• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Deliberation

Sometime later Mio slowly opens her eyes. Looking around she spies Hammer sitting by the side of her bed with her head laying on the mattress. Reaching out she gently taps her sister’s head. Slowly sitting up she blinks a few times before gasping.


Mio smiles weakly. “Hey.”

“How do you feel?! Are you okay?!”

“My throat hurts a bit.”

“I’ll ask the doctor for some medicine right away!”

“Thank you.”

Standing up quickly, Hammer pushes through the curtains and runs to find the doctor. Returning a few moments later with some pills and a glass of water she hands them to her sister.

“Here you go! Do you want help swallowing that?!”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Um… thanks, but I think I got this.”

Putting the medicine in her mouth she takes a sip of water and swallows. Hammer eyes the glass as she does so.

“Drink the whole thing!”

“But I’m not…”

“Come on! You need the fluids!”

Mio sighs. “Very well.”

Upending the glass, Mio quickly downs the contents as Hammer watches intently.

“Much better!”

Mio sets the glass on the table next to her and lays back as Hammer looks her over.

“Anything else I can get you?!”

“No, thank you. I just feel really tired and achy.”

“The doctor said you had pneumonia.”

“I certainly feel like it. But… why exactly am I naked?”

“Oh! Um… the Infirmary… didn’t have any hospital gowns your size.”

“But I’m pretty average in stature. Couldn’t they just put a larger one on me?”

“It’s… complicated. Are you cold?”

Mio sticks a leg out from under the covers. “A bit hot actually.”

Hammer pulls the covers down to expose her sister’s body. “Then let’s get you uncovered a bit, shall we?”

Mio blushes heavily as she weakly pulls the covers back over her body. “I… think I’d rather stay covered please.”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Could you go fetch the doctor for me though?”

Hammer looks away nervously. “Wha-what for?”

“So I can ask them about my condition.”

“That might not be the best option.”

“Why not?”

“Because we’re not… um… not on Earth anymore.”

Mio gasps. “The Hero’s land?!”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. Something like that.”

Mio looks around with a hopeful look in her eyes. “Is he… around?”

“Somewhere around here. He was the one that brought you in.”

“I’d really like to thank him for that.”

“Well… he’s really busy right now.”

“I see.”

“But I’m sure he’ll be around at some point to see you.”

“Good! Um… however I do have something to ask you, Hammer.”

“What is it?”

“Am I… am I a prisoner?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “A what?”

“Well, I do work for The Organization. And the Hero has been fighting against them, so…”

“Nah. The Hero said that you’re a... a guest of his. But you shouldn’t try to move around or leave this curtained off area without his permission.”

“But why?”

“Because you’re sick.”

Mio narrows her eyes. “You’re a terrible liar, Hammer. What’s the rest of it?”

“There’s… certain things about this land you need to know about beforehand.”

“Like what?”


She is interrupted by the sound of the curtains being pulled aside. Arc enters in his armor and looks to Mio.

“Good morning.”

Mio blushes as she pulls the covers closer to her chest. “H-hello, Hero.”

“How are you feeling this morning?”

“Not too good actually.”

Arc looks up at the wall clock as he continues. “Breakfast will be brought in about ten minutes. I just came to check in on you and explain a bit about this land before you have a close encounter.”

Hammer appears relieved. “That’s probably for the best. After all, the first sighting of the natives can be a bit… jarring.”

Mio giggles. “What? Are they little green men, or something?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not quite. In truth… they’re equines.”


Hammer nods soberly. “They prefer the term ‘ponies’ though.”

Arc motions toward the closed curtain. “Right. The medical practitioner here is Doctor Whooves. He’s an Earth Pony stallion.”

Hammer chuckles. “Earth Ponies are the most similar to Earth horses.”

Mio raises an eyebrow skeptically. “A horse whom is a doctor?”

Arc sighs. “It’s a bit much to explain admittedly. But when you see him everything will be made clear.”

Hammer grins. “He’s really personable though.”

“How do you communicate with them?”

Arc turns to her. “By speaking.”

Hammer shrugs. “English is the main language here. Maybe the only one too.”

“So… do I need to use any special syntax?”

Arc shakes his head. “Just talk to them like you would anyone back on Earth and the message will get through.”

“She should be examined as soon as possible though.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Now then, shall I call for the doctor now, Mio?”

Mio grimaces. “Yes, please.”

Arc sticks his head through the curtain and motions to someone. The light clopping of hooves rings out as Doctor Whooves steps into view. Mio’s eyes grow wide at the sight of him.


The doctor smiles as he walks over to the bedside. “Good morning, miss. How are you feeling today?”

“I… um… feel kinda… tired and weak.”

Doctor Whooves nods as he goes over her chart. “That’s to be expected considering your condition when you arrived.”

“I’m told I was wet and muddy.”

“Yes. I had a nurse clean you up after you were treated. Although I’m sorry that we don’t have a proper hospital gown in your size.”

“I understand why not. But what exactly was your initial prognosis?”

“Frostbite across your backside along with the hands and feet. That was the most pressing matter to attend to last night.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Frostbite?”

Hammer gasps. “Do you remember anything, Mio?”

“Not much. Just getting hit in the head and falling down.”

Arc nods. “Fortunately you were in a quality sleeping bag.”

Hammer puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Right. It must’ve kept just enough body heat in there to prevent you from freezing to death.”

Mio sighs. “Aren’t you being a bit melodramatic, Hammer?”

“Not really. I’m told you lay in the woods for quite some time. It doesn’t take long for hypothermia to set in.”

The doctor skims over the page. “You were showing signs of that as well.”

Arc looks away nervously. “I’m... glad we didn’t waste any more time before bringing you here. There was a bit of an interim during which I was trying to decide what to do.”

“Sir, may I remind you that during a medical emergency time is of the essence.”

“Yes, you’re right, doctor. But I wasn’t sure if she would be allowed here.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t she be?”


“Ah! Right! Her!”

Doctor Whooves sighs as he writes. “While she may disagree with your actions, sir, please remember that it is Princess Twilight whom is currently ruling the land.”

Mio gasps. “Princesses?!”

Arc nods. “They’re the rulers of Equestria.”

Hammer chimes in. “No king or queen though. Just four of them.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s simpler that way.”

The doctor looks to Arc. “Can I assume you haven’t notified anyone of our guest here, sir?”

“Nah. It was really late. But you have my word that I’ll personally do that before audiences start for the day.”

Hammer looks to her sister. “Princess Twilight’s really nice. I’m sure she’ll let you stay if the Hero asks her to. After all, she kinda has a thing for him.”

Mio blushes. “Oh! Um… I…!”

Arc quickly turns to the doctor. “Tell me, what else did you find last night?”

Doctor Whooves goes over his notes as he speaks. “We ran some tests and found that the patient does indeed have pneumonia. Since then we’ve been administering antibiotics intravenously.”

He points to the bottle overhead as he looks to Mio and continues.

“You’re in no danger since we caught it in time. However your body will need copious amounts of rest to fully recover.”

Mio groans. “How long will it take?”

“A week of bedrest followed by another week of heavy restrictions.”

“But I can’t wait that long!”

Hammer frowns. “Mio?”

“My machine needs to be finished!”

Arc chuckles. “The one that’s going to bring you to Equestria?”

Mio nods fervently. “Yes! I have to…!”

She stops talking and looks around for a few moments before continuing.

“I… guess that doesn’t really matter anymore.”

Hammer grins. “Not in the least. But at least you’re safe here from the military back home.”

Doctor Whooves puts a hoof on the bedside as he looks Mio in the eye. “I advise you not to think about things that upset you right now, miss. After all, it will do little to help your condition.”

“I’ll try to keep calm.”

Arc motions to the curtain. “Well, I should check on our other patient before heading over to see Twilight. Was there anything else doctor?”

“Nothing of importance, sir. But I must ask that the patient be allowed to rest now.”

Hammer grins. “I’ll check in on you during my breaks.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Actually as a technically unauthorized visitor to Equestria, I believe the regulations say that your sister needs to be accompanied at all times.”

Hammer appears confused. “It does?”

Mio sighs. “Well, I don’t think I’m in any condition to be going anywhere.”

“I think, as the Lieutenant to the Captain of the Royal Guard, that task should fall to you, Hammer.”

“Sure, I can do that.”

“Good. Doctor Whooves, notify Colonel Flash Sentry of this change please while I report this matter to Princess Twilight.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc and the doctor part ways as he enters the office and picks up the phone. After speaking with the operator, and then Flash Sentry, he hangs up and considers the matter for a moment.

“I’ve never heard of such a regulation before. Perhaps it’s a new one.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads to the Dining Room. The guards outside push the doors open for him as he approaches. Entering, Arc finds Twilight, along with the rest of the Mane Six and Ember, sitting around the table eating. They smile as he approaches. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Arc? What are you doing back?”

“I needed to talk to you about something, Twilight.”

Pinkie giggles. “Sleep well?!”

Arc yawns as he recalls his armor. “Just a couple hours actually.”

Ember grins slyly. “Someone keep you awake?”

Rarity smiles. “It wasn’t me!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Or me.”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “Derpy perhaps?”

Applejack chuckles. “Well, she certainly deserved it.”

Arc shakes his head. “Admittedly I was up pretty late with her back on Earth. But there’s been an incident.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Trouble on Earth?”

“Kinda. I’ve already taken care of it… more or less. But I wanted to report what happened. You see…”

Arc retells the story of the past night’s activities. Ember glares at him as he finishes.

“Arc, are you completely INSANE?!”


Twilight facehoofs. “You really shouldn’t have brought her here.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yeah! She’s a liability now!”

Fluttershy gasps. “But he couldn’t just leave her there!”

Applejack nods soberly. “Right! Those folks with The Organization might’ve gotten to her by now!”

Rarity shudders. “However she might still be working for them.”

Pinkie shakes her head. “Nah! If Arc says she’s okay, then she’s okay!”

Ember looks around the table before turning back to Arc. “Looks like this matter is pretty well split.”

“That it is.”

Twilight sighs. “Perhaps we need to bring in Princess Luna for a fresh perspective.”

Applejack shrugs. “Maybe. After all, she’s been more and more involved in the day to day affairs of ruling lately.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Is that bad?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Not really. After all, she has more experience doing it than we do.”

Fluttershy grins. “Combined.”

Pinkie shudders. “Yeah! Even if she is a bit scary!”

Rarity gasps. “Pinkie!”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “What?! She’s right!”

Twilight groans. “I had the opportunity to spend an extended amount of time with her during the plan to bring forth Princess Celestia. And I do admit that she can be a bit… intimidating.”

Ember rolls her eyes as she mutters under her breath. “Not really.”

“But the longer I spent with her the more I saw that she’s just like me.”

Applejack appears confused. “Twilight?”

Fluttershy smiles. “What do you mean?”

“Princess Luna just wants what’s best for Equestria. But at the same time she’s not exactly… how shall I put this…?”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “In tune with the needs of the public?!”

Rarity gasps again. “Pinkie! Twilight is very much aware of what the nation needs!”

Twilight bows her head. “No… I’m not.”

Applejack frowns. “Say what now?”

“As you all know I spent most of my foalhood studying and the rest of my life thus far sequestered away in my library. Well, libraries that is. I had a spacious observatory here in Canterlot which gave me a wonderful view of the city. But I never even thought about putting myself in social positions before I met you girls.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Yes, I know how that feels. It’s so much safer to just stay in one’s comfort zone and not get involved.”

“But I am now, and need to be hyper-vigilant in order to try and catch up.”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “And I believe that you will. However I do think that you had a good idea earlier.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Bringing Princess Luna in on this?!”


Applejack sighs. “She… might not be too enthused about it.”

Pinkie grins. “Right! We’ve got quite a few things to worry about already!”

Ember grits her teeth. “And now a potential double agent inside the castle!”

Arc shrugs. “All the more reason to get her take on this.”

Fluttershy turns to her friend. “Should I get her, Twilight?”

“Yes, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash hops off her chair. “I’ll come with you too.”

The mare quickly heads out the door with her friend. They return a short time later following Luna. She looks to Arc and smiles.

“Good morning.”

Arc smiles. “It’s been awhile, Luna.”

“That it has.”

She motions to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash before continuing.

“These two have informed me that you have something to say to me.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I do.”

Applejack motions to a chair. “We might want to sit down though.”

Rarity sighs. “Right. This isn’t exactly light news.”

Arc chuckles. “That and the rest of you need to finish your breakfast.”

Twilight looks to Luna. “Would you like something to eat as well?”

Luna shakes her head as she takes a seat. “Thank you, no. I had just finished my own meal with my sister when I was called for.”

“Very well. Arc will bring you up to speed on what exactly has happened.”

Doing so, Arc repeats the story to Luna. She listens intently as he does so.

“And that’s where we stand.”

“I must say, that’s a very… interesting tale you tell, Arc.”

Ember frowns. “You don’t believe him?!”

“Oh, I do. However it is simply… difficult to accept the fact that somepony, anypony really, could so often be at leisure and have action fall right into their fetlocks every time.”

Arc shrugs. “It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

“I’m not blaming you for this, Arc. You could hardly be held accountable for the actions of others, after all. However, I must say that I pity that fact that you seem to have so much misfortune applied to your daily life.”

“That actually makes it sound worse.”

“My apologies.”

Twilight clears her throat. “Yes, well… I asked that you be brought here to advise us on this matter.”

Rarity nods. “Indeed. We have little insight into such things.”

Applejack sighs. “It’s not every day that something like this happens.”

Pinkie grins. “More lately though!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Kinda gotta agree with that one.”

Fluttershy turns to Luna. “Either way we need to do something about this.”


Luna turns to Arc before continuing.

“I believe the risk of having this new human woman here is far from small. As stated, we don’t really know where exactly her allegiances lie.”

Ember clenches a fist. “For all we know she’s still working for The Organization!”

Arc bows his head. “That is possible, yes.”

Rarity quickly chimes in. “But it’s equally possible that she’s telling the truth.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “Possible, but not likely you mean!”

Fluttershy waves a hoof. “Hush! Let Princess Luna continue.”

“Then there is the matter of the human Brightwing and the potential security risk the Dragon Land’s ambassador caused.”

Ember frowns. “Hey!”

Arc sighs. “She’s not wrong, Ember.”

Twilight smiles at Ember. “But we believe that you had nothing to do with that.”

Pinkie grins hugely. “Right! After all, if you can’t trust the future Dragon Lord, who CAN you trust?!”

Applejack facehoofs. “This isn’t going so well.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Maybe you should just lay it all out for us, your highness.”

Rarity gasps. “Rainbow Dash!”

“Very well. My personal opinion would be for the one known as Mio to be expelled from Equestria immediately and the human Brightwing to be imprisoned as a thorough investigation is performed.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

Twilight stammers. “B-but, Luna…!”

Luna holds up a hoof for silence before continuing.

“However, I do believe that Lieutenant Hammer would be most… distressed for such a fate to befall her sister. And since Arc has already vouched for the young woman, I recommend that Mio be made the personal responsibility of Hammer. Should she be willing to take such a role then I would be convinced that the risk is mitigated.”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Cupcake you can trust! Believe me!”

Luna appears confused. “Oh?”

Applejack groans. “That’s what Rainbow Dash calls Hammer.”

Fluttershy blushes. “They had an… interesting meeting.”

Pinkie elbows Rainbow Dash as she smirks. “Yeah! Hammer grabber her tits!”

Rarity quickly turns to Luna. “It was clearly an innocent mistake on Miss Hammer’s part I might add!”

Twilight’s cheeks flush slightly. “Yes, she was… unaware of pony physiology as far as mammary gland location was.”

Ember grins. “Supposedly.”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “We came to an agreement after that!”

Arc clears his throat before speaking. “In any case, I do believe Hammer would accept such an offer. However that still leaves the matter of Brightwing.”

Ember sighs. “That it does.”

Fluttershy looks to Arc. “First off, are you absolutely certain that she’s Auriel’s mother?”

Arc shrugs. “The picture on her old badge does match her face. Auriel saw it too.”

Luna frowns. “But you said that there was a massive flash of light when the spell was cast. Could the creature simply have traded places with the human woman?”

“That’s possible, yes. However it seems a bit much for someone as simple minded as Brightwing. Uh... please don’t anyone tell Auriel I said that.”

Applejack grins. “Your secret’s safe with us, sugarcube.”

Pinkie smiles. “We can ask her when she wakes up!”

Twilight puts a hoof on the table. “Either way, I believe that Luna was correct in her earlier suggestion that Brightwing be imprisoned until further notice.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “But isn’t she still the ambassador to the Dragon Lands?”

Arc nods. “Legally, yes. Putting her in a cell would certainly cause in international incident.”

Ember frowns. “Technically, yes. However as the Dragon Lord I’m terminating her from the position of ambassador and asking Equestria’s… forgiveness in this matter.”

Luna nods soberly. “We don’t hold it against you, miss. At least I don’t.”

Twilight stands. “Nor do I. And it’s my hope that we can all move past the actions of this lone individual.”

Pinkie giggles. “So we CAN lock her up?!”

Applejack shrugs. “Brightwing’s still a citizen of the Dragon Lands though.”

Rainbow Dash taps her chin thoughtfully. “So can we just… I don’t know… banish her, or something?”

Twilight facehoofs. “That’s called ‘deportation’, Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy looks around the table. “But can we really do that?”

Rarity nods. “Right. After all, she’s still unconscious.”

Arc shrugs. “At the very least we could keep her here until Doctor Whooves deems her stabilized.”

Luna sighs. “From the dungeon would be best.”

Ember groans. “I don’t think she could be properly monitored from there. To say nothing for Auriel’s state of mind if we were to transfer her mother there.

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What about sending her back to the Dragon Lands for treatment? I mean, as a citizen they should be duty bound to help her, right?

“We don’t have the facilities to treat her back in the Dragon Lands. Well, facilities to treat a human, that is.”

Rarity frowns. “So even when she does recover there’s no place to send her?”

Twilight bows her head. “It doesn’t seem so.”

Pinkie hops over to Arc and holds up his ring hand. “How about just sending her back to Earth?!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! They have jails, right Arc?!”

“Yes. However you have to remember that she’s committed no crime as far as Earth is concerned.”

Ember shudders. “That and I’m sure the military would LOVE to have her back.”

Arc nods soberly. “If the files we took from Damocles Base were to be believed they would, yes.”

Twilight gasps. “Was she that valuable, Arc?”

“From what I could tell.”

Applejack grits her teeth. “And we don’t want THAT group getting any stronger.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Darn right!”

Rarity groans. “But SOMETHING needs to be done with her!”

Arc looks to the door. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Auriel is already at her mother’s bedside watching her like a hawk. And no matter what side of the argument we’re on it still stands that both Brightwing and Mio need medical attention.”

Luna smiles at Arc. “So it would seem that we have a plan on what to do at the moment.”

“A loose one, yes.”

“I only ask that all of you do me one personal favor.”

Twilight appears confused. “What is it, Luna.”

“That none of you breathe a word of this to my sister.”

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