• Published 19th Mar 2013
  • 8,528 Views, 118 Comments

Four Mares, a Computer and Slenderpony - The Princess Rarity

What happens when Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra and Bonbon all decide to tackle on the game of Everfree? They have to face the famous Slenderpony, that's what. Chaos and hilariousness ensues.

  • ...


"I seriously don't know why we have to play this." Octavia said blandly as she sat in front of the computer, rolling her eyes. "And do you all have to watch me, like I'm a film?"

Propping her trademark sunglasses over her horn, Vinyl Scratch chuckled at the cellist, with a small smirk. "We're just here to give you advice, Tavi."

"How can you give me advice if all of you have never played before either?" the grey earth pony questioned as the eerie game began to shadow over the desktop of the screen.

"Easy," the DJ replied with a shrug. "HoofTube tutorials." The alabaster mare then used her magic to pop open a bag of popcorn, sitting back and watching the game load whilst Octavia was practically shivering. "Are you scared, Tavi?"

"What? No." the cellist defended. "I'm... cold." Her lie was obvious, as Vinyl's cocky grin was proof. "Oh, shut up and get Lyra and Bonbon in here if you want to play as a group."

Letting out her scratchy laugh, the DJ couldn't wipe the smirk off of her face. "Slendypony gonna get you, Tavi! Better run, better hide, he gonna get you!"

"Shut up." Octavia bitterly stated, rolling her enchanting lavender eyes. "Lyra! Bonbon!"

Said two mares trotted into the room, with the candymare fear-stricken, as it was seen by her shocked and frozen expression as she clung to the mint mare.

"Lyra, please, if you really are my best friend, don't force me to play this..." With her hooves wrapped around Lyra's foreleg, Bonbon was clearly acting like a foal. "You know I'm scared of it."

Ruffling the cream mare's two toned mane, the lyrist smiled. "Come on, Bonnie, it's just a game, stop acting like such a silly little filly!"

"But it's a creepy old pony who wants to eat you!" the candy maker wailed, covering her eyes in fear. "I don't like that!"

"How can Slenderpony eat you if he has no face?" Vinyl inquired from across the room with a mouthful of popcorn. "Seriously, I mean he isn't that creepy or anything."

Letting out a sigh and rolling her eyes, Octavia placed her hoof over the mouse, moving the arrow around on the screen to adjust the settings for the famous yet reportedly scary video game. "I personally think it's all fake." she muttered. "You're all acting like foals."

"Don't you dare say that, Tavi!" Vinyl exclaimed, with a shocked expression. (More shocked than the time she was given the last half of the cellist's sandwich.) "Slendypony is real!"

"Vinyl, all of those old photographs..."

"Are not shopped! They're real! You can't photoshop stuff from, like, ten years ago!"

The other three mares in the room all facehoofed, much to the DJ's confusion, but she shrugged it off and continued to settle in her beanbag, eating her bag of popcorn contentedly.

"Please don't make me play, or even watch." Bonbon begged as Lyra began to drag her over to the computer. "Please."

"Tavi, stop trying to act tough." Vinyl laughed as she watched the cellist sit at the computer impatiently, biting her lip and eyes averting from the screen in pure fear. "Seriously, you said we were acting like fillies, but you're one to talk."

Frowning and ignoring one of her closest friends, Octavia shook her head, prepping the settings for the game.

"No, no, you idiot!" the DJ scolded, leaning forward and snatching the mouse from the cellist. "You gotta make the grass really high, so he can't hide!"

"He's ten feet, Vinyl." Octavia muttered. "If the grass is high, and he's tall, then wouldn't he be able to hide?"

Rolling her eyes and placing the settings against the grey mare's protests, Vinyl set the game for the usual most expected works and sat back, chuckling in an almost sinister way as Lyra and Bonbon sat down next to the DJ, glancing up to Octavia, who was nervously moving the computer mouse about.

"So what do I do now?" she sighed.

"Click around, for the flashlight!" Vinyl said exasperatedly. "Seriously, Tavi, didn't you read the directions?"

Rolling her eyes, the cellist clicked the mouse in an annoyed matter, the game character's flashlight turning on. Looking around, she soon jumped at the sound of grass crinkling from the speakers. "What was that?!" she shuddered, ever so slightly jumping out of her seat, causing both Lyra and Vinyl to burst into hysterical laughter.

"You're moving around." the lyrist said in between her laughs.

Brushing off the behavior of the two unicorns, Octavia continued to move around, looking up and down at the trees surrounding her computer's invisible character. "So, am I supposed to look for drawings?" she questioned.

Holding back laughter, Vinyl leaned forward, pointing about. "Just go look for eight random pages of whatever. You find 'em and if Slendy doesn't catch you, which is kinda impossible, then you win. But good luck trying to win, because nopony in the history of, like, every HoofTube tutorial I've seen has never beaten Slenderpony. Ever."

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better." the cellist muttered, letting out a light scoff as she trotted around in the stale grass. "So why am I in a forest?"

"It's a game, Tavi, quit questioning it and play!" the DJ urged, flopping back and chugging down her Hay Cola (the only thing she could drink due to lack of cider).

Shuddering and moving her character about, Octavia flickered the flashlight and sighed, only to soon realize that her virtual self not moving, due to a tree. She practically punched the keys on the keyboard and shook her head. This game was hyped up to be known of scaring the toughest stallions, but she didn't believe the rumors... until she had seen the pictures of the creature. Ten feet tall, no face, tentacles in the back...

"Run!" Lyra shrieked upon a loud bang erupting from the speakers. "Run, run, run!"

"What? Why?" the cellist questioned, looking away from the screen for only a moment, and the moment she turned back, she let out a loud scream upon seeing that cold, pale, lifeless face with no eyes, no mouth, and it's blankness just staring at her. "GO AWAY, GO AWAY, GO AWAY, DON'T EAT ME!" Now crying like a foal who had fallen off of the swing, the cellist was now a blubbering mess as the screen went to static.

Both Lyra and Vinyl had erupted into a fit of laughter, collapsing onto the floor, banging their hooves on the carpet whilst Bonbon huddled underneath a blanket, shivering as if she had just walked into the coldest part of Equestria known to ponykind.

"Oh, shut up!" Octavia wailed, covering her face with her hooves in shame at being scared at something so stupid. (Stupid yet creepy as Tartarus.) "I'd like to see one of you play it!"

After a moment of awkward silence caused by the two unicorns' suddenly ceasing their laughter, Vinyl Scratch smirked and got to her hooves, practically knocking the earth pony from the desk chair. "Challenge accepted, Tavi."

Still shivering and sniffling, blushing in pure shame, Octavia moved aside, looking up at the screen as she watched the DJ move on the screen all around, looking up and down, only before laughing victoriously. "First page's right there! Man, Tavi, you're weak and lame." Shaking her head in disbelief and chuckling lightly, the alabaster mare continued to walk around, looking everywhere for the other seven pages and avoiding Slenderpony in anyway possible.

"You should just be able to find weapons and stuff, so you can kill Slendy." Lyra said simply as she scooted next to Bonbon, who was hiding underneath a blanket, muttering to herself and shuddering. "Like a chainsaw?"

"Ly, that wouldn't make it fun." Vinyl scoffed, rolling her eyes. "And besides, didn't I say it before? Nopony can kill Slenderpony. It's impossible... like stapling water to a tree." Now continuing to play the game, the DJ ran into a tree, slightly cursing herself to her own stupid action. "Come on, Slendy! I'm not afraid of you! Come and get me!"

"I'm afraid..." Bonbon was heard whimpering underneath her blanket, as Lyra comfortingly rubbed her back.

The lyrist smiled down at the earth mare reassuringly. "It's ok, Bonnie, Slendypony can't climb through the screen anyway, so you're safe."

"Page two, motherbucker! Kiss my flank, Slendy!" Vinyl screamed at the computer, obviously ignoring the sweet moment between her two friends. "Woo!"

Octavia, now halfway recomposed from her scare, shook her head and scoffed. "You haven't even gotten half of the necessary pages, Vinyl, I don't see why you're celebrating."

"You didn't even get one, so I don't know what you're trying to say, Tavi." the DJ shot back, with a mischevious chuckle and matching smirk as she continued to walk throughout the virtual forest, only to approach an old worn-out, practically abandoned looking building. "Oh, buck, not this place..."

"You're scared of a building made out of bathrooms?" Lyra laughed, only to receive a death glare of sorts from Vinyl Scratch, who scowled and continued to play.

"I don't like this place because Slendy's always there, but nearly half of the pages are too." she muttered, slowly but surely moving her character into the interactive building. "Slenderpony, you need to get a life, bro!"

"You need to get a life." the cellist muttered with a pillow clutched tightly in her forelegs as she scooted next to the chair, looking up at the computer screen. "Chasing after a bunch of pages in a game is stupid, if you ask me."

"Well, nopony did!" Vinyl spat, rolling her eyes, only before her expression fell as a loud bang was heard from the speakers, and the screen before her began to crackle. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" Before she could escape the building, that horrifying faceless stallion popped up on the screen, elicting loud shrieks from both her and Octavia, and the DJ fell out of her seat, shuddering and backing away from the computer, however the earth pony began to howl with laughter upon seeing the alabaster mare so afraid, despite her previous statements.

"My turn." Lyra smirked, brushing Octavia away and restarting the game.

"Slenderpony isn't creepy, right, Vinyl?" the cellist taunted, letting out a light giggle, only to receive an evil glare from the DJ which went unfazed with the earth mare. "Proof you're foalish."

"Shut up." Vinyl hissed, placing her glasses back over her eyes and pouting. "I just didn't expect him to be there so fast."

"He's Slenderpony, you idiot!" Lyra called over her shoulder as she began her own trek through the forest. "He's like a bucking ninja! Duh, that's one of the many reasons as to why he's so creepy and legendary." Shaking her head disapprovingly, the mint mare ventured through the trees, flickering her flashlight constantly. "You think humans live in the Everfree Forest?"

"Humans don't exist, Ly." Vinyl muttered, with a roll of her eyes as she sat next to her fellow unicorn friend.

"Oh, but Slenderpony does?" the lyrist spat, glaring her golden eyes at the DJ who frowned and crossed her forelegs, obviously frustrated.


Brushing off the wild mare's comment, Lyra continued to play, looking all around in search for the pages with the awkward drawings. "I swear, whoever drew those pictures needs some serious art classes..." she grumbled as she looked up, only before a bang came out from the speakers. "Oh-no! No, not now, Slendy!" In the blink of an eye, the mint mare was now furiously banging the button programmed to run yet she was doing nothing but ramming straight into a tree and her panicked nature made her unable to figure out how to back up and then, "GET THE BUCK AWAY FROM ME, YOU BUCKING CREEP!" There, staring at the three visible mares in the room, with his creepily blank face was Slenderpony, in all of his odd awkwardness, with his tentacles waving about; the last thing that was seen before the screen went to static.

"Wimp!" Vinyl laughed as she watched Lyra cower away from the screen, squealing in an extremely cowardice way. "You couldn't even run!" Covering her hoof with her mouth to somewhat silence her howling laughter, to no avail, the DJ fell over, laughing at her friend's misery, completely unaware of her own previous one.

"Shut it." Lyra pouted, crossing her forelegs in a frustrated manner, looking away from her crazy DJ friend.

"C'mon, Bonnie! Your turn!" Vinyl called, shaking the candymare who was hidden underneath multiple blankets in pure and utter fear.

Bonbon whimpered and cowered away. "No, no, no! Slenderpony is scary!"

"Let her slide, Vinyl." the lyrist declared. "She's sensitive to horror stuff and you know it."

"Oh, I see," the alabaster unicorn chuckled, making a kissy face to Lyra and pointing a hoof at Bonbon. "Lyra and Bonnie, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-" Vinyl was tackled by the mint mare and pinned to the carpet, muffling protests in the carpet. "Hey!"

"Lyra, let her up, she was only kidding." Octavia said simply, letting out a sigh and rolling her eyes at her friends' extremely foalish behavior. "Lyra..."

"Don't say that ever again." the lyrist muttered, allowing Vinyl to get up, only before bopping the DJ mare upside the head. "Or else."

Mumbling something most likely negative underneath her breath, the alabaster unicorn huffed, rolling her eyes. "Well, it's only fair. We've all played the game, and now it's Bonbon's turn to go."

"She's already scared enough." Lyra shot back.

"Listen, if she plays, she can have fifty bits. It's like a bet." the DJ smirked. "Whatddya say, Bonnie? Will you play for fifty bits?"

A moment of deafening silence echoed throughout the room, only before the candymare sheepishly shimmied out from underneath her blanket.


"Deal." Vinyl chuckled.

"You don't have to play if you don't want to, Bon." Lyra said simply, stealing a somewhat nervous glance to the cream colored mare.

Bonbon shook her head and stepped over to the computer, seating herself in the desk chair, setting her hoof on the mouse. "It's seventy-five bits." She glared at Vinyl Scratch, raising an eyebrow. "Right?"

"Stick a cupcake, hope to fly and all that junk." the DJ said sincerely, with a nod to the candymaker who hesitantly placed the settings and began to play.

The virtual character that Bonbon possessed carefully trekked throughout the forest, stealing glances at each and every tree she passed, looking closely for any evidence of the pages that were required to win the game, but no such luck. Nothing at all, no noises, no papers, just the light murmurs of her friends behind her, egging her on and attempting to give advice.

"No, go the other way! Slendy is always in the bathroom house!" Vinyl wailed. "You're heading straight for the bathroom house!"

Rolling her ocean blue eyes, Bonbon turned her player around, heading down an odd arch of trees, clicking them cluelessly, as if they would give her a hint of sorts.

"I still think that no matter how much money she's getting that the scare's not worth it." Octavia muttered, glaring at the DJ. "Seriously, are you trying to scar her for life?"

Vinyl breezily scoffed, and waved her hoof skeptically. "She won't be scarred for life, Octy, it's just a little scare."

"I don't think falling out of your chair and screaming whilst backing away from the monitor is a 'little' scare." the cellist shot back, with a knowing smirk, only to notice the unicorn sticking her tongue out. "Oh, that's real mature."

"Bonnie, do you seriously know what you're playing?!" Lyra said frantically, leaning over the shoulder of the candymare. "This is Everfree! You said so yourself you're scared!"

Taking a deep breath and continuing to play, Bonbon ignored the comments from her friends; her venture only going deeper into the lush forest that was the virtual version of the real place the game was inspired from.

"Yo, look a page!" Vinyl shrieked, pointing a hoof at the screen, startling the other three mares she was huddled by. "Aw, wait, it's just a crappy one."

"It's still a page, Vinyl." Octavia said blandly. "You need all of them to win, don't you?"

"Still." the DJ muttered, rolling her eyes. "They should make the drawings look less stupid. Seriously, who drew them, a bucking five year old filly?"

Ignoring Vinyl, Bonbon continued to play the game, only for a loud bang to erupt from the speakers, causing all four mares to scream at the top of their lungs, however nothing appeared on the screen, and the scene was the same as it always was, trees and dead grass.

"Run! Run as fast as you can, Bonnie!" Lyra shrieked, and the candy mare obeyed, clicking the mouse repeatedly to cause the virtual character to move at an insane speed.

"You know if you turn off your flashlight, you're probably gonna run right into a tree." the DJ said simply, only to be hit upside the head by Octavia's grey hoof. "Ow! Tavi, what was that for?"

The cellist said nothing, giving a simple smirk as she glanced up at the computer screen, focusing on the game to give assistance to Bonbon, who was literally shaking and obviously on the verge of tears whilst she played the video game.

"Yo, look a page!" the DJ pointed to the screen, leaning over the candymaker's shoulder to point out two pages virtually taped onto the fake trees. "Aw, nice!"

Letting out a sigh, the cream colored mare clicked the tree and read the two pages, "No, no, no and Don't look or else it... takes you?" Bonbon whimpered and backed away from the tree nervously, only before a creepy rhythm began to play from the computer. "What's that?!"

"Who cares, just run!" the other three mares in the room yelled in unison as the candymare frantically pressed every button on the keyboard repeatedly, with no reasoning as to what she was clicking, because before she knew it, she was in a room that was currently unidentifiable.

"You're screwed." Vinyl said simply. "That's the bathroom house, he's gonna get you!"

Biting her lip nervously, Bonbon glanced around in the game only before walking down an eerie hallway and yet another bang erupted from the speakers, causing the mare to scream and tumble off her seat, running out of the room.

"Chicken! You're not getting the seventy-five bits now!" the DJ called after her, only to receive glares from both Lyra and Octavia. "What?"

The grey earth pony facehoofed and the mint unicorn reached across, bopping Vinyl on the head, elicting a light shriek of pain from the alabaster mare.

"Well, we gotta kill the Slenderpony either way." she muttered, rubbing her wound to subsidies the pain and seating herself in the desk chair, clicking about. "C'mon, Slendy, don't think I won't get you!"

"You can't kill Slenderpony." Lyra said simply, only before leaving the room to go comfort the extremely frightened Bonbon.

"Well, Tavi, it's just me and you." the DJ declared, much to Octavia's dismay. "Let's get that evil bastard!"

The cellist narrowed her lavender eyes at Vinyl for using such profanities, but the glare went unnoticed by the wild mare who was clicking everywhere, her virtual character leaving the building made out of creepy bathrooms.

"C'mon, Slenderpony! If you think you're gonna beat Vinyl bucking Scratch, you got another thing coming, man!"

"Vinyl, he already beat you." Octavia declared in a deadpan manner, shaking her head in a disapproving manner whilst the DJ continued to walk about in the woods, completely lost, despite the fact that she didn't want to confess it.

"Damn you, Slendy! Stop trying to hide, I'll kick your flank, with my eyes closed!" Vinyl screamed at the screen, pointing a hoof at the trees. "I know you're there! Come on and get me! Hit me with your best shot, I ain't scared of you!"

"Care to explain why you were screaming only a few minutes ago?" the grey mare said simply, with a smirk as the alabaster unicorn shot her a glare. "What? It's true."

Rolling her crimson eyes underneath her outrageous trademark sunglasses, the DJ continued to play only before a loud bang erupted from the speakers yet again. "Aw yeah! C'mon, Slendy, come and get me! I'll be dancing on your bucking grave when I'm done with you!"

Then, with an utter silence echoing throughout the room, only before a deafening thump yet again echoing from the monitor and there, on the screen, blankly staring at the two musical mares, was none other than...

"SLENDERPONY!" Vinyl shrieked. "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN WHAT I SAID, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" She let out a blubbering noise, falling out of her chair yet again, covering her face with her hooves in pure and utter fright. "Is he gone?" she whimpered, literally shivering as Octavia let out a laugh. "Oh, shut it!" The showoff DJ was now blushing redder than her eyes and she avoided looking at the cellist, who was both glancing at Vinyl with humor and sympathy.

"Don't worry, Vinyl," the cellist chuckled, lightly patting the alabaster mare's electric blue mane playfully. "I won't let the Slenderpony get you..."

"Oh, quit it, Tavi, I'm not your foal." the DJ pouted immaturely, looking down at the floor.

"You guys kill the Slenderpony?" Lyra muttered, rolling her eyes as she retreated back into the room, only to receive shakes of the head from both Vinyl and Octavia. "You guys are gonna play again?"

"Hay no." the white unicorn declared. "I will never play anything that has Slender in it. Ever again."

Lyra shrugged and replied, "Well, Bonbon's taking out her fear in making treats. You two wanna stalk her with me until they're done?"

A moment of silence passed before Octavia broke it, "Is she making cookies?"

"Yes." the mint unicorn said simply.

"I get dibs on licking the spoon!" Vinyl shrieked, dashing to her hooves and speeding out of the room at an insane speed.

"In your dreams, Scratch!" the cellist called after her wild friend, running after the white mare, knocking Lyra to the floor.

"Hey, what about me?" the lyrist exclaimed, quickly getting up and chasing after the other two mares. "It's mine!"


"My cookie dough, dammit!"

"Vinyl, do you seriously have to curse?"



Author's Note:

Teehee, I just love the friendship of these four mares. You can always make a situation humorous with any of them, and that's why they're so fun and in the top tier of best ponies, of course. So yeah, this is now definitely the stupidest thing I have ever written and I don't think that anything in my random mind will ever top it, surprisingly. I have no idea how I thought up that crappy ending nor how I got to 4k+ words, but whatever. Hope you all liked. Please comment, upvote, favorite, recommend to your friends and all that jazz.

Comments ( 118 )

I thought perhaps Bonnie was a bit OOC at the start, perhaps. But still, good story.

"Better run, better hide, he gonna get you!""
"Better run, better hide, he gonna get you!""


""Seriously, I mean he isn't that creepy or anything.""
That's what I keep telling my friends, but do they ever listen?

Heh. That was a pretty good story, but...no, I shouldn't say...ah well, it was really nice.

i scared of slender so reading scared pony is exatra funny and i am never playing that game

I've never played that game, nor do I plan to. Another note: this was very amusing. Now I have to look up what those pictures look like.

>>>It's impossible... like stapling water to a tree." >>>

*Alondro freezes water and then drills two small holes through it at the precise distances apart such that he can then staple said sheet of frozen water to a tree*

You never specified conditions. Only that 'water' was impossible to staple to a tree. I have done it.

I can also kill Slenderpony. It's all about knowing the conditions... :trollestia:

2288911 a4.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/26/4c7376e610f956420cb3b11fa9cd5f85/l.gif

Okay then!


That was a good read, it's always amusing to see this group of background ponies have the spotlight, especially on subjects like this. Great story! :pinkiehappy:

I was going to read it, and then I saw that it had slight Lyrabon and Vinylscratch shipping. To that, I must decline.

2289918 what? what shipping just a touch of lyra and bon bon and it was just k-i-s-s-i-n-g song

ok, at the end you said that the personality of the four mares makes this story fun to write. my question is: how the buck can you tell personality from NEVER ACTUALLY HAVING ANY LINES TOGETHER?

So glad I stopped to read this, it was really good

So glad I stopped to read this, it was really good

I really don't see why you needed to warn anyone about a light ship.:applejackunsure: This was full on friendshipping. What guys need to understand is women (Mares, whatever:ajbemused:) are much more affectionate then males. So Lyra comforting Bon Bon because she got scared is an extremely normal thing among girls and has virtually no romantic intention in the real world.:moustache:

Hilarious. I've haven't played Slender yet but I already know how to play since I watch Pewdiepie play it. Slender doesn't scare me but I hate the freakin jump scares.

Congratualtions with having the stupidest thing you ever wrote in the magic box.
I liked it a lot, these little silly stories, their nice to read.
Very good job on this.

2288340 What the hell are you talking about? :rainbowhuh: She doesn't have any character. And until the show gives some kind of personality guidelines, anything can go with undefined characters.
Anything. :ajsmug:

She can be a Stallion who took a sex change operation who likes to go dumpster diving for all we've been provided regarding her character! :derpytongue2:

Or prehaps likes going into the everfree where she runs a hydra milk farm, and portals to other dimensions where she collects alien nutrients for said hydras. :pinkiecrazy:

Get it? :)

My brain turned this entire story into a Youtube "Lets Play" video :rainbowlaugh:
Nice job!

Change the characters to me and two of my bros + axuillary coard to hook up to a t.v. = STORY OF MY LIFE.
This story had a smile on my face all the way through. Increadible job bro.

I read this before it hit the box! ^_^ /hipster
Awesome story, but not your best, definitely. Well, as always, I thoroughly enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Love it
this story kinda describes me and my friends playing slendy one night
without the scardy Bonbon (just guys that think they are tough and they could take it like Vinyl) :rainbowlaugh:
but hey awesome story

DUDE make a series outta this where these four play scary games! :flutterrage::derpytongue2:

2291127 Aww, I was gonna save that if he specified that it had to be liquid water. Then I could have been all like, "Ha ha! You didn't specify that it could not be held in a container! I win again!"

YOU'VE RUINED MY PLANS FOR THE LAST TIME!!! *fires mass drivers at your home country from his evil space base*


Reminds me of the time my friends and I were playing Slender at 4 in the morning. Good times. :moustache:

How do you.... What i dont even....NO DEAR GOD NO!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
But sriuosly (yeah i know its wrong dats how i roll) i mean the game is scary but i mean its not scary enough to where you SCREAM.... i means rlly it may be scary but it aint THAT SCARY....

Comment posted by Brony Tom deleted Mar 20th, 2013

I was half expecting for Slendy to be there at the end. Nevertheless, I like it, keep up the good work. :heart:

Hah hah! Stapling water to a tree! :pinkiecrazy: Gunna use that someday errday...

da faq happend in the end :derpytongue2:

2292969 They wanted cookie dough. Who doesn't? :derpytongue2:
(Aka, I was lost on how to end it.)

2292971 COOKIE DOUGH?!?!

2292980 hey I'm pinkie pie what do you expect?!?


Homeworld? That's the first thing that came to mind. :rainbowhuh:

2291156 I say she's a druggie. The only reason she makes candy is so she can sell it to make purpl drank

While Amnesia is far superior, and I hate Slender with a passion, this story is well-written. Slender never did scare me, while Amnesia terrifies me.

Good job!

You know, I saw the old Slenderman pics and thought they were creepy.
People started going nuts over the game, and my friends kept telling me how scary it was.
So I played, with them watching.
Got 5 pages the first time, then I got Slendered.
My friends all jumped back, one of them shrieked.
Me? "Drat, I died. Let's go again."

Comment posted by keyser-soze deleted Mar 20th, 2013

I grew up up with three brothers.
I am not brave. I am just very very jaded.:ajbemused:

2293358 *detonates a Reality Bomb and destroys the universe!* Thank you Davros, for the most ridiculously over-powered weapon of all time! :trollestia:

2291156 You have just created some glorious headcanon, good fellow.:moustache:

Cute story.
If these four made a face-cam video of this on YouTube, I guarantee they'd get millions of views.
P.S. Slender isn't scary.

Restores universe with Pinkie Pie randomness and sends all reality bombs in the void by telling Discord they would destroy his playground. Also got him to set you back at the space station with Pseudologia Fantastica and friends next to you.
Have fun. :pinkiehappy:


2294068 How... unglorious...

It's impossible... like stapling water to a tree

*uses Ziplock bag

Then they unlocked 20 dollar mode. :rainbowwild:

I think this was good, but in all honesty, Slenderman isn't even that scary compared to other monsters. I mean, Pennywise, "It" from RE4, grunts from amnesia,MOTHERFUCKING REGENERATORS, things like that. Don't get me wrong, the game is scary, but he's not that scary standalone, and the game provides no sense of completeness when you finish it, because you just fucking die. So yeah, my opinion on slender/slenderman

And Calvin and Hobbes fucking rules

Very nice

I LOL'd. You deserve a decent applaud!

*clap* *clap* :pinkiehappy:

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