• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Conditioning

Minerva slowly opens her eyes. She looks down to see a white hospital gown and a heart monitor hooked up to her.


There is no response to her calls. Looking around frantically, she tries to sit up.


A nurse hurries into the room and gently pushes her back down onto the bed.

“Ma’am, you need to calm down. You’re not well.”

Minerva’s eyes dart around the room. “Where… where is she?!”

“Where’s who? You haven’t had any visitors.”

“My friend Cherry!”

“Wait, are you saying there was someone else at the accident?!”

“I… I… uh…”

Minerva puts a hand to her forehead.

“N-no, I guess not.”

“Are you sure, miss?”


Minerva looks around before turning back to the nurse.

“Where are my things?”

“You clothes are in storage at the moment. Don’t worry about them. They’ll be returned when you’re discharged.”

“No, no! My other…!”

A doctor walks in.

“Good afternoon, Miss Moore. How are you…?”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “Afternoon?!”

The doctor nods a he picks up her chart. “Yes. You were unconscious when they brought you in.”

“What happened?!”

“Well, you were found in your news van near the old hospital outside of town. Were you doing a follow up story?”

“Yes. I… don’t remember much after I fell off the roof.”

“That would explain the multiple concussions. You’re very lucky to be alive.”

“I am?”

“Yes. One of them was even a Grade 4.”

“What? How…?”

“A very serious blow to your forehead was the cause. But there were several other less serious injuries all over your head and body. Are you certain you fell off the roof?”

Minerva nods. “Off the roof and into a tree.”

“Other than that, you have some cracked ribs and quite a few bumps and bruises. I’m happy to say you’ll be fine with some bedrest.”

“Doctor, where are my things?”

The nurse clears her throat. “Like I told you earlier, they’re in storage.”

“No, I mean my personal effects!”

“Anything the officers brought in with you is in storage with your clothes.”


The doctor puts down the chart. “Ma’am, please calm down. There’s plenty of time to…”

Minerva sits up quickly and swings her legs over the edge of the bed. “Take me to my things!”

He puts his hands on her shoulder. “Calm down, miss. You shouldn’t strain yourself after such a serious…!”

“You don’t understand! I have to make sure she’s okay!”

Minerva pushes the doctor out of the way and stands up. She takes only one step before crashing to the floor. The doctor grabs her.

“You’ll only hurt yourself further!”

Minerva fights to escape the doctor’s grasp. “Let me go! I have too…!”


The nurse hurries to a cabinet and removes a syringe. Rushing to the doctor’s side she plunges the needle into Minerva’s arm. A moment later her thrashing slows and she loses consciousness. She looks to the doctor as the pair carry Minerva back to her bed.

“What was that all about, doctor?!”

“I believe she’s delusional from her concussions. Tell me, did she say anything else before I arrived?”

“She spoke briefly about someone else at the accident.”

“Another victim?”

“Maybe. She seemed very agitated about it, and wanted to know where her clothes were then too.”

“Perhaps she wanted to go to their aid.”

“Do you think she just imagined the whole thing?”

The doctor nods. “Most likely, yes. However I want you to notify the police of this in the off chance there really is another victim out there.”

“Yes doctor. I’ll see to it immediately.”

The pair leave the room as Minerva lies motionless on the bed. Meanwhile Arc, Ember, Sereb, and Rose stand on a hill overlooking the remains of the abandoned hospital. They stay cloaked to remain hidden from the hustle and bustle of numerous counties fire trucks and other emergency personnel. Ember sighs.

“There isn’t much left.”

Sereb nods. “Had I not been here before, I would question whether or not a building had ever stood here.”

Arc chuckles. “Right.”

Rose frowns. “Now there’re the questions of who did this and why.”

Ember turns to Arc. “The Shards and The Riders would make the most sense.”

Sereb sighs. “Yes. But why would The Riders blow up their own headquarters?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “The Shards maybe. But that isn’t like them. Acts of such blatant destruction are out of their normal operating methods.”

Ember looks back to Arc. “Then how do you suppose this happened?”

“No idea. A gas leak perhaps?”

“My scans would indicate a large explosion of some kind. I’m detecting twisted metal pointing outward.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide. “What about that victim Viktor heard about from the scanner?”

“It was probably whomever did this.”

“Shard or Rider?”

“Probably none of them above.”

Rose tilts her head to one side. “Oh?”

“Neither side had anything to gain from this. I’m thinking it was someone else who saw an opportunity to hit The Riders and took it.”

Ember nods. “And they got caught in the blast.”

“Most likely.”

Sereb growls. “Revenge is not worth one’s own life.”

Rose nods. “Agreed. Hopefully the victim will be more careful in the future.”

Arc sighs. “I’d love to look into this more, but we have more important things to do right now.”

Ember sighs. “Back to the station?”

“Yes. I only came here hoping Minerva would show up to do a story on this.”

He sighs and points to a Channel 7 News van and a different reporter.

“It looks like she isn’t covering this story though.”

Sereb nods. “A pity.”

Arc turns and opens a portal.

“There’s still a few hours of daylight left.”

Rose turns to Arc. “It is unlikely that Miss Moore will come to the station at this hour.”

Sereb nods. “That may be. However we need to keep trying.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. She has to come in to work eventually.”

Arc sighs as he steps through the portal himself. “That’s what I’m counting on. Don’t worry, Cherry. We’ll find you.”

The next morning Minerva opens her eyes and slowly looks around the room. She speaks weakly.

“That… wasn’t a dream. Cherry? Are you here?”

There is no response. A nurse enters the room with a breakfast tray.

“Good morning. How are you feeling today?”

“Still really tired. But I am hungry. Did I eat anything yesterday?”

The nurse looks over the chart. “It appears you were administered sedatives after you became violent.”

Minerva looks down at her hands. “I kinda remember that.”

“Yes, well… your notes say you were trying to leave.”

Minerva sighs as she slowly begins to eat. “No. I just wanted to get my personal belongings.”

“I might be able to help you get whatever you had. Other than your clothes, that is. Hospital policy. What did you need?”

“My cellphone, camera, and um… a helmet.”

The nurse appears confused. “Helmet?”

“It’s a prop for a news story I was doing on the Hero of Light. I was really nervous about its fate yesterday, as its… um… really expensive.”

The nurse nods as she leaves the room. “I understand. Be right back.”

She returns a short time later carrying a box which she sets down on Minerva’s lap as she removes the finished tray of food

“This is everything the police turned in.”

Minerva quickly pulls the box open. “Thank you very much!”

The nurse nods as she leaves with her cart. “You’re welcome.”

Minerva pulls back her purse and tosses it aside. Finding the helmet she carefully pulls it out and turns to look at the faceplate.


“I’m here.”

“Are you okay?!”

“Yes. But what about YOU?!”

“A bit sore and dizzy. Other than that I think I’m going to be okay.”

Cherry breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good! I was really worried when you passed out in the back of the van!”

“How did I get here?”

“You pushed some buttons on a little black box. The last thing you did was drop it inside me.”

“My cell phone?”

“I guess so. Next thing I knew there was a voice asking what my emergency was.”

“How did you…?”

“By pretending to be you.”

Minerva smiles. “Thanks! I really owe you one!”

Cherry giggles. “Help me get back to my friend the Hero and we’ll call it even, okay?”

“Deal! Shake on it?”

Cherry laughs. “How about a hug instead?”


Minerva wraps her arms around the helmet and holds it close. Cherry continues giggling.

“Sorry I can’t return your embrace. No arms.”

“It’s fine.”

“So, when do visiting hours start?”

“No idea. But I’m not expecting anyone.”

“Really? Nopo… no one?”

Minerva sighs. “No. I’ve… never really had anyone close to me.”

“No… um… male companions?”

“Not in years, no.”

“Why not?! A pretty human like you should have lots of stal… males fawning all over you!”

Minerva sighs. “I’m… I guess what you’d call a workaholic.”

“That I do understand.”


“The Hero’s kinda the same way.”

“Oh. I suppose that makes sense. And you feel kinda left out?”

“Not at all, actually. He always makes time for me when the sun goes down.”

A wicked grin spreads across Minerva’s face. “So how does a guy and a helmet…?”

Cherry squeals. “I didn’t mean it like that!”

Minerva holds the helmet up. “Ha, ha! I think you’re blushing!”

“Am I?!”

Minerva chuckles. “No. I was just kidding. But I imagine your kind personality has led to some very steamy nights in the past.”

“A few, yes.”

“With the Hero?”

“He’s really very sweet when you get to know him. When he finds us I do hope the three of us can be friends.”

“I… maybe, Cherry.”

“Something wrong?”

“Kinda. I… um… do you think he would do anything you ask him to?”

“Probably. As long as I had a good reason. Why?”

“Do you think you could ask him to do an… an unmasking for my station?”

“What?! NO!”

“It would be an instant hit!”

“He’s worked really hard to keep who he is a secret, Minerva! Please respect that!”

Minerva sighs. “Fine. Just for you, my friend. But if something comes up and I happen to catch a glimpse of his face, I’ll do my best to break it to the world gently.”

“You couldn’t just keep it to yourself?!”

Minerva shakes her head. “No. If I learn something, as a reporter I have to pass it along to the public.”

Cherry sighs. “I understand you position. But do me one favor?”

“What is it?”

“Understand that he’s done so much for this land, my homeland, and for you personally. Think of him, won’t you?”

“I’ll try.”

The pair are silent for a time.

“Are you comfortable, Cherry? I can get you a pillow?”

“I’m fine. But could you please put me on the nightstand?”


Minerva does so.

“Like that?”

“Yes. Now I can see you and look out the window at the same time.”

“You sure do like your windows.”

“If you couldn’t move, you’d take pleasure in such scenery changes.”

“I suppose so.”

“By the way. How did your story come out?”

Minerva sits up straight.

“Oh no!”

Her hands fly to her cell phone as she frantically punches numbers and puts it to her ear.

“Sir, it’s me! I…! Yes, I know I was supposed to be back this morning. But I got the…! What? But I’m in the hospital…!”

Minerva nods sadly.

“Yes sir. I understand.”

She hangs up her phone and lets it fall to her side.

“Minerva? What’s wrong?”

The young woman sighs. “My editor wanted to put my story at the top of the evening news yesterday. They’d been hyping it all day on the air.”

“But we…!”

“Now, with the hospital destroyed, that’s the biggest thing on the news right now.”

“What about your story?!”

“He said the best he could do was use it as filler.”


Minerva nods. “It’s just shoved in with a bunch of other ho-hum news. Not worth its own time slot.”

“But… but we worked really hard on that story!”

“I know. He’s sending someone over to pick up the camera. The studio will have someone edit it for tonight’s news.”

“Will it be okay?”

Minerva looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“That person in the blue robe, they… um… you don’t remember?”

“I don’t.”

“I think you better have a look in the box.”

Minerva does so. Reaching inside she pulls out the smashed camera. She sighs as the remainder of the lens falls onto the sheet.


“Is the film still usable?”

Minerva turns the camera over. “We don’t use film anymore. Just…”

The blood drains from her face.

“Minerva? What is it?”

“The… the card!”

“What card?”

“It holds the footage. But, it… it’s GONE!”

“Gone?! Does that mean we lost everything?!”

Minerva shakes her head. “No, there’s a small internal memory. But it certainly wasn’t enough for the amount of time we were in there.”

She looks the camera over carefully.

“Assuming the internal memory wasn’t destroyed, I estimate we have footage of up until we heard the motorcycle outside.”

“Well, at least it’s something.”

Minerva nods as she sets the camera in her lap. “Our crew is pretty good at extracting data from smashed cameras like this. They’ll probably be able to at least get something. But what was that about a blue robed figure?”

“I… um…. Minerva, you should get some rest.”

“I slept for over twelve hours last night!”

“Did you? Because you still look tired.”

Minerva puts a hand on her forehead. “Really? I kinda feel tired too.”

“Take a nap. I’ll watch over you.”


Minerva lays her head against the pillow and closes her eyes.

“Just… just a short one though.”

Cherry smiles inwardly as her new friend’s eyes close and she falls asleep.

“Rest well, Minerva.”

Meanwhile, the doctor from earlier continues making his rounds. Approaching another patient room door he picks up the chart from its place and looks it over quickly as he mutters to himself.

“Let’s see now… how are you looking today, Mr. Fontaine…”

Letting himself into the room, the doctor is greeted by a figure in a navy blue robe. He scowls at her.

“I wondered how long until you showed up, Diva.”

The young woman folds her arms over her chest and nods. “I’m just here for a status update, Rieper.”

He walks over to the bed and compares the chart found next to it with the one in his hand.

“The patient’s doing remarkably well considering your rather… rough handling of him.”

Diva frowns. “Remember, it was you whom wrote up the protocol.”

“I suppose I did. And I’m very happy to see it worked.”

She looks down at Frank’s unconscious form. “Worked?! He can’t even get out of bed!”

“Now. However, when I’m certain he’s ready he’ll be quite the force for our little… organization.”

“In theory, yes. But everyone needs to prove their usefulness.”

Doctor Rieper looks to Diva. A look of mock hurt on his face.

“You wound me, Diva. Have you no faith in my abilities?”

“Let’s stay on topic. What can you tell me?”

“All business as usual, I see. Very well.”

Rieper looks down at the chart.

“According to your reports, you and your comrades followed my dosing schedule to the letter.”

Diva nods. “As instructed.”

“But it doesn’t appear to have been enough.”

Diva frowns. “Are you serious?! I thought we were going to kill him a couple times!”

Rieper nods as he continues to look at the chart. “Yes. His so-called ‘close calls’ were not only intended, but necessary.”


“To force his body and mind to continue its metamorphosis, of course.”

“Has he shown any signs of Ascension?”

“Small but definite, yes.”

Diva looks hopeful. “Enough to gauge a possible skill set?”

“A tentative one, yes. I’ve already done the experiments.”

Diva raises an eyebrow. “Have you now?”

Rieper holds out a chart. “Just being proactive. Fancy a look?”

Diva grabs the chart and looks it over before looking back to Rieper.

“These readings can’t be right. You must have made a mistake.”

Rieper smiles wickedly. “First of all, I’m certain by now you know that I am infallible. Second, I knew you would say that. So I took the liberty of running the tests a half dozen times… just to satisfy your pessimism.”


“You have the chart. Take a look at the last few pages.”

Diva does so and frowns.

“These readings… are you absolutely certain?!”

“You should know me better than that by now, Diva. I’m never wrong.”

She throws the chart back at him. “You fool! This would make a… a monster!”

Rieper smiles as he turns back toward the bed. “Or my greatest creation to date!”

“Are you insane?!”

“Great risks, great rewards.”

“Let’s say you’re right. What’s could be causing these readings?”

“The subject’s innate abilities were used as a base. From there I calculated the required treatments to make this work.”

“It shouldn’t be possible. Even with your… treatments.”

“I agree.”

Diva appears surprised. “You do?”

“Yes. This specimen is different from the others I’ve seen over the years.”

“Different how?!”

“This one has strength, perception, endurance, charism, intelligence, agility, and luck. But he also possesses something the others whom came before did not.”

“What is that?”

“Guts along with extreme dedication to justice and his ideals.”

“Won’t that be a problem for our future plans?”

Rieper shrugs. “I am confident I’ll be able to condition him into something useful.”

“Define ‘useful’.”

“He has the potential to outdo even you, Diva.”


“But not impossible, no?”

“True. But all the potential in the world means nothing if one can’t produce results at the proper time.”

Rieper frowns. “Are you talking about him… or me?”

Diva turns to leave. “Both.”

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