• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Protecting my Devotion

As the tray falls back toward her Rarity instinctively throws her hooves up to protect her face and squeezes her eyes shut. A split second later there is a crash as the tray’s contents clatter noisily to the floor. Unhurt, Rarity slowly opens her eyes a crack to survey the damage. Looking up she sees Arc on all fours over top of her. He grits his teeth as the now empty teapot rolls off his back and falls to the floor.


Arc forces a pained smile. “You… okay?”

Rarity jumps up and grabs his hand.

“That scalding hot tea! This way, hurry!”

She helps Arc upstairs and into the shower. Turning the nozzle to a cool setting with her magic, Rarity frantically helps him remove his overcoat to expose his dress shirt. Tossing the stained coat aside with a wave of her hoof she uses her magic to grab the shower nozzle and pull it to herself as she does her best to cool the wound.

“I’m so sorry, Arc! That tea really was too hot!”

Arc winces as the water cascades over his skin. His fingers claw at the tile wall in front of him.

“It… it was an… accident.”

Rarity shakes her head as Arc tries to get out. “Let me keep spraying it down! Please! Oh Celestia, it has to be as red as a tomato under your shirt!”

“I think my coat cooled it down a little bit before getting to my skin.”

“Is there anything else I can do for you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Just keep doing that. It does feel good.”

Rarity nods frantically. “Yes, yes! Of course!”

A few minutes later he begins to shiver.

“Arc, what’s wrong?!”

“I’m just really cold. Can we get out now?”

“But your back still looks painfully swollen! It’s going to hurt tremendously when we stop this!”

“Well, I don’t know just how much longer I can take it.”

Rarity thinks for a moment. “I believe I have some burn cream in the cabinet! Shall I look?!”


Rarity levitates the nozzle over to Arc’s hand. He points it at his back as she hurries over to the cabinet. A moment later she calls out.

“I found it!”

“Thank goodness!”

Rarity turns back to him. “Um… how should we apply this? You need to be dry first!”

“Hold the nozzle for me again.”

She does so as Arc unbuttons his shirt. He winces in pain at every movement.

“Can you pull it off very slowly with your magic?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

As carefully as possible, Rarity slowly peels the dress shirt off. Arc clenches his teeth as she works. Her hooves shake as she holds the nozzle.

“I’m sorry! I know this hurts, but I’m going as slow as I can!”

Arc gasps. “Your… doing fine, Rarity. Just… keep… going!”

Nodding, Rarity continues working. Eventually the shirt comes off. Arc cries out in pain as the last bit separates from his skin. Rarity throws it across the room.

“Okay, it’s off!”

Arc breathes heavily as tears stream down his face. “Okay! Now… now close… your eyes!”

Rarity nods and does as she is told.

“Okay… they’re closed!”

Arc slowly kicks his dress shoes off as he carefully unbuttons his pants. They fall to the tile floor with a small thud leaving him standing there in his shorts. Looking toward the sink he spots a towel folded neatly on a nearby shelf. Reaching out a shaky hand he pulls it to himself with his magic. Her eyes still closed, Rarity calls out to him.

“Anything I can do?!”

“No, no. I… I got it.”

Arc takes a deep breath and slowly pushes his shorts down around his hips. They fall to the floor with his dress pants as he opens the towel.

“Alright. Now aim the nozzle… away from me.”

Nodding, Rarity does so. With great effort, Arc wraps the towel around his waist. He gasps as the searing pain returns.

“Okay! You can open your eyes!”

Rarity does so. She lets out a small yelp at the sight before her. Doing her best to compose herself she quickly turns off the water and helps Arc out of the shower.

“Go across the hall and lie on my bed! I’ll get this wet dress off and be right there!”


Slowly Arc walks to Rarity’s room. With great difficulty he lies down on his stomach. In moments the sound of his hostess’ hooves can be heard running across the floor toward him. She jumps up onto the bed with a fresh towel and a tube of medicine. The shaking of the bed causes Arc to cry out in pain.

“I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Now, I need to towel dry your back as best I can for this to work.”

He nods as Rarity gets to work patting his back dry as lightly as she can. Arc buries his face in her pillow. Thirty seconds later he feels a cool liquid fall onto his back and Rarity’s hoof rubbing it in gently. She works meticulously.

“This is the best burn medication on the market, Arc! It should already be numbing you!”

“Y-yeah. It already feels a lot better. What is that stuff?”

“It’s a magical salve that lowers inflammation and dulls pain quicker than anything else out there.”

“Whomever makes that is a genius!”

“You can thank Filthy Rich for that. Although I had heard from Applejack that you and him weren’t exactly friends.”

Arc frowns. “Well… I’ll take it anyways.”

Rarity administers more salve and continues rubbing it in.

“The swelling should start going down momentarily. How do you feel?”

“Like you’re pouring water on flames.”

“I’m sorry!”

“No, that feels good. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

Rarity sniffles. “I… I will.”

A single tear flows down Rarity’s cheek and falls onto Arc’s back. He gasps.


“S-sorry! Oh, I just can’t seem to do anything right!”

“Just keep going, Rarity.”

Fifteen minutes later Arc’s back remains red as Rarity rubs in the last of the salve. He glances over his shoulder.

“How’s it look back there?”

“Well, the blisters have pretty much receded. Your back still looks like you’ve been lying in the sun for two days straight thought.”


Rarity sighs. “Please don’t say that. This whole thing was my fault after all.”

“It’s okay, Rarity. Um… I don’t suppose you had time to get any of my order from the other day made.”

“Just those garments you put on under your trousers. I’ll get you a pair.”


Rarity slowly leaves the room. Her ears drooping, she walks downstairs to her workbench and picks up a pair of shorts. Sighing, she walks out of the back room and back up the stairs. Entering her bedroom she returns to Arc’s side, blushing heavily.

“Would you… um… like some help putting them on?”

“N-no, thank you. I think I can manage.”

Rarity sighs as she heads for the door. “I’ll head downstairs and get you a cold compress then.”

Heading to the Kitchen, she takes a bucket and puts it under the faucet to fill as she levitates over a dish towel. Tossing it into the half-filled bucket Rarity returns to Arc’s side. She throws the used bath towel onto the floor and wrings out the cloth in the bucket before laying it on Arc’s back. He moans softly into her pillow.

“I’m sorry. Did I make it worse?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. That actually feels pretty good. Thanks.”

Rarity sighs as she returns the towel to the bucket to cool it. “I’m so, SO sorry, Arc. This was supposed to be a nice night for you. Instead all I managed to do was hurt you.”

Arc shakes his head as the cool cloth is reapplied. “It was… an accident, Rarity.”

“That may be. But it was one that shouldn’t have happened!”

“You can’t see the future. So don’t beat yourself up over it.”

She sighs.

“I just wanted to look my very best for you tonight. Make it a special time for both of us.”

Arc smiles as a fresh cloth is applied. “Well, tonight was certainly… memorable.”

“Yes. In a bad way. You should’ve just let me get hit with my cake and teapot!”

“No, Rarity. I don’t regret that decision in the least.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because you’re my friend.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Well, I’m certainly not a very good one.”

“I think you do just fine.”

“Oh? Would a real friend burn her guest?”

“Like I said, that was an accident, Rarity.”

“Not… entirely.”

“What do you mean?”

“Sweetie Belle recommended against that crystal hoofware. She said they were too slippery. Sassy Saddles said about the same thing, as did you earlier. Even my own intuition told me it wasn’t a good idea!”

“Then why did you…?”

“Like I said, I wanted to look my very best for you. When I saw myself in the mirror earlier, I thought the outfit wasn’t complete without proper hoof attire.”

She cools the towel in the bucket again and reapplies it, rubbing Arc’s back gently.

“And now you’ve paid the price for my vanity!”

Rarity lowers her head and begins to quietly cry. Arc sits up slowly and carefully.

“It’s okay, Rarity. I don’t hold this against you.”

Rarity puts her hooves to her face. “I can’t do anything right! First I all but force myself upon you in front of Applejack and Sassy Saddles! Then when I try to make it up to you, I dump scalding hot tea on your back!”

“I’m not…”

“Can’t you at least get mad at me?!”

“But, I’m not.”

“Well, it would make me feel much better!”

“Wait, what?”

“Yell at me! Belittle me! Slap me! Do whatever you want! I deserve whatever makes this right in your eyes!”


She squeezes her eyes shut and nods.

“Well… okay.”

Rarity feels Arc’s hand pushing her head down. Her face rests on the soft bedspread as she takes a deep breath.

“I’m ready, Arc.”

A moment later she feels his hand on the top of her head. Arc’s fingers glide through her mane and down her back before returning to her head.

“What are you…?”

“Shhh. Just rest.”

Rarity slowly feels the tension leave her body. She goes limp as Arc continues. For a time she feels as if she is one with the mattress. Arc speaks to her quietly.

“Feeling better?”

She nods ever so slightly as Arc continues petting her. A slight moan escapes her lips.

“This is… amazing.”

“You like that?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. It’s like… like…”

“Like what?”

“…somepony made everything all better.”

She begins to sniffle.

“You okay?”

Rarity doesn’t respond. Arc can see tears beginning to flow down her cheeks onto the bedspread as her mascara begins to run.

“Rarity? I…”

Suddenly and without warning Rarity jumps up, turns toward him, throws her hooves around his neck, and begins sobbing uncontrollably.



“W-why?! Why are you so nice to me?!”

“Because you’re a very special friend.”

Rarity looks surprised as she sits back on her haunches. “I… I am?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Do you remember when I first came to Equestria? Twilight called you to the library after I got out of the hospital.”

“I do. What… what about it?”

“You came to measure me up for some clothes, as all I had was what I was wearing. I remember you were shaking so much you had trouble reading your sewing tape.”

“Was… was I?”

“Yes. You were terrified of me back then.”

Rarity nods sadly. “That I was. You’re so much bigger than we are!”

She sighs.

“If you want absolute honesty… the first time I saw you stand up from Twilight’s bed, I… um… nearly wet myself.”

Arc smiles at her. “I do remember your knees knocking. So what changed?”

“I got to know you better. All of us did.”

“Right. But even though you were scared, you still gave me a chance. When everyone else would run and hide at the sight of me, you still made me clothes and saw to it I wasn’t alone when Twilight had to step out for a bit.”

“Oh! Well… I was there to look after Spike actually.”

“Yes, I remember hearing Twilight say that to you over the phone. But I knew what the real reason was.”

Rarity sighs. “Sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. I mean… you might have even warmed up to me before Twilight.”

“How so?”

“She kinda looked at me like a science experiment for the longest time. When I was still bedridden after leaving the hospital I used to look forward to your visits.”

Rarity smiles through her tears. “Why? I’m nopony special.”

“Because you didn’t treat me like an… um… you know.”

“An animal?”

“I was going to say an outsider. But that works too.”

“Sorry. But… back then you really did look like a beast to us.”

“Yes. That’s why you started bringing Fluttershy.”

Rarity sighs. “Was it that obvious?”

“Yup. But she didn’t seem as nervous.”

“Again, I apologize, but she’s an… animal lover you know.”

“She warmed up to me. Started coming every day to talk. A couple times Twilight had to shoo her out so I could rest.”

Arc smiles as he remembers the past.

“But if you hadn’t brought her, she wouldn’t have come on her own.”

“I suppose not. Was that important?”

“Looking back, yes. When others saw that Fluttershy and Twilight were walking beside me, they stopped being afraid.”

He puts a hand on her cheek.

“But Fluttershy wouldn’t have come if you hadn’t believed in me first.”

Rarity smiles as the tears begin to flow again. She puts a hoof on his hand.

“Arc? You… you’re the most amazing stallion I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing! You’re Kind, compassionate, humble, strong and… um…”

She looks away before continuing, blushing slightly.

“…and very handsome to look at. But… it’s also what you’re not that truly impressed me.”

“What I’m… not?”

Rarity nods nervously. “That day with Applejack in my shop.”

Arc blushes. “What about it?”

“I… wanted you to take me upstairs to this very room and… bed me alongside Applejack.”

“Yeah. That much was pretty clear.”

“But you didn’t give in to my advances. Any other stallion would have jumped at the chance to sleep with two mares whom literally threw themselves at him. We were both VERY willing back then. You could have done literally ANYTHING to us, and we would‘ve just let you!”

She leans forward and gazes into Arc’s eyes as she continues.

“Looking back at that time, you rejecting me was the single most Generous thing anypony’s ever done.”

Rarity tilts her head to the side and kisses Arc’s cheek as she wraps her front hooves around his neck again and whispers in his ear.

“Thank you.”

Arc nods and wraps his arms around her.

“After I learned from your diary about how Sweetie Belle was conceived, I knew I hade made the right choice. You deserved better than to be raped a second time.”

Rarity nods as she leans back on her haunches and smiles at him.

“Arc? I… really have no right to ask you for anything at this point, but… would you do something for me?”


“Would you please… sleep with me tonight?”

Arc gasps. “Wha-what?!”

Rarity shakes her head fervently. “No, no! That came out wrong! I mean… would you please hold me as I fall asleep? I know this is very sudden, but… but you see every young mare dreams of their first time with a stallion. It’s supposed to be an absolutely magical time for them both. And afterwards the mare falls asleep in the stallion’s embrace.”

The smile suddenly fades from her face as she looks down at her hooves.

“But as you know, my first time was taken from me. I… have absolutely no memory of that event. And although I can never get that time back, I was hoping you would… hold me in your arms as we fall asleep.”

“Why me? As beautiful a mare as you are there’s probably no shortage of stallions looking to date you.”

Rarity nods as she soberly looks up at Arc. “Yes. But I… I don’t feel safe going out with a stallion I don’t know. You… you I can trust completely with my body, as you’ve already turned down my sexual advances in the past.”

She smiles again, a glint of hope in her luminous blue eyes.

“So… would you?”

“Well… okay. But only if we just lie there and talk.”

Rarity’s eyes light up. “Yes, of course!”

Arc carefully lies back as Rarity pulls the covers over them. She lays her head on his chest and drapes a hoof over his belly. Arc puts an arm around her.


Rarity does not opens her eyes, but nods. A wistful smile spreads over her face.

“Absolutely amazing! I’ve never felt so… secure before in all my life!”

They lie there for a time silently. Eventually Arc speaks.

“I’m really sorry for what happened to you back then.”

Rarity nods. “As am I. But I’ve learned not to think about what I can’t change too much.”

“That can’t be easy.”

“It’s not. Sweetie Belle is a living reminder of that night. But I do love her with all my heart and soul.”

“I can tell. She’s a very happy filly, after all.”

“Her and her friends are, yes.”

Rarity suddenly appears nervous.

“Can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“It’s about a conversation Sweetie Belle and I had the other dayafter you left. We spoke about everything under the sun it seemed. But there was one bit that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind.”


“She… asked if I ever thought about getting married.”

“I suppose you haven’t, based on the earlier part of that conversation.”

“The idea of marriage, yes. Whom to do it with… a bit less.”

“Trust issues?”

“Very much so.”


“I… ah… I’ve been thinking that Sweetie Belle really should have a father. Now that she knows the truth about her origins there’s even more pressure on me to settle down and find somepony special to raise her with.”

“Well, it’s better to not pick anyone than pick the wrong one.”

“Sound advice. But like I said before, I want to be able to give Sweetie Belle everything.”

“That I do understand. In my mind Dinky deserves the world.”

Rarity sighs. “It’s funny you should say that. Sweetie Belle often brings up you, Derpy, and Dinky. Forgive her for being presumptuous, but I believe she views you three as being the perfect family.”

Arc shakes his head. “Believe me, we are FAR from perfect.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed that from watching you.”

“Between Derpy’s past, Dinky’s destiny according to Kronos, my own childhood, and the experiences I’ve had as the Hero of Light, we’re all pretty messed up.”

“How do you make it work?”

Arc sighs. “All of us are broken to a degree. But by leaning on one another and helping support each other emotionally we make it work.”

“I suppose that’s easier with three of you.”

“Maybe. I’m not sure.”

“Arc? Can I confess something to you?”

“What is it?”

“This dinner together wasn’t actually my idea. Although it was very enjoyable.”

Arc sounds surprised. “Really? Who then?”

“Sweetie Belle.”

“What? Why?”

Rarity sighs. “Remember how I said she likes to look to your family as perfection? Well, she told me she wants to be a part of it.”

“How so?”

“Now please don’t be upset with my daughter, but she voiced a desire for you to become… her father.”


Rarity nods. “You’ve always so kind to her. It’s no wonder she gravitates toward your family. Although I think all she wants is the added stability.”

“I see. Anything else?”

Rarity turns red. “Yes, she… uh… wanted us to have dinner together so we could get… ah… better acquainted as she put it. Ultimately, I believe she was hoping you and I would… fall in love and get married.”

Arc sighs. “She doesn’t really understand how that process works though.”

“It will take time, but she’ll learn.”

“And what do you think about that?”

“Which part?”

“Finding someone and giving Sweetie Belle a father.”



Rarity blushes heavily. “I think her suggestion is actually quite agreeable to me.”

“You want someone too, huh?”

“Yes. For both her and I.”

“Just keep your eyes open. There’s plenty of nice stallions around the country.”

“I’m sure there are. But… she just really seems to have her heart set on you filling that role.”

“That’s sweet and all. However it needs to be someone you and her both care about.”

“I know.”

She looks up at him with a smile on her face.

“In all honesty, I am very interested in getting to know you better.”

A strange looks suddenly crosses Rarity’s face as she continues speaking, but in a slightly nervous tone.

“Is… is that okay with you, Miss Cherry?”

“She’s not in there.”

Rarity breathes a sigh of relief. “Where is she?”

“At home with Derpy and Dinky.”

She looks to him with a hopeful look on her face. “Do you think she would approve of me?”

“Cherry and I have actually had this discussion before.”

“About you and… me?!”

“No, no. About me finding someone else to spend my life with. She wants me to move on and find love elsewhere.”

“So there’s a chance we might be able to make it all work out?”

Arc sighs. “I don’t know, Rarity. With everything going on I haven’t really had time to think about dating, much less marriage.”

“Is it… the others?”

“What others?”

“Twilight, for starters.”

“She’s really nice and all, but…”

Arc thinks for a moment before continuing.

“…but she’s always so busy with her work.”

“Like you?”

“I guess. The difference is I’m looking forward to my retirement soon. For her, there’s no end in sight.”

“Alright. What about Applejack?”

“She’s my friend.”

“Is that all?”

Arc sighs. “I admit she’s very pretty and all.”

“She’s been eyeing you for quite some time, you know.”

“Yeah, I did notice. Applejack is quite the hard worker. And she’s so nice.”

“And then there’s Pinkie Pie…”

Arc sits up and looks down at Rarity. “Say what now?”

“She told all of us about how the two of you kissed back at the hospital.”

“Did she also mention that I was doing it to save her life?”

“Yes, she did. But a mare’s first kiss is always very special. It’s something one remembers until the day they die.”


“Yes. Perhaps it’s different with humans?”

Arc sighs. “No. We remember big events like that too.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Kinda. My first kiss was…”

Arc looks down and lowers his voice.

“…with Cherry that night at the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “I’m so sorry, Arc! As charming as you are, I just assumed you’d had plenty of… love interests.”

Arc shakes his head as he lies back down. “No. Cherry was the first.”

They are silent for a time.

“So Pinkie thinks highly of me, huh?”

“Very much so. To be honest, I thought you and her were kind of an item for a while there.”

“Really? How so?”

“Well… she told us how you followed her upstairs to her room, so naturally we all just thought that you two had… spent some quality time together.”

Arc sighs. “Does everyone network about my personal life?”

“Just our friends as far as I know. The six of us are very close, after all. Whether that’s due to the Elements of Harmony or our deep friendship is beyond me.”

“So… is there anyone else you want to tell me about?”


“I mean, does anyone else have an interest?”

Rarity sighs. “Well… just one other that I know of.”

Arc chuckles. “Who? Rainbow Dash?”

“How did you know?!”

“I didn’t. That was a joke.”

Rarity gasps. “Oh my! And I just admitted to…!”

“Truthfully, I had no idea about her. When did this happen?”

“After the whole… incident awhile back.”

“That again?”

“Yes. You really made quite the impression on everypony the way you handled… um… us, I suppose.”

“I might regret asking this but what does Rainbow Dash say about me?”

“Not much. But she always smiles whenever you come up in conversations.”

“That doesn’t really mean she likes me any more than before though.”

Rarity giggles. “Pinkie says otherwise.”


“Supposedly she became all left-hooves when the two of them were baking a while back. You were the topic of conversation at the time. Coincidence?”


“Well, that’s what you think. But I think you should have a talk with her about this.”

“How? I mean… what would I even say? Hey there Rainbow Dash! Rarity says you like me! Wanna go out?”

“Well, maybe not that direct, but…”

“Rarity, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Why are you telling me all this?”

“I… it’s complicated.”

“Try explaining it.”

“As I said before, my friends are very dear to me. Their thoughts and feelings are precious beyond measure.”

Rarity sighs.

“They should have a chance to… impress you.”

“What about you?”

“I’m smitten, of course! But… I don’t know…”

“Does it have anything to do with you being the Element of Generosity?”


“Sometimes you have to worry about yourself too, Rarity. I mean, I’m sure they want you to be happy.”

She lays her head back down on his chest and smiles up at him. “Truth be told, I’m very happy right now lying here with you.”

“And this is all you want?”

Rarity sighs wistfully as she gently nuzzles his chest. “We can talk about that another time. Right now all I want is to live in this moment.”

“Should we get some sleep now? We’ve both had quite a week.”

“Quite an evening too.”

“I can tell you’re tired.”

“Mhm. And you?”


Arc reaches out toward the light switch and flicks it off with his magic. The moonlight shining through the window spills over the wood floor as their eyes adjust to the darkness. Rarity look up to him.

“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?”

“I’m taking Derpy and Dinky out for cupcakes after breakfast and then the park.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“Would you like to come by with Sweetie Belle?”

“To the park?”

“Sure. I believe she and Dinky would have a lot of fun together.”

“What time were you thinking?”

“Sometime mid-morning. We’re just kinda winging it.”

“Alright. It’s a date then.”

“Yup. Well, let’s get some sleep now.”

“Good night, Arc.”

“Good night Rarity.”

A short time later Arc falls asleep. Rarity lies awake for some time just staring up at Arc’s face in the moonlight.

“I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds for us.”

She smiles and closes her eyes. A few moments later the smile fades and her eyes shoot open. A look of desperation and a gasp emerge as she mutters to herself.

“Wait a moment! Arc said he was taking Dinky AND her mother to the park tomorrow!”

Rarity shudders as she squeezes her eyes shut.

“How… however am I supposed to explain this to Derpy?!”

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