• Published 24th Jan 2013
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My New Life in Equestria: Helping Has Its Ups and Downs - HAZESHIFT

Waking up in a tree usually doesn't mean its gonna be a good day...today on the other hand I find it to be the opposite...at least in the short run as i find myself in a world of ponies

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Chapter 7: My next normal day in pony-AACHOO!!!...ah shit

Chapter 7: My next normal day in pony-AACHOO!!!...ah shit

It’s honestly very hard to describe why sleep is so comfortable. You just feel safe and secure and calm when you are. Also add in a blanket and you feel warm; maybe it’s like relating to before you were born inside your mother. And when something stirs you from that feeling it is kind of jarring.

For me any type of light to hit my eyes when I’m sleeping starts the wake up process for me. That was the case for this morning but something was different. I couldn’t figure it out completely without opening my eyes but something felt…heavy. Not only that but I could hear…something. When I wake up I am really groggy; my hearing isn’t fully tuned in, I can’t speak because my throat is dry, and my vision is a bit blurry because my eye aren’t fully open.

“N” I could hear some noise but I couldn’t make it out. It kept progressively getting louder.

“AN” Still no idea what was going on. I opened my eyes a bit and all I could really see was purple.

“Dan” I finally decided to open my eyes the whole way and I could see Twilight looking at me.

“mmmgmornin.” I managed to somewhat say. After letting my vision come into focus I could see why Twilight woke me up. She was lying on my stomach and I was kind of holding her there.

“Didn’t I ask last night if you could try to stay on your side of the bed? I don’t think the middle counts as your side.” I looked at where I was and sure enough I was smack in the middle of the bed; I do toss and turn in my sleep before I hit deep sleep so it is possible to move into the middle of the bed

“Trying to ignore the condition of my throat I croaked out “Yes and I also said that I make no promises when I am unconscious and…” I grabbed twilight and lifted her off my stomach quickly and moved slightly to the side.

“Dan what are you…”

“AAACHOOO!!!” I sneezed pretty loudly; and I couldn’t see from my position and because my eyes were closed but I was pretty sure that I woke Spike up with that one.

“Bless you.” Twilight said from a foot and a half above and slightly to the left of my head. “Now do you think you can put me down please?”

“Sure.” I started to move her but suddenly I felt myself getting a bit weak and while putting her down my arms basically shook the whole time.

“Dan…Are you ok?” Twilight had a worried look on her face “You don’t look so good...” she put a hoof up to my forehead “And you feel very warm Dan…could you be sick?”

“Maybe with how wet I got and how cold I was before going to bed…maybe I caught a little cold.”

“Oh no this is bad….we should get you to a hospital, contact the princesses, Spike get ready to take a letter!” Twilight quickly went into a panic; hopefully I could calm her down before I had ponies in hazard suits prodding me with things.

“Twilight it’s just a simple cold; if I rest and drink plenty of fluids I should be fine no need to sound the alarms.” I tried to joke as I felt my sinuses become stuffed.

“Are you sure Dan?” she put on a worried face that was almost as cute as when the Cutie Mark Crusaders…well…did anything.

“Yes...I’ll even stay on the couch downstairs so you can keep an eye on me ok?”

“Well…fine…but if you get worse you’re going to the hospital mister alright?”

“I will submit if that is the case…which it isn’t.” I said as I got out of bed and put on some new clothes. Afterwards I went back to the bed and grabbed the blanket “I’m taking the blanket with me to the couch though.” I pulled the blanket off the bed and wore it around my shoulder like a cape as I walked out of the room down into the main room of the library and plopped myself on the couch. Twilight followed me shortly after still having that worried look on her face.

“Are you sure that you will be fine Dan?”

“Yes Twilight; I’ll relax, drink some juice, and read a good book and by tomorrow I’ll feel awesome…now where can I find a good book?” I asked looking around the library with a bemused look; hopefully it would cheer Twilight up.

“Um Dan you do know your in a library right?” apparently it didn’t; she stared at me for a second before giving a small gasp. “Is your fever messing with your head!?! I’ll go get the doctors.” She turned and started to run but I managed to grab her tail and stop her.

“Jeez Twilight I don’t think you’ve read enough books on sarcasm and joking; I was being a little facetious.”

She turned around and gave me a glare. “Well that wasn’t very funny…and let go of my tail!” I had forgotten that I still had a grip on it until she whipped it out of my hand.

“I was just trying to lighten the mood Twilight…by the way I did read a lot of books back where I was from so I am hoping that I could find a nice book here.”

“Oh well that perfect; can you tell me what kind of stories did you humans have? What was your favorite?” her eyes lit up at the opportunity to know about books I’ve read…probably should have started with that instead of a bad joke that almost put me in the hospital for a slight cold.

“Well Twilight like most stories they tend to focus on the heroes; we usually don’t care if their male or female; what we do care about is the journey they go on.”

“Like what exactly?” I could see the look of wonder on her face and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t resist going into an epic monologue about some of my favorite stories.

“Well for our heroes there are times when they go to the deepest parts of the ocean, walk through hell itself, heck sometimes they have to reinvent their identity to get revenge on those who wronged them, and lastly sometimes their journey for the hero is just as simple as there and back again.”

I paused to think for a second about all the stories I read; and which could be considered my favorite. Looking at Twilight I could see that she was still hanging on my words; I thought about what story had ever put me in that situation.

“As for my favorite though…” I was stumped until I thought about which I had read the most. “Was a series of books written about a boy; and it always brings back some good memories.”

“A story about a boy?” she seemed puzzled.

“Yup and just like a certain unicorn he could use magic.”

“But I thought humans couldn’t use magic?

“Not magic per say; but that doesn’t mean that we never right about it. Anyway in the story the boy was a wizard.”

“And what did he do?” I wasn’t sure if her eyes could get any bigger; I also hadn’t noticed that she had gotten on the couch and was basically sitting on my legs.

“He went to school.”


“Yep; he went to school for wizards to learn how to use magic.”

“And is that all to the story?”

“Oh no there some back and side story about how when he was a baby his parents sacrificed themselves to save him from an evil wizard who was out to kill him and somehow as a baby he defeated him and became famous. But since he wasn’t raised by magical folk he didn’t know until he went to the school...and a couple of other little side things but that’s about all.” I looked and Twilight no longer looked at me in amazement…well not child amazement anyway it was more of a angry surprised kind of amazement I could tell by the position of her jaw and how close it was to the floor.

“That’s it….THAT’S IT!?!?! There are whole parts of the story that probably hinge on those facts and make plenty of good plot lines!!”

“Yep they sure do.”

“Then how can you leave them out so casually!?!”

“Because I already know the whole story and I can’t repeat it word for word…and sometimes everything I say just sounds better in my head sometimes.”

After my explanation we just stared at each other for a second until we both started laughing.

“You know you have some really weird ways of wording things Dan.”

“Yeah it would be better if you could read the books yourself. I loved all of them.”

“Why did you like them so much?”

I honestly hadn’t been expecting that question; as I thought I gave Twilight a puzzled look until I came up with an answer I thought was the best.

“Well the main character is a small kid, he had dark hair, wore glasses, he was scrawny, got picked on a lot; and he barely knew what his potential was before the story really got underway; not to mention at the start he was only eleven years old”

“Why would you like a character like that?” She couldn’t wrap her reasoning around my choice.

“Because back when I was eleven I was the same way; I wasn’t as tall, not as strong, and my self confidence was very low cause I got picked on for most of my time in school…So when I first picked up this book and saw that the main character was a spitting image of me I felt happy. I felt like I could also have some kind of power to make a change simply by doing what I can and being myself.”

“Wow that’s very thoughtful Dan.”

“I know I surprise my self sometimes.”

“…There may be a way for me to read the books.”

“What do you mean Twilight?”

“Well remember the spell Celestia used to go inside your mind with all of us?” I thought back to the experience; especially the part where I vomited after a massive amount of knowledge about the human race sprung from my head.


“Well Celestia taught me of a spell when you were unconscious after the accident. It is sort of like the same thing except it simply allows me to draw from your mind I don’t have to enter it and it would make it easier on you too.”

“So I don’t puke.”

“Exactly…do you want to try?” I could see that she really wanted to read the stories; and I didn’t mind letting her peruse my mind…not to mention the face she was making was to adorable to say no to…I’ll probably be saying this to the end of time; curse pony cuteness.

“Sure I have no problem with you reading a book through my head; just don’t mess up anything in there ok?”

“When do I ever make messes?”

“When you’re searching for a particular book, when you start to run late, whenever you are worried about something the princess tells you to do, and do I have to remind you of the Smarty Pants debacle?”

“I..buh you…it…” she was still as adorable when flustered “Fine I promise not to make a mess inside your mind.”

“Good because it’s already clustered in there as it is. At least this joke got a bit of laughter from her. When she settled down she came closer to me and closed her eyes to concentrate on her magic. I noticed her horn spark a little before her horn lit up in the magenta glow of her magic. As her horn glowed she moved closer until she touched my forehead with her horn.

From there the experience was…awesome…the best I can describe of it was like being on a roller coaster…made of books. It lasted for awhile before my vision came back to the library that we were in. This was about the time When I the door blew open and a medium sized Rainbow blur sped into the room.

“TWILIGHT!!! We got your letters; Fluttershy even got Zecora. How the big…guy…?” the look on Rainbow’s face went from one of panic and worry to confusion as she stared at me…well me and Twilight…well Twilight and I sitting close together on a couch with her eyes closed and horn to my forehead.

She stood there silent just staring as the other four entered along with a zebra. Twilight came out of her mind reading state as they all finished entering and seemed surprised to find her friends staring at her puzzlingly. Thank goodness the Rainbow Dash is so good at breaking the ice of awkwardness.

“What were you guys doing?”

“Oh girls I didn’t hear you come in…well we were just…ah..umm.” Twilight fumbled around for an answer and was blushing pretty hard which made her look very guilty for what she actually did.

“Oh Twilight I didn’t think you would be so un-ladylike as move so forward that fast.”

“FORWARD!?!? No it’s not like that I was just…” I thought it would be best to cut her off here.

“She was just using magic Celestia taught her to read some books from my memories and knowledge.” I hoped that my better explanation would defuse the situation.

“Oh ok” was the answer I got in unison from the whole group; apparently just say something bout Celestia and magic and everything is just normal for Twilight.

“Heh I thought you guys might be doing some egghead stuff.” Rainbow badgered me for a bit before I heard a new and unfamiliar voice.

“My my look at this dearie; by looking him over I have many a query.” I looked over to see Zecora the town’s resident shaman zebra looking at me in surprise.

“I know I’m just so cool looking right?” I joked hoping to get on her good side a little. “By the way guys nothing is wrong with me; I just got a small cold from being soaked in the rain yesterday. Besides being a little stuffed up and a slight fever I’ll be fine and back to normal by tomorrow.”

Everyone looked at me and seemed to calm down knowing that I wasn’t on my deathbed…couch.

“But Twilight said that there might be something terribly wrong with you?” Applejack seemed to be the last one that needed defusing.

“Yeah but doesn’t Twilight overreact like…a lot?” I asked her.

“…point taken”

I was interrupted by someone poking me in the side I turned to see Zecora who had something for me.

“If it is troubling to breathe; then I have something you may need.” She held out a small container on her hoof. Accepted the mysterious little jar and opened the lid and when I caught a small smell of the contents I was very surprised.

“Wow Zecora you sure do know your stuff.

“What’s in the jar Dan?” Twilight who was still sitting in my lap asked “And why does it smell so weird?”

“This Twilight is a gel made from crushed eucalyptus.” Since I was still getting a confused look form more than one pony I decided to elaborate. “Eucalyptus has a weird smell because of the oil the leaves secrete can be used as an antiseptic and help with such problems as congestion like people with colds get in both the sinuses and lungs.” I demonstrated by taking some and rubbing it on my chest. The cooling sensation felt great not to mention it help in letting me breathe.

I was about to say more when the door burst open once again. Everyone turned their heads to see who was there; and it was only after we looked down a little that we saw the three new guests.

“There he is girls!”

“See I told ya’ll that he would be here.”

“Well he is staying with Twilight so it’s probably the only place he would be.”

I paused and waited for a minute as the three little fillies came in with their little saddlebags; I was surprised that I was able to take all of this cuteness over the past three days; I don’t think anything could spoil this moment.


I was about to say something before I heard a voice from outside “Girls I heard shouting did you find oh…” Cheerilee walked her way to the entrance of the library to find me and the CMC who were currently using me as some kind of jungle gym.

“Girls I don’t think you should be climbing him like that…”

“It’s totally fine Cheerilee they weigh like nothing compared to me and it kinda tickles.”

“Oh I didn’t realize that you knew who I was Mr. Dan.”

“Just Dan; saying “Mr.” sounds to formal for me. Anyway I guess since you are looking for the girls who were looking for me; that you need me for something?”

“Oh yes well…I and probably the rest of the class would like it if you would join us at the school tomorrow so we could thank you for What you did in Canterlot two days ago. And I also think that the children do have some questions for you.”

“Well that sounds fine with me…as long somepony thinks I’m contracting a plague or something.” I looked over at Twilight who was starting to pick up on my sarcasm more.

“Alright I get I might have overreacted to you getting a small cold.”


“Yes might.”

I was about to make another retort when I remembered something about a couple of ponies.

“Cheerilee would it bee okay if we had some other ponies there as well when the kids ask me questions?”

“I don’t think it would be a problem…Why?”

“Well because this would be a great opportunity to let Crystal Clear get her exclusive report on me and I’m pretty sure Lyra would also like some information for her anthropologic findings.

“Oh well that will be fine Dan. If you come to the school just after noon then we can do it after the children have lunch and recess.”

“Sounds fine with me Cheerilee. See you tomorrow.”

“Alright then; I hope you feel better.” She wished me well and waved goodbye as she walked out the door. Looking at the clock I noticed that it was sometime in the afternoon; I guess Twilight looking into my mind to read books took longer than I thought.

“Alright everypony now that you know that I’m fine and not falling victim to a horrible disease I think we can all disperse; I have some things I have to take care of for tomorrow…plus I need to eat.”

And with that everyone took their turns saying goodbye and leaving for home. I got a triple hug from the crusaders which I honestly think made my cold go away on the spot; and it turns out that Fluttershy had me some soup before she got here; and I was never one to turn down good food.

“Oh Pinkie..” I called out to her right before she bounced out the door. She stopped in mid air turned around and looked me in the eye before she spoke back.

“Tomorrow?” she asked.

“Tomorrow.” I confirmed with a nod of my head.

She lit up into an even bigger smile and made an noise of pure happiness that was indescribable before zooming away at Rainbow Dash speeds.

And then it was just Twilight, Spike, and I alone again in the library, and even though I had been sitting on a couch all day I still felt exhausted. While Spike and Twilight made and ate their own dinner I consumed the soup Fluttershy made me. It was a delicious vegetable soup with broth thick enough to be considered like a stew. While eating I remembered a question that I had for Twilight.

“So did you like them Twilight?” she stared at me confused about what I was asking her about. “The books.”

“Oh! Yes they were fantastic it was a great story there were so many moments that were either happy, sad, or funny…although the ending was kinda…” she struggled to find the right word for it until I interjected.

“Yeah I know everyone thought like that for a little when they read it.” While she pondered my words I looked to Spike.

“Hey Spike do you think you can send a couple of messages for me?”

“Sure no problem Dan; who are they going to?”

“Well Crystal Clear who works as a reporter for Equestria Daily; and Lyra. I need to tell them about the thing at the school tomorrow.

“Sure no problem dude.” He said as he wrote out a couple of notes and lit them in his dragon fire breath.

I spent the rest of the evening into the night walking around and perusing the vast quantity and quality of books in the library; as well as talking with Twilight about what she got out of my head. We seemed to talk for hours before we noticed that it was dark and that we should get some sleep for tomorrow.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day; I was going to have to explain to children exactly what I am in very simple terms. And hopefully I would be able to do that with out freaking anyone out….myself included.

Author's Note:

well this one was kinda rough on me....meh

ANYWAY i made references to some classic books in there if you can give me the titles of all those books then i will reward you with a follow

so after this i satrt getting into my more planned out story an things get way cooler..trust me...plz

by the way coming up with lines for Zecora was both kinda hard and kinda easy\


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