• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Heading Back to 'The Dugout'

The next day Arc stands in the shower latherin himself up. Washing his hair, he chuckles to himself.

“Still can’t get over how Rainbow Dash reacted to my date invitation yesterday. Never seen her squirm like that before.”

Shrugging, he continues.

“Guess even she gets nervous sometimes. Then again, it might also have been the fact that I did it in front of everyone else. Maybe I should have waited until after the party broke up and pulled her aside. But I suppose what’s done is done. And she did say ‘yes’, after all.”

There is a knock at the bathroom door. Arc raises his voice as he calls out.


The door opens and Twilight walks in with Auriel. They speak to him through the closed shower curtain. Twilight is the first to speak.

“How’s it going in there, Arc?”

“Okay. Just about done actually.”

Auriel calls out as she hangs up an outfit on a nearby hook. “We brought you the clothes you asked for.”

“Thanks. How’s Rainbow Dash doing?”

Twilight giggles happily. “The Hoof Maidens are still working on her. But don’t worry. They won’t let us down.”

Arc smiles. “I have faith in them, yes. However, I wasn’t asking about her appearance.”

Auriel groans. “She was a bit... off last I saw her.”

Twilight frowns. “Auriel!”

“It’s true!”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose it is, yes.”

Arc begins rinsing his hair. “Define ‘off’.”

Twilight shrugs. “It’s just a bit of nervousness. Nothing you should worry about though.”

Auriel giggles. “And you, Arc?”


“I was just wondering how you were feeling about this matter.”

“Alright, I guess.”

Twilight nods matter-of factly. “That’s to be expected. After all, this isn’t your first time dating somepony.”

Auriel shrugs. “But it IS his first time doing so with Rainbow Dash.”

Arc smiles as he turns off the water and pulls a nearby towel to himself with a spell. “I’ll just treat her the same way I treated you two. With Kindness and Honesty.”

Twilight giggles as the shower curtain opens and Arc steps out. “We know you will, Arc.”

Auriel nods. “And that’s your best quality.”

She looks down slightly as Arc towels off before continuing.

“Well... one of them, I suppose.”

Twilight smirks as she eyes Arc’s... you know. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Arc walks to the sink as he tosses the now wet towel into the hamper. “Glad you two are enjoying the show.”

Twilight looks away as she blushes. “Sorry!”

Auriel licks her lips. “I’m not.”

Arc picks up a comb and chuckles. “It was just a joke, Twilight. Remember that you and I are engaged now.”

“Ah! Right! I just didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

Auriel stares at Arc’s backside. “While I want him to make me feel whatever he wants to.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Have you been hanging out with Ember again, Auriel?”

“Yes. Lately she and Hammer have been teaching me about something they call ‘one-liners’.”

Twilight appears confused. “What are those?”

“Funny responses to something said.”

Arc chuckles. “Or in this case, sexual responses.”

Auriel shrugs. “Just adapting it to fit my needs.”

Twilight sighs. “Well, as long as Arc doesn’t mind such things.”

Arc smirks. “It’s fine. Truth be told, I kinda liked that.”

Auriel appears surprised. “Oh?”

Arc smiles as he begins dressing. “You two already know how I feel about you.”

Twilight grins. “And we feel the same.”

Arc suddenly appears soberly. “But I do have a bit of an internal struggle going on right now.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Over what I brought up last night.”

Twilight grimaces. “About... um... intimacy?”

Arc nods as he fastens his belt. “Yeah. That and starting a family. Including everything that comes with it.”

Twilight sighs as she sits down on her haunches and looks at her belly. “I wish I could give you a foal, Arc.”

Auriel smiles at her friend. “You just might one day, Twilight.”

“I sure hope so. But you could, Auriel.”


“Give Arc a foal, I mean.”

Auriel nods. “Yes, I could.”

She pulls down her collar to expose a few more inches of her chest to Arc before continuing.

“Anytime you’re ready, that is.”

“Thanks. But this needs to be a decision I make with everyone present.”

Auriel smiles at this. “I understand.”

Arc grins. “No matter how beautiful I think you are, Auriel.”

Twilight makes a pouty lip. “Hey! What about me?!”

“Sorry, Twilight. I was making a one liner.”

He and Auriel grin as Twilight rolls her eyes. A short time later they emerge from the bathroom together. Arc turns to face them.

“So how do I look?”

Twilight tilts her head to one side. “Not... exactly what I would have imagined you wearing for such an important event.”

Auriel giggles. “Believe me when I say that he is properly dressed for this, Twilight.”

Twilight motions to Arc with a hoof. “But that just looks like his normal, everyday clothes.”

Arc nods. “Exactly. You have to understand that Rainbow Dash isn’t the kind of mare whom likes frilly dresses and fancy dining.”

Auriel looks to Twilight. “Agreed. To put this into perspective, Rainbow Dash strikes me more as the kind of individual whom would rather have sex outside in the elements than in a posh hotel room.

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Um... what?”

Arc chuckles. “I think Auriel is right.”

Twilight gasps. “But somepony might see you two then!”

Auriel puts her hands on her hips. “Part of the danger of it probably. The thrill of potentially getting caught.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, I’m not going to be doing any of that with her. Outside or otherwise.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Yes, I don’t think that would sit well with everypony.”

Auriel nods. “Especially after that long talk we all had last night.”

Arc pulls the list from Hammer from his ring. “Well, I think this will help us stay on track today.”

Twilight nods. “I sure hope so.”

Auriel frowns. “While I did look it over briefly, I still don’t understand most of what is on it.”

Twilight looks to the clock. “In any case, we should be getting you over to the guest room to meet your date, Arc.”

Arc nods as he pulls a bouquet of flowers to himself from a nearby desk. “I suppose so. Anything I should know before I do this?”

Twilight smiles warmly. “Just go with the flow, Arc. That’s what Rainbow Dash says she does.”

Auriel puts a finger to her cheek. “Not sure if that’s a good thing or not though.”

Arc shrugs. “Depends on the context, I suppose.”

Twilight turns to him as they head for the door together. “Well, you two can think about that on the way.”

Walking down the corridor together, Arc turns to Auriel.

“Um... maybe this isn’t the best time to talk about this, given the earlier conversation of course, but... any headway on your research to make me and the mares genetically compatible?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Sadly, no. But I’m just getting started.”

Twilight chimes in. “I’ve been helping out as much as I’m able. However, it’s still going to be a long and drawn out process.”

Auriel sighs. “To be perfectly honest, we’ve been mostly focusing on making your sperm compatible with Applejack.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But I thought we all agreed that Rarity was going first.”

Twilight nods. “She is, yes. Well... I suppose that’s kinda up to you. But our initial tests have shown that Earth Pony DNA is a bit easier to work with.”

“Any idea why though?”

Auriel points to Twilight’s horn and wings. “Probably because they lack certain qualities the other two pony races have. Magic and extra appendages.”

Twilight shrugs. “It would make sense that a magical creature would be more difficult to work with, yes. However, I was surprised when our tests showed the same to be true of Pegasi DNA.”

Auriel pulls a small notebook from her pocket and opens it. “They have a number of genes that dictate their wing shape and size. In hindsight, however, that does make sense though.”

Twilight points to her own wings. “Agreed. That and from the physical anatomical layout standpoint the Earth Ponies would be the most similar to a human in terms of form.”

Arc sighs. “Do the others know about this?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. We’re not sure how to go about telling them.”

Twilight sadly forces a smile. “Worst case scenario you could still build a family through Auriel and Hammer though, Arc.”

Arc frowns. “That would certainly work in theory, yes. However, it would also make the others feel let down.”

Auriel closes the notebook and puts it in her pocket. “Twilight and I will do our best, of course. However, there always exists the possibility that we won’t be successful.”

Arc snaps his fingers as an idea hits him. “What about mother Doctor Knowles, Auriel? Could she help?”

“At some point probably. However, she’s still very busy with my father down south trying to rebuild our ancestral home.”

Twilight sighs. “And that won’t be quick or easy either.”

Auriel quickly chimes in. “But she has expressed an interest in my research when we talk.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “They have telephones over there?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Apparently the demons invented a method of transmitting their images and voices via magical means before their banishment centuries ago.”

Auriel giggles. “It did take quite a bit of work to increase its range to that of the Great Demon Kingdom, as it’s just so far away. But now we have perfect reception for which to talk to either my father or mother at will.”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s good. Do you call your parents often?”

“Every evening at sundown. It gives me something to look forward to.”

Twilight puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “You could go visit them sometime too, you know.”

Arc taps his ring. “Yes, I could give you a portal there.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Thank you, but I’m needed here right now. After all, we’re still working on reconstructing the Crystal Heart up north as well, so I’m stretched a little thin at the moment.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow and smiles. “Was that last part a one-liner, Auriel?”

“I wasn’t trying to, no. But now I do see what you mean.”

Arc groans. “Not you too, Twilight!”

Twilight giggles. “Like we said last night, Arc. We all want intimacy.”

Arriving at the guest room, Twilight knocks lightly. A Hoof Maiden answers and bows respectfully as she speaks.

“Good day, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight smiles at her. “We’ve come to see if Rainbow Dash is ready.”

The Hoof Maiden nods as she steps aside. “Yes, your highness. Right this way.”

The trio enters the room as the door is closed behind them. Ahead stands Hammer and Mio with Rainbow Dash between them in human form. She looks at Arc and grins as she speaks.

“How do you like me now?!”

Arc gasps. “Um... you look... great!”

Hammer smirks. “What’s the matter, Arc? Lost for words?”

“Kinda. Sorry, but I didn’t know you weren’t going to be in your pony form.”

Rainbow Dash puts her hands on her hips and shakes them slightly. “Do I look good, or what?!”

Mio puts a hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder as she speaks. “I do believe you already asked him that.”

“Oh! Right!”

Arc walks over and hands her the flowers as he continues looking her over.

“I brought these for you. Hope you like them.”

Rainbow Dash eyes grow wide as she takes the bundle. “Woah, thanks! These are my favorite!”

Putting her face into the bouquet, she opens her mouth and takes a large bite. A gagging sound immediately rings out as she spits a mouthful of petals onto the floor. Hammer frowns.

“Blue, what the heck are you DOING?!”

Rainbow Dash continues coughing as she talks. “Sorry. Daffodils are usually my flower of choice when I’m out and about.”

Auriel groans. “I don’t think humans typically eat flowers though.”

Arc nods. “She’s right.”

Rainbow Dash frowns as Mio hands her a drink of water to wash the taste out of her mouth. “Are you sure that’s it? I mean... maybe I’m just coming down with something and it’s affecting my taste buds, or something.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Trust us on this, blue.”

Rainbow Dash composes herself and turns to Arc. “Sorry for eating your gift.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s okay.”

Twilight steps forward. “Do you have everything you need, Rainbow Dash?”

“I think so, yeah.”

Auriel gestures to the door. “Then we should probably let you two get moving.”

Hammer grins. “Have a nice time with Arc, sexy.”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “I will, hot stuff!

Mio giggles as she opens the door for the couple. “After you.”

The pair step out into the corridor and begin walking. Hammer, Mio, and Twilight watch them from the doorway before Arc and Rainbow Dash turn a corner. Twilight looks to Hammer.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”

Hammer shrugs. “I dunno, Princess Twilight. Maybe it’s an alicorn thing.”

“Not likely.”

“So you don’t have any logical reason to be worried then?”

“I suppose not.”

“Then you should probably respect the fact that Arc knows what he’s doing.”

Mio nods. “Yes. Please listen to my sister, your highness.”

Twilight grimaces as she turns to walk away. “I shall, yes.”

As Hammer and Mio do the same in the opposite direction, Hammer turns to her sister quizzically.

“Uh... Mio?”

“Yes, Hammer?”

“Did you really mean what you said back there?”

“About Princess Twilight trusting you or Arc?”


“Well, of course she should trust you.”

Hammer frowns. “But you’ve never been one to put much faith in what I say.”

Mio sighs. “I know, Hammer. But you’ve changed so much since leaving Earth and coming to Equestria.”

“How so?”

“You’re so focused and hard working these days. That and your ability to look ahead has really taken over your decision making.”

Mio sighs before continuing.

“Actually, that isn’t entirely true.”


“Looking back at it, you really started to come into your own quite some time ago.”

“When was that?”

I presume when you met Arc.”

Hammer smirks. “And here I though he made me more scatterbrained.”

“Admittedly, a bit I suppose. However, that’s around the time you hired him to investigate Stingray and I.”

Hammer grimaces. “About that, Mio. I...”

Mio interrupts her. “You were right, Hammer.”

“Of course I was! Mustang was controlling you two!”

“I understand that now. However, I believe that the old Hammer would have simply tried to solve the problem herself.”

Hammer shrugs. “Probably, yeah.”

“So why didn’t you?”

Hammer sighs. “Because I knew that I didn’t have much chance of succeeding. But that wasn’t the only reason.”

Mio appears confused. “Oh?”

“Back then, Arc told me that he was a Private Investigator of sorts. I gave him a test job of shadowing you and Stingray to see where you went after work. When he gave me an extremely detailed report complete with pictures and an itinerary, I figured he was worthy of the much more difficult task of investigating you two further.”

“The old Hammer would have insisted on doing such a thing herself though.”

“Well, I figured it was too important to leave to chance. So I cashed out every penny that I had in the bank and told Arc it was his if he could get me irrefutable proof of the general’s ability to control you and Stingray.”

“Very selfless of you.”

Hammer smiles at Mio. “You and Stingray are really important to me. I mean... what good is money if I lose you two? It’s not like I can pay to bring you back.”

“And Arc got you the proof, which we ignored.”

“Yup. You know the rest.”

Mio stops walking. “Hammer... I can’t deny it any longer.”

Hammer turns to her sister. “Mio?”

“You were right, and I was wrong.”

“About the general’s schemes?”

“Yes. But not just that.”

“What else?”


Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Regarding what exactly?”

“His methods and reasoning.”

Hammer smirks. “Are you admitting that Arc’s not such a bad guy after all?”

Mio nods. “I am, yes. In fact, I would like the opportunity to get to know him better.”

Hammer narrows her eyes. “For what purpose?”

“It’s obvious that you and him aren’t going to be splitting up anytime soon. And that marriage is certainly in the cards at this point. So it seems only logical that him and I should become better acquainted.”

“How though?”

“I think that the three of us should go out together.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Out? You mean like on a date?”

Mio shakes her head. “More like a... family outing. Maybe a private dinner in either his or your quarters. Someplace we could talk and learn about one another.”

“Arc would probably like that. He’s said in the past that he wanted to smooth things over with you ever since he used me way back when.”

“Admittedly I can’t think of any way to properly forgive him for hurting you back then. However, I would like the chance for all of us to try and move past it.”

Hammer shrugs as she begins walking again. “I already have.”

Mio smiles as she falls into step behind her sister. “And I would like to as well.”

“We’ll talk about it sometime soon.”

“Thank you, Hammer. And please understand that I just want to be a better sister to you. And potentially him one day.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Sister to Arc?!”

Mio nods. Think about it. If you two do get married, I’ll be his sister-in-law, Hammer.”

“Oh... right.”

“So it would stand to reason that he and I should bury the hatchet of the past.”

“I do appreciate that, Mio. Really I do.”

Mio smiles and puts a hand on Hammer’s shoulder. “It’s simply a matter of me wanting what’s best for my sister. And at this point in time I can categorically say that Arc is the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

Hammer grins. “Can’t argue with that. I mean... most guys would have been long gone after what you and Stingray did during our date.”

“I suppose so. However, you have to remember that such things work both ways, Hammer.”


“After all Arc put you through, most women would have dumped him and moved on with their lives. So you’re quite the catch in your own right.”

Hammer laughs heartily as she puts a hand to her chin. “Never thought about it that way before.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Rainbow Dash walk down the corridors together. Arc turns to her and smiles.

“You really do look very nice.”

Rainbow Dash smirks earnestly. “Thanks. Um... so do you.”

Arc looks down at her stride. “And it appears you’ve mastered walking on two legs.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she hops in front of him and stops. “Pinkie taught me how years ago. I just never really had any reason to do it before though.”

“So are you ready to start our date?”


“Anything in particular you want to do?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand on her belly as it growls lightly and smiles sheepishly. “We should probably start with lunch.”

“Here in Equestria or on Earth?”

“Definitely Earth!”

Arc smiles and nods. “Kinda figured you’d say that.”

Pulling the Rainbow of Light from his ring, Arc channels his magic into it. A wormhole forms and Rainbow Dash bounds through without a second thought. Chuckling, Arc follows. Reappearing in his backyard, he spies his date looking all around at the snow-covered landscape. She points at his house and calls out.

“This is where you live?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Home sweet home.”

“It’s huge!”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. But we should probably get you a warm coat from inside before we leave.”

Rainbow Dash puts her arms around herself as they walk toward the house. “One of the Hoof Maidens offered me something thicker back at the castle. But I wasn’t cold back then, so I didn’t think I’d need it.”

Arc chuckles. “The lack of a fur coat does have its drawbacks.”

Pulling his keys from a pocket, Arc unlocks the door and opens it to allow Rainbow Dash entrance. She bounds inside as Arc closes it behind her and turns to his date.

“Sorry it’s not very warm in here either. I turn the thermostat way down when I’m gone to save money.”

Rainbow Dash looks around. “Really high ceilings too!”

Arc smiles as he walks through the kitchen and living room to the hooks by the front door with Rainbow Dash following him. “Humans are a bit taller than ponies, after all.”

“Yeah. I remember you having to duck down slightly whenever you left a house or a business back in Ponyville.”

Arc holds out a coat to her. “None of that here.”

Taking it, Rainbow Dash puts it on and looks herself over.

“It’s a little big on me. But I think it’ll do.”

“That’s Derpy’s coat. But I don’t think she’d mind you borrowing it though.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “It probably suits her perfectly.”

Arc nods. “It’s long and baggy for a reason too.”


“Derpy... doesn’t like being hemmed in.”

Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side, confused. “What does that mean?”

“When she first came to Earth, Derpy had a really hard time dealing with clothing, as it just made her feel trapped. So I suggested that she wear dresses, or similarly loose clothing, whenever possible to help her cope with the problem.”

Rainbow Dash looks down at herself. “Now I get it. Thought this thing looked sorta like a dress.”

“I could probably find you something else if you want.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah. This is fine.”

“Well then, shall we head out?”

“Lead the way!”

Returning to the kitchen, the pair head out the back door and over to the garage. However, as Arc puts his hand on the knob, he groans.


“Something wrong, Arc?”

Arc grimaces I just remembered something rather... important.”

Rainbow Dash moves her hand in a circular motion as she speaks. “Which is...?”

“My Jeep... kinda broke.”


Arc nods sadly. “King Malevolence threw it at the soldiers when I was breaking Shelly and Lily out of Damocles Base before Christmas.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Ouch. Are they expensive?”

“Kinda. I mean... I have the money for another. It’s just... I really liked that one. That and I never really liked spending large amounts of money on myself.”

“Well, do you really need a Jeep?”

“I suppose not. I mean... now that I primarily live in Equestria, it’s not exactly a heavily used item.”

“Then let’s go someplace we can walk to already! I’m starving!”

“Sure, I...”

He stops talking as a cloud drifts in front of the sun.

“That’s odd.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “What is?”

Arc points toward a window. “The light’s on in the garage. Which is strange, because I’m sure I turned it off before we left for Damocles Base the last time.”

Pulling his keys out of his pocket, Arc unlocks the garage door. Opening it, he reaches for the switch as Rainbow Dash gasps.


Arc looks up to see a shiny new vehicle sitting in the center of the garage. Walking to it with Rainbow Dash they look it over.


Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “Yeah! You’ve got a regular steel chariot in here!”

“It’s exactly the same as my old Jeep!”

“Shiny too!”

Arc puts a hand on the hood. “But I don’t understand where it came from!”

Rainbow Dash points to an envelope lying on a nearby workbench. “Maybe that has some answers.”

Arc walks over and picks it up. Ripping it open, he pulls out a piece of paper and skims it quickly.

“It’s Hammer’s handwriting.”

“Cupcake?! What’s she got to say?!”

“Let’s see...”

Clearing his throat, Arc begins to read aloud.

Hey, handsome!

I told Twilight about what happened to your old Jeep back at Damocles Base a while back when we... you know. How we had to leave what was left of it behind to get Shelly and Lily out of there. I did my best to explain to Twilight how human automobiles worked. But she didn’t really understand the whole ‘combustion engine’ idea per se. But on the up side, she sort of got the gist of it.

In any case, as I’m sure you already know, it’s really important to have reliable transportation here on Earth. This here ain’t like back in Equestria. You can’t just walk down the path to get where you want to go in a handful of minutes. That and the weather isn’t exactly controlled and scheduled here. Heck, we can’t even predict it accurately half the time! So, I took it upon myself to fix that little problem for you.

It started with me trying to explain the concept to Sunburst as he and Hard Hat drew it out. But that didn’t really get us anywhere, as we were starting from scratch essentially. So Sunburst called up Twilight, whom called for Princess Luna, whom suggested that we try making use of that whole ‘memory crystal projector doohickey’ that you used at the trial in the Griffon Kingdom recently. Twilight set it up and had me concentrate on memories of your vehicle, inside and out. Guess it was a good thing I overhauled that old thing when I was hiding out at your place a while back, as it allowed them to see exactly how a human vehicle looked like under the hood.

Now for the bad news. Sunburst looked over the footage and told us that it would take months, if not years, to painstakingly build you something using just trial and error. So he came up with the idea of just making the outside of the vehicle look like your old Jeep. Well, that and the interior too for good measure. However, what lies under that hood at the moment is a totally different beast from what you’d expect to see. For some unknown reason, I didn’t even consider the fact that Equestria had their own version of engines. But I suppose since they had already mastered how to build fully operational airships, it was really just a matter of figuring out how to scale it down in order to get everything to fit under the hood. They showed me the schematics of smaller craft’s engines and we got to work on it.

Hard Hat and I started drawing while Auriel, uh... fixed our design errors. She’s apparently really good at taking flawed concepts and making them work. And fast too! Twilight gave permission for the designs to be manufactured and assembled right here in the castle. After that it was a simple matter for her to shrink it down and open a portal to Earth through, get this, a mirror of all things. I took Viktor with me so he could pick the garage door and Ember to cast the counter spell once inside. Would’ve done that last part myself, but I didn’t want my inexperience with casting to end up totally wrecking the present we worked so hard to make. Viktor came up with the idea to leave a light on in there so you’d hopefully notice them and investigate. And while he was doing that, I took the opportunity to plant this letter (and enclosed key) on that old workbench. Which I guess brings us up to right now, so I’d best get to explaining how this thing works.

The key you should find with this letter works just like your old one. Nothing fancy there. And your vehicle will start like normal, of course. However... and this is the best (and my favorite) part... it no longer takes gas to run! You, my super handsome friend, are now the proud owner of Earth’s very first magical engine! Patent pending, ha, ha! It has enough battery capacity to run about the same distance as a topped off gas tank does. To charge them, you just have to put your hand on the automatic gear shift and focus your magic into it. Twilight says it should work about the same way as how you use the Rainbow of Light to open portals to Earth, so I think you’ve already got that part down pat. That and Twilight took the liberty of fully charging the batteries herself before we left, so you shouldn’t have to worry about that. At least for a while, that is.

I grabbed the registration and proof of insurance from where you left them in the basement before we went to Damocles Base. Now aren’t you glad I told you to leave it behind ‘just in case’? That combined with the fact that Sunburst was able to match the license plate AND your Vehicle Identification Number from you title makes this thing fully street legal and more or less legit. I drove it around town a bit to get a feel for it, and gotta say that they really nailed the power settings for acceleration. And just for the proverbial cherry on top, Auriel was able to manipulate the energy flow along with a number of other parts to even make it sound similar to a combustion engine. No one should even notice the difference unless they’re actively listening for it. Even if there aren’t any other vehicles around.

Now look at what I’ve gone and done! Heck, I’m almost to the end of this piece of paper after all of this! Guess I’ve rambled on and on for long enough. Grab that key from the envelope and take that thing for a test drive, sexy! Let me know what you think when you get back and we’ll make any necessary adjustments.

Imagining you and me in the back seat together,


Arc sets the paper down and pulls the a fore mentioned key from the envelope. Turning to Rainbow Dash he chuckles.

“That was quite the read.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Cupcake gets kinda long winded when she’s talking about something she likes a lot.”

Arc gestures to the new Jeep. “Well... why don’t we take her advice and try this thing out then?”

Rainbow Dash nods as she latches onto Arc’s arm. “Yeah! After all, it looks like she really worked hard on this thing! So let’s take it for a spin!”

Leading Rainbow Dash over to the passenger door, he opens it and gestures for her to get in. After doing so Arc closes the door behind her and walks around to the driver’s side. Getting in, he starts the vehicle and grins.

“Sounds almost perfect!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That’s good though, right?”

Arc nods. “Yup. So let’s see what this thing can do.”

Pushing the button to open the garage door, Arc pulls out onto the street. Rainbow Dash turns to him happily.

“Cupcake told me about how some of the things work here on Earth.”

“Oh? Like what?”

Rainbow Dash counts on her fingers as she lists things off. “Cars, airplanes, television, computers, basic rules of society... that sort of thing.”

Arc chuckles. “Glad she did?”

“Very! I mean... it’s still surreal to see these things with my own eyes! But I think it helped prepare me so I’m not looking around all slack-jawed at everything.”

“Softening the proverbial cultural blow.”

“Something like that. But, um... where are we going for lunch?”

Arc keeps his eyes on the road as he answers. “Roberto’s Pizza. I hope that’s okay.”

“The place you talked about the other day?”

“Yup. It’s kind of my go to place for good pizza. Uh... guess that might not have been my best idea though.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Why’s that?”

“Well, we did just have pizza for supper last night. We could go somewhere else if you wanted.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head vehemently. “No, no! Pizza’s fine!”

“Alright. Um... you okay though?”

“Y-yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You just seemed really nervous just now.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Sorry. To tell you the truth, I was just a bit worried about what... exactly we were going to eat.”

“I figured Roberto’s so we could avoid meat.”

“That’s... appreciated.”

Arc smiles as he turns at a stop light. “Didn’t think you wanted to have to see people eating meat on your first trip to Earth.”

Rainbow Dash looks out the window and sighs. “I... kinda do.”


“I mean that I actually would like to go somewhere that serves meat.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Not sure if I’ll order something like that, but...”

Her voice trails off as she begins mumbling. A few moments later she turns to Arc with a happy gasp.

“Why don’t we go to Shelly’s Kitchen?!”

“Good idea! They have meat based dishes as well as a variety of alternatives that I’m sure you’d like.”

“My thoughts exactly! That and I’ve wanted to see it for myself ever since Shelly and Lily told us about their restaurant at the Hearth’s Warming party last year!”

Arc chuckles as he turns onto a roundabout in order to double back. “We can see how its doing too.”

“And report back!”

A short time later they pull into the familiar parking lot. Getting out, Rainbow Dash looks to the building and grins.

“Big place!”

Arc walks around the Jeep and offers his arm to her. “Just like our houses, humans have bigger businesses too.”

“Because you’re taller, right?”

“That too. But I would imagine it really just boils down to us not liking to feel hemmed in.”

Entering the building, they head over to a table and sit down. Frank spots them immediately and walks over with two menus.

“Good afternoon you two.”

Arc nods. “Hey Frank.”

Rainbow Dash grins and winks. “Hi!”

Frank chuckles. “Is that you, Rainbow Dash?”

“In the flesh!”

Arc chuckles. “We’re here for a date.”

Frank nods approvingly. “Ah! Then we here at Shelly’s Kitchen shall do our part to make it a good one.”

He pulls out an order pad and continues.

“What can I get for you two today?”

Rainbow Dash points to her menu. “Can I get this breakfast platter?”

“Of course. However, I would like to point out that it comes with sausage and bacon.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “They’re both meat.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “That’s fine.”

Frank writes the order down. “Very well then. And you, Arc?”

“I think I’ll have the same.”

Frank chuckles as he writes an ‘X2’ on the order form. “Deviating from the norm?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “What do you usually have, Arc?”

“A cheeseburger and fries most of the time. But I thought that might be going too far.”

“Too far?”

Frank nods. “A cheeseburger is made with ground cow meat, miss.”

Arc grimaces. “Yeah, I thought it would make you a bit queasy.”

“Thanks for the though. But admittedly. I’d kinda like to see that.”

Frank appears confused. “You would?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Cupcake says they’re really good! So yeah!”

Arc looks to Frank and shrugs. “I guess you can change my order to a cheeseburger and fries then.”

Frank chuckles as he writes the amended order down. “You got it. But how about I offer you the upstairs kitchen table to eat at?”

Rainbow Dash looks up. “Upstairs?”

Arc nods. “Shelly and Lily’s old apartment is up there.”

Frank gestures to the stairs. “My boys and I have been using it lately when we have to open the restaurant early. However, no one is up there at the moment. That and I do believe it will make for a more personable dining experience for you two.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Sounds good to me!”

Arc smiles. “Thanks, Frank. We accept.”

Frank picks up their menus. “Alright. Go ahead and make your way upstairs then. I’ll bring your orders up when they’re ready.

Rainbow Dash stands excitedly. “Alright!”

She latches onto Arc’s arm as he leads her toward the stairs. Climbing them, they enter the apartment and head into the kitchen together. Arc pulls out a chair for his date before sitting down across from her. Rainbow Dash looks around at their surroundings before speaking.

“Nice and cozy up here!”

“That it is.”

Rainbow Dash suddenly appears nervous. “Um... so... ah...”

Arc chuckles. “Not sure where to go from here?”

“What?! No way! I was just... thinking of something to... um...!”

“Never been on a date before?”

Rainbow Dash bows her head. “Guess it’s pretty obvious, huh?”

Arc nods. “Yup. And that’s okay. Remember, we all have to start somewhere.”

“So what should we do?”


Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side, confused. “Talk?”

“It’ll help us get to know each other better.”

“I guess that’s true. But where do we start?”

“Well... why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

Rainbow Dash puffs her chest out proudly. “Best flyer in Ponyville right here!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, I have heard that in the past. And I’ve seen you practicing before too.”

“I’ve just always wanted to be the best! That’s why I’m always pushing myself to get better!”

“Nothing wrong with that. Anything else you’re interested in?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Anything... else?”

Arc nods. “Right. I’d like to hear what else there is to know about Rainbow Dash.”

“Um... I... don’t really know what to say.”

“You can start with anything at all.”

“Actually, I’d... rather hear more about you, Arc.”

“Sure. What do you want to know?”

“How about you tell me what you think of Equestria versus Earth?”

Arc puts a finger to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I suppose both of them have their good points as well as their faults.”


“Equestria is very peaceful, generally speaking. And Earth tends to be a very noisy and violent place. At least it can be.”

Rainbow Dash puts a finger in her ear to clear it. “I did notice that when we stepped out of the Jeep. All those other vehicles going by weren’t exactly what I would call quiet.”

“Earth also doesn’t have magic.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

Arc shrugs. “Not exactly ‘bad’ per se. It’s just... magic makes things easier for Equestrian society. But I do surmise that if humans had the gift of magic, quite a few of them would use such things negatively.”


Arc frowns. “It would be weaponized.”

“But Equestria does that too. I mean, there’s any number of offensive spells.”

“I suppose that is true, yes. However, it seems like every time humans invent a new kind of technology their first thoughts are always on how they can use it as a weapon.”

“Um... why?”

“To get the upper hand over their enemies.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, confused. “Wouldn’t it be simpler to just... I don’t know... try to get along?”

Arc chuckles. “You would think so, yes. But that’s usually the furthest thing from their minds.”

“So what do you like that’s better here on Earth?”

“Ironically, meat. As you know, Equestria doesn’t have such things readily available. If I want to eat something, it has to first be hunted.”

“Yeah, we had a hard time coming to terms with that aspect of humans. It just seemed so cruel to and the others back then.”

“And now?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “We kinda just accepted that you’re different in that regard.”

“Similarly to how I feel about ponies, I would imagine.”


“Originally, I couldn’t fathom the idea of being romantically involved with a pony. I mean... how could different species possibly come together in such a way?”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Guess we sure showed you, huh?!”

Arc smiles. “That you all did, yes. But how about I turn the question around?”

“What do you mean?”

“How did you and the others come to terms with the idea of dating a different species?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “What are you talking about, Arc. We date outside our races all the time back in Equestria. Pegasi, Unicorn, and Earth Ponies are all different species, after all.”

“I suppose that’s true, yes. However, how would society view a relationship outside of that social norm? Say... a pony mare dating a griffon.”

“Well... uh... it would be viewed as really... out there in terms of normalcy.”

“And why is that?”

“Because we’re totally different physically, I guess.”

“Like a pony and a human?”

Rainbow Dash waves a hand dismissively. “Believe me, that wasn’t something that came about all at once.”


“The others and I talked about the similarities and differences between ponies and humans off and on when you first came to Equestria. It started out as a way to try and understand you better. However, that evolved into a full mental examination of the facts as we saw them back then.”

“And what did the six of you decide?”

“At first, we just kinda wanted to ignore the part about your diet. Sweep it under the rug and forget about it. That sort of thing. But... after that whole episode with us being under a sort of lust spell... all of us had to face new questions.”

“In the hospital, no less.”

“Well, it’s not like there was much else to do. And we wanted to understand these new emotions we had too.

“That was about the time all of you decided that you had feelings for me, right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Might I ask what was so special about that point? I mean... I don’t really get why then of all times you and the others fell for me.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Part of it is the fact that we were willing to be taken by you. And that you didn’t do it.”

“There has to be more to it than that though. I mean... choosing not to rape someone isn’t exactly what I would call a ‘turn on’.”

“I can only speak for myself on that. Do you remember what happened to me back then?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully as he thinks. “If I recall correctly, you were in the kitchen at Sugar Cube Corner. I went in there to interview you regarding Pinkie’s sudden... unnatural advances upstairs and how she had acted before then.”

“Right. What next though?”

“You got really sick to your stomach and ran to the sink to puke. I think I might’ve held your head up to keep you from laying your face in that mess too.”

“And after that?”

“I had to do some cleanup with a wet dish towel to your face. Puke in the facial fur, especially without a mirror, would be kinda hard to get out even in the best of circumstances. Especially without a full shower.”

“You cleaned me up, yes. And that’s about the time it started for me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean by ‘started’?”

“Seeing you as more than a friend, I mean. You not just caring about me, but caring FOR me. Nopony’s ever done that for me before. Well, other than my parents, naturally.”

“But they don’t really count in this regard.”

“Yeah. This was different.”

She blushes slightly before continuing.

“As you know, I’ve always been kind of a loner. Doing my own thing and trying to be the best flyer in Equestria. But being cared for like a filly, it just... really stuck with me as something... outside of what I was used to.”


Rainbow Dash nods. “Right. When I saw your reach for that dish towel, part of me recoiled inwardly. But I was too weak and sick to show that or say anything.”

“Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I was just trying to clean you up for a trip to the hospital.”

“I know, and I wasn’t looking forward to being treated like a newborn. However, as soon as you started wiping my face, I just... I just kinda went with it. Both physically and emotionally.”

“I don’t understand the second part too well.”

“My body just kinda... really liked it. Being cared for, I mean. While everypony else thinks of me more as a stallion than a mare, you didn’t seem to treat me like either.”


“It was more like I was a victim. Somepony to be helped whom couldn’t do it themselves. Like a Pegasi stuck on a sheer cliffside with two broken wings.”

“Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.”

Rainbow Dash looks away. “Same here at the time. Wasn’t sure if I was supposed to feel dirty, silly, or whatever. But I’ve had a long time to think about it sense then.”

“What have you come up with?”

“Well, you see...”

She is cut off as Frank enters the apartment with a tray of food. Walking over to them, he sets a platter in front of Rainbow Dash and a plate before Arc along with two drinks as he speaks.

“My apologies, but I forgot to ask what you two wanted for beverages. So I brought milk for Rainbow Dash and a Coke for you, Arc.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “It’s fine with me.”

Arc nods. “Same here.”

Frank steps back. “Anything else I can get you two?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think we’re good for a bit.”

Rainbow Dash licks her lips as she picks up her silverware. “Yeah! Thanks!”

Frank nods. “Then I’ll leave you two alone to eat.”

He heads back downstairs as Rainbow Dash cuts her pancakes and takes a bite.

“This is great!”

Arc chuckles. “Real butter makes all the difference.”

Rainbow Dash looks to the sides next to her pancakes. “What were these called again?”

“Sausages and bacon.”

“Which... animal are they from?”

“The bacon is from a pig. And the sausage can be made from any animal. However, I think Shelly uses a brand that is both pig and turkey meat. Before they grind it up and put into a skin, that is.”


“It’s just the name used for the outer part of the sausage. They inject the liquefied meat into the skin and seal the ends.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Um... I gotta be honest with you, Arc. That sounds kinda gross.”

Arc shrugs. “Yeah, I guess it does. But the bacon is a lot less so as it’s sliced, not ground up.”

“Think I’ll try that.”

She picks up the bacon and looks it over. Sniffing it, Rainbow Dash takes a small bite.

“Texture’s... kinda weird.”

“How’s the taste?”

“Let’s see...”

She takes a larger bite and chews for a few moments before grinning.

“It’s awesome!”

Arc chuckles as his date stuffs an entire piece into her mouth. “Glad you like it.”

“Tell me more about the other thing!”

“Well... I’m not fully sure exactly how it’s made. But I’m told that it’s the scraps left over from butchering along with some extra fat for proper consistency. And a blend of seasonings that the sausage maker comes up with.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “So it’s... leftovers?”

“You could say that, yes.”

“Not sure I really want to eat this then.”

Arc reaches over and picks up one of the miniature sausages up. “It’s okay. I’ll eat them.”

Rainbow Dash watches as Arc takes a bite. She grimaces slightly as he chews.

“Tasty as always.”


Arc nods. “Yup. I know I made it sound kinda gross, but they’re actually quite good. However, I do understand if you don’t want to eat them.”

Rainbow Dash sighs as she looks at the remaining sausage. “Uh... guess I should try a bite. You know, so I can at least say I gave it a shot.”

She picks up a sausage and closes her eyes as she takes a bite. Rainbow Dash chews it quickly and swallows as Arc watches. Putting the remainder down, she smiles nervously.

“Not really a fan of the sausage.”

Arc smiles at her. “It’s okay. After all, not everyone likes everything.”

They continue eating as the pair make small talk. Finishing their meal, Arc picks up the dishes and stands.

“Might as well wash these real quick.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Don’t they have somepony downstairs to do that though?”

“A machine actually.”

“To wash... dishes??

Arc nods. “Yup.”

Rainbow Dash grins widely. “That I would really like to see!”


“Yeah! Can we?!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I suppose I could run it by Frank.”

“Please do!”

The pair head downstairs and over to the front counter. Arc looks to Frank as he sets the dirty dishes on the counter and pulls out his wallet.

“Thanks for letting us use the kitchen upstairs.”

Rainbow Dash nods happily. “Yeah! It was really cozy up there!”

Frank smiles at he takes Arc’s money and gives him his change. “I’m glad you two enjoyed it.”

Arc looks toward the kitchen door as he speaks. “Bit of a strange request though. Can we see the dishwasher in back?”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Um... what?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “It’s for me! Can we?! Please?!”

“I suppose so. Go ahead.”


Arc shrugs as he follows Rainbow Dash behind the counter and through the swinging doors to the kitchen. Spotting Jackal at the stove, Arc calls out to him.

“Um... hey.”

The man turns around and smiles widely as he speaks.

“It you again!”

“Yeah, uh... we’re here to...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him excitedly. “...see your dishwasher!”

Jackal points a finger. “Oh? It over there. Wolf emptying it.”

They turn to see the young man pulling clean dishes from the machine. Rainbow Dash hurries over and kneels down.

“How’s this thing work?!”

Wolf appears confused. “Um... the dishwasher?”

Rainbow Dash nods happily. “Yeah!”

Arc joins them. “I’ll take it from here.”

Wolf shrugs and turns to see to others tasks. Arc kneels down next to Rainbow Dash as he speaks.

“As I said before, this machine is called a ‘dishwasher’. Dirty plates, bowls, cups and even silverware are cleared of their leftovers and placed here in the rack.”

He gestures to the clean plates lined up neatly awaiting removal. Casting a spell, he pulls the remaining dishes out and puts them away in a matter of seconds. Looking to a counter covered in dirty dishes, he picks one up.

“They are lined placed between these rubberized prongs to maintain a set distance between each one. This allows the water the reach all surfaces during cleaning.”

Picking up a bottle, he squirts some liquid into a slot and closes the lid.

“This is the detergent that cleans them.”

Rainbow Dash points a finger at the dispenser. “But how?! I mean... that little flap thing will stop it from getting out!”

“At first they are just rinsed off with hot water via these jets underneath. That dislodges the stuck on food and washes it down the drain in the bottom here.”

“Then you release the soap?”

“It’s done automatically at a certain point in the process.”


Arc nods. “Let’s load this up and I’ll show you.”

He instructs Rainbow Dash on how to load the dishwasher. Closing the door, Arc presses the ‘start’ button. The machine begins working as he looks to her.

“Now it will go through all the motions of removing the food, releasing the detergent, washing the dishes, and drying them.”

Rainbow Dash gasps, clearly amazed. “It dries them too?!”


“What’s left to do when it’s done?!”

“Pull them out and place them in the cupboard like I did for the ones earlier.

Rainbow Dash puts her arms around the machine and hugs it as she speaks.

“Where have you been all my life?!”

“Uh... you okay, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash grins as she looks to him. “Yeah. I just really wish we had one of these when I was growing up. Always hated doing dishes. Are they only in restaurants?”

Arc shakes his head. “This is a commercial sized unit. However, they do make smaller ones for homes, yes.”

“These things are SO COOL!”

“Any other questions about it?”

“Nah. I think I need one of them though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How would that work in your cloud kitchen?”

Rainbow Dash smiles nervously as she stands. “Um... I’d have to figure that one out.”

“Well, how about you do that on the way to our next stop?”


Taking Arc’s arm, Rainbow Dash allows herself to be escorted through the back door and over to the Jeep. As she gets into the vehicle however she turns to Arc whom is just closing his door.

“Uh... what IS next anyways?”

Arc gestures to her outfit. “Well... let me ask you this. How do you like what was picked out for you to wear?”

Rainbow Dash looks down at her outfit. “Admittedly, it’s... not exactly what I wanted. But then again, I didn’t really know what I would look like until it was time for my fitting session. And by then it was too late to ask for something else.”

“Well, how would you like to find something that suits you a bit better?”

“Um... I’m not really sure. I mean... does what I have on not work for me?”

“I think you look nice, yes. But it’s more about what you want versus what I think.”

“Never been much for clothes in the first place. But I suppose it would be kinda fun to look and see what human mares wear.”

Arc grins. “Alright. Let’s head to the mall then.”

Rainbow Dash turns to him, confused. “The what now?”

Arc chuckles as he starts the Jeep. “You’ll see.”

Turning onto the road, they continue on their way. Arc points a finger and calls out.

“See that?”


“All those cars down there.”

“The two roads side by side?”

Arc nods. “That’s called a ‘freeway’. It’s a road without stoplights where you can drive extra fast.”

“Cool! We going that way?!”

“That we are!”

Turning onto the onramp, Arc accelerates as he approaches the freeway. Merging, he looks over at Rainbow Dash whom has her eyes glued to the window.

“We’re going so fast!”

Arc nods. “This is about as fast as one can safely go.”

“Are there a lot of these freeway things?!”

“Major cities have them, yes.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Can I try?!”

“Try what?”

“Sitting where you sit!”

Arc shakes his head. “Trust me, that’s not a good idea.”

“Why not?!”

“It takes a lot of learning and practice to drive safely.”

“Aw... come on! I promise I’ll be careful!”

“That and you need a license from the state to operate a motor vehicle, which the Jeep technically still is.”

Rainbow Dash frowns as she looks forward again. “Still wanna though.”

“Yes, well... I just want to keep you safe, Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah, I sorta get that.”

“In any case, let’s see if we can find you something a bit more comfortable to wear.”

Sometime later they arrive at the mall. Rainbow Dash smirks as they park.

“It’s even bigger than cupcake said it was!”

Arc nods as he turns off the vehicle. “Some things are tough to put into words.”

Getting out, Arc walks to the back of the Jeep to join Rainbow Dash. She immediately latches onto his arm as he leads her toward the building. Entering, the young woman looks all around and nods approvingly.

“Somepony had a really smart idea here!”

“Having all the stores together under one roof?”

“Together is cool, yeah. But the whole roof idea is even better! You can go shopping all day and not get wet when walking from shop to shop!”

She laughs as she continues.

“Rarity must’ve loved this place!”


“When she visited you for Hearth’s Warming last year!”

Arc looks away sadly. “Oh, um...”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Hope she didn’t spend TOO much!”

“We... actually didn’t come here.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised. “Really? I would have thought she’d have been really interested in a place like this.”

“I’m sure she would have. However, there wasn’t time for such things, as I was needed back in Equestria literally the morning after she arrived.

“That soon?! I mean, I had heard you came back quickly and all, but... I just kinda figured you two had a bit more time to... do whatever.”

Arc shakes his head. “There were a few things I had wanted to show her back then. This being among them, of course. However, it just didn’t work out. The best we were able to do was to share a bed and a meal the next morning.”

Rainbow Dash smiles wickedly. “A bed, huh? You two make good use of your time?”

“We just went straight to sleep.”

“Are you sure that’s all that happened?”

Arc scratches his head. “Uh... we might have shared a number of kisses. You’re not mad about that though, right?”

Rainbow Dash laughs heartily as she shakes her head. “Nah. Rarity told us roughly the same story when we talked about it over tea sometime later. I just wanted to give you a hard time.”

“I was kinda worried you’d be jealous.”

“It’s cool. Well, with Rarity, that is. Or anypony else in the heard, I guess.”

“That’s a relief. Can I ask you more about that though?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Being jealous?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Um... in all Honesty, I’m still fuzzy on how all of you are getting along so well.”

“We’re all friends though. Why wouldn’t we?”

“Ten females sharing one male wouldn’t work too well on Earth. Here, just like back in Equestria, a couple is just that. Two.”


Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, we do have folks whom are involved in what are known as polyamorous relationships. However, it’s illegal to have more than one official wife. Only the first marriage is binding in the eyes of the law.”

“Same back home in Equestria. Without an exemption via royal decree, that is.”

“So if Earth and Equestria have that in common, how are all of you handling the whole idea of sharing?”

“It’s... complicated. The Element Bearers are bound by our roles, so there’s that. And the fact that each additional potential bride was added slowly and one at a time after we all got to know them.”

“Slowly and carefully.”

“Yeah. I mean, if you had wanted to add cupcake, Auriel, Ember, AND Derpy all at once, well... I don’t think it would have gone over too well with me and the others.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose any relationship has its ups and downs.”

“We’re all doing our best to make it work though.”

“That I do believe. But why don’t we talk about this later?”

Rainbow Dash smirks nervously. “Yeah. It’s a pretty heavy conversation admittedly.”

“Yes, it is. However, we’re here.”


Arc motions with a thumb to the sign over the door of the store they’re standing in front of. Rainbow Dash groans.

“Oh... you meant it literally.”

Arc smiles at her. “Yup. Now then, let’s see if we can help you find something here.”

Entering the store, they head over to the appropriate section. Rainbow Dash looks around at the various clothing on display all around her. Arc speaks as she does so.

“Here we are. Season appropriate clothing.”

“There... sure are a lot of choices.”

Arc nods. “That there are.”

“So... what exactly would be considered ‘typical’ dating clothes?”

“Humans are each so different in their tastes and opinions that there really isn’t an official ‘typical’ look. A woman whom loves a certain outfit on her might look terrible in a friend’s equally favorite clothes. That and there’s always the eye of the beholder to think about.”

“The what?”

“It’s an expression that means what one likes another might hate.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “You’re not a lot of help here, Arc.”

Arc chuckles, slightly embarrassed. “Sorry. But I do think you look very nice as you are.”

“Well, I’d still like to personalize this outfit to make it at least a little more... cool.”


Rainbow Dash looks herself over. “It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand the math.”

“And I can’t think of any way to explain it better than...”

She stops talking as a display catches her eye. Walking quickly towards it, Rainbow Dash touches the material and grins.

“What is THIS?!”

Arc joins her. “Um... it’s a leather jacket. Haven’t you ever seen one before?”

“Leather isn’t typically used back home. And even less for regular clothing, after all.”

The young woman smirks as she continues.

“I remember seeing leather on ponies only once as a filly. And that was during a rodeo my dad took me to see.”

“Sounds like it was more for safety’s sake than anything else.”

“Right. I asked my dad if he would buy me something to wear made of the stuff. But he said it was too expensive.”

Looking at the price tag she sighs.

“And I’m guessing this is too.”

“Kinda, yeah. After all, it’s real leather.”

Rainbow Dash turns and begins walking away. “That’s fine. I’ll find something else to...”

She is cut off as Arc puts one of the leather jackets over her shoulders. Looking up at him, she frowns.

“Um... what are you doing?”

“Just wanted to see how you looked in it.”

“But it’s too...!”

Arc interrupts her. “Just try it on.”

Shrugging, she removes her coat and hands it to Arc. He gives her the leather jacket back and watches as it slides up her arms. Turning to look at Arc, Rainbow Dash smirks.

“How’s that?”

Arc nods approvingly. “Great actually!”


“Yes! How’s it feel?!”

“Super soft and stretchy. That and I love the smell of it!”

“Just so you know though, that’s cow hide.”

“Yeah, that’s where we get leather from back home too.”

She turns and looks in a mirror. Striking a pose, Rainbow Dash puts her hands on her hips and licks her lips smugly.

“I do look great!”

“Then I’ll buy it for you.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “What?! But you already said it was...!”

Arc interrupts her. “It’s fine, Rainbow Dash. “

“I can’t just let you spend so much on me though! Can I?”

“Well, I am offering.”

“You sure?”

Arc nods. “Yup.”

Rainbow Dash smiles widely. “Then yeah, I do want this!”

“Follow me to the checkout counter then.”

Heading back up to the front, Arc pays for the jacket. Rainbow Dash watches silently as he hands over a number of bills to the cashier. Completing their transaction, they leave the store as Rainbow Dash grabs Arc’s arm again and grins hugely.

“Thanks, Arc!”

Arc smiles at her. “It was my pleasure.”

“Spending lots of money is fun for you?”

“More along the lines of seeing you so happy.”

Rainbow Dash blushes. “Oh! Uh... now I feel silly.”


“I just realized that I didn’t pick the coat you gave me back up after putting this on.”

“Don’t worry. I put it in my ring as you were looking in the mirror.”

“Good thinking. Would they have given us a hard time getting it back otherwise?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. That coat clearly wasn’t new, so we could have just walked back in and picked it up.”

“What a relief! I don’t want to start losing your stuff, Arc!”

“Remember, that one’s Derpy’s. But I do get what you mean.”

Chuckling, he looks at her coat again. Confused, Rainbow Dash looks up at him.

“What’s so funny?”

“I was just remembering an outfit Ember wore sometimes when she was a human.”


“It was very similar to yours. A leather jacket with a white shirt underneath. But she preferred jeans over, uh... that style of pants.”

“Mine are made out of cotton, I think. What are ‘jeans’?”

“They’re tough pants that are generally blue. Made out of cotton too, I think. However, it must be some other kind of process because they’re stiffer and rougher than yours appear to be.”

“So we looked the same, huh?”

“The outfit anyways.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not really, I suppose. But she was pretty pleased with how she looked in it. Much like you do I must point out.”

Rainbow Dash laughs happily. “That I am, yes. But how about we look over this place some more?”

Arc smirks. “You want some more gifts?”

“Nah. I just kinda wanna see... more.”

“Something tells me there’s more to it than that though.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Alright, you got me. I really just want to know what it means to be a human mare. Know... and understand.”

“Watching others can help with that.”

“Yeah. Think you could help me find someplace to practice?”

Arc gestures around them. “The mall here is a good place for that.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yup. People come here from all over to shop, after all.”

“So we should just walk around, or something?”

“That or sit down and watch them pass.”

Rainbow Dash grins nervously. Kinda do wanna sit down right now.


“Nah. Well... maybe a little. It’s just that I’m not used to walking in this body.”

“That’s understandable. After all, you’re walking with different muscles now.”

“And it’s still kinda new to me.”

Arc chuckles as he looks around. “Then let’s find you a place to sit down and take a load off.”

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