• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Analyzing

Arc, Ember, Max and Viktor return home. Max sighs.

“I do hope those two will be okay.”

Arc nods as he drives. “I offered to let them stay with us for a few days. Kinda wish they would have taken me up on that.”

Ember shrugs. “They’ll be fine, Arc.”

Viktor nods. “Ember’s right, sir. Those guys were just looking for help.”

Arc sighs. “I know. I’m just worried about Shelly.”

Max appears nervous. “Like Lily said, they’ll know more after she sees her doctor today.”

They arrive back home and head inside. As they enter the basement Arc looks to Hugh.

“Anything happen while we were…?”

His earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“This is Sunburst, sir. Can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear. What’s going on?”

“Miss Sparkle insisted on contacting you personally, sir. Shall I put her on the line?”

“Go ahead.”

A few moments later Twilight’s voice comes over the earring.

“Arc?! Can you hear me?!”

Arc winces. “Woah! Tone it down, Twilight! I’m almost deaf now!”

Twilight chuckles sheepishly. “Sorry! I’m just so excited!”

“I haven’t head you this happy since your last… what did you call it again? Booksortcation?”

“This is just as exciting! I was able to upgrade Rose’s hardware!”

Arc’s eye twitches. “Admittedly, that makes me a bit nervous.”

“Don’t worry. I just gave her sensors some upgrades.”

“Oh… I guess that’s okay.”

“Rose was very insistent that she join you as soon as possible.”

Arc frowns. “What?! But the next portal window isn’t ready until…”

Sunburst interrupts. “That isn’t a problem, sir.”

“You have that figured out now?”

Rose’s voice can be heard in the background. “It should be safe for me to pass through the trans-dimensional portal anytime, Arc.”

“What? How?!”

“You forget, I’m not actually alive.”


Twilight giggles. “I figured we had better call you first before just sending her to Earth.”

“Thanks. I don’t think I could take any more surprises today.”

Rose sounds nervous. “So… can I come over there, Arc?”

“I don’t see why not. As long as Sunburst can get you here safely.”

“That I can, sir.”

“Do it.”

“Yes sir. I’ll send her through in a few minutes.”

Arc nods as he heads up the stairs. “Alright. I’ll meet her in the backyard. You want to come too, Twilight?”

“Thank you, but I’ll pass. Auriel and I have a lot of work to do. Next time?”

Arc laughs. “Anytime you want.”

“I’d really like to see Earth for myself. But there’s just so much to do here.”

Arc nods as he walks out the back door. “I understand.”

Sunburst calls out from his control panel. “We’re ready on this end, sir.”

“As am I. Go ahead.”

A portal materializes on the platform. Sunburst turns to Rose.

“Anytime you’re ready miss.”

Rose kneels down and gives Twilight a hug. “I’ll come home soon, mother.”

“Take care, Rose.”

The android nod, stands, and walks toward the portal. As she approaches Rose stops and turns back to Twilight.

“I’ll make you proud of me, mother.”

Twilight waves after her and sighs as Rose steps through and vanishes.

“You already have, Rose.”

Meanwhile, Rose steps through the portal onto Earth. Seeing Arc she hurries over to him and gives him a hug.

“I missed you, Arc!”

“Good to see you too, Rose.”

He takes her hand and they head toward the house.

“Let’s get inside where it’s warm.”

Rose giggles. “You forget, Arc. I don’t get cold.”

“Well, I do!”

They enter the warm kitchen together. Rose looks around.

“This is… unexpected.”

Arc nods. “Human’s architecture is a bit different from what you’re used to.”

Rose nods. “Everything is a bit… bigger too.”

“Well, we are taller. But let’s see how the others are getting along.”

Arc leads Rose toward the basement steps.

“You have a basement lab like mother?”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda. It’s more of a computer lab right now though.”

They reach the bottom steps. Ember looks over from the table.

“Hey Rose! Have a nice trip over?”

Rose looks confused. “It was… uneventful.”

Arc turns to his squad. “In any case, how are things in town you guys?”

Hugh sighs. “Crime seems to have picked up recently.”

Max nods. “Nothing too major, but… it is rather concerning.”

Viktor turns from his computer screen. “Vandalism, pick-pocketing, petty theft…”

Xenos shrugs. “It’s not like they’re all that threatening. But it is causing quite a bit of trouble for Marshal Raynor and the guards. I mean, police, right?”

Arc nods. “Right. Any patterns?”

Max shakes his head. “Not that I can see, sir.”

Viktor continues typing. “I’ve plotted a map of the dates and times each crime occurred, sir.”

Hugh points to the screen. “We’ve looked it over but can’t seem to find anything to go on.”

Ember looks over their shoulders. “That’s a lot of dots!”

Arc frowns. “Indeed. Do you have a graph of the crime demographics, Viktor?”

Viktor hands Arc a paper. “Right here, sir!”


Ember sighs as Arc looks it over. “Not much to go on. These so-called crimes would get you laughed at in the Dragon Lands.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I’m thinking these aren’t so much for the sake of wealth, but for something else.”

Rose joins them. “Like what, Arc?”

“I’m guessing this crime spree is to take our attention off something else. A sleight of hand so to speak.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide. “A real crime?”

“Right. The big heist.”

Viktor points at the map on his screen. “There’s only one place nearby they haven’t hit, sir. The military base.”

Xenos turns to Arc. “Think they’re after some better weapons again?!”

Hugh shudders. “Who would stop them?! The police are busy with small crimes.”

Arc shakes his head. “I doubt it. The military isn’t like the police. The Shards send a force against them and they’d be shot to pieces.”

Ember put a hand to her chin. “Maybe they’re planning to sneak in quietly?”

“It’s possible. But I still don’t think they’re that stupid. More than likely those guys are staying away from that place to avoid drawing the attention of the commanders there.”

Rose studies the screen intently.

“You see anything, Rose?”

Yes, Arc. Judging from the dates and times it appears that the perpetrators are simply walking from crime to crime.

Hugh looks confused. “What makes you say that?”

Rose picks up a pencil and points to the screen. “Might I show you?”

“Wait, Rose! Viktor, print that page.”

“Yes sir.”

The printer spits out a copy. Arc picks it up and hands it to Rose.

“Draw on this.”

“Very well.”

Rose looks at the paper a moment before connecting the dots.

“I’m seeing twelve separate patterns here. It’s likely twelve different teams walking at different paces.”

Max nods. “Makes sense.”

Xenos looks at the paper. “So let’s say they ARE covering for something big. Where do we go from here?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “There’s no way to know from the information we have. We’ll need some kind of break to figure that out.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Like what?”

“Like doing a little reconnaissance at the Shard base.”

Rose looks to Max, confused. “Shard base?”

“They’re the ones causing trouble in town.”

Arc nods. “Right. The guys and I have been trying to figure out what they’re really up to.”

“Can I help?”

“I don’t see why not, Rose.”

Ember grins. “What’s the plan? I’m assuming we’re not just going to run in there spears slashing.”

Arc chuckles. “Wasn’t planning on it, no. In fact, I have a little something here that should help out in that regard.”

He reaches into his magic ring and pulls out a cloth bundle. Max looks at it suspiciously.

“What’s that, sir?”

“I’ll show you.”

Opening the sack Arc reaches in and pulls out a black cloak. Hugh’s eyes grow wide.

“Are those…?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Magic cloaks.”

Viktor peeks into the bag. “How many are in there?!”


Xenos picks up a cloak. “These must’ve cost a fortune!”

“I’m sure they did. But I feel they’re necessary if we’re going to save Princess Celestia.”

Ember sighs. “So… we’re going in stealthily again?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I’m not keen on things happening like last time.”

Max shudders. “We didn’t like sitting here out of contact with you either, sir.”

Rose looks at the cloak in Ember’s hand. “Arc, could you help me test my new sensors?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

“Mother upgraded me so I could help more.”

Arc turns to Rose. “Can you see us when we’re cloaked now?”

“Kinda. I should be able to pick you up with my improved thermal scanners. I’d just like to verify that everything is working as intended.”

Ember puts on a robe. “I’ll help.”

She cloaks. Rose looks at the empty space in front of her.

“Any luck?”

“Yes! I can see a thermal outline of her. Clear as day!”

Ember decloaks and removes the robe. “So when are we going, Arc?”


Max appears a bit taken aback. “I know there’s no time like the present, sir. But is that enough time to prepare?”

“I believe so. It’s a recon mission, so unfortunately we’ll have to play it mostly by ear.”

Ember frowns. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

Rose shudders. “Neither do I, Arc!”

Arc pulls the magic cloaks out of the bag and hangs them up. “I agree with you two. But I’m not sure what else we can do.”

Viktor picks up a few nearby papers. “We could go over the building plans we made from your last visit, sir. Unless you want us to come with you tonight.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Actually, yes.”

Xenos looks to Arc excitedly. “Really sir?!”

“Two of you will anyways. The other two will stay here and run the Command Center.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow, confused. “Command… what now?”

Max looks around at all the equipment. “I guess it is sort of like our base.”

Viktor grins as he pats the computer before him. “There’s no place like home.”

Xenos looks hopeful. “Will we follow you in, sir?””

“No. I’m going to have you and Hugh stay outside and be our contingency plan.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Our what?”

Rose clears her throat. “Contingency plan. A backup plan in case something goes wrong.”

Arc nods. “To put it negatively, yes.”

Ember appears suddenly nervous. “You expecting trouble?”

Arc shrugs. “After what happened last time, I’m not taking chances.”

Rose tilts her head to one side, confused. “What happened?!”

Arc motions for her to follow as he heads for the stairs. “I’ll tell you about it on the way, Rose.”

“Where are we going?”

“Just to the store for a few things.”


Arc and Rose leave. Ember and the squad look at each other and shrug. That night Arc and the others eat a late supper around the dining room table. Arc looks around at all assembled.

“So is everyone clear on the plan?”

Xenos points to a box in the corner. “Yup. Everything Hugh and I need is in there.”

Hugh nods. “We have the easy part, sir.”

Ember chuckles. “You got that right! But what will I be doing, Arc? Other than watching your back, that is.”

“That’s an important job, Ember. That and if we have to fight our way out, there’s no one I’d rather have at my side.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “You’re not really increasing my confidence on this one, Arc.”

“Just being honest, Ember.”

Rose giggles as she drinks a glass of water. “We’ll keep you safe, Arc!”

“Thanks. Let’s all be really careful though.”

The sound of footsteps coming downstairs can be heard. Cybil enters the Dining Room in her janitor’s uniform. Arc smiles at her as she enters.

“Hi Cybil.”

“Hello Arc. Hey everyone.”

Max nods to her. “Morning.”

Cybil smiles sheepishly. “It feels like it. When did you get back, Arc?”

“Earlier this morning. You were probably in bed already though. Oh, this is a new friend of mine. Her name’s Rose.”

Cybil looks to Rose. “How do you do?”


“Will you be staying here as well, miss?”

Rose smiles at Arc. “As long as I can.”

“Yes, well… so how’s the new job going?”

Cybil sits down as Xenos passes her a box of cereal. “Great! It’s pretty basic stuff. Just emptying waste baskets, mopping floors, washing windows and cleaning the bathrooms mostly.”

“At least it’s honest work.”

“Yeah. And I don’t have any temptation to drink on the job.”

Ember looks confused. “Temptation?”

Cybil sighs. “The smell of alcohol from the beer the restaurant I worked at before regularly served.”

Arc nods soberly. “I can understand that.”

“While I still want to drink, now I just think about Angel’s hands and what I did to her. That seems to help quite a bit.”

Xenos shoots Cybil a sympathetic look. “We’re here for you, ma’am.”

“Thanks. You know, it does help quite a bit that no one here likes to go out and get hammered. I’m more of a social drinker. My old roommate and I… we used to go way too far into our beer cans way too often.”

Max nods. “Peer pressure is a powerful force.”

Arc smiles. “True. But now you’re pressured NOT to drink, Cybil.”

“Yes. It’s not who I want to be anymore.”

They go back to eating. Cybil looks over the spread.

“Isn’t it a bit late for you to have supper though?”

Arc shrugs. “We have a bit of a field trip tonight.”


“Do you remember my friend Frank?”

“The fellow that came for Christmas dinner?”

Arc nods. “Right. He’s missing.”

“Oh dear! Do you suspect foul play?!”

Xenos shrugs. “That’s what we’re going to look into, ma’am.”

“Do be careful! You don’t wind up missing too now! Perhaps you should talk to Marshal Raynor about this, Arc.”

“I would, but… the Shards are involved. That and Frank isn’t exactly the most law-abiding guy out there.”

“But, what if…?”

Ember interrupts her. “Don’t worry, Cybil. We’ll look after Arc.”

Rose nod. A determined look on her face. “That we will!”

They finish their meal. Arc, Ember, Rose, Cybil, Xenos, Hugh and Sereb get into the Jeep together.

“You don’t have to drive me to work. I can walk.”

Arc gets into the driver’s seat. “Well, it’s on the way, Cybil.”

Ember rubs her hands together. “That and it’s still really cold out these days!”

A short drive later they stop in front of the Police Station. Cybil hops out.

“Thanks for the ride, Arc. You be careful out there!”

Arc nods. “We will. See you at home tomorrow morning.”

They pull away from the curb as Cybil heads into the building. As they drive on Ember turns to Arc.

“So why are we driving there?”

Xenos nods. “Yeah, sir. A portal would be faster.”

“Yes, well… to tell you the truth, this whole operation has me nervous.”

Hugh looks confused. “Sir?”

Arc sighs. “I don’t mind risking MY neck. But risking others makes me a bit skittish.”

Xenos frowns. “That’s our job, sir.”

Ember nods. “Mine too! Kinda.”

Hugh peeks around the seat. “Right! We’re here to support you, sir!”

“Thanks. Everyone just be careful, okay?”

They nod. Cherry speaks to Arc telepathically.

“They are very dedicated to you, Arc. You should be proud.”

“I am. But… I’m not keen on leading them to their doom.”

“You would never do that!”

“One never knows what the future holds, Cherry. Look at how you ended up.”

“That was NOT your fault, Arc!”

“This is just something I have to live with. No amount of reassurances will ever truly sooth my conscience.”

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