• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
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Jerec the Ascendant

A 31 year old, Human Male. Account Avatar done by my brother.


Current Plans · 4:20am Sep 11th, 2022

So, as summarily stated in the author's notes of my latest chapter of "The Other Sunset Shimmer," I'm going to be finishing up after this arc. So that's going to be approximately 1-3 more chapters depending on how I feel. Then I'm going to be starting up the Sequel, technically to both, which is going to be a crossover between MLP:FiM and one of five franchises. Those franchises are Star Wars, Star Trek, Tron, Cyberpunk 2077, or Mass Effect. Currently I'm leaning towards Star Wars but I could

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Due to Semi-popular Demand · 12:31am May 23rd, 2017

I've decided to put The Other Sunset Shimmer on hiatus instead of being fully cancelled. I'll try to edit the chapters so they're better, and there will possibly be the removal of a certain, somewhat unpopular character. However, the offer for guest chapters still stands if there's anyone who wants to write one.

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Pessimism and Sarcasm's final chapter · 4:32pm May 15th, 2017

So, when I cancelled said fic, I was right in the middle of writing the next chapter. So, instead of having a cancelled fic, I'm going to finish the chapter and then mark the story as completed, as I will have this next chapter be the end of it.

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Done, Just Done · 2:37am Mar 17th, 2017

As of yesterday, all of my stories have been cancelled and shall remain that way until further notice. If anyone would like to adopt any of them, feel free, make sure to comment or PM a link to me if you do so I can see how much better you are at writing them. As you can probably tell, I've henceforth given up on writing my own fiction as I am an absurdly bad author. At some point in the future, expect blog posts containing the character bios of the few characters that I wrote that are

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Possible Cancelations Coming · 3:10pm Mar 15th, 2017

Like the title says, I'm really starting to lean towards canceling, if not deleting this story and The Other Sunset Shimmer. Obviously I'm not a very good author, especially given the dislike ratio for this fic isn't doing very well, and this fic is in basically every group that says "See this fic here, don't do this"

This one obviously sucks and I doubt that any decent author would just trash it anyway, but if someone wants to attempt to fix this broken pos, I'm not opposed.

Report Jerec the Ascendant · 350 views ·

Possible Cancelations Coming · 3:04pm Mar 15th, 2017

Like the title says. I know that this story has a great like/dislike ratio, but, well, obviously I'm not a very good author and at this point all this story is doing is confusing people or pissing people off and I'm not sure if I'm going to continue it.

I don't know, anyone know a better writer, one who could adopt/fix this story?

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