• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Breakfast Club

Arc makes his way to the Main Hall. Sereb meets him there.

“Going out, Arc?”

“Yes. Want to come?”

Sereb nods. “I would.”

The pair leave the base together. Arc hops on Sereb’s back and they head towards Ponyville.

“Where to, Arc?”

“Take me to the Golden Oaks Library.”

“Is it not a bit late to visit?”

Arc nods. “Yes, but those two are still up. Of that I’m certain.”

A short time later they arrive at their destination. Arc dismounts and knocks. A few moments later Twilight comes to the door.

“Arc? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, Twilight. I just need to talk to you and Auriel.”

Twilight looks confused as she steps back to let him inside. “All right. Please come in.”

He steps across the threshold as Twilight closes the door behind him.

“Can I offer you some tea?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thank you. It is quite late after all.”

“I’ll just get Auriel then.”

He nods. “Thank you. I’ll wait here for you two.”

Twilight descends the basement stairs. A moment later she returns with Auriel in her stead.

“You wanted to see me, Arc?”

“Yes, Auriel. Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?”

She shakes her head. “No, I don’t. Other than my research that is.”

“I’d like to take you on a bit of a field trip if you’re up to it.”

Auriel nods. Only slightly confused. “Okay. Where and what time?”

“First thing tomorrow morning at Light’s Hope.”

“I’ll get to bed early then.”

Twilight looks out the window. “I think your chance to go to bed early has passed, Auriel.”


Arc chuckles as Auriel looks out the window.

Twilight sighs. “We lost track of time again?”

“I suppose we did. Don’t worry. I’ll go to bed when you leave, Arc.”

“Good. You should be well rested for what I have planned tomorrow.”

He turns to Twilight.

“Thanks for taking Auriel in like this.”

Twilight looks suddenly nervous. “She’s coming back, right?!”

“Of course! Before lunch probably.”

“Good! We have a lot of research to do together!”

Arc nods to her. “I have a bit of a job for you, Twilight. If you’re too busy though I understand.”

“What is it?”

“When I was in Griffonstone, Natalya showed me their library.”

Twilight’s eyes light up happily. “Was it big?!”

Arc nods. “Much bigger than this library, yes. But it was falling down.”

“Falling down?!

“Books lay on the floor and even on the ground out front. Sadly, the elements had taken their toll on them.”

Twilight appears ready to cry. “How… why?!”

“It’s a long story.”

She looks up at him, a pleading glint in her eyes. “Could any of them be saved?! I… I know it would kinda be stealing… but… could we… go get them?!

Arc pulls the box out of his ring. “I already have.”

“You did?!”

He sets the box on the floor in front of her and removes a couple books from the top of the miniature stacks with his magic. He casts the Matter Compacting counter spell as Twilight takes the books with her own magic.

“I saved what I could. Can you do anything with them?”

Twilight nods fervently! “I’ll certainly do my best! Truthfully, I already know a spell to help restore old books! It will take quite a while to go through all these page by page though! Oh, I can’t wait to get started on this!”

“There’s no rush. I just didn’t want their knowledge to be lost.”

Auriel sighs as she stares at the waterlogged pages. “Such a waste. Don’t the griffons care about their collective knowledge?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. I’ve already told the princesses about this. When you’re done the books are to be safely hidden away in my vault back at Light’s Hope.”

Twilight looks up at Arc, surprised! “What?! You’re not going to bring them back?!”

“Not right now, no. They would just rot on the shelves.”

With a sheepish grin on her face, she looks to Arc. “Can I… keep them here? For safekeeping, of course!”

Arc smiles at her. “Want to catch up on your reading?”

She nods. Looking a bit embarrassed. “Sorry! I do!”

“Nothing to be sorry about. I don’t see why not. But on one condition.”


“That you don’t start on this project tonight. Get some rest and wait until morning.”

Twilight nods. “I can do that!”

Auriel picks up the crate from the floor. “I’ll help too! We’ll see how many of these books we can save!”

“Thank you. I’ll let you two get some rest now.”

Auriel smiles at Arc as he turns towards the door. “Good night, Arc!”

“We’ll see you in the morning!”

Arc nods and closes the door behind him. “I look forward to it. Until tomorrow then.”

Auriel looks at the box in her claws, nervously. “Do you think the griffons will come after these?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I doubt it. Arc said the library wasn’t being maintained at all. Even if somepony notices they’re gone, I doubt they’ll care too much.”

Auriel sets the box on a table in the center of the library. “Where do you think Arc and I are going tomorrow?”

Twilight shrugs. “It’s anypony’s guess. I’ll start on this project while you’re gone.”

Auriel looks at the wall clock. “We should probably get to bed then. It wouldn’t do to have either of us falling asleep during our tasks.”

Twilight nods as the pair head upstairs to their respective rooms. “I suppose not. Good night, Auriel.”

“Good night, Twilight.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Sereb return to Light’s Hope. Sereb lies down in his normal place in front of the fireplace as Arc heads to his room. Opening the door quietly he sees Derpy and Dinky asleep in his bed. Ember is already fast asleep in the bed next to them. Arc removes his helmet from his magic ring, holds it a few moments and sets in down on the nearby dresser. He then quietly picks Dinky up and lies down between them. Whispering, he gives each of them a small kiss on their foreheads.

“Good night you two.”

They snuggle up to him but otherwise do not stir as Arc himself drifts off to sleep. He awakens early as the first rays of sunlight peek over the horizon. Arc gently shakes Derpy and Dinky.

“Time to wake up you two.”

Dinky slowly opens her eyes and looks up at him. “Dad? You’re really here?!”

“Yes, sweetheart.”

Dinky stretches and yawns. “I though yesterday was a dream!”

Derpy giggles as she sits up. “It was sweetie! Just a very real one!”

Ember covers her face with a pillow. “Argh! It’s… so… EARLY!”

Arc looks to her as he and his family get up. “The early bird catches the worm, Ember.”

Ember glares at him as Sereb enters the room. “I am not a bird!”

Sereb smiles. “A certain yak from up north would disagree with you.”

He and Arc laugh as Ember gets up.


Arc nods. “More so when Sereb does it!”

Ember throws her claws up in defeat. “I give up!”

Dinky clapping her hooves together with her mother, happily! “YAY! Dad wins!”

Arc grabs his helmet from the dresser as he and everyone walk out into the living room. Derpy looks to him.

“Big plans for today, Arc?”

“Yes. I actually need to get an early start this morning.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “No breakfast?!”

“Yes, but it will have to wait. I’m expecting company.”

“Anyone we know, Arc?”

“Yes, Ember. In fact they’ll be here soon. Can you please get a tablecloth and a few extra chairs from the cafeteria?”

“Sure! Come on, Sereb.”

Ember and Sereb leave Arc’s Quarters and head for the cafeteria as Derpy looks to Arc.

“Dinky and I need to get going to the orphanage now, Arc. The orphan’s breakfast doesn’t cook itself!”

“I understand. Have a nice day you two.”

“Dad? Are you going to come help us cook supper later?”

Arc kneels down and tousles Dinky’s mane. “Maybe. Not sure how long I’ll be today.”

Dinky grins at him. “Try to make it, will you?!”

“No promises, but I’ll see what I can do.”

Derpy smiles at her daughter. “Come along, sweetie!”

“Bye dad!”

Arc waves after them. “Take care you two!”

The door closes behind them. Cherry calls out from the helmet under Arc’s arm.

“Auriel should be here soon. You should get ready!”

“You’re right. I should probably shower before breakfast though.”

Cherry giggles as Arc sets the helmet down on the table. “Yes! Especially with company coming!”

Arc heads into the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a bit.”

“I’ll wait here.”

He turns on the tap and steps into the shower. The hot water on his face feels good. Arc mutters to himself as he showers.

“Busy day ahead. More so than usual. I just hope I’m not making a big mistake.”

A short time later Arc finishes showering and changes into fresh clothes. He emerges from the bathroom to find Ember and Sereb have returned. The kitchen table now bears the fresh tablecloth. Ember is doing her best to get the wrinkles out.

“How’s this look?”

“Very nice, Ember.”

Sereb looks to the door. “Should we bring plates of food next?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’m not sure how long until we can actually sit down to eat. If you two will excuse me, I need to run a quick errand.”

Ember nods. “Okay. Will you be long?”

“Probably not. Can you go wake up Natalya and have her join us here in my quarters please, Ember?”

“Uh… okay.”

Arc steps onto the sigil in the corner and teleports. Sereb turns to Ember as they leave the room and head down the corridor.

“Where do you suppose he’s off to so early?”

Ember shrugs. “Who knows?! Maybe Canterlot Castle?”

“Most everyone would still be asleep at this hour. I suppose your guess is as good as mine on that one.”

Ember knocks lightly on the door before opening it. She finds Natalya already up and ready.

“Good morning, Ember.”

“Hey! You’re an early riser.”

Natalya shrugs. “I had to be as General Blackbeak’s aide and Lord Arc’s steward.”

“Makes sense. In any case, Arc wants us to meet him in his quarters for breakfast.”

“Lead the way!”

The trio leaves Natalya’s room and turns to retrace their steps. A familiar voice behind gives them pause.

“Good morning!”

They turn to see Auriel walking towards them. Natalya smiles nervously at her.


“Hi Auriel! What brings you here?!”

She looks to them, confused. “Arc invited me last night. Said he wanted me here first thing this morning. Is he here?”

Ember shrugs. “He… stepped out for a moment.

Natalya turns to Ember. “He did?”

Auriel looks confused. “Did he say when he’d be back?”

Ember motions for them to follow her and Sereb. “Probably very soon. He referred to it as just a quick errand, after all.”

They return to Arc’s Quarters. Natalya looks surprised!

“Lord Arc stays in THIS room?!”

Ember frowns. “Is there something wrong with it?”

“No, no! I just assumed he would have something a bit… nicer!”

Auriel nods. “I thought the same when I first came here.”

Ember chuckles. “We get that a lot here. But I must admit, this whole situation is a bit mysterious.”

“How so?”

Ember gestures toward the kitchen table. “Arc has never once had anyone in his quarters for a meal before. At least not that I know of.”

Auriel looks to her. “Why not?”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t know. We usually eat together in the cafeteria.”

Natalya thinks for a moment. “Perhaps he just wants to have a private conversation with us?”

Auriel frowns. “Then why invite me?”

Ember thinks for a moment. “Maybe so Natalya can learn more about demons? But that doesn’t make much sense. I mean, I’m glad you’re here and all Auriel, but… this is just out of the ordinary!”

Natalya sighs. “I guess we’ll just have to wait for Lord Arc to return and let us in on the secret.”

“I suppose so.”

A short time later Arc reappears on the sigil. He is wearing his Magic Cloak. Looking to Auriel and Natalya, he smiles.

“I’m glad you two could make it.”

Ember frowns. “Where have you been?! We’ve been trying to figure out what you’re up to since we got here!”

“Sorry. I got back as fast as I could.”

Arc kneels down and opens his cloak to reveal something in his arms, which he promptly sets down on the floor. Natalya raises an eyebrow.

“What is…”

Ember calls forth her armor and spear as she explodes in a fit of rage!


Auriel looks to Arc. Her eyes wide as dinner plates as she slowly walks toward him. Her voice breaks!

“I… I…”

King Malevolence stands before them in all twelve inches of his stature. He holds out his arms toward his daughter.


She drops to her knees and stares at him, dumbfounded.

“But father… how…”

Arc steps back. “Let me help you with that.”

He slowly casts the Matter Compacting counter spell on the Demon King. Slowly King Malevolence grows to about six feet tall before Arc stops casting.

“There. That should…”

Before anyone can stop her, Auriel jumps into her father’s arms and buries her face in his chest, sobbing!

“Father! I… I’ve missed you SO much!”

The king wraps his arms around Auriel in a loving embrace as a single tear courses down his red cheek. “I missed you too, Auriel.”

She looks up into her father’s eyes. “But… how is this possible!”

“Arc here told me awhile back he would bring you to see me! When he showed up at the Gates of Tartarus, I thought he was here to make good on his promise! He did, but more so than I thought!”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Tartarus?”

“I suppose introductions are in order. King Malevolence, this is Natalya. She’s visiting from another country across the sea.”

Natalya waves a talon at him as she struggles to speak. “Um… hello.”

The king nods at her silently.

“Natalya, this is Auriel’s father King Malevolence. Ruler of the demons of Tartarus.”

Natalya takes a step back. “You… you mean…”

“Yes, miss. I’m a demon! Like my daughter!”

Ember seethes! “Arc…? What… were… you… THINKING?!”

Arc walks toward Ember and puts his hands on her shoulder. “I was thinking Auriel would like to see her father again.”

Auriel nods, still hugging her father as she cries tears of joy! “I DID!”

Natalya turns to the furious dragon. “Please, Miss Ember! He appears to make Auriel very happy!”

“You two don’t know what he did in the past!”

Arc nods. “You’re right! I don’t! I only know what I lived through and experienced first-hand!”

He turns from Ember and approaches King Malevolence.

“But I’m willing to call a temporary truce, for Auriel’s sake.”

The king nods. “As am I! For the time being, that is!”

“Fine! Have it your way, Arc! But I’m watching him!”


Auriel takes her father’s hand and pulls him toward the other side of the room. “Father. I’d like to show you something you told me about ever since I was little!”

King Malevolence’s eyes grow wide! “You… you mean…”

Auriel smiles! “Yes!”

She opens the curtains to reveal a beautiful sunrise. The king presses his claws against the glass in an effort to get closer to the sight before him!


Natalya appears confused. “But… It’s just a sunrise.”

The king addresses her, not turning around. “Miss. If you hadn’t seen the sun in centuries, you’d understand.”

“I… suppose.”

Auriel puts her arms around her father’s large arm and leans against him.

“I missed you, father.”

“And I you, Auriel.”

He looks again at the sunrise.

“This right here, my dear! THIS is what I had hoped to show you one day! Every night I dreamed of leading you out of Tartarus and showing you the sun and sky for the first time! Giving you a new life… a BETTER life!”

“You did, father.”

He looks to his daughter, confused. “Eh?”

“It was you who asked Arc to take me back to Equestria after I… betrayed our land.”

“Lack of options! Yet… I must admit, I am quite grateful to him for looking after you.”

Arc nods. “Your daughter actually lives with a friend of mine nearby.”

Auriel smiles broadly! “I live in a library now, father!”

Her father laughs! “I suppose that made you happy, my dear! You always did love reading!”

Auriel nods happily. “So how long can you stay?!”

“I suppose that’s up to the Hero of Light.”

Arc nods. “Just for today. At sunset I’m taking you back.”

The king sighs. “Very well. My subjects need me, after all.”

“In any case… would you join us for breakfast, King Malevolence? We have pancakes!”

“Lead the way!”

Arc leads the king, Natalya, Ember and Sereb out of his quarters. Ember scowls and follows King Malevolence closely. Auriel does not let go of his arm. Ember leans in close and whispers in his ear.

“Arc may have let you out of there, but I’ll drop you like a sack of potatoes if you so much as LOOK at him wrong!”

King Malevolence growls indignantly! “Hmph! Killjoy!”

He looks around at the beautiful architecture.

“Quite a fortress you have here!”

Arc nods. “Thank you. But it’s more of a base of operations than anything else.”

“Call it what you will! Its purpose remains unchanged!”

Natalya leans in close to Ember.

“Is… is that thing really a demon?!”

Ember nods and whispers back. “Yes. Keep your guard up!”

Natalya frowns as she turns back to Ember. “I don’t know. He seems like a good sort to me.”

Ember sneers as she looks back the king. “You haven’t seen what I have!”

They arrive at the cafeteria and walk up to the buffet. It is fully stocked with every imaginable sort of breakfast food. Arc points to the head of the table.

“Auriel, would you please help your father fill a plate?”

Auriel takes her father’s hand and pulls him toward the buffet. “Yes! Please hurry! You’ll love the food here, father!”

Everyone stands aside as Auriel and King Malevolence approach. They each take a plate. Auriel takes great care to put a little of everything on her father’s plate. Ember stands next to Arc with Natalya.

“I don’t like this, Arc!”

“Which part?”

“The whole thing!”

Natalya nods. “I’m with Ember on this one, sir! This guy really gives me the creeps!”

Arc turns to her. “Why is that? You don’t really know anything about him.”

“I don’t know! He’s really scary looking for starters!”

“Like me?”

Natalya frowns. “That’s different! You’re so nice!”

Arc looks back at father and daughter at the buffet. “He’s acting pretty nice right now to Auriel.”

Ember grimaces. “Well, I still don’t trust him! He’s too powerful an enemy to let loose, Arc!”

“I can take him.”

“I know YOU can! But he makes the rest of us nervous!”

“Do I?”

Natalya turns to him. “Do you what, Lord Arc?”

“Make others nervous.”

Ember shakes her head. “NO! Everyone trusts you, Arc!”

“Why is that? Humans have just as bad a reputation as the demons of Tartarus.”

“That may be! But you’ve earned the trust and respect of everyone in this land, Arc!”

Arc nods. “How did I do that?”

“By doing the right thing mostly. Showing that not all humans are bad.”

Arc turns back to watching Auriel and her father. “Let’s see if we can’t give King Malevolence the same benefit of the doubt. For Auriel’s sake?”

Ember sighs. “Fine! But I’m watching him!”

“Good! I’m not saying we give him total free reign, or anything. But maybe he’ll show us he’s not all bad.”

Ember mutters under her breath. “Or maybe he’ll prove he is!”

King Malevolence and Auriel fill their plates as Ember and Natalya follow behind them.

“I’ll grab you a plate, Arc.”

Arc nods, not taking his eyes off King Malevolence as the pair grab some silverware. “Thank you, Ember.”

They walk back to Arc’s quarters and sit down at his table. Auriel pours some syrup on her father’s pancakes.

“Eat up!”

“Thank you, my dear! I shall!”

The king cuts his pancakes and picks up a forkful of the syrupy goodness. He stares at it for a long moment. Natalya looks to him.

“Is something wrong with your food?”

“No. I just wanted to savor this moment. It has been years innumerable since I last tasted the sweet goodness of pancakes!”

Natalya looks down at her plate. “Is that what these are?! Pan… CAKES?!”

Arc nods. “Try them, Natalya. You’ll love these!”

She does so. Her eyes light up happily!

“They’re sweet like cupcakes! But a different kind of sweet! Is everything around here like this, Lord Arc?!”

“No. The eggs and toast aren’t sweet.”

Auriel nods! “But the jam we put on the toast is!”

Arc laughs. “I suppose so!”

They go back to eating. Eventually Natalya breaks the silence as she turns to the king.

“So what’s Tartarus like?”

“Think of the most terrible, inhospitable, awful place you can!”

Natalya does so. “Okay…”

“The place you’re thinking of is PARADISE compared to my realm!”

Natalya sighs as she looks down at her plate, sadly. “…I see.”

“I am glad Auriel at the very least was able to escape. Tell me, my dear, does the Hero of Light have you working on anything interesting?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No father! In fact, I don’t work for anyone other than my own curiosity here!”

Arc nods. “The mare she lives with is also big into science, reading and experimenting.”

“I’m glad you found a friend here, Auriel.”

Auriel smiles at her father. “Yes! Twilight and I have much in common!”

“Twilight… why does that name sound so familiar…?”

Ember glares at him. “She’s the one you ordered torn to pieces!”

“I did?”

Arc nods. “The small purple unicorn that got stuck in Tartarus after the barrier reformed.”

“…oh. My apologies.”

“I got to her before you and your minions did fortunately.”

“Does she know you’re my daughter, Auriel?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. Even after what you did, she was still willing to take me in!”

“Why? HOW?!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s called forgiveness. A very simple… and complicated idea.”

The king shakes his head as he goes back to eating. “Forgiveness, huh? She must be a very good friend to you, Auriel.”

“Yes father! We have great mutual respect for one another!”

Ember nods snidely. “Yeah! Even though they’re so different physically, they’re able to look past each other’s outward appearance!”

There is a tense silence during which Arc looks at Ember and chuckles.

“It’s so much easier for me when you teach yourself a lesson, Ember.”

Ember sighs. “Point taken. Sorry… King Malevolence.”

“Your words were justified. There has been much animosity between your Vile Tribe and my demons over the centuries.”

Arc turns to the king. “Any chance of burying the hatchet?”

Natalya jumps back! “HUH?!”

“It means letting go of the past in order to move on.”

King Malevolence sighs. “I’ll consider it. I’m not too interested in becoming chummy with my jailers after all!”

Arc shrugs. “Fair enough. Now… anyone up for seconds?”

The king makes a sound one can only hope is laughter as he stands up with his empty plate. “I thought you’d never ask!”

He enjoys several more plates. Natalya raises an eyebrow.

“I’m not sure if I should be horrified or impressed.”

King Malevolence laughs! “I shall take that as a compliment, little one! Tell me, how is the Griffon Kingdom these days? Is it still the bustling center of commerce I remember it being?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not exactly.”

“Hmmm… I may have been in Tartarus longer than I thought. That statue I gave Grover should have inspired your nation for generations to come.”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide. “Wait! The Idol of Boreas came from demons?!”

“It did! You see, the Great Demon Kingdom as it was known in centuries past, was once a strong ally with your land. In fact, Grover was a good friend of mine.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I find it hard to believe YOU had friends, demon!”

Arc nods. “I suppose stranger things have happened. But tell me, how does a demon befriend a griffon?”

“Grover was a very successful business magnate in those days. He had trade routes throughout many different lands. Even ours.”

Ember scoffs. “Through Tartarus?”

“This may be hard for you to understand, dragon, but we once lived among the other races peacefully.”

Arc looks surprised. “Where?”

Ember laughs! “Do you expect us to believe you lived in trees?!”

King Malevolence turns to Arc, ignoring Ember. “Far to the south of Equestria in a large forest know to us then as the Towering Garden. In its center were many canyons and rocky cliffs. It was there for centuries that we made our homes.”

Arc nods. “What did you eat?”

“The forest provided fruit and nuts, its streams gave us abundant fish, and the wildlife provided game. It was a wonderful existence! However, over time the game became scarce, the rivers stopped flowing and the forest withered.”

“A drought?”

The king sighs. “Yes. Rain did not fall for quite some time. We never discovered the cause.”

Natalya looks confused. “Forgive me, but what does this have to do with King Grover?”

“My citizens faced starvation! I sent word to the neighboring countries begging for aid! The unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, dragons, yaks, griffons and even King Sombra of the Crystal Empire!”

He sighs.

“None responded.”

Natalya nods. “What did you do?!”

Ember growls. “He probably invaded someone!”

“We did not! At that point, we didn’t have the strength to invade anyone. Early one morning we awoke to the sound of powerful engines in the distance. A fleet of airships was heading straight for us.”

Arc looks to the king. “Were they from Equestria?”

“No. In fact this country as you know it did not yet exist. The flag it flew was not known to us at the time, as it was a family crest.”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide! “Were they pirates?!”

They were not, my dear. It was a merchant fleet of a great and wise griffon. His ships landed nearby and quickly began unloading their cargo.”

Arc smiles. “Food?”

The kings nods. “Food, water and medical supplies. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I saw my subjects happily eating and drinking. I ordered the contents of our land’s treasury opened to our benefactor. But… he refused to take our money!”

Auriel thinks for a moment. “I remember you telling me that story, father! At the time, I thought it was little more than a myth! After all… who could be that selfless?”

“That one act saved our land, Auriel. As he turned to leave, I insisted that he take something as a gift at the very least!”

Natalya gasps! “You mean…?!”

“Yes. I gave him my prized possession. The Demon’s Light!”

Arc frowns. “Demon’s… Light?”

“He returned to his land with it. However, it seemed to have a strange effect on the griffons! Its glow seemed to inspire them to new heights of pride and unity! Before long they started calling it the Idol of Boreas and the leaders of the various griffon tribes united under a single ruler!”

Natalya nods, awestruck! “But what happened to that kind merchant?!”

“That merchant was none other than Grover himself! He grew into a fine ruler! From that time on, the newly formed Griffon Kingdom and the Great Demon Kingdom were the strongest of allies!”

Natalya sighs. “I’m sorry to tell you that the idol has been missing for many years now.”

King Malevolence nods. “Who sits on the throne now?”

“King Guto, fifteenth king of the Griffon Kingdom. He searched for the idol for many years before returning home empty-clawed.”

“I am sorry to hear that. If he is a descendant of the great King Grover, I am certain he tried his best! With luck, the statue will one day be found!”

Arc nods. “One can but hope.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Or dream!”

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