• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Mending Fences

Arc and his Honor Guards make their way down the corridor.

“Where are we headed, Arc?”

“To the Locker Room!”

Ember frowns. “Come on! You don’t really believe she did that on purpose, do you?!”

Arc continues on. “You heard what Gunter said! There’s bad blood between those two!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “She saw an opportunity and went for it. In any case, Natalya has some explaining to do!”

“That she does! I didn’t go through all the trouble of training her to cut others apart!”

The servant from earlier approaches with several other griffons. Each is pushing a cart filled with huge bags of bits!

“Congratulations, Lord Arc! You’re our big winner of the day!”

Arc sighs. “Great…”

The servant procures a piece of paper. “If you would be so kind as to sign here, we’ll turn over your winnings!”

Arc quickly signs the paper and gives it back to the servant.

“Very good sir! Shall we take your bits to your quarters?”

“That won’t be necessary.”

He quickly picks up the bags with his magic and one by one puts them in his magic ring, to the astonishment of the griffons before him! As he finishes, Arc turns to the servants.

“Which way to the Locker Rooms?”

“Down this hallway, take a right and it will at the very end.”

Arc walks quickly away. “Thank you.”

They follow the servant’s directions. Soon they are outside a large door.

Ember sighs. “This must be it.”

They enter the room. There are many lockers and an adjoining shower room, however Natalya is nowhere in sight. Arc turns to Sereb.

“Is she here?”

Sereb sniffs the air for a moment before turning his head and pointing with a large paw. Arc nods to Sereb.

“Lead the way.”

The large wolf leads them to what appears to be a storage closet. He points toward it with a large paw. Arc turns to his friends.

“Let’s get this over with.”

They nod silently. Arc slowly opens the door to the darkened room.

“Natalya? Are you in here?”

There is a sound from the end of a shelf. Arc walks into the closet and spots Natalya lying on the floor facing the wall. She is crying. Turning away as he approaches, Natalya covers her face with a talon.

“L-Lord Arc? I…”

He kneels down to her as Ember and Flash Sentry enter the closet and close the door behind them.

“What happened out there?”

Natalya does not look up. “I… I just wanted to win so badly! To make my family proud of me!”

He nods. “But you went too far.”

She sadly holds up the bloody tail in her claw. “…yes. And now someone else has paid the price!”

Arc puts his hands on Natalya’s shoulders as she looks up at him. “You didn’t do that on purpose, right?”

Natalya sighs. “That’s not true.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “Natalya?!”

Flash Sentry looks suddenly ill. “You did that on purpose?!”

“N-no! She’s always been cruel to me! But I would never intentionally have done this to her!”

Arc sighs. “You wanted revenge for how she had treated you in the past, didn’t you?”

“YES! I wanted to hurt her! Make sure she knew I was stronger now! I never intended for it to go this far, Lord Arc! I swear!”

She holds the tail close to her armor and sobs!

“Listen to me, Natalya. We all saw what happened back there! While I don’t know exactly HOW it happened, it didn’t appear you were going for her tail.”

Natalya looks him in the eye. “Sir…? How do you do it?”

“Do what?”

She stares at the tail in her claws. “Hold back during a fight! The other day when you and I were fighting, I know you could have easily killed me if you wanted to. How do you keep your strength in check? How… how do you keep from killing those whom you face?!”

“Every attack I make… I go into it with the mindset that I can always add more power to it! However, I can never take power out of the blow once it is made.”

“I… I don’t understand!”

Ember sighs. “What Arc means is, once a blow has been made there’s no going back!”

Arc nods. “Sorry, but I can’t think of a better way to say it! I know what you’re going through right now. There’s blood on my hands too!”

“You mean…”

“Yes. I have killed others in the past.”

“I’ve never even seen real combat! How did you move on?!”

“I don’t.”


Arc sighs. “Taking another’s life isn’t something to be done lightly or casually. I once killed a traitorous captain who wanted to finish off Equestria’s princesses. He gave me the fight of my life!”

“How did it end?”

“With him being turned to ash. Literally. Another time an enemy killed someone… very important to me. When I caught him, he begged for mercy.”

Natalya nods. “Did you give him any?”

“I did. One quick blade through the heart.”

“But he deserved it! Didn’t it feel good?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, it didn’t.”

Natalya turns around to look at Arc with a confused look on her face.

“I may have ended their lives, but I refuse to take pleasure in it! If I did, would I be any better than they?”

“I suppose not.”

“As long as they lived, they would have continued to threaten the innocent citizens of Equestria. I did what I had to do to protect others.”

He points to the tail.

“And you did what you thought you had to.”

There is a long silence between the two. Eventually Arc holds out his hand to Natalya.

“The tail… may I see it?”

Natalya nods sadly and gives it to Arc. He looks over the bloody end carefully.

“The cut is fairly clean. Can’t this be reattached?”

She shakes her head. “To the best of my knowledge, that’s never been done before!”

Ember frowns. “What about those great medical facilities the general spoke of?!”

“Well, you see…”

Arc sighs and turns to Flash Sentry. “Does Equestria have the know-how?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir. Although rare, there have been cases where a pony would lose an ear or a leg. A skilled physician should be able to do it.”

“Let’s go to the Infirmary and see how the Trainer is doing. You up for it, Natalya?”

She wiping her eyes and stands up. “I… I can make it.”

They leave the storage room and head toward the nearby Infirmary. Natalya opens the doors for them.

“It’s in here.”

Ember frowns as Natalya steps back. “Aren’t you coming?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t think she’ll want to see me right now.”

Arc nods. “Understandable. Just wait out here, okay?”

She nods as Sereb sits down next to her. Arc and his Honor Guards make their way inside and quickly find the doctor. He raises an eyebrow at the trio walking toward him.

“Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for the Lieutenant Trainer that was brought in with a cut off tail.”

The doctor nods. “We just finished stitching her up a few minutes ago. She’s still unconscious from the anesthetic.”

He sees the tail in Arc’s hand.

“Come to rub it in her face?”

Arc shakes his head. “I just want to talk to her. Where is she?”

He points to a nearby room. “In there with her father. I’d stay out if I were you. He isn’t too happy right now.”

“Thanks. I’ll be careful.”

He turns to Ember and Flash Sentry.

“Better wait out here.”

They nod as he puts the tail behind his back and enters the room. The Trainer’s bloody armor lies in the corner as General Blackbeak stands by her bedside. He does not take his eyes off the griffon before him as Arc enters.

“Now is not a good time, Lord Arc!”

Arc closes the door behind him. “How is she?”

“She’s resting. I’m… not looking forward to telling her about her tail! Life will be… hard for her after this trauma!”

“It’s needed for more than just balance?”

“Yes! A griffon’s pride is in being whole! With her tail missing…”

Arc interrupts. “General… I think I can help with that.”

The general sighs sarcastically. “How? Can you put it back on?”

“I can’t. But an Equestrian doctor might be able to.”

Blackbeak looks up. “Really?”

Arc nods. “So I’ve been told. Would you like me to make some inquiries?”

The general narrows his eyes. What’s the catch?”

“No catch. Think of it as… a showing of goodwill from Equestria to the Griffon Kingdom.”

“You do that! I’ll see if I can convince Lieutenant Natalya to part with her trophy.”

Arc nods. “I already took care of that.”

He looks back, his talon on the doorknob. “Oh?”

“She already gave me your daughter’s tail. “

“Where is it then?!”

Arc sighs. “Behind my back.”

“Give it to me!”

Arc pulls out the tail and extends it toward the general. He takes it and holds it close.

“How did you… no matter! “

General Blackbeak walks back to his daughter’s side with her tail as Arc touches his earring.

“Arc to Sunburst. Come in please.”

A few moments later the earring chirps.

“Sunburst here! What can I do for you, sir?”

“We have a medical emergency here in Griffonstone! I need you to run to the Castle Infirmary and give Doctor Whooves a transmitter!”

“Yes sir! Right away! Sunburst out!”

Arc turns back to the general who is holding his unconscious daughter’s claw.

“It’s going to be all right! I’ll fix this somehow!”

A few minutes later Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here. Go ahead.”

“This is Doctor Whooves! What do you need, sir?!”

“I have a female griffon here who lost a tail. Can you reattach it?”

“How long ago?!”

“Less than half an hour!”

“I can if you get her here as soon as possible! Time is critical!”

Arc nods. “Prep your staff for surgery then! I’ll be there soon! Arc out!”

He closes the connection and turns to the general.

“We need to leave now.”

Blackbeak nods. “I can have one of our military transports take us there. We can be there in the early hours of the morning!”

“That won’t be necessary, general. I can get us there in moments.”

“That isn’t possible.”

Arc wheels the gurney out the door to the hallway. “I’ll show you. Help me get her out of this room!”

As the pair do so, the doctor hurries over!

“Sir, you cannot…”

Blackbeak interrupts him. “Out of my way, doctor!”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “Get Sereb and Natalya. We’re leaving!”

He nods and rushes to comply!

“What now, Lord Arc?!

Arc takes a deep breath and concentrates. “Give me a minute to focus.”

A few moments later the crystal on Arc’s forehead begins to glow. He levitates a foot or so off the floor and opens a portal. The general looks to it, wide-eyed!

“What the…”

Arc channels magical energy to keep the portal open. “Ember! Help the general get his daughter through!”

“This way sir! “


Ember motions for him to follow. “Don’t worry! This portal leads to Canterlot Castle! Now please! We have to go now!”

He nods and helps Ember push the gurney through the portal as Flash Sentry, Sereb and Natalya rush up to him! Natalya stares at the swirling portal.

“What in the King’s name…?”

Flash Sentry grabs her talon. “Follow me, Natalya! Everything’s going to be okay”

“Both of you go! I can’t hold this much longer!”

They rush through together. Arc Blinks into the portal as it closes behind him leaving the doctor standing there confused!

“…how… what?!”

Meanwhile, Ember and General Blackbeak emerge from the portal. The general looks around.

“Where… are we?!”

“The Hero of Light’s room in Canterlot Castle! Follow me!”

The pair hurry out of the room and toward the Infirmary as Arc, Sereb, Flash Sentry and Natalya step out of the portal! Natalya looks around, clearly confused.

“How… where?!”

Arc puts a hand on Natalya’s shoulder and turns her toward the window. The afternoon light shining in illuminates the room wondrously!

“Take a look!”

Flash Sentry turns to her and smiles. “Welcome to Equestria, Natalya.”

She looks out the window, wide-eyed. “But, how did you…”

“Long range portal magic.”

“The commander does it all the time.”

Natalya sighs. “So, I’ve been captured?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “No, you’re a guest here along with the Trainer and General Blackbeak.”

“What?! They’re here too?!”

He gestures to the door. “That they are. The doctor here is going to try reattaching that tail. Follow me.”

Arc leads them out the door and down the corridor. Several Royal Guards move out of the way as he approaches and salute him.

“Is it really okay for us to be here?! I mean… shouldn’t the princesses have been notified, or something?!”

Arc shrugs. “There wasn’t time. I’ll tell them in a bit.”

They reach the Infirmary. General Blackbeak is pacing the floor nervously as Ember tries to calm him down.

“How about something to eat?”

“I’ll wait here!”

The general’s eyes grow wide as he sees Natalya walking toward them. He lunges at her, angrily!


Arc grabs him with his magic and holds him in midair!

“Calm down, general! You’re in MY land now! We don’t allow unnecessary violence here!”

“But she…!”

Arc interrupts him! “Remember, she WILLINGLY gave up your daughter’s tail!”

Blackbeak looks at Natalya, suspiciously. “You did? Why?!”

“I… I didn’t want her to be shamed for not having a tail. What happened was an accident, sir! I’m sorry!”

Blackbeak growls as Arc releases his hold and turns away. “I’m sorry too. Just… get out of my sight!”

Arc sighs. “I should let the princesses know you’re here, general. Would you like somewhere to rest while you wait?”

He shakes his head. “No. Your doctor is hard at work trying to help my daughter. I will wait here.”

“Very well. Ember, you and Flash Sentry stay with the general and see to his needs.”

They nod.

Natalya looks up at him, sheepishly. “And me?”

“You come with me.”

“Yes sir!”

They make their way to the Audience Chamber. The hall is quite busy as usual. Natalya looks around at those gathered.

“So many ponies! Are they all here to seek an audience?!”

Arc nods as they approach the Royal Guard Commander on duty. “Yes.”

“This might take a while.”

Arc looks to the Royal Guard Commander. “I need to see the princesses on an important matter regarding… the Griffon Empire.”

“Yes sir! I’ll let them know you’re here at once!”

He salutes and hurries into the Audience Chamber! Natalya turns to Arc.

“You’re a pretty important individual around here?”

“What makes you think that?”

Natalya looks around. “Everyone became quiet when you entered the hall.”

He gestures to the Audience Chambers. “It wasn’t that long ago that I was giving audiences beyond those doors!”

“Do you miss it?”

“Not in the least!”

A short time later the Royal Guard Commander emerges from the Audience Chamber and hurries back to Arc. The previous audience leaves with him.

“The princesses will see you now, sir!”

“Thank you. Follow me, Natalya.”

She looks to him, nearly frantic! “We… we’re going to meet the PRINCESSES… both of them?!”


“But… I don’t know how to act! What’s the protocol?!”

“Be respectful and listen to what they have to say. Just talk to them like you do me and you’ll be fine, okay?”

Natalya takes a deep breath as they walk toward the large double doors. “I’ll try!”

Two Royal Guards open the doors for the pair. They approach the thrones where the princesses are sitting. Luna smiles as Arc approaches.

“Arc! Good to see you back safe and sound!”

Cadance nods as she looks to Natalya. “And who is this?”

“Lieutenant Natalya. She was assigned to be my aid while in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“H-h-hello, your majesties!”

Luna comes down from her throne with Cadance and approaches the pair. “Arc, while we do trust your judgment, you should always call ahead before returning with foreign emissaries.”

Cadance sighs. “Yes. It would give us the opportunity to properly meet them at the Hanger.”

Luna frowns. “Now that I think about it, I don’t recall Captain Tight Ship saying anything about heading out.”

“I took a portal back.”

“What?! Arc, Luna and I don’t mind sending the Lunar Destiny to get you! Especially if your bringing back a dignitary!

“Yes, well… this return home wasn’t exactly planned! There was a medical emergency, and we had to act quickly!”

Cadance brings a hoof to her mouth! “Oh my! Who was injured?!”

“Another member of their military had their tail cut off during a promotion ceremony. Doctor Whooves is putting it back on as we speak.”

Luna nods. “Did you at least clear this with their commanding officer?!”

“Yes. In fact, he’s waiting outside the Infirmary.”

Cadance looks impressed! “He must be very concerned about his subordinate!”

“Very praiseworthy.”

Arc chuckles. “I admit I had my reservations about him at first. But the general really seems to care about his…”

Luna and Cadance cut him off! “GENERAL?!”

“Yes. General Blackbeak. You know him?”

Luna heads quickly for the doors! “Come, Cadance! We must greet him at once!”

“Right behind you, Luan!”

Arc and Natalya follow the near frantic princesses toward the Infirmary! Luna turns to Arc as they hurry down the corridor!

“You didn’t leave him alone, did you Arc?!”

“No. Ember and Lieutenant Flash Sentry are with him.”

Cadance breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! We don’t want him to think us poor hosts!”

Natalya looks over, nervously. “Begging your majesty’s pardon, but I think he has more important matters on his mind right now.”

General Blackbeak is pacing the floor frantically as the princesses approach him. Arc clears his throat.

“General? The princesses are here to see you.”

He turns to them as Arc continues.

“General Blackbeak, this is Princess Luna and Princess Cadance.”

“A pleasure, your highnesses.”

Luna nods respectfully. “The Hero of Light has informed us of the condition of your subordinate. You have our condolences.”

“Can we offer you something to eat? Perhaps a place to rest?”

Blackbeak shakes his head as he goes back to pacing. “Thank you, but I wish to stay here until the doctor comes out.”

“Very well. If there is anything you need, please feel free to let one of our guards know.”

“I’ll do that, Princess Luna.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Well, we should be getting back to the Audience Chamber. There’s still much to be done today.”

Arc nods. “I’ll stay here with the general.”

Luna looks to him nervously. Thank you, Arc. We’ll talk again later.”

The princesses turn and walk back toward the Audience Chamber. Cadance looks at Luna.

“The general must truly be very kind hearted to care so much for his subordinate.”

“Yes. Perhaps we need to reevaluate what we know about their kind.”

Meanwhile Arc sits down on a nearby bench with Natalya. The general continues to pace!

“You really should sit down, sir. Pacing won’t help her.”

Blackbeak turns and frowns at Arc. “It isn’t for her! It’s for me!”

“Have it your way.”

Blackbeak sighs. “Thank you for not telling the princess the whole story.”

“They didn’t give me a chance.”

“It would shame me if they knew she was my daughter.”

Natalya looks confused. “Shame?!”

The general sighs. “It’s a sign of weakness to go to one’s enemy for help!”

Arc shakes his head. “Really? I see it as a rather bold move.”

“How so?”

“Your love for your daughter is stronger than your disdain for ponykind. I won’t tell them if you really don’t want me to. But it would certainly help relations between our countries if you were more forthcoming.”

“There has been much animosity between our nations for generations, Lord Arc!”

“I think the princesses might very well surprise you with how much they are willing to forgive.”

“I will consider it.

Natalya looks to him, nervously. “What exactly did happen between our nations, general?”

“Our forefathers had a very special treasure many years ago called the Idol of Boreas.”

“Natalya told us about that. Supposedly it’s been missing for quite some time. But what does that have to do with Equestria?”

“The night the idol was taken, a guard witnessed a robed pony flying away in the direction of Equestria.”

Ember frowns. “Forgive me, general, but isn’t that quite an assumption?”

Arc nods. “Agreed. It was dark, stormy and the creature was covered in a robe. How do you know it wasn’t a griffin?!”

Blackbeak shrugs. “It was long before my time. All we have left of the idol are the stories! Our nation approached your Princess Celestia about the idol. She denied any involvement, of course!”

“Maybe she honestly didn’t know anything about it. The evidence was circumstantial, at best!”

“Relations between our nations deteriorated until we all but stopped talking! Lord Goldstone’s visit to Equestria was the first in centuries!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “With all due respect general, if someone kept calling me a liar and a thief, I don’t think I’d want to talk to them either!”

The general sighs. “Perhaps you’re right. When Princess Celestia gets back, I’d like to have a talk with her. Do you know when she’ll return. “

Arc shakes his head. “I do not.”

Doctor Whooves walks out of the Infirmary and toward them. Blackbeak hurries over to him!

“How is she?!”

“Resting for the moment.”

“Can I see her?!”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Yes. However, she’ll be unconscious until tomorrow morning. The sedative I used was quite strong.”

Natalya sheepishly speaks up. “Will… will it work again?”

“I don’t know, miss. The nerves have been reattached along with the tendons and flesh, so the tail should be fine in time. We’ll have to wait and see when she wakes up tomorrow though.”

Blackbeak breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you for your efforts, doctor.”

“It was my pleasure, sir.”

Doctor Whooves returns to his office as General Blackbeak turns to Arc.

“Thank you, Lord Arc. If not for you, my daughter would still be lacking her tail! If there is anything I can do to return the favor, you have but to ask!”

“If you would forgive Natalya for what she did, I would consider us even.”

He looks to the lieutenant. “Very well. All is forgiven, assuming her tail shows signs of functioning tomorrow morning!”

Natalya nods. “Thank you, sir!”

Arc smiles. “Now perhaps you should notify the Griffon Kingdom of your whereabouts.”

Flash Sentry nods. “We did leave in a bit of a rush, after all.”

“I suppose you’re right, Lord Arc.”

Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “Lieutenant, would you show the general to a phone please?”

“Right this way, sir!”

Natalya watches as the pair walk down the corridor together. She breathes a sigh of relief!

“Thank you very much, Lord Arc!”

“My thanks to you as well, Natalya.”

She looks confused. “What for?”

“For helping me understand the intricacies of griffon culture. If not for your coaching, none of this would have been possible.”

“Just doing my job, sir!”

Arc turns to Ember. “That reminds me!”

He pulls out the large bag of bits from his ring and gives it to her.

“Here you go.”

Ember takes the bits happily. “Thank you!”

Natalya looks to him, confused. “What’s that for?”

“I put in a bet for her.”

“On who?”

Ember laughs! “You!”

Natalya smiles happily! “Really?! Thank you! I can’t remember the last time someone bet on me!”

Arc nods. “The second round I put my own bet on you.”

“You did? But the odds of winning were so small!”

“I had faith in you. Lord Gestal and Chief Advisor Gunter said about the same though.”

Natalya looks frightened! “They were there too?!”

Arc nods. “That they were. Both of them saw firsthand how much you’ve improved!”

“I’m not sure if ‘improved’ is the right word. After all, I couldn’t control my newfound strength.”

“Natalya… training with me and my Honor Guards didn’t make you any stronger.”

“Of course it did! I can feel it!”

He shakes his head. “No one can gain more than a modicum of strength in a few short hours. That was within you the whole time. All we did was change your mindset and balance your confidence.”

“But I was confident when I fought your Honor Guards the first time!”


Natalya frowns. “What’s the difference?”

Arc sighs. “Pride comes before a fall.”


“What I’m saying is it’s okay to be proud of who you are and confident in your abilities. Just be mindful they don’t cloud your judgment and make you reckless.”

Natalya nods. “I understand. Thank you, sir.”

A few moments later Flash Sentry and General Blackbeak approach.

“The general has made contact with Griffonstone, sir.”

The general nods. “And a good thing we did! Apparently there was quite the fuss over there!”

Flash Sentry turns to the general. “Well you did disappear on them, sir.”

“When our doctor reported what had happened, naturally they thought we had been kidnapped."

Natalya looks surprised! “What?! But, we’re fine!”

“I explained all that. The military should be off high alert shortly.”

Arc smiles. “That’s good. I’d hate for us to go to war over a misunderstanding.”

“Worse has happened over less, Lord Arc! Now I’d like nothing more than to sample some of the fancy cuisine you have around here!

Arc grins broadly! “That I can do! To the Dining Room!”

Ember, Flash Sentry and Natalya all facepalm.

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