• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 4 - Crystals of Darkness

Cherry looks over at Doctor Horse! A pleading look on her face! “Doctor! Is there ANYTHING else we can do for Arc right now?!”

Derpy nods! “Yes! Anything at all?!

Doctor Horse shakes his head sadly. “I'm afraid all that's left to do is wait for the Crystal Heart. I'll keep monitoring his vital signs until that time.”

Arc grimaces. He appears to be in a great deal of pain!

Ember looks into Arc’s face. “Can't we at least give him SOMETHING for the pain?! Look at him! He's in agony!”

“I wish we could. However, in his condition, painkillers would only lower his heart rate further! It's already dangerously low as it is! I really hate to say it, but we need him as alert as possible for this!”

Cherry feels a small squeeze on her hoof. She gasps!


Sereb looks up. “What is it?”

“Arc can hear us!”

Dinky smiles! “How do you know Miss Cherry?!”

“He just squeezed my hoof!”

Cherry leans over to Arc's ear.

“Arc? Can you hear me?!”

Arc's response is an almost invisible nod.

Derpy squeezes Arc's other hand! “Can you open your eyes for us?”

Doctor Horse sighs. “That would be medically impossible miss. The fact that he's coherent enough to respond in even that small way is remarkable! You're asking for...”

Arc slowly opens his eyes about half-way. He responds in an almost inaudible voice.


She holds Arc's hand tighter! “It's okay my love! I'm right here! Please don't strain yourself!”

He looks up into Cherry’s eyes. “It... it hurts...”

Derpy moves her head closer to Arc's ear. “Dinky and I are here too Arc!”

Dinky nods sadly. “Dad...”

Ember moves to stand next to Cherry She puts a claw on Arc's arm. “Sereb and I are here too Arc! You're not alone!”

“Thank... you...”

Doctor Horse looks to him from the end of the bed. “Arc. Did you hear us earlier?”

Arc nods. “Y-yes.”

“Then you understand what we are about to attempt will most likely kill you?”

“I... do. Better… to die... here... than to... live... as a weapon... that... will bring... death... to my... loved... ones.”

Cherry lays her head on Arc's chest as she continues crying! “Oh Arc... I... I don't want to lose you!”

Derpy nods and lays her head next to Cherry Jubilee's! “None of us do, Arc!”

Arc, with great effort, rests his hands on their heads and speaks softly. “You... won't. As long... as you... remember... me... I'll... always be... with you.”

Cherry raises her head to look Arc in the eye. Tears streaming down her face! “But... what are we supposed to DO?!”

He smiles weakly at her. “Live…”

For a time, only the sound of crying and sniffling can be heard in the room. Arc turns to Ember.


“I'm here Arc!”

“Help... Shining Armor. Keep... him... safe. He's... Lord... Regent... now. Promise... me.”

Ember frowns. “What?! But...!”

Arc interrupts her in a raspy voice! “P-promise... me!”

Ember, with tears streaming down her face, nods. “A-alright Arc... I promise.”

“Forgive... him... Ember. None of... us... could have... foreseen this... outcome... from a... little... cut.”

Derpy stands up! “M-maybe Kronos could help right now!”

Doctor Horse looks confused. “Who?”

She looks around the room frantically calling out! “Kronos?! Kronos!! Can you hear me?! Arc needs help! P-please!!! I'm begging you... help!”

Derpy collapses into sobs on Arc's chest. Arc puts his hand on the inconsolable mare’s head and forces a smile through the pain.

“It's... okay... Derpy. Thank you... for... trying.”

Dinky rests both her little hooves on Arc's arm as she cries! “It... it's not fair dad! After all you've done, you should have been allowed to live a full life!”

Arc looks over to his daughter as he slowly puts his hand on her head. “Life... isn't always... fair... dear. I too... had wanted... to see... you... grow up... find your... place... find... love. A... stallion... to... share... your life... with. Find happiness... sweet... heart. Take care... of your... mother... for me.

Dinky looks up, tears streaming down her face! “I will daddy! I promise!”

Derpy looks up to him. Her face is red and she is unable to hold back the tears! “Arc! Please stay with us! I... I can't raise our daughter alone!”

“Derpy... you have... much... strength.”

“But... I'm only this way because of YOU!”

“You learned... so well... Derpy. In the... words of... a wise... unicorn... you've learned... everything... you need... to know. Now... all you... have to do... is... learn how... to say... good... bye.”

Derpy screams out! “But... but I WANT you with me! I... I love you, Arc!”

She kisses Arc's cheek. Arc smiles at her.

“And I... love... you too... my friend. I'm... sorry... but... I have... nothing more... to give... and... it's time... for you... to be... on... your own.”

Derpy tries to say something, but it cannot be understood through her sobs! Arc looks to the foot of the bed.

“Sereb... go now. Be... free. Your life... is your own... again.”

Sereb shakes his head. “As long as you yet draw breath Arc, I will stay by your side.”

“Very... well.”

“I... believe I shall stay in Equestria. These lands will need a protector.”

Arc nods. “Thank... you, my... friend.”

Two Crystal Defenders enter the room. One carries a strange looking stand while the other carries the Crystal Heart. Doctor Horse looks soberly to Arc.

“It's... it's time, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Th-thank... you... doctor. I am... ready.”

He turns his head to look at Cherry one last time as his strength fades.

“Good... bye... Cherry... I... I…”

Arc lapses into unconsciousness. Cherry shakes him gently!

“Arc? ARC!!!”

She quickly looks to Doctor Horse frantically!

“Is... is he?!”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “No ma'am. He just passed out. At this point it's probably for the best. Frankly I'm amazed he was able to wake up at all! He must really be strong willed!”

Dinky sniffles. “My dad... he... he doesn't like to leave things half finished.”

Ember nods. “Y-yeah. He... he wanted to say... so long.”

Derpy tries to compose herself. “I'm glad we could speak again... one last time… my friend.”

Dinky puts a hoof on her mother's side. “Mom?”

“Yes Dinky?”

“Dad... he's going to be okay.”

Ember does her best to smile at the filly. “We all hope so Dinky.”

Dinky quickly leaves the room and runs down the hallway. “I don't think... I KNOW!”

Sereb looks toward the door. “What was that about?”

Doctor Horse sighs. “We should give her some time alone to deal with this. Well, it looks like everything is about ready here.”

The Crystal Defenders look up as continue their preparations.

“Yes doctor. We'll have this set up in a few more minutes.”

Doctor Horse turn to those assembled. “We should leave now. It isn't safe for anypony to be near the patient while the Crystal Heart is... doing its job.”

Cherry rests her head on Arc’s chest again. She does not look away as she speaks.

“I... I won't leave Arc's side! We'll face this fate, together!”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “That's very loyal of you ma'am. However, it would mean certain death for you!”

Cherry traces Arc's face with her hoof. “Just as it does for him you mean?”

Ember sighs. “That's a bit different Cherry. Arc has no other options! You would be throwing your life away!”

Cherry hops up on the bed and lies down next to Arc! She puts her front hooves around his neck, smiling with tears in her eyes!

“Then... we'll go together! After all he's done, he shouldn't have to face death alone!”

Doctor Horse’s eyes grow wide! “Ma'am, are you crazy?! That's suicide!”

Cherry closes her eyes. “I couldn't live without him anyways. I'm not moving from his side, and there's nothing anypony can do to stop me!”

Ember looks to Doctor Horse! “Doctor! What do we do?!”

Doctor Horse walks toward Cherry. “I can't let you do that, miss! It's unnecessary! It's unethical...

She interrupts him! “...it's going to happen! Everypony else go... wait... in... the...”

Cherry’s voice suddenly trails off as she loses consciousness. Derpy looks at the mare next to Arc, confused.

“What happened?!”

Everyone turns around to see Sereb's nub of a horn glowing. He uses him magic to pick Cherry up and lay her on his back.

“Fear not. She's just sleeping.”

“Sereb! Why did you...”

He turns around to walk out of the room with Cherry on his back. “A final gift to Arc. He would not want to see harm come to the one he loves.”

Ember puts a claw on Derpy's shoulder. “We should leave now.”

Derpy nods. “I know...”

She turns to look at her first friend one last time.

“...goodbye Arc. I... I don't know what happens to us... when we die. But I really hope, with all my heart, that we can be together again... someday.”

Derpy begins to cry again as Ember helps her to the hallway. Ember looks back as she leaves with Derpy.

“Goodbye Arc. I'll miss you.”

Doctor Horse looks to the Crystal Defenders. “Ready?”


“...do it.”

One of the Crystal Defenders presses a button on the stand. He quickly leaves the room with the other guard and Doctor Horse as the Crystal Heart begins to spin and emit an eerie glow. The door is closed and locked as the soldiers turn to the others.

“Well, it's started. No turning back now.”

Derpy looks to them nervously. “Are you sure you did everything right?!”

They nod. “Yes ma'am. It's very simple to set up and activates at the push of a button. The rest is up to fate.”

Ember looks down the corridor. “I wonder where Dinky went?”

Sereb raises his head and sniffs the air. “She is nearby. I get the feeling she will join us again soon. But only when they are ready.”

Derpy looks to Sereb, confused. “They?”

There is a commotion from around a nearby corner as what feels like a small explosion rocks the building!

Ember looks around, wide-eyed! “What the heck was THAT?!”

“Yes. She is not alone. Familiar scents from Ponyville are with her.”

Earlier… as the clock tower struck noon, Dinky had run to a nearby broom closet to be alone.

“Dad... I... I have to help you!”

Dinky does her best to concentrate!

“Come on... just like we practiced... can you hear me?!”

Dinky reaches out with her mind for aid!

“Please… hear me! Apple Bloom… Sweetie Belle… I need your help!”

Meanwhile back at the Little Hooves Orphanage, the foals eat lunch together. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sit together at a table.

“Hey Sweetie Belle? Where do you think Dinky went?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs! “I don't know! Miss Pommel seemed pretty upset when she called her out of class earlier though!”

Apple Bloom nods! “Yeah! But she never came back!”

Sweetie Belle looks around the room. “I know, right! And where's Miss Derpy? She's usually the one to serve us lunch! But for some reason Miss Cheerilee is helping out!”

“I'm really worried about them!”

“Apple Bloom... Sweetie Bell...”

The pair look around the room confused.

“What was that?”

“You heard it too, Sweetie Belle?!”

“Help... please...”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes grow wide! “I… I think that's Dinky!”

Apple Bloom jumps up! “Come on! Let's go back to the classroom where it's quieter!”

Sweetie Belle follows her friend! “Okay!”

The pair make the quick walk to the classroom and shut the door behind them. They sit down on the floor together. Apple Bloom holds her hooves out to Sweetie Belle.


Sweetie Belle nods and reaches out her own hooves until they touch Apple Bloom's. “As ready as I'll ever be.”

The pair concentrate.

“Can anypony hear me?! I need help!”

Apple Bloom reaches out telepathically. “Dinky? Is that you?”

Sweetie Belle does the same! “We hear you! What's wrong?!”

Dinky’s voice comes through clearer as the three connect! “It's my dad! He's in the hospital here in the Crystal Empire!”

“What's wrong with him?!”

“He has something called Crystal Poisoning! It has to do with an evil king from a long time ago! They’re about to start treating him with the power of some artifact called the Crystal Heart!

“So, does that mean he's going to be okay?!”

Dinky calls out frantically! “No! Nopony has EVER survived this before! He needs help!”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “But what can we do?!”

“I... I want to try using our Powers together to try and neutralize the crystal's inside my dad's body! Will you help me?!”

“Sure! But, how? Any ideas, Sweetie Belle?”

“If you were closer, I could teleport us there!”

“Can you try Sweetie Belle?!”

Sweetie Belle shakes her head. “I could. But without a known Destination Point that would be REALLY dangerous!”

Dinky reaches out again! “Try focusing on me! I'll be your Destination Point!”

“Come on Sweetie Belle! Try reaching out to Dinky with your Power. I know you can do it! Just like Kronos taught us!”

“Okay... I'll try.”

Sweetie Belle concentrates.

“Hey, I can see you Dinky?!”

“Me too! Um, where are you?”

Dinky sounds slightly embarrassed. “I'm... in a broom closet here in the hospital. It was the first place I found where I could be alone!”

“I'm ready to try this if you two are! I'll need you to add your Power to mine if we're going to make this work Apple Bloom!”


Sweetie Belle’s horn lights up as she and Apple Bloom focus!

“Here goes nothing...”

In an instant Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle find themselves careening through time and space! Although it is nearly instantaneous, they still have time to feel nervous! A moment later a portal opens up with quite a bang in front of Dinky! Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom come flying out of it! The three of them fly into a wall, knocking almost everything off the nearby shelves!

Dinky jumps up! “Sweetie Belle! You did it!”

Apple Bloom looks to her friend! “I knew she could!”

Sweetie Belle gets up painfully! “Yeah... but how about we take the bus back, okay?”

“Come on! We have to help my dad!”

The trio comes crashing out of the broom closet and runs down the hallway with Dinky in the lead!

“Hurry! This way!”

As the fillies round the corner, Derpy and the others are crowded around Cherry who appears to be waking up. She puts a hoof to her forehead.

“What happened?”

Sereb looks to her. “I put you to sleep.”

She looks to Sereb angrily! “What?! Why?!”

“To save your life.”

Cherry stands up unsteadily! “Well, I'm going back in there!”

Ember puts a claw on Cherry’s shoulder in an effort to hold her back! “Wait! You can't... what? Dinky?!”

Derpy turns to look. “Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? How did you...”

The fillies do not slow down! Before anyone can stop them, they run straight toward the door literally phasing right through it! The blood drains from Derpy’s face!

“Oh no... DINKY!!!”

Derpy attempts to follow her daughter but is pulled back by a claw from Ember!

“Derpy, no! It's too dangerous!”

She squirms violently! “But I have to save Dinky!”

Doctor Horse steps in front of the door. “I'm sorry miss, but at this point the energies in that room would kill anypony! Much less fillies! Now I'm not sure how they did that, or why, but I assure you they didn't suffer more than a moment.”

Derpy collapses on the floor in tears. “No... Dinky! This... this is just too much! I can't lose you both!”

Cherry lies down on the floor next to Derpy. She puts a hoof around Derpy’s neck and cries with her. “I know what you're going through.”

Meanwhile inside the room, the trio look to the bed. Arc is convulsing violently and appears to be in excruciating pain! They form a circle around the Crystal Heart's podium and join hooves. Telepathically they reach out to one another.

“We can do this! I know we can!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “If what Kronos told us is true, yes!”

Apple Bloom smiles! “Can't you two feel it?! We're more powerful together than we could ever hope to be alone!”

Dinky soberly concentrates. “I put out a burning building by myself with this Power! With our combined strength we should be able to move mountains!”

Apple Bloom closes her eyes. “Don't you worry Dinky! The Cutie Mark Crusaders will save your dad!”

Dinky nods as she and Sweeting Belle close their eyes as well. “Thank you both! Are you ready?”

They nod!


Dinky and her friends concentrate and combine their energies. As they do so, the Crystal Heart begins to spin faster and glow more intensely. The three begin to levitate as the magical energies in the room grow thick. However, their hooves never leave each other. Apple Bloom reaches out to her friends telepathically.

“We can do this, girls!”

Sweetie Belle nods. “As long as we believe in each other, we can accomplish ANYTHING!”

Dinky grins. “That's right! Now let's bring my dad back to us!”

The Crystal Heart spins at a blinding speed. All at once though it stops. A small glow from within the Heart can be seen. It grows in intensity and quickly spreads to the three brave fillies as they focus their Power on to it. A few moments later the light spills forth and a small whine can be heard coming from the Heart. As the light grows so does the high-pitched whine. At its peak the sound abruptly stops as the light explodes outward with quite the bang blowing out the windows. The Cutie Mark Crusaders fall to the floor. As the dust settles Apple Bloom is the first to stand up.

“Did we... do it?”

Sweetie Belle looks at the smashed window. “Well we certainly did SOMETHING!”

Dinky shakily rises to her hooves. “D-dad?”

A small groan can be heard coming from the bed.


The young filly jumps on the bed and bounds over to her father. “DAD! YOU'RE OKAY!”

The door opens! Cherry Jubilee runs frantically over to him.

“Arc? ARC!!!”

Cherry leaps onto the bed! She wraps her hooves around Arc's neck and holds him tightly!

“Oh Arc! I... I thought you were lost forever!”

Arc winces in pain! Cherry draws back quickly!

“Oh my! I forgot about your injury! Did I hurt you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No... it's just... everything hurts right now.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Can we get you anything?!”

He smiles up at her. “How about a cupcake?”

Derpy laughs through her tears of joy. “That's the Arc we all know and love!”

Doctor Horse walks over to Arc. “I'll need to examine you to make sure you're really all right Arc.”

Arc nods. “The pain is going away slowly but surely. Another x-ray?”

The doctor nods. “Another x-ray. Now I'm sure you must be sick of these by now, so let's hope this is the last one for a while.”

He sets up the x-ray machine as the Crystal Defenders pack up the Crystal Heart and podium. They salute Arc!

“Glad you're feeling better sir! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself!”

Arc nods. “Thanks for bringing that heart over here so quickly you two.”

The other guard nods. “It was our... pleasure sir!”

They pick up the gear, salute, and leave the room. Doctor Horse turn to Arc’s friends.

“If I can please ask everypony to leave the room for a moment, we'll get these pictures taken.”

Cherry gives Arc a kiss on the cheek and smiles! “I won't be far!”

Everyone leaves the room. A few minutes later the x-rays are taken and the group is allowed to return! Cherry immediately returns to her spot on the bed next to Arc.

“While we wait for the pictures to be developed Arc, tell me... how do you feel?”

Arc rubs his forehead. “I've been better. But this is definitely an improvement!”

Ember looks skeptical. “Are you sure you're okay Arc?”

Derpy nods. “Yes! You were in such a bad state just fifteen minutes ago!”

“Yes, well... I think Dinky and her friends had something to do with that.”

Arc looks over at the trio.

“I didn't know Rarity and Applejack were here.”

Sweetie Belle turns away, uncomfortably! “Well... you see...”

Apple Bloom sighs. “They're not...”

Ember looks at the pair, surprised! “What! How did you get here then?!”

Dinky looks up at her father as she lies on bed next to him! “Please don't be mad at them! It's my fault! I asked them to come here!”

Derpy looks to her daughter confused. “That doesn't clear up the matter of how they arrived here, Dinky.”

Sereb nods. “They teleported.”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “From Ponyville?! That isn't possible!”

Arc sighs. “Go ahead you three. Tell us how you did it.”

Sweetie Belle looks to Arc sheepishly. “Well, do you remember that talk we had a long time ago about a strange Power the three of us have?”

“I do.”

Apple Bloom smiles nervously. “You see, we've been, uh, practicing on how to use that Power.”

Ember nods! “Self-taught, huh! That's pretty impressive!”

Dinky shakes her head. “No. Somepony's been giving us lessons.”


“They told us they were a friend of yours, dad! It said its name was ... Kronos.”

Derpy looks to her, wide-eyed! “Kronos?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I'm not quite sure if ‘friend’ is the right word to describe that thing.”

Arc looks to Ember. “I spoke to the princesses a while back about Kronos. Apparently he, she or it is the Keeper of Time. And until recently, did not directly interfere in the natural flow of things. They seem to have respect for Kronos. Sadly, they didn't go into detail regarding their meetings and I didn't push the subject.”

He turns to Dinky.

“Sweetheart. Why didn't you tell your mother and I about this?”

Apple Bloom looks over. “Mr. Arc? I... I'm sorry. That was my fault! You see, I thought that if we told you or my sister or ANYPONY for that matter, folks would think we were crazy or something!”

Sweetie Belle nods! “Yeah! And then we wouldn't be allowed to hang out together anymore!”

Dinky looks down sadly. “I'm sorry I didn't say anything, dad. Kronos was teaching us things that can be used to fight the Darkness. I... I was afraid that you wouldn't have approved.”

Arc nods soberly. “Dinky. Would you look at me please?”

Dinky does as she is told.

“Listen Dinky. There will be times in the future when I have to say no to something you want to do. It's because I love you and want the best for you that I'll do such things! Not because I'm mean, or don't want you to have fun! So please, in the future, don't keep secrets from us. Okay dear?”

A tear rolling down her face. “Yes dad. I... I won't. S-sorry for doing that.”

Derpy walks forward to embrace her daughter. “It's okay Dinky! Arc and I forgive you!”

Dinky hugs her mother back! “I... I just want to make you and dad proud of me!”

Arc smiles at her. “You already have Dinky... you already have.”

A nurse walks in and gives the doctor an envelope.

“Thank you, nurse.”

She nods her head and leaves the room as Doctor Horse compares the new x-rays to the old ones.

“Let's see what we have here...”

He looks over the x-rays carefully

“This is... most puzzling. Tell me Arc, are you in any pain right now?”

Arc shakes his head. “A little. However, it's negligible.”

Doctor Horse nods. “How's your head?”

“I have a very slight headache, but it too is diminishing.”

“I see. How about your chest? Any more trouble with your wound, lungs or heart?”

“No. To tell you the truth, I feel almost normal!”

Doctor Horse turns to Ember. “Miss, would you be so kind as to remove Arc's headband for me please?”


Ember carefully does so. As Arc's forehead comes into view everyone gasps!

Cherry looks to Arc! “What in Celestia's name...?”

“What is it?”

Derpy points a hoof at him! “There's a crystal in your forehead, Arc!”

“That doesn't hurt dad?!”

Ember picks up a small mirror and holds it up for Arc. “Fancy a look?”

Arc looks in amazement as the mirror confirms a small gem embedded in his temples! He reaches up with his hand to touch the gem!

“What the...”

Apple Bloom suddenly cries out! “Mr. Arc! Your wrist!”

Sweetie Belle calls out from the other side of the bed! “There's one on this side too!”

Arc looks at his wrists! There are two more crystals! Doctor Horse pulls back the blankets and lifts Arc’s sleeve.

“There's one in each shoulder as well.”

Ember shakes her head in disbelief! “What?!”

Just as the doctor said, a jewel is embedded in each of Arc's shoulders!

Derpy looks at Arc’s wrists. “Five gems? What does it mean?!”

Doctor Horse nods. “Six actually.”

Arc frowns. “What?”

The doctor points to the x-ray. “According to this, there's another one embedded in your sternum.”

Arc quickly pulls open his tunic. He immediately spots a large jewel in his chest! He grabs at the gem in his chest and pulls!

“What the heck...?”

Doctor Horse continues to look over the x-rays. “Pull all you like Arc, but it looks like it's fused to the bone.”

Ember looks at the gem nervously. “Is surgery an option?!”

“Not without doing irreparable damage to his head, wrists, shoulders and chest.

Cherry looks to Arc frantically! “No! Please Arc! I just got you back! Just leave them there!”

He looks to her, sheepishly. “But… don't you think it's a bit... weird?”

She traces Arc's face with a hoof before moving down to his chest to touch the crystal. “It doesn't bother me a bit! This... this is just a part of who you are now!”

Ember nods! “We don't judge you by how you look, Arc.”

Derpy smiles and winks! “Yeah! Haven't you learned that yet?!”

“You're my dad, crystals and all!”

Apple Bloom nods! “You've always been kind to us Mr. Arc!”

Sweetie Belle smiles! “Yeah! This doesn't change who you are on the inside!”

“Thanks everyone. Doctor Horse, see anything else of interest over there?”

“Not a thing. The dark crystals have all disappeared. If not for the sudden appearance of these six new crystals, I would say nothing happened!”

Arc throws the blanket to the side! “Great!”

Cherry looks to him nervously! “Um Arc... what are you doing?”

He swings his legs over the side of the bed. “I really want to stand up now! It feels like I've been in bed forever!”

Ember moves to help him up.

Doctor Horse frowns. “Easy does it Arc! Don't push yourself too hard!”

Ember puts her arm around Arc. “I got you!”

Arc stands up slowly. “Thanks Ember. Let me try walking around a bit now.”

She releases Arc. He walks around the bed to Dinky, leans down, picks her up and gives her a hug!

“Glad to have you back dad!”

Arc nods! “Thanks for not giving up on me sweetheart.”

He turns back to Doctor Horse.

“I feel great!”

A strange look suddenly crosses Arc's face as he looks at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle standing next to Doctor Horse. Cherry is the first to notice.

“Arc? Is something wrong?”

“Something just occurred to me. Apple Bloom, you and Sweetie Belle teleported here right?”

Apple Bloom nods. “Yes! Why?”

“Did you tell anyone before you came here?”

Sweetie Belle’s hooves fly to her mouth! “No, we didn't! Miss Cheerilee must be worried sick!”

Ember nods! “Not to mention Coco Pommel!”

Doctor Horse turns to them. “You two fillies can use the phone in one of the offices to call the school. I'll try to help explain the rather... unusual circumstances around this situation.”

Arc nods. “Thank you, doctor. Tell them I'll come see them personally when I can to apologize.”

Doctor Horse, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle leave the room. Arc stretches!

“It's never felt so good to be up and about!”

Cherry smiles at him as she herself stands! “I've never been so happy to SEE you up and about Arc!”

Arc walks over to Cherry and puts a hand on her cheek.

“Thank you, Cherry. Thank you for staying with me through this experience.”

Cherry smiles happily as she puts her hoof on Arc's hand. “I'm with you to the end Arc. No matter what that end may be. Oh... um... sorry about your ship though!”

He looks confused. “My ship?”

Derpy nods. “Don't worry about it Arc! I'm sure the Fire Department has put it out by now!”

Dinky laughs! “Miss Jubilee was a bit... overzealous to see you! She may have pushed the little ship a bit too far!

Ember looks to Cherry, surprised! “What?! I didn't know you could fly an airship Cherry!”

Cherry suddenly looks embarrassed. “I… I can't. But when I heard what had happened, I just knew I had to do everything in my power to get to you, my love!”

Arc nods. “I'm sure it can be fixed... or replaced. But... there's actually something else I wanted to talk to you about Cherry.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“I've... been giving a lot of thought lately to what we talked about last time we were at the ranch.”

Cherry smiles and blushes. “Which part?”

“About... about the future.”

Derpy looks confused. “Arc! What are you saying?!”

He stands and looks out the window.

“When all three princesses are again on their thrones, this land will again know peace.”

Arc appears somewhat nervous.

“When that day comes... I don't think Equestria will have much need of a Hero of Light! At that time, I plan to resign my duties and again become a regular citizen of this land.”

Cherry smiles with tears of joy in the corners of her eyes!

“Arc... are you saying what I think you are?!”

He turns back to her. Kneeling down in front of Cherry, Arc takes her hoof in his hands and looks her in the eye.

“Cherry Jubilee... at that time... will you... will you marry me?”

Cherry puts her other hoof in front of her mouth to stifle the sobs of joy as tears pour down her face! She nods her head vigorously!

“The... the answer is YES! Yes I'll marry you, my love!”

Cherry leaps into Arc's arms and kisses him on the cheek over and over again!

“You've made me the happiest mare in all of Equestria!”

Arc smiles at her! “And you've made me the happiest human in the land!”

Ember grins! “Arc, you're the ONLY human in the land!”

Arc laughs! “My statement is still correct!”

Derpy smiles happily! “Congratulations you two!”

Dinky looks to him nervously. “Um... dad? Can I ask you something?”

Arc puts down Cherry and walks over to Dinky. “Yes Dinky? What is it?”

The filly nervously starts to cry. “Does this mean... that you're leaving mom and I?!”

Cherry walks over to Dinky and puts a hoof on her small cheek. “No dear. I would never do anything to take your father away from you! We can all live together in Dodge Junction! But if that's not what Arc wants, I'd be willing to move to Ponyville and start a new life there!”

Derpy looks to Cherry, astonished! “But what about Cherry Hill Ranch?!”

“I'll give it to Ruby! My sister should be able to run it by herself! She's actually better suited for the job than I am! But if she chooses not to, I'll sell the ranch!”

Arc shakes his head. “Cherry! What about your family's history?! It's their legacy!”

Cherry turns back to Arc and puts a hoof on his cheek.

“I would trade it all away in an instant to be with the one I love.”

Sereb nods. “Very generous.”

Cherry looks back to Dinky. “No matter what we decide to do, I want you to know that all of us will be together Dinky!”

Dinky runs up to Arc and Cherry! They both put their hands/hooves around her as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle return.

“Thank you Miss Cherry! Please take good care of my dad!”

Apple Bloom looks at the scene before her, confused. “What's going on here, Dinky?”

“My dad just asked Miss Cherry to marry him!”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes light up! “REALLY?!”

Apple Bloom laughs! “That's great Dinky!”

Arc nods and turns back to his fiancée. “Cherry. There's something I need to say. I don't know how long it will take for the three princesses to again be able to protect this land! This engagement may be really long! Years even!

Cherry smiles! “As long as I can be with you one day, I don't care if it takes until we're old and gray, Arc!”

“Thank you Cherry. Just please understand at this rate it just might! But in any case, I... I have something I wanted to give you to commemorate this day!”

Arc walks over to Sereb and opens the saddlebag. He pulls out the box he purchased from Silver Hammer and sets it down on the end table next to Cherry. She looks at it happily!

“That's a very pretty box Arc! Is it for me?”

He nods. “It is! But it's the treasure inside that I want you to remember.”

Arc slowly opens the box and pulls something out. Turning to Cherry, her eyes grow wide!

“It... it's gorgeous Arc!”

In Arc's hand is a beautiful heart shaped ruby and diamond encrusted gold pendant with a platinum chain. He tenderly puts the pendant around Cherry’s neck.

“This is my engagement present to you. I hope you like it!”

She admires the pendant around her neck. “Like it?! I LOVE it! This must have cost you a fortune!”

“It was worth every bit to make you happy, Cherry.”

Cherry and Arc again embrace! Arc leans back to look Cherry in the eye as he holds her hooves in his hands!

“One more thing… if… um… if you ever meet someone else… or I take too long…

She puts a hoof to Arc’s lips to silence him.

“Arc. I’m a very patient mare. Let’s use this extended engagement to really get to know each other! And if you find that I’m not the one…”

He smiles at her! “I’m certain that you are, Cherry! But you are right! We need to learn more about one another before we tie the knot!”

Arc looks at her and she at him. Their faces silently move closer to share a first kiss! Suddenly there is an explosion in the distance!

Ember’s head turns to look out the window. “What was THAT?!”

Arc quickly stands up and rushes to look out the window as well. His face red with anger!

“I don't know, Ember! But whomever is responsible for ruining this moment for Cherry and I is FREAKING DEAD!”

Meanwhile the two Crystal Defenders have returned to the castle. They return the Crystal Heart to its rightful place and proceed to one of the castle's tallest towers.

“Sounds like the attack has started.”


In a swirl of dark magic, their appearances melt away to reveal their true forms!

“Ah, much better! Thank you for your help today, Dark One.”

The Dark One frowns and looks away! “Hmph! I still can't believe I let you talk me into this, Tempest! You should have KILLED Arc! Not SAVED him!”

Tempest shakes her head! “And leave Equestria without proper leadership?! Not a chance!”

“I understand. That is the ONLY reason I agreed to this plan of yours! But it appears to have had… unforeseen consequences.”

She narrows her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I felt them! The Dark Crystals that had infested Arc's body are still there! However, there is now something... different about them. More powerful! They will make him that much more difficult to slay! But when you do, the increase in your power will practically make you a GOD! That is... IF you're up to the task!”

Tempest looks toward the Western Gate, smiling wickedly. “Oh I am... I... am!”

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