• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 12 - A Happy Settlement

Arc, Sereb, Tempest and Brightwing hurry back to Ponyville with the antidote via a portal, the sun has just begun to set. As he and the others appear on the sigil in the Ponyville Hospital’s Waiting Room, Arc motions for them to follow.

“This way!”

He and the others run down a corridor toward Pinkie Pie’s room! Bursting through the door they find Doctor Horse by her side along with several nurses! Nearly every machine around her is going haywire! Pinkie’s entire body is convulsing at a sickening rate as the medical staff around her try desperately to save her life! Fluttershy stands off to one side of the room crying.

“P-P-Pinkie Pie! Come back to us!”

Doctor Horse turns to the monitors as a nurse does her best to administer CPR to the writhing mare! “We’re losing her! Epinephrine!”

Fluttershy winces as the needle goes deep into Pinkie’s chest directly into her heart

The doctor looks over to Arc as he pulls out the empty syringe. “If you’ve got something, now’s the time!”

Arc runs over to Pinkie’s side! He opens the flask and attempts to put it to her lips! However, she is shaking too much to drink! Putting his hand behind her head Arc grabs a fistful of her mane! He pulls her mane hard, forcing her neck back!

“Sorry Pinkie!”

Taking a small swig from the bottle himself, Arc quickly puts his mouth to Pinkie’s and spits the antidote into her mouth! Pulling back from her lips, Arc carefully massages her throat!

“Swallow it, Pinkie!”

Slowly the convulsions diminish and the machines return to normal levels. Arc releases his grip on her mane, but does not take his eyes off of her! Sereb and the others walk over slowly.

“The rest is up to her now.

Brightwing flutters around. “Friend! Wake up!”

A few minutes later Pinkie opens her eyes about halfway and looks into Arc’s face. “Is… is it… over?”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief. “Yes Pinkie. It’s over. It is over, right doctor?”

Doctor Horse looks over from the machines and smiles. “You’re going to be just fine, miss! A few days’ rest, and you’ll be good as new!”

Pinkie holds out her hoof to Arc. “…the others… help them.”

He takes Pinkie’s hoof and gives it a quick squeeze. “I’ll have the doctor give them this medicine. You just rest now.”

Fluttershy shakily makes her way over to the bed. “I’ll stay with you, Pinkie.”

Arc hands the bottle to Doctor Horse. “This should bring them back to normal. Could you administer it to everyone, please?”

Doctor Horse nods as he accepts the serum. “I’ll take care of it at once!”

Tempest smiles. “Although you might want to put it in a cup first!”

Everyone chuckles except Pinkie Pie. She appears confused.

“I don’t get it.”

The doctor leaves with the rest of the hospital staff. Sereb, Brightwing and Tempest follow them to wait in the hallway. Arc shakes his head and smiles.

“It’s… not important, Pinkie.”

“Okay! I do have one question though!”

“What is it?”

Pinkie attempts to raise her fetlocks but finds she can’t. “Why am I chained up?”

Fluttershy smiles at her friend. “You were… a bit unruly earlier, Pinkie. Can we undo her restraints now, Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Pinkie appears back to normal.”

Pinkie watches as Fluttershy opens a nearby drawer and removes a small key. “Good!”

Arc takes the key from Fluttershy and removes Pinkie’s restrains. She winces in pain as he does so.

“That smarts!”

Fluttershy looks over to her friend. “Pinkie?”

Arc looks at Pinkie's fetlocks which are heavily bruised.

“Those shackles were tight!”

Fluttershy sighs. “They had to be! She kept getting loose! The last time, she… never mind.”

“What, Fluttershy? What did I do?”

“Well… the last time you got loose you… hurt a couple orderlies and a nurse.”

“What?! Oh no! How bad?!”

“It wasn’t too bad. They’re already back to work.”

Pinkie breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I’m supposed to make ponies smile! Not hurt them!”

Fluttershy heads for the door. “I’ll ask the nurse if something can be done about those bruises.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy. I’ll stay here with Pinkie until you get back.”

She leaves the room as Pinkie looks to Arc.

“Arc. Can… can I talk to you about something?”

He sits down on the edge of the bed. “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

She turns away, clearly upset. “I… I just wanted to apologize to you for… what I said back then. And what I DID! There really was no excuse for it! I… understand if you never ever want to see me again!”

“Pinkie. Look at me.”

She slowly turns her head back toward him, blushing. Arc gently strokes her curly mane.

“None of what happened back there was your fault. In fact, everyone else who caught this did… similar things. You’re not alone in this!”

Pinkie looks at him, her eyes wide! “So… all my friends… they did that too?”

Arc nods. “Yes. All of you were out of sorts then. It’s okay, Pinkie! We can talk about it when all of you are feeling better. Okay?”

Pinkie breathes a sigh of relief as Fluttershy returns with a nurse. She is carrying ointment and bandages.

“Thanks for understanding, Arc!”

“Thank YOU for getting better!”

Arc and Fluttershy sit by Pinkie’s bedside as the nurse wraps the bruised flesh. As she finishes Doctor Horse returns.

“I’ve administered the antidote to all afflicted.”

“Did it work?!”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes! Other than being a bit weak, all of them are otherwise fine!”

“Can I see them?”

The doctor thinks for a moment before looking back to Arc and nodding. “They really should rest. However, given the circumstances, I suppose a short visit couldn’t hurt.”

He turns to Pinkie.

“We will also be transferring Miss Pie out of isolation and back to the others.”

Pinkie smiles. “Good! I miss my friends!”

Doctor Horse takes a final look at the machines before turning them off and unhooking Pinkie. Arc stands up and puts his hands on the bed.

“I’ll push her back to the others.”

The doctor nods. “Thank you. And good timing back there.”

Arc nods. “We cut it kinda close, but thankfully not too close!”

He wheels the bed out the door and down the hallway. Tempest, Brightwing, Fluttershy and Sereb follow a short distance behind them. Pinkie is quickly returning to her old self!


Arc laughs. “That’s the old Pinkie Pie we know and love!”

He pushes the bed into the room with the rest of the Mane 6 as the others wait outside. Upon seeing Arc, they all turn away, embarrassed. He stops and turns to Sereb.

“Don’t let anyone else come in.”

“Very well.”

Tempest nods. “Want some alone time with your pals?”

“Something like that.”

“Okay. But don’t take too long, dear!”

Brightwing nods, still sitting on Tempest’s back. “I will wait for you, friend!”

Arc sighs as he pushes the bed into the room. “I hope that antidote is still around here somewhere.”

Pinkie throws up a hoof happily! “Hey there, everypony!”

Rainbow Dash looks over at her friend. “Pinkie!”

“You okay, sugarcube?!”

Pinkie nods. “I’m just fine now! Thanks to Arc, here!”

Rarity looks over, sheepishly. “Arc! I… um…”

He pushes the bed with the others before walking over to Rainbow Dash and undoing her restraints.

“Everyone feeling better now?”

Rainbow Dash blushes heavily! “Y-yeah! Look Arc, I’m really sorry for what happened back there! I just don’t know what came over me!”

Arc pats Rainbow Dash’s hoof and smiles. “It’s okay! You weren’t yourself!”

He then walks over to Applejack’s side. While she does not look at him, he can see her blushing. Arc begins to undo her restraints.

“I… I’m sorry too, sugarcube! I don’t remember what exactly I said, but… what I DID was completely uncalled for and inappropriate!”

“I forgive you, Applejack. Your words weren’t your own back then.”

“What do you mean?”

“All of us were the victims of some kind of magical attack.”

Arc turns to Rarity. She does not meet his gaze but instead blushes heavily.

“I’m ashamed to admit it, but… at the time, I honestly wanted to… you know. It was so real! So intense! Was anypony else affected?!

Arc sits down on the side of Rarity’s bed. “Yes. Raven, Saffron, Ember, Mayor Mare and… one other. Everyone afflicted displayed flu-like symptoms before… losing it.

Pinkie nods! “Right! I felt so weak right before it happened! The last thing that’s clear in my mind was you trying to help me, Arc!”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I threw up… a lot. My last memory is Arc holding my head over the sink!

Applejack thinks for a moment. “I had a cough and was really hot for some reason. Last thing I remember was tearing off that pretty dress!”

Rarity looks away again. “And I remember being cold and feeling like I couldn’t breathe! My final sane memory was… um…”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Come on, Rarity! It couldn’t have been THAT bad!”

“It was telling Arc to rip my dress off!”

Applejack shakes her head. “Wow… I must have been pretty far-gone to not remember that?!”

Pinkie looks around. “What about Fluttershy! Did she ever come down with this?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. She stayed with you all, but never showed any symptoms.”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “Why do you suppose she was immune?”

“Not a clue! Although I’m glad she was! I didn’t like the fact I couldn’t see any of you!”

Pinkie frowns. “Why not?”

“When I tried to, it triggered a relapse! All of you went absolutely crazy! Up until that point, it seemed like all of you were on the road to recovery!”

Applejack nods. “And Twilight? Is she okay?”

“She was in Canterlot at the time. I called over there and told he to stay with the school foals. That was after I found Mayor Mare in a similar state.”

Rainbow Dash looks suddenly concerned. “So, who’s running the town?!”

Arc sighs. “I… um… took control of the town and instituted a quarantine. While I investigated, Lieutenant Flash Sentry and Sereb took turns organizing the watch and handling town affairs, be they few.”

Rarity nods. “There couldn’t have been much to do with the town under lockdown.”

“True. But someone had to be in control. As soon as I leave, I’ll officially lift the quarantine, notify Canterlot they can resume train service and bring home the school foals!”

Applejack smiles. “You said earlier there was another case of the illness. Who was it?”

“They’re outside with Sereb, Fluttershy and a new friend. Would you care to meet them?”

The Mane 6 smile and nod. Arc walks over to the door and opening it.

“All of you can come inside now.”

Fluttershy walks in first followed by Sereb and Tempest. Brightwing is still riding on Tempest’s back. The Mane 6 gasp and respond in unison!


With a smile and a wave of her hoof, Tempest greets them! “Hi everypony! Glad to see all of you are doing better!”

Rarity frowns! “ARC! What is this madness?!”

“Tempest broke quarantine for some reason. Shortly thereafter she showed signs of infection. I kept her with me in order to keep an eye on her.”

Rainbow Dash glares at her! “Are you crazy?! I mean… this is TEMPEST we’re talking about!!!”

Applejack sighs. “Well, he couldn’t exactly let her go!”

Fluttershy nods happily! “Well, her and I have been having a nice talk in the corridor! She’s a very different mare now!”

Arc sighs as Tempest walks over to him and starts nuzzling his side. “Tell me about it!”

Sereb growls! “Tempest! Do not stand so close to Arc!”

“Why not?! I think he’s very nice!”

She smiles up and batts her eyelashes at him seductively.

“Very nice indeed!”

Rainbow Dash puts a hoof to her stomach. “Okay! That’s just wrong!”

Applejack nods! “Tell me about it! That thing on her back isn’t exactly cute and cuddly either!”

Pinkie looks to Brightwing. “And creepy!”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Is it safe to keep her like this versus her old self?”

Fluttershy sighs. “It must be better than her trying to kill Arc!”

Arc frowns as he looks down at Tempest. “I question that!”

Sereb growls as he approaches Tempest. “Shall we arrest her?”

“Brightwing thinks she is wonderful just the way she is!”

Rainbow Dash suddenly leans forward in her bed! “Woah! It can TALK?!”

Arc looks over apologetically. “Sorry. This is Brightwing. The new… emissary from the Dragon Lands.”

Fluttershy looks confused. “An emissary?”

Applejack looks at the baby dragon skeptically. “Isn’t it a bit… young for that position?”

Arc shrugs. “Probably. But the Dragon Lord insisted on this in exchange for helping me discover who was behind your conditions!”

Fluttershy looks to him. “So, who was it?! Who was behind this?!”

He sighs. “Me…”


Rainbow Dash waves her hooves in front of her face, not believing what she has just heard! “That’s not possible! You’d never do anything to hurt us, Arc!”

“Somehow a spell was cast on me without my knowledge. Sunburst dispelled it for me so at least we won’t have any other problems in that department.”

Rarity looks over at Tempest angrily! “I wonder who could be responsible for THAT!”

Sereb nods! “I second that.”

Tempest shakes her head. “Not I! But I’m very happy with the way it turned out!”

“She been adamant about her innocence in this matter. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll ever figure out who was really behind this! Hopefully it was just some terrible prank or something that went horribly wrong!”

Fluttershy looks confused. “You don’t really believe that, do you Arc?”

“No, but I don’t have anything else to go on.”

Doctor Horse enters the room holding the bottle.

“Ember, Saffron, Raven, and Mayor Mare are doing just fine. They’ll probably be up and around tomorrow morning along with you four.”

Everyone cheers!

The doctor gives the medicine bottle back to Arc as he glances over at Tempest. “I thought you might need this!”

Arc looks back at Tempest as he takes the bottle. “Thanks. I’ll take it from here.”

He looks at his friends as the doctor leaves the room.

“Why don’t all of you get some rest? I need to get to Canterlot now.”

They nod as Arc, Sereb, Tempest and Brightwing leave the room. Fluttershy stays behind. She sighs as the door closes behind them.

“I do like this new Tempest, but…”

Rainbow Dash grimaces! “But who knows how long it will last?!”

Applejack nods. “I’m sure Arc knows what he’s doing!”

Pinkie smiles! “Right! I mean, he could have done ANYTHING to us in that state, and we would have been okay with it!”

Rarity smiles and blushes slightly. “He’s a true gentleman for not taking advantage of us the other day!”

Fluttershy nods. “He was very concerned about everypony’s health! Much more so than getting… anything else! I must say, I’m very impressed at his discipline and self-control!”

Meanwhile… as Arc closes the door behind them, Tempest turns to him.

“Do you want a hoof bringing the school foals back, Arc?”

“No. You’re not coming with me to Canterlot.”

Tempest pouts. “What?! But why not?!”

“Look, you’re a nice mare like this, Tempest! But I’m going there to pick up the foals whom YOU terrorized not that long ago!”

Tempest’s ears droop as she looks down. “I… guess you do have a point.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Let’s go back to Light’s Hope.”

Sereb looks confused. “What for?”

Arc looks to Tempest. “We need to talk.”

Everyone walks through the portal and arrives back in Arc’s quarters. Tempest looks up at him playfully.

“What did you want to talk about? Our future?”

“Uh… kinda. Sereb would you and Brightwing excuse us please?”

Sereb walks toward the door as Brightwing flutters over and lands on his back. “Very well. I’ll wait just outside the door.”

“Brightwing will be waiting too!”

They leave as Tempest smiles broadly at Arc!

“You wanted to be alone with me?”

Arc holds out the bottle of medicine to her. “I think you should drink this now, Tempest.”

She rears back on her haunches, clearly disgusted with the idea! “Ugh, no way! I like how I am now! Don’t you?!”

Arc kneels down to look her in the eye. “While I do enjoy the fact you’re not trying to kill me, we don’t know the long-term effects of this! For all we know, it could be irreversible if we wait too long! Besides... this isn’t right, Tempest!”

Tempest puts her hooves around him. “Oh really? It sure feels right to me!”

He pries her hooves from around his neck. “Look Tempest. Love shouldn’t have to rely on a spell or magic! So, if you really and truly care, then drink this and go back to the way you were. “

Tempest sighs. “Okay. If that’s what you want.”

She sits down on her haunches, closes her eyes and puckers her lips.

“Tempest. What are you doing?”

“Aren’t you going to give me the cure like you did to your pink friend?”

“Very funny, Tempest.”

She looks up at him and smiles. “Who’s joking?!”

Arc holds the bottle to her lips. “Just swallow it!”

Tempest puts her hoof on the bottle and pushes it away before looking him in the eye.

“Arc, I… there’s something I want… no, need to tell you before I drink this.”

“What is it?”

She looks at him for a long moment before continuing.

“I… it’s been quite some time since somepony made me feel this special! You’re really… I don’t know… sweet and loving! I would do ANYTHING to erase my past deeds and spend the rest of my life with you!”

Sighing, she takes the bottle in her hooves and looks at it sadly.

“Arc, do you think… do you think you and I could ever… could it ever work between us?!”

“I… I don’t think so, Tempest. Sorry, but that’s the truth!”

Tempest smiles and closes her eyes. “Somehow I knew you would say that. But what if I told you I was willing to spend the rest of my life trying to prove myself to you?!

He nods soberly. “That would certainly be a step in the right direction.”

She shakes her head! “I’m serious, Arc! My feelings… they’re REAL! There’s no way my heart could be so full of love due to some magic spell or whatnot!”

Arc steps forward and points at the bottle.

“If you honestly believe that… then take a drink. I want the old Tempest to tell me what she thinks.”

Tempest nods. "Very well! But I’m sure the old me will feel the same about you! Tell you what! When I’m cured, how about you and I go on a date! I’ll buy!”

Arc sighs. “Fine! If you can still stand to looks at me after this, that is!”

Tempest smiles broadly and nods! “Good! Well, bottoms up!”

She takes a drink as she looks up at him with a smile! A few moments pass. The smiles slowly fades. Tempest puts a hoof to her forehead.

“Ugh… my head! “

She looks up at Arc in obvious disgust!

“What was I THINKING?!”

Arc sighs. “Can I assume you’re back to normal?”

Tempest shudders! “Yes, YES! Argh! I suddenly feel like I need a shower! All that lovey-dovey crap makes me sick!”

“Nice to see you back to the old you… I guess.”

She walks over to Light’s Bane and picks it up. “I need to get out of here! Decimus is probably worried sick about me by now!”

Tempest heads for the door.



“Thanks for the help.”

She nods wordlessly before leaving the room with a scowl on her face! Sereb does not take his eyes off her as she walks down the hall.

“It is done?”

Arc emerges from his room and nods. “Yes. She’s back to normal.”

“Scary! Brightwing like her better before she took the medicine!”

“Are you certain this was the correct course of action?”

Arc nods. “Yes. In her previous states, she was just a slave to the magic’s effects! I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! Not even her! Even though I would like to have her as a friend, it has to be her choice!”

He shakes his head and pulls out the pocket watch.

“In any case, let’s get to Canterlot Castle. Supper should be over soon. We can bring everyone home tonight!”

Sereb nods. “That should make their parents happy!”

“Yes. Twilight too!”

Arc activates the sigil and teleports them to his room in Canterlot Castle. Upon arriving they quickly make their way to the Dining Room. As they near it the sounds of laughter can be heard echoing down the corridor. Brightwing looks confused.

“What that sound?”

Arc smiles. “Happy foals!”

Sereb nods as they enter the Dining Room. “Indeed.”

The foals see him and rush over! Dinky reaches him first and jumps into his arms!”

“Dad! You’re okay!!! You ARE okay, right?”

Arc gives her a hug. “That I am, sweetheart!”

Twilight rushes over! “ARC?! How are things in Ponyville?!”

“The crisis is over, and our friends are resting peacefully.”

“And our friends?!”

Derpy joins the group. “Yes! Are they going to be okay?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Doctor Horse says they should be fully recovered by tomorrow morning!”

Twilight smile, clearly relieved! “Thank Celestia! Can I… see them?”

Smiling, Arc opens another portal.

“This will take you to the hospital, Twilight.”

She runs toward it! “Thanks!”

Arc close the portal behind her and looks over to Cheerilee.

“Thank you for taking care of this, sir! Some of the little ones were getting a bit homesick.”

Diamond Tiara scoffs! “Yeah! For their precious orphanage!”

“Sister! Please!”

Platinum Valve smiles! “Does this mean we can go home?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’m here to take you home now. That is, if you’ve finished eating.”

Pipsqueak smiles! “I have! The castle has the most amazing food I’ve ever tasted!”

Aquamarine grins! “And the comfiest beds!”

Arc looks around. “Are the princesses not here?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “They had an especially hard day, and turned in early.”

Shining Armor looks over to him. “I can go wake them up if you need to report something, Arc!”

“No, let them sleep. You can tell them everything is fine tomorrow morning. Oh! And let someone know that trains can resume their regular schedule.”

“I’ll see to it!”

Arc sets Dinky down and opens a portal. “Good. Well, let’s get everyone back to Ponyville now. Lead the way, Dinky!”

“Okay dad! Everypony follow me!”

She runs into the portal as the rest of her class follows happily. The chaperones walk over to him and smile.

“Thank you for coming to get us, Arc. It will be nice for everypony to get home safely! What exactly happened over there?!”

“A sickness the likes of which hasn’t been seen in generations reared its ugly head.”

Cheerilee looks concerned! “Are you sure it’s safe to go back?”

“Yes. Doctor Horse has confirmed that everyone affected is now in complete remission!”

Coco Pommel nods as the last foal runs through the portal. “That’s good to hear! Looks like it’s our turn, Derpy!

“See you on the other side, Arc!”

Derpy and Coco Pommel walk through the portal as Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Tell the princesses I’ll call them tomorrow when I get a chance.”

“Sure thing! Take care of Twily for me!”

“I will!”

Stepping through the portal himself, Arc arrives back at Light’s Hope. The foals are laughing and playing in the Main Hall! Coco Pommel walks with him towards Raven’s desk.

“What should we do now, Arc?”

Arc picks up the phone. “Let me recall my guards. Then we can escort everyone home.”

He dials the Mayor’s Office. In a few moments, Flash Sentry picks up.

“Town Hall.”

"Lieutenant? It’s Arc."

“Sir! Any news?!”

“Yes. The situation has been resolved.”

“And Raven?!”

“Resting peacefully. She’ll be good as new by tomorrow morning.”

Flash Sentry breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear!”

“It is! Now I want you and the other guards to get back to base at once! We have to take all the school foals home!”

“It would be a pleasure, sir!”

As he hangs up the phone, Arc turns to Derpy and Dinky. “Why don’t you two head to my quarters and get some sleep? I’ll join you after we get everyone home.”

Derpy smiles at him! “Thank you. We accept.”

Dinky yawns! “Don’t take too long dad! You need your sleep too!”

“I won’t.”

A short time later Flash Sentry and the rest of the Royal Guards arrive at Light’s Hope. As a group, Arc and company escort everyone back to the orphanage. Coco Pommel and the orphans along with Cheerilee enter the building as Arc and Flash Sentry pair up each foal with a guard.

“Take them straight home and inform their parents all is well and that the quarantine is over! Tomorrow morning we’ll go door to door informing everyone else.”

Sandstorm Mirage looks confused. “Sir?”

“It’s a bit late for that tonight, as most ponies are already in bed.”

Sereb frowns. “Won’t most of their parents be asleep as well?”

“Trust me, Sereb. No parent sleeps well when their child is in danger.”

Arc mounts Sereb and looks over to the dwindling group of foals left to escort.

“Platinum Valve. I’ll take you home myself.”

She happily runs up to Arc and allows him to pull her up into the saddle with him. “Thank you, sir! My parents must be worried sick about me!”

Arc nods as Sereb makes his way quickly toward the Blacksmith’s Shop! “Well, let’s put their minds at ease then, shall we?”

“Yes! Lets!”

After a short ride they arrive at their destination. Arc knocks at the door. A few moments pass before both Hammers answer.


Silver Hammer hugs her daughter happily! “Oh my sweet little filly!”

Steel Hammer looks relieved. “We missed you terribly!”

Platinum Valve reaches a small hoof toward her father to hug him. “And I missed you both as well!”

Arc stands back to allow the family to have their moment. After a few minutes Steel Hammer looks up to Arc happily!

“Thank you for bringing her back to us, Arc!”

Silver Hammer nods! “We knew you wouldn’t let us down!”

“Can I assume the danger is behind us?”

“Yes, Steel Hammer. The cure has been found, and the quarantine will officially be lifted tomorrow morning.”

“Good! Any idea where it came from?!”

Arc shakes his head. “None. However, Zecora was the real hero in this. She was the one who made the final cure!”

Sereb nods. “Just in time, I might add. We nearly had our first fatality.”

Steel Hammer appears horrified! “Fatality?!”

“Pinkie Pie almost didn’t make it. We got to her with probably a minute to spare!”

“Is she going to be alright?!”

“In a few days, yes. Even she will return to normal.

Arc clenches his fist, angrily!

“If I ever lay my hands on the scoundrel who did this, I’ll make them wish they hadn’t!”

Sereb frowns. “Be warned, Arc. Vengeance is a dish best eaten cold.”

Steel Hammer nods. “He’s right, you know. “

“We’ve seen others consumed by lesser thoughts, Arc! Don’t hold onto your anger! It can only lead to ruin!”

Arc breathes in and out in an attempt to calm himself. “I’ll try.”

He looks to Platinum Valve and tousles the filly’s mane.

“One of these days you’ll have to show me your invention. It sounds like a winner!”

“I will, sir!”

“Well, we should let you get home, Arc. I’m sure you’ve had a busy day.

Arc yawns. “That I have.”

Steel Hammer nods. “Rest well, my friend.”

He mounts Sereb and turns back. “See you three later! Take care!”

Arc rides back toward Ponyville. A few of the townsponies are outside, presumably to stretch their legs and get some fresh air! They wave happily to him as he passes.

Arc waves back and looks down at Sereb. “I’m glad this didn’t take too long to resolve.”

“Why is that?”

“I didn’t like keeping everyone prisoner.”

“It needed to be done.”

Arc sighs. “I understand that, and I’m sure they do too! But… that didn’t make the decision any easier to make.”

They arrive back at Light’s Hope to see Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage talking out front. Arc dismounts and walks over to them.

“Everything okay?!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes, sir.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “The last guard just checked back in moments ago. They reported all the foals have been safely returned to their parent’s care!”

“I sent the troops to bed. This has been a long couple of days!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Why don’t you two get to bed now? Tomorrow is another day.”

Sandstorm Mirage yawns. “Thank you, sir. I think I will!”

As the sergeant goes inside, Flash Sentry leans in close to Arc and lowers his voice.

“Sir? If it’s all the same to you… might I…”

Arc raises a hand to open a portal to Ponyville Hospital. “I understand. Go to her. Just be back early, okay?”

“Thank you, sir!”

He steps through the portal and Arc closes it.

“You should get some sleep, Arc. This has been quite a day.”

“That it has, Sereb. You go ahead. I want to get a little fresh air in. Clear my head a bit of… everything.”

Sereb nods and turns to head inside. “Very well. But as your daughter said earlier, do not take too long.”

Arc nods and walks around the side of the building to the field out back. He looks up at the full moon above him.

“The moon is lovely tonight.”

He walks toward the stone marker and is surprised to see someone sitting nearby!

“Derpy? Is that you?”

The hooded figure slowly stands and turns to face him.

“I assure you, it is not.”

In the moonlight Arc can make out her features.

“Tempest?! What are you doing here?! I figured you would be home by now!”

“I needed to ask you something.”

Arc nods as she walks past him and sits down to face the moon. “What is it?”

“On my way home, there were so many questions in my mind! One of them… I just can’t seem to think of an answer!”

Arc sits down on the ground next to her. “An itch you just can’t scratch, huh?”

Tempest nods. “I need to know! And I want you to be completely honest with me!”

“Go ahead.”


“Why what, Tempest?

“Everything really! For starters, why did you insist that I drink that medicine?! You had me right where you wanted?! In that state I COULDN’T have killed you! Heck, you could have used me as a bed warmer for the rest of your life!”

“Because that’s not who you are, Tempest! Look, I wouldn’t mind having you as a friend and all! But I didn’t want a love slave! You deserve free will as much as everyone else does!

Tempest frowns. “Aren’t you afraid of what I’ll DO with said free will?!”

Arc turns to look at the moon. “Not really. Worst case scenario, you kill me and save the world, right?”

“I suppose.”

They are quiet for a time, staring at the moon.

“One more why.”

“Go ahead.”

Tempest continues nervously. She does not look at him as she speaks. “This morning when you woke up and found me in your bed. Why… why didn’t you… you know…”

Arc nods. “You mean, why didn’t I… violate you?”

“Yes! I mean, with the broken horn and the scar on my face I’m not the prettiest mare in Equestria! But I’m certainly in good physical shape!”

He shakes his head. “I’m not the kind of person to do things like that! Taking advantage of someone who isn’t in their right mind isn’t sexy, after all! It’s just sick! That and you’re Decimus’ girl! As much as I hate him, I’m not going to try and steal his marefriend.”

She nods and stands up. “Thank you… for being so honest. I should probably be going.”

Arc looks back. “Does this mean we’re friends now?”

Tempest scoffs! “Hardly! The next time we meet, we’re enemies again!”

“Fine. Have it your way.”

She sighs as she walks away. “Th-thank you for taking such good care of me when I… never mind.”

Tempest leaves as Arc continues to stare at the moon. Sighing, he mutters to himself.

“I guess even I can’t make friends with everyone.”

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