• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - New Lives

A short time later Arc, Rose, and Ember appear on the sigil outside Redemption Village. Ember turns to Rose.

“I still don’t like coming back here.”

Rose appears confused. “Why not?”

“Because Mythic Honor is NUTS!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You didn’t have to come, you know.”

Ember shrugs. “Yeah, well… what else would I be doing?”

“Well, anything really.”


Arc thinks for a moment before responding.

“We really need to get you a hobby, or something.”

Ember grins. “I got one. Watching your back and making sure you don’t get yourself killed!”

Cherry sighs. “She has you there, Arc.”

“Great. Thanks you two.”

Cherry giggles. “You’re welcome!”

They walk toward the village. As they do, they spot Celaeno and her crew leaving. The two parties meet part way. Celaeno is the first to greet them.

“Welcome back, sir.”

Arc waves. “Hello there.”

Squabble appear suddenly nervous. “Here for a parole visit, sir?”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Should we be?”

Mullet shrugs. “We’ve been behaving ourselves.”

Marco puffs his chest out with evident pride. “Yeah! We’re even building a new ship!”

Celaeno looks to Arc, nervously. “I, uh… hope that’s okay. We’re not trying to escape, or anything.”

“Fine by me. None of you are prisoners here anyways. But I am curious. Where would you go?”

Mullet sighs. “We were thinking of heading back to Ornithia. At least where the Griffon Kingdom and the rebels wouldn’t find us.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “I’ve never heard of that place. Is it nice?”

Celaeno grimaces. “Not… exactly.”

Squabble shudders. “What the captain means it that it’s rather… inhospitable.”

Arc chuckles. “That cleared it up.”

Mullet frowns. “It sucks there.”

Celaeno glares at him. “Mullet!”

“What? Just being honest.”

Arc looks around. “Uh… wasn’t there one more in your group?”

Marco grins. “You mean Lix? She’s at the Town Hall working for the mayor.”

Ember looks toward the town nervously. “Uh oh.”

Celaeno nods. “Mythic Honor hired her to cook the communal meals.”

Arc appears confused. “Communal?”

Mullet sniffs the air. “Didn’t you know? The ponies of this village eat every meal together.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Just like in Tartarus.”

“Old habits die hard, I suppose.”

Celaeno looks toward the tree line. “Well, we’d better get back to work. Mythic Honor has us hunting for mushrooms today.”

Ember sticks out her tongue. “For meals?”

Mullet shakes his head. “Not usually.”

Squabble looks over his shoulder. “This is for some kind of magical experiment of his. Not sure what though.”

Arc grimaces. “Well, we won’t keep you any longer then. Take care.”

The group nods as they part ways. Ember turns to Arc.

“I wonder what that was all about.”

“Which part?”

“Them wanting to leave all of a sudden.”

Rose shrugs. “Perhaps they just want the freedom to fly again, Arc.”


They head to the Town Hall. Approaching the building they see Lix Spittle busy tending to a pot. She greets them warmly.

“Hello again, sir.”

“Hi. Is Mythic Honor around?”

Lix appears suddenly nervous. “Uh… you could say that.”

Ember looks around. “Well, where is he then?”

Suddenly the pot begins to bubble violently. Before any of them can react, they are splashed with soup as a familiar figure pokes his head out and looks around. His eyes eventually focus on Arc.

“Fancy meeting you here!”

“Uh… hi?”

Ember glares at him. “What are you doing in there, Mythic Honor?!”

“Just soaking my tired muscles! Why do you ask?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Because you’re in a soup pot for starters.”

“I am?”

Lix sighs. “Yes sir. You are.”

Mythic Honor turns his gaze to Lix. “Huh… I thought it was my soaking pot! That explains why you were stirring it! You could’ve said something!”

“I did!”

Mythic Honor cackles as he hops out. “Oh well… no use crying over spilled soup! But what can I do for you three today?!”

Arc sighs. “I have a couple things I need you to look at.”

Mythic Honor motions with a hoof. “Sure! Come inside!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… Mythic Honor?”


“Don’t you want to get cleaned up first?”

Mythic Honor looks to Ember, confused. “Why?”

Ember groans and rolls her eyes. “You know what? I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.”

“Glad you’re coming around to my way of thinking, Ember!”

“I’m not…!”

Arc wordlessly puts a hand on her shoulder as Lix points a claw.

“Mister Mayor, what’s that over there?”

“What? Where?”

“Behind you.”

Mythic Honor looks over his shoulder. Lix silently picks up a bucket of water and hurls the contents at the mayor, dousing him and knocking the stallion to the ground before putting the empty bucket down behind her.

“What the…?!”

The stallion quickly gets to his feet and looks around, fuming.

“That’s the tenth time that sneaky varmint has gotten the drop on me! But I’ll catch them sooner or later!”

Lix rolls her eyes. “Yes, well… why don’t you head inside and get dried off, sir? I’ll see if I have the ingredients to start a new pot of soup.”

“Okay! But what’s wrong with this one?!”

Ember facepalms. “Trust us. It’s tainted.”

They walk into the Town Hall. As usual it is filled with piles of everything imaginable. Mythic Honor walks over to a wardrobe and pulls out a fresh robe. Throwing it up into the air he Blinks out of his old one into the dry one before it touches the ground.

“Now then, what can I do for you two today?!”

Arc clears his throat. “Um… I just need advice on some interesting enchantments on a few things.”

He removes the outfit along with Hammer’s gun and Mio’s staff from his ring. Mythic Honor looks them over carefully before responding.

“These garments have several! The hat is enchanted with something resembling a Clear-Thought enchantment, while the cape has defensive enchants all over it.”

He points to the trousers.

“This part even has a Thermal Balancing enchant on it!”

Ember nods approvingly. “To keep the wearer warm?”

Mythic Honor cackles. “Or cool if need be!”

Arc puts a on the table. “What about the weapons?”

Mythic Honor grins as he picks up the gun. “This strange looking thing is quite curious! While I don’t sense an enchantment, I can feel the potential in this! Focus on it with your magic, Arc!”

“Uh… okay.”

Arc does so.

“Now aim it out the window at the tree line and fire!”

As Arc takes aim and fires a blast of magical energy blazes forth. Arc appears taken aback at the display.


Rose claps her hands. “Very impressive!”

Ember frowns. “How much energy did you put in that thing, Arc?!”

“Um… I…”

Ember facepalms. “You have to remember to hold back sometimes!”

Arc looks down at the gun in his hands. “I thought I was.”

Mythic Honor grins. “That’s the weapon’s ability to amplify your powers, Arc!”

“To do what now?”

“It stores and then increases the power!”

Ember gasps. “How?!”

Mythic Honor shrugs. “No idea! I could take it apart if you really want to know!”

Ember looks to him skeptically. “Could you put the weapon back together again afterwards?”


Arc puts the gun cautiously in his ring. “I think I’ll just hold onto this.”

“Suit yourself!”

Ember frowns. “What about upper limits? Should Arc worry about overcharging the weapon and blowing up?!”

Mythic Honor shakes his head. “Unlikely! Nopony in their right mind would create something so powerful without safeguards to prevent such a thing!”

“That’s a relief. Now what about this?”

He gestures to Mio’s staff.

“It’s a stick with a rock on top!”

Ember seethes. “We can see that!”

Mythic Honor picks the wand up and looks it over. “Primitive magical amplification technology here! Nothing really special!”

Arc looks hopeful. “What kind of increases would this make possible?”

“At best it would bring a foal up to average adult magical prowess!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “That sounds dangerous.”

Mythic Honor shakes his head. “Nah! No foal would EVER do something nefarious with the likes of this!”

Arc shrugs. “Probably not. But let’s not take chances.”

“Be careful if you use it! This you CAN overload!”

Ember sighs. “Any tips on how to NOT do that?”

Mythic Honor nods. “Yeah! Don’t use it!”

“Anything else?”

“If you do decide to, be sure to channel your magic evenly! It’ll make for the best chances of success!”

He looks over the items again silently. Rose notices this and raises the question.

“Something else, sir?”

“Kinda! You see, these enchantments just feel a bit… wrong!”

Arc frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s kinda hard to explain! Think of it like making soup!”

Ember instinctively puts a claw to her stomach. “Soup?”

“Yes, soup! A chef could give their recipe to somepony else to make! However, it’ll never quite be the same as the original version!”

Arc steps back, surprised. “That… actually kinda makes sense.”

Rose turns to him. “It does?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Rose. I think he means that a human trying to enchant something is different than a pony doing the same.”

“Pretty much! It’s kinda sloppy actually!”

“Thanks for the insight. By the way, how are Captain Celaeno and her crew doing here?”

“Great! They’re making enough to afford proper lodgings! Even built themselves a sort of bunkhouse!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “So they’re living together?”


Rose appears confused. “Is that strange?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, Rose. They probably just feel safe sharing a roof. It’s probably kinda like their new ship.”

“Which they’re building!”

Ember nods. “They did mention that.”

Arc looks to the mayor. “That doesn’t worry you, does it?”

“Not in the least! We’re kinda remote way out here! It would be nice to have some way of ferrying supplies to and from the village!”

Ember puts a claw to her chin. “For trade with other towns?”

Mythic Honor shakes his head. “More for bringing in things we can’t make ourselves! Like solar powered alarm clocks!”

Arc frowns. “Um… is that a thing?”

Ember sighs. “I certainly hope not.”

“Somewhere, somepony must make those!”

Arc considers this for a few moments. “How would you even…?! You know what, I don’t want to know. In any case, we have to be going.”

“Why don’t you two stay for lunch as my guests?!”

Arc grimaces. “Uh… we’re kinda busy right now.”

Ember looks to Mythic Honor. “I’m kinda hungry. What are you having?”


He points a hoof out the front door at Lix Spittle as she stirs the pot. Ember’s pupil’s shrink.

“On second thought, let’s get moving.”

Mythic Honor grins as he shows them to the door. “Take care now!”

The trio leaves the Town Hall. Arc turns to Lix.

“Uh… is that the same…”

Lix sighs. “There isn’t time or materials to make another pot.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Does this happen often?”

“You mean him swimming in the food?”


Lix frowns. “That was new. But he always does things that most of us would consider bizarre at the very least.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Well, that isn’t new.”

Rose appears confused. “Ember?”

“He’s been like that as long as I’ve known him.”

Arc shrugs. “I can’t argue with that.”

Lix looks around and lowers her voice. “The rest of the town’s inhabitants really look up to him though. I just don’t understand why.”

Ember sighs. “He’s been the leader as long as anyone can remember. They just don’t understand how crazy he is, as it’s all they’ve ever known.”

Arc nods. “So you think he should retire?”

“Probably. I mean, he does work really hard. One of these days he’ll give himself a heart attack though. Especially at his age.”

Lix sighs. “Yes. But I don’t think he, or anyone else, wants anything to change.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Well, at some point someone else needs to step forward and lead!”

Arc frowns. “You’re right, Ember. But Mythic Honor shouldn’t be pushed aside simply because he’s old and a little crazy.”

“Why not?!”

“Because he still has a lot to teach the current generation.”

Arc sighs.

“Back on Earth, we have the same problem.”

Lix frowns. “Crazy old ponies?”

“Not exactly. It seems that when people get old and have things to warn us about, we like to tell them to step back and let the current generation handle it.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What happens to them?”

“Mostly nursing homes.”

Lix appears confused. “Nursing homes?”

“It’s a place where they live with other seniors and are, sadly, often forgotten and ignored by their relatives.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Why?!”

“Because their old and frail or maybe a bit senile.”

Lix looks down at the pot. “Like Mythic Honor?”


“Well, he’s nuts!”

“I suppose he is, Ember. But there’s so much expertise in that head of his, it’s staggering! This town needs ponies like him, as does Equestria.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “If you say so.”

Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here. Go ahead.”

“This is Max, sir! We’ve just received a phone call from one of Frank’s men! They say something is wrong with him!”

“What?! Did they elaborate?!”

“No sir! But things sounded a bit strange over there! Are you and Ember still in Equestria?!”


“Might I ask when the next wormhole will be?!”

“As soon as I get to Canterlot Castle! Let me know if you learn anything else! Arc out!”

He touches his earring as he turns to Ember.

“I’ve got to get back!”

“You mean ‘we’, right?!”

“Ember, this will be dangerous!”

“I’m coming, and that’s final!”

Arc sighs as he calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Fine! Let’s go!”

The pair rush through and hurry down the hall. Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Sunburst!”

A few moments later a different voice reverberates in Arc’s ear.

“Um… this is Spike. Sunburst is still out cold.”

Arc groans. “Great! I forgot!”

“Something I can help you with?”

Ember frowns. “Arc and I need to get back to Earth right away!”

“Right! Does anyone else know how to use the S.P.E.A.R.?!”

“I can start it up. The only problem is I don’t know how to read the data on times for safe wormhole windows.

Arc sighs. “Well, we’re going right now with or without a window!”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “What?! But…!”

Ember interrupts him. “It’s urgent! Now are you going to help, or am I just going to start pushing buttons?!”

Spike grimaces. “I’ll be right there.”

The baby dragon frowns as he hurries out of the office.

“Of all the times…!”

Arriving at Princess Celestia’s bedroom Spike finds Arc and Ember pacing impatiently

“There he is.”

“Spike, get this thing working!”

He hurries over to the machine. “Fine. But I want to go on record as saying this is a bad idea.”

Arc nods. “Duly noted.”

Manipulating the controls a wormhole forms. Ember frowns.

“It looks unstable.”

Spike grimaces as he looks over the controls. “That’s probably because it is! Remember, I can’t read the data on windows!”

“I’m going!”

“Me too!”

Spike nods soberly. “Alright. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The pair step through the portal and vanish. Spike sighs.

“Good luck you two.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember reappear on Earth. Arc looks around.

“That wasn’t so bad. Kinda foggy, but…”

“Uh… Arc?”

“Yes, Ember?”

She wordlessly points a claw at her feet. Arc look down as his pupils shrink.


Cherry calls out. “Arc? What’s…”

As the pair begin to slowly fall he calls out.


“ON IT!”

The pair call forth their respective armors. Within seconds they emerge from the bottom of a cloud. Ember grabs Arc’s gauntlet.



She strains. “FUNNY!”

Ember spreads her wings and takes flight. In a few moments they level off.




Flapping her leathery wings the pair land on a tall rooftop. Arc lets go of Ember’s claw and drops nimbly on the roof as she doubles back and lands next to him.

“You okay?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. And you?”

“I’m fine. But that was quite the trip!”

Cherry sounds frightened. “I’ll say! That was scary!”

“Agreed. And I can fly.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, at least Spike got us here safely. But this little experiment proves something rather important.”

Cherry answers warily. “What’s that?”

“That portals to Equestria can be opened elsewhere. Not just on the ground.”

Ember looks out over the horizon. “I suppose it does. But unless you want to fall to Earth every time we come here, how does that help us?”

“We might need to portal in somewhere high or low one of these days.”

Cherry calls out. “You mean when Princess Celestia is found?”

“Yeah. But for now let’s get home. We can grab my Jeep and head over to see Frank.”

“Why not just fly there? I can get you there faster.”

Arc shakes his head as he raises a gauntlet. “True. But we’d have trouble explaining why there isn’t a vehicle parked out front.”

They enter the portal and appear in Arc’s basement. Xenos tosses Arc the keys.

“We just got another phone call, sir! Couldn’t make out what they were saying, but there was a LOT of yelling!”

Max nods nervously. “Yes, sir. You should hurry over.”

“Alright. Thanks for letting me know.”

Arc runs up the stairs as Ember walks over to the others

“What do you guys think?”

Hugh shrugs. “No idea. The yelling didn’t seem like it was from an argument though.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “What other reason would they have for doing that though.”

Rose looks over from the table.

“I think I know.”

Xenos grins. “Great!”

“You were right, Hugh. They weren’t angry, but were experiencing an equally powerful emotion.”

Ember frowns. “Which one?”


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