• Member Since 18th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen July 14th

Kerberos Cloud

Kerberos cloud is my name in the brony community I'm a nice guy and i love making new friends. ^^ pic used in my profile pic was made by my friend Shadow Dash, now Redvalshay, on Equestria Amino.


New Project in the works! · 3:34am Feb 13th, 2020

Heyo my lovely readers! I'm working on a collab with a fellow brony. 0w0 it's based off a Hearts of Iron 4 mod called Equestria at War. And we have picked the Aquileian Republic. :)

Stay tuned and keep an eye out for our first chapter. :)

Report Kerberos Cloud · 173 views ·

New Project in the works! · 3:34am Feb 13th, 2020

Heyo my lovely readers! I'm working on a collab with a fellow brony. 0w0 it's based off a Hearts of Iron 4 mod called Equestria at War. And we have picked the Aquileian Republic. :)

Stay tuned and keep an eye out for our first chapter. :)

Report Kerberos Cloud · 173 views ·

New Project in the works! · 3:34am Feb 13th, 2020

Heyo my lovely readers! I'm working on a collab with a fellow brony. 0w0 it's based off a Hearts of Iron 4 mod called Equestria at War. And we have picked the Aquileian Republic. :)

Stay tuned and keep an eye out for our first chapter. :)

Report Kerberos Cloud · 173 views ·
Comments ( 48 )
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Thank you for faving Of Heaven and Earth.:twilightsmile:

oh hey yea, whats up? mind sending me a pm?

Would you like to help me with a story?

Thanks for the fav!

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