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Doctor Whooves Adventures Episode 5

Don't know why I haven't put this here yet. Fair warning, if you plan to watch all of this in one sitting I hope you brought food, water and have a really strong bladder.

The Start of things

Of Cats and Cures

Back Through the Looking Glass

Author's Note:

The single longest story I've ever done, fic or audio wise. Many thanks to the DWaA crew for the crossover, and hope you enjoyed! If you're a fan, you've probably already seen this, but comments always appreciated, and if you haven't well...I hope you have a lot of spare time.

Comments ( 24 )

A story that's basically just a bunch of Youtube imbeds? If that's not against the rules, it damn well should be. If you wanna do audio dramas, go right ahead and do that, but I'm fairly certain the only reason this is on here is because you published it with only the first chapter of text.

I love the idea and all, but I'm gonna be a douchebag and report this.

This is cool and all, but I really wish you'd update Traveler. It is an all around better story, (at least in my opinion,) and needs a bit more of your attention. :fluttershysad:

I second this, the wait for Traveler's last chapter is killing me.

As much as I've loved Doctor Whooves Adventures (as well as Assistant), I don't find this a very fair way to publicize. You can't just post the audio as a chapter in a story just for the views. It's just not right considering you're posting unwritten work on a writing website, which in fairly certain is against the rules. Now, if someone managed to write a fanfic version of the audio episodes or converted the original script, you'd be able to get away with also posting the YouTube videos for publicity. I love the series and have been watching since its conception, but I feel I had to point this out.

I think the best part about this episode has definitely got to be the argument between the 2 Doctors. Its just so believable, and the music that plays during their argument relay does fit the mode. Wish I knew where it came from and the name of it. Anyone get any ideas about its source?

Sweet, will have to watch when I get home though. I may have already seen it, but it's still worth another watch.

I think it's unfair to assume she is looking for publicity more than reaching out to the original fans.


Publicity is when someone tries to get the word out or gain notoriety in some way, and can also include reaching out to original fans. Plus, the story is being updated with youtube embeds. I'm not saying looking for publicity is a bad thing, but regardless of whether or not looking for publicity has anything to do with this, the point I'm getting at is that I'm not sure that posting a youtube video as a chapter for a written fiction website is considered very right. There's nothing wrong with posting the videos, but when posting an audio drama as a replacement for what should be a written chapter, it's a bit... Out of line? I'm not sure how to word it without sounding like a bad guy, but I think you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Ahh, sort of. I suppose I was thinking more about how it is a little odd to get a feature in it. So I suppose I assumed that most of the complaints were related to it getting that brief feature for the embeds, more so than the chapters themselves.

Another way would be to create a blog in the user's profile, then put all of the embed videos in it. The story's chapter could still get the original scripts, indeed.

Ah, good ol' Whooves. I nearly flipped out at the new update to the MLP app on iOS changing Time Turner to Doctor Hooves in naming.(I think, for copyright, they removed the W, just flashin' my Captain Obvioua badge here. Unless it isn't obvious to you, then I revoke that badge of mine.)

is this the fic that the youtube videos were based from?

Yes, everyone makes mistakes. But there is a difference between a dedicated piece of fiction meant for mass enjoyment and a casual, off the cuff review.

And I suppose the crux of my annoyance is that I have dyspraxia and dyslexia, which impead my abilty to write. As such, I have to make an extra effort just to be able to comunicate with other people effectivly.

Now when I see someone who hasn't bothered to extend that same curtesy to me (unintentionally or otherwise), it's highly annoying. And then when other people like it anyway? It makes all that extra effort I made feel like wasted time. I just can't fucking win.

And as for Twilight, when she was facing Discord she didn't completely break down, despite not understanding what she was up against, until Discord when out of his way to break her, which involved turning the rest of the mane 6 against her. When confronting Chrysilis, she wasn't detered by the fact that she didn't know what was wrong, but by the fact that Shining turned his back on her. When fighting Sombra, she was more concerned about Celestia's judgement than about the evil unicorn trying to enslave everything in sight.

What I am trying to say is, that Twilight is not one who backs down from external threats, but instead she fears people thinking poorly of her, and that's what causes her to break down. The angels just weren't pushing the right buttons for her to break down, and when she did, it made her look weak and pathetic.

This story got me into both watching Doctor Who and reading fanfics. Thanks for sending me down a road of pure enjoyment.

You know, I really enjoy how Doctor Whooves Adventures differs from Doctor Whooves and Assistant in that it seems to take a more serious tone:pinkiesmile:. Honestly, compare the first episodes of DWA and DWaA, and you really can tell :twilightsheepish:. The difference in tone between the two becomes even more glaring to me in The Wrong Way Backwards through the DWA perspective: you get to see a "Time Turner" more serious than is portrayed in DWaA. I also find (and fans will probably hate me for this :applecry:) that the mutual companionship between Twilight and "Clockwork" more appealing to the pretty obvious "lovey-dovey" (please forgive me for that horrific description :facehoof:) relationship, as I feel this mutuality between the two gives more space for story :yay:. Thus, though I feel DWaA has taken bigger steps as a series (heck in the latest audioplay, they make a huge DW milestone), I feel DWA certainly isn't lagging behind :pinkiehappy:. Oh, almost forgot, Pinkie plays a part in DWA :rainbowkiss:. Call me a Pinkie fan, but that is awesome :yay:.

This story has Twilight set up as just another one of the Doctor's assistants without any special knowledge or skills (grumble doesn't even use her magic grumble). As such it only makes sense if this story is set in Twilight's earliest year in Ponyville. Otherwise she would have a much larger reservoir of skills to draw upon, although I think it should still be larger than what she currently has. Almost all of the Doctor's assistants were nearly useless until after they left his company- but then again none of them ever had to deal with a corrupted god/princess before they met the doctor. But that's just my rationalization.

Explanations from
-A simple Extra

What order do I lessen to these tracks in? Could somepony tell me please? :fluttercry:

I don't like your representation of Twilight at all. She is also almost completely out of character. Other than that, I'm enjoying this. Hopefully there are no more "my name is twilight" jokes, because it wasn't funny the first time and it got really really old by the end.

I think that you do a great job on your stories, but I have to say, I like the Ponies with Pockets version a bit better, not necessarily because of the character of the Doctor (though maybe a little), but mainly because they portrayed Derpy as a more capable version of the fan-version, and made her an integral part in the stories, instead of using a nerfed Twilight who doesn't help much and is more of a one-dimensional character that primarily focuses on annoyance.

Your story writing is excellent, but your choice of companion was not. The problem is that Twilight usually fills the Doctor's role in the show--she tends to know the things the rest of them don't. You put two characters with similar roles, and then modified one of them to fit the story. Not a great idea.

And one other thing: although the traditional Doctor Who companions are clueless technically, they always add something that the Doctor can't. They are useful. They are important. And most importantly, they have a sense of wonder. Twilight does none of these. I could deal with a misrepresented Twilight. But I can't deal with a bad companion.

I still like what you do. But this has been bugging me for a long while.

It's also a big reason that people tend to associate Derpy as being the Doctor's companion. She more closely represents that classic character: vaguely clueless, but absolutely essential in strange and unexpected ways.

(I just watched a long marathon of all the Doctors just before this, so it just popped out at me why it bugged me so much)

What about the part of having different tastes and opinions?
That you don't like something doesn't make it bad. Twilight isn't nerfed,one-dimensional, and doesn't focus on annoyance. This is her first time with the Doctor, and his behavior along with discovering the existence of beings from outer space, of a machine who travels through space and time, ..., clashes with her organized knowledge and her logic.
I, for one, think she's very well in character, as much as she should be, seeing her vision of how things work trumpled.
This is only the first story of this story arc . Twilight is confused and overwhelmed by the events. If you try and read the sequel, and listen to the DWA audio episodes, you'll find that her characterization gets development and she grows quite resourceful.
Let's not judge a whole story arc just after reading a tenth of it.
Derpy in DWAA has her own qualities and value, but people are entitled to like and prefer the one they want, if not both.
Who decides in the fandom how the Doctor's companion should be? Opinions may vary.
Sorry if I sound harsh, I'm just expressing my thoughs. It's just that I'm getting tired of seeing, on various sites like Deviantart, some comments on drawings of Twilight and the Doctor, like :
[Ditzy :] "DOCTOR, HOW COULD YOU?!" -or- "F**k her, you have Derpy!!" -or- "What is this #$%# doing here?? It's Derpy!!"

Edit : Also, you also should give a try to Loyal2Luna's own sequels of DWA on this site : for now, 3 completed and 1 on hiatus story that I personally consider not just like glittering pearls on this site, but like a shiny treasure.

6613762 Oh, I realize how I did seem a bit harsh there. I think Twilight was actually characterized pretty well in the written story. I was actually commenting on the chapter that contains the crossover videos. The way they contrasted the two Doctors there, it just didn't feel right.

It may also merely be that I got used to Derpy being the Doctor's assistant, and I don't like change.

Nevertheless, both creators of both series did an excellent job. My personal opinion is my own.

It just seemed to me that Twilight almost never used her magic in "Wrong Way Backwards"

But maybe I just need to re-watch them. Sorry if I seemed too harsh. I really didn't mean to be. Thanks for calling me out on it.

this fic always turns up in my unread log.
1) I've already read the whole thing

2) I don't even have this favorited

Hey man, I think something broke. I have 33 unread chapters on just this fic yet none of them say unread

Dude. This story keeps appearing in my Reading bookshelf like a fuckin weeping angel. Every time I look it is there, I click twice the Reading tab and refresh the page, it is still there.

The only time this story disappears is when I click the 'show all stories'.

I tell you man, this story is haunted.

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