• Member Since 8th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Comments ( 4 )
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Heyoo thanks for the fave on The Sky Is Your Bed! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav pardner :eeyup:

Thanks for the fave on A Wolf Among Ponies! There are more stories in that series if you liked that one; and seeing as how you belong to the HiE group, if you don't mind crossovers I've written My Little Balladeer which has a human end up meeting our favorite ponies.

Thank you for favouriting 'My Family and Other Equestrians'. :twilightsmile:

:pinkiegasp: Nopony welcomed you to FiMfiction! :fluttercry:

Then welcome to FiMfiction, even if it is a few months overdue. :pinkiehappy:

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