• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - After Dinner Conversations

As they approach the carriage the stallions hop out and hitch back up. Arc turns to them as he helps Fluttershy inside.

“We’re looking to go to the indoor nature preserve.”

“Very good, sir. We’ll have you there in a few minutes.”

A short ride later they arrive at the large building. Entering, Arc pays the entrance fee and leads Fluttershy inside. She gasps at the large overhead dome.

“It’s so warm!”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll say. Quite a change from the weather outside.”

Fluttershy sees a robin flying through the air and hurries over to it as it lands on a nearby bench.

“Hello there.”

The bird chirps at her happily. They converse for a time before Arc walks over.

“Interesting conversation?”

Fluttershy nods. “Oh, very! This little bird is very happy to be in here!”

“They told you that, eh?”

“Yes. Animals have a language all their own.”

“But you can understand them.”

“That I can. Sadly I’ve never met anypony else whom could though. Well, other than Prince Tugem of the Ogre Nation, that is.”

“He is a rather… interesting individual. I’m told he took you home after the battle at Light’s Hope.”

“Yes, he did.”

She gasps before continuing.

“Was that okay?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Okay?”

“You aren’t… mad at me, are you?”

“No. Why would I be?”

“Well… I was alone with another male after we suggested forming a herd.”

Arc smiles as he puts a hand on her shoulder. “Fluttershy, even if we do form the herd I don’t own you and your friends.”

“Um… I don’t really…”

“What I mean is that you’re free to associate with whomever you want.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course! After all, I do want you to be happy.”

Fluttershy smiles as they walk deeper into the facility. “And I want to make you happy too.”

“That’s the first step to a good relationship, you know.”

“It is?”

Arc nods. “Oh yes. After all, it can’t be all one sided. That doesn’t lead anywhere good.”

Fluttershy nods as she muses on this. “That’s how I learned to speak the language of the animals.”

“I don’t understand.”

Fluttershy giggles. “The first thing was that I thought about their feelings above my own. That also helped them to trust me.”

“Trust, huh?”

“Yes. For it to work requires both parties to be in harmony with one another. And that starts with trust.”

“So you think anyone could learn how to talk to animals?”

“Maybe. But I don’t think most ponies would be willing to spend the time to try and learn a creature’s idiosyncrasies.”

“Like what?”

“Think of it like advanced body language. When an animal has something to say they can’t use words like ponies do. So the best they can do is to communicate via signs.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“Sure. When a cat wants to be left alone they sometimes make a hissing sound. Or they could be angry about something else entirely. I’d have to look at the other signs to know for sure before trying to talk to them.”


“Just because they can talk doesn’t mean they want to all the time. Like a pony, you can’t force them to communicate.”

Arc chuckles. “You mean there isn’t a spell that lets someone talk to animals?”

Fluttershy giggles. “That’s a question better directed to Twilight, of course. But to the best of my knowledge the answer is ‘no’.”

“Or maybe no one has yet figured one out.”

“That’s also equally possible. However even if that were true, it wouldn’t be of use to me as a pegasus.”

“I suppose not.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Maybe you’ll be the first.”

“Anything’s possible.”

“Would you like to try?”

“Sure. I’ll give it a go.”

Fluttershy looks around for a few moments before resting her eyes on a nearby squirrel. Making some strange noises, it runs over to her outstretched hoof. Picking it up she holds the small creature up as Arc kneels down.

“Go ahead, Arc.”

Clearing his throat Arc looks to the squirrel and speaks.

“Um… nice weather, eh?”

The squirrel rolls his eyes and looks to Fluttershy before making a series of squeaks and chirps. The mare gives Arc a pained expression.

“He said something to the effect of sarcasm.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “To the effect of?”

“Not all animal words have a proper pronunciation. I think he believes your patronizing him.”

“But why would I be…?”

“Remember, the weather doesn’t change inside this building.”

Arc facepalms. “Oh… now I do feel a bit silly.”

“That’s fine. Keep trying.”

“Can I attempt the magical solution?”

“Of course.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc closes his eyes and concentrates.

“Hello again. Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

The squirrel raises an eyebrow as Arc continues.

“I’d like to be able to communicate better with all the creatures of the land.”

Fluttershy looks to him. “He wants to know why, Arc.”

“Because in the event of a conflict, communication is sometimes the difference between life and death for a great many.”

Nodding, the squirrel makes a series of clicks and squeaks as he looks to Fluttershy.

“He says you’re on the right track there and you seem very nice, but…”


“This little guy can sense the raw power within you. And it kinda scares him.”

“He can feel my magic?”

Fluttershy nods. “Animals can be very perceptive, Arc. They can sense things that nopony else is able to.”

“Like what?”

“How honest a creature is, for starters. They can sense intentions and emotions to a degree.”

“Interesting. Ask him if I frighten him.”

“He understands you just fine, Arc.”

She listens to the squirrel for a time before speaking.

“He says that he is unsure of what to think. This little guy understands that with a single wave of your hand you could end their life. But at the same time acknowledges that you are unlikely to do so.”

“They can sense that from me how exactly?”

“Scent, tone of voice, body language, etcetera. He’s very curious about one thing though.”


“How do you contain yourself?”

Arc looks the squirrel in the eye. “Simple. I have to.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “Neither he nor I understand.”

“Think about it this way. If I were to go off the deep end it would most likely end with a lot of innocents getting hurt. And that’s not something I want to live with.”

“He has some advice for you, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“Stretch out with your magic.”

“Um… how do I…?”

Fluttershy shrugs. “I’m not really sure. Remember, I don’t have such powers.”

Focusing his power, Arc calls out.

“How’s this?”

A strange voice rings out. “Understand… some?”

Arc hops back, clearly surprised.


Fluttershy and the squirrel jump back, clearly startled.


Arc points at the squirrel. “I… I heard him!”

Fluttershy gasps. “You did?!”

“Yes! He asked if I understood him!”

“That’s amazing! How did you…?!”

“I just did what he suggested! Focusing my magic, I was able to…!”

The squirrel interrupts with a series of squeaks and squeals. Fluttershy puts a hoof to her forehead.

“No… no that can’t be right.”

“What is it?”

“He says that there was a dim light coming from your chest a few moments ago.”

“Yes, I was using my crystals to amplify my magical power.”

“According to him, only one lit up though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s strange. Usually when I do that they all light up.”

“Can you open your shirt please? I’d like to see for myself.”

Loosening his tunic, Arc opens it to expose the gems as Fluttershy speaks.

“Let’s try again.”

Nodding, Arc concentrates as he again looks to the squirrel.

“Can you understand me?”

“Some… what.”

Arc grins. “Say something.”

“You… amateur.”

“Hey! I’m trying my best here!”

“Chest… stones… glow.”

“They are?”

Fluttershy points a hoof. “He’s right! Look!”

Arc looks down to see the pink gem glowing weakly.

“That’s… new.”

“See if you can put more power into just that one, Arc.”

“I’ll give it a try.”

Concentrating again, he looks to the squirrel.

“How about now?”

“Yes. You speaks ours words well.”

“Do I?”

The squirrel nods. “For new speaker, yes.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Such high praise!”

Arc chuckles. “I’m doing my best.”

“Understood. However nature is… untrusting of most creature’s words. Not willing to listen or talk.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What’s different about me then?”

“You walk with the Mother. She trusts you very much and wants you to take her into your lair in order to…”

Fluttershy gasps. “No!”

Arc turns to her. “Fluttershy?”

“I… I’m sorry.”

The squirrel appears confused. “This one does not understand mother’s hesitancy. It is only natural for living things to desire to…”

“Please stop!”

“Very well, Mother.”

Arc clears his throat. “Um… should we change the subject now?”

Fluttershy nods profusely. “Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!”

“Do you talk to others?”

“Only those whom are my brethren usually. It is dangerous to talk to those outside of our circle.”

Fluttershy looks to Arc. “He means predators.”

“Makes sense.”

The squirrel turns to Fluttershy. “We are wondering one thing though.”

“What’s that?”

“How did the Great Light go away?”

“I don’t understand.”

Arc frowns. “What ‘Great Light’?”

“Biggest of ponies has left the eye of nature again. None have seen her in some time. Nature is worried.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Mother Nature?”

The squirrel shakes his head. “Mother of ponies give life to the land. Allows food to grow, rain to be falling, peace to be kept.”

Fluttershy gasps. “You mean Princess Celestia?”

“Big white pony, yes.”

Arc looks away nervously. “She’s… a bit out of sorts right now.”

“You help her?”

“I’ll try. But that may not be possible.”

The squirrel appears hopeful. “Prune her?”

Fluttershy grimaces. “I’m not sure that’s a very good idea.”

“Old saying. Sometimes you have to cut away to restore the plant.”

Arc frowns. “So I need to take down Celestia?”

“Hoping’s not. Big pony drip with magical energies. Can’t feeling right now.”

Arc looks through the glass at the castle in the distance. “She’s probably not going outside.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Such a shame. She’s missing the best part of the season.”

The squirrel nods at Arc. “Yes. Great Sleep coming.”

“Great Sleep?”

“World cold. Animals hide and rest until land warm again.”

“What does that have to do with…?”

“We sleep easy knowing large pony watches over everything. Not feel that last season.”

Fluttershy sighs. “So you’d like to see her come back. But at the same time understand that she might need to die?”

“What you call ‘die’ we know as ‘the end’. All creatures great and small come to it at some point.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “That makes sense.”

“We ask only one thing. And that you do the best to safeguard white pony.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Fluttershy nods happily. “Yes, you can trust Arc’s word.”

“We believe in you, Mother. But this newcomer is still… new. Not fully trust his scent yet.”

Arc gestures to the foliage. “I’ll prove myself to everyone. Even the creatures of the forest.”

“They will not be trusting you without the Mother by your side.”

Arc grimaces. “To keep her safe, that may not be an issue.”

The squirrel nods. “You can see what needs be done. Now all that is left is to see it through.”

“I’ll do my best.”

They walk around the facility for several hours talking to the squirrel. Eventually Fluttershy yawns.

“I think we should get back soon.”

“Yes. Mother needs to close her eyes and restore herself.”

“Agreed. Would you like to return to the castle, or go somewhere else?”

Fluttershy appears confused. “Where else could we go?”

Arc looks away nervously. “Well…”

“Squirrel will let you get to your mare matters, Mother.”

“Th-thank you.”

He hops away as Arc pulls the itinerary from his pocket and looks it over for a few moments.

“Rarity did have several very nice… hotels listed here.”

“What for?”

Arc blushes slightly. “I think she just wanted to be prepared in case things went… especially well between us.”


“I guess you could call it that.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Sorry. I’m used to referring to sex that way, what with being surrounded by animals all the time.”

“It’s fine. Let’s head back to the carriage now. I’ll have them take us back to Canterlot Castle.”



“I… had a really nice time tonight.”

“So did I.”

“That and I don’t really want it to end.”

“Well, we do need some rest.”

“Um… if it’s okay with you… might we head to a… hotel?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You… want to do more?”

Fluttershy blushes fervently. “K-kind of! But I… I know I’m not ready for anything too… intimate yet.”

“Truth be told… I don’t think I am either.”

“Honestly, I’d just like to spend some more time with you. Is that… okay?”

“Sure. I’d like that too.”

Heading back to the carriage, Arc motions to the stallions.

“We’d like to go… uh… here.”

Arc points to a name on the list. The stallion nods as he looks to Arc.

“Sir, might I make a suggestion?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“The princesses have a five star room available to them all times at the Four Season’s Canterlot branch.”

Arc chuckles. “I don’t think any of them would mind if we used it.”

“No, sir.”

“Very well. Take us there.”

Bowing, that stallion grins and returns to his place in front. Directing the others, they arrive at the hotel in short order. After being announced Arc dismisses the carriage before he and Fluttershy are escorted up to the top floor which is actually just one massive suite. Dismissing the concierge, Arc turns to Fluttershy whom is starstruck at the sight before her.

“How’s this?”

“Amazing! But are you sure it’s okay for us to be here?”

“Remember, the only princess still in Canterlot is Twilight. And I don’t see her using this room anytime soon.”

“Well… only if you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“Then why don’t I slip out of this dress?”

Arc blushes. “Huh?”

“I’d hate to damage it. After all, Rarity worked so hard on this.”

“Oh. Uh… I think I’ll do the same. Would you like to use the bathroom first?”

Fluttershy giggles. “I’m guessing a place this big has several.”

“Probably, I suppose.”

Fluttershy walks toward an open door. “Then I’ll see you in a bit.”

The pair go their separate ways. Arc enters a large bathroom and removes his raiments. Putting on some of his normal clothes he looks in the mirror and grins.

“Interesting. I’m actually looking forward to this. Spending the night in a hotel room with a mare.”

Thinking for a moment, he puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully before continuing.

“Although it is a bit strange that Fluttershy asked for this. She’s usually so timid and reserved.”

Shrugging, Arc returns to the main room. Walking over to the fireplace he places some wood in it and casts a spell. A few moments later a roaring fire illuminates the room with a cozy glow. The bathroom door opens and Fluttershy walks out. She smiles sheepishly as Arc turns to face her.

“Feeling better?”

“Much. I do feel more at home in my own skin.”

“Well, you really looked nice in that dress.”

“Thank you, Arc. Um… might I sit down though?”

“Yes, of course.”

Sitting back, he motions for her to join him on the posh rug in front of the fire. Doing so, she stares into it for a long moment before turning to him.

“Arc, I… I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“Well… if we’re going to be maybe forming a herd… someday… you need to know one thing about me first.”


“You see… I…”

Her voice trails off. Arc smiles and puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Fluttershy, whatever it is you can tell me. I won’t be upset, or anything.”

“I know. But… I’ve just never told anypony this before.”

“Why not?”

“Because… because it’s just so… vile. You might not want to see me when you hear about it.”

“Do you trust me?”

“More than you know!”

“Then tell me whatever it is you wanted to. I promise that I’ll listen with an open mind.”

“Alright. Here goes.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Do you remember… uh… our conversation during dinner?”

“Which part?”

“When I told you I don’t always eat right.”

Arc nods. “Yes. But what’s wrong with that?”

“Well… some days I’m too tired to cook something proper for myself, so I… I…”

She turns and looks Arc in the eye.

“…sometimes I just… eat my animal’s leftover food.”

“Um… you mean…?”

“Yes. I’ve had cat food, dog food, bird seed, worms, grubs, small animal pellets, and whatever else they didn’t finish.”

She looks away, clearly disgusted with herself.

“You… must think me vile right now. A mare whom eats such things.”

“Not really.”


“We all have a few quirks, after all.”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “So… so you still want to be with me?”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?!”

“But it’ll be bad for your reputation to be with a lowly mare like me!”

“I don’t care. You’re an amazing mare, Fluttershy, and I’d be honored to be with you.”

Grinning widely, Fluttershy leaps into Arc’s arms. They embrace for a long time as the only sounds being the fire crackling on the hearth. Eventually, Fluttershy pulls back, smiles, and with a colossal tug pulls Arc down on top of her. The pair look to one another for a long moment nervously. At some point Fluttershy smiles innocently and nods to him. Arc moves in closer to her, feeling her warm breath on his face as he closes his eyes and presses his lips to hers. Fluttershy leans in, wrapping her front hooves around Arc’s neck and moaning lightly. They continue kissing for some time before Arc pulls back.


Fluttershy lies there and calls out weakly. “Y-yes?”

“You okay?”

“I’m better than all right. That was amazing!”

“First kiss?”

She nods and blushes.

“Thank you for making it special.”

“It was my pleasure. But maybe we should get to bed soon. After all, there’s only about six hours until dawn.”

“While I’d love to lie here and do more, I understand what you mean.”

“Should we each take a room?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “I’d very much like to sleep together. That is, if it’s alright with you.”


Picking the mare up, he walks Fluttershy to the master bedroom and lays her down. After lying down next to her, Arc puts an arm around her midsection and holds her close before quickly falling asleep. Fluttershy lies awake for some time just listening to his breathing. Sighing, she pats his hand with a hoof.

“Thank you for accepting me as I am, Arc. But please forgive me for keeping certain secrets from you. After all, there are certain things that nopony can ever know.”

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