• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Military Manipulation (Part 2)

As the vehicle leaves the town limits the occupants let out whoops of joy. Hammer grins as she elbows Max.

“I can’t believe we pulled that off!”

Max grins. “Right! Every second back there I though he was going to call us on it!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. Or start asking a lot of difficult questions.”

Auriel appears confused. “Like what?”

Hugh shrugs. “How about, for example, what officer he should send the report to?”

Hammer smirks. “Right. But shouldn’t you… loosen up now, Auriel?”

Auriel giggles. “Yes, I believe I will.”

Carefully undoing two buttons of her officer’s uniform between her breasts, Auriel pulls the fabric apart very carefully. Putting her open palm in front of the opening she waits. A few moments later a miniature Arc crawls out and tumbles into her hand. Hammer grins as he looks around.

“Welcome back, handsome.”

Max leans forward. “Are you alright, sir?”

Arc nods. “Just fine. But I still think I would have been just as safe hiding out cloaked in your hair, Auriel.”

“Well, I was worried you wouldn’t have enough… padding up there.”

Hugh sighs. “He could have been crushed between your… you know…”

Xenos glances over at Auriel’s chest. “Yeah. But what a way to go.”

Auriel frowns as she rebuttons her shirt. “Eyes on the road please.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Hammer grins slyly. “So how’d you like it in there, Arc? Warm enough on this cold autumn day?”

“You leading up to something, Hammer?”

“I was just thinking that if it wasn’t working out inside there, you might give my melons a try.”

Auriel smiles. “You might stay warmer in Hammer’s shirt, Arc. After all, she does have bigger…”

Arc interrupts. “Alright, enough of that. We have bigger issues right now.”

Hammer laughs. “Whatever you say, shorty.”

Max and Hugh chuckle as Xenos looks away innocently, doing his best to stifle his own laughs as Arc continues.

“Now then, hopefully everyone has that out of their system. Good job back there everyone. You especially Hammer.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. From what we heard you honestly sounded like a criminal.”

Hugh grins. “Without being too obvious though.”

Max motions to the passenger’s seat. “And Auriel did a fine job imitating Diva.”

“Do you really think so? I thought I still needed more work.”

Arc smiles. “I was convinced. And believe me I could hear… everything.”

Hammer scoffs. “Still think you should have been in my shirt, Arc.”

Xenos rolls his eyes. “Yeah? Even when you got tackled?”

“Okay, maybe he really was better of balancing on Auriel’s bra.”

“And that’s where I’m going to stay for the duration of this phase. At least until I’m needed out here.”

Auriel frowns. “You mean ‘if’, right?”

Max grimaces. “Auriel’s right, sir. You’re very valuable to Equestria.”

Hugh purses his lips. “I still think you shouldn’t be risking your own safety right now, sir.”

“Noted. Now then, does everyone understand what’s going to happen when we get to Damocles Base?”

Auriel groans. “I do all the talking unfortunately.”

Hammer sighs. “Can’t be helped. After all, you’re the commanding officer here.”

Xenos puts a hand on her shoulder. “You’ll do fine, Auriel.”

Hugh leans forward. “But you should still keep a hand on the shifter, Xenos. Just in case, that is.”

Max shrugs. “Not that it would do much good. They get wise and start shooting, I don’t think we’ll make to back to the main road before taking too much damage.”

Hammer shifts uncomfortably. “Right. But, um… do you guys suppose I could get a bit of a break from these cuffs?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh… Marshal Raynor has the key, remember?”

“Say what now?!”

Xenos motions to the glove box. “Maybe he’s got a spare in there?”

Hugh groans. “Of all the times to not have Viktor with us.”

Max nods. “He could have picked that in a flash.”

Viktor calls out over their frequency. “Yes, well… those cuffs’ locks probably aren’t very sophisticated mechanisms. A bit of fiddling around with them might just do the trick.”

Auriel frowns. “We’d need something to stick in there though. Ideas, Viktor?”

“Look around for something there. It just has to be rigid and thin enough to fit in the lock.”

Xenos grins. “What about these?”

He points to a pair of sunglasses on the dashboard. Auriel nods.

“Worth a try.”

Handing them through the wire mesh dividing them from the back seat Hugh takes them and pulls off the rubber ear piece.

“Lean forward, Hammer.”

“I can’t. Give me a push, Max.”

Doing so, Max holds Hammer forward as far as he can. Hugh fiddles around with the lock for a few minutes before grinning and giving them a quick pull. Hammer’s wrist slips through the opening as she leans back and groans contentedly.

“That’s a ton better!”

“Want me to see if I can get the other one off?”

Hammer nods. “Sure.”

Max chuckles. “Can I try?”

Hugh chuckles. “Go for it.”

Giving Max the sunglasses he picks around until the cuffs loosen. Xenos looks in the rear view mirror.

“That sounded good.”

Max grins. “Got em.”

Hammer rubs her wrists as Xenos chuckles.

“Could I get those sunglasses back though?”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Why? It’s cloudy today.”

“So I can look like those guys on that one show. What’s it called again?”

Viktor calls out. “Cops?”

“That’s the one!”

Hugh slides the rubber back over the earpiece and pushes it back through the grill. Auriel takes it and hands them to Xenos. Arc shakes his head before speaking.

“Alright. It’s going to be a while until we get there via the road. Does anyone want to add to the plan?”

Hammer raises a hand. “I would.”

Auriel looks behind her. “Oh?”

“How about a nice nap?”

Max rolls his eyes. “I don’t really think that’s a good idea, Hammer.”

Hugh nods. “After all, we need to be hale, hearty, and ready for action when we get there.”

Hammer squirms uncomfortably. “Says the two jokers with the good seats. This middle one is the pits!”

Arc sighs. “Fine then. If it makes you feel better.”

Hammer grins. “Thanks.”

Leaning back, she attempts to get comfortable. Trying for several moments Hammer groans.

“I wish I had a pillow, or something.”

Hugh turns to her. “How about my shoulder?”

Hammer grins slyly. “Shouldn’t you ask Arc about that first?”

“How about it, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “Fine with me.”

Hammer leans against Hugh. “Great!”

She sighs contentedly before continuing.

“Much better.”

Sometime later they spot the base. Xenos pulls over and stops the car.

“We’re only a few minutes out, sir.”

“Good. Um… can one of you nudge Hammer, please?”

Hugh elbows her gently but the young woman does not stir. Max shakes her which does the trick. Sitting up she yawns.

“That was refreshing.”

Hugh holds up the handcuffs. “We’re almost there. Ready for this again?”

Hammer groans. “Fine.”

Arc rolls his eyes as Hugh and Max put the handcuffs back on her. “Now then, everyone remember the one golden rule of the mission. No one talks except for Auriel unless absolutely necessary.”

Xenos nods. “And I stay with the vehicle?”

“Right. Don’t get out unless you absolutely have to either.”

Hugh grimaces. “I do hope this works.”

Max sighs. “Me too.”

Auriel looks down at Arc in her palm. “You ready to get back inside me, Arc?”


Auriel blushes slightly. “That came out wrong.”

Xenos winks at Arc as he looks over. “Have fun, sir.”

Arc chuckles as Auriel undoes the buttons again and holds him up to the opening. “I’ll try.”

Pulling up to the bridge, Xenos turns the wheel and begins slowly driving across it. Gripping the wheel nervously he speaks softly.

“So far so good.”

Auriel nods. “Try to look natural, everyone.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “How?”

Auriel shrugs. I dunno. Heard that on television.”

Max sighs. “Somehow I’m guessing that show wasn’t based on real life.”

Pulling up to the gate Xenos stops the car and rolls down the window. A guard looks inside as Auriel glares at him.

“It’s me, you idiot!”

“Password, ma’am?”

Auriel clenches a fist as she seethes. “How about… ‘open the gate NOW’?!”

The soldier quickly motions for someone to do so. It rises as Auriel giggles darkly.

“Smart of you.”

She looks to Xenos and nods. He steps on the gas and drives up to the massive building as the doors open for them. Pulling inside he stops on the elevator as Auriel rolls down her window and angrily makes motions with her finger to lower them down. The man quickly does so as she raises the window and looks down at her chest.

“We’re on our way, Arc.”

Hammer smirks. “Good. I can’t wait to get into a cell.”

Hugh appears confused. “Really?”

“It’s called sarcasm.”

Max chuckles. “Nice one.”

They sit there in silence for a time as the elevator continues on. Eventually, reaching the bottom, they stop with a bump as a couple soldiers approach the vehicle. Xenos grimaces.

“Everyone just play it cool.”

Auriel hisses at him. “Shush.”

Stepping out of the vehicle, Auriel turns to them angrily.

“About time you came over here!”

She points at the back seat before continuing.

“I’ve captured a renegade agent of ours. You two will provide additional security as we do so.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Opening the door, they help pull Hammer out of the vehicle and stand her up. Auriel turns to the first soldier.

“You lead the way!”


“Is there wax in your ears?!”

“No ma’am. However regulations state that the arresting officer lead the procession to the Brig.”

Auriel folds her arms over her chest. “Well, I think I’ll lead from the back then.”


“It’ll make it MUCH easier to see when you two idiots are messing up!”

She points at Hammer angrily before continuing.

“And I CERTAINLY don’t want this nutjob BEHIND ME! Now then, let’s GO!”

Hurrying to comply with her orders he motions for other soldiers to form a perimeter around Hammer. Auriel turns to Xenos and frowns.

“I’ll be back. Don’t fall asleep.”

Xenos salutes as Max and Hugh fall into step behind Hammer and the soldiers leading her. Auriel takes her place at the rear of the procession. A fairly long walk later they find themselves entering the Brig. As the soldiers stop at an empty cell one turns to Diva as the other opens the cell door.

“Do you have the key, ma’am?”

Auriel frowns. “What are you talking about?!”

“For her handcuffs.”

Auriel rolls her eyes. “Are you two INSANE?!”


“Do you have ANY idea just how dangerous this woman IS?!”


“She is to stay restrained as she is questioned!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He grabs Hammer’s arm and pulls her away from the door. Auriel glares at him.


“You said you wanted to question her, ma’am. I was taking her to the Interrogation Room.”

Auriel groans as she rolls her eyes. “Is everyone here complete MORONS?!”


“OBVIOUSLY I want to speak to her in here! “

“But there aren’t any recording devices set up for her statement in here. If you’d like we can lead her to…”

Auriel interrupts him angrily. “Had I wanted to go to an Interrogation Room I WOULD HAVE SAID SO!”

They roughly push Hammer into the cell as Auriel motions to Hugh.

“Question her. Find out what she knows.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“But, Colonel Diva, regulations state that any and all of her statements must be recorded for…!”

Auriel shakes her head. “We can’t have that!”

“I don’t…!”

Auriel points to Hugh. “He’s the best at what he does! Don’t question results, idiot!”

She seethes for a few moments before continuing.

“Now then, I want everyone out of here so that my… associate can get to work!”

“Everyone, colonel?”


The pair of guards hurry to comply. Motioning for the soldiers on duty in the control room to follow them they make their way toward the door as Diva slams the cell door shut behind her and walks away with the soldiers. Hugh rushes over to the bed, pulls the mattress off of it, and lays it against the wall. Nodding to Hammer, he winks at her and starts punching it. The soft thuds of fist against mattress ring out as Hammer screams.


Auriel grins wickedly as she laughs. Keep going! Soften her up for me!

Soldier nervously looks past her. “Ma’am we really should be in there to make sure your agent doesn’t…”

Auriel grins wickedly. “To do what?! Listen to the symphony of pain and suffering?! HA! You pathetic excuses for soldier’s couldn’t handle this melody!”

She closes her eyes and listens for a few moments as she leans against the wall.


Turning back to the others she pushes past them and motions for Max to follow her.

“Come on, you. As much as I love a good show there’s work to be done!”

Glancing over her shoulder, she grins maniacally at the soldiers standing at the door.

“Now then, I trust you’ll all be willing to stay right here, guard this door, and let my enforcer do his job.”

They nod wordlessly as she continues.

“Good. After all, if he tells me of anyone interfering with his task, well… let’s just say that he’ll be working… overtime. ON THEM!!!”

Laughing, Auriel leads the way as Max follows her. Meanwhile, Hugh hears the outer door slam shut behind them. Turning to Hammer he grabs her elbow and helps her up.

“You okay?”

“Fine. But we have to think of a way to get these cuffs off again.”

“That we do. Should’ve brought those sunglasses with us.”

“We all dropped the ball there. But I think I might have an idea.”


Hammer sits down on the stone bench in front of the bed. “First, put that mattress back down and sit across from me.”

“Um… sure.”

Doing as he is told, Hugh replaces the mattress and sits. Hammer turns her head to the side.

“What do you think of my earrings?”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “Is this really the time to…?”

“Take it off slowly.”


Carefully removing an earring, Hugh holds it up.

“Got it. Now what?”

“Bend the end straight.”

Hugh grins. “ And use it as a pick?”


“Um… you’re okay with me ruining this, right?”

Hammer sighs. “Not really. But sacrifices need to be made.”

Meanwhile, Auriel and Max walk down a corridor together. Arriving at Rieper’s private quarters they stop and look around. Max lowers his voice as he turns to Auriel.

“It’s early enough in the workday that he might still be in the lab.”

“But he might also be here. Or any other place in the facility for that matter.”

“Should we head to the lab then?”

“What for?”

“To make sure he’s there before we…”

The door suddenly opens as Rieper comes into view holding a myriad of books and notes. He frowns as he looks up.

“Something I can do for you, colonel?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. I had an question for you indirectly regarding the Ascension Program.”

Rieper rolls his eyes. “Do you now?”

“Have you ever heard of someone attaining magic through either natural or alternative means?”

“You mean other than yourself, I assume?”

Auriel scoffs. “Obviously.”

Rieper shakes his head as he steps out into the corridor. “No, Diva. Such a thing has never been witnessed before.”

“How about a marked increase of magical powers in a subject that previously had only shown marginal abilities?”

“What are you getting at, Diva?”

“A short time ago my troops and I recaptured Sergeant Hammer. We thought she would have used brute force or one of her magical guns to counter us. “

Rieper chuckles as he looks at something on a note. “Yes, her magic has always been minimal due to her rather… limited mental fortitude.”

“Agreed. However she cast several very powerful spells in an effort to evade capture.”

Rieper looks up. “Hammer did?”

Auriel nods. “Yes.”

“Describe the spells.”

“It was a mix between Telekinesis and Nature Magic. As we approached her, several large roots suddenly grew up around our feet and held us in place.”


“Yes. However I am certain there were no plants nearby with the proper root structure to facilitate such a defense.”

“Then where did they come from?”

“That’s why I came to see you!”

Rieper puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Interesting. Such a thing has never been recorded before. Tell me, did you happen to bring back a sample of plant matter from this incident?”

“Sadly, no.”

“Give me the location and I’ll send a technician out there to collect them then.”

“I could. However there isn’t anything to find.”


“When she turned to flee I cast a powerful Fire Spell at the roots, obliterating them.”

Rieper shakes his head. “Always the hothead, Diva.”

“Nevertheless, I did bring Hammer in so you could examine her. She’s the only link we have to this phenomenon at the moment.”

“Well, I suppose that’s better than nothing. Where is she now?”

“In the Brig.”

Rieper grins wickedly. “Bring her to the lab. I’ll examine her… personally.”

Auriel nods as the doctor turns and hurries down the corridor. As his door swings shut Max quickly puts a piece of tape over the metal tongue before he allows it to close. As soon as Rieper is out of earshot Auriel looks down at her chest.

“Did you hear all of that, Arc?”

“Yes. He took the bait… hook, line, and sinker.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“Sorry. It’s an Earth expression. Now then, get back to the Brig and start the next phase of the plan.”

Auriel grins as she motions for Max to follow her. “Yes sir.”

Arriving back at the Brig, they approach the soldiers standing outside. Walking over to the door Auriel motions to the one in charge.

“I’m back to see how my associate is faring with the prisoner.”

“Very well, ma’am. However regulations dictate that you be accompanied if you wish the cell door opened.”

Auriel scoffs. “Regulations?!”

“It’s for your own protection, ma’am.”

“I will determine what protections are needed here! But if you’re so frightened of a RESTRAINED prisoner getting loose and hurting ME of all people…!”

She continues rambling for a time. Hugh listens through the bars and turns to Hammer.

“Sounds like Auriel is really giving them a tongue lashing.”

Hammer chuckles. “I bet.”

“You ready?”

Hammer grins as she grabs the handcuffs from next to her and puts her hands behind her back. “The real question should be… are they.”

A short time later Auriel walks toward the cell with Max and a number of other soldiers. She unlocks the door and tosses the key to Max as she opens it. Stepping across the room to Hammer Auriel grabs the young woman and roughly slams her against the concrete wall.

“How’d you get those powers, sergeant?! TALK?!”

Hammer grits her teeth. “I ain’t telling you NOTHING!”

Auriel takes ahold of Hammer’s shirt and pulls her close. As she continues screaming at her, their chest’s touch. Arc peeks through the folds in the fabric of Auriel’s shirt and reaches out a hand as he mutters to himself.

“Can’t believe I’m doing this…”

Grabbing Hammer’s shirt, he pulls himself onto it and slips through the folds in her blouse. Getting onto the strap between her… um… cups, I guess, Arc carefully turns around to face forward and sighs. Leaning back for stability he stumbles slightly to the side. Falling into the side of one of Hammer’s ample breasts Arc grins hugely.

“Just… like I planned it.”

Feeling Arc on her skin, Hammer makes a strange face. Motioning to her chest with her eyes she cues Auriel in.

“Now then, are you willing to be cooperative, sergeant?!”

“Go to hell!”

“Why you little…?!”

Hearing the exchange from the end of the corridor, Max quickly picks up a nearby phone and calls out.

“Colonel Diva! General Mustang is holding on line one!”

Auriel groans angrily as she turns around and storms out of the cell. “Of all the times…!”

The soldiers close and lock the door as they hurry to catch up with the colonel. Hammer tosses the handcuffs to Hugh and hastily opens the buttons on her shirt between her breasts. Holding out a hand she waits patiently as Arc steps out into her palm. She lowers her voice and speaks quickly.

“You okay, hunny-bear?”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “What’s with the pet names all of a…?”

Hammer grins as she sets Arc down on the bed.” It felt like he planted his face on my boob.”

“I tripped!”

“Your story, dearest.”

Arc sighs as casts the counter spell, returns to normal size, and pulls a magic cloak from his ring as he speaks. “Fine. Let’s get this plan moving. Just be sure to make it look good, Hammer.”

“I will.”

Hugh grimaces. “And please… be gentle.”

“No promises there.”

Donning the garment, Arc vanishes from sight as Hammer waits patiently with Hugh. Taking a deep breath, Arc reaches out with his magic and powers up his crystals. Casting a Telekinesis Spell he deftly blows the hinges off the cell door. It smashes into the wall across the hallway making a sizable hole where the twisted steel embeds itself. Frowning, Auriel drops the receiver.

“What the…?!”

Turning to Hugh, Hammer grabs him by the front of his uniform and throws him roughly out into the corridor before stepping out with Arc right behind her. She turns to the guards at the end of the hallway.

“Much better!”

Cracking her knuckles, she turns to them with a wicked smile on her face.

“Now then… which one of you boys wants to dance?!”

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