• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
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Jerec the Ascendant

A 31 year old, Human Male. Account Avatar done by my brother.

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Sunset Shimmer had a pretty good outlook on life. She had great parents, good friends, and was going to a nice school. For her, life couldn't have been any better, until one night she saw the impossible happen, when "She" collapsed out of mirror like plaque on the Canterlot High Statue. Next thing she knew she was a unicorn, in a castle, with other "ponies" that looked way too familiar to be just a coincidence.

I've started updating again. Never thought I'd actually start getting around to it but here we are. Obviously, still not the best written thing around, but people like it for some reason. So, I guess I must be doing something right.

Special thanks to molly wormdirt for editing and to Tennis Match Fan for the cover art.

January 30th, 2016 featured. I, what, I don't, I wasn't expecting. Okay, cool. Thanks readers!

Chapters (26)

A terrible self-insert, Human in Equestria, where I end up in the fore mentioned world, and go on adventures with Twilight and the gang, while dealing with such problems as depression, home sickness, etc.

Takes place starting after the Season 4 premier.

Original Cover art by Blackshadow of Abys
Updated cover art by Tennis Match Fan
Editing done by molly wormdirt

The story is rated E, as there is no use of language or heavy sexual themes. The only things that will be used are things that have been in the show itself, such as mild suggestive themes and mild violence.

Story has been finished, but because I suck as an author, enter at your own risk. Now it serves as a warning on how not to write stories.

Chapters (28)