• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


a juggalo brony from virginia Who is a certified railroad brakeman/conductor(former)


No more work · 5:43pm May 18th, 2018

Well starting tomorrow I’ll be unemployed for the first time in 8 years. What does one do when unemployed

Report ChaosVA757 · 208 views ·
Comments ( 63 )
  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63

You have a shelf called sabaton? Awesome! ^^

Thanks for the fav! I appreciate it!

Thank you for the fave on Luna's little Rose. :twilightsmile:

Ty for the fave:twilightsmile:

You know, this favorite on A Human, a Pony Princess, and a Mistake you gave tells me that it used to live in a pineapple under the sea. Surprisingly there was a distinct lack of sponges...

  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63
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