• Member Since 20th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2014



Imperial update: new blog, same story, final episode · 3:41am May 11th, 2014

Well, I found it more helpful for others to put so called "ideas" and "opinions" that "matter" on blogs in the past, so I will do the same.

For starters, I am happy to say the next chapter is under construction, and as a result is already past 1200 words (around 600 a day now). I have taken a break from writing somewhat because of testing. It sucks.

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Report Octavius · 519 views · Story: SPQR ·

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Imperial update: new blog, same story, final episode · 3:41am May 11th, 2014

Well, I found it more helpful for others to put so called "ideas" and "opinions" that "matter" on blogs in the past, so I will do the same.

For starters, I am happy to say the next chapter is under construction, and as a result is already past 1200 words (around 600 a day now). I have taken a break from writing somewhat because of testing. It sucks.

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Report Octavius · 519 views · Story: SPQR ·
Comments ( 7 )
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Caesar veriori.

1144148 they are wonderful stories at that, my friend.

Anything for a friend to Rome.

Ave, amicus. Many thanks for your support for both my profile and my two Roman (Roaman) - based Fallout Equestria fics. One is a rewrite of the other, but they are essentially the same story... more or less.

Thanks again. :twilightsmile:

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