep like last time?”

Arc shakes his head. “Worse. They’re… let’s just say… really out of it.”

“How bad is it?”

“Very. I need you to tell me what happened last night.”

“Well I can do better than that!”

“You can?”

“Yeah. I know who did this to them.”




Ember shrugs. “I dunno. Some kind of knockout drug would be my guess.”

“And you saw him do this?”

“No, but who else could it be?! I mean, he’s been staring at every female’s flank this whole time! Especially the princesses!”

“That doesn’t really prove he did it.”

“Well, it also doesn’t prove he DIDN’T do it!”

“True. But I can’t accuse him without hard evidence. Did he get close to them last night?”

Ember frowns. “Are you kidding?! He hovers around them like a moth around a lantern! It’s just gross the way he stares at them when he thinks no one’s looking!”

“Did he get close enough to actually do anything though?”

“Yes. At one point he ‘accidently’ bumped into Princess Cadance and knocked her cup out of her hoof. He also saved himself from falling over by putting his filthy talon on her back!”

“And you think he did that on purpose?”

“I do. Because he insisted she take his glass! He could’ve put anything in that thing before then!”

“I suppose so. Tell me, did he do the same to Luna?”

Ember shakes her head. “No. After that I made sure to stay with them for the rest of the evening.”

She grins wickedly.

“He’s a bit afraid of me.”

“What about the others? Did anyone do anything odd?”

Ember thinks for a moment.

“Well… there was one other thing. Queen Fiona and Goldstone had a rather long conversation and one corner of the room.”

“What about?”

“No idea. I didn’t want to be anywhere near that pervert.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Sereb probably heard them. I could ask him.”

“It’s worth a shot. I just thought it was strange after them almost going to war a while back.”

“Agreed. Thanks for telling me.”

“It’s the least I could do. Thanks for getting Smolder out of here though.”

“You two not getting along?”

Ember sighs. “We’ve never really been close.”

“I kinda wish I had a sibling sometimes.”

“Trust me. It’s not really all it’s cracked up to be.”

“Maybe. But I still wouldn’t mind having a little brother or sister.”

He stands up.

“Well, I should move on to the next interview.”

Ember takes his hand and grins.

“You don’t want to snuggle for a bit?”


“I can turn back into my human form if that would make you feel better.”

“You know I have things to do.”

Ember sighs as they step toward the door. “Yes. But you can’t blame a dragon for trying?”

As Ember steps out Arc sees Trixie standing outside the door with Rutherford. She salutes.

“Trixie apologizes, sir. But the prince insisted on seeing you.”

“It’s fine. The Dragon Lord and I were done anyways. Please come in Prince Rutherford.”

He does so. Arc closes the door behind him and gestures to the couch.

“Won’t you sit down?”

Rutherford walks over to the fireplace and sits on the floor. Arc shrugs and follows suit.

“Now then, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Yak send Yona to… what you call the building again?”

“The Little Hooves Orphanage.”

“Yah! Yak do that not only to share culture with ponies, but to keep her safe!”


Rutherford nods. “Yak see trouble coming! Can’t trust wolf clan!”

“The Forsaken? Why? Which one?”

“They very bad!”

“Can you be more descriptive?”

“Yak see bigger wolf sneak away part way through party! He up to no good! Yak could tell!”

“Kane? What makes you think he was up to something?”

“Because ogre prince left a few minutes later! He certainly going to meet up with wolf!”

“I suppose that’s possible. I’ll be sure to ask him about it.”

“Good! Yak hope they confess soon! If not, yak MAKE them!”

“Thank you, Prince Rutherford. But I’ll handle this.”

“Yak don’t mind helping pony friends!”

“Well, yes but… but you’re a guest here. And it wouldn’t be proper to make a guest work.”

Rutherford looks confused. “Yak not sure that makes sense.”

“In any case, can you tell me anything else about last night?”

Rutherford nods. “Yah! Some cupcakes from last night not taste good!”

“Do you believe they were poisoned, or something?”

“Yak not sure! Most things taste different here anyways! Could be poison, yes! But yak not scared!”

Arc sighs. “I’ll look into it. Thank you for your time.”

Rutherford stands and walks out the door. Arc puts a hand to his chin.

“How the heck am I supposed to figure this out?!”

He paces for a few moments.

“Dad, I wish you were here. You’d probably already have this mess figured out by now.”

Arc walks over to an end table and pulls out a pencil and paper.

“I’ve got to write this all down. No way I’ll remember everything if I don’t.”

Sitting back down at the table Arc transcribes what he knows and looks the paper over.

“None of this makes any real sense. Hopefully the rest of the interviews can give me a bit of insight.”

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