• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Getting Settled

Arc, Ember, Sereb and his squad make their way toward Princess Celestia’s room. The sun is setting outside the beautiful stained-glass windows as a cold wind blows past. Arc turns to everyone as they near their destination.

“Last chance. Anyone want out of this?”

Ember laughs! “You’re kidding, right?!”

Max nods. “We’re with you, sir!”

Xenos pumps his hoof in the air. “Yeah! Let’s do this!”

Viktor grins! “I’m sure we’ll fit right in.”

Hugh chuckles. “As humans, yes?

Sereb nods. “I will accompany you as well.”

Max turns to Arc as they reach the door. “Sir, you haven’t yet told us why this mission to Earth is so important to you.”

“Patience. I’ll explain when we get there.”

The group enters to see Sunburst doing last minute checks of the Spatial Particle Emission Arc Redirector. Arc walks over to him.

“How’s the S.P.E.A.R. today, Sunburst?”

“Ready for another test run! I’ve been making adjustments from the data collected thus far, and can confidently say this ride should be much smoother!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Smoother?”

Arc sighs. “The first trip caused Dinky and I to black out.”

Sunburst nods as he begins the start-up procedure. “We should be able to avoid that in the future, sir! I’ve also recalibrated the machine to bypass the human transformation sigil for the first subject who enters.”

Ember smiles. “Guess that means you’re going first, Sereb!”

Sereb nods. “So it would seem.”

Arc walks toward a large sack on the bed as he motions to his squad to approach. “Alright boys, I want all of you to remove your armor.”

Xenos looks at him confused. “Sir?”

Ember sighs. “We’re trying to limit the number of things that we take with us.”

“Ember’s right. While we’re on Earth, I want us using as few Equestrian items as possible.”

“Although I still don’t understand why.”

Arc nods. “We really don’t need a lot right now, anyways. I mean, it’s not like we’re moving there permanently.”

His squad removes their armor and hangs them up on four nearby armor racks.

Xenos shifts on his hooves. “This feels a bit off.”

Hugh nods. “I’ll say! My armor is like a second skin to me!

Viktor chuckles. “Well, change can be a good thing.”

Max nods. “I’m with Viktor! We need to get out of our comfort zone! Although it does feel strange to be out of uniform while on duty.”

Arc pulls the robes out of the sack as his squad approaches. “Everyone put one of these on. We’ll get you into something a bit more appropriate when we arrive.”

They quickly comply. Ember walks toward the S.P.E.A.R. cautiously.

“We ready to do this?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Uh, WE are, yes!”


He holds up a robe. “I said everyone needs to put one of these on, and I mean EVERYONE!”

Ember angrily walks over to Arc and snatches the robe! “What about Sereb?!”

“He’s not changing! You are!”

Ember sighs as she puts it on. “Can’t blame me for trying.”

Arc walks over to Ember and ties the sash around her midsection securely. “And trying, and trying…”

Ember frowns and looks herself over. “This just feels wrong! There’s not even a hole for my tail!”

Arc turns back to everyone as the machine powers up.

“Trust me, Ember. In a few moments, you’ll be happy about that fact. Ready?”

Everyone nods soberly. Sunburst looks to Arc as the machine powers up and the wormhole forms. “Ready whenever you are, Arc!”

“Good! Sereb, go into your Cub Form and step through when ready!”

Sereb nods as he does so. “Very well.”

He walks into the portal and vanishes from sight as the others follow one by one.

Ember rolls her eyes. “Here goes nothing!”

Viktor chuckles. “Just another day at the office.”

Xenos laughs! “Time for another adventure!”

Hugh grins! “This is what we’ve been training for all our lives!”

Max looks to Arc before he steps through. “See you on the other side, sir!”

Arc nods as he approaches the portal himself. “Wish us luck!”

He enters the portal himself and is gone. A moment later he finds himself lying in his backyard on top of the others.

Max rolls off the pile. “I thought Sunburst said this would be a smoother ride!”

Arc gets up. “Trust me! It was! Where’s Ember and Sereb?”

Ember’s voice emanates from the very bottom of the pile. “Can you guys please GET OFF!!!”

Arc’s squad quickly rolls to one side to allow Ember and Sereb to stand. She looks over to them, smiling!

“So, how do I look?!”

No one speaks. Ember frowns as she looks up at them.

“What?! Are all human females this small?!”

Sereb walks over to Ember. “This is… strange.”

Ember looks around at the others angrily! “Why won’t anyone answer me?!”

Arc sighs. “Ember, I think there was a bit of a miscalculation in the sigil’s magic.”

“What are you saying?!”

Xenos chuckles. “You’re a real dog, Ember!”

“Now that’s just plain rude! I may not be the prettiest human ever, but…”

Arc interrupts her. “No Ember. You’re literally and physically a dog!”

He reaches down and picks Ember up.

“Although I must say you are quite a cute one!”

Ember growls. “I don’t know if I should be flattered, or bite you!”

She turns to Sereb.

“Back me up here!”

Sereb looks at Ember and smiles. “So… have any plans tonight?”

Everyone laughs. Max wipes his eye, still chuckling!.

“I don’t know which is better! The fact that Ember is so furry and adorable, or that Sereb just made a joke!”

Hugh looks over. “I know, right!”

Viktor studies Ember carefully. “Should we… help her?!”

Xenos holds his stomach, still laughing. “Sure, sure! In a minute! I’m kinda enjoying this!”

Arc turns toward the house. “Well, let’s enjoy it inside, shall we? You guys practice walking on your hind legs like I told you to?”

Max nods. “You mean feet, right?”

Arc smiles. “Very good.”

Xenos unsteadily makes his way towards the house with the others. “This just feels unnatural.”

Viktor nods as he picks up Ember’s robe. “Tell me about it!”

Hugh shivers. “Well I for one am glad for this robe! It’s cold out here!”

Arc reaches into his pocket for the familiar key with one hand while still holding Ember in the other. “Welcome to Earth. The house isn’t much, but I call it home.”

He unlocks the door and steps inside with the others. They look around the kitchen, amazed! Max is the first to be able to speak!

“Not much?! This is a veritable palace by Equestrian standards!”

Hugh nods. “I’ll say! This place is fit to house a princess!”

Viktor rubs his hands together. “That and it’s WARM!”

Xenos laughs! “I see you guys are still wimps in human form!”

Ember jumps down from Arc’s arms and looks to Xenos. “Yeah!? Says the one who’s still beefier than everyone!”

Arc turns up the thermostat. “Alright, let’s get you guys into something a bit more modest. Follow me.”

Ember growls as they head for the stairs together. “What about me?!”

“The boys and I will be back down shortly. I’m sure Sereb will keep you company!”

Sereb looks over at Ember, slyly. “Indeed I will.”

“Lay off!”

“My apologies, Ember. However, you ARE quite fetching.”

Ember hops up on the couch and lies down. “Thanks. But I already have my eye on someone.”

Sereb nods. “I understand.”

Meanwhile, Arc leads the others to his room and pulls some clothes out of the closet. He lays out four sets of clothes on the bed.

“These should fit you three. Xenos is a bit of a problem though.”


“You’re a bit too big for anything in my closet.”

Arc thinks for a minute before leaving the room.

“I think I may have the solution. Be right back.”

Max puts a hand on Xenos’ shoulder and smiles. “See? Being the biggest isn’t always the best!”

Xenos nods. “True. But usually it is!”

Arc returns a few minutes later with a larger shirt and pants. He hands them to Xenos.

“You’re about the same size as my dad. Hope these are okay.”

Xenos accepts the clothes. “Thank you, sir!”

With his help, Arc’s squad gets dressed and admires their new clothes.

Max stands up and takes a few steps. “This is going to take some getting used to. “

Hugh nods. “I feel like a wrapped birthday present!”

Viktor sighs. “As do I. But we have to do what we have to do!”

Xenos laughs as Arc finishes buttoning up his shirt. “You guys think what you want, but I make this look GOOD!”

Fully dressed, they proceed downstairs together. Ember looks up as they enter the room and sit down on the couch.

“What do you think, Ember?”

Ember jumps off the couch to have a better look. “Definitely an improvement over those robes, Arc!”

Sereb nods. “I’ll say! What now?”

Arc looks at the teal dog before him. “We should probably see if we can’t fix Ember.”

Ember growls! “Sunburst is going to get an earful when we get back!”

“He tried his best! But we can’t have you walking around like that!”

“Why not?!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Because a blueish green dog would stand out more than talking ponies!”

Ember sighs. “I don’t like this anyways!”

Arc turns to Sereb.

“Think you can cast the counter spell? Turn her back into a dragon?”

Sereb nods. “I can. However, that will require my true form.”

“Do it.”

He returns to his normal wolf-like appearance. Sereb’s horn glows brightly.

“Are you ready, Ember?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be!”

In a flash of light Ember returns to her normal dragon form. She looks herself over.

“Much better!”

Arc sighs. “I’m glad to see you back to your old self, Ember. But you can’t stay like this.”

“Why not?!”

“You know why! Sereb, can you cast the spell on Ember manually?”

“I can try. But I will need a baseline target. And that’s assuming my magic works properly in this realm.”

Ember frowns. “A what?”

“A human. Would you please stand next to Ember, Arc?”

Arc picks up Ember’s robe from the couch. “Just one second!”

He puts the robe on Ember as best he can and stands next to her.

“Give it your best, Sereb!”

Sereb concentrates as Ember and Arc begin to glow. In a flash of light the spell concludes. Ember turns back to Arc.

“Please tell me this worked.”

Arc turns and puts his hands on her shoulder. “It did. Congratulations Ember! You’re a human.”

Ember looks herself up and down, blushing slightly. “Arc? Am I… pretty?”

He smiles at her. “I think you are, yes.”

Arc looks over to his squad.

“So what do you guys… oh for crying out loud!”

The group just stares at her with their mouths agape and wide-eyed. Ember puts a hand on her hip.

“What’s the matter?! You guys never seen a girl before?!”

None of them are able to reply.

Arc sighs. “Now that we’re all the same species, you’re especially pretty to them.”

Ember puts her arms around Arc’s neck and smiles up at him. “And you?”

Arc removes her arms from his neck. “I still see you as a friend. A very pretty friend, but a friend nonetheless.”


He takes Ember’s hand and leads her toward the stairs. “Your turn, Ember. “

“For what?!”

“Some proper clothes! What else?!”

“Okay. Lead on!”

Arc takes Ember to his parent’s room. She sits down on the bed as he opens the closet and pulls out some clothes.

“These should be a decent fit. You’re about the same size as she was.”

Ember look up to his as she accepts the garments. “Arc? Were these…?”

Arc nods. “Yes. They belonged to my mother. I’m sorry, but that’s all I have for you.”

She takes his hand and smiles. “Thank you Arc. I’m honored!”

Arc gives Ember’s new hand a squeeze before turning toward the door. “You’re welcome. Well, I’ll let you get dressed now.”

“What if I need help?!”

Arc rolls his eyes as he closes the door.

“I’ll wait for you downstairs with the others.”

Ember shrugs. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.”

A short time later Ember comes downstairs properly dressed.

“So, how do I look?”

Hugh grins! “Like a million bits!”

Viktor nods. “Good, I think!”

Xenos laughs! “What are you doing later?”

Max smiles at her. “You might just turn the commander’s head yet, Ember!”

“In any case, you look very nice, Ember.”

Xenos puts a hand to his belly. “Anypony else hungry?”

Hugh rolls his eyes. “You’re always hungry!”

Arc nods and walks to the phone. “I’ll order us some pizza.”

A few minutes later Arc rejoins them.

“The food will be delivered in about an hour.”

Ember nods. “What should we do until then?”

“Why don’t I let everyone in on our reason for being here?”

Max nods. “I do wish you would, sir!”

Xenos frowns. “Yeah! This is all so mysterious!”

Hugh looks to Arc. “We don’t mind coming here and all. But it seems strange that you suddenly wanted to come back here after being so happy in Equestria!”

Arc paces in front of the couch. “Boys… what I am about to tell you is top… TOP secret! You are not to speak to anyone else about this! Here on Earth OR back in Equestria! Do I make myself clear?!”

Arc’s squad appears confused, but nod their heads in agreement.

“What do you know about Princess Celestia’s current mission?”

Max looks to Arc. “Well, not much more than everypony else. She’s off on some diplomatic mission in a far-off land.”

Xenos shrugs. “Everypony already knows that!”

Arc nods. “Everyone has been lied to.”

Hugh looks to him confused. “Sir?”

“The truth of the matter is… Princess Celestia is… missing.”

Arc’s squad stares at him for a few moments.


Hugh furrow his brow. “Missing?! How could she be missing?!”

“We don’t know how it happened, but the sages in Canterlot have been able to narrow the search to Earth.”

Max gasps! “TO EARTH?!”

Xenos stands up quickly! “When do we start looking?!”

Ember stands and put a hand on his shoulder. “Easy there, big fella! Let Arc finish explaining!”

“All we know is she’s somewhere on this continent! They’re trying to narrow it down further as we speak.”

Hugh looks confused. “What’s the problem?! It’s just ONE continent!”

Viktor nods. “Right! How big could it be?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Almost ten million square miles.”

His squad’s jaws drop!

“We need to narrow that down before we can start looking.”

Ember nods. “I agree with you Arc. How long do you think it might take?”

“Probably a few more months at best.”

Max looks to Arc. “Why are we here then?”

“To make preparations.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Such as…?”

“Such as acclimating all of you into human society! When we walk down the street, I need you to look and act like four normal human guys! Not four ponies who just flew into town!”

Ember looks to the squad. “I think what Arc is trying to say is, he wanted us to learn how to be more human! Not just physically, but also mentally!”

“Exactly! My house will be our base of operations for this mission. There’s a lot to do and probably less time to act than we know. We’re starting small with clothes, walking and mannerisms.”

Viktor looks confused. “Mannerisms?”

“Yes! For starters, you guys need to learn to TALK like humans! That means no more saying things like “everypony, somepony, nopony” etcetera.”

Max puts a hand to his chin. “This will take a while, sir. We can’t change overnight!”

“I know. That’s why we’re starting now.”

Ember sighs. “Any other words we can’t use here?”


Xenos frowns. “Come again?”

“Money here isn’t called ‘bits’, but ‘dollars’. Oh! And the country’s leader isn’t a princess, but a president! Right now, Howard Ackerman is our country’s president.

Ember nods. “How long has this president ruled?”

“About a year. Every four years they come up for re-election. And no one can be president for more than two four-year terms! After that, someone new has to be elected. “

Xenos looks confused. “Elected?”

Arc nods. “The citizens choose who the president is.”

Hugh puts a hand to his forehead. “This is very confusing!”

Arc laughs! “Just wait! It gets worse!”

He spends the next half hour or so giving everyone a crash course on human knowledge.

Ember slouches in the couch. “This is going to be harder than I thought!”

Max nods. “How do you remember all this stuff, sir?!”

“I know it’s a lot to take in. Just watch those around you and do what they do.”

There is a knock at the door. Ember looks to Arc, wide-eyed!

“Who do you think that is?!”

Arc gets up and walks to the door. “Probably the pizza. Sereb, cub form.”

Sereb nods and returns to his small size as Arc opens the door. He accepts several boxes of pizza and gives the delivery man some money. Ember looks to Arc as he closes the door.

“What were those papers you gave him?”


Xenos raises an eyebrow. “Paper money? That’s just weird!”

Hugh thinks for a moment. “It would certainly be lighter!”

Arc sets the pizza boxes down on the coffee table side by side.

“Veggie lovers and plain cheese for you boys, and a meat-lovers for Ember, Sereb and I.”

They sit down to their first meal on Earth together. Arc turns to Sereb as he eats.

“That reminds me. Dogs on Earth can’t talk. So, if anyone asks how you’re doing, just bark or something.”

“I will remember that.”

Xenos smiles! “This stuff is pretty good!”

Hugh nods. “I’ll say! Never tried it before!”

Viktor looks to Max. “Do you think Saffron knows how to make it?!”

“If not, she should learn!”

Ember grins! “I’ll bring it up when we get back!”

Arc laughs! “As will I! When we get back, I’m instituting a weekly Pizza Night!”

Sereb smiles. “The Hero of Light has spoken!”

Max looks to Arc. “It will certainly be good for morale! Give all of us something to look forward to.”

Xenos pats his midsection. “Yes, sir! My belly will appreciate it!”

“That reminds me of something else! When we’re out and about, none of you can call me commander.”

Hugh looks worried. “What do we call you then, sir?”

“Just Arc. It’s okay around the house if you really want to. But any time we’re on Earth… you know.”

Max frowns. “This is going to take some getting used to! No Lunar Protector would DARE call his superior officer by his given name!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “You boys can handle it! I do it all the time!”

Viktor sighs. “Well, that’s fine for you Ember.”

He turns back to Arc.

“How about just ‘sir’?”

“Yes, well… I suppose so. There will be plenty of time to practice in the near future. But all of you look rather tired right now. Why don’t I show you where you’ll be sleeping? “

They all rise and follow Arc to the basement. Arc flicks the light switch at the bottom of the stairs.

“I know it’s not much, but the beds are new and the sheets are clean.”

Before them stretches a half dozen bunk beds, an adjoining commons area with a couple couches and a desk. A small bathroom lies off to one side.

“This is your new home. Feel free to use the rest of the house as you sit fit however.”

Max looks around. “Thank you sir! Lunar Protectors do appreciate their solitude!”

“Why’s that?”

Xenos shrugs. “It’s a cultural thing.”

Hugh nods. “Yeah! We don’t really get it ourselves.”

Ember frowns. “Culture? I know you guys look a bit… different from regular pegasi, but…”

Viktor interrupts her. “Our species aren’t actually pegasi. We’re a sub race of them however!”

Arc looks over to Max. “Like cousins?”

“Something like that, I guess.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “So, if you’re not pegasi, what are you?”

Max shrugs. “Little is known about our race. Some say we’re the offspring of a pony and a bat!”

Xenos rolls his eyes. “That never made sense to me.”

Hugh sighs. “Some say we’re a science experiment from Star Swirl the Bearded.”

Viktor nods. “Others say we’re from an ancient nation far to the west of Canterlot! But who can truly say?”

Ember nods thoughtfully. “But you guys have equal rights in Equestria, don’t you?”

Max sighs. “Legally, yes. However, I’ve yet to meet one of our kind who wasn’t pressed into military service.”

Xenos nods soberly. “We’re… kinda shunned by other ponies.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What?! Why?!”

Hugh sighs. “Probably because of our differences.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Wouldn’t it be easier to focus on what you have in common?”

Viktor chuckles. “If only it was that easy.”

“Sorry guys. I had no idea you were treated this way!”

Max smiles. “Hopefully here things will be different. After all, humans all look about the same, so I imagine they don’t have petty arguments over things like whose wings are better or whose more loyal to the princesses.”

Ember frowns. “Sounds pretty unnecessary to me.”

Xenos nods. “I guess it is. But our pride is all we have!”

“No matter what anyone says or thinks, you guys are the best in my book!”

Max smiles. “Thank you, sir!”

“Well, I should let you all get some rest. We have an early morning ahead.

His squad salutes and heads for their bunks along with Sereb and Ember.

“Um, Ember?”

“Yes Arc?

“I have a room upstairs for you to sleep in.”

Ember looks to him with a confused look on her face. “What’s wrong with me sleeping down here with the others?”

“Well… nothing really, I guess. But you being the only female here, I thought you might like a little… privacy. After all, adult males and females don’t typically sleep together unless they’re in a… uh… relationship of some kind.”

Ember blushes slightly. “I… don’t really know how a human female is supposed to act.”

Arc nods. “Follow me, Ember.”

He leads her back upstairs and to the guest room. As he opens the door, she looks around.

“Is this whole room for me?”

“Yes. Most human homes have a guest room for just such an occasion. I hope you like it.”

“It’s… very nice and all. But where will you sleep?”

“My room is just down the hall. Now how about we both get some sleep? It’s been a long day.”

He turns to leave.



Ember blushes again. “Do… do you really think I make a pretty human?”

Arc smiles at her. “Yes Ember. You look very nice. Now get some sleep, okay?”

“Alright. Good night.”

Arc leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Ember turns off the lights and gets into bed.

“It’s a nice dream. Arc and I…”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way down the hall to his room and lies down. He mutters to himself as he closes his eyes.

“It’s good to have friends staying here.”

Sometime later there is a small knock at Arc’s bedroom door. He opens his eyes and sits up, sleepily.

“Come in.”

Ember sheepishly opens the door and peeks in.

“I… sorry to wake you, but… can we talk?”

Arc gestures to his desk chair as he swings his legs over the side of his bed. “Sure. Have a seat.”

Ember walks over to the chair and sits down. She looks exhausted!

“Something on your mind?”

She nods. “Can this just stay between us please?”

“Of course!”

“I… um… I’m having trouble sleeping.”

“Why’s that?”

“You’ll probably just think I’m being silly, but… it’s… my dad.”

“The Dragon Lord?”

“Right. Up until today, if I wanted to see him all I had to do was fly back home, banished or not. But now…”

“Now you couldn’t go home even if you wanted to.”

Ember nods. “Like I said, I’m just being silly, aren’t I?”

Arc stands up and walks over to her. “No. Most humans feel the same way when separated from their parents for the first time. After all, they’re all you’ve even know up to that point.”

She smiles sheepishly up at him. “I’m not a baby, Arc.”

He puts a hand on her shoulder. “No, you’re not. You’re a fine young woman… er, dragon who is just a little scared having her home out of reach.”

Ember wraps her arms around his midsection and leans into him. “Maybe I am… just a little.”

“No shame in that. Now how about I take you back to bed? You look like you’re about to fall asleep in that chair!”

Ember nods and stands up slowly. “Yeah… thanks.”

Arc leads Ember back to her room and covers her up with a blanket.

“Get some rest. We can talk more in the morning.”

As he turns to walk away, Ember takes his hand in hers. Turning back, she looks to him slightly embarrassed.

“Could you stay with me? I know you said it’s not… proper for us to sleep together, but… I wouldn’t tell anyone!”

Arc pulls up a chair next to the bed. “I’ll sit next to you until you fall asleep. How’s that?”

Ember nods as he sits down. She yawns as he takes her hand.


In a few minutes Arc hears Ember’s breathing become slower and feels her grip on his hand loosening. Standing up, he puts her hand under the covers and whispers.

“Good night, Ember.”

He leans down and softly kisses her forehead before quietly leaving the room. A small smile creeps across Ember’s face as she sleeps soundly. Arc makes his way back to his room and lies down. Turning to face the wall, he mutters to himself.

“I feel less like a warrior, and more like a father every day. But that’s okay! That’s… okay.”

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