• Member Since 24th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 23rd, 2022


Yes, my profile pic on a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction site is Petey Piranha. You got a problem with that, bub?

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Pony Life 2 · 4:11am Mar 22nd, 2021

Alright I finished the first season of Pony Life

I'll admit these designs are really starting to grow on me. I think their original designs are better but this series is very stylized and I can appreciate that. They're also very well animated.

Report pokerninja2 · 189 views ·
Comments ( 4 )
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Nice, my first comment that isn't outdated trash

I love smash bros 4 but did you have to cancelled? will as less do reboot and add monster high, ever after high, winx club, skylanders and dc superhero girls? oh, shantae be in and Regal Academy too?

I'this story you just created is good I give it a 7/10 but you put John Cena in there naruto and goku your off to a good start keep it going man:ajsmug:

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Pony Life 2 · 4:11am Mar 22nd, 2021

Alright I finished the first season of Pony Life

I'll admit these designs are really starting to grow on me. I think their original designs are better but this series is very stylized and I can appreciate that. They're also very well animated.

Report pokerninja2 · 189 views ·