• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Draconic Endeavors

An hour later there is a knock on the door. Kibitz walks in carrying his clipboard in a magical aura.

“Your highness, it’s time to get up.”

Approaching the bed, he looks to Arc quizzically.

“Sir? What are you doing here?”

Arc turns to him, sheepishly. “Um… guarding the princess?”

“In her bed?!”

Arc shrugs. “Have to stay close if I’m going to keep her safe, right?”

Twilight slowly raises her head and opens her eyes.

“What’s… going on?”

“Kibitz is here to tell you it’s time to wake up I think.”

Kibitz frowns. “Indeed! And I must also caution against getting into bed with others!”


“You have to maintain your station’s dignity, your highness!”

Arc sighs. “I think what he means is that it would look bad if a princess was caught sleeping with someone.”

Twilight smiles sleepily as she turns to Kibitz. “That is understandable, yes. However, if you recall, I’m the Princess of Friendship. And as such I have to maintain my… relationships.”

“I don’t understand, your highness.”

“Before I was crowned, I made it known to Arc here that I was interested in being more than just friends. Even now, I still want to be with him. Is that so wrong?”

“Please understand, your majesty. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life. Just how to maintain your reputation.”

Arc chuckles. “That is appreciated, Kibitz. However you have my word that I have not harmed Princess Twilight in any way.”

Twilight nods. “Right. We were merely sleeping together. I was not ravished, violated, or used in any way that would bring shame to my station.”

Kibitz appears relieved. “Thank you, your highness. Forgive me if I overstep my bounds, but I’m only thinking of your future.”

Twilight smiles as her eyes drift back to Arc. “So am I.”

Arc sits up. “In any case, I should probably let you get back to work, Twilight. Thank you for lunch and I’ll see you again soon.”

“Would you like to join me for supper?”

“That sounds nice. The Dining Room?”

“My room again would probably be better. It’s a more… private affair here. Say… around eight?”

“I’ll be here.”

Kibitz steps in front of Arc. “Sir, if I may interrupt. I was asked by Dragon Lord Ember to have you report to Ambassador Brightwing’s office at your earliest convenience.”

Twilight appears confused. “Is something wrong?”

“I don’t really know, your highness. She only requested for the message to be passed on to him.”

Arc shrugs. “Thanks. I’ll see what’s up.”

He heads for the door. Kibitz turns to Twilight as he leaves.

“Your highness, please think of the country and your citizens before engaging in any… your highness?!”

Kibitz waves a hoof in front of Twilight’s face as she stands there motionless, staring at the now closed door.

“Princess Twilight!”

Twilight shakes her head as if to clear it. “I’m sorry. What were you saying, Kibitz?”

“I said…!”

Kibitz continued to repeat himself, but Twilight isn’t listening. Meanwhile, Arc heads down the corridor toward the office. Knocking lightly, he is astonished as Brightwing appears in front of him in a flash of light. Stumbling backwards, Arc falls to the floor as the little creature smiles toothlessly at him.


“Um… hi.”

The door opens and Ember steps out into the corridor.

“What did I tell you about doing that, Brightwing?!”

Brightwing bows her head. “Sorry, Dragon Lord.”

Ember helps Arc up and beckons for him to enter the office. It has changed little since Arc was there last. He turns to Ember and speaks as she closes the door behind them.

“Kibitz said you wanted to see me.”

Ember puts her arms around his midsection. “That I did.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Just wanted to say how sexy you looked in that outfit.”


“Well… that and Brightwing’s been acting strange lately.”

Arc looks to the fluttering creature as it chases its own tail midair before looking back to Ember.

“Not sure how else to say this, but… isn’t that normal for Brightwing?”

“That is, yes. But she’s been a lot more… focused lately.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “And that’s a bad thing?”

“I know it sounds good. However look at her bookshelf.”

He does so as Ember watches silently. Eventually Arc calls out to her.

“Just going from memory, of course, but lot of these books were here when I first visited the office. What exactly am I supposed to be looking for?”


Ember pulls a book off the shelf and hands it to Arc. He frowns and looks to her before speaking.


“And this, and this, and THIS!”

Ember points to several other books one at a time as Arc reads them off.

“Magic theory, biology, and theoretical physics?”


“Um… have you tried just asking her what’s up?”

“Of course!”

Turning to Brightwing, Ember calls out.

“What are you doing with all these books, Brightwing?”

“Work, work, work!”

Arc looks to Brightwing. “Can you show me your work?”

Brightwing nods happily. “Yes, yes!”

The small creature flutters over to the bookcase and pulls out a hardcover book on chemistry. She takes it over to the desk, sets it down, opens it, and lands over top of the pages to sit there silently. Arc looks to her quizzically.

“Now what?”

“Brightwing reading!”

Ember frowns as she looks over the creature’s shoulder. “Uh… I can’t make heads or tails of most of this.”

Arc chuckles. “Do you get it, Brightwing?”

“No, friend!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Then why are you reading it?”

“Brightwing want to learn! Get smart in head! Do things!”

Arc smiles. “So you want to better yourself?”

“Yes, yes! Friend understand!”

Arc turns to Ember. “Hear that?”

“Yeah. But it doesn’t make any sense.”

“Nothing wrong with studying, is there?”

“No, but…!”

“Then let’s just leave her to it.”

Arc looks over to Brightwing.

“Let me know what you learn.”

“Okay, friend!”

Motioning for them to leave the room, Arc leads Ember out the door. Brightwing scratches her head for a moment before taking flight and fluttering up to the top of the bookcase where her bed is. Pulling the cloth aside she removes a pad of paper and a pencil. Taking then back to the book she begins to write.

“Chemistry… biology! Biology is life! Life is chemistry! Chemistry is… is…!”

She hits her head with the pencil a few times before continuing.

“…chemistry is… what makes life!”

Fluttering back to the shelf, she pulls the magical theory and theoretical physics books off the shelf and carries them back to the desk.

“Life… biology! Biology… life! Magic flows through biology! Biology is life and life contains magic! Magic can help life become more than life with chemistry!”

Brightwing flutters for a few moments as she thinks to herself. Blinking around the room a few times she gasps and heads back to the bookshelf. Pulling a fourth book out she returns to the others on the desk and opens it.

“Spell… spell… need magic!”

Reading over the pages she frowns and knocks it off the desk before returning to the bookshelf.

“Need more special magic! Need… ah! Enchantment!”

Blinking back to the desk with the book, Brightwing opens it and flips to the table of contents.

“Let’s see… ah, sigils!”

She looks at the drawing in the book and picks up a pencil. Concentrating very hard, it begins to glow slightly. Giggling, Brightwing does a flying backflip.

“Brightwing did it! Now to test!”

She looks down at the desk and grins. Carefully drawing a sigil, she looks over the book numerous times to make sure everything is perfect. Taking flight, Brightwing flutters up to the ceiling and draws the same sigil. Returning to the desk she double checks her work looking both up and down over and over again. Holding the pencil, she points it toward the sigil on the desk as a portal forms. Looking up, Brightwing sees a second portal forming above her. Taking a deep breath, Brightwing flies up toward the ceiling portal and through it. Her head sticks through the one on her desk as she giggles. Hovering between the two for a few moments, Brightwing stops flapping her wings and curls up into a ball. Plummeting toward the portal she drops through it and reappears in the one overhead. Letting gravity do its thing she cries out happily.


Eventually the portals begin to lose their integrity. Gasping, Brightwing spreads her wings to slow her descent, glides as best she is able, and crashes snout-first into a corner. Picking herself up she makes her way back to the desk and grins hugely.

“That was fun! Brightwing want to do again! But Brightwing has other work to do!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember walk the corridors together. Ember looks to him.



“Can we talk?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Ember shakes her head as she lowers her voice and looks around. “No, I meant privately.”

“Want to go to my quarters?”

“That would be best.”

Leading the way, they make their way to the now familiar room. Arc holds the door open for her before shutting it behind them and leading Ember over to the couch. Sitting down with her, he appears concerned.

“Now then, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

Ember appears suddenly embarrassed. “Can this stay private, please?”

“If you want it to, sure.”


“Yes, Ember.”

Ember takes a deep breath. “Truthfully, I’m a bit… scared.”

“Of the upcoming battle?”


“That’s normal. After all, Celestia really is quite the opponent.”

“I’m not talking about that.”

Arc appears confused. “Then what…?”

Ember interrupts him. “You.”

“What about me?”

“Celestia already almost took you out, Arc.”

Arc clenches a fist. “She got the drop on me. Next time I’ll be ready.”

“Will you?”

“Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because Celestia is just too slippery!”

Arc grins. “Well, this time I’m not going in alone if you recall. It’ll be me, you, Sereb, and Ashe as it stands.”


“Yes, I told her she could come.”


“Because she knows Celestia and can act as an intermediary between Admiral Gaston and the massed Griffon Kingdom ships and troops over there. That and according to the treaty I kinda have to. Admiral Gaston is allowed representation, after all.”

Ember grits her teeth. “That just makes her that much more dangerous!”

“Think of it this way. It’ll give us the chance to keep an eye on Ashe. She won’t be able to do anything without us seeing her.”

“So she’s staying aboard the ship?”

“We could use her combat skill inside the base. And like I said, she does kinda have to come with us.”

“After Auriel gets the barrier down?”

“She can’t actually break it. Just weaken a spot temporarily.”

Ember groans. “That isn’t reassuring!”

“We get in, disable the barrier from my office, and let my forces storm the building.”

“How much you want to bet that Celestia and/or Decimus will be in your office waiting for us?”

“Probably with Admiral Gaston too.”

“This plan… it’s just too dangerous, Arc.!”

“You have a better one?”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah. Have Auriel weaken the barrier so we can blast the base to smithereens!”

“We can’t.”

“Why not?! Hard Hat can rebuild it from the ground up if that’s what you’re…!”

“I mean we can’t just take out Celestia like that!”

“Of course not! We’ll dig her out of the rubble!”

Arc sighs. She might just be a victim of manipulation though.

Ember shrugs. “So what?! We’ll level everything then pick up the pieces!”


“Is this about Twilight?!”


Ember facepalms and groans. “Arc… you have to do this logically! Your plan has WAY too much chance to fail catastrophically!”

“I know.”

“Then why are we doing it that way?!”

Arc sighs. “Because I get the feeling Decimus expects me to do it your way.”


“We don’t know what else he’s squirreled away inside Light’s Hope. For all we know he’s filled it with explosives. I give the order to attack, we shoot, it blows up, and takes us out along with all my forces AND the Griffon Kingdom’s own troops. A diplomatic nightmare ensues.”

“You don’t know that’s his plan.”

“True. But I also don’t know that it isn’t.”

“Well then, what’s to stop him from waiting until you get inside and just blowing it up then?!”

Arc grins. “Ashe.”


“Another reason I’m bringing her. Admiral Gaston wouldn’t dare let anything bad happen to her. Lord Gestal would have his head.”

“That’s… actually pretty rational.”

Arc chuckles. “I try to be.”

“So that’s our plan then, huh?”

“Tentatively, yes. But if you want out, I completely understand.”

Ember shakes her head vehemently. “No way! I’m with you to the end!”


“But I still want to go on record as saying that I don’t like how you’re giving Celestia a free pass here.”

“I’m not. She’ll be taken into custody and a full medical and psychiatric evaluation performed back in Canterlot.”

Ember appears hopeful. “Then off to the dungeon, right?”

“That would be up to the one presiding over her case.”


Arc shrugs. “I don’t actually know whom would do that. Hopefully not Twilight, as she’d be biased.”

“Shouldn’t you be the one judging her?”


Ember raises her eyebrow. “But isn’t that kinda your job. Judging the princesses, I mean.”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda. However, just like Twilight, I’m biased against her. Remember, Celestia did attack me and leave me for dead.”

“Who could forget?”

“I’m trying to.”

“You’ll find someone to do the deed.”

“Kinda have to. But something tells me there’s more to this than just you wanting Celestia to go down.”

Ember sighs. “Is it that obvious?”

“Yup. Tell me, what’s really bothering you?”

“Again, I’d like this to stay private though.”


“I’m feeling a bit… jealous.”

“Of Twilight?”

Ember appears conflicted. “Yes and no. I said I was willing to share, of course. But that was before Hammer and Auriel wanted in.”

“You’re worried that the group is getting too big?”

“Kinda. But it’s not just you.”


“I mean… we don’t have time for one another. You have duties as the Hero of Light and I have mine to the Dragon Lands.”

“When this is over I do want to do more together though.”

“So do I.”

“Who’s going to do your job then?”

“My dad back home and Brightwing here.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?”

Ember sighs. “No. Do you have a better one?”

“Not really. But to address your earlier issue, just because everyone is interested now doesn’t mean they will be in the future.”

Ember raises an eyebrow, confused. “Why wouldn’t they be?”

“That’s the whole reason I want to start dating everyone. To see if we’re all actually interested in this whole thing.”

“I am!”

“But you might not be when we get to know each other.”

Ember scoffs. “Yeah right!”

“All I’m saying is that we need to keep an open mind about this.”



“I need to say something.”

“Go ahead.”

Ember scooches closer to him on the couch. Putting a claw on his cheek, she looks him in the eye and begins to speak.

“We met some time ago in Tartarus. While I admit that we didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, I now can’t imagine my life without you.”

“And I feel the same, Ember.”

“Then why hesitate? Let’s start a life together. I’ll be with you either way, of course.”

“That I know.”

“What’s the issue then?”

“Because I care about you, Ember.”

Ember blushes heavily. “You… you do?”

Arc nods. “Of course. Would I have stuck my neck out for you when you were sick in Tartarus if I didn’t?”


“Or faced those three massive suitors back in the Dragon Lands?”


“How about when you were mourning your mother’s death? It’s not everyone whom would refuse a request from you. Even if it was to die.”

Ember grimaces. “And… when I pissed myself.”

Arc shudders. “I’m trying to forget that part actually.”

“It must’ve hurt given how hot that substance is. And you just lay there holding me as I did it.”

“You needed me back then.”

“And I need you now.”

“We still need to determine that, Ember.”

Ember nods soberly. “Fine. If dating will do that then I’d like to be given the chance to go out with you.”

“I… suppose that would be a good idea. As long as you’re willing to wait until after we retake Light’s Hope.”

“Fine. Once Celestia is back in our custody and everything is back to normal again I want to go out. I just have one question though.”

“What’s that?”

Ember grins seductively. “Do I get to spend the night with you like the others?”

Arc groans. “Who told you that?”

“Everyone you’ve dated.”

Arc chuckles. “As long as you understand you’re getting the exact same thing they did.”

“Which was?”

“A good night’s sleep.”

Ember licks her lips. “I’m ready for more.”

“Well I’m not.”

Ember rolls her eyes and gets on all fours. “It’s really simple, Arc. I turn around, bend over, raise my tail, and…”

“Please stop, Ember.”

“Look, I already told you that my body isn’t ready to make eggs yet. It would just be for pure carnal pleasure.”

“It’s not so much about impregnating you.”

“Is it Rarity?”

“Partially, yes.”

Ember sighs. “Fine. Look, I understand that you promised her that she would get you first. But I do want to be right after her.”


“No, I mean literally.”


Ember grins seductively. “Finish with her, turn around, and do the same to me.”

Arc blushes. “I’m… not sure that would work.”

“Well, I mean we could do a little foreplay to help you recover.”

“Not what I meant.”

Ember laughs. “I know! But I like seeing you squirm like that!”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… we’re not going any further on this matter until Celestia has been dealt with.”

Ember leans forward and wraps her arms around Arc’s neck. “No farther at all?”


“I didn’t mean it like that.”

Arc appears confused. “Then how…?”

He is cut off as Ember’s lips press against his. Closing his eyes, Arc kisses back as the pair fall to the floor together. A full minute passes before they break off their kiss. Ember grins seductively.

“Want more?”

“I think we should both get back to work.”

Ember groans. “Party pooper.”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah, well… gotta admit, it’s pretty hard to say ‘no’ after a kiss like that.”

“If you think that’s something wait until we do it in my human form. I’ll blow your mind!”

Arc smiles at Ember as he helps her up. “Maybe later.”

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