• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Unexpected Guest

Hammer hops out of the tank. Arc notices she is wearing a rather revealing bikini. Balancing on the barrel of her tank’s cannon she kneels down and grins hugely. Sereb makes his way back to shore and moves to stand with Arc. He growls menacingly at the woman as the young man looks down at him.

“Easy there, big fella. She’s a friend.”

Sereb shoots Arc a withering look, but does as he is told. Hammer grins as she looks at Arc.

“Like my ride?!”

“Um… it’s certainly… unique.”

Hammer hops down and lands in front of Arc.

“Sure is. Surprised to see me?”

“Actually, yeah. But where did you come from?”

Hammer points a thumb to the base across the water. “I’m stationed over there. But aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend’s here?”

“Oh! Yes, this is Max, Hugh, and Xenos.”

Max waves nervously. “H-hi.”

Xenos forces a smile. “How’s it going?”

Hugh looks away “Hey.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “Friends of yours?”

“Yes. That and they’re my… employees.”

“They detectives too?”

“Kinda. Clerical and odd jobs mostly.”

He gestures to Auriel as she returns from the foliage.

“And this is Auriel. My… personal assistant. She helps keep me organized.”

Hammer looks at her for a long moment. Eventually Auriel speaks.

“Is something wrong?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No, no! Sorry about that. It’s just… you kinda look like someone I know.”

She turns back to Arc.

“Quite the job they do for you, I’m sure. But I can’t imagine anyone being as efficient as you are, Arc.”

“Um… thanks. But what the heck is that thing you came in?”

Hammer grins and looks to the machine. “This here’s my pride and joy. I call her the ‘Charger’.”

Hugh looks the tank over. “Why’s that?”

Hammer grins. “Sorry, but that’s a secret.”

Xenos clears his throat. “So, uh…”

Hammer looks around. “Hey, where’s that cute little daughter of yours, Arc? I know I saw her earlier.”

“Oh, um… I told her to run into the woods when my dog started barking. He’s usually very calm, you see.”

Arc turns and yells into the woods.

“Daisy! You can come out now!”

Dinky runs back to her father and looks up at Hammer

“It’s the nice lady from the mall the other day!”

“Hey there, Daisy! So you remember me?!”

Dinky nods. “Yes, Miss Hammer!”

“Your dad took you to the clothing store and didn’t buy you a swimsuit?”

Arc grimaces. “Yes, well… coming to the beach was more of a… I guess you could say a last minute idea of mine. Think of it kinda like an office party.”

Dinky looks at the tank. “So, what bring you here, Miss Hammer? Other than that big metal thing?”

Hammer laughs. “I saw all yall playing on the exterior cameras and decided I wanted to join in! That okay?!”

Arc shrugs. “Um… I guess.”

He looks up at the sky before continuing.

“Looks like it’s about time for lunch though. Xenos, go get some firewood. We’ll cook some hotdogs right here on the beach.”

“Yes sir.”

“Auriel, grab the food from the cooler. Hammer, do you think you could find us some kindling?”

Dinky grins. “I could do that, dad!”

Arc sighs. “Um… okay.”

Hammer laughs throatily. “I’ll help get the food with your secretary then. I hope you brought a lot!”

Dinky grimaces as she understands her mistake. Arc thinks quickly before turning back to Hammer.

“Actually, does your tank have any matches?”

Hammer shrugs. “I should in my emergency supplies. Did you forget yours?”

Max nods convincingly. “We did sadly.”

“I’ll see what I have. One sec.”

She climbs up the side of the Crusader and hops inside. Arc quickly turns to Auriel and Xenos.

“Auriel, do you know Platinum Valve’s Matter Compacting Spell?”

“I do. Why?”

“Get back to camp and use it on my Jeep. Then stash it in my tent so Hammer doesn’t come across it.”

Auriel nods. “Right away!”

She hurries away as Hammer tosses various tools and other miscellaneous items out of the hatch.

“I know it’s in here somewhere…”

Dinky looks sheepishly to her father. “Sorry dad.”

Arc tousles her hair. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”

A few moments later Hammer pokes her head out. “Well, I couldn’t find the matches.”

Hugh chuckles. “Don’t worry. We’ll think of something.”

“I already have. Check this out!”

Hopping down Hammer holds out a strange looking stick.

“This should light things up real nice!”

Max raises an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“A flare.”

Arc frowns. “Isn’t that kinda like killing a fly with a hand grenade?”

Hammer laughs. “Love the analogy! I’ll have to try that one sometime.”

The young woman tosses the flare to Max as she walks over to Hugh.

“Come on. Let’s go get some supplies.”

She looks around a moment before turning to the others.

“What happened to your secretary?”

Hugh points back toward the woods. “She headed back to our camp already.”

“Aw well. Let’s catch up to her big fella.”

She grabs Hugh and hurries toward the woods as Max turns to Arc.

“You have… quite the taste in women, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Thanks.”

Dinky giggles. “Well, I still think she’s really nice.”

Max frowns. “She’s working for our enemy.”

Arc nods. “There is that, yes. But I’m holding out hope that she doesn’t really know what’s going on over there.”


Arc turns to Max. “Hammer’s actually really nice. I’m having a hard time believing she’s honestly a bad person right now.”

Sereb growls. “How about what she did to Bloodletter?”

Arc shrugs. “She did run before the serum took effect, yes. But admittedly, I can’t see her injecting anyone without knowing what it would have done.”

Sereb grunts. “Are you saying she knew the effects were temporary?”

Arc nods. “It stands to reason. Hammer doesn’t really strike me as having much of a killer instinct.”

Max looks towards the woods. “More like a human version of your friend Pinkie Pie if you ask me.”

Sereb shudders. “If Pinkie’s personality was tempered by the military, you mean.”

Arc winces. “That’s a scary thought. Pinkie Pie with lethal combat skills…”

Xenos returns with Auriel, Hugh, and Hammer in tow. He sets the wood down as Arc walks over.

“Let’s see about getting that wood set up.”

“Yes sir.”

Auriel emerges from the woods and joins them. “I found all the dried goods, Arc. But the cooler wasn’t there. Did you move it?”

Arc slaps his forehead. “Oh! Silly me! I left it in the woods to stay cool. Be right back.”

He hurries over to the bush Rose is hiding in and kneels down as he pulls the cooler from his ring.

“You sensing anything over here?”

Rose sighs. “Just Hammer’s machine coming.”

“So you sent Sereb to warn us?”

“Yes. However I couldn’t detect exactly what was going to happen.”

“She was underwater though.”

Rose nods. “Even when the tank surfaced I didn’t detect it with anything other than my optical sensors.

“How about now?”

“No, nothing.”

Arc frowns. “Our enemy is really big into stealth and sensor evasion. That’s making things harder for us.”

Rose shudders. “It’s like going up against ourselves.”


“Think about it. You’ve relied heavily on such tactics to avoid conflict in the past with great success.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose so. But what these guys are doing in the shadows can’t be good.”

A few minutes later Arc returns to the beach with the cooler. Xenos has just finished stacking the wood with Hammer as Dinky runs over with the kindling.

“How’s this, Miss Hammer?!”

“That should be dandy!”

Handing Hammer the dried twigs and leaves she puts them behind the logs. Max walks over with the flare as Hammer looks to Dinky.

“You wanna do it?”

“Sure! Can I dad?!”

Arc nods. “Alright. Just do what Hammer tells you to.”

“First, unscrew the cap.”

Dinky carefully does so.

“See that little string there? You pull that to light the flare. Give it a good tug, but make sure it’s pointed away from your face when you do.”

Grabbing the string Dinky pulls. A stream of smoke emits from the tube as sparks shoot out. Hammer nods and gestures to the wood.

“Point it at the kindling.”

Grinning, Dinky obeys. A few moments later the sparks ignite the leaves and move onto the twigs. Hammer takes the flare from her and buries the end in the sand to quench it before turning back to Dinky.

“You did good! Now then, let’s have ourselves a cookout!”

Auriel walks over with several hot dog pokers and hands them to Arc.

“What are those, dad?”

“They’re what we used to cook with when I went camping as a boy. You see, when this fire gets going it’ll be too hot to get close to.”

Max looks at the pokers. “I see. So we can stay a safe distance back?”


Arc puts a hot dog on the end to demonstrate. Holding it next to the growing flames he turns to the others.

“The trick is to not put it IN the fire, as it’ll burn.”

Hugh appears confused. “But I thought that’s what we were trying to do.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we’re cooking them. Now when the outside begins to brown is when you remove the dog. Keep it in there too long and it’ll blacken. That tastes kinda gross to me.”

Xenos chuckles. “Makes sense.”

Pulling the stick over to himself, Arc removes the hot dog from it and takes a quick bite.


Dinky smiles excitedly. “Let me try it!”

Arc holds the hot dog toward Dinky. She takes a bite and grins.

“That’s pretty tasty!”

Arc turns to Xenos. “Pass out the pokers. Everyone give it a try.

He tosses the remainder of the hot dog to Sereb whom catches it in midair. Hammer grins.

“Good dog.”

Sereb growls at her. Arc turns to him and frowns.

“Easy there. She’s with me, remember?”

Grunting, Sereb lies down in the sand as the others each try their hand at roasting. Max takes a bite of his.

“These are pretty tasty!”

Xenos laughs. “I’ll say! Way better than cooking them on the stove!”

Dinky turns to her father. “Why is that, dad?”

“Probably due to the wood smoke from the fire. It adds its own special flavor to the meat… or whatever hot dogs are made of.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “You mean you don’t know?”

“Well, these are made from beef. But what part of the cow is unknown to me.”

Viktor looks the hot dog over. “I’ll look it up for you later, sir.”

“That might not be a good idea.”

Auriel turns to Arc as she swallows. “Oh? Why not?”

“I’ve heard some of it from my dad. When I pressed him for more details he told me if I loved something it was best not to know how it was made.”

Dinky appears confused. “Oh?”

“Because that takes away from the mystery and allure of it partially.”

Hammer turns to Arc, skeptically. “We are talking about FOOD here, right?”

“Yes. Let me give you an example. When I was a kid I loved cream soda. When I got older I decided to look up what gave it that distinct scent and flavor.”

Dinky grins. “What was it?”

“I don’t think I’ll say.”

Hammer frowns. “Why not?”

“Because after I learned the truth, it wasn’t as tasty anymore. For some reason that knowledge ruined it for me.”

Hammer groans. “That doesn’t make a lick of sense!”

Arc shrugs. “Just telling you my life experiences. But I’ll tell you something else that ruins flavor.”

Max looks expectantly at him “What’s that, sir?”


Arc points at Hammer’s poker. The hot dog drooped over the fire is nearly touching the wood. She quickly removes it as Dinky gasps.

“The fire got stuck to it!”

Arc chuckles. “No, sweetheart. It’s just on fire.”

Hammer shakes the poker, allowing the hot dog to fall to the ground. She smiles nervously.

“Sorry about that.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s fine. We have plenty more.”

Hammer turns to Sereb and whistles.

“Here boy! Want a hot dog! It’s got dirt on it like all dogs like!”

Sereb slowly stands up and walks over. Sniffing the meat for a moment he turns around and walks to sit behind Arc. Hammer continues her spiel.

“Come on! You’ll love this! It’s got lots of smokey goodness!”

Dinky giggles. “I don’t think you convinced him.”

Hammer scowls as Max passes her the package. Arc chuckles as he deftly tosses several uncooked hot dogs behind him to Sereb. Auriel holds up a bag.

“Why don’t we have some of these potato sheets with our hot dogs?”

Max laughs. “Those are called ‘chips’, Auriel.”

“Oh. I didn’t know that.”

Hammer leans forward. “Can I see those?”

Auriel passes the bag to Hammer. She looks it over carefully before removing a chip and eating it.

“These taste great! Nothing like the potatoes from the Mess Hall!”

Dinky looks worried. “The food’s bad over there?”


Hugh chuckles. “How bad could it be?”

“Pretty bad. My date with Arc was some of the best I’d ever eaten.”

Xenos grins. “Come on. It couldn’t have been all that…”

“Oh, really? Wait one minute.”

Handing off her poker to Hugh, Hammer hops into the tank once more. Emerging a few moments later with a pack, she jumps down she tosses it to Xenos.

“What’s this?”

“Emergency rations. Try em.”

Xenos looks to Arc. He chuckles and nods. Opening the satchel he sees a strange liquid within. Upending the bag he tastes it. Immediately his eyes bulge out and he spits the contents of his mouth into the fire.

“What… what IS that?!”

Hammer grins. “Like I said, emergency rations.”

Xenos grabs a bottle of water. “Seems like that IS the emergency!”

Hugh sniffs the bag and makes a face. “Where does the military buy this stuff from?!”

Dinky laughs. “Careful. Like my dad said, knowing the truth might make it taste worse.”

Hammer sighs. “Our Mess Hall makes this stuff and puts it in these vacuum sealed bags for long-term storage.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it’s probably cheaper than buying it.”

Hammer gestures to the bag. “Care for a taste?”

Xenos holds out the bag to Arc.

“I probably should. After all, Xenos was brave enough.”

Taking the bag Arc sniffs it and makes a face.

“It’s certainly a very… unique scent.”

“Can I smell it, dad?”

Arc holds the bag to Dinky’s nose. Sniffing she begins coughing uncontrollably.

“That smells terrible!”

Xenos grunts. “Tastes worse.”

Arc sighs. “Well… here goes nothing.”

Squeezing a small amount into his mouth, Arc suddenly gags.

“What… what IS this TASTE?!”

Hammer shrugs. “To be fair, they ARE for emergencies only.”

Arc spits the foul tasting substance out. “Solving or causing!”

Max shrugs. “It’s probably better than dying from starvation.”

Arc licks his shirt profusely. “That’s debatable.”

Hugh tosses him a soda which he downs in a few swigs.

“Argh! I can still taste it!”

Xenos sighs. “Me too.”

Auriel turns to Hammer. “How long does that last?”

“A couple hours.”

“You could’ve warned me!”

Hammer grins. “Yeah, I know. But where’s the fun in that?”

The group continues their meal. Afterwards they play more volleyball. Several games later Dinky looks at the lake.

“Would it be okay for us to go in the water, dad?”

“I suppose so. After all, the undertow’s pretty much non-existent here.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah. That and it doesn’t get really deep until you get about halfway out.”

Arc stands up. “How about I teach you to swim, Daisy?”

“Sure! That sounds like fun!”

Max looks to Arc. “How about us, sir?”

“Head back to the camp. I bought some extra shorts for you guys the other day. They’re in my tent.”

Xenos grins. “We’ll be back in a few.”

The guys hurry back to the campsite as Arc pulls off his socks and shoes before turning to his daughter.

“This way, Daisy.”

Grinning, the little girl takes his hand as the pair head for the lake. Reaching waist level water Arc turns to her.

“Okay. Now the first thing you need to know is how to float.”


Arc nods. “You don’t want to sink, now do you?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No. What should I do?”

“Lie back into my arms.”

“Um… okay.”

Dinky does as she is told. Hammer walks through the water to join them as Arc lays Dinky on her back.

“Now then, how do you feel?”

“A little scared.”

Hammer smiles down at her. “Don’t you worry. If anything happens, Arc and I will help you.”

Arc nods. “Right. Now then I want you to relax and go limp. Can you do that?”

“I think so.”

“Remember, I’ll hold you up. That and the bottom is only a couple feet down.”

Dinky nods as Hammer laughs.

“Just close your eyes and pretend like you’re going to take a nice relaxing nap.”

A short time later Dinky looks up at her father.

“I’m feeling much more confident now.”


“Yeah. I think I’m ready.”

Arc smiles. “Ready for what?”

“For you to let go.”

“I already did.”


Flailing momentarily Dinky sinks to the muddy ground. She stands back up, coughing profusely.

“How long was I floating there?!”

Arc shrugs. “About ten seconds.”



Hammer nods approvingly. “That’s pretty impressive. I knew you had it in you, kid.”

“Now I want you to lay back and try to float unaided from the beginning.”

Dinky nods, takes a deep breath, and flops over onto her back. She floats neatly on the surface calmly.

“This is amazing! I just feel so… weightless!”

Hammer turns to him. “She took to that like a fish to water, Arc.”

“That she did. Now I think we should show her a simple swimming technique.”

He turns to Dinky.

“Let me show you the doggie paddle first, sweetheart.”

“The what?”

Arc laughs. “That’s really what it’s called. It’s kinda like how a dog swims.”

Dinky gasps. “Dogs can swim?!”

“Sure. Let me prove it.”

Arc turns toward shore.

“Here boy! Swim!”

Running toward them, Sereb begins treading water. Arc kneels down next to Dinky.

“Put your head underwater and watch as Sereb passes you.”

Dinky nods and does so as Arc takes a few steps back. Sereb swims toward him past Dinky. She raises her head.

“That actually looks pretty simple.”

Arc nods. “It is. Just cup your hands and pull yourself along.”

“Like this?”

Dinky begins slowly swimming along. Arc chuckles.

“Good. But you have to kick your feet. Let them push you through the water too.”

Kicking, Dinky’s speed increases somewhat.

“This is fun! I wish mom was here to see it!”

“Next time she will be, sweetheart. I promise.”

Arc’s squad returns. Dinky is paddling along as Arc and Hammer splash each other. Sereb returns to the shore and walks over to them as Auriel joins the group. Max is the first to speak.

“Anything happen while we were gone?”

Sereb shakes his head as he speaks in a low voice. “Nothing really.”

He looks over his shoulder nervously before turning back to the others again.

“I do not like this.”

Max frowns. “Nor do I. Hammer’s our enemy, after all!”

Xenos nods soberly. “Doesn’t look like the commander thinks that though.”

Auriel looks to Sereb. “Do you think he’s under some kind of spell?”

“A… spell?”

Hugh gasps. “Like a love spell?”

Auriel shrugs. “I only ask because if this woman is as bad as you all claim her to be, why does Arc appear to be having so much fun?”

Max nods. “If something’s up we need to act! And fast!”

Xenos grimaces. “What should we do?”

Auriel looks down at Sereb. “Go ask Rose if she’s detecting anything strange regarding Arc’s vital signs and brainwaves.”

“Very well.”

He hurries over to the bushes to carry out his instructions. A few minutes later Sereb returns. Auriel looks hopeful.


Sereb shakes his head. “No. Rose said everything checks out normally.”

Hugh frowns. “That’s weird.”

Max looks to them, nervously. “Uh… guys? What if…? No, that’s not possible.”

Xenos grits his teeth. “What is it?”

“You don’t suppose he legitimately fell in love with Hammer on their date, do you?”

Sereb growls. “That seems unlikely. Especially with all the potential mates already in his life.”

Hugh appears hopeful. “What if it’s just an act to fool Hammer?”

Auriel sighs. “I don’t know. Arc seems awfully friendly toward her to be just putting on a show.”

Sereb looks up to Max. “His mannerisms show nothing but good intentions.”

“Well, what do we do?!”

Auriel scowls. “Watch them closely and wait. After all, Hammer may be studying us as much as we are her.”

Hugh shudders. “That’s a scary thought.”

Xenos nods. “Agreed. But we can’t let the commander know we’re on to Hammer.”

Max sighs. “Yes. Let’s just try to act natural for the moment.”

The group nods and heads for the water together as Auriel sits down on the sand with Sereb.

“You do not trust that woman.”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. I don’t.”

“Why is that?”

“Something about her really ticks me off.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Something?”


“Could it be her interest in Arc?”

Auriel looks away. “I don’t know what you’re…”

Sereb growls softly. Auriel sighs.

“Fine. You caught me.”

“You can just tell him, you know. Arc will be very understanding.”

“I… I can’t risk it. Not when I’m this close.”

Sereb appears confused. “Close to what?”

“Completing my project with Twilight.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“It would only serve to strain our working relationship. To say nothing for how Arc views me.”

“I am certain he views you in the most favorable light, Auriel.”

Auriel sighs sheepishly. “You don’t know what’s been going on these past few nights.”

“Have you mated with him?”

“What?! No, no! I mean my nightmares!”

Sereb chuckles. “I was not aware, no.”

Auriel sighs. “He has to see me as a weak little girl by now.”

She looks out over the water as he and Hammer play wrestle.

“Arc deserves, and I’m sure wants, a real woman. One who’s strong, brave, resilient, and… and not prone to childish fears.”

“Can I assume you cannot be convinced to confess this to him?”

“Probably not before the artificial sun is properly installed in Tartarus. Then I can tell him everything.”

“Is that a promise?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. Can I trust you to keep quiet about this?”

“Very well. As long as Arc does not directly ask me, I will not broach the subject with him.”

Auriel appears relieved. “Thank you.”

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